⭐️ Boyband

I have to mop the floor, the bathroom sink, the toilet, and the bird's stand and their photo and put away my photo from my wall, back to my album.

Its all dusty, so the other day I put one box of the alcohol  wipe here so I can use it now. Its to wipe the entire rim of the windows door here and the floor all the way to my side of the table. Wipe the alcohol wipe on the floor. No, I am not dizzy, but I have to throw the food in the kitchen trash can, that is outside, and then the alcohol wipe in the bathroom trash can.

There is a difference of all this trash can in my room. This bathroom with this pharmacy detergent are heavier and stronger one of them. I didn't check their label, its the chlorine smell. Interesting ....They say why on their bottle, seriously.

Its not the annual year to clean up, but I do this periodically, because in case someone coming here, everything is clear out, so next would be the birds stand, or all this display throwing outside the trash can I think, including those Japanese glass bottle and the cups.

What you think? All this objects looking too display in my room, what the artists says.  Not yet, just the birds food trying to throw away, and all this mother's day cake advertising, this thing I don't need to ask Nicky. The rest of the other things? 

I think I change a blog format? 

Want to leave those lawsuit empty, we starting at 721? Just in case?!

When the guy evolve to do the business, they are not exactly the boys anymore.

You ever think like that?

As the girls without any business background, a lot more girls or the women has the hair, the outfit, the position, the company, the company logo and the business card.

You don't attend your MCAT or the double major or any literacy to sound like will pass anything behind the GPA with the American medical exam committee, that is not the American medical board.
You prefer to imagine things.

None of us are equal, you will keep uttering that thinking to what if. There is no what if. Maybe why there is every reason on the TV, other than you are required to be disclosed. You are just one of those social security number will end up when you ran out of the money to be on the street. 

When you seeing enough people have no back end exit, and doing things in the criminal nature, you wonder its the attention you say you are.

One affection game, just one month. You can always break up when the court ruling coming it down on the same day. You realize all along, you need that heart pull and cut, with those middle school best friend suit you the most, if you just cuddle as if, and being cuddle as withoutYou only need to follow the order, No words require, you will find out? 

Shane from Westlife, Brian from America, or Justin from NSYNC, Nick from 98 degree, or anyone else at your own pick ....they are the music field, not me Anna doing this anatomy book field.

I say the American Medical Board, although most MD Intern will never talk about the Medical board or the licensing board, because you imagine you are still a student.

Likewise, you seeing them on the interview what they say? Such as Shane and Nicky or Kian and Nicky? Let's say you didn't watch or I watch too little about them. One boyband talking after another. I know whom is Brian and Nick Carter from his neighbor or the boat guy, the air that I breath? Right outside NOW in the balcony. Its Michael Vartan, not Ronan Keating. Really, I was explaining to them about the animal association.

Very very loud at Michael Vartan

The Boyband has to work with many different people behind. 

I have no idea about their life, but I am surely not static at my own life. I just cannot understand how things becoming like that? So we thread one by one, piece by piece. I personally think I am too busy, to have my head dizzy. Really. Things don't work out like you all saying inside your mouth to your parents. I also have the parenting Line App Family groups, how come you all don't show what you type and the conversation? You can see I am busy, they are just....handicap or the restrain human.

The boybands they mean the real money, the real business, and anyone whom are in their world, they will tell you a certain very realistic things if you don't show things with the sincerity. You talking as a girl ought to like them. They have 1000000 girls like about them, and you are? Playing like they require your attention.

Or the guys too.

I have too many issues, my mind I will tell you, too many pulls. We are deciding by the lawsuit, you want to tell me what things are on my mind? The music, isn't the only thing on my plate.

The Boyband Leadership

American has a perfect? Or the PR?

Pinterest Food Album: https://www.pinterest.com/annajao2017/food-24-for-the-guys/

Music goes with it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1exsci0ogOcFfkGoocESThKkSJiuPAvo3/view

When I was in my high school (Twilight), it was not me doing any of those communication, not the original 25 class in one Class Year, one of us the classroom has a Perfect and a PR. They go to the third boy school. They are rigid uniform human. No, not the first boy school. In Volleyball Team, its a team. Its an actual day and night sports arena, some might be scholarship bound or to go to the University, so I don't really think too much of those ingredient at least the taller girls. 

In American system, its the military from the high school to select. Inside them, might be those exam similar to the post office.

I seen the prepared test.

Asia we are the paper made worlds. A lot of the examination starting the younger age. 

A guy like Shane or Brian, they are very very normal guy. Not those you saying the parenting human. They lasting somewhat a job, just never a MD jobs.

A MD means talking normal; anything they really can say. You go to them to "report" what things?

Convey you like them, or you hate them, or hard to get? SMCH always uttering those words never end on the TV, the past or the present, as if the dating norm its a shit things for saying the romance getting in her determination how to mock up the entire wall to the eternity shame.

Not just the sins, Very shameful having a late husband, and worse, now the jail female inmate trying to make the friends with police.

Kick off her shoe like Joann.

The town boy image except she is a dwarf, that is a sickness name. 

The birds know too!!!! They have so much to say.


Family Line App

Because today its our Saturday, they retired anyway. Everyday sounds like a holiday, 5 olock. When you live that long enough.......Ruth's child 羅斯柴爾德,"At the beginning, X-ray's professor's work, to hand up your....X-ray hand"

Everyone of us knows here.  Want to read? 194 Pixie + 194 Military has the translator and type-writer.

The Guys have a different digestion system

They are the entire race never have an period or the urination issue like the women mix the blood in the urine, or your period pad doesn't change, your pee its the blood sip in the urination track. You have to change, wash, wipe more often. I stay home. The guys have to go out and eating the normal things. Then America has a lot of the company probiotic, or the supplement in a very short time to boost the immune system. I got no money, I have only this Taipei Tape Water stuffs....That is why the guys can jumping all around.

The herbs (WWI or WWII American military doctor is when people have no food, thin.) - they serves a lot of this built up inside your blood stream things. Unless you care that much about your eyes or things to do anything with the "blood work" or the "blood stream." - you are all the people telling me you never heard about this "blood work", or the "blood stream." other than the blood vessels inside your whichever anatomy or the physiology, you know the blood vessels just not the rest of the other words.

I only have this per spoonful for myself way, never other things. Just too limited resources, and when I abroad, I just have to be resourceful. So never this you all....keep eating after detox. I have to change the entire lifestyle. Its not I thought about from the beginning I will tell you. They never wrote that in the protocol. 

IF they would have that somewhere at the very beginning of the header part, at least the philosophically part, I understand, not when I get there, I cannot turn back.


The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. (Buffalo NY we have a Jet blue, you all suppose to know only 50 mins to NYC - the same New York State)

Taiwan we have a landing visa to England at least I know of. I may not be using the American Passport, for some reason why everything its at sorting states, You girls want to visit, those are not what most people know of the North Europe, side by where that Joann from. Sweden. 

Swiss is near the German that more central of the Southern Isle. It used to be the neutral country. Meaning the BANK !!!!!!!! Swiss they sell the chocolate. The triangle. No those are not swiss. https://time.com/4562255/toblerone-changing-shape-chocolate-brexit/

Sammy is from Swiss, he used to be on my facebook, I did add him probably when I was in the graduate school. He is Wing's height.


In Europe, when Nick used to be his dad die after he has to work from Italy to go to this German bum bed, meaning that is a brand new language. Europe has a lot of this culture in their own language speaking. When I was in Menton, SMCH didn't have the staff there, so I am in the middle of the bus end line with everyone cannot speak in English. I will tell you that, that is a 200 US dollar bill to call nick from a collected phone in the end of the bus line.

You have money you don't have money, one week some language tutoring conversational French or German, such as including your tutor's phone number in the US, one of those things are a lot more helpful. 

I didn't grow up to have every expense in my hand how I go to this international stage, that doesn't mean I wasn't in the tutor idea my mother hired or my parents admin to those studies, so I didn't go to that much of the cram school, other than this very limited tutoring. I had a English and a tutor math I believe. The bigger class has a lot more system, I don't even know why I have a tutor for. The cram school was too far away. 

I was a teen, I was also very conscious about my look too that time. The dress, the outfit. 

If you used to follow this SMTV

You will be seeing a lot of this SMCH what she did or say, or experience in those envrionment, she did all that because she can spend a certain amount of the money in that sense. Dean got rub, my cousin got rub too. They stealing the American passport for the black market for real. When you got rub in Europe, your parents will have to know how to wire those money through something called the Western Union. I have no idea those procedure, my mother done that very often almost they training her every step the way as we grew up. She only knew that from there. For Pang, for Tina, and for me. 

They are still training her now. 

When SMTV or SMCH they sent their doctors MD groups into this refugee idea such as Syria as early as on...when then 2014.

They have a way doing that through the Red Cross, so there is some security, at least for the Taiwan initiate doctors to arrive there including the food or the vegetarian food. Every this doctor without the border, even Taiwan local train station has them advertising on their doctors to travel to Ukraine-Russia war place. Meaning you don't just show up at the war zone places to imagine things. 

To create a group meal, its like running an Ashram idea

I doing that or I seeing that since 2006 !!! Including the retreat time, and Taiwan here they are the biggest or the main headquarter through this SMTV or SMCH international association relief what work to assist the refugee. And through that SMTV, they did expand some of the charity works with a lot of the existing name such as the UN or the UNISEF.

I just didn't repeat every single name of their label like you didn't start watching SMTV since 2007.

The Doctor without Border is not the only organization on the planet

Something for Diabetes. The public health, one of those TV advertising inside my brain what did they say? The responsible medicine for diabetes? One of those.


Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

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