Lawsuit 656: W Two Worlds (The military action as I had an online protocol I did - the Material Science breaking IPad earlier time when the Ukraine and Russia war begins)

Date: July 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The means to stop the Wars

1. The technology we Taiwan have this website create the emoji. We want the technology to advance not the war as the solution.

I myself is the chemistry major, so I say Ukraine that near border its somewhere near the nuclear factory site. I myself heard about a lot of this European - too many of something leads that work load in those science its very insecure. I will tell you from what I was told. You know why someone picks a major in the chemistry almost so sure never changed? 

Its one of those never finishing cleaning on the per surface structure, whether this is the iPad the physicality universe, nor this microbiology, someone gonna argue with me between the size over this parasites, the bacteria, the virus on the size, if that is one piece of them. Not to say adrocavo's number. Why that is the micro-infection on the micro-level?

That is why there is a vaccine science. 

2. I think that early this year, I was busy over a lot of things, so seeing this solution one day I went to Ronan, he writes for the Ireland radio somewhere and I told him the idea. 

The material science how to music attacks and everything IPad, IPhone or PC all in pieces. Every commander.

3. The women's 4 limbs warm up for a lot of the situation to improve, the clear water, the warm water, the bathing water.

4 The gum powder over the eyes when they aim at the distance, that causes the eye sight. 

I probably not sure which one of them going through. 

I stop my website not too much anymore, because my voice got mute on my Youtube channel til I figure it out its anatomy and physiology over the Hunger Game, but my major is in Chemistry, not in the music neither, and certainly not in the laws.  I had a lot more this synthetical belief in the polyester science over my sleek outfit if I can in America.  Its one of those winter jacket. The rain or snows on the toooo shining pale white NASA.

5. I think we can asking for the paper file-ing in the court room to negotiate anything war zone to stop the war. Meaning we sorting things on the paper formats. Not the real gum and powder. That is what I did in 2022 on and now the COVID 19 its a lot more halty. Even in our country, we have a Metropolitan capital mayor told us in Feb 2022, we can have the mask coming soon to the public take off, and Dec, we have that implemented. Now this is 2023, we have seen Westlife and Backstreet in our Feb 2023 in the south Taiwan concert place. The second capital.

The vaccine science means they halt the virus infection, whether that is the human made or from the animal. No one knows. And everyone knows that the lab that is what they do its the virus to be stopped, not to generate every strain of the possible future catastrophy. I would think this COVID 19 is a lot like that in the description.

In 2003, they have SARS here from Hong Kong.

I seriously think the entire Asia needs to really really really improve the public hygienic for real. I seeing a lot of the food vendor, maybe just buy those 7-11 and microwave it.

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