
Sleep !

Babaji: Go

Pang can sing, that doesn't mean he has the voice to make a music on notes for a casstte tapes

Let it be.

They all wish to sing, not just that Eben Pagan imagine to sing. Probably.

Maybe you go to the court, asking this if you can really enter here for this hospital on your faces. I heard that is not easy to get rid of after moon and tide Years growing old.  Here is a boundary to Pane Andov down at the South. He is...the black hair in that comic book. He is the astral walker the psychi sense human.

Let me guess ....he is the black hair in the Ice Skating comic book, next by the Sayer.

Let me guess ....he is the black hair in the Ice Skating comic book, next by the Sayer.

Let me guess ....he is the black hair in the Ice Skating comic book, next by the Sayer.

You wait until China disappear that communism. That boundary one line WWII, American efforts only to half that Korea so there is a Real American General written his son letter ending up in our elementary textbook.

See if the American court imagine IQ issue what all that collects. My diagrams are in the lawsuit to that Pane Andov looking more tilted down 2 Galaxy I guess, I drawing more towards out. I think he drew more different angle looking at it. 

Which lawsuit is that, I need to add this Episode on Shisho says. No, that Eben is meaningless, but...he is the only one that talks out? His name is Lord Shisho. 


I found out. Pane Andov would have know his own lawsuit at, Lawsuit 362. At that blogger 2e....he is not eating I guess. 


I written that very below added the date today 1/21/2023

You can inquire the court room in America, to if I Anna says that the gays are not welcome here like that Annca case (The Asian Financial Center) , however he worked at the edge twice. Up in the north. We Taiwan pass the lesbian law immediately the year after Square married to her Lilly, and her uncle showing up ALL OVER the PLACE.

This is Chinese New Year Eve, everyone is somewhere else other than me the 194 countries Commander-in-Chef, like I say.....if I ever use that American currency not just the Title stuffs, this paycheck will enclose with some of that Title for the emergency uses, how I get married or bf ending results, my best advice to you, "NEVER believing it the White World Class meaning how superificality high its the Christams and the church bell on White danging dress to be too beautiful in white. So I don't really bother with this Chinese New Year Eve. That will be my very reasonable advice. If you are not dealing upon any one country other than your own land Asia from, fine. I open to 194, meanng, its 194-5 = a formula, they are all barbarian outdoor savage human one time I comment, trying not to stay indoor, because its all the race other than the Asian to spell the too perfect spirituality military formation." 

I used to saying all that on the video, so that Pitch Perfect the Music Hall at least got demonish the moment I see

Twice. Just make a structure, walking in the middle of that row you see....whichever you see on TV or on the seat, get out, and bomb it. That is more the things we ever do to that 194 countries = the only reality. Everything else trying to reach those military, its probably wise, you just doing exactly everything I am telling you so with or without it.

Another things to ask the America Court

The position in the Sailor moon, to get settle, with another person to see, if you are out of that Blue little Child business or that unicorn. Sometimes...you step onto other people's nerve, how special you truely are. The gays or the lesbian.

Too courageous to say it...you can tell the Judge, they noted down for you, your secret out to that one person. For some reason you can or you cannot. Its better than you surpress at it. Whomever that to be, special someone.

We all seen the TV, but none of us understand what is that?

Tell the judge if your are currently seeing that someone, whomever or whatever that TV might saying it, you understand it. The gay or the lesbian idea.

I gonna try again, STOP walking OUT of the boundary !!!



Sometimes popularity is all you ever wanted. Snape told us that story. And folk tale saying 一撇一恆長,一撇到南洋, not south Asia, its Southern Sea.

Meaning you using the money never stop run Wall Street, its Winnie =Lalla suicide position I see. Its the same. That popularity is not him. Just a story. When someone telling a story, its a belonging. Never belong those crowd ....that is my comment. What it takes...its not internal makes that.

It just means Eben is booked.

Pang doesn't need to end up that one.

Sometimes its better not to wishing things you are not prepared for....like a solitude means on retreat, one of those religion idea. For that....what the lonelineses ending up in the hell are that boundless blessing TV great effect on funeral, but its a Axe on your belly, blood, and hurts, you imagine....how lonely that will ever be....the hell?

In case the whisper that Wind, to that Blue child at the edge, so flute sounding....its the choosen one tale never end. How special you truely are, one boundary to fall....he is there waiting, you never knew the myth and legand, one TV, one fame, one story...its all you ever wished...to that one "boundary line" story, I ever says, it is written down,....she was told thousand times by me. 

The boundary line to that asharam backyard....to that boundary line in that Flower Thousand Bones.

I saying it thousands times.

The boundary line, the boundary line, the boundary line 結界

Its in the Ep 1. Its a...boundary veil, you cannot enter between the mortal and the celestial that scene. She cannot enter. I just meant it, try not to walking out of it, whatever I say that thousand times no one listening....

Kenshin Himura called Samurai X 61 - the story were Kenshin were already exhausted that 10 Year War on Current, and has to be 2014


How I walking out of that ..... You can see from the ending at the episode 60 on.


7:29 That time, I felt so dead. 

oh~ That is 10 years I didn't know that is what it says? 


10 years ago.....someone says, didn't clear saying: There is a certain continue culture, never end and seeing it ALL THE TIME.



See the Dining places?

Its every Holiday, If we are at home wait enough, its 365 days makes a year, I already seeing that Pang more than few times already. This story were that 10 years ago, right now, a lot of the leadership from Russia or China will be in the retired mode, very soon. That is what I will be telling you. That age were my age at 30 or 31 years old. 

You know that is President Xi and Korean Kid = That Leader guy, becoming fat. He was at ? Europe when his father called him back to take over that North Korea. Remember all that? I remember 10 years ago.   He is not retired, with his sister.

But the other two above him are retiring? Try to imagine the right script starting at 10 years ago.



Let me tell you how my credit cards got stolen that Vietanese grocery store the moment in my car, I got an email.

Its the vegetarian House.

Just the menu you never seen the real human with the real idea, how each year, people eat, and exercise, to all these arrange meeting for.  That is the California Orange County. Imagine what AI meant Hank ending up at.

That is the Tea house design. Even nick gone to in Highway 7 all the way East, there will be certain Asian at, and every Holiday?

Chinese New Year?

Some festivity? Meaning eating eating, dining Tea house, dining breakfast house, dining bubble tea house. The Korea has store in Irvine all around. Or Taiwanese, or Japanese.

You just didn't hear a word I say or anyone telling you to say.

A lot of people in that age, they have this TV? They feeling different.

They both are the youngest in the family, the 3rd.

So Pang called me a name of that chinese respected words, "Big Sister," or "2nd Sister", not Anna or Tina.

She...probably never calling that in Chinese to her Big sister or Second Sister.



If you all just tryingn to hear....ABC they have the parents arrange marriage proposal. Its not real, but just the TV, you cannot bear it. I already know.

I never say we have the arrange marriage proposal, considering you don't know what they look like, what they talk like....not at Pang?! 






People like those TOEFL cram school, its entire them all there. A lot of people there. For example, this Pang cannot stop running in running out for the last 20 years.....

He is the ABC kinds. 

But to our family Last name reason, and other several reasons. The kids depends on that life we live out, we will be taken to a certain occasion to see whom, to met whom, to interact whom all at the dining places.

Like Pang entry here every single year, or sometimes 2 years. I didn't move, but he did. 

Those ABC or their parents groups, its the same. We know whom they are, where they are, roughly the last time we hear they are. There are the arrange things between each other. There are. We didn't fade out, my parents didn't die yet?

Its all arrange meal, eating out, eating festivity, the higher dining interior, or the traditional those embellishing dragon, pheonix, darken color interior Tea House. We done that so many of them when we were younger. My father took us, not my mother. We had a car, oh ~~ there are something I still remember. Those things exist.

You trying to enter the California, or you imagine how to enter which bracket of the people? The Entire Asia Pacific Upper Class son or daughter never required to work a day, just doing nothing I am telling you. 

Their kids are on the Television. Rama 1/2. I used to tell you those ABC, but their parents dying out.

They are not voting or cared about the Taiwan politics. But to some immigration why they ending up Japan, or Korea, or anywhere else in Asia Pacific, they still exist. Where these ABC and their parents usually going to where ABC gone to eat.

Or the ABC goes to where the parents saying to go....these restaurant are the high end dining places.  The eating cultural in those norm never end.

And that distribution are in the California certain region very very distinct. Sunny California, such as this particular breakfast, its the traditional style. You probably just meant the younger age you called them drug statues ABC. The waste drunk with the bf. But every generation has this overseas staffs, where they are the "Overseas Chinese".

They are the bracket to all those oversea Japanese

Oversea Korea

Oversea Truly Wealthy Chinese

Oversea Vietanese

Oversea Thai

Most of you don't know what you are doing, that is why. There is a bracket where traditional values and family household do exist into some of the only known places, and to that California Sunny State, its where they are all at. You will have a dress code, manner, talk, family background. I just didn't require to enter that Sunny California. 

Their upper family wealthy women to that husband, they are all there. They are the social club, next by the husband.  I met them when I was in the City of Hope. I didn't just talk. I sit down to eat a meal with that Rama 1/2, kids' mother's social club. That is one full long table filled of this older women in my year 2003, loooong table dining. 

Before a brand new landing in UB. Hunting a place first stop at James. We made a deal, so I have the upstair room. My mother did. 

Where is that Ella Enchanted end? Not at Laura. You don't have a feeling what is that Rama 1/2?

Yeah 2000

I just arrive to America. 

I know that ! hahaha....

I have gone to California, because the year before I think. The Boston English camp, the reason I wasn't knowing the high school crowd, to the college more crowd friends like the Elizabeth, its we first gone to California Universal Studio that strip line. Some big park very beautiful scenery in America, we live in the basin, there is no scenery here. The air is different, the sun is a little bit different, the space is a little bit different. 

Our touring site are by bus, there is a location we gone to were Niagara Falls. I did gone there one time, then arriving to the Boston area those Summer camp, its a dorm life with the cafeteria, you never ran out of the food, most time these overseas students eating all these long table as the long side by side things. Same to the EF next by year. A lot of the guys around.

I usually stay with Tall Henry's room with that Jason. But Jason is more friends to the other Henry and Eric. He was just coming out to High school.

You just imagine you land, and ....what? Learn a language?

There are a lot of things like next year, or the next next year consequence if, or if not. There is an Asian system stuck at the Green Card statues, we just got notice? Make it, you have 6 months? 

I am coming out of the public high school

But...when you get close to these foreign agency like Boston Camp, or the EF, their offices, or the grand hotel the Final speech each of us inline, or the initial orientation, every time, you putting things to get to the America, its always this more better and breathing interior design.

Even the Boston School cafeteria, there are a lot of some public utility,....we called this foreign lands as the Western World, because they have the development in some sense. Of course Boston those school are not like UB, you mean how public school....but still they got a cafeteria. The food is different looking. Its Pizza, or cassidia !  The hot iron press. 

There are a lot of the things.....its a lot different.

The Last time I gone to Europe. I been to Europe twice.

Both are on the retreat. Both at Menton. You know what is Menton? Just like that Cinderella movies? No one be telling you that there is an Albert II?

If you make it the lifestyle at the money sign, there is a difference.

The culture, the mentality, some certain tradition, some cultural influence. You didn't go to school to learn the European history? We did. In Chinese.

The Reality in America to where a lot of the Erin this type of the Older Asian whom did the Ancient Chinese full course, fully aware of, not like my brother? ABC

You go to ELS first, for 2 semester, like one year to learn English, or you gone to the community college. I think ELS in the state school, not necessary the community college. The real older generation of this Asian oversees Staffs included....

When they telling you a story to that Ramses in the Red River Manga, you just got station as a what? The ambassador without the residence nature?

There is one circle, they are very close this ABC idea. What you called them the voting right in the oversea idea, they return to vote the politics ballot. 

Their name is 華僑 (kinda of like China Bridge idea). 

Because when you define the ABC, you always assuming their parents have the money, but their parents are nothing ABC close by. The food they eat, the car they drive...etc, the book or the TV they watch really. They are the voting bracket of the ballet.

Its a culture you mean you learn, or you mean the politics you understanding at. 

They are what you define Taiwan, drawing from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, 澳門, Sigapore, including this bank I say on the Road the name....South here. You cannot define South Asia like that, there is something strange how you wordy that to becoming the India....

But when you saying the Overseas Chinese = 華僑

The voting ballot, they collect them or not. For example, my time would be Taiwan Horse President. When I was UB, I watching their news still. yahoo.com.tw

Ancient Chinese - China develope their politics the last 20 years, I am not here. Through tiny bit that Wallace, I seeing some news. Its better you disable your face muscle if you utter one Ancient chinese phrase, those older population not dying out yet.

Those uniform means, never never giggling in front of them with those Ancient Chinese words, especially I already file all those paper works. They know what is the Ancient Chinese words or phrase or poem, or poetic means. And if that trendy of the education didn't die out they wearing that every eye glasses you hate....the chance are, there are one of those narrow jaw, thin Chinese, pale face, but highly literate in those Time and Space, they meant they have a job, and they meant they are not one of those Wallace type, too wealthy to keep a job! 

The China told you very clearly its how many skilled workers are in the selection of that "Entire assembly" in the uniform. Last year. I still watching it. 

Talking skill

You describe a thing inside your mind, to outside your speaking a literal words. 

You need the time to draft a speech. 

Although it Chinese New Year Eve, but what you really really should be doing its to learn English, because to me, today is not really a holiday for real, no matter where you think that space and time supposed to be on my blog. 

There are some certain things you place your priority completely wrong. 

If I comment like this, that is what you wish to hear? You are a flaw human at.....


I traveling from a far away water body region, where to crossing this Big Water region, its Far away from home. We are not the most intuitive native English speakers for our culture its more literacy in some ancient speaking refine manner and behavior. 20 years passing, or 10 years crossing.... I think you are not speaking the English at home, or not growing up in the English at the news, or the TV. Or that is too polite for saying you are not learning your English in the school? That is impossible. 

All this scene I can skim from before or from far away, you are not listening to your Medical Board, you are not listening to the Real Life, you are not Listening to the TV material (News or TV/ movies idea), you are not listening the correct degree things that being said to only your very own native English express methods. English has a native methods for speaking that grammatical idea. If I were have to speaking the Ancient Chinese, or the local slang, you won't even make a sense to what any grammer methods, or literacy means. You are dealing upon the human life gain or loss, to any family house hold for that one responsibility, you trying to kill your parents, that will be my final conclusion of it. If not already done so, or else just the future soon-to-be, for....that tiny little things you imagine its there.

No, the ancient Chinese, no....they don't really using that, you mean..... don't bother with that. Just learn your own happy language where you see your money at. The China bookstores are all these simplified characterse books. Like a flood....you have no ideas what printings to look like in One Book Store of that China

The authorship stuffs. If not because of the Hunger Game / Catching Fire, most Chinese don't know all that anyway. I force things into that Flower Thousand Bones, but that doesn't mean.....a lot of things.  You trying to do a business in China, not the Ancient Chinese you mean, the enemy from the cross the Japanese Screen, and threaten a fake enemy they have the literacy? ... just leave it. You trying to live a normal life, not those ET lifes.  Your only life span how long to one language, its best you focus on your money oriented idea. If I can do without, I would. 

Reason: most of you are not steady. The guys and the girls are about the same thing. You are inside outside up-down up-down up-down when someone saying one thing, your mind, your heart, your entire internal freaking out. You can tear on your faces because they guy too loud screaming like one of those Mimmo does. They are too tall, and if they are impatient, but in the reality, you could just listening until he finished, and turn around, finish the tissue paper, if its on the television, you focus to really literally saying out loud, in the norm of things ought to be say. But that kinds of the speaking art, for saying 1) private on the blogger = real, or 2) on the public television to fake every second of it, to ensure his face, or the company behind his face, or my own interest, you are not skill in anything, not to life, not to people, not in the concept of any military idea, not even that flag, if could just expel yourself for the money reason landing on a different National Flower reason, you understand?

What containing within you, nothing steady. You won't have that kinds of the jobs to imagine.

You could just look at the situation, walk away.

You could just look at the situation, comment nothing.

You could just cry inside your tear, but not one word saying.

You could just fake it, no one knows.

You could just leave it, make a concise point. Not really pointing faults, but this will be the end of the line you step towards, or else .....

You don't have the military connection, the military resource, and surely you have zero people skills. 

You know how long I am doing this jobs? Threaten people with the nice words, you stop, or else? Since 2013 Twitter, that is 10 years, Songbirds (Hunger Game Franchise)

在這全新的一年,祝新年新希望,萬事如意,恭喜恭喜恭喜恭喜 ~~!! 恭喜發財 ~


小鬼小和尚,過來,念 : 祝賀大家恭喜發財,事事如意、全新的開始,要有新年新希望 ! 


這樣東西是真的嗎 ? 你們送食物,我洗地板那種? 我上次進去,這味道很重很重~每一個賣狗的地方,非常非常的濃郁 ! 

Heavy smell inside the dog sale place, the dog pound, what is the eliminating this smell, you all given the food, I sensitizing the places?

💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄

💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄 💖💝🥃🌟🎄

Nap, I feel sleepy

Babaji: Go

You know how i arriving to my niche? Which one you looking at it?

I know you all are copying each other.  I want to know which competitive means you trying to copy me and paste it and becoming...did I say I don't wish you well, as the girl or the women's brand new leadership and???

Let's say I finish all these time, a lot of the materials, oh ~ these niches were not before the guys hear what I say, it is a brand new niches? Myself? uh...I mean you girls trying to create something in that American land, like they always need those innovating spirits. Right now that saturating points are...not yet? That is not how they saying it? You have millions guys you one girl decoding your brain what the TV or the movies about?

Right now if you go grouping every guy's groups, me, would be the boy bands I used to know them, I just happened to mentioning them. How did I start to looking at them by the way? Do I remember what happened in 2022, why are we talking to this boy band? 

Remember I told you one time, someone a very famous singer female got told something?

You want to stay in your career all the time, as the girls, and never be with a guy?  When I was growing up, I never had a time to imagine I EVER possible to find a guy or be with them. I need a career.

When I was growing up, I will be hearing a lot of people talking about what a girl expectation to be. You know what that means?

Like some values, different values such as the academia education doesn't need to be all the way that Ph.D. Its one of them. And like our school (you saying the 2nd largest girls school), the first lady school are the best, but they have a career, and they say we school its to becoming one of those leadership's wife. Upper class.

Like the First lady, one of those saying words in the Chinese, but in the Ancient you don't have the President or saying First Lady, so they say upper class. Meaning cabinet kinds, upper.

Like from my education and were that I seeing a lot of things, I will be tell you girls

1. You don't need to be too harsh on yourself to that pushing others as well.

2. You don't do that to yourself, why you demand that from others? Especially with the guys you never demand them an explaination. There is a trend on this, I think it must be the novel they read or books they saying some kinds of the description meaning the girl walking up to the guys and slap his face.

That kind?

So meaning you go be argumentative to the guys, you feeling romantic idea just like a novel every time you doing that? 

Fever Pitch (2005)


So Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 and 3, if separating the girls and the guy's groups?! 

I used to tell everyone on the military side in the future of all the stories will always be at the relationship between the guys and the girls like the Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. 

Is this guy looks like one of those host talk show? It is the Jimmy Fallon !

Okay, how about you girls wants to do this niche repeating exactly every words I say?

And often the American usually say you teach enough the same talking, you will becoming one of that saying? 4 stoves, authorship, internet niche, cleaningness less inept, talk mild, don't aggrevating the guys, that black girl they are all like that, internal chemistry is very very roaring. They will get scared not just now.


What was I watching before.... you know you girls, if as you are the younger growing up race in America, because your culture can allow this, you getting to know the boy including your appearance to body shape, and the school popularity contest ...

You can learn about the guys, and having a bf teaching you things slowly. You ask him almost everything you two do together. There are a lot of things, I am not sure, you by pass what you imagine things to survive in this world, not just how you shape up you saying "Independence", in my country, or the world itself, people as I growing up I don't remember whom telling me that, don't need to get a Ph.D degree. Like a Master degree is okay, or 2 Master degree, but not 1 Ph.D? In my brain thinking?

Is no one watching CNN anymore like the religious doctrine?

.... I have to clean the desk, PC, mouse for the Chinese New Year Eve.

CNN, I watch it !





Babaji: Go

Like in FRIEND, the Chanlder and Joy has to get the apartment back, that is ME case remember that? To America saying? So I thought it is me playing in that part.

Until recently, its the GUYS talking to the GIRLs like that, including that ROSS. I scream.

It was the Indian 500 years old, trying to be that exaggerating to SMCH, his disciple? He is about to kill her every degree of it? But then...this is a real TV Drama?

oh no, you don't ever make a guy talking to be in any kind of that tone? I was not looking since 2016 run on that Silicon Valley. When a guy start talking in some way, you have to soften that everything he ever says and calm down that?

oh, you tell him exactly what you understand, what you hear, what you inteprete, and telling him, what I think it means?

NO! You go and lean on that guy behind his arm, hold him, just leave wherever he says go. Just leave. Not THAT!  He already says that loud enough? I wasn't reading, now I am reading?

That is how to talk to a guy?


Like the real person talking back in Time, those you get on the TV, and its a talk show, one of those? I even feeling my jaw, I used to be doing that?

When you are on the TV, what I used to be doing 2018-2020. I hate myself .....I never say that. Those were the years, I had a Pinterest those photo, outting. Imagine, what a day in life EVER "A Day in Life" means or EVER get on a date with ANY guy with that kinds of.....life.

I lay down rest its the best.

I see horror, when I seeing some interviews. I would think most guys are genuine......and they are.

So I will tell you I see horror.  All of it. They are nothing like that. 

I don't know how to describe to you. I see horror. Its a long time I look at FRIEND, or all this interviews. When I left 2014 those Keanu TV, and he talks very little. He is very very mild type. So I never seeing any other kinds of the human on TV.

Then being with some guys behind....you know how the "couple" conversation supposes to be? So now its passing 2022 even.

This is 2023, its everything horror in front of my faces ! I am not sure what to tell you. I am assuming that?

I am not sure what to tell you. 

I watch TLC, those home interior design. Those kinds of the show I watched. Or Ancient Chinese. Its all the girls talking not the guy? The many wifes?

I watching the movies. Like some kinds of the English conversation between the guys like on the business. Not the real show or the talk show, or the interview questions....

Like the individual interviews, or they were year 2000 interview. No, the recent one they look fine to me, I think 2019. But there are some other interviews, more like a TV show format. Not the Internet type.

The real main stream those TV back in Time. 

Well, there is an internet some talking show too. I just tell you, I see horror.

I did read on the internet. I don't think it looks anything right ...to me.

However you all researching what subjects on.

Sometimes learn about the real estate, the tax, the math, the agent fee, the combine agent, look and learn?

Listen and feel the market? 

There is everything when you are around something or someone, what if you one girl has to....figure it out ALL the life in front of your own very life? I don't have any friend.

The business, the business name, the business sector

But always always always listen to other people telling you, having an original career, no matter how you acquire it. 

Did I tell you, my entire life, just feel its the moment you land, and figure it all out by then? 

You mean, your parents listening to you pain and ache? What if that is 1000 lifes in front of me, what you promise to Mahavatar Babaji or any Master, those road are fake? Math, money, independent living, skill, medicinal? Every Mystery school has that roots. EVERY single one of them. I am just too lazy to be telling you why you ever imagine the old tradition, the church value, the hospital, the book are rare, the knowledge are limited, there is only donation box they have the money in the Past?

💖🍂 Sometimes....if you are so smooth working with or without the guys on the bed sheet, its two sides? They look very different than we using here. 💖🍂 We have the elastic containers the 4 corners.

If you doing that smooth enough, you can help any girls, you all mean whichever upper class women whom made it. Sometimes just the time she has no one changes her own bed sheet, you finish the pillow case, asking her to get on one side, and change that entire new bed sheet?

You know why you doing the chore works? Not just taken their advantage, you mean the money, she knows you really have the money or no money?

Organic Chem? No. Last time, I told the ENTIRE women /girls population get on to that Khan niches, not yet....I didn't see anything other than the guys instruct that class.

Give them another 10 years, when they the girls get on.

Correct, a lot of the guys' opinion, I seeing on the Youtube. I think that is what they mean. No, I never really ask the guys.

Everything I look on the internet. 

Most time, if you get a stable happy jobs, and your only aim its the money, to strive almost identical to some guys, you can just take off, if they say no. You leave, or you stay a little whilte, because your money sustain you doing all that. You being fair to that relationship, to the guys, or to the responsibility, or intent wishing well....so on so forth. Or just really need to asking them clearly.....You don't find things out, until you get there?

Sometimes a relationship means real. You having the same money, the same idea why to keep a profession so keep making the money? Any direction of the financial gains? 

A communication on that. So if both party retreive the right reason, you don't go and argue with a guy. So many girls just cry and leave. I becoming another, I get used to that already. You are a civilized world. In case the guys have to have the kids, the same thing, prepare him some extra clothing, extra washing, extra food making for the next day fridge. Sometimes the guys have to fight with their previous situation, you don't stay there, just leave? Yeah, I prepare my mind on that.

You wishing him well. You know how to organize a fridge? Devil Wear, you can make 2 dozen, or some food trick games some guys teaching you on the Facebook? The maple syrup eggs. 

So you marinate all that for him or he next day has to fight on his life, you leave?

But you ensure that him or everyone else have a strength on the stomach, to go and fight on it.

oh ~ I don't want to get involved anymore this.  It never ends.

You can just being nice, not standing there doing nothing.

One extra pillow case to switch, washing the bathroom, one more time, the sink. Make the last night food, in the container to warm up, he can eat it in the oven, when that is ready? You know tiny things for that day. Whole day he can sustain himself.

I used to leave on every monday. 

What a hell worlds he ever made me living through.

You wish EVERYONE, including one day meeting the one, is not calculative. I will be personally telling you....your brain are very very very complicated. VERY.

Talking to me what is the calculative means, hell means.

You can just be a totally different, none competition fields to anyone, and staying on it ! There is a female leadership can be trained and cultivate. There are.  They are facilitating that, they wishing you well. Most of my video, which words didn't end up "the girls"?

Ireland, next by England. Correct, that is where I am going. 愛爾蘭, 我去的地方

I may not need to wait for my money, so I went to ask them. Sometimes the girls jobs just keep saying things, explaining A to Z, and talking to them. I think I going to their concert the best.

I gonna settle a few things just pack and go. 

You so sure, when I seeing how many guys in front of me, I know their face or personality, like anyone could figure it out in their fan base. I have no idea whom they used to be each them, not even Ronan. When you talking on the PC, it just sounds like....an PC, I am talking to a PC never stop 10 years ago.

I can have enough money, even to purchase local I am telling you. Meaning independent things. But right now I am asking them temporarily? 

You need to have a career to sound like before you saying a relationship. I keep saying, keeping a pension before 65 years old. You have no idea how the Future or the World will becoming....having that security, you can always secure ANY ANY guy, for tiny decency, an instant noodle shredded carrots, cucumber, avocado, or green leafy. That is how the weight coming down, you will have a brand new day, one of those?

Try to make money sound like a hobby, at least your talking methods or the professionalism or the sharpen of the mind don't wear out in time.

I know what you mean you saying the girls traditional jobs are the housewife. No, they all lose the appearance. For the white confident guys, meaning they are always happy, you never live in a life, always happy, meaning no calculation to the people's world. Happy !!

And then seeing certain things, they can ask for a higher things whatever you all meant the guys on the equality things says.

The guys attitude...a lot of that I assuming, yeah. I did assume. To really seeing a real guy, that is a different thing I ever think of. Might be you girls real and true?

For example...

In 2018 I really have seen okay, behind...that is why I change. I playing that Apple, because what I was told, so I telling them exactly. When I get to Ireland, all my attitude, just get rid of the guys when I land, how about that? If the things are not bad enough, I would never do that?

A lot of Guys

4 Stove, I assuming, correct

Cleaningness not sex, I assuming, correct

Money, not sex. I assuming, correct

Impaired, inept, laziness, dirty, not sex, I assuming, correct.

Get rid of the periods smell, and the pads all those expense the guys seeing, I assuming, correct.

Soaking in the bath, I say that myself

Don't bother getting out of the tube, I say that myself

Dental washing the tape water, or floss, I say that myself

How to washing the bathroom, the toilet, and the sink and the bath, I say that Taipei Tape water, or underground water, I was original wishing, whatever major it is the Chemistry. That is not assuming, most guys don't know.



🎄 You need to straight your back a bit, don't keep bent at your PC. That is short for your girls height or the chair too tall? 🎄

🎄 You wearing the eye glass, hair up, you cannot see that monitor? You want to pull more near?

🎄 I have my hair down

🎄 My back is straight when I type?

🎄 oh ~ you reading, not typing, I see. But clutching your back bend down, that is not nice for the back. Your chair?


Chinese New Year soon - Today is Eve !!! 除夕

uh ~~ is Mc Donald opens today too? Its pouring rain whole day. 

How is your writing sample so far? You know there are guys also doing those lists, I told you girls to do. Per list to last for the next 5 weeks. Just to try and see. I don't think the guys have any brain other than the money, most of time. They have no physical challenge. Imagine if I don't require to eat, 3 meals Day time Free, I staring at the empty space, how long I keep passing by my time.

You girls if having a focus, meaning really just get some lists done, you will feel your life has more fullfillment, other than every other things. To that one direction, you will feel you becoming something, its not clear, but you get your vocabulary going.

Imagine this, if in the end of the 5th week, I tell you....join a book club, starting talking as if you know that process of the research to this book author, and they response to you. 


Watching my own listing video.






Soon go to bed

Babaji: Go

The vision will be the most affecting your entire being....to almost everything in life.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about it.

The girls will be the period and the vision ....Because of these 2 things combine, you girls almost have no resting day or night and keep putting the food or those beverage down, you don't have any time for yourself, not to say EVER to nurture anyone back from their foot, the full body health?



Want to trying your too perfect world?



Sound more like a reality when you growing out of your pain, your focus attention, no more this eye glasses indoor to high, or a sweat cover all the way to your butt, and blanket, your coffee stain....a PC back bend on your spine. 

When you are home, your hair always tie up. I can see. 

But you always keep that frame on your ears, or nose.You ever tilted that bothering, really really really bothering you? Stand up, and walking?

What is the bothering you imagine, you can see, or you cannot see? The weekend or this?

The contact lens don't bother you in the bookstore, doing this? You girls if one day EVER made any money like a real job, you will be really....becoming whom you EVER becoming.

Inside your eyes, you don't remember how it feels walking outside the cold air, the vision those ceiling light too bright, too tired, on the heel....and want to go home, how long its to take the contact lens out? That breathing air its never be free?

In case you wonder how the life without insert your eye frames anything in it. Those disposal contact lens, you thinking that is the money in the trash bag, Taiwan we have to pay the trash bags.

With a guy, you living together, its not you bleeding all over with that knife? How to Japanese slice an avocado more sleek? If its for the mono diet for some hours before he returns a more day to day die? Not just lose weight?

Its per hour eating something down? Most time you spending time on the phone, doing this your father, mother, sibling, weekend per run in life to proven the dating methods.

Those hours where you spent the efforts.....its only you self discipline at it.

If he is not eating, you don't need to cook the smell he ever feeling it? I spent some time apple, or salad I won't die on it? The orange juice.

Dr. John R Christopher - Eye recipe



Here are the formula, that above is one single herbs


Cayenne pepper again. https://www.herballegacy.com/Cayenne.html

This is the gun wound, can be stop bleeding, home cooking spice!!! 

I didn't study every herbs, but these formula practically just copy and paste, how you seeing the Pinterest. You have to love to doing that, making the tonic, be very very clean, everything. Maybe its called the tincture.  Its a washing solution both for the external application and internal intake, drinking it down. The same solution.

You are so busy, so you use one of those amazon product, the capsule, to be honest, that capsule can be open, to eat it without the stomach extra force to digest that tiny capsult, I care about it? But that herbs if they mix right, its a formula you can open it, and apply the external wound, if you don't have anything else? You never use your hand doing this tear and wear, open and close? 

What is the difference the synthetical drugs or herbs?

Synthetical drugs are a pure form of pain killer, and anti-imflammatory. Meaning cease the pain, or the infection immediately. But it hurts kidney and liver very badly. They are purely purely chemical formula drugs.

Where is the herbs are on maintainese, nutritional take, and they kill the parasite, and clean the blood stream the blood works. But you doing that day after day, months after month on the maintainese idea, not really.....you saying the drug effects? Its a maintainese nutritions ideas.

The herbs are the food, you can take as much as you swallowing it down, nothing happened to you. The drugs you cannot.

Most guy's mind are serene.

No talking on the phone, no chatting this so loud, like so noisy, you all...so hellish really. No one can rest. You go argument with the guys, you can just touch and feel sounds like you done this hundred thousand time on the same procedure you are doing it.

I hate those giggling, bimbo stupidity....nothing but chaos, your father, your mother, ....

You have to roll the sleeve, check the temperature, asking him, everything all right, want to keep sleeping, or get up watching some TV, or want to walk? Breathing some air deep breathing exercise. How do you watch a human he doesn't know how to do a thing to every step run things smooth? Your interval to that recipe book its 30 mins, meaning he has to go to pee, not keep sleeping, to get up continue this whole day before 8 oclock. That is mechanical.

He scared, he feel unsure, he feels some noise in the background, explaining per details, not giggling laugh. 

Or applying some oil, some cream, check some ligment.

None of you doing anything in your life, through that medical south campus school, and eating junks on those table. I already told you what they written behind...UB nursing, UB meds the same things.

You know there are arms below lymph stuffs? the guys jumping often?

You all girls helping each other, sound like the right things to begin, you are home in bind to your chair really with the blanket on Top or those are the eye glasses?

You can see in the dark where his sleeping mode, or he cannot see, you watch where he going to that bathroom or move close to there, not watching the PC or reading? He on his own?

You clean the bathroom often often after he pees? Just every time how many interval for 3 days that is 30 mins per interval? You have no other choice but keep doing that. The patience last, keep doing it.


I doing all these stuffs myself. I am not the dying type. 

You know what is a Homeopath? You love doing it. Some of this Chinese Ancient outfit, like you have to constantly check someone in the room, in the sleep, in the temperature, the 4 limbs

It will be the guys, not the girls? 

I station all kinds of the tasty soup, or warm water, the good water, the thermal bottler, its every 30 mins, to every hour, you ensure he sees the food, the beverage, the warm water, the shower bath, the towel ready, and you keep quiet inside the home. Talking to him, not reading the PC?

Do you know how to make a congee?

Do you know how to make a gravy with some just very very clean rice, the full load? Not punishing him, in case for any reason, he needs to quit, those are one week lasting food? 

Some green wash, some carrot shredded. Some decoration, some apples, some fruits, enough things he sees, he comfer, he can jump in the bath, just staying there half hour, and feeling sleepy, you make sure all things are cared for. All kinds of the preparation. 

The cullinary spice or the medicinal herbs

There is a word, meaning taste. pallable? Because guys are long, me, jumping up or down of my bed, I used to sleep on 4 stick pile wood, and foam on top, with all the boxes below. No nail, but its the sofa bun bed, next by, I jump down that carpet every single day to go to the bathroom. Very tormenting, its very far away. 

With the share space, you have to keep washing the facet, the common hand hold, just keep washing the alcohol, including for the guys. Tell him to lay down, you keep washing the fridge, the floor, no PC looking. He may just be glad you doing nothing but clean up the entire surface while he is sleep, so every he touches, you keep wipe that.

He is not infecious, I just prefer he is inside the bath all the time. One day per cell per cellular idea will be inside outside finish those....filtration your entire blood stream looks like you are a brand new skin issue.

You know how to check the face temperature, or neck, or the hands, the body?

You cannot touch anything without your hand shaking, or your hand too cold?

How you fold a Kitchen towel, or the bath towel, to ensure you wash his face, he just need to close his eyes, you talking like you should?  How you carry a conversation?

"How are you feeling, this is how many times interval you drink the juice, I mark it water juice water juice, this would be water? You can sit up and drink?"

You know how to talk, not to aggravating the guys, he doesn't require to worry, which interval he gets up and drink, and rest? You have to be organize in that piece of paper, in the calligraphy, he can read, or if he gets up?

How do you teach them the caynne pepper, me have no one teaching but reading an online recipe? Do I done that enough to telling him what to do? Too spicy?

Move the back head muscle, 

"Start breathing, don't get nervous, breath, relax.....now squeeze your eye, slowly inhale, breath again....mouth close. Keep breathing very very slowly. Keep your attention at your nose not at your eyes? It will be gone after a min or 2, but you can bear that for some time?"

And tell him to lay down, you keep changing a warm wet towel at his neck, not the pillow case? So he feel the neck at warm? Or the water bag. Those are the Homeo idea....the girls must to keep one of those, really. Its wet heat, not the dry heat. 

The water its on the bottle? Some moisture to your skin, not too long like those electric setting....too hot.

🌟🥃 Eyes, blood steam. The exactly the only video I ever say really.....🌟🥃

The blood stream. The Blood work.

I woke up 3 oclock, so so so tired, I need another hour sleep. So I went back almost like jet leg to me. Feeling soo.....sleepy.

You know when I was with ex, he told me, why I keep so rushing to every degree of time, its on the detox, where I am going somewhere? oh my God, in case I didn't do all that, just like you all living a relax life. 

You change your diet, hydrate first, the correct water.

The correct soupy, to warm your stomach, that is where the discomfer coming from. You have to go through several days at night, you saying you are hungry, if you are so sure someone at home, its the food every time you can touch on the table, just you choose not to eat it, that will be so different.

You have everything to eat, you choose not to eat it.

If you don't have the food home ready, or organize everything, you will feel more hungry than anything can ever help you. That is what I will tell you from my perspective. You imagine you take what stress....I notice its almost every household has no food on the table.

I give you an example, nick never says he needs to detox

But when two people together, its always I am washing his entire sink....in my own home, I just rather spent 24 hours in my jobs, than putting anymore food inside my mouth. I told you, one day I realize, how come my eyes just sitting there open and waiting the Day Time to pass....this is more hours than in a day I ever had????


I already don't eating the breakfast, so only 2 meals you saying? no....fasting means the whole day, no more 2 times washing, or 2 times goes to open that fridge, not washing the facet, not prepare the washing, or the utensil or swirl the pot, or specular....there is no motion in my life, other than opening up my eyes sitting there, and look at the hours of the day....

"I go to sleep, or keep walking the 4 blocks?" I have nothing else to do.....

How long can I soak in the castor oil inside the tubes.

Because if you fix your hair in the right things, its 2 weeks I never required to feel one tiny itchy on my hair....2 weeks = 14 days. Did I say...what happened before?  Later I am not sure if my hair can fall, so I stop it, too sticky, I am afraid that skull inside, so I quit. But those weeks I remember clearly...how many weeks passing by, I don't need to wash my hair.

Did I say fasting meaning no food?

No brushing teeth

No eating, meaning no pooing....

Olympia is an authority, but I don't think they will be writing your the same book on sales, that types.


I tell you a reality of the writer, I used to live in my uncle's home, and he has an office or the research lab in the City of Hope. You know he after he eats dinner at home, he returns back to the lab til later night, and that drives were like 30 or 45 mins, to get the work place in commute. When you seeing a festivity, I will tell you how competitive behinds....in the real science world to generate one peer review article.

So until your books are in the steady sale, or your name are big and wide.....

They might just seeing a gala is important, you might envy their gathering. Some don't care about the gathering to one of those social events, but very very fighting grounds on that piece of paper. The true reality how someone behind did works....it will be every night 4 or 5 hours bind other than that 9 to 5 jobs.

If one of those day the Congress for sure pass that the word leave on the paper sound like a right thing, not the oral teaching....

I have a book, my degree is the Master degree with the science background in the undergraduate. Just among the girls, because most domination are in the guy's writing skills.

You trying to organize "a thought". Seeing or imagine you holding your book, or you holding your best friends near by books. Some of this curezone. when they doing the liver flush, they say they get an internet unknown person right across that Pc monitor. So each other are tracking the knowing of that liver flush results, or the fasting mode.

The real fasting might take 2 or 3 days, some extent to 1 week, or most famous for are the 21 days without the food. I done all of that.  

Generate a Content

This would be the same as the internet content. Same things. But....you compared this guy's book niche, they don't go there to kill each other. And you girls about to stab each other, on which categories inside your book to be put in the Barns & Nobles?

Horizontal flat, or vertical spine thickness?

You will be surprised how the technology that some company or people, they design some kinds of the txt readable robot, and they go online to search the entire public domain words, or keywords, or some kinds of the content, for calling out the www, all kinds of the content = you calling that, the generate a content methods.

Not you all just reading other people's book, that initial start. AT least that is how I thought what other people say they were doing.



Dream Exchange Games

Want to "like" or "thumb up this video"? No, its not mine video. You have one small voice memo, one small video introduction similar to those SMTV, on Dr. Steven Hairfield, how the author's field are about 2 mins in front. There, you will be listing your books title, the combination books. 

You feeling pressure to all the existing authorship in the field? The Current market including that Dr. Gabriel Cousen or Bashar? 



Do you understand what is that one click?

Like if your parents near by, or bf near by click on your own video? Its called the relevancy to how this SEO, it is what it known as the optimizing the search engine, and Youtube its the directly under that Google when you saying how you optimize that, or customize your own very personal website "other than" handing out your own very business card to near by, or seminar, or at any grand event, you networking, its your personal talking to, how many people can you go and shake hand, and handing out your own very cards? Your business card with your own website, selling your own books.

So you might be start reading this one word, called "SEO" - Search Engine Optimization.

You just didn't know what that is.

The smallville in the morning

These are like a story board, you insert a music, you put a story like a frame to frame. These entire things, you will probably call them "the media", not those news channel. Mp3, mp4, Mov, how you process the digital format on those per files you collect behind. Usually if you are the only one person running all that, you are headache.


They are not the robot readable when you putting that online.

Its the text, usually they saying like txt file....a pure word processing site. Less than the image or the video. They probably find out most people don't listen or watching the video if that exceeding the amount of their attention span. Might be 7 second you have.

One of those they did the statistic.

Not mine site right now. I mean you will be using your own very site, I won't even know about it.