Babaji: Go
How much weight you all gaining it now? (Not asking you kido !! your belly I could see. Your family taught you that? )
3 meals, over 30 months = 90 days....
I told you some human pulling their muscles, and on bike, knock all her teeth off bad karma....all that stuffs. Because "to go to eat" + "to fitness".
If I just sitting home and sleeping, I still can gain weight if I eat?!
🍘🍕📱💰 You know your age right now, its not even 40 years old yet, for saying if I remember my own civil class, that age to really be somewhere near the politics were more like 55 years old. 🍘🍕📱💰 For the industrialist, that is even you claim what stuffs on the youtube !!!
You serve tea, biscuit, cup, milk tea, pizza, cookies jar, cake, plate / cup /spoon, cream, sugar to learn terminology. Like Hailey's dad, I used to have a dad, or uncles they were. And when some of those people they used to be in a crowd, you learn about certain things. You learn the words, and now there is an internet, you can almost multiply that knowledge, by reading, by understanding, and you all saying...
I tell you what I hear today from those kids, they were complaining, most "The One"'s position are native their own countries, you all insist not to return to your own countries gold digger, that is not the word this lunch they say, now they using that word, "the gold digger", isn't that saying the women part?
Let me imagine what I understand, all my dreams of the universe, kido.
They are = you, the gold digger to whom?
Say his name?!!!!!
What a solomn name or song. Is that Super man has a name?
Yeah, I like to file those lawsuit too. I being drawn to my 4 point frame screen for some reason, I am going glueing at my monitor....I think its these blogger I keep glueing my face right at my monitor.
But I cannot file right now.
They have to tell me the court, what happened with all this, sometimes you get validate about some situation, you cannot always just by ability knowing that. I knew that....but I have to stop right now. Too many things, you cannot keep going on with this, for now.
You didn't hear a word I said ...
You have a claim, right? That is a case !!!!!
Voice memo:
I don't know what to tell you how you all running your UB group activities, as if other people all using this same UB facebook, how marvelous ! Its that one person drop the facebook.
I gonna play my pinterest, I am trying to tell Nicky, I more file-ing, you guys don't have the money, I need to stop now. No more using my brain I am telling you.
They cannot generate the statement = I love you = 5000 signature survey and then second round, and then third round, in they doing those murdering other stuffs.
The IQ brain is on the street those human at.
If you cared about those politcal structure FROM the TOP, you suppose to understand where those Constitutional were given, or why that is for the people made of? It was starting with the essence? What is that? The World Peace?
You didn't give your statement a supportive you say...what I just found out through my family, I talked in Chinese....their kids start to finding the comic book exactly their nature wanted?
oh~~ that is so bad.
1) Its Simon.
2) Its Youngest Princess
Seriously!! I never have that enlightenment before.
I think the Judge is more mild personality with all of this going on. I didn't specific writing anything to that one or multiple set of the movie "content", you are saying "the position" fix, not the behavior science. You need a lot of the back up those claims, you saying your villege people knowing you, they didn't die out when the witness calling forward.
You want to bet on it?
You are saying the "position", I thought you might care about the "plot content", those included the overall state of the finding things are what you mean "under the investigation", you didn't help the investigation or you yourself its the investigating seriousness business?
There is a difference you saying how you tranpassing those saying one day, but let's say, this is my first time riding on this wave of the energy, its just toooooo jam packed up. You saying the content legitimate issue, or you saying the positioning, or those are the evidence to support your position claims, you have to give a proper outlines, no Judge will understand a movie about 20 years ago, to them, that is 20 years ago passing things?
Not just 10 years ago.
No one has the time to sit there imagining you or everyone else 1000 other claims, what you gonna do?
I am so very sure, this life, next life, near future, very soon future, one of will say its the Judge lies. I am 1000% sure with all this things I saying out loud. You mean a judge can LIE? That is exactly you claim, I am telling you.
So psycho are proclaiming...
You trying to tell me you have an argument, what is that? The legitimate issue, like the legitimate son, or you mean it was always the movie content making the claim? There is no such things called Arendale!!!
Give me a definition what the legitimate means to you?
Its the position you are targeting or the 20 years later you switch to say that is the movie content, I am telling you!!!!!
Without using my brain IQ I already know you gonna repeat by destiny every 16 years, really!!! Its my thinking power, or all your thinking drop-dead. REALLY.
I think Ronan, their side has women, use those hard board to hit people's head. That is a real physical damage.
Last post?!
The neck behind above.
They go to jail with it. Seriously. Yeah, seriously!!!!
Yeah she wears eye glasses, might be black frames too.
When people sitting it down.
Nick's side worse. Might be all that Prince William, must be.....Dump the concrete from behind.
I remember now, I think my household here they are against the Constitutional ! There is a word in our Asia, when you saying that legally against the constitutional...
How funny...those 5 years old has these book with the eye glasses ! oh my God, how long is their sun forever shining at....
You know we cannot go North, that is not how we calculate the orbits right? Swing those satelites out? They are gun like Hogwart, but if you keep going up, those are the death eator at.
I saw it.
But I am not sure. You are contaimnated.
You like the comic book, or you like the hair style?
You are only like 3 or 5 years old looking to me, a different color race all identical....colored. Starting young those monkshood are the tradition in Thailand. Shane at.
You know you are being target to....Right? Everywhere, everyone all caging you in. Even us.
Its all the world against us?
You, one person alone. You really feeling it, I am telling you.
Correct, I got no parents, unlike any of you with that chopsticks, if were?! And ??~~ I am a free zone human, that is what you mean. You wonder the behind story are different, right? The real living experience....such as at Ireland that is what you mean.
This running, chasing, cage, and unleash the tears of your inner eyes games, to all the kids populate even the MD themselves to their own very parents, every family household must have one thing sympathetic with you. Except me. Just look at it, its a trap.
You feeling it, the burning fire.
You could just talking to your own too perfect sunshine all things taking care of worlds, really.
I haven't done any parenting for real in my life, I cannot tell you what I think I have any you all living too long, too old, too perfect gravitation pull Star and Planets distance saying in our worlds, how I perceive my only sovereignty on Earth alone. You know what I mean?
I never took care of one kid in my life yet for saying a full grown parents.
"Is Ronan your kids?"
" ... .. None of them are my kids, they are all older than me, by the way thanks for asking."
You kids have the arguments with whom?
Their faces look different to me. Or understand different from me.
You got mad, and you got upset, so you talk back to them, and what did you do after you talk back to them you going home like that Chinese star kicking his table or table stool? There are only 3 you seen, guessing which one of them? or 2 of them +1.
The girls inside are very very very fix. Ola and Fatima. The rest are probably, you use that White robe comic book, there is a girl, there are some other story, given them a new mummy target, to go and get revenge, then your evolution or karma is done with them.
Their attention will be on the new target.
They are all similar like that. Ask Alice if she wants to help in, the rest of the girls. Set them new attention future path, and we are on the Top make sure you all never meet again. These entire Universe so many stars or planet, you don't have to all ending up on the same planets, really. That kind of the domination we Earth never think, but maybe some other more upper, if they are doing this for real....they have every New World Yet to be.
They probably think you betray them.
Me, no....I have no idea what happened. Not really. I don't have time.
That Square Taiwan Youtube and 阿滴 the trip. The Best Friend forever.
Most guys like you, or like my brother, they design tests to plot people, becasue that is a MD all around programs, and they fail one to z. You know that. But most girls probably don't wish to be that complicate guys on the near by them.
Such as the story, how Kail or me, or some others got yelled at from Babaji that one room. We are probably one least human to plot the exams anymore, because that is someone else the Educational sectors do that. But we probably just tell you, "uh ...not that. Try again?!"
Not I will purposely have any more brain or time, to design tests like a paper desk tight up jobs. In case you are still keep that form, like it might be somebody else in this entire UB MD situation, then you check with whom its that, and...walk along that.
Dean, before you go
Get all the movies you see yourself in it. Every junction "jump", you watched. Like Tina's house behind that ditch, its a shallow, not abyss.
Every frames.
Most people won't understand what's wrong with it.
The groove means. (I read the Chinese words too) 槽, Red Cliff that 曹 without the wood. The first guy domination old guy.
... It means, you 2 are on a different side. She is near the cliff, you were just watching that bridge, and you just standing to fight back, but she jumps turn around, and jump. Most people don't understand how the girls minds work. They are 2 like that.
That is what I mean they are very very fix inside.
You can just write your own cases
A lot of this passing souls, its not without the justice or fairness. Its their stupidity. The girl side thought we are the best friend forever, but the ghost realm where the review might be totally unrelated. If those ghost becoming a new study of its own, you can get your own boss to ask the Reptilian, they ever becoming reincarnated the next soul.
One of those. I see the male ghost too. They cannot communicate without the English.
They draw on the floor. There is a different gender you can see the female and the male. I mean the wild ghost side those. Never got liberated those ghost tales.
How about let the Black Ops took over this case, to cross the stream....angel sings them.
You like Tina, those music girls, but Tina like the man I think, with the girls best friends, because she needs the guy, she is best friends, holding hand I have not seen it that clear. You forever like the guys, that kind.
The music type of them....
How come they the birds becoming so loud and clear words "Ronan"? I think the birds say his wife name is Storm.
I think might be Olivia' height, my lab partner with the MIT UB professor.
Fatima's liking engineer on that crying phone its someone looks like Wing, or Lanh those short guy, even have some family dark wood furniture or some IKea light too. He does Christmas those Home alone side outside and passing it by Church outside, seeing those wall below those mimmic things.
You like Tamang those Asia guy, that height or...its by the money, and they all loving this brunette? Wing is off...?!
No, Wing is a guy. I think Wing stays like a real guy, just that kind of the height.
But you would wish Wing getting Tina?! Why is that? No he cannot get Tina, we are the ROC side. He is ...a civilian. I am not sure what he is.
Him to NYC its ending at Oxford, the geography.
You which Texas or Florida to NYC would be? FRIEND Vermont hotel, its the Russ, the Mark guys again? Which Mark?
Red hair, like Dr. Steven Hairfield, not that Dr. Steven, or exactly him? He is like Mark, fallen behind on the ground so Its an older guy? I think he was just a Ph.D the time when I was on the facebook having him on the SMTV to my facebook, you click my dress that pale green one would be Simon they see it on the AGT.
The photo art on that Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes at the Library Congress.
He is very tall, Dean. I think both him and Dr. Gabriel, are SUPER tall.
"How about I suggest you that X Man Past Future that girl, she is one Chinese side of the actress too. If you change, not the brunette, you have the real money issue. "
Her name is: 范冰冰
Fang Bing Bing. She has some issues on the newspaper.
2018年涉及娛樂圈稅務事件,10月3日中國國家稅務總局指案件事實已經查清,范冰冰需要繳納共計8.8億餘人民幣的漏稅金、滯納金和罰款,繳納後可免刑事責任[4][5]。 2020年1月,因武漢疫情,向武漢慈善總會捐款50萬元。
The birds say "咕咕咕" - the youngest princess, their birthday to nick's sister 2 to 2, both Dec 4th or 6th. Its very very strange. Very.
You want that Italian brunette, that motivated, to the Lords of that Gold Ring? And whom that target supposes to be? That youth guy in LST ?
Victoria Secret - Ellen Goulden
That golden ring? 3:40
Sorry, I mistaken, that is a necklace, that time I keep thinking they all magically involved inside their brain. I only remember its a gold round thing.
The girl before the blonde, that is Connie's position in Paris VS. The Blue necklace.
Erin = model's name after her = Erin my side nurse and Carla both are the nurses. RN at least the University paper.
The birds meant, that is the position you want? Connie is very very tall.
I would think Director like one type of the girls.
Twice on that VS, I seeing that position with my uncle. Maybe similar to Storm.
2:55 (Weekend, by Hank looking guy singing)
You Dean makes them feel....behind, the girls wish you go and Handling that Asian Rich kids, for some reason its you all in contact, or they all loving you never stop. Its the height or the guys thing, or something professionalism included. You gonna go on your new case on the witness program still, or a more happy flare, a lot more happy in your life, without one trace of them the past. But they got curious ....
That guy,
Black Ops first handed dealing Open Galaxy, that old guy. Give me shit that guy. He is not that gold, but he has a position. He speaks other than English language. Might be Parsil tongue.
Its ...Reptilian says. He often only speaking their language when my bathroom light off, I just go in and got off, that kind saying.
Reptilian are older, correct.
But they are afraid of that one guy / man. Some more evolve older human are more mild I think.
Anna says, not Simon says, "Grey its one of those twist and turn not convinence things to do, the fee...."
"What did she talking about? You know this time, or you fake that calculus 3 you told Anna you are taking it. We just want to know ....which part of her every says might be true. Why you taken a calculus 3 for, such the artistic high school drop-out planning to run away like Tony, or like Keanu's name or Adam Levine, because....this Anna doing nothing but gossip to every human not just her sailor moon, she has 3 sets of them, nothing but the mouth jobs to remember what she EVER comes out with stuffs...."
"Yeah ~"
"And that driven you to believe you will be an icon on the negotiation table at the American side, or that is the ENTIRE American Troops or whom Top yelling at her from the beginning with you in it. Not just that Mahavatar Babaji has anything to say to yell at them, with her in it so behind her outside the door, its their tears with her tears inside her eyes must be...she cared about blind sight Shane or Nicky."
"How come I don't get those Simon's treatment but her herself everything degree like a freedom of the rest of the evolutionary,....if I were to chosen that mentality, its none related. "
Anna is currently on her Ms Word, copy paste.
This is the 26th page on that UB Group Activities
This Title article of the current this post URL will be all on the 27th page, that is Hank's TV with Tina, the age around this 27 or 28 she thinks. She doesn't remember when they met or mature that relationship.
"At the beginning of this title posts, I think I meant its a girl, not a drag Queen, the height included."
Its set at the width this New Ms Word say, just select the choosen one, and she took off the too big frame of the video. She has to auto all = Alt A (short cut keyboard), to copy paste C control V or C, sorry, it was not auto / alt, its ctrl.
Anything on your target, Dean? Or you wish to go to the movie set on your intern and then imagine? You can inquire the court if that is possible ever to be? I am very sure its Zawanna they sue at Grey parts, or whichever the big Top them sueing each other.
He says he wants, they say they of those.
They make my money felt pale, or how they really make me feel behind my back, with you one person in front of me. You think Anna telling the Truth.
"Anna says, if....your deform manner of changing the appearance its by next monday, you will never be recognized anything if we attempt to flying-in in, your client privacy act would be Anna says your chosen target whom you love, or whom you care. That is....known to you, or imagined by you. "
"We will not given the choice, Anna take back her money. Or you continue to lie about it what that is?"
"You are given a new life, you are busy, and happy in life with all of us behind, not knowing exactly what Anna did, or intend to do? Why is that, or what is that? We are still in the shocking mode, not fully understand it will be done by next Monday?"
"Its that....if ...or ....without ?"
"We cannot ask the question in owe, like that Contact (1997), but Anna is not inept. She says what is the next destination dinner lunch, restaurant and outfit wardrobe. The instant manifestation mode."
"Without the Past."
"We didn't think you will be the first one to-go."
"Do you ever imagine yourself as the beautiful girls as the dentist, how far you finish your medical school, if we all failed. You making it, right? What is that the MD red dress girl in dark blonde, those, looking to your new facility how you wish that ending results to every new patience coming like such ....the Comic Book: Loving to Cry, brunette?!"
"Not little, the brunette? ! "
"No, Anna says, you going on the lunch/ dinner like next Friday...but you coming back to the clinic where you suppose to be. Just the new look, the same Texas."
"His name doesn't just happen to be Mark, isn't him?"
"He knows what he looks like ...Westlife."
"Dean, I know a Mark in my Irvine Watermarke, the first guy Hank finds on the Internet. You like Sayer? Its his major, or his look? "
"So you gonna take this Ice Skating comic book?"
(Laying it down)
"Correct, against SMCH, she OU her past. Do you want to pass by Ronan, where he is right now at his concert place, I am not the first person you see? That kind of the gesture? By now, he is a mentor, not on ice skating wood wood wood coach? 森教練 in the comic book. Of course he can turn down. I am just asking you what my birds say more slanted Ronan's English words, how perfect they truely becoming while I am laying it down this head bed, I can never really move it my current decoration room other than the left side, that 亞斯 touching it that wall......"
I need to wash my hair for now.
Anna says, there is someone meant the money unlimited uses for each of our girls just flying in with the correct money, flight routes, numbers, rent a car included all the bills in.
For all the girls all together to show up. At least the second time we gonna do it together without one or another, its not the cave road going down the curve accidentally.
"You...will be there Anna says. The night before, what did you do man, what did you do?"
"What is the evidential substantial support, or what is the evidenticy support on the First Opening the gates means?"
"Anna says there is no reason to believe why we cannot make our next all together meeting as much as the Reflection goes, on our free will. What that really means in the end Free Will?"
"Is your gf, which parts of the facebook all comic book gf, included this airplane billin from Anna, or this gonna be separate, organized event by you? You saying that to Anna, or Anna saying that all by herself once you aren't a man yet, that is what the TV means, all of us pay? "
"You have a list of the passive act you yourself meant you are, the way you are, the way you make her feel. The list of the all passive act. The last one to act on. The last one to-go plan. Or...its really us all compile 1000 lists with whomever involved if the guys have the put-together list, one lawsuit which lawsuit we imagine, you serious or we imagine?
"No, we all gonna taken we were the high school, because your every gf on that facebook knowing you will NEVER make it the human error to the double major or to the resume you linkedin next by Lee, so Anna staring at it. Any of us looking at to feel it wrong, or imagine the wrongs, or her behind one interface too careless to look at it?"
"Tell me one thing I want to hear. Reflection this one...."
"Whom on your peripheral ought to be if you are a MD? Something I made of, or someone we all made of? "
"MD is not you. I mean the high school drop out listing....go on."
"How much debts do you have, the debts collectors part your parents know you, or we UB telling your parents standing next by your side. You gone to the Oxford Exchange Student one year, ending up too perfectly on the Victoria Secrets - "Drop on me"."
"Is the car important in life, no....tell us."
"How important range 1 to 10."
"Clothing? What branding do you like? We have the investor, just tell us and the fragment perfume."
"Do you have a porn tape from the 90s in your cabin collection?"
"Tell us a little bit about yourself, what we don't know about you, might be only Anna knows about you by the imagination or she makes us wanting you to show up that day on her money routes, we have something together wishing to ask you. Maybe Jonathon will come too with his wife."
"We need to be driven to show up at your front door that day, becasue someone pitches in, doesn't mean its hurting her or hurting me. Why did she do that?"
"Say it, it was the Past mistakes."
"What is a past mistake means?"
"Its her money per her doing. We want to know ....What is the idea you getting your way, or you getting in the Magic real sense what she meant the sequence, or her own generatinig which sequence all combine together to end up the Truth from your subjective views or her own mental decision making, its only her peripheral vision or knowing that is the only Truth, never you yourself truth, your calligraphy and the artistic nature. Painting. Do you care about the painting? How?"
"Like Eben's background painting or like Lalla fragment? "
"Anna's birds say. Is that a lie, or is that a class issue? Or its something you understand, we all understand don't we? "
"Anna's Kentucky Scott's dog name is do-we? We imagine its the classify, or black and white dress like Hank's TV its the black and white, and you yourself the red hair on the Black and White money meant....its an painting. Show us the painting. The one you first hand drawing that, not selling that or for on sale like a show like Eben Pagan."
"There is an estimation of the Time Anna cannot come back like Prince Harry to England that one case. There is an estimation if Anna doesn't come back and solve it the case or before too tired, and drop dead. All the money lost, all the money given to her. Its not the group efforts unless we are being told, so we all willing to do something if we are being told.
What is your role in this, really after this lesson or punishment at home grounded?"
"Where you normally be at Friday Night? Solving your too perfect outside case like Keanu Reeves Romantically? If you done that to a girl or a child, at least I will feeling so much better you redemption your sin, Dean."
NSYNC - Long Shot
"Are they the classified materials? You saying it or not?"
"No, Anna says re-wind. This is not that. Are you in the hollywood movie intern wishing list, the wish-to-do list such as an movie on-set intern? For real? Which department, Square its in the Art decoration such as SMCH TV those SMTV background on every lecture she gives out the public."
"Its on the comic book painting."
"She says there is no money in the most movie set intern. So you need to get the second job after the movie intern, to die on all of us during this free zone time, too tired, to hit the shower head on the top the water steam, next day drop dead on the bed. Tell me, we can get you an intern just trying out the summer.....a lot of us have the wish list."
"Did you and her ever gone out? "
"Ever AOL?"
"Yeah, and is there any good reason she treats your the way she treats you in front of the Bill or just in her description to sound like a support, no one sees that morning, that day?"
"I never knew that, it burnt her every degree of the disappointment the every day I love you. Which picture is that, you think of yourself? That perfect? Its the disappointment forever be, or its the comic book they done on purpose, incluidng the UB Medical or the American entire Medical Board human committee to this Open Galaxy Scenario, one HUMAN Zawanna? Meant the education starting at the brain, or she will be finding that is the High School Drop out on dialing the System drop dead box, Steve Jobs? Which tales could be true...because we are too busy thinking about you, she is on her own yesterday on her facebook. "
"Tell me a lot of the reason she is doing this all thing alone? That movie isn't that far away ...."
"Yeah? She meant one person shouldn't be dead in our world medical history, or else...but apparently she makes it appears its everyone dead should-be. And tell me this system dialing box, to one you intern too perfect free zone, she did what she ever did in every uglist methods of every degree....she is the only person making it OU Black Ops, won't even care that one American human saying one word, she shot them down just like us....with which methods she meant the forever the Heaven or Hell methods, and you are? Trump's daughter side by?"
"How long to fake that marriage you willing to do?"
"Anna says something in the beginning, long time ago. There is a difference if Seth and JC combines, to that tie, you Dean next by dead. You wish to use 10 years to becoming that presentation in JC Chasez such as the Past? "
"If you are not visible enough, everyone die OU. Every year on, every Era TV, every fake things never ended. "
"We have no reason why it cannot be done, if this witness freedom program, its every Era or Age TV must carry it on, including the next birth reincarnation someone doesn't just be inept about it."
"If we re-write every image in Red River Manga, a Kail Mursil sits at front with a drinking wine cup at this entire political worlds as the next by regent, because we live forever and she just raise up her cup and drinking at be that contempt to every Earth...should ever be the New Earth like the Bible says.....she says: "Turn him to JC Chasez." We are all the witness populate the entire different Earth sphere, all separate, all divided and conquered, all without the Black Ops background to dial, its one person such as you deform manner, to the inner urge, or all of us guessing it to know, your new presentation not in this one life? "
"Maybe we should read that loud ourselves in the mouth tone, try again. What did we say, or what did we hear it?"
"If Wing gonna take you down Tonight, or vice versa were you are hiding never doing anything one thing. After you zombie gone, its me one of all these girls pushing that Asian Wing out if like Anna instruct every road and Dr. T with his wife didn't lie inside their mutual office space, SAY IT. Is Dr. Ester on your monitor is last name like Anna wasn't got lied to? What is the FULL building blown up?!"
"Not all of US, its all of THEM, and next facing UP Wing will NEVER be the hope of the beacon like YOU?"
"Answer me, SAY IT?"
"I am thinking one thousand thing, and one of the things Anna says will NEVER be this one plan, she wrote out for EVERY single girl us to this line."
"You will be sitting over there, talking normal with your NEW perfect world tell me one thing Anna will tell Wing to write it down, which things it you talkinig normal to every kinds of your too perfect future, but not the past, and that would be a hide out, when we will find our exit becasue you are irresponsible for the rest of your life to that 50 state medical liscence board no one does a thing in the investigation !!! Its becasue you fear, or its becasue you one behind knows all this time. "
"Explain to me Fatima is, or you know you are implicated at, everything Anna used to say at all that can ever happen to the UB Honor Class."
"Say it!"
"Tell me a description, when we all girls perished, including however Anna forces to the other side to starting this Edge of Tomorrow, and we are known this behind in the shadowy of our spirits, because there is no more will be against to lean on one side of the wall sad in your eyes, were to whom you are sad tears inside your eyes? Any of this movie given say, or Anna gonna make it up all this statement once again, these are the real ET classified materials, we are the mummy, we will not make your the zombie, to imagine if...what is the next line? "
"How do I spell if?"
"How do I draw a f on the poker card?"
"Were you there with Jonathon and Tamang and Anna at the poker games inside his house?"
"Anna says she was vomiting because of that one tamang in the bathroom, so you married? You have the kids, or you trying to hide away all that, you never have one patience care in your life or brain, that will be the disastrous exactly 50 years later the Good Will Hunting, Anna keep saying the keyword, you keep leaning on the wall with the cap, tear. On Whom again, I am asking you again? Say it?"
"Therefore, against us, you didn't care one human being's life missing, not one life, its ought to be exactly like the TV, and you lost your consciousness on that leaning wall with a cap, because it just happened, they don't know, she doesn't solve yet barring outside the wall, and WE cannot know because if we are the zombie and DEAD, you are what? The beacon of the HOPE?"
"What happened to your car?"
"Say it. We won't judge, we want to know. "
"Tell me, Anna says this is the walking free trial, isn't it? Walking over my dead body, us against the world, all of us, except she were the villain, you are the beacon hope leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes and a cap. Tell me she is wrong what we imagine to see, you lost your consciousness inside your eyes. "
"Tell me the victimized side of that Thranduil to everything else she represents in her tones of the language...."
"Someone TOOK your roles."
"Next question - Anna has all this flower in the Pinterest yellow down."
"Whom is behind this classify issue, because we might gold ourselves without the Black Ops?"
"What did you do man? What did you do?"
"You ever tell someone one person in this world at all? "
"One person !!!"
"There is an ukraine war. Tell us, its all of us against me feeling like all over again. What she mean that
'Its the family emergency, please respect our privacy.'
Simon dead zone on if he has a heart. "
"Are you a real doctor or the human error? Because none of us can get told you are not the real doctor, or you are part of the us leaning on the wall with the tears inside your eyes, until all dead, you are still lean to the wall without the day night before 11 oclock. "
"You know what my comment really were, you shouldn't just be dead ."
"You will be dead in thousand pieces!!!" How she makes you feel.....but you got a secret to hide. She wasn't the first immediately conscious about it but everyone met you knows your voice its wrong. Its one indicator, the first the most visible indicator.
UB 250 URL sent out on Mike or Keegan's webpage our UB full load....what did you do man? What did you do? Its your monitization against us, or its against them all?
"Its that the Starry night her Geo department video on money or the vision when she felt /feels down? I speaking the English now."
"The first or the last one to go? On your too free pen, say it. "
"Tell me if that Mark is mocking you?! They done it on purpose?"
"Its all of us walking free cases, or just you foremost first one to eyeing on it?! Really~~~I don't even know, what she never sings about it!!!"
Write him or leave him facebook wall message
“I need to talk to you, Anna says.”
“Are you drag Queen with roaches it’s as long as money buys without your parents know?”
“I was wondering to the airport sandle plastic bag to wrap or sneaker your reaction, she says to everyone we have a very very very fix inside. It is a very very fix inside, that’s the way the only be.”
“Mummy says blind, that person blind folded….it’s a west game or it’s a what you see what you get?”
“There is an image between what I wish someone to be, Anna says not Simon says. You will reply or you wish only Anna replies for you here when I told her you don’t talk? This image.”
“A drag Queen is not Britney’s says a normal office cubical worker ! I know what it says and I trusted !!”
“Do you contact with Bill, we wish to see or hear what that is, Anna says the voice.”
“We thought you are the hope!!”
“Not the turtle hope. The beamcan hope, are we gonna find out after we dead, what else things we will find out? Your parents knew you don’t contact?”
“You realize Anna gets her way, every step!!! Tell us!!!”
"Today is Friday Night. I just washed my hands...its about the time going home or eat light meal. Tell me if I copy that Korean Drama with Tamang or with City of Hope, that is called they de-fy you. Tell me that words Anna uses."
"Against the authority, or against one's willfulness, for that image."
"Against someone's willfulness by image, and if there is a money talk, you will say you are willfull we don't fit its becasue of the twist of turn like a girl, or its the drag queen you lying no matter what? The beacon light house HOPE? LIGHT HOUSE, Inelia Benz movie with the Michael Fassbender, like Adam Pascal like SMCH and her german what Late husband doesn't look one thing like Adam Pascal. "
"Anna is lying or you will reply?"
"That details thing that counts?"
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"There is a detailed difference things between what ET meant inside that classifed, there is a range between Anna lies or they lies. And there is a difference between that HOPE and lean on we imagine....what the Truth ought to be. There is a what Truth yet-to-be, or ought-to-be...the military order you are on draft. Tell us what that means in the Smallville and WHY?"
"Melinda at CAC those Anna's best pal, there is a TOM and Ayo with those date to be escort out of the runway style SA Drag Queen Show. Are you anything to do with the SA? SA president?"
"She miss out you walking it out, or you imagine you walking it out with the height issue?"
"What is your escort name? The phone number and the address?"
"There is a literally plastic wrapping up the sandle or the sneaker, right now my flying range to Texas were Anna suggesting if we asking her where to land on the first night. We checking the route number or the money on the expedia. All of us. Tonight, where you will be tonight?"
"The action against all of us, all of us, All or Nothing, you being a MD you done on purpose to hide, or you done on purpose in the end of all death, that is Orc says, or that is Reptilian the Green says?"
"If we becoming the Middleton, not the opposite of the Middleton, its after we dead we find out, or its now we find out, telephone number and the location you are at Texas which clinic now? Anyone is in there tonight? You are aware of? Your parents?"
"Its Westlife says, or its the Mummy says?"
"Anna has a brother, ANSWER ME, ANSWER US!!!!?"
"Its between we die in vain, we die like the Orc, of you one person responsibliity of the choice between the above or this line? ANSWER ME!"
"We literally becoming the ORC?"
"When you 2 were the lab partner, in front of that Black women TA, you saying the human error its YOU?! Are you an AGENT? Its US or YOU? "
"You mean you are the drag queen for the above listing ABCDEFG....its the ending exactly like the movies say on our bad term, and when we are in the hell, you gonna drag Queen Justin?! Which Justin or Bill? Such as the Witch position in RED Mars like SMCH at her own MARS video the U.N.C.L.E?"
"There is a difference between you are the GIRL, or you are the DRAG Queen!!!"
🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌸🌺🌸👙👙🌺👘👘👘👙🥒🥒👘👘🌺🌺
💝🍹 我是尊上所以我講話,對! Wallace Huo that inside those situation at our City Mayor with that..opposite Party and the Female Vice 我說醜聞的那個跟台北市現在市長 💝🍹
這一件事情,亞洲算是保守的,對! 但是我好像只是說講話。張開幫男孩子張開嘴巴說話 ~ 關於這一個笑傲江湖的情況 ! 我有事情會說外面,跟自己這種比較封閉的社會體系 !
你們應該是沒有打算開 ...就是外面黑漆嘛污的關係,是吧 ?
現代是一個社會比較支持女孩子可以活自己想要的人生,包括很多情況 等等等~這一件事情 ... 我尊上會說如果妳們在地球這種情況不低下來,這些現在你們以為是個什麼東西的電視叫做,看看你以為你自己在未來的外面有沒有這個位置 ...如果變成奴隸 !
懂嗎 ?
如果有一天他們被 process 如果你們就一個對上一個,好好支持彼此的工作,叫做真的做到這職業上的所有金錢,我尊上並不需要這麼累,外面有很多很多很多狀況,這所有亞洲現在這種,你們要我說 W 兩個世界是比什麼? 真的嗎 ?
見過那些人的樣貌嗎 ?
你們女孩子有非常多的很巨大聲地意見 ....我現在講什麼? 在某種社會體系之上,做生意在講哪種家庭背景?所以擁有自己的職業還有不是自己破碎自己的人生~講感情嗎? 有人真的真的真的很在意那種事情,我覺得我到底在講外面哪種情況?
星際這種談判的桌子 ! 你們要是當我說,那這種電視祝福的情況下,抓一個擋,你們根本就是不想以為自己自以為跟自然不知道 ~這未來 punishment, 是因為你們女孩子的所有態度問題,全部都是你們的錯!
UB - they ...forget.
The movie whatever its inside.
They are not confident that American Classify has any money, and they probably don't believe more of this Black Ops or the Cow Boys, meaning the livestocks are no good, like the Westlife concert or the underwear business included, why the guys goes to that world finding a girl anyway?
So ...They probably think they screw it up big, and they don't have the money or the military overall given people's concepts its they don't have the money. Their brain is not capable to deliver that kinds of the bad guys world's guys belongs to the police.
That is not one thing I say.
I eat Taco Bell Spicy sauce, they have mild, medium and hot. And those American restaurant has this Steak House, the Tabasco sauce, or one of the jelepino.
I eat those.
Everything else NO!!!!!!
I actually HATE the ICE CREAM SANDWITCH, 2 side CRACKER bread. I NEVER eat cracker here, anywhere. I hate crackers! Those are not the snacks. The snacks supposes to look like anything but the cheap snack like the crackers !!!!!
I don't go on anywhere to tour for eating. Not really. I never cared about the food. - I am inside that lab with the white robes, its just a standard imagination, this is a similar to those lab human life, you got nothing in life, but those snacks delicate to the God and you eat at where you got distribute far away lab works....FAR AWAY!!!!
My father has those Mongolian pine apple half cut inside rice, they cooked for us BBQ meat, or even I knew where the Kings Crab they cooked the meat for us to eat. I hate the peanuts. Those are the cheap NUTS
I hate those Dragon Cat Japanese amine drawing methods NOR music. I hate a lot of this thing forever....not sandwich chocolate, ASIAN these things NOT AMERICAN snacks.
THEY are the European GUYS? You don't eat in front of ANY guy. That kind of the food? I just happened to get rid of the food, to get rid of the touring site, might just get rid of the guys at the same time.
I hate seeing a lot of the chocolate, peanuts, sandwitch, its combine. I DON"T eat snacks for a living !!!!!! The lab human its no other food choices?
Let me see....wait....
0:55 - KTV, singing places buffett.
There are a lot of these normal place to eat?!!!
5 Star Grand Hotel
Some afternoon Tea time Buffet - All You Can Eat, its much cheaper 1:15
I personally don't like anything All You Can Eat, I got throat hurt one time, with my brother I think 2010 or earlier those time. I am very very sensitive, that is too many people touching the public hygenic stuffs.
Is there something wrong at the Pinterest photo, I might just create all those cheaper food and we eat home? They really care to EAT THAT MUCH?
Is that you asking me what do I like to eat?
When I got the money?
Cha po lat of those. FRIDAY. My applying jobs near those Tawian Youtuber office, has a Friday. I am not really eating anymore, just go and soaking in the restaurant to see what they have? I never seeing what they have.
Some American middle west also a restaurant similar to Native Cafe or Veggie Grill, California.
Pizza Hut here has the salad bar, and a pharmacy store next by.
Across that straight line has a Mall has the bagel in it too, different flavors. I eat those bagels. Diagonal to the ice skating, their suppose to be the concert place Westlife.
Uh, no ! Tina gone out of the City line, she flute at the Sea with a guy comes with a car, that is probably you all define the romantic relationship
At the sea flute her way there with the guy. I think the high school.
我說是提娜高中的時候再海邊,出去這個城市的界線,在海邊 ! 吹長笛。
It means the whole world to those time the girl or the guy or the age, or the romance
這好像是女孩子那種整個世界,那個時間那個男孩子跟那個年紀,講說浪漫吧 !
There are some other incidence. 有其他的事件
That time, 那時候
She got drunk, got carried back by one guy. 她喝醉,被那個男的抬回來!
I think a lot of the teenage girls that time will read one of those novel, so one of those school average public school if not private has this cram school outside like writing, or any other subjects, there, you making the friends like the middle school or the high school. Sometimes you have one of those gangster Big brother guy I guess. I never gone anywhere other than the school and home. How short its the distance between my home to the school!
1:37 That guy, there is a video, that scene!
This is saying what on the Youtube I seen a guy name looks like the double of....
One or another?
uh...I mean in my elementary school and middle school. I am still talking to Westlife.
Taiwan, we have a situation. Correct. I just told them now.
That TV.
I never say, not today say right.
I don't want to talk about it 我不想討論這種事情,這跟金錢叫做業障有關,因為通常世界會給女孩子很多面子叫做不需要下嫁 1000000000000000000000000000
原來法官也認識業障的意思,但是其實也沒有這麼不要臉就,想辦法再一起就可以了! 我覺得沒有什麼關係,只是做菜,準備一些細小的事情,講話呀 ! 啞巴嗎?
我? 沒有~ 我不知道他們在幹嘛 ! 並不再我聯絡的名單裡面! 以前就沒有 ~~
💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑 💝💝💝💝🥣🥪🥘🍒🍒🍒🍒💵🥃🍹💝🥣🥟🍑
Pinterest - Nap
Babaji: Go
I personally will tell you, YOU NEVER get ready or imagined what you say to the court ITS anything you coming back again to claim TOO perfect the world you living in and claiming to be....I cannot afford to live like that, every single day or every SINGLE life.
That is a kind of shadowing America saying. When I say assembly, that is not one room.
Well, might be just a room, we all standing to get yell at. If that is what the end of all that saying it.
I already don't care about the guy, it will NEVER be this much cared for the capentry in the coldness, how this freezing winter foggy the morning dew smell the guy inside their brain IQ = zero, like I often say, I give my attitude the very first thing.
Don't bother talking to me, really. I am from the metropolitan, I live in the City life here Asia, we have the prosperity without the Black like the New York City. Its a metropolitan world I ever knew. Not that !
The Car, I ask Shane.
There must be a something they always have to say their Westlife its a company logo, and all that in the end of day, why don't you just say which car brand?
Music, no. Not right now. I show you what I intend to do. That is the only thing I see why its worth to do. Whatever I have done. Those are the standard. Starting your music literacy or the music theory. Everything else I really don't care about it.
There are 5-10 to 20 human, why don't they just buddy together however they know each other, and cover my eye sight, I don't want to see, hear, know....whichever the world they are coming it from. I don't care about it.
Shane, Babaji say, you can come to standing by that Nicky ! We 3 standing there, or I going in there alone, you 2 standing outside when he venting breathing with the rest of them.
Or they make it an assembly crowd already.
He is a similar throne idea, at least to our location here on Earth. In the end of all that, that is probably what they will tell you but I think they can file all that stuffs if they want. It means to them.
I am very sure I just passing by the Earth, I cannot keep doing this 9 to 10 at night jobs that is only Heaven and on Earth, those Era time Church and State were separate....even the National Treasure Movie has some lines in there saying it.
I don't want to be that tight up my throat, I cannot live or breath really.
You say, "Its the religious nature doctrine difference. The culture born belief difference, the in class isn't the cult sects difference. There is a Heaven and Hell concept in her entire human being the physical brain allows her to understand and carry through per min and per second in life philosophy, there is NO WAY EVER touch the hell fire one tiny her skin burnt, its on her born statues, she wasn't realized that, but she wish to quote by saying that. There is a harsh world she believing only her own Heaven and Earth, and that American Congress might have a serial number to all things she saying her own survival means. She can die on the street without the food or the water, but NEVER all that way EVER be hell one tiny things she spells her TV she sees, she reacts, she hear, she OVER reacts on it.....she cannot take it one tiny thought, one dusty feeling, it might be one tiny hell, not even one drop of the gold to be that unpolished to regrets. "
Medical Board
2 days ago, there is a smurg, or an ink on the Tip of the pad to the underwear. Seriously....You will say the VERY top those edge its not the pad? Its a plastic. Look at it. If it ever know the period pad might fold?
I was calculating the time, so I prepare the pad. I did. And I put one up few days before. Nothing, but I see that one dot ink. Today my entire urinary system on the hyper states, cannot stop going to the bathroom.
68.60 kg.
No, nothing. I myself knows what is a period looks like really.
I told you, you really really really need that boy or guy to return your phone calls.
It really really really means to you.
For the longest time, that one person calling you.
The height like you, no one wants. He is short too Asian. The twist and turn guys means, whenever he calls, you will always pick up the phone Every Single Time. That is a lot of those...not fitting the guy does things. He knows you got no family, not even one person generate to feel like the family cuddling holiday festivity. Imagine you are alone, but you got a house....most girls don't get. And he got his entire immigration family for the holiday.
I don't think he makes you part of that family icon thing. But I am sure the engineering side of some human, just work related means to you. Not even that close saying.
The spare parts ....
Really. Just like it sounds.
Dealing with me its not the worse scenario at your own arbitrary court. Better use your IQ Brain, really...what that TV means to you, you all skim through this 615+ Lawsuit, understand?
Your IQ, your brain, and Your Truth.
Nothing else.
📲🥟 📲🥟 📲🥟 📲🥟
Most of your background is not going to cared for each other. You like this story, but Zawanna itself its more than our world these.
Your ending results its that phone and slam the door, "please respect the privacy act" to that the judge whom you used to be so desperate to make friend, she just stop by seeing u how u are doing, ur phone Line app 2 guys cared so much the boys yet to the man, and that 3 distant away boys. But among that 5 calls in a years, it really its just 2 calls.
You really really really waiting that call for......a longest day.
The shabby lower ceiling roofy.
And no one knows what you did inside that door, not even me, hoovering at the higher air, becasue not even at night your light will turn on, or what you say, you lost in the layout of the house, somewhere in that corner, you might be crying with that phone, but everything else curtain were close, because its day by day.....
Nothing but waiting that one phone call.
This boy if he knew .....the airy up ! What you prison yourself (like Flower Thousand Bone) say ....There are a lot of things, not even the court will sigh, that is what the TV says, or that is what the TV meant it well.
💝🥣 If you speak in English, writing in English, learning some laws, some medical, some IT Silicon Valley.... 如果你們學英文,寫英文,學習一點法律,一點醫藥,跟一些高科技矽谷 (Silicon Valley) 💝🥣
The future the hope, you saying you just be friends with the guys whom coming here for a more affordable hospital visit, I just sit, they sit, one by one. There is nothing but my filling up the paper works, we may never require to speak one word communication.
He finish his hospital doctors visit, he felts the airplane is more scary, I am telling you.
You don't have to take everything its a lie to you, you extract the TV only to what benefit you saying everyone having a free will how to proceeding per min per second to the Next goal. Whatever that looks to them, only you believe, only you know, only you have a dream, you have a psychi response, you have this invisible. No one will question you if that is real or just a lie, but you proven that is the only road with or without that experience you are capable to that TV, its not your claim matter. Really.
There is an instruction, follow it. I even given you what I hear. One day of those future, I may not even need to opening up my mouth, I just see, I say behind, I get it done. No one even knowing a thing I EVER exist. You like to know that?
Music, have 2 hands meloday, at least you knowing that? ! ( Dance Monkey)
We don't know if there is a terminal Star or Galaxy those saying for meant that you hear one song at the public broadcasting media. Usually at the train station or the bus driver listening to? You know those are the radio idea? Still right now all the bus drivers are using that including the car usage population? You have your burnt CD, but you have also the radio FM or AM?
Therefore that main melody its about how much your memory lasting, you get that small thread similar to you listening the lyrics of some songs, you Google "Lyrics song" + Lyrics. These combination keywords, you find which band is singing that song? ! So you download at the ITune. With the musician, its the music sheet.
4:04 (Same URL)
So in this Google Internet searching engine world (Star and Galaxy, traveling terminal)
You saying you can google a keyword. For the most music background the keyword is: Music Sheet, or the sale of the conductor music sheet, or the instrumental music sheet, or the cello music sheet, or the piano music sheet Dance Monkey.
I told Italian Nick those year, to go to the Italian Vatican (Library), for saying the pathfinder links, not sure he heard that or he asked someone except the Vatican. Because...what the pathfinder you saying whom its on the Street, doing those Roller Blades.
There are some people like that on the street.
When you decide not to be so attached to the internet life, there are the outdoor activities, people like those Meet-up groups included.
9:30 That is not about me right? I didn't do anything of that.
I walking without a sound already, never to be THAT loud to touch a real piano at any public space. What my life really feeling at, seriously.
Why would Annca is Micky Mouse and then becoming Mark?
When he at home alone with the gf, or at work New place?
He doesn't speak in English, there is no reason to introducing each other, really.
Its a witness program I arleady told you, "A Rich Asian boy, still had some youthful face for as long as he lives, wrist band, jewerly, belt, hanging belt, attitude like the GUY"
You all mean its for your own reason, his attitude is bad. He ought to instruct you how to do your own jobs. Really. Its almost everything I say, you vow forever and eternity how to reaching the hell FOREVER. Keep doing it.
You didn't have to think anymore heaven or hell, remember? Its a free zone to play!
When the Educational Department to the US Congress after WWII
These plans on the raising up the public education by year 1970, 1980, 1990, 1997, 2000 to where both the mentality will never sit on dropping out of the school, or go ganging up their parents or other sibling in life that being successfully placed in their own freedom will economic stability and their career training, they have done this to minimize the crime rate, and the training costs to this Special Worker force, and their lasting happiness in their free will to do.
If I understood what I wrote above this line.
Tell me what I imagine the Twlight say, or Shane and Mark says in Eclipse of the Heart. I can just taken those things are real, I just don't know how real its your losing the face year after year MCAT or finish the PCAT with Dean's double major.
Or its a real USMLE after 1 and 2 and 3. You doing it on purpose to fail everyone inside the undergraduate course and everyone else in 20 years pay. None of us knowing that. That is a honor class, you doing it on purpose.
I keep saying that.
Therefore, none of this classify materials have anything to do with those 60 years ago the Educational Department how they dealing upon the Law Reinforcement Department, the criminal Justice.
What you all want its they stop the TV monitor only. Most of them may not even be told there is a situation at your own failure of the education the same time, you were being told or warn about the gazillion time in your language or in their language, what that failure really is or meant it in the next 40 years, if you will find out before you dead, or your parents dead, or the whole world may or may not find out.
The day at your own failure with that one class, to fail the ENTIRE one CLASS human race becasue you or you 2, or you 3....whichever reason if they finding it out, you all playing the emotional games for some people strive and be happy for you at the monitor TV, we didn't mean to go and jealous at you, or behind your back to??!!
Tell me to?????!
So only the Educational Department and the Criminal Justice CAN answer you all this what those TV are still in those public access seen TV monitor. Because, they take down the entire cartoon, amine, or the ALL the franchaise recycle, just like every company recall by the baby formula products, as that in China.
That kind of the "re-call" procedure its VERY VERY VERY often in the world zone business world. They bankrupt the entire industry, will always be democratic methods to proceeding these righteous law measurement, and so will be in the upper sphere of THAT FUTURE STAR of GALAXY. I say that trillion time. NO ROYAL family, you insist to get to hell, that is YOUR entire problem.
💝💝💝 I am telling you, when Mahavatar Babaji doing nothing but venting, saying, "discussing"....💝💝💝 Its not we have any venting air or mood because we evovle just standing there, he sits to when he finished.
You all probably NEVER work with anyone like him.
or like us.
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When the birds talking like a human, its so SO SO amazing, I am telling you. Left side, National Country Building.
Your teeth not hurting when you do that, Aty. That is a beautiful tent and bedding, you all so cuddling inside and play. We so envy of you. What is your name? Opening up your mouth and say? Other than "gi", I heard that enough.
I am still this going up or down, very tiring mode. Imagine this office of mine 50-60 people for saying testing the group theory, in another country.
194 countries testing out my own theory, that is entire what I only care to do, really.
That is nothing to do with the music.
I am still going up and down, TIRED.
This is 20th time, or the 30th time I am bathroom pee....What is this birds, or Babaji say?
I eat my perfect rice in the FREEZER, becasue its flavored, + dice carrots, my mother put in there. Today its her free happy day. She has a soup and a mushroom + soy meat+water melon
And the rice cooker (my rice from the freezer)
I just ate.....
Westlife - I will Reach You
What date is today? 5/12 !
oh ~~~~Why is Shane saying they eating the fish on the RIVER BANK?
A nun's life will forever NEVER be the Star or the Galaxy Committee of ANY kind of Lionel Luthur's life, that is what the ending conclusion will ever be.
Starting this 194 National Flag countries business, only Google or Apple they hang those flags inside somewhere their personnel on processing all those data, really. Each countries so bored at their own Education personnel, that is NOT one public lawyer defender how soon the Youth will replace themselves one by one, I am telling you. I say, they give me a dozen.