Lawsuit 535: Sea is a cursed idea

Date: Dec 16th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Leave the Seashore property

The Bermuda Sea below


Korea's drama, W Two World

Scenario: Frozen (2013, 2019), freeze the interface between the sea and the sea above (air only)

Sea below are the Mexico Underwater Museum

1) Pirate of Caribean, upside down sword = The Curses of the Black Pearl.

2) Flower Thousand Bone (神器 that is entire North America + Middle + South America,  逝方拴天鏈 ) - Its a box. You can check the Sailor Venus waist line to Victoria Secret the First model to Romance Journey

3) 白色圓舞曲 ( Cover art, Flowers, see the Mexico Underwater Museum)

Irene is in it. My cousin.

Proposal (Canada Passport)

4)  I forget this one item. Too many browser opens, and your Chinese keypad keep broken.

Now I remember:  You know why or how these website came about? I went into the sea, feeling my health package for. There is nothing but the curses idea to that water. In case your Brand New Future, any planet you going to. You better listen to every word, or graphs I drawing you. Before.

5. Bible, you seeing those Revelation the sea how many dead bad parts. How can you draw a line, they all gone? All the Bible reference investigation. I cannot open the Bible right now. The Lamb Blood Seal. 

6. This Indian 500 years old I assuming with your American approven that, why she ends up that name after 1986, really. 清海無上師 = there is a Zen old old past story, how you turning on the water coming down, you never drain the ocean. But let's say you never finish eating those sea food. The male I say go ahead. The girls no. They have a lot of the parasites stuffs just looking at their skin, or shell kinds? I only eat Shrimp, or Clams, I boiled them myself including the Fish fried in Mc Donald or Mos Burger. I don't eat anything else oversea outside the United State zones. I am a citizen in America. I pay the tax before. No, I have nothing here in Taiwan. You are processing everything I have. I just told you my account = zero at the Silicon Valley and Taiwan 2018-2020 for the Comet. Can I just add certain things in case you don't land just in Taiwan one, small, tiny island country, with no hope in UN seat? You will find the most public health, in Taiwan textbook middle school, its 4 kinds of water dissolving vitamin kinds. A,C,D,K. You have a lot of heptitis A B C D....B I think most known. B 型肝炎

Its a type of Liver...something in this name. You buy those cute baby yellow duck Tina Jojo toilet Aria in the California Baby store, expensive, those baby use a closing cover things. I don't think they only sell in the baby session. That will be the most recent years I ever seen.  My mother has her own set. I just don't bother eating outside.

7. Stain water concept (Ancient Old Term), your foot. Britney Spear, Not Yet A Women. 笑傲江湖 14 and 15 Fighting end results (Above the Water), lightly says including one of the Sailor Moon transformation.

8. You have Dean die about 4th time Fighting end results etc etc....Zombie 1, 2 and 3. 

Big Hero 6 (MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+1 in the Mummy (1999))

You have a world don't want to learn a thing in the Education at all. Very annoying. They should just leave, not facilitating any learning curve I say that is exactly in front of you the TV and the System says. No one can learn a thing. You are not important after the age 35.

I want to know something if one of them are the Educator private, because there is a psycho if they finding it out, in the Emporor's New Groove Ending = "You Lie To Me". I used to tell everyone that. It was NSYNC Alexandro's song, his grandpa wishing he goes to the teacher's world route. He was in it. 

NSYNC - This I Promise You

He becoming this Justin Bieber - I show You or the Criminal Mind (That is his mother Connie) in the Victoria Secret. Similar to UB UFO Seth. A fire lighter, open and close like Ron in Harry Potter. You don't have a body anymore. You are the Light. All his entire community behind the graveyard, Bolton Boy means in the High School Musical. 

He learns how to put things back where it ought to be.

Toy Story:

His Nonno has a patent house from the Tesla Aviation Apparatus in Canada, the day I leave I told them by opening my mouth and say that is what I found, exactly that patent internal display. I didn't do that. But that patent the moment ...Tesla remove that. So Connie is a ghost. I forget what I told everyone last time. I only remember I seen the ghost part, her high school graduation with Mimmo inside Nick's house wall photo. That look. Hair bang in the front. Nick always say those mean you have something to hide, like 19. Anita near by Keanu Reeves, those hair.

Like Erin. That ghost went to Erin.

Taiwan New 新竹 Silicon Valley at, the new Women legislator plagism + corruption

This news below, you have the American Congress pass the Taiwan next 5 years military expense. (0:40), National Defense will supply millions or billions (百億元) supports to Taiwan. 

You have more things than I just lightly says. In the Porsilin Doll TV shows. You just finding out how many my lawsuit in the numbers that pass, to how many the TV validating the prove, its immediate effect. You are not gamble the entire World Life to where you end up in the jailing records all around, to all seen, the visual points on the television, aren't you?

All the links or video proven validating facts yet to sustain its court records are list below in the Lawsuit 526 - to this Bible one Story First Life to this End of Life.

The Ideal Eye Foundation (2014 SMCH OU language, she written exactly that)

The Shadow Government (One eye seal in CBS) therefore, you fallen in, its probably your forever be one with 亞斯 ( The Indian General, I heard he is the Demonic, Westlife - Amazing, from the basement, the angel is from the Top walling it down.)

There is a Novel both: Da Vinci Code  + Angel & Demon

You really asking if that white boy = Zawanna, Angel himself. He will get mix up that entire plot himself when the day he shows up, or already is now?! You should check your per line, per code, per questionair, as if you hiding everything behind to that court, were withering, and shivering imagine...only I can see how far, or how well the degree Burnt I willing to go far. 

The life doesn't have an exit ...when you saying whom are thicker asking that price under the Capitalism. You should do a thesis including the family harmony.  The family value isn't that important so there are every military height here you go. They got lucky once, you might just assume they got lucky every single time. 

You always assuming I am judgemental at the first place.

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