Lawsuit 585: The American Dream

Date: Feb 18th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Immigration Laws (American Congress to American entrepreneur)

There is something I am aware of these Disney one episode incident, I list today my blog posts.

The story begins for those transcript at D:

No one needs to correct them immediately. MD 6+1 what a title and a paycheck in America. 

The error:

To me = the Honorable Superior on China platform, they quote my words, there is no more

religion in this world to use it. American are the Christian Bible. End Time, Lawsuit 275

The result called the instant manifestation and the instant gratification, I cited my serial number from you American Congress, System Upload part.

Sing 2: I cannot hear you.

Background: They are the second generation from their parents immigrant or the grand parents come to Buffalo, about 100 years ago, this New York Furthust West in the New York State was a City of Light in their Library book. Tesla and the Westinghouse build that Niagra Fall all around, where today their airport was the Westinghouse factory. 

They didn't want to help their parents.

They end up this MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+1 at the movie: Mummy (1999)

And it has becoming as you can see the video in this first post, a biblical story public display on a physical assault like Tina Jojo 2015, and guess what. There is a lot of the hidden evidence why she was doing that. I saying just like Eben's TV object turning into the rock, how terrible the mankind seemingly this is a joke, or this is real.

You need to investigate that year, not just this 2023, 16 years later.

The real stories are not just my life is worth more than 400 millions, you putting this criminal mind people on the Victoria Secrets to end up on the indicator lights on Justin Timberlake Movie: In Time.

Smallville: Save me Theme song = Dean, This is my life, but actually a Ricky Martin twist and turn like that otter did.

Save in Time. That sounds right to your own criminal justice department in America not just the immigration statue what the exile means. 

There is some immigration laws to those whom traveling as the First Generation = me, just like their parents statue, or their grandparents. Did I say they are the second generation, they gonna misused this lawsuit on my monitor now. I can see it.

How every hope gone up.

How about your American Congress write the rest of it, where that Capitalism under was the only things why there is that law or statement within to cope all you failing your parents, failing your grade, failing your perfect dream when you saying you are the native speaker English how to spell in magic tale here, and makes the true world End Time in the bliblical story to sound anything close to American Pie, American Dream, America entrepreneurship.

I go back to my online blogger: Long long time ago, many people with many groups has the war, has the spirits and resistant tiny in rebellion ending up today.


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