Lawsuit 665: W Two Worlds (A Comet)

Date: July 9th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: All Prince Harry’s case are pushed back in England Court

I am on an Island, he is in America the California Coastline near Opra.

His lawsuit 275

His Frozen Southern Isle

And 彩雲國物語

One World One piece at the Bible Revelation how the Angel drops a stone to somewhere. There are those news and causally it’s at Russian west war side. On our Taiwan TV news channel.

It’s biblical. I am on an island, a religious nature Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

NASA Sep 26th, 2022 the First Test of Planetary Defense - I already corresponded.

I think Prince Harry has a book and his brother probably called the police. Not consecutive got detain or got jailed, he will not really know if that’s what he claims from my lawsuit that he acquires or some(he sorted it for him.

The Sailor Moon book 11.

Book 14 - a dream.

Dr. Black Jack

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