Lawsuit 636: Stephen Tamang

Date: June 20th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: All the girls be aware the eternity wise

I will describe this one account away from all the other profile seen UB whomever say yah or ney, this guy is the criminal person. He is and he is saying it inside his mouth almost similar to that Tina Jojo, or like my dad. They are seen inside the Flower Thousand Bone. 

Some criminal people in this world how the girls are naïve, its what he told me the birth control bills are to help you the period pain in the day bright light. We walking in the plaza he saying that.  He is an Indian raise up family plus a Chinese look with a super tall structure for saying no American white guys will accept him, similar to my brother. They are the Asian.

He is the type of the guys will ....eternity never be

1) Fostering you

2) Sabotage you without the Christian faith, that is a mouse trap. 

3) The pervert like the Superman wearing the underwear on the head, not just inside out. 

4) He uses his Bible + the democracy on the lake words such as you memorize the independence of declaration.

5) A guy looks like that controlling you like a freak.

6) He will get near the blondes.

7) I am a blonde.

8) He is blood thirst on Twilight movies means its the money, not about you personally. 

9) You look at the older Eben Pagan parts, because both have no parents supports behind, and he is accumulating a higher debts. Eben has a reason that is for the love I think. Tamang he is the criminal nature. Eternal. Every life, every world, every generation. 

10) I will describe about a guy whom a girl really wishing him to be, never calculative that much. Correct, as the simple girls in the most world, where you wishing a rulership, high IQ, and caring, not Babaji color, correct, they all exist. But none of them will be yours, but none of them will harm you neither. Its everything like the movies. Forever never Tamang. Never him.

He puts a gun on the facebook. I will tell you a tall guy after 911 means he keeps staring at the military to pretend he was being monitored, not the police. The military to go to War. He means he goes to the medical school, or some kinds of the community college first 2 years or 4 year 1 year earlier graduate for the double e. The tech jobs, but saying he comes to UB from Montana to Titanic. The city he was originally from.

He has a purpose, and he is doing it right in front of everyone's eyes. I got a dream, so I told Dr. Steven Hairfield, but I didn't tell him about the facebook I found out. Mr and Mrs Smith he and a red hair girl like his mother red hair and he puts this mask on his face looks like not just the pervert. He is gambling. He is. 

He wants both the blonde girls and the white blonde guy's attention. Probably a lot more blonde girls like 3 girls + 1 on the beach life. He is that type, to manipulate them including the psychological warning to them in every kinds of "I hinted you", might be similar to Eben Pagan too. They that type. 

When they addressing the legally blonde, I believe it is the overall cases, the blondes are native. Really in America all those court file-ing statues. They got lied to. The blonde guy or the blonde girls. He is the Asian Chinese face in the Indian family skin color. He is very very very very bad.

Right now he uses the wrong excuse no one know the "header" element in Facebook to design the black and white how willing he uses the gun, at my mother's birthday. She has a lot of the conditioned, and he insists that is the method. 

He is super inept, meaning impaired. Lazy if that body structure given him a degree to relax, that is his furniture high expense on that Emerson Square. His father's job is the priest, he told me his gf are those pre-laws. So he driving back home before the Saba international medical school university at the island south of Florida, near the Bermuda Triangle. It was his entire high school used-to-be back in Montana, because he went to the community college to get 1 year ahead like I am one year late over EF foreigner exchange student and Dean later for 1 year too. He will have his entire life plan cannot deviate and saying to me or Dean, we are TOOOOO old ! One of those attitude, because he works VERY hard to get one year ahead for his age.  You cannot deviate his life plan, he has to be straight forward or else you be killed psycho, he plays the chess. Every forward momentum its per piece.  He is the medical school student, you will say no pressure unleash so the suicidal cases. Really. He is not the brain IQ those human in life, meaning he needs to bind to the textbook every single day to make an effort in the medical school. He is not the smart type. He is a very dull and rigid, and setting the trap to trapping every human race, the guy or the girl.

As the girl, you will NEVER wants to knowing a guy writing you like a record, or very bad ill intended and his look is .....A Chinese but his father and the brother were more of the Indian color. 

Tamang is the Japanese word almost like yelling at someone. He probably thinks he is Ten man. Elsa (Frozen opening songs would be taken down 100 people), or like I say, he imagines he is the Buddhism like Wing, they are all on the line.

But like I said ....

This is not the trans-gender cases.

He wants to be Scott looking in X Man, next by that red hair Jean. Its 3 girls I say on the beach life inside the military near by. Having a power, he mixes up between the American police or the American military. For my language is always the American military, correct. He doesn't think exactly that Pierres and Meghan, the Taiwan Youtubers are targeting at him.

But he meant everyone is looking at him, with or with some part of that pre-law movie: "Love Actually", that is the Scott look, maybe more like the X Man hair style, he wish to say, if Taiwan case of that 張信昌 me and Annca gossip about.

His destination should be on the magazine stand where we seen it on the same table, I told Annca about it. If he didn't already travel expense to the UK, Young William Library 1 billion dollar electronic movable library.

They are the Top pharmacy school. I have heard.

The transcript stop, everyone knows in UK would be.....Fronzeck building. 

Not Frozniac phenonium over this Frozen, this black guy saying it so.

Most girls will NEVER be the metallic furniture. Eben is, Tamang is not.

Eben shows a fake TV presentation but he himself its one of those American gays on the business tie suit, dressing formal, probably always like that. He is the American guy. The democracy human, meaning the opinion counts as the modern very trendy human on the business side. 

But Tamang is exactly the barn dusty inhale like Scott Stephen allergy issue.  - Smallville.

Every girls will be always the humility running deep, that is where he is. The criminal nature will go above the 1) The income statue, 2) The statues of the poor indoor 3) Meaning a hut on the beach 4) That system definition of the Poor and the Rich Justin Timberlake - In Time, he will be staying at the lower bracket to every lower income statue girls or on the debts to controlling and obey the order and follow, one of those sicken military guy, he is similar to those white guy too, everything but metallic X Man. Any First class, any Last Stand, any Past to the Future. 

His gf telling you is pre-law, or will be the lawyer at my face, he intended to fake to date, I will tell you he is prepared every excuse behind with a writing. He is that type. The only way you can get out of that where he would be at, its rising above like the System design. That will be the income statue and the modern trendy of the clothing, outfit, and furniture.

That way, he will never claws on people like that.

No, not the rulership, but he can attempt to use that to get near the American military uniform, because 3 girls on the beach hut, its away from everything. He needs the money, and he got no family. That family he intends to throw away, his elements will be a lot of the American boys growing up outside his peripheral and belief. But all right, some part of the Asian more soften trait its like that Keanu Reeves. He had every claims he will say how he gets out of the jail free, including any claim true or not true, that is not relevant. If the American military can allow 3 beach girls having one family life, its by the free will and the control, he will then do the deals behind, its in the jurisdiction of the American military, and the same time, that is cannot be seen location for the money transaction, similar to Uberus Sailor moon red hair, its at the South America coastline.

As he grew up in his Asian family at that location, away from the White Race, he will have a lot of the American TV society influence, this is the Criminal psychology department, for how the gun person comes to the public scene.

He believes many things, including the reading and the high literacy, but in the most American military or any White Guy domination of the White Race military, most American ROTC are dummy from Kentucky, that is how they death be apart, they give that tiny loyalty, so American sits on 194 countries UN Top. 

That is how the American comes to obey only rules, and if that console are the Genius Bar to formulate and understand there is God in degree, they are fine. But what Tamang didn't know would be .....he is literate and mouthful debate to sounds polite. That is why that forms similar to "Love Actually". Everyone meets him will believing it, he is a polite person, not calculative to your show up his door, he means, its whenever he calls, you will response, but its not him waiting, its you as the girls waiting long enough. You mean it, or you pretend, he will do those heart pull and pushing in front of your eyes, and those age lines will be calculated. 

Every move exactly like the Chess. You seeing his rating in Montana Chess Club, you wonder why would a gun man would have a trajectory going through the community college and a double e to that International Medical School, ending up in the gun. 

If you ask Nick, my ex bf, to everything I say here the set of data, he is claim psycho himself. He will tell you something alibi. 

Coming back tot his video again

Tamang got a wrong the several things as the normal healthy white guy worlds, they will tell you, the every tall guys hate every girls, just by looking at them. 

Just by looking at them, just by looking at them. The useless, feable, weak, nothing but tears or weakness inside their own eyes. That construct its every girl I see I hate. Because they are healthy 4 limbs guys get up doing a certain things. Seth hurts something from the TV, he goes out and beat the crap of someone. That is the normal every guy would do things.

Tamang he calculates every move to something he hurts inside, but he keeps steady.

He also getting the second things wrong. Its about the sex, porn, felt, or orgasm, or the near of the girls, to say sizzling of the food indulgence, or the color of they selection of fakeness life, if they have some money to buying....some women accessory not necessary he puts on himself, There is a mentality seeing those things are normal. Every guy on the blocks probably will tell you, there is nothing normal about them. Nothing. 

"The guys we have toooooo much the dignity issues to tear inside my eyes, those things are nothing but garbage," one foot over those item, step into pieces.

Seen those TV cartoon? The Power of the only domination right. It will never be a gun wearing the eye glasses going over that item pieces on the ground to feel so sorry for the girls "Are you okay?" - you are a victim, you are the victimized, tell me? I write for you.

The Christian like his dad belief.

Mix his own methods of Constitution.

In the real guy's real monarchy or the universal hierarchy, there is nothing normal about that guy. "Love Actually". 

The Snape and Harry Potter in that room, he will tell you he is exactly like that. But he is toooooo tall. Some people will debate how the movies comes about, whether that is a classify materials or over the producer's eye sight, its the universal position for each of them calculated correctly. Tamang knows that.

How you make a story, how you believe a movie.

But in UB, there is a Wing, Jonathon and Zac.

So now he and Dean are on the same side, except Dean has a lot more the white guys friend including his hockey teammate from the high school. All these things are on the peripheral in the movie, someone explains to you, already.

What do you think, that you ought to obey Snape's order, its the movie, I was told to do?! Because she says "I am".

For the people he hired if he hides behind "the system talk".

"Its about your personality, nothing particular other than you yourself being present as you are. Your inner being, your inner wants, your inner desire, if not seductive enough."

(Same vide:

But they do know, its you being humble, presently, humbly present as you are prepare something behind, probably to do with your own major, or the lawful society that massive enough the universal belief such as the girls, girlfriends, family, relative all knowing you yourself a mild husky. They say blurs, I cannot understand it all. I am just a part-time. That is roughly like that.

How does a Superman underwear inside out or on the top of the cloud / head, its the pervert saying the Bible proverb as his favorites?


The evolution evolve with Time, the duration would ....days, year, second per mins.  Same as the universal belief. 

The targeting selectee .....every imagination must come to a term that putting inside the mind to where the destination set points of that path, this is the normal neuron /neuro pathway how the signaling in the brain that built up its memory, or the response routes inside that daily reaction with what it is seen or heard or felt. I do get influenced by that TV reinforcing behavior

a bit

       a bit dizzy in my arm wave

                 Ub has this ID card I entry to practice wall ball similar to Tennis high class people I cannot afford. To that each marriage proposal, they must all ending up with my blessing or the prayers to that their next future existence.

And if anyone would have asking me sincerely if they ever wish to be with me, all those girls did say yes, or near by still, you can tell that those AOL including response, not just they cannot believe, someone could grew apart the literacy or the brain knowledge, its the civilization development rising that the education and the doctor degree doctrine will always surpass to those undergraduate in the laterly year including their GPA or extra-curriculum, being saying sporty or iconic.

And between you might already find out, I am inside the program, and those they never were, if these lawful cases accumulated its favor to me, it means my judgement somewhat impaired by those envy at me. 

Being hired PT

"If you give me more money, I tell you one things I found."

Here is:

"If the trillionaire is the only universal truth, then there is a reason why I asking you more money. 

But if the image these are cute and iconic, they are less representation and hopeless so the medical personel can be called in upon the immediately assistant to anyone whom claim that pressure on the legal case.

Therefore, I forgot....where I wrote these notes, there is a way writing this, can you finish that? I think your law school gf any of them can do that. 

Correct, that is all I can tell you."

Facebook: University of South Dakoda

Hey, someone is getting married, its a current events. The modern trend even, the wood table cloth, candel dendolin, truck canvas those style those on the ceiling drape down. I think its the law pass, my cousin is just before they did ....the bill.

Hey, someone is getting married, its a current events. The modern trend even, the wood table cloth, candel dendolin, truck canvas those style those on the ceiling drape down. I think its the law pass 😗😙😚😋😉 by, my cousin is just before they did ....the bill. 🍕🥰🐥🐣

In the world of that larger, because most people are living in what you known as the housing, the normal society, where you learn about the police force, and the technology to us today, its really really really TODAY, no one would think of 100 years ago, those life, not the traveling in the ship life. We are by the airplane, and even if we are at the beginning of all this modern medical facility, and technology, I will tell you, there is only this kind of the phone people use. You got nothing else anymore. 

To the sunshine world, to the high tech world, to all the modern trend of the TV included story, one day maybe all this becoming a passing thing, because there is some degree of the humanity doesn't exist in the context of the Right or Wrong, Good or Evil. In the debate forum, someone will tell you when God creates a being, they all having a purpose. And most of you will tell me, that purpose will never be the education, and it will never be one word ending up on the Reptilian side neither.

What you known as the trendy talk, its by warring.

But then, in that long trajectory of time span, and the evolution, what it did happen, or the Past or the Present, someone could make it in life, they all finding a way to sustain their claim, just not the long time enough to see, the respect, the friendship, the courage, the slogan or that perfect circle of the norm life, you will also see those older youth will not be the normal life. They used to have an appearance, and they live way toooo old, trendy negative.

Everyone should have a suicidal health talk to everyone, including not tooo perfect online saying, all those are define as the normal.

So in the good or evil construct of those, whom been to where different sector of all that travelers, or all this beauty pageant of the current outfit in the tradition, those way too long gone it will never be us 100 years morality losing the vitality to the physical health over 40-50 or 65, the normal human living like a robot, that is 9 to 5 til every 2 weeks check arrives.

People will tell you, in the mediocre worlds, that is sufficient

That is content.

That is respectful enough, because no one walking inside your life anymore.

"You are tired."

I just found out 有翡 we were stuck before, so I change my subjects or attention at.

有翡OST《红尘莫欺我少年》- 希林娜依高 ( Hồng trần mạc khi ta thiếu niên - Hy Lâm Na Y Cao)

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