Lawsuit 707: Westlife (Overall TV and the movie classified materials invovled)

Date: July 29th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: In general

I would like to bring a floor from the East to West, to this one SMCH had the human evolution from the race of their nobility or the human quality to settle. The white Caucasian will be the Top, I forget the division between if America or European anything degree difference, but South America is or what not, I have heard, its in France lecture.

Such as Westlife Mark to this Canadian ABC Mark Chao from 3 3 10 Peach Blossom

All things gears toward the American - European higher society development

1. Speaking in English

2. Weaponry in high tech (laser beams and NASA space travel)

3. Again, the Space AGE

4. The Silicon Valley (IT, and material science or Y2K his growing up Time, to this Digital Era)

No, not Silver Millennium, just getting worse of the 3 Laws in the future only limited to your own expression right now. One of the lawsuit after lawsuit 275 Prince Harry.

FRIEND (American, TV)

No I know Westlife Mark Feehily is not the professor. He is the musician. A lot of this story spinning are the dialogue to whom they can speak English, for Ireland the majority population are nothing like Taiwan. They even putting the English song on the stage including the MC host of this 5 Ireland guys in Westlife, they doing nothing but speaking English on the stage. All of that are not what we have in Taiwan. That education of the 2 countries if side by side. I believe you re-write this lawsuit only gears toward the English speaking countries such as that is the international trade, the international travel, the international 194 Pixiie countries now how many countries in total has the landing visa. All that including the EU starting when, year 2000? Its not like they used to, the currency, the currency trade and all that. The internet usage of all that commodity exchange such as the Ebay, or Amazon, a lot of the business in the world views have to learn in English.

The fashion is next, not just the literacy. Our Taiwan textbook has to be in English, that is one thing in the local university, everyone read the English. 

Through BTX to W Two World (The Japanese Cartoon and the Korean Drama classmate)

I have found a lot more this one formula in BTX in the end of that ought to be doing if I were to decoding this one cartoon away from everything else that already happened prior to COVID 19 - the public hygenic in 2003 SARS, Erin were part of that first emergency personnel. 

There is some different views about this capitalism if were abusing the religious "greed for money", that is a Taiwan ilegal words, I say Supreme Master ABC Vietanese little nun were the jail female inmate, and those teaching of the disicple wordship all those methods goes into the China, all this her New Classmate from the 90s to current 2000, 2010, 2020. Unbelievable the reason how the cultural difference ABC becoming the less degree over our constitution, because we have 2 extra division away from America, its that lawful reason, our first emergency person from the local, will have a lot more without the ABC culture. 

Badly one accident in one weekend, its all the elite students die in the driving somewhere in the Sunny California trips. Virginia Tech shooting events.

I did a lot of things since 2015 (away from 2014 the public saying life), that will be including 911 through the biography of the blue book, "The Conversation with Yogananda", and Britney - Hold it Against me. IT survillence, the plagirism, and education and English lawful argument presentation to that facing one court room democracy or including their presidential debate, the campaign methods, will require a lot of this gala, or the formal dining show up attire. I cannot find one dress when I was talking to Brian and Ronan Feb 2023. I run from that entire strip of the shopping mall without telling them. I feel horrified their winter and summer stock. Not one pair of the shoes, or the one of those Kohl's mall. My mother even bought a very very sting to me creme from Kohl's. Their medicine statue its a lot better quality. They are.

The farming, the public water usage, and this.....animal kingdom, including the pest or the bugs because this house are not required to be suspended, I have asked the real estate. Its a wonder what I think of all this building structure and division how the mentality evovle such as my mother's parents, and their new generation of the 2nd or the 3rd generation, its everyone fighting through the inheritance.

Its me and Thor by ourselves sit there and watch. He used to didn't join me.

We just met in 2023.

With the internet age, and the exposure of the foreign culture, in Taiwan along, a lot more newer generation if they carried out to America, they tend to like there better. They just don't have the means to stay in America, and they probably didn't mean to go furthur any other well reason staying in America, that is probably open to every Skillful workers, not limited to one Asia countries. 

That external world, will be a lot worsen, the face, the occupation, the overal military, if they show up. They have I seen the Indian kids and the Asian women police force from outside. Its here on Earth. The black hair, all of their demeanor are fine to me, not like our Earth.

But what it did show up around me, these people mostly if the photo arts are evident, they are mostly are the blonde hairs. What you called them the Nordic, they starting probably they rumor from the North Europe. A lot more pale white skin. The lighter blonde in the early childhood included.

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