Lawsuit 634: For Thor (I am, Lance Bass: On the Line or Long Shot) - He has a kid

Date: June 20th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Earth does not have the spirituality anymore the Minion (They have the spirituality or they are somewhat psycho too.)

I am

On the Line (by Lance Bass), it did mean to me. I want to use OU and BTX opening trailer the very ending of it, to caste those evils away. A lot of people will end up in the hell like them.

Thor they are the world purely the Capitalism. We are probably enemy. Just not the spirituality, he knows how I am.  He has a kid. Tim Cook does not have the spirituality, just look where he sits at. Unless the Bible Revelation = your Criminal Justice or the Laws & Reinforcement = included their unknown UB, SMCH the female inmate + the beasty Simon Cowell eternal sin tells 商鞅達己, only few of us knows.

Apple O, Just like on the map. Not on the line. I visit them myself. I didn't know how to spell their first computer 1984. 

They have the Zen spirituality, not even Keanu Reeves. Everyone is eagerly proven to me, they will tell you, I have heard. All of them willing to just money wise not the spirituality to you Judge or court and they meant they kill you the Judge, unless that day you show up at their front door," Please respect my privacy", that love to the phone holding at their chest and slam you a door, so that female judge will never walking in. Its to kill the Judge!!!!!!!

That will be my lawsuit. 

No sibling, no parents, no kids, if you are a girl, all these guys means to you so much that every upper world + sunshine. From Earth, I never demand to be with the other side, or anything outside the Earth because its impossible. Like I say, on Earth your efforts can just demonstrate no jail records but they will tell you you go to jail you will have...


Money make it.

This entire world very often just meant its mocking at it. And I never say thought beyond that language I can written behind an interface, I am actually a girl seeing that. Their bad attitude, very wrongfulness, so that indoor is my only choice. 

Thor will tell you that too. He is the commander-in-chef. Those kids they fighting over the inheritance with all the upper world these figure, no matter what that is hostile situation from the external factor, the Earth. If it was just the paper works to say decent, they did meant every word from some a lot more decency to guide.

Because got nothing to imagine the guideline, the American military will tell you that, people die out, and no one knows where they go.

They all keep saying everyone else has a privacy. 

That day, maybe you will reconsider, really.

All these SMCH female jail inmate this entire organization 斂財

To someone, maybe doesn't have a face, or even including the birth certificate prior to the birth, that this moment or every moment, someone did have a heart, so your world would see things with Sailor Moon Opening trailer the dusty air gone, with all the conditioned to hurting me. Why don't you just finish them off.

They don't care about the old, not they will ever have a house, the home owner manual nor a career. The girls are bad, and the guys attitude are worsen. But none of them knows the jail female means, it means the whole life time, no company will hire you if you have one of those civil court jailing records. 

They are on the money or you will say its the criminal incline records, that is both lawsuit in Taiwan, because we have that categories, "either or". They stepping all over the buzz, whenever they feel like and gambling life in front of me, like hurting me is a gambler mai. I never do things in life every nature, or every step, in every claim as fake. Everything I meant that heart, only the karmic law be served the only purposed, that destination has to be the heaven bound. To that loyalty where One God served, it means more to me On the Line.

I used to talk about a theory, its actually exactly I see.

The 500 dollar when you given them the witness program, a long table dining buddy groups 5 or 6 oclock of that district cage-in felt + assignment over this they stepping out of the school district, and there are the criminal records on someone else. Its their clients and the new assignment such as the rich boy Conan Detective Blue Sapphire. All their life, someone will be 500 dollar per month, no saving, its you court given them that one lifetime on the spending, that representation of the first train - Loving the Silent Tear. They will never make it the French, for I have a 3 out of the 5 not to interfere the worldly matter including the last lawsuit 633. For that tiny supports I can give Tim Cook, because...none of them means I was someone probably, not anyone beyond the measure why a kid starting, to when the Capitalisms, their family, their fake superficiality of those friends you put up the fake, to sustain their life image including you Judges finding out....all your friends die on the car accidents, Supreme Court. Whatever the America military could do, to secure everyone's fake life, because my job is On The Line.

They meant the argument to fight their own points, but they lost the Square and Line meaning the ability to Microsoft Words, and you have the cartoon of the Line and Dot 櫻桃小丸子. My mother knows Tina, and I know Tina used to live in the Cherry ave, Flushing. New York, the ending of the train 7. She my mother one morning gives me a bowl of the cherry. 

Most people didn't care their parents anymore, because the inherited fights or someone always fake meant to them, the sibling issues are also present in those capitalism purely exists world. You know 2010 in my own family without me. 

A lot of people works very hard. Including Mahavatar Babaji. Its just I say, everyone around him, lied to him. Those are all the exotic traveler, I wrote them a letter to this opening of the Hunger Game to serve as an inspiration.

My own account would be, of course I give a lot of people supports, even if they were growing up and having the correct concept, but I think its just me on this one Earth, meant....

Per thought, per words, per deed, only the Heaven decree I trust - including the 5 Lords reviews, including the measurement, what is before or after up to this End time. Bible did say some of that description or account. But I am very sure people efface that Bible to the 2000 years later, AD 4000. And I might be one of them myself to this purely capitalism and the Criminal Justice Reinforcement. I will tell you, when I get near that side, "Of course there is no God, no spirituality. Its every police cabin file to copy and paste, and read it out loud everyone's thought."

Because I have the telepathy. I freak out too. Its not something I care or cherish. Its people making a crime right in front of you. That is far beyond you say....for sure they ending up in the hell. Really. Its a criminal, so I scream !!!!! The criminal means "of course they belongs to the jail !!!! Not the witness program with the assignment?!  But I trust that you all have a methods to proceed a lot of those including Mahavatar Babaji. I don't really know what Lance Bass were told, or any of the classified materials they find or they forward that any finding. I can guess where they got those from. 

I probably meant more divinity, and Godly, not the children being brainwash or indoctrinated, I was a children starting and just graduate, and a girl. You mean the criminal human supposed to end up in the jail, he putting the gun on the facebook. All those are not acceptable. 

Between the God's belief, I will tell you my worlds, that is purely demonic, or bad ass, or bad people, or jailing or some of their parents visiting those jails, they are very sad, negative, and might have a mental illness, not just their words are not uniformed, or unified combine the testimony, so they....clue out every essence about them. You mean how do you use the telepathy, image, I ear dropped with my photo below, and I look at you. 

You are talking about the outlaws human !  The outlaws to this society measurement, it is to be sent to the jail barring away from the society, and right now its on the Da Vinci painting too. I put them side by side.


They didn't know the argument, and their own English claim. Really. I keep telling them right now on my blogger, every step the way, its what they suppose to aim, what they supposes to say to their own president. In my own words or the description, "Besides outlaws and the criminal issue, are they on the drugs? Their brain usually telling me if your language starting to get tutter without a straight forward sentence, that person is on the drugs? "

+ the Crystal Skull.

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