
🍕🍕🥨 You don't want to go back to school? In Taiwan the odds will be worse than the America....and that one girl, she probably pays someone the money, to research and telling her. She spent in what years, and what efforts, she was able to becoming one of the high school teacher in this North Taiwan. 🍕🍕🥨

To get a job in the school, and in Northern Taiwan, its not easy. But as a girl / women.....if you want to be friends with these guys, you need to have a career, let's say, you plan yourself 10 years. They for sure lost more of their faces, to where they always meant it the life its a living hell for them.

So in 10 years they die out....you for sure making it, to come and greet them. What you wish this 10 years before, you will have the attention why they are older, more lose of the vitality or the faces again.

But you will have a profession !

Like you all girls from this Diva SMCH to you all local famous girls / women married

You all claiming that the mind in the guys are complicated. Its not the money, its not the flattering, its their ego huge, and it may not even necessary its the back glues. Its entirely their fault. What I Anna stands the points, you say those guys are probably just all rehab, not dying literally, but for sure, looking for the girls are NEVER one of the reason they ending up in the entertainment = the Europe are all gays.

I might be also telling you that myself. Not just you thinking that. I think that too.

But as the girl myself, I still believe, if just every kinds of the guys, you back glue them somewhat will sound a little bit better position. Not starting on the money talk, just the decency. Because sometimes you may know that, the human trafficking, or sex leads to drugs or alcohol, or needle are wrong.

Correct, and I say the Europe they didn't destroy their land, so you waiting the court coming back on that one. But you girls are having this interaction to where the fates meets the eyes, you have the liking, you cannot express. You have an anticipation, Anna I working like a hell. I don't even bother to see any human, because those dates never arrive. Dreadful, not necessary hopeful.

I don't talk about the marriage, because when I was with nick, it was not the convinience he was a Canadian, its just my philosophy, you make it to be together for that one person, it doesn't matter how long its long for that relationship. 

So if this time, its the same. You always just be extreme, and how about my own money? I can be my own boss? 

Now, any bf, for that tiny decency, even without a vow, just to imagine what the work load for reading some of my statement, guess which one of us has more bad mood....really.  You pretend with the guys, including the star, you both having a life together.

Just pretending, in case it might become a reality.

So you get a feel of it.

When I calculate those time since Sep early, to Sep late, that is each position to how far that 3 months ever ends up, and we got issues. In the same time, I start to be honest about the "Home Owner Manuel". I say today I have to change my entire bed sheet, all those washing elements, including this is New Year, and we will have the Traditional Chinese New Year, it must washing the window, or the doors.

You start to hear them several days ago.

Being honest, and be pretentious.....what is a Home Owner Manual.

They counting it down on the fireworks. I can hear them. Its too cold outside for me. I stay indoor.

You want to write this? If I were you all position, I do things like that !!!!!

 "Hi, you are one of the bands that listing below

NSYNC, Backstreet Boy, 98 Degree, and Westlife to that Simon Cowell or Keanu Reeves associate to Anna J in 2014. I want to ask you if you already access to everything she says including us Diva 1 or 2 or 3, that is what she called us the name for. Because if you have the access through her, I don't need to repeat this story, for which I don't really have that motivation getting things return back, to make a claim to you, and you can just accuse her for she has more records than me. 

I just wonder if she told you all the things you need to know about us.

Our name is SMCH stands for Supreme Master Ching Hai, ending up in the Adam Levine Sugar MTV, and Hailey (Taiwan Youtuber next by her husband Adam, Mormom brother looks like Westlife ) and Nominji as if Anna's uncle ending up twice, or 3 times in front of Anna, not her in 98 degree.

Can you reply to me, with that train of thoughts. 

Anna is way too busy for us the girls. We don't get along, I wish you could spontaneously reply to me one of this line. Yeah, that is why the language sounds more like myself. I get to the place where the life meets the junction for me to decide what is to do best in front of me. And everywhere I look at, I check my own introspection. Anna says we do on purpose. 

And if that per train thought how we always do things on purpose. I didn't really wish we begin our conversation from the first denial from your group. I had a claim for that reason on my convinience, if that is what you wish to ask me. That will not be what Anna did, but that is what we all girls did, and you waiting the first one to tell you. I try to be that first one."

💖💖🌟 You as a girl has this feeling the guys, those are blind ! They are in their life being busy at. 💖💖🌟

Do you have a courtesy, you stop having this Comic Book Everywhere I am Trying to Remember = The Guys just Looking at your Youtube Channel, married; and public claim as the Diva statues, and then 1 or 2 or 3 ....

I give you a rule what might be appreciated. What if those guys are so drugged in the rehab, you don't even know.....!!!! 

You wish the guys to love the way you are, and you literally standing right there, so they can see you. I just told you, none of them seeing you. They don't even know outside their life, beyond their life, there is anything fame more after 20 years left it. 

You as a girl, if you like the entertainment, you go up to the stage to say hallo and goodbye. Because....its better you get your reality shatter ! You are caged inside your own room like me. You never talked to another classmate, or friends, or facebook directly line, or just vola on your very own facebook, and you make those classmate attention on you.


These boy bands have their attention somewhere else. 

Most guys are very thick wired in Chinese....unless you mean what you say, far away "They See You", to appreciate what you are just like the TV saying a what in the script?

Can you register some better personality of yourself, to really really truly seeing what did you do to your family, near by, those by....everyone by. 

Sometimes TV just TV. You have to live a real life. Sometimes the guys when they working in a group for a longest time, things...between them, it is they dealing their guy's way.

They are just all like that. The girl doesn't have to get involved. 

Sometimes the life passing by. You always so fix at, this things has to be this way, that thing has to be that way. You all girls have a huge huge issue. 

These guys temporarily cannot be dead?! So someone might just keep them alive.

But you girls, if you don't find your own exit. The guy do get bothered let's say not it used to be, the youth replaced them. But you girls are the worsen of all worsen, to be honest. 

You didn't understand why the guys cannot be dead, but you girls will send yourself somewhere otherwise. If you really got bothered with these guys, do you want to write a letter to them, explaining to them per words, per line, why you are targeting at them?

Not targeting me?

I seeing this things never stop since 2014. 

You wish to have their attention, or you wish to claim things on them, or you wish to talk to them, or you wish this you wish that. And these guys have a liking if you just open your mouth to ask them what do they like to eat? 

I Anna told the entire world, I am busy....I had only this this this this this, exactly you see on the tV, that is as far as you will ever get, if that is a required venue to go to. I don't venture life anymore. I need to work for my living, in case you guys just really prefer to sleep on the street, the way how you lost your money for. 

Cooking Department

Its probably you make the Western Food. Baked Cheese those types. Casserole those types.



Cooking some pumpkin soup + white rice....Congee. 

This is really strange....in-room design? You mean they only can afford the rental, so they re-decorated those room? The girls. I never thought I will be one day, EVER ever be looking at this Laura and Lee situation. And then...be put it through again this I didn't ask him the Tawian Youtube one day if he disappear don't bother asking him the salary, if that is the American Teacher's union per yearly.

oh my God.

You know some of these Boy Band, if they coming out, they might be one of those whom collecting the information through that audience telling them, and they told someone behind or they themsleves will make a report, out of their writing style. Not the entirely things might be junks. You going anywhere near them, they will directly all by themselves putting you all somewhere at all....I think. Can you imagine that is how many boyband I see nick name

With one has to be called the Nicky.

I be dead there or what....without a y? Its on our map! 

oh ~ I hear the other time question dancer its Nicky too. I wasn't sure that was what they say, this video is very loud saying so.


2 years ago, I was already online?

I am thinking should I wait mid-night, its raining.....!!!  We have a downstair 24 hours food. We will be crossing the Sunday first.

How do you cut the Earth 3D rotation facing the sun? We will be crossing the midnight. Right now its 3 hours more for us. They already passing their 12 oclock. Meaning England they are after us, just 8 hours different

6 hours difference are 3 oclock in the afternoon.

360 degree saying that is 24 hours

180 degree its 12 hours interval.

West to us the translation for me, when I was young those time, it means Europe direction, with your all faces looks....white probably means blonde. I never seen that many blondes?

To our location, West means Europe. I knew a lot of the bands are not really America. 

At least I know that its from Europe.

Following the music in the CD doesn't mean I know whom are on the photo cover. Most of the album I am telling you the band name, I don't know their personal name. Not English not Chinese. You mix up how I learn the Language that time.

I know "This image" is =  "   "

That's it.

Few days ago, "More than words." that is your song?

The guitar correct. It is the Westlife songs? 

I give up a lot of things when I get to the High School, starting the first year. No more abcdefg

I think I stay with Nicky best. I read online certain newspaper, how you all becoming....this Shane at lost his entire wealth on property. And this is the 19th years of ...Ramses?

True Love, Loving the Silent Tear 16 country = Ramses 16 wife in the future.

Maybe you have a job in the future, you don't even know, Shane?

What is this Evergreen

to become the Day after Tomorrow?

I can tell you what I heard. The outside those Spectrum looking structure, they all have. But those system I have hear also people also end up on the street. 

There are.

This is for whom to eat it?

okay, which target do you have? Europe and American breakfast might be a little bit different.

Asian will NEVER be gluten free just like the TV says. From Square. 

Of course they have the cook book. You can get a chair to sit down on the counter really.

No, I don't think I will join any of you.....its on my Cpanel here. You gonna looking at your right side, left side, further vision what everyone else making the food on the plate?

I am reading the same lyrics, on that same album, several songs.

Like the definition of the periods its on the pad. My first day now its "Up."

But if I go to the bathroom, sometimes the period its in the water + a lot of the tissue paper, I washed it with the toilet.

Just not on the pads. It is today the afternoon?

When you saying next day afternoon, that is 1 full day.

💝You have one of those mixer. Big giant heavy machine ! 💝

Is that the cake? 

Are you serious?

💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝

I gonna go to the massage chair. I see ...the oven. The standard oven.

Home cooking.....

So you do care about your make-up, no more photoshop effect?

Now, I remember.

If you are going to where? Cullinary cooking like Ryoya Takashima are the vegan without the cooking smoke I guess right at my faces his height don't look at the smoking.....steaming....vapor.

You gonna sweat? 

You should ask them a chair you can sit down ....

I cannot understand anything?

These girls are on rental, or fake TV marriage, ends?  The rental?



If you are single again, or always been single? Another relationship in mind, alone in this kind of rental away from your parents?

Yeah? You looking forward an accompany someone just going on your way saying. You don't know how you end up in your needle finding and traveling through that Turkish airline, without a notice ! 

I forget which movie, Henry Ford? About his daughter missing.  You don't want to check that at all, or you are planning on....some of you younger, has a vision to run an independent revenue on the Youtuber business.

Do you find that library from UB books settle your chaos mind again? Its from UB?


Somehow these books stack it up, the way you opening it and reading through it, you find it like your school environment before to used to be no pressure, just reading a book doing a homework?

Egg Sandwitch?

So you are thinking to make the food before you conclude there is a physical venue to show up whom suppose to be there and tests it? They looking at the TV comfortablely at the Hotel, or they are staring at you in front of your counter, all their height are much taller.

How would I always ending up strange things seeing.

Whom did that....its 98 degree. Its a seeing, not a word?! I saw them. I don't think that is legal....


That is Spice Girl's song ?! 4 Heavenly King that...


Seth - mute my video

Mute:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVHHe2zZWT0


You trying to carry a conversation, or you trying to convince your introduction After introducing yourself? ( How I ever come out that !)

Or you just assuming, everyone watching your Youtube Channel + SMTV one of those combine?

Does this another set UB human, their 5 Lords included? Canisius....

Everyone all at the same time knows

Supreme Master Sugar = Tong, the real name


Hailey (from Adam)

Karen and Adria, next to me? 

說道曹操,曹操到 ! ( Ancient Chinese )

The tray and the Diva (suit)




From China, her entire family infected by COVID 19


What? If you get the COVID 19, your would have some effect such as I heard the X-ray looks like the fabric words says in Chinese? Meaning that is a structure.

When the structural being affected...for example, those are the population before the vaccines coming into the market. Some people getting one of those Flu or COVID 19, or combine. They are both = Virus infection. If you check yourself the X-ray, those whom taken the vaccine, or without the vaccine, no one reporting to me, if that is the structural evidence being affected ...That is usually the vaccine would been yelled at.

The ultimate purpose its your entire person physical health are turning the Zero rate to that infectious situation = you opening your mouth, everyone got sick. That is called the infecious physical individual.

When you eradicate that pathagon, thoroughly even without the mutant coming back every Seasonal flu, because why you calling the seasonal flu, its that...its every Summer or Winter, one of those. You never hear one year those seasonal flu die down. Not really. 

The COVID 19 is not one of those seasonal flu. If the post-finding found out that this eradicate pathagon can in the next 5 years totally gone, that will be just like your children's time, you got vaccinate in one of those hospital documents you. It can become the things of the past. Technically in the current time 2023. You have at least 1 full years when they started 2020? That post-period on those vaccine how effective to eradicate the infecious, meaning on the news, there are still people getting the COVID 19 after the vaccine, and we have this vaccine 1 2 3 and my mother says there is 4th one.

I just didn't tell her to get the seasonal flu like the Taipei Metro advertise. Might be free too.

The public hygenic its you always keep warm, I keep saying that about thousand time. 4 limbs, and foot, away from the cold air. Anything low mattress to the floor, or near the windows, stay away. 

The guys and the girls are ultimately different.

Johnson Johnson baby oil at the throat.

Get the Vitamin C until you diarhrea. You don't eat fruits anymore. So while I am working on my mother's health, she still have very bad symptom on those COVID 19, she started after that. Those 3 time shots, to me....I didn't feel a thing, she and Pang and Tina they are almost dead.

You girls if you could be called by someone, or including that newspaper as "Diva", you love that term.

I think the guys means the "maid." Not the Diva for real.

Tina has this....everyone needs to ask her the greatest opinoin she has, and she will be standing in front of my chair, I am at her huge living space at the wall corner, mokie behind, to finish Simon's prototype.

She deliver a speech.

"You know why life needs to have a career?"

That time no one knows she is talking about herself.

My kitchen

Has a tray, like sometimes people have to lay down, they eat in their room? I eat in the living room on that CNN. Tea, pot, dish, small dish, utensil with a napkin.

I think you all have a tendency even your own tray, your own set, you will break them into pieces no matter what. Never talk about what Homeo trend ever ever ever be.

You alone living inside an affordable rental place all by yourself to raise this small tiny spider man every morning window those green pot, his were not the thorn ones, but yours will be. You know what the spider looks like?

American floor mat are more warm = fury.

Taiwan yesterday I am feeling not all well when my socks its not enough on the thin carpet, so so so so cold, so I put that fury more sandle probably its the rabbit hair pink. I can stablize. The foot to your throat, and the entire entertainment, the guys physical structure can tolerant better, for real. 

But it needs cared.

The Conversation begins with the Guy

Because my age were long gone after the University, whichever the guys are them, or whomever at my age bracket will asking you the girls, what is your relationship statues, ever got married, whom you are with, or you have the girlfriends, on your facebook, whom are they?

Meaning they know your age, whom near by you, or by what forces match maker, you end up where to be with whom around you. For the money reason, or for the appearance reason, or for what exactly every other reason, they saying to you, its for the sex reason probably most time like that.

You all girls, whichever I met...all too good to be true, I am telling you. The definition of righteous never failed !

The Back Glue guys don't mean your internal emotional outrageous behavior are stuck at your throat ready to come out

Roaring !!!!

Really...... does the Western world guys think that words sound strange, becasue that is a translation from the Chinese words, the man and the women relationship manual. I personally telling you, not that most girls will saying that.

I told you they are the famous stars, you can just make sure, you have nothing to do with them, because I have a career, and that Simon is....?! Totally different from that AC patent 1908 gf to GE = a formula I suppose to be? AC.

The Wind Turbine.

Where is the wind turbine.....

I blacken never stop 2014. Its not all the music MTV, you mean to the type of you all people personality, that is more of anything implication its your favor to??? Your future career advance, never affection wane and neh, that is that Square Motto.

"The rational thinker, its that the between the advantage and the business forward, its not that we have a difference or quarreling, to that the money its the only reality. The past how it was never a start, it never end up on my plate, why another guy's life, will forever favor me, how I look, how I am, how I dress Devil Wear Prada, or no matter what presentation, their side by those real business women, or the business lady, or the public relation, are always looking like those Little Focker. To that endless night to realize, the mirror within....it will be 10 out of 10, 1000 out of 1000 case its the business implication between me to any upper, just happened to all the Man's world, not the youth guys songs and theater play.....I am the artistic decorator the background of the commercial scene, and I am making a Photography for real as a career job paid, not the restaurant paid at my male cousin. My mother side. My father sides are useless just like Irene's family the other side too. "

You realize that, forever?

Then Tina's term would be "Life you never bow down. Its those comic book makes you upward your emotional stream, you make a declaration, you will becoming how inspiration the music makes you feel!!! "

I cook something. The noodles. I think we have a different views. You hate this guys, if they are older. If they are younger, there is nothing else got better.

So the Asian girls like the Asian guys? Or that options of the white or the tall Asian guys are not available? You didn't understand some guys didn't mean dating on purpose, you mean the clientale, to your career goal, that would be those Dolphin sound girls from China, that meet Simon Cowell at the stage. I don't know behind.

Simon is the known TV producer.

oh ~me I would not do that. uh....certain field didn't lack jobs, including that chemistry hidden tape water factory or the Underground water system data places. Not just the material science. But the girls if you can just be home, homey, homeopath, just warm / hot water, stablize someone, because you wish that someone well, and you yourself well. And that has to be a guy?

You prefer a girl?

Its not one fhose Tina jojo means, just the eye sight how I look at you, are wrong 10 thousands? 

Did they notify you, or you just imagine inside your brain space? You talking to somebody, and they telling you? There is a physical venue? REALLY?!

oh ~ this Youtube on my channel does look funny. If they did prepare something, you girls in your life, don't have too many festivity to go, this will be you, seeing the farmiliar faces, and for sure no harm to each other without me being there, or with me there.

Its all the girls situation. That is what you like, talking in that zone?

The break you need?

When you have a home owner....which in this bracket of my age, a lot of people sometimes they came out a better family included. They didn't have to be like me working very hard 7 days a week. They go to this SMCH groups to practices on their prayers or illness, or Asian girls

These people have the money will already know what is that their parents house, or their own home, or their relative, neighbor's home. A lot of you for some reason talking to a neighbor will kill you thousand pieces, how you live in that community?! 

Among the guys, they usually have a lot of ways when they working out of that community, including locally. I say it many specifically things. It was a bit upheaval the situation how I end up, I was not sure about a lot of things, and the environment just turn topsy turby, no one can breath, I cannot just die on it. 

That's say, someone one day (if before this Eben or Westlife), what is the decision you going with a old guy, to be honest, I didn't think that much he is young or old. He is just someone I am getting alone there, whom we had the similar background. I didn't really think why I go and picking and chooses. You mean if you wake me up on certain things, I might be more insist doing, on the money part. The things are, I wasn't sure about a lot of things.

I have a brain when I look at that stuffs, how I used to intern?

It may not be COVID 19, but it will be people all dead situation I knew that. 

My entire it is stopping at the moment as early as my school just begins in UB. I wonder in that space and zone....I don't even knew what to do about my own life, and nothing I appraoch by the original theory? I was using the speed of light theory. That you used the Excel sheet input data piece by piece. The thing was I didn't get taught that I Ching Lotto, or that was the year finished I learn. Regardless what, oh ~ you mean I know how old I was, I knew exactly everything where they are.

But if now I can get into people' brain space, more like a Mass of people. Saying the percentage of the guys or the girls ....you mean your brain space, what do you do in the college? Really?

Do you looking for why you gone to the University in America, so you try to figure it out a job field, you trying in a different door, no matter what System this or that, you have to imagine a hopeful future, and you doing the math, or I imagine it will always without the interior design?

If you didn't hear anything about the Home Owner

Right now it will be your time learning that clearly. You cannot handle it, if your parents have this house, or you imagine you doing this per week working schedule + per weekend running to the bar romance yourself out schedule. You never taking care of a home. Sitting there waiting someone coming back.

Not your brother. Your mother. You can trust anything, she will always come back. While I am working on my computer, whichever this web internet has an opportunity, you can just submit your everything through the networks, and never bothered to show up anywhere to complicated? You breath better, you eat better, you wash veggie better, you take care of the physical better? 

You may not be changing your entire bed sheet on the first day without your mother, but you can change that pillow case every 2 or 3 days as long as the washing machine its right next by?

You have a) Asian artist album b) Gordan Rasmay this elaborate breakfast c) Piper ability crisis....?!




It will be 98 degree too old.....I thought you are using your own happy album really.


Packing order business?! 


I am putting it on Westlife, is your heart is not in it.


Taiwan Youtuber - Students Format


Something about the Interior design, what is that exactly?


Fainted Upside down on the bed (After Bath, pain killer patches new)

Breathing 1, breathing 2........ I have to keep breathing.

Left side its pain hell, Medical Board, this entire left side.

I have the bladder close to the top hair. Left side behind and base. The bird will scream if I soak into the water, and that base hit at the basin, making the force up to the spine. How do you get under the water without the head touch the basin? Its already suffering.

(Behind you) “If you so controlling them by the interviews where they ought to be …”

“There are toiletry, floor tiles, glasses table, New Year soon to be or another round that Chinese New Year? However it sounds, they cannot just flying all around for this pandemic going on at least decency you understand your own Medical or ethical points of views. “




Babaji: Go

At least 5 years down the road, you don't go and gain weight, really.

Do you want to keep repeating what you gonna do to them the food? Any kind of your Album photo cover art them showing up? Or that is your facebook included, the Fragile Heart? I listen to the lyrics when my brain is not Chinese switch?

If I keep repeating that is what I do, and they might just believe it all the way, that is the only things I ever know how to do? They need to tell me when that gonna happen, when this 亞斯  can stop telling me to gain weight. Oh ~ When I have to be serious, jumping all around that space?~ I cannot carry all this fat on me.



Does that mean we eating our own cooked food? With them?

Whom gonna keep that kitchen happens? In America? ~ Meaning driving to somewhere, I land when I becoming, one of those? I think now I can only use the U-bert.

Shredded carrots, not your skin peeled? Cucomber, avocado, some cheese, they are European to eat?

Or you really don't know your own album musician, or the singers? Classic included?

Anything near around this Simon I don't know about ?

Washing the Green (After you washing the entire kitchen, kitchen counter, and keep rinsing, he won't even tell a difference anyway)

The vegetable are the cell wall harden outside. When you saying the Ancient methods using that salt. There is a reason.

They may not be eating the dumpling, but I have to prepare some they can just boil to eat the package. In case, the dumpling no matter what its a type of the emergency food. Just a little bit, and the fried one, those are nice looking. Not I have to do it. I don't even know what they eating, or that one guy eating in his house.

I might just buy a new juicer?

We are cheaper here. I do that for myself. I find out what their location grocery may have, those asking them before they say they are on that diet?

oh ~ my period come now.  What date is today?

I put the left side 3 patches on it. Pain killer. about 20 mins now.

I think they go to the New Year Stuffs. Probably staying home, I am so fat, and so full....and so tired. 

台灣 74 年? 市長的以前曾祖父?


🍁💝 You know Simon might just know how the backstage works in one of those Surival American shows. They put each contestant behind to making the groups friends. 🍁💝

How I used to say,.....in 5 years you don't have an exit, you can just talking to the male receptionists, for real. 

I will lose my respect if I am what?

I don't really like to take care of the animal myself. Its a lot of washing, for real.  Unless you really really really hate the guys?! I don't have that, why I go and hating someone else. Most time you all girls meant, its the sex gender opposite things to the relationship.

I haven't know what it is. They are European, they might be gays. Then...I just talk to them. No one does this extreme things. Everyone has a life?!  Plus they are together for a long time. 


In my life, I stay in the guy's house very often. First one was Adam's parents house, including the Thanksgiving to his real father.

When I was with nick, we have two different places. So I was not feeling home here Taiwan, or that entire relationship how we keep moving, never feeling very steady. Now, I am back home, to where things I know, or how, or heard. I do the exaggerating things, like I having the resource here. Washing, has to wash, washing, because to wash.

I didn't just go and invite myself over, I put an example.

Because that has been I know that life every single time.  When you are a home owner...that was not my house. Nick's house. It has things to do inside the house if you want to live with another guy again. The focus, the entire situation.

Technically you don't force yourself into someone's existing life. They have a concert right where my country is. That is several months away. Plus I didn't finish what I doing all here yet?

You don't go and make some jobs, or finding a way on the money, no one else can becoming the jobs, and figuring out the other things, in life, other than the existing current money situation? 

There is a England situation. So I am finishing commenting on this NASA or Linkedin side. In case you cannot see I have to input some resume lines stuffs.

I will tell you if they put all the boy bands together like my Youtube says 2 days ago

oh ~ that is your home where they all showing up in front of you, inside your own kitchen, or a new place? Or you have to tell them, what you reading, + novels, or movies, or comic books included? Any porn?

I don't really think that gonna happen, but assuming it means something has to be done?

It would be your perfect photo album cover arts, your perfect music gerne, your idol, your singing instructor, your friends.....etc. 

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I gain enough weight yet? Lunch

Babaji: Go

I want to go on fruits.

I reply Loute



I know her, so you girls like? Younger generation?


I think there is a reason you girls like to reading the book, not the real human talking, and in public or in private, or real real real.....so what do they reading the romance in the book?

The adjective terms? 

To you girls, I used to say....the guys cannot eat in front of you. Not just that. They cannot smile, they cannot laugh, they cannot make a fun conversation, they cannot make a business, they cannot just raise up a spoon on the table without looking at you through your eye glasses to knod a common ground agree "this is how you behave". 

Where I used to be at..... I just didn't tell you the details of it. I omit it.

oh ~ you girls must watching their interview?

I haven't seen them talking ! oh ~~~ there is a research keyword lacking methods. 

Spicy food? 

The guys eat that. No, I don't really like it.

No, I don't use the Instagram. Their real social media room. No. Not even Simon when is the last time I saw him talking on the television.

If you washing everything like you should, keep the diet, and doing nothing with anyone else if being with a guy, no parents, no family, just washing never end. You might just find some guys accept the way you are like that. 

The few posts ago, I am telling you one of the washing. There are the washing floors, because we are the marble, and the nice tiles here including the balcony. I just didn't washing the painted wall. All the common share area. No matter what your mother this or that.

Desk, furniture, ....

You know few days ago, if they do this raising up their photo, I cannot tell whom is whom, or name to whom. 

Were you actually plan the Day You Show up? You are .....at the wall or I imagine I see what?

If I am the journalists back stage door? That is how it ends up on the interview? No, I don't interview people. But I know whom did that. Dennis and Fan. The back stage I say to whom I run around, yeah. The headset phone those. Walki talkie those. In the entire venue we using that.

I think....you girls not just hate the guys the moment they open up their mouth to talk, if they talking the straight English you can understand even !!!! They are the one having the business, that is what they talked about. Imagine you sitting across to interview them at it.

They are a group of them, meaning that is the entire living room the food, the food package, the tea, the beverage, plastic wraps those aluminum foil kids drinks, they say there are vitamin in it.

I don't think my office would be that giant. It is the room I drawn you.

That diagram doesn't have a chair....right, it supposes to be the sofa set.

Why don't you girls just really really realy make it the professional jobs for real.

Yeah...just the money talks. One day you can just buy the younger guy, those are your every mouthful jobs coming out of it.

You make yourself becoming very very harsh, and rigid, and brick. You don't know what that is, or ...?! Getting near to someone, a guy = that is American Culture!

Not Asia culture ! Remember?

Someone talking to you, a girl or a guy, you flip out. Very flip out if its not your favor saying.

You imagine certain thing like my photo this and that, there is a Dean throw in that experiment ground, all you girls combine power= What's wrong with it? 

Let me guess....its his view important on me or you all girls have a saying what I think it is, I am targeting at him or you all girls power combine together. What ought to, what ought not to be, at all.

You want to ask any guy what's wrong with it, becasue they may not think there is anything wrong with it until you proven to them, or you enlighten them at all.  

Its Your girls all are too perfect to be true.