
As the group leader, there is a link before, and...today I got this link in bleeding internally.


A lot of my, me, us were that in the form of imagining if today they all switching to that mini-skirt or the wedding dress to imagine running....that frame.

I would like to ask the court if we can acquire a list of the imagination public views, our mobility is rigid, if we got seen, not making a scene.....its the public rating to all these file-ing in from our lawyer, what our interest to know the Past Japan overal amine in sells and in popularity, that was no internet time.  

We were that age, growing up. Seriously

I wonder where is my brain before this. 


I have about 150% confident, how I imagine seeing this, myself really. I am the group leader, the leadership will presenting this case while seeing a lawsuit like 275 from someone whom we don't know. I have a lot to vent, if I could have contain all my chest open surgery department, that is less I imagine the words to say the W Two Worlds stories were their dreaming eyes, I knew them growing up, to imagine I see the first link to the second link, and back profile on the lawsuit 275. Its the worse degree I imagine things, is that person got jailed the original defendant, or there was there is ?

I cannot possibly imagine if any of them or us represent the whole groups, we will have our lawyers to becoming the representative at least to safe guard or rigid mobility if that life, were so....publicly outrageous out of my words.

Every words of mine.

Not Wou wu...is that the wolf Full Moon sounding?

oh my God, I scream.


I will personally have a gut feeling.

This is not a dream or I have a dream!!!!!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJp4nVZ2ivE


We will considering to file a sheet. This sheet of a few page will be our evolution to what if, that is bad enough everything turns out this Next Life, without any of us. With or Without Me in Victoria Secrets. We are the profile driven ourselves, not that we are imagined, anything its the System upward civilization to our happiness its when if....the circumstance being met,

A. If we are the prince, we will be subjected the only universal accordance Anna says, the very bad situation might be arise, to the scope outside our American land gaunrantee this one life time, we making it our finance worlds, not the rulership.

B. We wish to hear some parts of that from the Classify in our American own land, and between us if we can share that what they find.

C.  As the group leader, I am less to imagine things because I know what it means if it get worse or worsen. None of us wishing that.  Many of us have some business behind, so some part of the clarity of mind, we still have. We do not wish its that A scenario if were...what things being say the only standard were the Medical Doctor Path if were any Spiritual top to when that endowment if we have a choice not straight up like....being forced to. 

D. Meaning we wish to get update from the court, once the Congress or the Supreme Court decide that all finding, because you may have all the answer we might need. I know that.

All right, the group leadership. I have no idea whom are they really. I only heard about Westlife recently on my current news and the backstreet boy.

At this stage, you all group leadership can go forward individually.

At your paper works. Stating as the follows: 

I am coming forward as we were groups as the choir around the year "Before year 2000, 19 xx", we know each other since "19xx", we grew up and we grew apart. The official newspaper that divide us the year is "20xx".

We have gone our some methods of ways behind, because we all have something else behind attached to us, meaning each of us having our own identity, and our own life. If we will be reunited once again, to file all this lawsuit, I believe each of the group are on their own discussion, to when the group leadership will meeting behind through the online chat room communication methods.

We have been told, and we have been investigating. The time frame roughly at 2014 starting, it was just amused to us until later we finding things out just getting worsen and worse to hear about some of other things happened in other people's life. We will state it clear, those were some other people's account, we just sit in next by hearing about it. We probably try to validate the personal account, because....there are the information given online, so we sort out some of that with our lawyer and the company, and the company committee board + the local police, or some of us whom might know them well.

And we as the groups member:

Name 1 2 3 4 5

We are "legal name", "legal proceeding number"

We wish to separate our profile while proceeding these cases. And here we will present our own efforts so far these writing from our behave or our lawyer. All might be different, I am not sure if they all knowing each other behind. If they all interwined to share and to re-modified since within the years, because I am the group leader. I cannot know for sure whom knowing whom, and whom showing what whom, and if that writing in English were their meritorous deed from the Past Art forms.

Just like their....life itself this far, I might have a comment, or I may not have a comment, if the authoritative methods were-to-be they showing it to me first, I wouldn't be here the first one standing in front to imagine they tag behind.

Really, and seriously. 

I probably will personally wish and pray....how I believe the overall things be done. I will tell you that is the Truth I will say. Really. I mean every word through my soul.

As the presenting right now, today's date its April xx, the time ...

I want to tell you my personal account with this, in about 3 hours she got back home, they were in chating, next we got the call from the lawyer or from whom so and so in these account. She says....by right now her time, its 3 and half hours pass.

If this far, all things were processing...

We have next 20 years, these are done. We don't need to show up anything more complicated other than periodically "relax" and "re-done", and "breathing..." and "have fun" with the scripts to carrying on in life.

Everything is done, we have 20 years, or she means that is 10 years in short?

That is how things get done? What does she mean 20 years? We don't need to be here?

No, they have to sort, and wait. Me have to think?!


********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top. 


I wish to state in the court, this one life, me and her has no real relationship. Our age difference is outragerous. I wish to calling upon the publicist, or the new agency their money to hire for their own TV continuation of re-made of her entire junks imaged without me. 

I do not wish to be entangle, and this W Two Worlds has a furthust point to Ireland, in between that is France, South Menton. None of us knowing what that means, and I wish not to implicate any meaning with her that kinds of attitude while these sequence of the entire layout were my "personal idea" how to run my own TV fame in China or China Top, my father is the ROC, if that counts.

To how all these things ending up like this, I am puzzled. But I will file individually for all the junks they 10 made me felts, because some of this stuffs beyond ages were not saying usefulness....its one me 100 of them all outside Frozen opening songs, to imagine, if I could or could not finish 100 paper works alone.

I can. 

And I am doing more than I should. This is between me and the Judge, to that concept, none of you trying at your life, how to do behave, learn right, talk right, standing in front of that evolution, that is all I can say or comment. The low street culture is not the testimony, it was a high tech evidence, you just wish none of that in the future 1000 years, will be sending in. 

I say that again, Nobility of that language to the nobility of those thoughts patterns included. The higher culture embodiment of that heaven you proclaim your own groups to your own doctrinated....if not jailing record called as the cherry blossom on the top, the female jailed inmate. Life after life.

I comment that WAY enough times, already.

This I would call the jurisdiction court that process at the 80s. Under the title name "Taiwan Zen Buddhist Association", that is in English or in Chinese. Sometimes the courts or the police station to what I think I label them as the "Laws & Reinforcement" in America would have this list by list per degree written clear things before any court ruling decree happen at the detain, at the police station center, to the local detain for few days before the trial to them the whole series of written all papers works will be filed in the consecutive manner the Judge that exam and reviews each details of the court claim cases. This statement I calling forward would be 1986. A lot of people dead as I can see in 2015 later in 2016 Sep as that part of the organization and the recording, I wasn't clear that time, I waited some years, because I got tangle more than one thing BTX just finished Apil 2023 or late March the final conclusion overal climate of that BTX 鋼鐵神兵 , due to overstress to too many issues, and the TV specific instruction were not stepping into the police in-line structure, none of this has file at the local district yet. Worse, I just found out the America, I claim all them in the public online protocol, because I have no where else to turn since the lawsuit 275.



********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top.


I think there is an imagination on her parts, and wishing to be seen like that. I would say its not that simple for saying the positive reinforcement of the behavior science. I called the MD psychiatrist. She is Torus, very very very emotional similar to Tina. I met too many this Torus alone issues, really. 

Very badly influenced, being jailed will be one of the worse scenario. Being disease or illness because of the condition, I need to call forward the specific field in American Medical Board, the MD psychiatry specialist field, because....I think there is a painting issue from 500 years ago, to all the TV I cannot sort all alone, I will conclude some of that my personal overal seeing the 1000 things in the last 9 long years. 

There is a painting, there is a TV. Side by Side.

There is a sequence, how I sort this things from the buttom up. Someone would know exactly why these sequences are implemented when I claim my title in China Television platform. It will be between me and the Judge in China or American Supreme court if all this went through up there, beside their local issue to when they can re-sort, or re-organized their National Policy interwine issues, then I will present myself, and its between me and the Supreme Court Judge, I file all this publicly speaking for saying...this is how I working through at my own profile included. 

Because I just remembered these web-fabric situation to where there is an open point. A break open point, and that scene, were in a forest in Wallace TV Drama too 笑傲江湖 I seen that. Its in the forest, his name is 令狐沖 next by, that guy got poisoned.  Got tricked or got poisoned. The pill poison, not the food poison.



********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top.


I want to call my....last relationship ex bf. Its a relationiship we live long together, meaning he knew every time he sees me, there was no SMCH. It would be the most ridiculous things to proven that my innocent, we are living in the same house, he cannot tell me, I have anything to do with the SMCH in the same house every eye sight out of his peripheral, we live in Canada, but that was before 2014. There is an unusual thing happened in 2014. I am not sure he was told. I am worried about him. He is getting very old. To my personal past insecurity, I wish the court could talk him or in italian to some account, he willing to present to the court. I am not the lesbian. It stress me a lot a lot a lot of this seeing this imagination to the eternity life, why would I go to him if there is a her, you mean on the bed. NO!



********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top.


I wish to call the Fitness / Trainer / Coach, what do they belong to? I gain weight, that entire landscape I never finishing walking and losing weight.  SMCH gains a lot more weight. More fresh air, in the green forest air, or the green eye sight long range seeing. Where is DMV, my vision entire life was a lie? 

I call Fitness Trainer, I need to slim down WHEN? I wish to fly, but I cannot fly on the water! Jesus can.  Maybe do I call Priest? Whom is the Priest? 

I will tell you my personal wish to called forward, the funeral direction in Taiwan, how much it costs to burn down a body, how do you ship the entire junks out of my grandmom's body, my mother did that, and how to diassociate my father entire debts not inherited. He is a gambler, and SMCH is in jail. A lawyer and a funeral director, meaning someone's money to burn down their body, and ashed at a urn, all those procedure, I am feeling better? My mother told me something about my grandmom, but not my own mother I got scared too. About 3 years ago how if she dead, what I gonna do with their body? Taipei if you want to recycle the entire junks out of the house, you called a Trunk to coming here to taken the entire junks out, including the interior design. My mother knows how to do all that. I don't know how, where is the telephone. Can you reduce my stress? That is all I see. 

********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top.


I wish to call the diplomatic - Visa (that guy before the blood split, how that got break opens?)

SMCH got nothing but the Visa issues, I will tell you I know her all my life since 90s all that. ********* The sequence going from the below up, I am adding things from the Top. So The American Medical Board calls first, second its this diplomatic. I am guessing with the SMCH materials. 

There is a break open points, that palm at. 1:20  My grandpa lunar calendar's birthday. My mother's 1:18.

American Medical Board 






Is the legal court, which side, Ireland or American Supreme Court? We are at junction between Westlife and Boyzone, there is a methodity.

I asked them to

Get an evaluation this far. How fast you can process 15 mins listening to that?

Is that 100%?  From the Judge.

So the group leader goes back to the members saying that is the Judge issue that, in today, tonight or tomorrow time. 

🍏 Busy 🍏

I gonna sort all Groups leaders, you talking to each other? 

The leadership to each other.

Wait ....no, just the leadership for now.  I assuming its one or 2, in each individual groups. I say the main one first. The leading leadership. 

No, its done. Westlife is through.

Next ...Boyzone.

98, 37 was, 25 was....oh ~ they were the same age?


💘🖥💘🖥💘💻💻💻🥘🥂 What is it? 💘🖥💘🖥💘💻💻💻🥘🥂

Your career, your lover, your second options, you mean the guy you are imagine is a back-up until the reality surface he is with another girl?

I just got a bubble tea.

💘🖥💘🖥💘💻💻💻🥘🥂 💘🖥💘🖥💘💻💻💻🥘🥂 💘🖥💘🖥💘💻💻💻🥘🥂

BTX 鋼鐵神兵


Photo Stream





You are imagining or you are thinking...seriously, and that has anything to do with the microphone, or the publicity, meaning.....sorry, THE popularity? This is not about campaign yourself out of the wit things?

And you gonna asking any guy next by you? 你們有問過男孩子在你們旁邊的? 

How come no one telling me that? 怎麼沒有人跟我說這一件事情呢? 

The last time I had a position is with UB Jonathon, he says what I do what. Similar to the opening of that Mummy (1999), seriously just he saying.....anything?! He didn't really ask me anything to do. Not really.  

最後一次我有那個位置就是在 UB 的強納生,他說什麼我就做什麼,幾乎跟那個電影 Mummy (1999) 開場一模一樣,就是他說什麼就是什麼? 他其實沒有真的叫我做什麼事情 ~~

Taiwan women's leadership !! Topics ~~~ 台灣女孩子領導位置 !! 主題 ~~~

所以我們現在是在講中文的意思,沒有躲躲藏藏講英文的意思,所有人不知道原來你們是在策畫這種自己心情意志力的意思? 跟高科技有關嗎 ?

So this is we speaking in Chinese now, no more hiding in English meaning, everyone doesn't know that is what you are planning your Sefl Will Power Meaning? Is that anything to do with the High tech? 

French Menu !!

Just Starting to watch it...the apetitser is the pumpkin soup?

oh ~~~

Is that the TV cartoon 亂馬 1/2 Rama 1/2 ?

Salad Sauce and French bread? oh ~ Mango juice !!!!  The alcohol wipe and my chocolate plate from Japan? I don't think I took the picture, did I?

Music, painting?

That is not the main course ! Now

Main course

The birds shut up, they are the meat yet? Raw beef, what does that mean?

 Ravioli !!!!!!


Dessert !!!

Cheese without Justin Timberlake Grapes. What a news now I read? 

1500 NT? All you can eat buffet 5 Star Grand Hotel, walking distance ~~~beef stew all you can drink down, BIG BONE to bite on it, and unlimited sea food unlimited all cooked and stir fried, or meat all kinds...lunch or dinner.

I need to be at home.

What was it ? 你們在聽我在跟我同學他們那種 250 人講什麼? 在水牛城流放外城那種,所以現在你們是在彼此競爭的意思?





You want to surpass your own very groups to imagine the leadership?

You speaking in Chinese or in English?

你們現在講中文還是英文? 意思你們在聽我在跟我同學講什麼英文? 我在罵人 !

所以有很多東西我不知道是到底在幹嘛 ?

So there is a lot of things I don't understand what happened inside you, outside you, imagine you, everywhere?



System re-sort?! What is the command sheet of lists words in which language again? My air-conditioning has to shut off every single time right now.

Pain like a hell, or that is my brother, where is him?

Gately is not my brother.



super painful, nap

Babaji: Go

🍕 Your parents will tell you doing the business its very very trickery 🍕 A lot of the guys gamble on it, I just told you what happened next to us...the family got affected to.

You need to have a real job for saying you starting somewhere at the age bracket between? 

The time you catching up some family background already set their own kids to take over their own family business or they evolve to have that business. Overall, you cannot leave the subjects of someone's friend, someone's circle, someone's family, the family member, or the medical emergency.

Some people just go and adopting kids children, what you gonna do, you gonna fight over that they have the kids by their own will to spend his or her money? That is entirely their own will, really. 

You planning to have a career, and you wish that career can pay the bills, or stable enough to have the saving. You suppose to pining enough on the material good so so so so much, you early your own career VERY VERY early on = staring at the money sign talk, meaning built up your own personal attribute, so you can build up a career or the future accumulating that money, you saying what is enough is enough on the money digits account?

You can train people in literacy, in both Ancient Chinese but really in Chinese or in English.

You can train people in corresponding an emergency situation, how you look, how you process your brain, how you stop panicking, if you just sit and shut up, I handling it? 

You can train people how to relax about 5 mins to get on that job?

You can train people how to see things better

You can train people in math, in calculation.

You can train people in geography, you all abandom your phone app,?

You can train people in the Climate Change knowledge while reading those Vice President discussion on the certain film.

You can train people in charity, children, women, women's education to more law certificate jobs.

You can train people how to injure less, sports arena.

You can train people how to feel your muscle per nerves, that is how I do it? I have no other choice, I cannot wear eye contacts?

Otter goes to a doctor

You know, with those cannot shut up stuffs, it should be a touch, they all go to sleep and shut up!  The teeth and the gum are the nearest to their own head, laying back. Go to sleep every single day, THANK GOD.




When I say a lot of people dead, pass on, left ...it means exactly what I meant. You want to return to your Past, that is your reunion happiness. If some people wants to finance you, I am sure I will send someone pass the message to you.

I got load of the UB Facebook left over. With the money, its whom willing to arrange for all of you to sound like a leadership job.



The CIA cards or whom that issue the cards were...repeating the same girls period things.

I added extra things, so....its the same repeated!  The monthly paid I guess. Its a game everyone willing in their own will expense. All will freedom.



💝💖🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 💝💖🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 💝💖🍏🍏🍏🍏

💝💖🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 💝💖🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 💝💖🍏🍏🍏


Babaji: Go

🥪 The School is over long time ago, okay? 🥪 I would encourage my side....that is if they talking to Mark those kinds. Its totally different field, they have no threat. Their age and their situation.

So they trying their talent while they are in the school, or going back to the school. You are living inside your space and time never change. I don't know what you did the last 20 years, did you grow out of that language, meaning......you only talking to the American Medical Board, if beginning that standard, when you show up, they know what kinds of the language or the language tones, or the word how you describe things all together to imagine what you might be Vola there, if they make you, or you make yourself?

There are some certain jobs, unless you are so meritorious.....becoming, you will have to face the threat like your own sailor moon enemy, really. That is called "the enemy", so stupid.

Its just the same girls like you having the pitfall when their guys will be doing things for...the very wrong reason inside these girls thinking, why the guys doing that on purpose to hurt them, because they didn't think they are the only girl, just happen the day before talking to him, next day, he and his vola monent becoming One Ring rules his entire social media world like Jason did on our facebook.....him and his Yoga gf, same University? She had a promising future, and Tina Jojo on my other side of the facebook, well...indeed, its the same facebook, they both have their personal union, and what's wrong with...my head turning my facebook at zero at this moment, used to be 20 years ago, it was such a big deal, one left monitor, one right monitor.

How I describe you my head looking like. I almost thought they getting married the same time !! In front of me, really. And there is an Eben too. Did I tell you Jason did the same thing like Eben Pagan?

He did.

Left Right

🥪🥪🥪  🥪🥪🥪

Or the dog, or the pet coming in ....

"There is a different degree, I made that, or you made that. Maid, like in English made....that.

You speaking Chinese or in English I translate for you? You tell me clearly do you understand in English?  Or you will be telling me whom you string on these roof, my crossing neighbor starting when they teaching in English YOU? CNN? "

The written sign board. Made,   Maid

If all these otter one by one, standing like they should be stand at, the Judge might be Hopeful somewhat, there will be a communication constant.

I go to the court, no more offices for the tooth brush.


"You recognize this things? Where?" 

If I never seen human, why I need that kinds of the offices? 我高興 When I feel like, I am glad.

Otter if they coming in, they will stand like they doing the business, not as the patient, other than touching their tooth brush as a gift packs?

This is not the residential place. Its an office separate from home. In Asia, not like Europe or America, I think most people renting those warehouse, or locker's room. Probably you have the offices. But in Asia, your office to your home might be walking distance, you never had that kinds of the life, in a settle neighborhood, walking distance?

Food distance night market?

Table dinner VIP guests lists walking distance?

I do what I like. I might going in the Ireland sometimes just be humane parts of that, but that is for the summer. I return by the falls. If Shane coming in to seeing around staying 3 months, then he goes back to his world, happy there staying...what 3 meals I saying or toiletry or the interior design. No more car expense.

They are having the fan clubs there.

They assuming I don't have the court room what they pulling strings or thread. That is entire my business talking to whom here. But for the humane parts, helping them, the court is not calling me yet. 

You can file in the ET side - the lawsuit

You say:

ET evolution too high way to omit the middle all path, especially at Zero Tim Cook shows up means? We are not sure. How old is the ET whom did that, can we know? And...is there a human factor in between before they become FRIEND? 

We sueing at the ET and all the human factors in between to get there.  The court can just tell us if these lists exist and can be disclosed. One is ET side, one is the in-bound Earth human side. Once we acquire that lists, we will do what we knowing how to sue that process including the statement, we are not sure what happened.

Did I ever tell you?

.... .... there are time, you know we have the ROC 2 guys 蔣萬安 and 吳怡農 here looking like Eben White hair, that would be Garthur? Not Authur? 


Brian Cruelty..uh... (MIT is on the facebook on music performance right now, streaming online)



My side of nick




Nicky and Brian sad (the one nicky)

Voice Memo 



By the way 

**********   Nicky, that is a sub-divide, looking straight your PC.  So if you copy and paste, it will look like...like you have set your peripheral, sometimes too lazy at bed, looking out the PC might be a second. You seeing that, ~~ " close your eyes...give me you hands...."~~~~~~~

Beside that, you saying you are too lazy to believing the power of the mind eyes, was too lazy at it. Wing does that.




By the way 

**************** I am afriad you don't drag your mouse enough....

***it might be the peripheral not PC heighten enough but they use the ruler on the diagonal, meaning ...sorry nick's measuring tapes in the garage, you have a measuring tape, it always coming out of the Best Buy label, on the tab


Down at your height.

My height too....

*** I forget what I need to say? 



Voice Memo: How to use it when you send from your email, its how you wish to storage inside the Google Cloud by that free service and free charge, you need to open your gmail, or at least having each Youtube Channel, you will have a gmail + that right click that  9 square, you have the google cloud. (I don't know in English here, its all in Chinese.  Now...

You didn't need to going all the way to the email inside per time doing this. I show you on the video. You click on the attachement right below that title of the email. Its opening up the new interface and seeing where I click. 

Now, this older email were not open, and you have 5 files here, I gonna show you the Brian's stuffs. See on your video at Shane or at Kian.


Hunger Game, Nicky (Math) to your Neighbor


Catching Fire, Nicky (Math)


Slam Dunk 78



Tricks and Treats


Brian Sad (the One Nicky)


*** Fix it, Brian's file is not opening...right.

By the way 


Brian Nicky - Raising kids


Brian, GPA is enough




In Conan, there is a nick's story. About he has a best friend. You seeing the last video. That friend die to the bomb, how delication to the buddy of the groups friends, they loyal to happiness to each other. Not kisses and hugs, for saying....

Nick just left that entire community, including my worlds. 

We ending up in the Muskoka. He has no more jobs, or he didn't want to work on things anymore, called how to delicate the world service to exchange the bigger costs, to die on the jobs. 

Its just 1. Home made food, 3 meals, always food ready.

2. Laundry

3. Bed sheet changing 2 or 3 days, my head hurts, my head smell, my hair longer....

4. Not too lazy the house chore,

5. An interior design,

I keep saying you are all too busy to proven you have a home, instead of making a home for anyone passing it by. What it means to one guy, one group, one company. No matter what that means to you. Smile.

How to clean a bath tube, how to clean a ground.

How to file all the paper works in English, how to re-write that every sentence....no one living are dead by 65. So they saying retired.

You all just wishing to keep points on, your own too perfect points. Love the way you are. You all really need that....love the way you are. You are not that someone whom provide enough, long enough.

If they are all gays?

That is a so much better to begin a conversation, really. Its the angel sounds trumpet, not Trump?

Among you UB, I have no idea, if there is a shorty to where the age were in short...not just the money in short.

So even you think one year difference like that Bill, X Man, or Me to you 2 years older, you think that is the biggest thing of the world. Like Jason like Vicky were one year young.

Henry and Eric same year.

This makes so much a big deal, so saying that Disney Zombie 3 guy.....all those name youth, just exactly I saying so copy and paste the paper works re-write including CNN or Taiwan news agency, you imagine they starting which year of their life, pacing their way up. Its something you are not dedicating yourself in your time.

1. 20 weekend = 20 times per year with that parents fighting and proven door slam like the bar door slam at 7 oclock. Happy Hour starting or finished at 6. That is 10 years make 200 times your parents seeing you. You buying the candle, you knowing when the candle in the drawer sounds too few to short.

2. The worlds have no parenting.

3. Zero.

4. They finish their jobs, some can go and have fun their own age, including that Zombie 3 guy. His gf, his guy's friend, other than MY WORLD?

5. You cared about them like sounding a real genuine things to them, all the youth on the romance or the group actitivies or their parents.

6. Exactly Like you.

7. Some indoor,

8. Some outdoors the sun too hard and blazing to look at it, just like the

9. Sailor moon the eclipse

10. How can there be meaning just looking at it with the glass shed? Even nick taught me that 2016. When Shane on stages? Its the Sailor Moon, I NEVER knew you doing what? to the shed light not to staring at it. 

11. If that is a guy....or bf?

Try to proven your real worth, or trying to be lazy on the fake MD jobs,...its..."Its just a job.....~~~" say it.

Depends on the National policy, or depends on you....both got the jobs.

Tell me......how I am that I am. 

I am the only person proven you, I am not the system people, not the military, not the real police, not the anything but the civilian, every court will tell you that...right? Everyone will tell you THAT. 

You suppose to be grateful. I would have say to you "how the TV made meant that, right?" Say it.

We are different, and we will never be the same. Compete and compared, as if someone really cared about it. 

These entire Earth sphere are all your one niche as a girl taking down the entire world guy's zone one by one.

Because the girl's constitution is different. 

What can that make any different if you just genuine mind your own too perfect business for 9 long years for nothing but the Walls, because that is the only job that really is. 

Try to imagine you mean it there is a job inside your life to hold the eternity of it. 

They used to be young, so when they starting as the boy, imagine...I was the girl.

They have to mock up their way up through endless human faces right at the camera, so one day they reaching this age 40 years, everyone i told them its all die out. They can just shake their butt on the stage, that is exactly what those Pinterest I shown you. You make it, or else...you really think I was joking, or I was faking it, really.

Where that whirlpool supposed to be this entire humanity with it. At least you would have telling the American military that is really ending up on the sea, not the land, in case..the moment first time they all evacuate out of the zone already. Its when you show up, they be there.

Then you stay in there making sure they never leave that offices you never had a life in life, you will realize how much they willing to stay inside the offices police station.


Of course they smile at you...... this game is fun with the guys, how much they loving you. Drive the Bus from Orillia to Buffalo, not Toronto. You doing it on purpose everyone got killed. 

One TTC, why that is so BIG DEAL?

Its his skills rusty, or you meant that was 41 years old on the handicap and occupation hazard pension? Telling me telling you, the guys themselves knowing their own attitude, you still

you still you still depending on the guys, really.

There is a difference even to me, if Zawanna says what...that is not what you are saying?

Too close too personal...what he imagine you say, I say?



You only task here really just...get along with one guy. I will tell you...most you girls cannot make one normal guy or abnormal guy just by that evolution destine to hell, you are not afraid....abyss just like the TV meant.

The guy is very different from the girls.

You all keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep

None stop mistaking one to zillion and forever. 

When I say you all sueing the upper sphere guys, because all this lower sphere guys won't doing a thing for you, either the lawsuit or the persoanl romance, for they themselves might be just all the way to the gay community never stop. Imagine....what every guy seeing a 4 points frame, the end results? 

Too cared to the occupancy.....or the job delivery rate, if you just going outside touching walls to make money per day sounds small tiny, or those small tiny keyboard if you making it the per few sales to start, any guy even Westlife BOYS will be happy for you 20 years ago, that is what you are saying, if they grown up from that 4 points frames, or they are a fake they ever grown up those were no Time written the public air.  

You girls getting into a mode, that when you see "your eyes having a response through the back of your eye to the brain", this neurotransmitting message, you remember your class or requirement at all?

You compete and compared.

Most guys are taller. They are what you say egoistic, controlling, and very self contain true. Most time they take down the whole world responsibility without really go and arguing about it, but their IQ isn't my IQ, or my style, they go and sit there be sad about it. 

The very first day of that 16 years were that Oct 21th 2021, the Facebook I say?????? What did I say to you or your parents?

1. 16 years

2. Last row of the entire endless mass of people. 5 Major religion.

This year I starting to say you cannot stop compete and compared. What did I say the second sentence? 

Repeat it.

"Most guys are taller". Tell me what do I say?

That is called very genuine, and kind and small petty saying it. 

Its also called, too lazy, too contempt, too little people, to snubbishing, polite, only nobility exist with those whom have the education or somewhat background people.

You are nothing but eyes filled the criminal nature people and results...if not soon about 3 weeks ago I keep saying before or after BTX we drawing a final curtain on the small tiny reports here or there, as I am slowly opening that BTX results from the video sides. Some human 9 years didn't see a film of it other than the jobs on the first episode.

If someone like me.

If someone like me the born statue

If someone like me with the blood statue

If someone like me like the snowden grandpa, also from American side, you all hate American doing that, but in your country you are fine?

If someone like me for saying you are waiting another 16 years 40 years to realize, that is very very false, and cannot stop repeating it "fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it...." You have sprouting tiny hope wishing Simon saves you, or SMCH repriment me in front of the public will lighten your heart, I told you....jail inmate ending up inside the Bible its some guys' ego toooooooo HIGHTEN modern democracy like that AJ near that Nick Carter.

Looking at his shoes. He believing what justice inside his real American culture, you want to find out his born blood statues? It might be really worth it. You change your peripheral or vision to the Westlife, Ireland. What if I am talking to Carter, isn't that a main point yet.....?! 

Let me guess, its the right side turn or left side turn, Pitch Perfect Final, you seeing....which way I decide to pointing at you? With whom or from? 

" No Matter Where you from?" Carter would singing it to you in his own song, right?

I am not Zawanna, I stated it that on the first life here on Earth. Make that very clear, every single step of the way......some people its humanity gear hostile outside but educational freak reform or political....

Some, didn't evolution that way, for saying its too sad, or too cold to begin....what decades down the road, whom else have to find out that Frozen means, if none of your obligation to be too humble to write about it.

You mean "Steady make a pace" how that motion of all Space, with which ship for saying it was starting 2014, someone "steady makes a pace" what would that means in that personality I would have told you 25 years ago, 16 years ago, 7 years ago, someone whom I used to met, that doesn't worth a while for saying that entire I collect resource filted right under the American of the other open chest surgery through the throat 2 velvet opens...its really just when I want, how I want, exactly I make no sound, where it landing at, want.

Understand? No matter how you or your parents head on the back of my closet without my hands holding, you won't brreath starting first life, every life dead on, no conscious what happened here, no one breath for the eternity sense, its due to your own very karma, you are not dead right now emitting falsehood for fake it...imagine....what if the gamble on that GPA nature, it was a low education IQ women on Sri Lanka, Toronto Mississauga.

You mix up between this called the useless politician and no kill policy so I suffered, I meant already to the entire humanity, its eternity suffering .....for tiny service you wishing, that is Jonathon's best friend in Mummy (1999)

It won't matter what you look like.....really.  Where you from.




Too tired, go to sleep.

Every drop to the bed, my daily life 9 long years.

Babaji: Go





Ma ko, you scared? He is talking too loud? He is tall or you are too small? You took yourself as the authority? How old are you? You want to do a leading jobs, you have to clean up your toys? You don't really have 4 limbs, other than your maids to scratch your back? You don't talk none sense, no one understands you, understand? You telling him, you need him every step the way, of those noisy. He knows that or you just knowing without him, you will be on the street cold, and die in hunger? So straight up your own points !

I am cutting my toe nails, not the itchy one. The first Right, "right devil's head horn", its 2nd or the 3rd, starting problem I cut 10 of the all foot nails.

In the 90s, every SMCH's disciple Tapes, those time were not DVD.

Its me and Nick watched. He cannot stop playing them. There is an intro, the poem from her. 

The person whom read that, is a quan yin messenger if not Vicky herself whom is a school teacher. 

This is the piano Oscar conductor "Bill Conti". He composes a lot of this 2000 years on all the related to SMCH stage material. The first lady sings, she participate some other Anniversary performance throughout.

Including one theme in Love of Century "Matrix".

(Not to the sink, on the counter, my corner counter, I put in the trash bag, not my pipe line)



New Jersey that ending at "Hurts, Better Than Love, " It was a White Contact person, the previous old women name Lynn. Benevolent. But in this center, there was another older lady, polish Asian, I was youth.

She told me, "Just clap to go along with it." 

And that is what she did. That center has a book I first open. The monkey King, she draw them hand writing no one could see it. As size like the Ancient Chinese booklet I show to everyone from taiwan the supplemental material, but smaller, its....Up Movie that size smaller. Its dark green. 

Anyone wants to compile this each additional materials for Hank?

Here is a peacok, there is a story of Love of Century, Peacok background, she was.....that backstage was me on the photo everyone sitting down, because they finish the rendoning at home, I am the one running around none stop. 

Imagine....there is a cat story. Someone adopted her. I cried.

She probably is disable. In that running around, I won't have time to drop tears, I am telling you. But I did. But she only came out that one time, that...someone looks like Taipei Contact Person, guess what he looks like, was gone all his works behind, that whole 2 weeks, doing nothing but rendering his own material.

He is on the photo.



Just hang yourself on the Hammock. 

Hank name is H a n k. I keep saying that. Not Hang. 

UK, the publishing 13th century that author, book printing starting whomever that is Folly....






sorry 58:13 its "In General."


Tina can go by hearing, that melody.

Single handed.




Just sent to his mother-in-law and family circle, here is my message to them all:

"Its 9 years, BTX 鋼鐵神兵 carving the wall for a formula, all the people's hands should be in the ice bucket, all the military personnel and this Hank's memory to AI Iron Man the Machinery Arm, has about, how inept and selfish human being of himself original time, that small human shouldn't be in English as minion or usury, (Chinese cut off penis), but in Red river near that Tonawana from Babylonian not baby, its 2 region river, its a priest".


5th Supreme Master Television Anniversary


Steven Gately




That looks like Spain, BTX 鋼鐵神兵 Ep 14 Neo?!


Cannot understand the language. That is the opening?  

Are you sure the TV supposes to be real, everything looks so worsen from me the first time seeing this content, these are not Sailor Moon?

Finish watching. Thought:

uhm....That is two kinds of BTX on the Wiki? BTX 鋼鐵神兵 OVA 1 to 14?

That is a suicidal Tim Cook did that. No one would have those kinds of moving forward, for sure dead. Hoovering doesn't mean moving forward, there is a wind issue. On the ice, after warm up 20 lapse on the ice, it gets very hot. 

They made that distance.....so near by. That AI I have no idea WHERE that Hank my right arm right now are all over pain killer patches, cooling.....Remember the Past? Familiar? Love and Attended, Attention? Its probably the human more important, then accuracy and precision?

Its starting from the buttom, there is a story.

Its starting a politic England, there is a story

Its starting a story England PM, there is a story.

Its starting a story England PM women + her around all, but not seen, but you remembered.


When the Otter just born, they starting at Oter Magnificent at month, to a year old.  The adulthood to where all world around us Sunshine High Technology, that is empty world looking.

All that future possibility only if you understand, all these sunshine Technology.

If you could understand this TV. There are a lot of these false situation + unintended background, even the Past shed the collective karma, its unconscious.

Then that this story someone did exist as the unconsciousness, uncared shouldering. Because it does exist. 

Shut up, birds !!!! Not talking about you, shut up shut up shut up!!!!


Its starting at the bottom. All of us. 

Are you, or whom? you are all in the Hunger Game mode, and that includng the cooking? So ....what I say were true? The National Emergency house, you know how to cook?

That sorts? 


I personally think, you don't run. You stay in that places, no moving. If you don't move, nothing got panic. Not bugs, not insects, not human or none human. They cannot see you inside the darkness.

Not really.

I used to think I heard that before. So you do what that Hailey's dad does. Don't move, don't make a noise, don't panic. None of that can see you, you are just like a building of the next by when they going through.

And if you really been through the darkness, on the street included, or walking...under a dim light. You saying like Tom Cruise one of those movie one time I talked about....you don't move in the darkness, those moving where someone coming after you in the light, they go to the light.

If you just behind something, higher or lower, you don't get into those everyone thinks you staying on the main road. You cannot be seen, you stay there 1 hour, 2 hour...things will gone pass. How long can that be that long? 

If you are inside the mall, a lot of people, of course, you stay where a lot of people going by, you keep slowly walking inside the human, looks like the same things, but you use your eyes to see all around, you will see the things are not supposed to be there? You didn't need to panic. You are just the regular citizen of that country, its not OU, until you making yourself alienate...you are not sure you are on which planet even, just pretending long enough, you know those are normal.

You can be horrified inside, but outside the Time slower, you can see people's inept nature, none of that changed, you aware of that, you seen them doing that normal daily life, nothing got changed, just your own space and time ....is somewhat distorted and all this written words, because sometimes you close the books, none of that exist, you breath one hour.

Then go again. 

9 years, I will tell you all that. In Canada 2016 (Shane sings what), and in Darkness Marley's place, at night, no, I didn't venture in the darkness. Let me think where did I go...Nick took me to this Macoron, you use the credit cards. Everything working? Or the cash. Not the credit cards. 

There is another mall in Vanghan, more at East, that is first floor, its slower, they got the food, they got the theme on the ceiling, everything looks the same to me. Until he took me to the Casino, then something is not right. There is a carnival, and he bought a potato that is cut in like potato chips, the vendors. Those things are not normal, its from the native tribes there. The Casino. ??? You can sense that air over there is getting thinner, the altitude, or the latitude. Really. But I am going out of the Canada has to be lawful I know that.

There are a lot of things you trying to calm yourself down, everything I heard its one thing to patent all that, the sun, the cottage location to the lake, to the water to the situate of that Aviation, true.

I will tell you, everything I freak out. If they put everything back where they are, I tell them every tiny things I remember. It rains on the Crystal Skull saying what on the Victoria Secrets SMCH last one to? You cannot live with that norm, someone they cannot stop talking, and you never asking anyone anything, you just keep getting induced mind state. I practice so I have no curiosity mind or soul ..that is the basic precepts, and those information are overload on me. 

But the internal situation and outside does not have to be the same...you just have to go along with it.  On Earth it will never happen that to you, but in case you will be dead, you realize, try to remember every word I am telling you. You didn't learn this life, you try to imagine you will have another showing up somewhere to learn it that right.


I am watching some video .....if you girls just stand like a girl, sit like a girl, talking like a normal girl, I thought....every guy's peripheral knows what that supposes to mean.


Your dignity to that proportionally to your on-stage performance or those Digital Art.   Kinda of copy me, that is probably what I mean. 

I have to poo, hot chocolate, HUGE giant I think American side, then small tiny? Then a few after smaller, insignificant. You know....I put some cold water around my hair edge line, immediately I am not poison anymore. 

I think its the Mummy movie. Shane's birthday!

I am pretty sure, your girls brain never really need to get to the part of....the guys, other than the shape and the money really.

But dreaming is fine. I just never had someone else keep telling me or reminding me at it.

Let's say you are not sure about this prohibition means, such as the sale in liquid like Tesla time. And that you debating its whom is the current Commander-in-Chef in America, Trump or Biden, one of those.....if you getting near by, you will be seeing a lot of the guy's leadership present all around them.

The GUYS' leadership, what you all girls goona do? Right now I need to make a hot chocolate from that green can like "Better Man" in Westlife. Its you watching that Westlife, you watching me Anna doing the Better Man (2 video), or there is a Line App, you just sending whom message, you imagine whom else name lists you getting one of the leadership or the member of what not stuffs near..the Current American Commander-in-Chef? So your target would be?

My green can hot chocolate, I need my warm kettle fill up the water so it will boil?  




Babaji: Go

You girls' character is like this : someone told you to get to the drawer get a spoon and a fork and a kitchen Napkin wrap up, you want to tell me, you hate someone bossing you.

Right? That is part of the very very high ego. Almost every tiny thing no one can talk to you. If you have the shape, you just hope your age didn't pass the limits how well that shape will do for you, because most girls just too giant too dead on the TV screen I can see even in Ronan's side of the world. That is in Ireland.

You didn't stare at the money sign, or knowledge, or the news, or the English literacy, or do you speaking in English at all?  That shouldn't be an issue from UB to me.

To me, the diet is a constant look out ways to deal upon

I never thought the diet will be an issue in people' life until now. Seriously, you are too upset in life, that entire system thrown up. You gonna lose your jobs if you don't slim down? You like about yourself, or every guy passing by you, you never gonna have the hope, or the bank digits too? 

You are not even get to the shape for saying why you have a hope.

The one with the shapes they are in debts, or in dreaming state, saying they went to the court.

I have nothing to comment anymore with this, at all.

I have to go to poo so I can wash up the entire things and throw this towel washing it again.

I hate all this cleaning up stuffs. I have the window "magic" detergent I got from my mother to wipe out my glasses inside my bath and my room that balcony. Then I have my clothing dry already today, folding in. 

This Westlife because they show up, now I remember that Zawanna story a lot more, when it comes to this Interior Design.

That time, that story goes part of that with the Military girls dormitory ideas. Its associate with the military girls included, and for some reason the jobs they are getting inside that Zawanna's worlds, they have debts or from Earth, or that job is not a real job, to never ending up purchasing a property in Zawanna's either he was a position or what not in that university included vicinity.  I just thinking now ...

Are you going to tell me since UB, you didn't have a job, and you were or you did studying year after year? So what jobs do you get?

When I arrive in UB because no more host family around, I am truely satisfy inside Jame's house just all by myself perfect room and bedding. I starting to dream. Someone like me becasue my entire life dreaming...my head, no one notice a thing, not even me. I imagine things to that Patent getting one discovery, I think that is normal just out of that I live in America, and that is exactly what I did. I never change for some reasons. You never imagine any inventor would be this difficult to encounter a real life crisis, a real TV scenario, to even by the childhood luck, to get through 9 years that exhausting for one invention going on and on, for debating an AI, not our world used, but...Hank's best Nemesis. My brother-in-law?

Now, that Zawanna story of that purchasing property, were not that I could see the miltiary girls, no. I think it already separate out of that.

But there is another version of that military girls stories, so I am telling you, they are supposed to somewhere, just NOT RIGHT THAT property. You know how funny, this my side of the Zawanna telling me, I still don't know right now, whom exactly they say next by Kian, you mean Shane is Kian's brother position?

I see the CD cover made that conclusion. Its Shane?!

Doesn't matter, we were negotiating, or he is the type inche his way in.

So beside all those points, you girls didn't get any job, or somewhat part-time, full -time somewhere other than a regular built up jobs roaming inside the US, and your parents have the money, or you imagine you have the debts without telling them?  You getting the second or the third jobs on the weekend, one of those? 

Now I even thinking how I getting a job in UB might be not very normal because my colleague is Lee Solomon, now to think? That Zawanna stories has a Lee position Twice!  One is that property at, no...he got another property him and his wife or gf. But another story was Zawanna's wife, or ex-wife how to write a book out of the air.  So Lee is a fake Lee...however that story ends up.

What is a fake Lee means, its not a real human, but nick is next by. I think guard or something Zawanna's side of people ????!

I think you need to staring at the money and a correct job, and you are from America, that is very difficult for me to read, why under American system of all education, you could be failing you yourself on the job market hunting, or you getting WAY TOO FAT.

There is a degree you getting fat, for some reason.

There is an excuse you getting fat.

But you were all already giant, some of you 20 years ago, imagine now.