Lawsuit 597: All music groups must becoming selective (Open Galaxy) - Sea island climate

Date: April 3rd, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: ALL music groups, One Continent European are dull, heavy, sad, bad, boring, dead.


All musical groups tearing it down before forward Open Galaxy, or else you will see how bankruptcy the whole earth means. 

Mostly are boring guys.

Finish all your lawsuit before anything going forward. 

194 countries. Check all data facts, what I mean, BORING and DEAD. Heavy and no hope, no live, no Jesus fish at the sea. 

And the immune system data health check up. When I say American military order its to move West.

Move it. Or 40 years, you will imagine, why cursed be upon those big continent every war with the Age of curses.....on despair and death.

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