Lawsuit 555: COVID 19 (South Dakoda Tamang gun man "Japanese ten man", Wing Liu CNN TN Vanderbelt Cooper Gay club shooting, Dean Wiecorek, FL Ukraine on wars)

Date: Jan 27th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: To that fear of MH, ohio. (Herbalist) we all know what is the American Medical Boards

So that Shane Filan's page and Nicky's page are filled up only nothing but remedy after the COVID 19 not before.

How many money you willing to keep losing starting from this one lawsuit, Day 2. Ub 366th day on file-ing one big happy family, after Day 1, those guys are dragging chair like Simon Cowell, or Eben Pagan, never on sex degree, but superior to inferior on the words, "Honey, no no no NO."


This is the Bermuda Triangle Line 2019 starting I told Dr. T in March.

They are the bad kids never finishing showing the girls around in front of my face. Wing I just happened to met him in the Capen. He is a devil. Real devil. 

The book: Angel and Demon.

I don't know which one is worse, I seen demonic, no....not red hair demonic. Its the devil, blue darken a bit then the usually blue.

Remember tell Adam Davis, or Tamang...about the video made to them. Adam plays Guitar....and on the Chinese song. You are bankcrupt today on. The lawsuit filed.

Check the reference here:

To that Elli Lilly, remember.....when the respect is not the customer service, bow, kneel, flat forever, its every eternity 4 limbs will see. I was more than stressful Adam Hailey putting 1000 knife from Wal-mart, your MD their father, should just shot gun them both right on the television.  Wiring the money to India. How great how SMCH shows up the female jail inmate, for saying Eben Pagan just a high school.

Why don't you try to asking Black Op or the military the real girls dead in nubmers, you will learn between me or Eben high school politics extremelist on the Sailor Moon Earth, its where the eternity ends up on blood...your Medical Board claim not one human lost, you imagine mine life! Not Met life.

1/28/2023 - Coughing Return, Second Day

The weather too cold, I took the coughing medicine. Its fine.

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