Babaji: Go
If they are more capable....I would have expect them to go seduce someone to get to the classify side, they need that President back them, inside that treaty, what did they clause things at.
To end up today.
That is what they suppose to do, not what I need to do?
34 American President: Dwight D. Eisenhower
I am not a lawyer, so I am not supposed to write the lawsuit?! I am not the accountant, so I am not supposed to math? I am not the educator, so I am not supposed to keep trash them like saying your methods all wrong?
I am not the Judge, I cannot try to verdict sound like a real thing?
So...I have been thinking. That is the real things.
But I don't know whom is in it. I cannot see that. If I knew, I just tell that person, switch over. For example, the MD goes to this person, the account goes to that person, the fail school GPA goes to another person. You know what I mean?
I cannot get that. I seeing that in Twlight, but I cannot make a sense, a word what they mean they say? You cannot keep doing this Scott and Blake used with Sammy we play a game, a board card game, Eddie Bear and Rebecca will be imitate some act, and you say the words from the cards?
Okay....I look at Blake, next by.....
Its a blonde. I know he got married moved to CA. But its his Dad that psycho Zawanna meant your evolution evolve you will learn the right things, to do the righterous right methods on things.
I am standing there at the monitor... "uhm?" " Again....?" "...uhm? " " ..."
I cannot make one sense that TV at all.
We used to play a lot of those board game, in the Rebecca's house. The kids they play. I know the rules, but I cannot understand one word out of it. You can fire at that interface, you know the middle screen, what is on the other side?
Similar to that Wallace's TV? There is a screen door in the middle, a divider, when you are ready, you fire toward the other side, but you cannot take the middle screen out of it. This going on and on and on. I cannot understand a word. Its the human does on purpose, or that is ET, not to say Zawanna?
📲💻 I will tell you I don't know a lot of things. I know Zawanna's style or the personality, but I don't know all this garbage on the way. I know the job being expected, but whom suppose to deliver that job? 📲💻
I just need to close off, so I am. Or else I will be still watching it ....sometimes people have to know what to put down the pen on the information to the real court room formats. So many TV, so many movie, how come not trying to be decent and fair to do the right things? My personality is like that.
I wait, and watch, and not personal?
What I truly think? .... I am trying to find whom is the educator. Meaning similar to Blake's dad. I cannot understand that movie: Twlight.
Because, if I knew,...well, I just told you I didn't know a thing for a very long time to be this mess up. If I would know all this 10 years ago, I wouldn't be doing things like this ? I will tell all of them stop, drop your pen, or chop off your 4 limbs? I did say that, remember?
I guessing there is an educator, not that I know for sure, because most people major is in the accounting or something extra in UB you won't even know what they do in the honor class. But if there is one human that is more in the educational format, meaning...everyone supposes to do things right, including I don't step over his or her jobs, I won't know whom that exactly is.
Meaning I back down.
I am. But I don't know whom to hand all the files towards, so I can come down of it.
I think ... ? You want to ask me what I think about this UB on the TV...I think?
... It may not target at me. Its their witness program assignment when they get in there, they will receive those assignments, and learn about "Rich kids", "Poor kids" probably not.
"High Priest happened to be Raw."
He Zawanna is an educator. Do you know what that is? Like that Twlight next by Blake? Saying to me out loud, there is a Zawanna? All my vision? That is why I stay for them UB tiny bit, because .....sometimes in the real sense of the entire Earth, no one will EVER put up these much of the garbage to educate them for only their very very selfish interests.
But what I didn't know that time. It was all these might be real, its all set.
Let's say 10 years ago, I was not told. This Ola and Tamang went to step the line, so the Classify went to get asked, or asking ET, because the court will find out, how come like this and that and this and that. My face is not in it.
I tell you, I think its their each individual all around, a facebook friend, a classmate, an outting activities other than UB, they have a witness account. I never left UB, remember? I always staying in the UB extra-curriculum, or near by VA hospital at that UB south campus. I am not too sure that is what it is. When you trying to vola, and clientale your facebook, you will hit one of those stranger.
Frozen says: Strangers.
I never really met a stranger. Not the professional workers, I never went out to work.
No, they are not necessary be dead, but if their parents during which time if pass away earlier, they cannot cope anything in life, both are them are not that strong....a lot of the kids are not strong.
Sometimes it takes a man and a women to make a household strong, but most of those UB, by now...are singular human copy my side of imagination to hope to get their own Self interests. I say get things right, ....not all that.
Maybe they will be sorting into the witness program, relax a bit, and having the parents somewhat near or heard by whichever years left down. You imagine the kids could let go their 80 years old old old old parents? I didn't grow up with my parents, so I look like this everywhere...but a lot of the kids, they calling their parents "dad" or "mommy" including on the weekend, of the holiday.
You know how I used to treat my grandmom, from my father's side.
I slam the front door, right at her.
I don't remember how old this Ku is, Adam Hailey about 10 years ago, they were high school to College yet? Where Anna I am at? Not in UB? They gone where? Snatching their own interest, if not the lawsuit file-ing are still in proceeding time? That is 10 years now?
Let me guess....these UB classroom activities were like the high school Twlight ! You know there is a word in Ancient Chinese for those court room cases they air on the TV. Its an Ancient Chinese format...that sentence its = "contempt to the court" - its real. I just didn't make a joke out of it.
These entire things are the groups ending up on the maps, but no one be less selfish to coming forward how to solve for everyone else, other than me seeing that is my facebook, so I wait...did I know how to do that on the first day?
I cannot just wait wait wait wait....I cannot understand a thing all this? Things be careful, I can always be more prepared, and then show up the court room? I didn't hurry to get my interests if that is what they are proven by the debts I am telling you.
💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥 Do I feel ashame they might be copy and paste my stuffs from UB? 💥🔥💥🔥 Want to hear the reality?
People like Tamang or Ola, they are competitive. They are.
So in the reality of the career field, or you saying they are MD and I am not? I am not sure what they are, the international medical school. They try not to make a mistake, including I called that "the group activities", but they have no experience doing it.
You seeing anyone other than me this line WWII talking about it the world wide, and Wing they 3 ending up on the straight line down? So ...I don't really know, how would people willing to make a mistake, other than just copy and paste, so if they did already file to the Judge all this time or when you think the Frozen in proceeding? 2014?
Guess where I was 2013 and 2014? Tina Jojo not dead yet, remember? Why isn't anyone just talking to me first of all? Their ego is very high, both of them, and both are so much wish to compare, be competed, to....side by, we are not the same. Not thinking alike, not imagine alike. If you imagine at your work, and your all have some classmates?
They copy paste you to? to Get Title, to get paycheck, to get reviews especially in the MD field? They are motivated, that's why they are still there. They go and changing things, its on their records, not that they don't let them continue. A lot of people retired, so I guess that is the way it is.
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥 💥🔥
Ms Congeniality 2
Rinse his mouth all around, if he can be rinse his teeth. Gentle water running through, he likes that, goes to sleep, the soft tooth brush the gum.
I am watching "The Bad Guys". Funny...(2022)
Its Sadly.
Its Red Carpet, its the MC, its the "how you make it feel".
The 1412
President Snow Speech
Because...let's say you join the event, some of us just strive to when that age comes, the become a sponsor, that is a seat in the film itself. Its such an easy thing to become a sponsor?
You don't have to be together right now, you hire an actor, to show up that Live event days, and pretend a day holding arm in your own home?
I am telling you, you girls care about it. The guy does too. You just didn't get the sense why that matter in life.
You didn't understand what I say there. When the events like SMTV they always have the anniversary, you could just turn on that TV, and next by someone, you all making the food to each other, eating as a couple, near by.
Before or during or after any event starting to show up on the Television.
It does mean to you.
You want to use that SMTV as the testing out, outlet? Just seeing if they have those activities, the concert, or the invites, and yous asking a guy next by you, in your house and you join that event. If you making the food, he is waiting the Live event, or what are those, the conference. They used to do that, not anymore.
You testing these Live events, meaning, they waiting for someone to get on for a speech, you will hold you are in someone's arm that day, that eating at your own home, or his places. Really. Any seasonal holiday all like that.
It means to you. I am very sure you know how it goes about, not sitting alone holding a cup waiting.
Toronto Fresh, has this table 1 to 1, a long array arrangement. Its a vegetarian or vegan restaurant. A little bit price, but its near that CN tower, and the downtown convention center
That was how Carol and her bf met. In Canada tour I think they went ....Erin also joins those Taiwanese bus tour, its a UB graduate association they organize those events, if you finding some people to group all of you, I guess.
I think that bf was a position might be, and she...??! Not sure.
But you saying it would be more of the Taiwanese Association and China Association if the graduate program they match up. That is not the case. They met inside the association club events.
Let's say before departure, you seeing each other like the "common interest socializing event" , if you all having this leadership sort, whom go to organizing this table to table crossing each other eating one meal, really.
You can, and then the Judge given you all a new destination.
But you keep each other's phone number, at least like that? At least in the future, you know anything on the TV looks like what story at all. Sometimes you just standing next by each other, you get to feel something, sometimes its not a super close thing, but it is a friend thing.
You feeling different, one extra things on your Line App groups?
Just one extra name, you don't even know how it ends up there?
I think that Torus in the Bio = Bartendor, Buffalo's Wing, is where me and Brady and Tamang playing chess, they both drink. I went to vomit in the bathroom
He was at Coke Cola, I am not sure where he is at. Near that Niagara Falls Blvd.
She was at the downtown Buffalo, NY.
Brady is looking a lot older than us. I think he is a bio tech, or bio chem.
There is a lot of the Meet-up groups, I used to hear that Jame's gf, financee Jackie going on this volleyball play. In a lot of this on-line meeting, there is a region like the Meet-up where you seeing more people or joining together to go to the events.
You don't need to be the leadership but just joining the clubs to get to know the local place where you move-in, where the place you feel more comfortable to stay. At least you feeling more accept into that new environment, you can engage more of those local activities.
Those CAC Sailor Moon, we used to be where Delaware those music festivity outdoor?
It does look like this.
Its the brunettne girls jumping far away on the left side corner up.
The fat girl behind, talking to JC? The sexy lady. "All through the night......"
Pitch Perfect - Beca
This would be the Emily Junks - the small volumn, how come they do that?
I think it might internal the video?
I cannot understand a thing, or that is between the guys to guy, the girls to girls.
The girls run the Worlds?
They just had a fundraising, remember?
APO has a Mark and Kelvin (Fat and skinny mental)
Westlife - Fragile Heart
We have 2 Kelvin I knew, one in APO, one in the Student Union receptionalist.
There is 2 Gordan in the Toronto Center, that Calvin with Wei.
Gordan Asian ( wife making the cake, he is an investor type) and one piano Gordan White with an Asian girlfriend, when me, Ming and Clova eating in the Green Earth (East south of that Toronto Center). Calvin just little bit older than me, he is in the American Idol Farewell Simon and Paula that...last scene.
Adam Davis is with Eddie Bear (Scott and Blake's father)
The high school education counselor. The giant fat with Rebecca. Too old, probably about to die, really. The exotic traveler (Victoria Secrets )
Eben would be with the Pluto, my mother, that photo online. (The Earth Prince and the Pluto)
無妄海 Don't forget, sea ( the whole humanity going in it without me )
Don't forget me 無忘我
The day You Found Out.
She is a psycho, when she becomes....the near Central idea. That is her judgements.
I think UB Emily and Fatima are true love, such as Taiwan is shortage of water, next step? or I say "next"?
haha.....The mercury and the Sailor moon.
The same thought pattern all the time.
About the same shorty formats. Fatima is shorter. Emily makes-out the kissing scene in the party to that North Pole guy hanging? She remembers that, the college outing, really. Life with the hope, Fatima is capable to talk out of her mouth some really interesting topics, if you just met together how the worldly debates starting with the mouth jobs. When you 2 are ready... Next the Mars by that book sequence? The next meeting? Why don't you get along seeing if I am right?
Nick Carter:
When you be happy, you figure it out the next 3 months, really. Every life situation are all like that, you found out.

A lot of time with the school activities, you will have this school reunion, from the family to family if you are so and so, they are all up to the trip, there will be the photo and memory when you gone to this events.
You can make the video, you can have the home video making, or your own very facebook in your own timeline. A lot of times you saying which music you select, you can pick from a lot of the gerne to tell you a story timeline.
You mute the video on the audio, and put that music on:
Its not true, but you understand what it means the power of the usable media to create the music, sound and motion in people's peripheral entertainment - your facebook friends. Sometimes you are too ashame for yourself to make those video, you could just upload, and everyone is looking at it.
Correct, in my school year since the elementary school (The teacher selects those music), but we have a lot of the group dance, its a perofrmance art, not the boy and the girls. Jump in the rain, dragging the long drap from two side, to form a X?
2 oclock to 8 oclock, what dance would that be?
Its a ginger soup after. In the rain.
Disney - First and Last Scene of Wizards! | Throwback Thursday | Wizards of Waverly Place | Disney Channel
Its like the story similar to Harry Potter, the Tri-wizard tournament.
oh ~~!
You know how each other not to becoming the enemy to each other, mostly the girls you see the guys or the girls both are the enemy for some reasons.
You go behind the scene, sometimes singing only.
The composer's job. Its a job too. The creation of that piece of Original Content a) lyrics b) melody (song) c) a story board about that song or the album.
Why it makes sense to anyone whom reading those album hard case, and someone singing it.
Meaning you production your own song, to this production on going story board. You understand each of this process? You give a concept, you give a meaning, you give an overal story to follow, and the camera man, the photo shooting crew + the video teams + editing staffs, you oversee each creation of this video, similar you saying the Youtuber.
But you using on the original sign on the company resource, they got a methods and the security, but you need to input your own production manner, how to
1. Organize
2. Verbalize a concept, meaning you present your storyboard. Frames to Frames.
🍟🍟🍟🍟You are so disturbed...what can I do for you? All on the Linkedin the last 10 posts? (Science Musuem and the Music festivity human crowd ) 🍑🍑🍑🍑
You like the music, but you never know a formation of the groups take so much efforts and delication, its one week pass....Congratulation !!!!!!!
You like the Westlife - Better Man, or you cannot breath without me?
Westlife - Better Man:
Westlife - the interview on Gravity:
When the people starting to take off their career in the music industry meaning ...
1) Publishing a record 2) sign on a music record deal through the record company 3) Including they knowing what is an agent doing things for them.
4) There is a music sheet they can read.
5) There is a music production sign, they listen, they record, they sing, they memorize that song
6) They coming out a video content for the MV, meaning the visual side of a story to that songs.
7) Where the audience and their fans wish to see, or understand what they see.
8) Getting the feedback from. A lot of the people following them will tell them.
💻📲🥂🥂🥂🥃🍹 💻📲 🥂🥂🥂🥃🍹 💻📲 🥂🥂🥂🥃🍹 💻📲 🥂🥂🥂🥃🍹 💻📲
You don't have to go on such as the Medician Technical, the Pharmacy technician, there are just the health care field, right?
So you seeking this, when you get fired every 2 years in order to shape up your resume running one job after another. You as a girl, you don't have a lot of the brain, don't have a lot of the resources, and ever bearing the children of the next, you really need that medical equipment or any doctor's order, will make you feel settle you just hearing from them, knowing them exist, you walking in very expensive, but that is what you paying for that system.
You have a character, I will say very defect. But everyone is living in their own illusion, that is what I will tell you.
If you always pine at the video panels, these are like 9 screen in one PC monitor, you seeing everything in front of you. But these people have nothing to do with you.
You didn't distant yourself out of that hurt, to focus on what things at your jobs, or your works, including things how to bring up the humanity reason, that you yield that by your sweat, your Bible says?
What you mean the networking, if the social media helping you that, you get on the Linkedin or the Facebok or the Instagram. You have to know how to operate things in that 4 points frame, because as much as you want to hate those whom....knew how to tranpassing those profile icons, for saying they starting at where, and you efforting in their social circle in their cautious in life included, these people unseen faces, but they are existing in all walk of life. You deny something that present to you because you don't diligently learning that one reason, your government allowing it to exist....there are a lot of merits how they derived from the people's efforts, that no less than you and me, but you don't think deep enough.
When you understand the power of that Digital networks, because you are happy with them. You are happy with the stranger, and the chat, and the finding things out. As for other people operating through that network situation, we are at the beginning of all that security and development including the police forces. When people are less concentrating on the crimes idea, so that these envrionment at the professional workers to collaborate a reason, a goal, any project its because people initiate that at. Do I propose those idea telling them you UB 6+1 re-write? So that is a motion everyone can input, and if they can propel to the next goal, it is one of the things you go on, to make your new career field if you making that team works, you sail at a certain direction. You must knowing that, how you built up that confident in the people whom participate an idea, collaborating a result, is there any legging feeling being dragged, or you don't care about people's privacy, you mean....whom is the leadership, in whichever place they already are. People are not stingy to pitch in an idea, so everyone learn.
You mean, its everything you do, you got to be paying for it.
Babaji: Go
You girls less to becoming each other insurance saler how to Gexico yourself out of that Turkish airline. I remember that is one of your job. Even Annca, is a car sale's man 3 years younger than me. Their sales were...the car price, for a tiny place like Taipei. He is from the same city like Erin.
They are very old, so I don't know if they switch some younger faces up - I am sure they are. These people when they get old, they keep their brain clear, and crystal function in that field, can move some of the time outside to see this junks, that is one of things they can do, because they get much older than my age right now
1 2014. When I face those ET, I don't care it s the human wrote them or energy I knew, or what not, my target were always that Project Camelot say, and these useless Simon Keanu front cover, I can not talk a thing to look normal.
2. These called the mini-skirt 10 years ago on aging and......debts in the bank.
3. If they line up 3 of them, I cannot stop laughing in my own seat, its just because too far away, you all girls cannot see, how stupidity all these ever look to me.
4. They are mostly are staying in the nice, kind gesture. I pass 10 long years, I never change the day I left Taiwan, I am telling you those past things I can ever do, I never wane out the leadership one of those stupid girls in the past too.
5. Your debts wants to confess to them? They are all the professor literacy, cannot possibly coming out a certain language like 2 worlds apart.
6. There is an investment, not necessary reflects into their salary, but their IQ is all that matter in this world, and behind there is an investment. Everything just looking at that, and I know that.....its one of the biggest jokes, I cannot describe you - the Jokes of the day. A human like you don't have an investment won't go very far in life, really. Other than I say, go to the New York State labor force department, that process how often the 2 weeks paychecks extra, no needed with the brain, just filling up the computer machine in those carpet....was an old governmental look, where the gold state used to be, where the weather or the police attitude, at least I knew that from my back seat. Its when he felts like I see him pulling his seat belt or not behind Hank.
One of brain is not function, its the eye sight, and mobility I see my phone that California back seat requires a seat belt.
Immediately one min, they use high tech?
I already deliver that legally next min.
You are kind of mix up the certain investment behind that one person if you entering the bio field, not just the professor. Each of them has an investment behind if they were told or not.
I met them, most people whom really making it that behind, at the Science Museum (Military) all those, everyone's brain are very very crystal clear, not foggy, not soggy, not speedy slow pace snail. Not I am, or they are out of the patience....its a useless talk. Because.....normally you are placed upon those upbeat, or brighter people's mind set to get going to do things.
You are very very sluggish, that entire Buffalo NY is like that. California is a completely different battle field, if you are admit into one of those facility, even if you transpassing the hospital, better its the ID you enter....until you really seeing how upbeat, and fast pace, never really wish to be that sluggish in your brain speed, to explain things once, twice, three time.... I don't need a show, I need a crystal clear presentation.
1. Clear in your language
2. Fast in your organization
3. Presenting you knowing that front and back project connected to each other. That is what Dr. Bing did.
4. They are not made to take care of the kids, or their kids are nothing but Hazzard waste I think.....
5. The speed of your brain to react on something, and clear on that....logic process.
6. You just never vibrational stay in that environment, everyone is almost identical. Clear in the head, fast in their rudimentary language, tell me 1+1 is not 2? Or a Cell theory, not sure where is the nucleus, the basic elementary school, or a lab report, or peer reviews?
7. They are not nervous to write an article, for saying....stumble, fumble, slow, or hesitate...this is very annoying, someone to be not professional. Its like you saying a penis job, I told you all the girl getting fat, or imagine fatty, or imagine you are old, you can operate a hand job on the shame too much with your faces? You know what is a clean procedure, that professional speaking a gloove to wear, you know things delicate look?
8. Not destroy things 1 to zillion attitude.
9. That entire outlook to me in that Sailor Moon, one side against, its one of the stupidest things I ever seen, I just didn't say that, it supposes to faciliate. You know the research on the first floor how much gold costs per inche square in the California? So each of them behind has someone else wish to invest in them. You know what they coming out of the language if they drive a car, and say something? It would never be one of those stupidest thing I ever hear the high school reunion.
10. I keep saying its nothing but stupidity, and wasting my time.
💖🍲💘🥭🥭🥭🥭 I am sleeping until these crowd of the police car siren over .....💖🍲💘🥭🥭🥭🥭
Guess what is on my monitor !!!
Let's say you want to sign up a music record deal, you have to have a demo similar to the Pitch Perfect, not USB, it used to be....those casette formats, and then a CD. Long time ago when we were like the middle school, or the high school earlier parts, and that is when I was watching the Andrew Webber Royal Hall Celebration, to that point, Tina was 3 years in the music high school, starting on her examination formats. So she has to practice....all those time including she started from the elemetnary school, and me and her one of the classmate's sister were in the same class. She and me gone somewhere, and ...something happened so I told Tina about it. As we growing up that time, because it was a very very simple envrionment, it was her a lot of the elementary school those gossip from her school, she has to commute, or she was boarding school one of those.....these envrionment where it is not those cold American capitalism under, when you gone to the America, everything becoming colder. No more family members all knowing around including her ex bf, they try to buddy together for some time, and she paying for of those gf incidents. But still...she has a flute teacher, and in order she has to go anywhere, she knew where is the music sheet store, that is one story I telling about her Tina if were home, there is a piano, me and Pang if no worry, its when she finished that piano, I pass by look. He pass by look.
Because we have no more pressure....the home design were from my mother, everything were like we used to be.
Most time people get nervous just to get on the stage.
You know those elementary school you have this reading the script what not to get on the stage including to memorize things in front of the whole class, or join one of those.....contest how to say 2 lines, I forget the rest of the draft. I did. I think I was 5th grade. I was pushed into those contest, of course I feel ashame.
A lot of those small things on the stage, you just get up and opening up your mouth to the crowd, that is the first thing.
You get nervous, and most time you cannot see the below crowd, if your target focus its to wipe out the entire stadium, you will be seeing the entire crowd from the last row to the front, whatever that lights supposes to be.
Try doing that several time, you will becoming a pro, I am telling you.
Yeah, it was a full package. Medical included, bio jobs I had. It’s a chromosome jobs. Because …it all looks the same to you.
The techniques different. The chromosome it’s bigger one tier up than then the existing nucleotide!! It’s just openings up the cell walls. Similar to the salt water to the cell walls in the vegetable, like ….she is Miranda looking.
Emily again ? She has a daughter in bathing all the time, she was way way too old.
I finish using the full package, I gone to the dental Perfect yellow pages, the eyes too many times (2 doctor, one specialist ), and the women doctor on the blood tests. Then I got fired. I am very sure it has something to do with them too.
I don’t care about art and Craft, funny, I deliver what ?
I don’t care about sewing clothing, if you want me to burn down a fire department location you on recording knowing that will be the only Eternal Laws, forever and forever …I do things once, one day if I leave, not at the moment. I seen enough garbage.
I am the one telling you System, did I?
I didn’t know I saying that, if you touching it the line?
No you don’t need to care about the animal, to that extent multiply…because the human civilization exist. I didn’t say make them die. Engineer a method they can be sufficient and open up your mouth a direct communication I cannot understand it.
Whatever the Pixies borders all that whichever I say, their manual sustain.
I have no patience, I have warning you, my least patience when my ability combine. Don’t hear, don’t care, don’t imagine it’s between your uniform or I say my words everything deliver perfect.
Your debts it’s the peoples habits.
Your public hygienic is the civilization die out.
You suppose to be indoor, doing nothing but 4 limbs every single day all the time rinse at it. I am. Rinse means? Count 5 seconds 10 second 15 seconds, dry. You can just extent your entire entire arm under that facet in the bath rubes rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse.
It’s just the water.
Dry !!
You don’t need to process your nail everyday but between your finger line, toe line, you have to open and scrap by your finger nails? I am lazy too you know? Why you soak the water in? Open up the smell?
I actually knew that, how Amazing !!
I am not that super tall, but I will neglect my foot sometimes too busy !! But I care when I can.
Just rinse the legs standing, not necessary the foot. You take care that once a week, bathing or just once.
My bathroom because it’s right next by, Taiwan iodine is a small bottle, I use at the toes, you put 2 tissues paper under one foot, they will stick if it drip and your below muscle parts will stick, I step on the back sole back to my seat.
Wait ….5-20 mins
Washing in my sink, I am flexible. Not that tall.
Not all the time. Because I have the guys around. If you don’t be with anyone best.
I personally don’t care about music, mute, damf at it. And now Westlife or them Simon upper told me anything particular, they screen out people?
This Bible operates?
Maybe you need to re-write.
The material science, interior design, pavement road, weather control, infrastructure, medicine, animal odor, natural perseveration. I am in a lot of things other than in the music or the TV cover.
The cartoon on Formula One 閃電霹靂車
You need to get to America, I seen zero things in Asia or Europe. I think it’s a real life I live in Europe other than screening people? You need that AMerica Visa - special skill categories. I know myself immigrant, what’s that Tina, Pang, unless blood?
Also, this first immigrant UB, all denial. 9 generation investigation, hang, chop, cruelty handle. Nothing innocent when you fail.
Or me.
Don’t talk to me New Age, that Medical Board if don’t know what they are doing, I won’t be here talking to them, or AMerica. That is the best thing in your Earth, talk about my judgement not getting worsen everyday going out what I say about all these.
Money, bank, military formation to get thing going.
You have no spirituality. I keep saying it.
1+1 always = 2, if I come out an example something, I know exactly I am saying that, could be this stupid every step the way. Don’t imagine I don’t remember which things I leave behind - it’s between you really know what I say or why I say, or how I am saying it.
The final verdict of that judgement.
I knew all these told stories First hand, first reference, you cannot possibly tell me I cannot distinguish whet color I see my own eyes at where, really. What I apply my own Driving License. You all doing on purpose against your own education requirement, it’s more of the Educational Department than the American Medical Board you saying the lawsuit original. That turning back and forth your lawsuit, remember how you did it.
I already warning the humanity over and over.
Try not to fail anything your Congress pass, because that land do not do that. It’s first clear. I think so. I am telling you so, you deliver so…all your year after year double Major on some(meds resume. That’s undergraduate only.
If you only knew your pass sign, one simple failure at the college courses saying drop-out, it’s very very reward feeling how each every step when someone’s educational require quadruple surpass. It’s not yet at the Earth, it will be filter out by stability and IQ - I am saying that too very often did I?
Say it again?
1 plus 1 equal 2?
Funny …you have a Wall Street.
That is Gately !
The first time I remember seeing him, or later that Indian 500 years old hot balloon, I didn't faint on it. I try to look normal.
What if that competition ground one day, no one working it out between us....that Open scenario its becoming the enemy, your heart gonna take that?
Not Harry Potter long table with the Princess Diary that simple?
You start feeling your own competition pressure too high? ! Why you take Ronan or Westlife to compete them, and me?
You compete inside your own borrowing each other studio yet? They have a studio or not, for that sounding coming out a bit? Seeing each other what everyone else is doing? and?
You start to enemy everyone just one week 7 days?
You realize that is to enemy everyone will sound like solving the problems, now? How brilliant is that. One of your enemy like me talking to you straight, feeling anything better tiny bit?
This is about the music, or Seth things going on this Black hair or blonde hair guy in front of you? Really?
I am talking about the music !!!!!
... They start to positioning themselves since several years ago, and now its 5 years pass? And you all becoming this miserable because? They are older now.
You don't want to really bet on the skills, and your character building because if things don't work out, on the battle field whichever high tech comes first, one of us still has to face the Music? That is the American slang "Face the Music"? Like face the reality?
Keep the shape, keep the hygienic, keep hydrate with the good water, warm soup, keep the voice singing out. Leaning some music genre, but you are not going to join this battle field. Do they literally telling you the high tech coming? I don't think so.
I got mad when I see these lyrics and that Sailor Moon one frame, I told you....none of you trying to unleash or untie me, your industry will be going down. That frame is my side of the frame, the real roses?
One week pass, seeing the Westlife? Imagine that continuation of the next week what you revelation this 1 and 2 and 4? Seeing the Savage Garden?
The combination of the presentation. You seeing yourself a group of your own? Writing any note down on the first week? A random note shelf inside the folder?
You study the song
You study the presentation
or you study the skills? Meaning that is a choir looking to you? You know what that is made of that in the vocal range to put up a music sheet, in the composer side? know what that is?
A lot of the music idea has to go by listening, how much you like that music, how much you feeling the audience to like about the music. What do you coming out your one week prison, how come this is so miserable, you seeing them on the news still? Just not the music? You know Westlife before like 25 years ago?
You don't need to go over broad to the life that is too different from your existing current life ....I had a choice? You know what you did on the TV, so someone behind has to twist and turn, I even show to you?
Some people have to do things in life, you don't go and compare if you can deliver a thing, that is God says, not God says, just the TV saying so, I will surely make amend, I will be the God, re-saying all that?
You want to do that in your own country millitary, you ever exist anywhere seeing the military people ever in your life? I always born near by, so I took it, its normal talking about them all the time. Seriously.
But you may never seen a military uniform, or a Cop, or something the law & reinforcement. I seen a lot inside too, so I am not getting used to at the beginning, but I am? Gradually....
As the girl, you try not to do kneel to vow something, so you doing that. In the reality, you need the faces to live life, really....not this.
It doesn't matter the money, you care a lot more about the girl's every side of the feeling, you rather to keep them, to lose the guys you willing to do. I cannot lose the guys, not my chemistry side, not bio side / bio chem side, not any side really in the science field.
I growing up knowing that very very clearly.
Is your gum hurting eating those food? Drinking the things better? My teeth hurt before thanks to the crab and the birds. You feeling the gum hurtful, massage tooth brush? Chewing is very hurt?
The carbohydrate is not limited to lentil, or these variety of the beans. I don't eat beans, but Nick does, so I assuming they are? Lentil or the beans. Those things you still need to watch it?
They are fat .....the carbohydrate stuffs. Creamy.
Yeah the white rice and noodles are the carbohydrate. To the people's diet's memory, they need to see the carbohydrate feeling that day they eat something down. Just by how much they eat before.....the brain memory. I don't have that anymore.
Like the bread. The Pizza, the Foccacia, the Italian Pod? People if seeing a perfect looking things the round, or rectangle, as long as a perfect pizza. They feel that is what they had for the lunch.
No, I don't use MSG. The soup? You have some indian spice, some Chinese spice, some meat brooth, its instant made already.
You have sugar, salt, vinegar, or olive oil, lemon, orange peel?
You have spice, the cullinary spice.
The indian has one of those boxes mix in Canada I have seen. Its a type of the curry, not like the Asian these curry. Its one of those American curry. Its spicy enough. What do you eat with the soup?
Some baguette or some fishes + some tiny rice, + tiny salad.
You don't want your stomach too entirely overload with the food. So you break them in the lunch hour earlier, so not too full for the stomach. If you just prepare enough food on the kitchen, anytime if they group gather, they eating whole day long, that is why you have the groups?
How do you process an egg? Drop on the kitchen counter?
Not piece inside the food, you cannot see, or my table too short, my eyes distance to the counter top, its not the same as your height standing on the heel?
You ever seen the hotel really nice looking fluffy eggs? You know to mix some milk or even water, to dilute, soy milk? Things becoming soften, but by how much percentage that eggs suppose to look right? The milk and the eggs, or tiny bit flour? Gold yellow, not those burnt, brown one?
Things are small tiny, but you paying attention, you trying out to be attentive, and doing it right, on every ratio in your imagination? Like the juicing how to swallowing it down?
Its really just a food science job. They are the same lab, the same lab procedure, the burning, not burn, melt not melting, solidified with the temperature, the room temperature butter or vegetable shortening? Its the pie crust !!!
They do eat things when they feel like ! Occasionally, I never say to go on strict on them. They eat their way to die, really.
Do you cut the fruits yourself? How exactly you cut a fruit yourself?
Making an orange juice in the morning, they carry the whole boxes home, that is 5 cup their fresh morning electric juicer, not the real juicer? How fast that ever be?
You prepare the cup, the water, the warm water, the thermal bottle. Maybe they are in the rehearsal mode? I have no idea what they do with their life? I bring those things to them? I never stop looking this maid, every single day, really.
You ever seen CSI? The American CSI? Meaning how do you make a plastic mode for that chocolate melting process...its the melting point over the heating stove, not to wait to solidifed? The chemistry procedure how to melt things?
So meaning.....that basic basic handling things in front of you, to put in the bear mode with the stick, but you mean that is the black and white chocolate? Why there is a white chocolate? They don't eat that everyday, but a treat?
🥭💝 I will tell you, I think you don't know how to use the salt, or sugar...or a while you don't cook, you forget....I never forget those things, they are just like the chemistry lab protocol, there is not one thing too difficult at it. 🥭💝
Let's say you wash that lemon or orange peel skin.
You know the watermelon internal between the red and the green, its the white?
Zesty, how you saying that in the food idea? or that watermelon in between its a salty almost like the sushi those side by ginger? Its crispy, chewy, home made.
You never done anything in that norm, you know why the home made food needs to go quick? Because it only stay one day or 2 days really. These are just washing and the cutting jobs. You cut enough the human population, you have no regret keep doing that, right?
Including the light or thickening soup.
In China, they use tapioca flour, in America, its not the same corn starch or the potato flare, I don't know what's in Europe, but assuming they all having the Chinese store.
Something including India, you seeing all the Pinterest, I didn't lie about it. I know what to look for? The stir fried on the white clean rice, you doing things perfect certain time, they guys can see and know it in their stomach.
The commerical American those restaurant chicken salad is? Without the tangarine. Imagine you cut the orange or tangrine to adding in? That is not the plain salad?
You know the apples? the simple boiled Potato, how to make it perfect?
oh ~ I cut the human into the thousand pieces, imagine I cut or slice an orange, or an apple?
If the guys really desparate for the cookies, no eggs, no butter, but replace those substitute, you understand what is the fat by math, you just really need that one day some cookies? At the sugar rush?
The certain things make the perfect? I don't eat those things, so I don't know how to make, but I done it at UB time.
The most things you don't want the process food outside, its the corn syrup, they have a very high sugar index things meaning they create a huge rush inside the blood speed to process those very small tiny sugar because they are too fast. That is what it means. You might shaking, I think that was what I was in UB time. No chocolate at night time.
Or the cereal at night.
You know what's the thousand island dressing, the vegan version just using the Magic Bullet + the regular cooking oil. That's it.
Not eggs, not super fat, its the vegan version? You know what is the word Vegan mean? If it taste the exactly the same, its the salad dressing without the glass bottle in the kitchen to buy? There are the things you do, you compile up to that points, and one recipe perfect, and then make sure everything perfect?
Its just the recipe?
Sometimes one big plate, let's say they are 5 people. You use half avocado, but you can have 1 or 2 ravoli boiled, so that is not a huge cooking, just in between the hours, they have a plate decorated carrots + half or quarter of the avocado + 2 ravolu with some small tiny apple sald or slice of few chicken?
You know what is a 5 dish plate of that?
Before they get to the lunch?
I do things like that? Where is the photo doesn't look like that? Certain small tiny things, like marinated slice ginger, right now I don't know how to do that. But something that small tiny, just small tiny tiny tiny delicate on that plate.....SMALL TINY, you know what is perfect means? Really really deliver that whole plate, not too much, they can sustain til the lunch time?
And til the Lunch Time, its a salad with a lot of the right Green, the cooking Green, some soupy. Some meat, but they can nap, not to say, right away no digestion to get fat? You watch that groups to sound right?
If they know its intake the food every hour, or water, or soup, or pudding.....the combination of all that, they are not too tired, without that stress, the mouth cannot stop chewing the food and swallow?
💘💝 ❤️🔥 ❤️🩹 💟 How do you make a group food? 💘💝 ❤️🔥 ❤️🩹 💟
I don't really eat a lot of the food, so let's say cooking is a leisure things in the definition, you know what I mean? I starting at Friday afternoon might be prepare something the early morning already, becasue when I am bored, you with the guys, you don't cook together, or he has to be on the computer, you sometimes ask him if he needs the tea, hot coco, or soup, lentil soup is ready, so every hour he is intake some water, or some snack here or there.
That entire environment its different, because they have the money. I have the money.
So if I really like to cook, or washing ....that is just 2 people's world, he keeps his life busy, I walking all around back and forth, his desk not too far from the kitchen food at?
The Weekend Party Food
Most people are on the diet, but let's say the BBQ stick, you look like, not that we have to put up a propane stuffs. You can just baked them in the oven how to sauce on Top. Sometimes a happy group food, you make sure it looks right on the container, or on each plate.
The washing things can start on Friday afternoon. I always make a lot of the dumpling, so that never runs out? Just a different ingredient and taste in it. How many people Shane gonna invites really? Or Brian, whichever them?
So let's say that one guy not too far away from the kitchen, its when you cook, he already start hanging around to eat? There is soup, there are the vegetable ready, sometimes you ask him what he likes, or snacks here or there. Sometimes raw food, raw cucomber, some spicy things here or there. The things I taught you, he can last a few hour before the lunch time?
So my entire day and night just cooking and washing and hanging around the house?
Yeah ! When you have the money, that is not what you do?
No, I don't really care about the jobs when I file all this already? You being with a guy under the roof, its to sustain that 2 people's world? You never live with a person long enough, you do everything together. The laundry, I can fold it myself, its drying machine, I walking in and out. Sometimes people have a tendency walking all over the places, that kinds?
For example the cucumber, in America is huge, in Taiwan, its small tiny.
The spicy one I told you the recipes, its you oil fried the Chinese red pepper, and put in all the cucumber, you think some cucumber like that, you can last one hour, and that is very very close to the Raw food, with tiny salt. You imagine things cannot good for the palate, and losing weight, and every hour you cannot stop eating, putting the food inside your mouth?
Like a plate of the avocado knife cut right, and decorate the carrots, how do you process that carrots or ginger, so you marinate them, you start to be with some guys that is more important, then you learn everything from the internet. You didn't have to learn on the First day. I already more quip after with nick? The cooking stuffs.
When they are less hungry saying that concentrating lunch hour, its because they already eating every hour? That is not so stress to believe how the one day goes by in life. When I have the money, I can afford all that. Just pitch in everyone's money, and find the recipe.
Sometimes the soup, soupy has to be right.
Sometimes with the meat in it, but not to GET super fat, and not digestable?
Sometimes its on the maintainese program?
Right now I forsake my Friday night and the weekend, so for 7 years, that is to working hard, so later I can be with the guy or his friends?
I heard it’s the assignment - why you are in the witness program
Not the love reason.
For example, Tina and Hank it’s that none seen Big Hero 6 over me cases, but you all are the faces be seen. It’s them 2 are the witness, not you 6+1
Not that, but that.
Because you have a choice in life other than me reason, in your life, you have a priority, they find you a reason why you say you have an assignment- I think that’s the excuses saying you are protected. At least next 4000 years enclosed to eternal draw a curtain
Green dim low atmosphere.
If it’s the low IQ issues, you suppose to be honest to tell the whole class.
Because …there is a reason you doing what you did. Just like Tony.
Or you are on the street the day your furniture ship with the payment next 10 months and no one knows you are on the street. None of us got told you are on the street. The police campus jobs.
I am sure you are all very confident to your yielding to the lawsuit. Like I told you this morning, I am not very sure you know why you go “argue a case”. There is a reason why you present the Judge a case that is logic and process right.
Debates means “a statement true”, so you saying from the front to the back. In that logic you believe the witness means the public felt so were not subjective being manipulated by your one side reason to get the money from the court.
If both be dropped by the honor class program itself, it will never be the real love, the entire public will know that too. You failed the dating games in class, you cannot study you chase the guy at his school, I drive you over?
You are still in your jobs or you pretend to be, what not the MD inside leadership ?
The organization skill, the mobility of that jobs itself, long or short goal trajectory.
Like in 3 weeks we will have what results to 5 years where you see things should be. The company all that. Or when things running low, you don’t talk low. You find ways to talk to others, find a mean to the solution. You try to kidnap the American medical board or still MCAT every year, in case it’s a real MD Intern.
Then it would be the hospital those top president and vice. Those are how to run a profit from the hospital system right on the China TV !!
You should get a male MD talking to you, best this are telling me not only you have no professional jobs, you are unstable, and you are a fake.
That is one thing you should not do, but you are doing it. You are upset, you are unsure, you are scared, you have no direction. You suppose to get a real MD male side, every step just file him and the lawyer exactly everything I am telling you so since 2 years ago, with Karen or with Ola and Wing included.
( It is already 1 oclock? )
You are feeling something unusual right now. All this will vanish if that one guy, or any guy on your ways never made it to your facebook other than the other girl's blossom embrace. It won't matter if the guy are happy or content, its always the money talk. You didn't make it that bracket that doesn't mean the world treat him or you equally less, you understand.
Something being supportive, it was from a lot of reasons, and that won't stay there forever, and this age where you saying about a lot of people's life in turn, in changing, in all that career upside down side, someone made a decision or life or death situation ....there is a lot of the well wishing from people. Including from me too. You saying getting married or just dating 1 or 2 year together. Someone wishing you all well, all the time.
One day in your life, you looking back
You will or had a wish, what if you just try harder that time, no matter what, sleep that guy, if just you say the American culture exactly like that, stay with him until he dumps you. Because the girl like you, really didn't have anything in life. In the age between 30-40, you are supposed to be on your career heighten road.
Most people are.
Some guys
Some girls
That career choice is where the money or the opportunity that makes the life turn, and a lot of people wishing that well too. It won't be limited to you all groups, but what you really wish after you get off this TV being leash on you or direct you, last thing to be found would be...
You fallen inside your bath tubes
Whatever that means a boiling water on sound, and you rush to get out of the tiles, whichever made, you purchase a second hand house. In the winter.
What Zawanna or ET or anything that being present has a lot of the real life scenario putting that forward. So when they insist that, they didn't care about your feeling. To this time, they hackjet you some of this supportive 30-40, you wish there is a guy's photo next by you.
That is what people did behind, until ...its all separate legally and be known, or be told they have someone else, and these people behind find it out. You didn't think the life are being connected to in every turn.
Including the day you die.
How you wish to see...all those back end people, how they tear apart their photo, to this new gf, new wife, in their age of 40-50, 60-80. It could have been you, if that saying.....That Day You Found Out, there is nothing the court can do for you. Nothing to explain about Life.
I am the one explaining you about the life.
You had a paper title on the map, remember?
When you and me, or any of you girls having me a talk on that Wing, that was before before before any of this Westlife ever shows up, I was by myself?
Whatever that was, is, or had looking like I had known a guy? I actually don't know any of them. For real. So I told you a several thing how I really feel that time on the guy's real life scenario, I say a lot of things that time A to Z. You girls do care about it.
If you care about it, don't add them on your facebook. You mean you calling them is fine. Not the facebook. The guys world...they often just get a gf if they need, or they are just like that, they can get a girlfriend easily, and they done that all the time. A lot of the guys' life its how they live and believe.
You keep believing you are the virtuous one. Its not my job tell you not to do that, you can just get rid of all of their facebook. Not to participate something you say you don't care, and you say you got hurtful, so why don't you just leave him out of your facebook?
💖 In front of me, there is a lot of scenario, the day I crown myself 2014, it was a real scenario on my seeing...just cannot verbalize well, so finally I got off. 💖
Then one day I have more scenario all the way up to 2023 this year. So I told you there is a leadership involve, I used to.....
This is what happen to. I say the Asian system, and we have the competition categories, they are 12345. None of you are in the sport arena, and certain not in that team, you were somebody. There is a difference, when you are saying you are somebody in the sports arena, or some very real situation I Anna Today make it up in front of everyone.
Not the Bible needs to be right, not the Water crisis to be right, not the cloud, the birds talking the Persian to be right. None of that needs to be right.
Then its a sequence, then there is a formation. That is happening between me saying there is a leadership we are putting it right in front.
None of us will be saying the leadership, if I Anna didn't have to investigate things myself?
So these scenario is not yours. You are just mingling between each other. I used to say a lot of things regards to that, you can conclude yourself once you feeling better with the court turn. I am not sure what you do with the claim, you can just ask the lawyer to check it for you. I think they do fine jobs.
With Zawanna ....
If you don't want to take the guy as the next by partner, live together. You can pick a girl there that is, I think its best you knowing that. He means he wishing you all well, so there are THAT.
ET may not be that type of the person, but I think Zawanna is that type of the person.
For real.
You might just choose to be with yourself, and reading some books in the space you pick for yourself, or live what not for a while. Yeah...just relax after the court room drama. Shopping for yourself, sight seeing for yourself, touring some City if you want, calling some of the guys and telling them you make it home safe and sound. You asking them if they want to be in your facebook, you can update them your traveling statues.
You tell them, you wishing them all well, if they gonna be re-married again, a real marraige, or was already. I don't really know.
No, we didn't keep in touch. No.
No, I really didn't talk to them.
No, I say that thousand times, we are not that close. They are a guy, and I am a girl, I don't go there to step over their face, I had a life before?