Lawsuit 601: At the Beginning (First Life ) | Flower Thousand Bone 2015 and All System Domino to AI Chatting

Date: April 10th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Time reference points

First life Purna starting the appretenship when she got expel under me, your Bible "King of Kings, Lords of Lords" one phrase.

First life the Digital Era begins, I say, it will be 500 years before anything will inch in. The world given them freedom not to capitalize on the Digital Era. The Silicon Valley Bank just got re-sort or bankrupt included, so that area is Google, Facebook and Apple at. I personally check on that in 2016 and had a credit issue, on my bank. That year on. You have a record to trace. This is to do with one of the lawsuit after Lawsuit 275, "The Statue on Check" because....That 5 lawsuit I think or 10 lawsuit after Lawsuit 275 was about the "Human born merits without anymore hidden away agenda since Pixie were born, or affected from that Tesla invention and the contract 1900."

The Black and White TV tale, I told people. That Indian 500 years old make the world an easy access to this, what you say on paper or this Digital Era frames will becoming whom you are in the future. I don't know how that happens. You are born to begin the first life, but I put it in the lawsuit that 10 lawsuit after Prince Harry screw up.

This will also having a First Life Oversea, I don't know which words to use, between that First Generation tuition EOP I used to know New York State educational funding to the student like Vy, I didn't get but her both parents are the college or not college etc. My both parents are the college students. The University actually. I will be considering the first generation, similar to UB those screw up cases eternally their parents as the first immigration or second after relocated to Buffalo-Niagara Region.

This is not the first time they doing this, meaning the "Oversea all cases" be investigated, through that Obama starting these property tax, so my mother given up the green card favors us coming back home from the interior design, same Swallow, they are both women they don't have a much support, but they had a past. That is not a justices how you treating them if that veil will be open by the AI one day. Its walking over their dead corpse.

You have an issue about these young Obama be crime on the TV to be jailed, for no one death to be apart on the records, its a jail on the law student or the law intern. When Trump did that on the news on the bill, it was either I understood he was younger, or the same age, and a group of human behind has to work on him. I start to realize, all the political leadership were somewhat needed to be educated.

Therefore, at this moment, on my every first life lawsuit here, I will have no supports, because of them. They all retrieve back to the training. All of them. All the political student intern. They understand per word per expression I say, but they cannot do their jobs other than the gala vanity, and vents.


At the moment, this important sector of the commander-in-chef is in question, since President Xi and Putin and North Korea starting on the Episode Kenshin Himura, 2014. Those witness account might be oversea America again. 

Again, no one has the supports, because all the witness and leadership were oversea of America. Some don't have that visa to enter America to find out long enough. That is what I would say at this moment to all your eternity lawsuit, starting EVERY first Life, including Tim Cook files his, or he was one of them too. 

The actual reality to those training, to they are the destine to be the leadership were not the spontaneously one, but still, its heart taken, its not a free democracy how you rise up to the Top, you were train to the Top, and right now, those positions to this one Earth against the all odds, all outside, is None. 

You cannot generate one human cared about nothing but wanting to coming down, starting that Trump behavior.  I can tell he doesn't want to be in that seat anymore. The past White house president. Donald Trump.

Its a similar point like Eben Pagan, he was from Oregon, that New York City Metropolitan cases, I saying that, its he cannot adjust the City life, including the busy traffic all those pressure to the economic reason, he is not eating anything. Too stressful.  That is a very real case I knew that middle school. That is real.

Get that guy down. The White House. I saying so. That is what he did.

Financial costs of First Lawsuit other than 400 millions dollar lawsuit will be Eternity lawsuit.

You have 2 cases.

1. Me

2. Mahavatar Babaji since that Yogananda or Beas the end of 1800.

Be aware of 16th century, Steam Engine Great Master Letter, 18th century the industry revolution to 19th century Rockfeller all near by before 20th century Edison with that Tesla and Westlinghouse.

You have an air changing issue at 1900, and Tesla has an interview 1899 (this considering to be 20th century events)

But this lawsuit (I just had a day ja bu)

This lawsuit starting point might be in 2013 Frozen were made (2015 Frozen Fever and 2019 Frozen 2), this timing its not in the year 2000, or 1945 WWII, nor 1899 Nikola Tesla. All of this time frame reference points to the modern democracy since the establish the law society since French 1789 revolution, to American 200 years history, you will have a problem if you don't sort it NOW.

You have a New World Order conspiracy theory, is that true?! You have a Mason story, not just ending up on your dollar bills, or that National Treasure movie in those chapter of saying the Area 51, the ET kidnapping events or the contract they made with the Elisehoward, the American President in 1950 time frames after. Its after Tesla die. There is a Mason on Lee Solomon's head right now ...there are 2 parallel lines I imagine in UB drawing your American map in the middle of the ground, that is one ending up in the Bermuda Triangle, or that is North Carolina sea outside still all the way down to the Bermuda Triangle, the Pharmaceutical triangle, or the waste line stream Atlantic road side at PETA off shore, Virginia. That is the name "Atlantic Road", I was there 2009. I have a photo dating the date, time, and location. That is the university of Virginia.


(Add on April 11th 2023, I am on the Ep 44 - 温暖的弦 = here the script says some older guys saying starting to sue them.   )

You say, "you heard" someone regent nature in Ella Enchanted agrees this society can gear up to all technology advance development, all the lawsuit points directly at the past and the present and the future "technology" bases all related cases, if were upon, "agree" or "disagree" tense. Someone did agree, and put inside the lawsuit after the American President 3 of them down, or 2 out of 3 down during the time frame since 2013 to 2050. Regardless we as the Earthing all concur the future will be a Full Disclosure including that UFO Congress the citizen hearing from all the military officers coming forward to make a brief.  We stand that this agreement to the future any time on this Earth ready to talk or already talked upon during whichever Time in the Past, its upon this agreeing, we will continue to further this High Tech, Technology trend including the education, the international exchange culture, and all personnel can stay in that exchange culture until further notice.

This related cause will be eliminating the hunger, the poverty, and the public sanitation including the prevalence of the vaccines that allows the spread of the plaque becoming the past of the wound.

(How come my vision becoming blurs? I haven't eaten anything other than water? )

American President - Waring Time Donald Trump and Joe Biden

I am not done yet.....Trump. The hostil situation outside the Earth, may not always just this one Keanu Reeve + this one prophecy or the Bible related causes. My elevator has this unfolding starting at Buffalo. Ending at Ireland such as SMCH in England. You Biden and Trump - Ireland to find out this final destination will sound like, its really just near by Biden Ukraine his whole family there, isn't it? On our news I thought every news I hear here are wrong, very often, did I say that?

Hailey's dad might have to learn the Chinese along with them 2, Adam and Hailey, the participation to that cultural exchange, how warmth of the weather in Florida sounds like less retirement easy, how soon I ended up seeing you starting at this "How to be a millionaire" shows at the start of the year 2000 in American TV show, to that saying Mark Jouyner from Australia copy you to create his own TV fame, bold head, how to be like him - a military millionaire. You have a George Clooney ending up renting or buying a super expensive property over there, that is south than Sigapore - the Australia, and Julia Roberts going there with him on the filming process. Her brother is name Eric, on that Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, Happy TV celebration anniversary.

The outer space, they have no idea how they ending up here this line, as the Chinese saying 2 what? Worlds. Is that the classify material you trying to burning it down at the FBI on the safety tank through that toilet, its on our news here. How funny, how the CSI franiac science on the ink floating on the printing documents, that is not made of ...烏賊

500 years ago of that China history were already in documents such the cases.

So that saying, how my neck got tighter its starting that Twitter or Keanu's Google + 2013/2014, he knew that part, or he imagine every other parts? 

My neck just got tighten after that Helen Keller cases 2023, is that on our planet? They were targeting us or others, and how come I am side by to where my neck.....this morning gotten worsen and worsen tighter. To the death departs 2 doors away, one slam.


Love Actual

You see, there is a lot of this Cinderella 2021, "Love Will Save The Day", both that and Hailey's dad profession were to...trying to do the right things, or amend their bill to the romance or amend = repent their sin before the Lords, one day that kneel, there is a Catholic church next by. Dr. Steven is, Mathrew is, Ola is with that SMCH all similar conspiracy of that Catholic church, tell me....if the religion fade out, this one OU, where is she?

Don't wait til that Day found you are mute, or damf as if, that is when you seeing the Black or White, you will be seeing, that is exactly per word you read, think and re-write, not per word hear, audio and pretend gone.

You see, your property...THAT is histroical, right?! haha....I met the doorman. There is a bus terminal all some kinds of Amtrek system to where, there is a New York City.

You could do a lot more, but you insist that by the time I lose my appearance, and the day I still keep all my figure and appearance, that generation of Every Single Last soul, none of them will remember whom you are at the hell level. That is how much you willing to do and bet on it the religion only I say I am, you say you kneel, right?

The knee hurt often just getting a shot like my grandmom. That is a hospital bill nice and easy.She got the car accident younger about 60, but when she was 70 /80, really...always white hair or greyish hair, no one thinks that age are that difference when we were born, she was already white hair greyish. They used to have other photo when they were the couple.

All of them had a past romance kindle, all that young flash moment of the past. You see....this death will be apart 2 door down, one slap behind, I did it to the other side of the grandmom, and I wont care how they both be dead before my parents, how I saying to them yesterday, that 25 years ago, I had none resources, where today, its no one behind tail gating. You should tell your daughter or every 2nd wife, will sound like son-in-law inherted, there will be no more faces issue after 2014. 

All cards open.

How far I live, its already eternal scene on every wall. Other than your front gate, car door, car seat, and house entrance 玄關 - only Asian has that concepts, right? Marley's bf church Decan had his ex wife looks just liker her. Home Alone 4.  Hank would have told you, I smile no matter what. He would have remembered. 2014 / 2013.

How the humanity ends at, its needless to say, anyone would be mistaken, only Harvard Law forever reign that American Congress, and if you failing so, and a Black shows up that front cover page, there is every reason why, really.

Or unless you will tell me otherwise 2001, Smallville all opening tracks.

And my case is when your cases be dragged back at Taiwan facing China. You like it? Your daughter's face or lawsuit issue, or the Pixie threatening, China got the police too. Just depend, how smart the random human walking in the border, they realize.....they trying to say to the Chinese Border Patrol, what they intend every words to sound right. It just took one of on it. 

haha.....with the real image issue, not the birth certificate issues.


You see, when I say, the Digital Era, its the only person like Vartan is Vartan, that is all you ever got, not your son-in-law, becuase when the Art of the Pixie, his lip shaken his 4 limbs, he tremble, you realize, how you were being the TV show - How to, its none of that related, people like him were nothing a good to you, or saying "useful" at all.

1. Mouth lips trembling.

2. Body shaken like Hiep.

3. Anger fist tie

4. Cannot lecture the mouth opens so, cannot verbalize, but a phone, "How is your dad?"

5. How every word you remember, useless its when The Day You Found Out, the shaking of all that, was nothing like the television art. 

6. Because it was a paper, not necessary....really.

7. Fallen out of the paper, in someone's hand.

8. Right? (Math symbol in Greek would be infinite demon just like Da Vinci Painting)

9. Then lawsuit at.

UB Groups (MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 Mummy 1999 on the gun usage demonstrate through social media, facebook)

I have heard, within them, its whom seeing whom in which frame or the words they say, they file the lawsuit against each other. Therefore that same age, they will have one of those alliance no more.

One of them file-ing, one of them yelling on the phone, one of them be frustrated the groups efforts were not the illuded, all against one, so whom chef? You the all Fame and Hallway photo frame on that Conan Detective Club - Ocean University. That is unfortunate, none of them can work together, and yet it was Obama visit the UB Alumni.

You starting mentoring them your own Bermuda Triangle Line at the same time flying back and forth, at least you knowing that Atlantic Ocean was indeed greyish line against that Simon Cowell too much money and fame in the Iron Man, to that Victoria Secrets calls, its one of us willful, how you saying being the American Leadership, you had an obligation of the debates other than gala, were your educational reform, Am I Right?

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