Lawsuit 706: Supreme Master Ching Hai First Life

Date: July 28th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  In the Future

This is the lawsuit to do with many 400 millions dollars lawsuit or the unlimited debts since the first life.

Here are one case to sort, and several other per painting inside the Pinterest under "Painting Album".

The story of the origin King of Kings 帝王

The very first life she becoming today the End of life, to the beginning of the Digital Era. Not the Millennium year. the Y2K to the future every degree 3 World Laws her Indian 500 Years grant to the humanity - the physical structure to the physical look. I believe this is the lawsuit after Prince Harry Lawsuit 275 on wards.

I had leave the majority words on Twitter 2018-2020, I cannot write down anything inside my room. But there are some other things, so I print some photo album incase the Fire Department or the Ancient Chinese to that Main land China those older cloth people show up. They are the horse on the governmental similar to my house front, and the both president their song at the beginning of an airplane story.

Its in my video, A Day in Life, one of those compilations. 

This is to do with her First life - Monkey in Flower Thousand Bone (2015), a little nurse in Asia standard its a very low IQ women.

It was not what she used to be. Very similar outlook as if a evil twin of that Square of my cousin being drawn into that comic book 花冠安琪爾, these are all the behavior science for real. Its very evil side of those internal cruelsome. 

She was brought to the beginning of the toddler time, so she didn't have her father around when she grew up. (Dream Exchange Games). She identify herself with the assembly that time as some head leadership, royal chef guard (1), and 2 (her late German Doctor husband and nick Anan 10th that time).

We have the assembly listening as she grew up, what they turn out, its how she turns out to be. Their spiritual practice. And there is a back-up aunts (women groups) leading results to this sun down story of that time regime over an Indian color Prince. I believe I look exactly like Thranduil, its a Nordic looking but the outfit will be more like either Zen Japanese barefoot idea sandle, or really Thranduil like the movies, they just re-make my entire vision to this story.

She likes the guys but the entire assembly are the guys (the medicine with the hair and the military), these are beside the Royal Army (behind the assembly), + 10 dsiciple small children begins. Her later husband has some of the external life experience, he might be married once even before that time. Meaning outside the gate life. That time there is a boundary, similar to the Flower Thousand Bone ep01. Its a real Power shield down, similar to almost today that worlds has a lot of the Nation divide, and because of the society structure - there are the superstitious among the guys to the leadership included. A lot of guys are nothing like the TV I gonna tell you. A lot of guys rather to choose a superstitious belief in that norm of the vision shown to me, whichever the culture of that India if included. I will just tell you that is how those guys rather be the mommy's boy will never get on those superstitious, they fear, they cry, and they are just the boys. There is nothing like the TV, or the movies. And a lot of the boys run away. To the later generation or the Life after Life, Earth's literacy were just on the paper statue and the mortality is low, so all this Buddhism 2500 years, might be some classified information were not being described really, you 

"Literally traveling back to 2500 years ago.", you should just end up the external high tech every World as a literally, PhD, MD, Military Iconic, the Military Commander-in-Chef, and then brings these real life including the guys or the parenting's temperament back to the year 2500 years ago. NOT the other way around. You go exactly as the Red River Manga this book, as the proudly present you the future, to the past of the guy's fill up world. Except every guy has a sense, where every future run always bride. There is movie: Kate & Leopoid. (2001).


Royal Chef Guards 

In that real world or including the outside. Its the Leadership ought to be like the democracy world train or you will be throw somewhere to when you get up as the leadership like that movie: Frozen (2013), prince Han. To that everyone today argue, I keep saying lowering it down your own voice, as if one of those superstioius, even the ghost can hear you. 

She is brought as the assembly just like today, the parable story teller. Not anything particular to that job, we have 2 language one is in telepathy, at those time to paraphrase her. In that sense, she did have those moment intend to say she wish to take a break of all the assembly or 9 of the boys + the back up far away mountain women's groups. 『Its everyone stupid』, not just look stupid, looks bad, IQ none, no class, no family background, no blood statue, ....every word coming out of someone like her. That environment has a reason set-up to bring her one kid up.

So to tell you the Truth, her internal over this true love that time on the first life, its that every attitude when she did go out, that doesn't mean everyone should just be dead, and that is the end result of a lot of the Japan associate 宮崎駿 cartoon - the microbiology. She knock herself or fall down somewhere, not careful enough. We have the healer, but her behavior and as she growing up more and more. We migrant for her one person and 蠻人 took over the home, very similar to this WWII interface. Not ET Reptilian, not ET Greys. Its 蠻人, probably evolution were that Anan has a leadership the military idea in the past also to do with them. 

Princess Diary, never she and Anan.

That time, its almost a trajectory of the assembly evolvement as well. Anan naturally arrive to that position to replace her. It is the meeting Me + 2nd and 10th, most time. With a shield of beas idea. There is some of the Ancient Chinese Kingship that having an interface. So to this Neo if were in America, he will have a device to that stage, high tech shield. A business black sleek look.  In other word, I will suggest you to re-sort this Real Love or the Loving the Silent Tear. He will kill her. He already says he is a what on his Linkedin profile.  And don't...whichever the high tech comes, has anything called the memory restore. Not that first life. He will kill her - what you mean the natural evolvement of the power to step up to the assembly. Its not the Buddhism story. I am telling you my side of the story. She was a girl.

This is his photo. Put a scarf, dark red wine color, maroon black on his head. He knows how to do that. Re-take that photo. He did told me he used to work in a lot of the place, but he if taken the manager or the janitor's job, I think he had some experience he never told me. He only tells me the pension part from TTC. Canada metro drive the street car those. The bus driver. He is a real human can drive. Nothing like those UB MD 6+1, none of them are.

He is a gay this lifetime.  Sariputra does not need to wake up this life or every other here life or elsewhere to do with the System or the Third Party write-up, I will have enough money to save for this process for the American Military side as they found out. Probably on another planet.

First seat is neither the blonde nor the pure blood.

She is at the 5th seat. Purna.

The last seat its a pure Italian blood (Roman Catholic)

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