Lawsuit 536: 101 Mc Donald (Britney Spear 42, an old man credit card)

Date: Dec 17th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Taipei 101 Mc Donald (Westlife Yesterday and Today and Home)

There was not a wedding. It was a photo shooting in front of the Mia C'Bon.

They didn't call any of us, just show up, so I move out of the house immediately. I random inside the 101, all the way to Breeze, to A8, and looking at the Christmas Tree. I really need to go poo. I was going home, but debating holding hand situation.

So I went back / told to Mc Donald again. The number ticket print down are 42. The register given me 242. Someone...for saying 50 millions dollar adding a 2 in front of it? There is an old bold guy with the credit cards in front of me.

Maybe you get the Google Blogger today the Dec 17th 2022 whole day me panic up and down chaos. 

I had a Family Mart (Dumpling), there are 6 couples (2 girls, 4 guys), me were in front of another guy mix in the middle grass. No one bothering anyone, until that 6 came. They have the sandle on their foot like the Westlife, flying through the Roof. How do I suppose to know? I Am Fool Again! 

That guy leave the moment, I am seeing that about to take off. I am telling you, its them yelling at that 2 girls, black and white dressing like. Whatever it looks to me. I have a 10 dumpling, 40 NT. Their are probably 200+ NT. Its a bowl of noodles. 

Then I got a fried ice cream, 60 NT. Then I had a Mc Donald 79 NT. (Kid's meal) - I just happen to find the seat in 2 days, yesterday and today. That guy's bag didn't zip, I told him, so he got up, I have my seat in front of the elevator middle of it.

Now, I see the name. I got 2 days on the apple juices, not the Pop drinks, Coke or 7-Up like NSYNC. I have no life, cannot drink, I will swollen up, just by drinking that without any solid food. That is a real thing, they have like a 7 spoon sugar in what Coke?

羋月傳 Ending, remember, its a king got killed, her husband in the Wildness. They look similar to me, but I say that successor looks like a singer or actor (2 different people)

One is Bii (looking shorter in Hanks 真愛黑白配, when the Romance comes to the winter time it will fallen)  + 林志穎 (the guy name, not the Super Model got Expile name 林志玲 University of Toronto Double Major)

The similar look guy - his Tesla car got broke down, something on the news?!  A badly injure.

The girl in the Tea lady in Movie: Red Cliff 赤壁

I gonna tell you the first time I seen Mokie and Hank was he Mokie just got bought home. Tina name him Mokie. Hank was much slim, and thinner. Many many years pass....he might just die on that diet of his. 

Lucy's husband is Andrew, no parents. No sibling, exactly like Pang's bf. Meaning he has an adoption parents, but no more money after. So now Lucy has an apartment from that 2010 the Court inheritance, that the mother lives with Jessie + her bf, and Lucy now with this Andrew guy. 

I need to leave. That Westlife Home, I already say too many times in the public. Every girls like them are psycho in the end, really.  Both of them are the nurse, meaning no future in Taiwan whatever, that is not a major in Asia like Erin.

Hank's TV

That very very tall girl are Tamang's TV "I am Not the Shopping Freak". Both are her and The Youngest Princess 我家小妹 (公主小妹) are my high school = Fanny's high school too.

One is 叮噹 Public Relation in Roller Blades Club

One if the year after, her face are not in symmetry, but a star found to be on the commercial that time.  I will tell you this much of the TV passing by. Its rudimentary subjects and higher schooling academia performance. Hank is NYU. He is similar like me. One year Foreign Exchange Student from Montana (That is where Stephen Tamang from)

I would suggest he just holding that I Robot cleaning machine of his....really. As if small tiny, much better round its 緣 = It is a circle !  AI goes by percentage and clear, clearing, clearance of your crystal mind, by per degree of the brain stimulate, meaning the nerve responding, to that age calibrating all by himself, really. Without me helping.

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