Lawsuit 710: Westlife (W Two World | The race being accept in their own race return to where their origin)

Date: July 28th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  The peer pressure, not just the peer reviews.

Meaning how you being acceptable or you were the popular statue in the high school included, because Asia we have a lot more the classmate, or the classroom activities. I drop all that including the comic book or the cartoon or the animation or the TV or the movies, so I can make it something in life.  I didn't really like the movie all my life. My last movie with the family its the Domino 101. 

So as I grew up here, to having a make-up return life. Its the American Black Ops. Its forever impossible to return, and that remains so. (Supreme Master OU Language)

Pinterest album starting from the buttom up.

This is the Space Age, we although have the material science here on the island, like I say, how many degree of the people really making it in their brain and their look? What people being accepted and being happy are inside their own crowd and space, and most Asian will choose to return home - the leadership or the more wealthy parenting family groups. Including the parents groups, they are set with their classmates, and that is from the high school, the college up. You will saying the girls or the guys have no particular supports.

True. In that transcending ephemeral life as if you are the outside the System Data people coming it back - Home, to that one day such as Westlife song: Home. 

The story I can tell you, starting the NASA First Invite : The Asteroid Impact the Planetary Defense


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