Lawsuit 651: W Two worlds (The external factors are all of these associate faces are no one literally from the local American. The White American as the external factor)

Date: July 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: There is another external factor lawsuit to do with those England Prince over Cinderella (2021)

The democracy lawsuits are often just ending up on the expensive debating and fighting in the court. That is why people go to the court for. At least that is part of the democratic overly activities rather than the communism but I will say they get up and file the lawsuit too, including the police. Meaning you need to write, say, talk, and debate with your own lawyer over your right.

Not your parents, not 3rd Party. Its you yourself. 

Probably just pick one of the lawsuit and get done, if you are that lazy for participating one lawsuit outcome or the process - literally get up from your home, get out and lock your door and go to the legal place to file this lawsuit with or without parents if you move out of the town.

Stand there to every court rule hearing, face the judge, and wait that time. For example, Westlife probably just that Shane does all the works, then you will be one person file for all of them, just be there, wait there. Never miss a court room if the Judge being called upon.

For example, I might just relocated to the downtown, buying a house, literally the lunch time, I go home and sleep. I used to say that as a case. In the real world I don't know if that is the case. But I did mention once, not exactly targeting at Westlife. I just tell you how severity all this meant in the end of the day....I insist my tale, nor you all insist I don't have a title. 

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