The Chapter 4 - The gradient of the Class

"Isn't that you saying the hue of the sunrays have 7 color entry this prisma how the color blind human could have an instant gratification to that changing the sight its the intensity of the Light Brightness, they do the study on it like the instant manifestation after the laser degree? "

"Its a piece of technology, you read the manual, you operate on it. What the hell do I know that and what for? Some people done those elder's medicare, they too using this same machine to operate the corneal cloudy vision, some of my family they done that in the hospital, never hear anything too much why its a whole lot better if you cannot see vs if you can see?!"

"You know, I remember when I was first admit into these profession, I thought about all kinds of things to this 9 to 5 jobs, as if the sun never coming out of the East ever again."

"Why is that?"

"The medical school loads and the bill."

"I didn't see everyone has no similarity in the background to say they all having a past operation to today being a professional, we all have those moment to start-up."

"I used to be very nervous when today you saying any of this clinical small rotation, it wasn't bad at all if saying whom we were and starting on this job daily, and seeing things could move through a little bit in other people's life. I thought I wrote that on my cover letter when I apply to the medical school, but I never thought ...."

"This will becoming the part of this very job."

"I probably was thinking I never gonna finish the medical school, let along to get a life in the conversation we doing nothing but indoor, but these patient's profile...."

"Its just a number. Don't worry about it in the description. They are all just a number on the first day job, remember?!"

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