Lawsuit 547: Throne Statue

Date: Jan 14th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Sorting the movie 10 years

Background: I personally did a lot of things in my journey finding my money. I wrote some posts along this thought. It might be a history archive to pass down included. However the future to resonance the structure of it or that movie industry will collect on their own these materials from the real story to keep a record.




Westlife 1999 Interview

Princess Diary 2 - Archery Scene

Second Meeting


The story how it goes from my listing of several incidents starting in 2014, you might have already someone compiling the public data from the Google + to 2018-2020, the Twitter data and Google Blogger materials, to then 2021 begins to 2023 current Jan.

These stories I play that Princess Diary 1 always me = Queen, Supreme Master Ching Hai = that kid.

I have a writing on the King of King :

Or the Bible "the comma" - the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords:  /  /  /

Tibetan Double Body Practices: 

(Maybe you should just watching that entire channel all video included too)

and my saying to Mahavatar Babaji crossing. I meant the literacy within included and one of those 400 millions dollars listing all the money where it supposes to come from, the tale you will hear about.

400+ Lawsuit up ! ( we haven't finished per 400 millions dollars entry lawsuit yet. This is lawsuit 547 you stood at)

I would just tell you my personal thought about this, you might have another separate sheet on the telepathy idea I ever use that ability with all things seeing, detect, and making the money from the police reports one of those. You want to use their data? Those are behind and on my Pinterest drawing.

You want to get all my monitization revenue from the court to which motive or incentive that really happened to how it went all these things to feeling the Queen statue, might not required to presence provincial evidence.

The expectation : Its they wishing Supreme Master Ching Hai taken that Queen's role so many times now, you know how turn table rate means the mood swinging up or down when the events inside the movie or the TV are happening in the real life?

Its called the Britney Spear Lucky! ( Not yet a Women included)

Holding it against me:

Just by the sound, its sounds wrong already. ( There is a comet issue I cannot stop talking including the current 2023:  )

Both me and SMCH are the girls I can tell you that.

There are a lot of the road name, people's name from my UB lists, that ends up Victoria Secret - Ellen Goulden Army. They would know themselves whom are the military?

I know Bill and Keegan were. Its from the 5 Lakes region State School. The pure water resources.

She has another work on the Victoria Secrets:

The recent American Congress just pass the military distribution finance to Taiwan, where Tamang, Wing and Dean's Bermuda Triangle line (along to Henry and Jason MD, statue MD 6+1 to Big Hero 6), are this interface to where I used to say Pane Andov Materials. Meaning they suppose to come down.

I am Home for about 6+ years, Westlife - Home. My house is near the general residence. They are the first floor around here.Now, I remember, this thumbnail face. I file a lot of this image on the lawsuit every blogger behind interface has nothing but Shane's face. I didn't know his name back then when those lawsuit got filed.

So my personal toward all this

You say which crown statue again? The Bible we are already long over that far beyond anything our current world statues will always be that after 1911 China overthrown the Monarchy situation. I say several hundred ago, they put a king's father into the monastery at his age 8 years old when his son were the king that open and close gates at the same era, to the missionary priests from the West (Europe) those time. How strange can any king to be Open and Close the Gate all at the same time? 

I tell you its funny. His name is 康熙

I can just tell you, I am so so so so tired of seeing this script every single time. Seriously. I play that scripts too many too many too many times of whatever you imagine if you were the elder people seeing what things in front of them. I am the one not inherited the money,....I blood spit on the money coming in with the real IQ, not the donation paper values from. Someone like her dad will tell me she stole that lineage methods when he came. They talk like that. This is really ridiculous


There is a Devil Wear Prada. Red hair. With the movie along that line Tiny 4.0 ( 楊冪) and Ella Enchanted that Sam Bitcoin lost a lot of background information.

I personally don't care about what second meeting or the second coming .....that is 400 millions dollars minus, in debts, not my lawsuit I keep pushing it upward.  Its will be 2 millions dollars per nation seats in UN (194 country) roughly per each those stating facts and effects lasting on forever.

( The birds quack )

I personally will tell you, I might get a disable pension on that left arm (楊過小龍女) it was real. My left hand using iPhone 2015 (Hunger Game/ Catching Fire, the Professional Killers show up), Its lasting until 2017 I think last....5 Lords reviews. I cannot use that arm anymore. Not left hand to type like I used to. Not really. I finish the 5 Lords reviews for.

The everything else I have the basic money if, that will be the most visible clear indicates money from, and my personal tiny money here Taiwan set up. My mother helps me. Taiwan we have a package of A or B has to input the money per monthly, so after the age 65, we will be secure somewhat saving. I have that input right now. I asking the police station whatever that money I make, I wish to enter the B package. Its higher amount.

I was going to inject these UB Army personnel to the South Taiwan. The agriculture. Not your America says their per years salary. Its the entire City, district, not called States, but their town annual tax....well made on the news. They cannot hear a thing what the money made for I guess. if they make it that situation, it will be a whole session of the left side column how the package to that retirement on saving too. I just didn't get to do it, but telling you that exists. Its on the bank advertising wall side, to an apartment I was going to get. Around this Bank Road, Bank street, and the Bank Circle included.

If you are feeling tired just going over the entire lawsuit just reading it or listening to it

I am telling you.....the future where the evidence collect to one day will say under the democracy nature, your world finance are heavily on the independent living by definition....will solely more on the skills nature. One of those days forseeing.

If you finish this lawsuits all the state facts and other information other people sorting in, then you watching again the movie: Princess Dairy 1 and Princess Diary 2 - The Royal Engagement.

I AM TOO TIRED TO TELL YOU WHAT I THINK! Including not the pretty photo shooting you might re-collect all evil says.


I did tell you, my right harm hurting. The elbow internal nerves. (1/13/2023) - the night time. Its somewhat hurting if I lay down my right shoulder. I did say my entire left body side are in pain by the way. (the left ovary, pelvic), the butt where you hip the roller blades, and I am honestly tell you it was for the traveling purpose, there is no skill in it learn. Not really)

In our time, roughly the age 30+39 currently, my classmate or the girls all crowd all words are fighting these. Soon will be the 3 generation pass? Whom are the grand daughter? So I will be notifying you the court, since the Micky Mouse Movie Lawsuit on his birthday 1928, ends up the Earth Stands Still (by Keanu Reeve the opening), its that his birthday will soon be passing 2028, to that says....the 3 generation pass on time, your court will have an estimation time didn't cease to exist. How would I ever saying that for anyway? They were in the black and white TV formats, not just always the black ink landing in the court room statues all quarrel formats, that will be the civil cases entailed.

I think the best sense to both trailer you can see the short clips, to that overall sense.

Its that Devil Wear Prada are all the Modern feature, if not talking about the wealth feature for saying a profession to that money indicates really inside the bank. Those things are real. Every other things are just the imagination.

Devil Wear Prada - The Fashion and the Industry how you becoming iconic

The movie gives an overall sense of the fast speed, the fast pace, the fast INFORMATION circulation, including that side episode, where the writing sample Harry Potter, or the Art shows are present. That BBC documentary on the Art Bubble ( Sothoby's New York City Auction ground ) were my real estate in California.

Talking about the real things that truely happening in life, I still think no matter what it sound to the court, the incident, the location, the name, the company name, the ID card, the UB dining card inlcluded, the dorms, the geography, the building name etc....UB Common Dining ID card, or the UB Micro (the computer store), all these tag words or the keyword to the modern technology, might just determine how relevant this lawsuit will sound in nature, not just limited to 


at all.

No, Annie Hallaway's age in my current time (The 21th century, not that 1900 21th magazine, or our current mall 21th Century Chicken place in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC), her age is 40 years old. I am 39 and 3 more month to April that will be 40 years old.

There was a news 10 years ago in between this 10 years I know that they have a great grand daughter name Mia, and that Senior Bush American President Die, and the American President the Junior Bush was 75 years old 2 years ago.

Adam Levine - Sugar (That is Senior Bush, he has a publication book in California Spectrum Barns & Noble 2014, a picture when he was young), Dean, Wing.....they getting married in the winter time 2014.

That time its what the beginning of this lawsuit I stated it very bad effect on me, the entire scope, if something got zero in the industry. Supreme Master Ching Hai OU language. Its to slowly retrieve back, and sit there figure it out the rest of it the plan. Kinda of like Westlife - My Love :

Adam Levine's body guards are in the Harry Potter - Warrior tape, and ends up on my Facebook one time.

One frame you really need are Snape = the Mushroom Professor and Dr.T's Wife, Ester in American Congress President Cabinet advisor board. You can begin that frames to stated

The City of Hope and Roswell Park Hospital (New Year), both are the cancer institution.

Conan Detective: The Crisom Love Letter.

I intern in the City of Hope 2002 summer in Dr. Bing Shen's lab, not the Devil Wear Prada Miranda says the beans?

The Current Time 2023 - they still exist (Westlife from the 90s)

They published an album called Spectrum (2019) or Wild Dream (2021).

But here is the Sailor Moon they seeing it 2018-2020. I didn't know what is behind me when I am very focus like I say in the posts earlier in the lawsuit, my sister and brother are drawn from Taiwan where I situated, to that Northern Star. and my UB Army Victoria Secret coming down the MD 6+1 line (Stephen Tamang Indian MD, Wing Liu, Pharm D. Hong Kong, Dean Wieczorek Ukraine, MD)

Northern Star:

There is a crown inside the lyrics. How the lesson learn well.  NSYNC has a Madison square on the comet shooting down the entire concert delicate on that. There is a Justin Timberlake, I cannot move. When the ship taken off hoovering. 

My apartment its hoovering on the 8th floor, BTX Fou Lafine. ( 鋼鐵神兵). I have no image inside the TV monitor. I am a girl, not a guy.

(I lunch first)

For that Sailor Moon Crystal Season 33 (Act 33), I cannot open it. Its more than the Episode 4 and beyond. You have Westlife - When You're Looking Like That, and Britney Spear - Holding it Against me, and Red and blue pill in Matrix, and Yogananda's Red Book and Blue Books: Autobiography of a Yogi and the Conversation with Yogananda.

With the Mars (a 90s computer game I used to play. Its a Sakura beginning of the Japanese Ninji girls Mandala) 

Britney Spear - Overprotected 

She Supreme Master Ching Hai needs the girls around.  I am the science major, my collaboration mostly are the guy's world.  Its a free will society, how she decides on her own how to align these Sailor Moon if that is your first intention, her last make-you-do list selection.

Dean's email address is my American Passport page 23 Against the American Modern Democracy Constitution Laws. The Bills of Rights. You personal feeling if there is a useful women on the Top bracket of mine, its not I file-ing every statues of my own current live, the current scene, the current people name and face, the current memory intact to what really happened in seeing is the believing, my pinterest outing Taipei culture road. Whatever they put on these photo album I take the pictures with.

My Pinterest:

It will be the pale white. I am not sure how every lands keep a house making, the America would be after I fix the underground pipe how this Taipei Underground Water file-ing statues to those Intern (CEO Lesson houses), its that American land itself does not build on the physical seen house, when it is flat, and level, its no property tax. At least that common sense I have. The rain and shine how to re-settle that land with all the benearth to the city Tape Water replacement. It might take the 5 years just to wait on the lot, and be sold in the 4 and half year to the market price. That is what I will say about this picture you seen what that plan supposes to be.

Supreme Master Ching Hai in the 1986 has a very flashy Zen Buddhism Association one of those too big eye seen name. She is shy, or she is a female jail inmate for that crime might be: 斂財 for the religion purpose (collecting the money), she always been known to all the disciples or the followers, she lives in the tailer, if not in the jail. One of that is Hungary Retreat.  

I probably need to state in the court room, if I even display the Pinterest photo, that is a land with the attached foundation to the house I build, not the trailer, defined the Tax reason I know or I don't know the basic definition to the trailer park or the trailer itself in the seasonal park. Hank owns one of that in the Middle West. The entire Trailer park.  

The human nature, sorry, the human quality, pardon me, the human independence spirits never whine, wane Moon or Tides reccess. Whatever it sounds to you in English, she is not the native English speaker. She is the Vietanese little nun ABC, she speaks French or German.

Britney - Overprotected


It is "me" or "mad".

It might be the current time, if you finding it out her best friends all that positions, for that Zawanna and 亞斯 are on the visual points in that 2D Black and White photo including the photo cover Art.

In my room. The birds talking the Persian in the stream of the paragraph words, oh my God, that was Kail. No, not that. Just glue on it best. They are something in their brain its not physical, its the pillow.

I used to hear her SMCH jewellery collection might be plagiarism at someone. I actually know none of my lawsuit will EVER be plagiarism, how does that sound, for the intention how to make a living?

This one book has so many sub-books, might land at England Prince's table they used to be.

They are : 白色圓舞曲、白木蘭圓舞曲、紫色業丁香、戀舞曲

Prince Harry located at Nibiru, or that Dark Star landed ...OU Language (Starting lawsuit at 275 )

oh I wasn't watching the video, she is quiting "Rachel quit in FRIEND, American shows in the 90s." I gonna ask the court for this temporary situation, or permanent at your court saying she is free, I need the police or the detective fees to photo shooting, everything she goes to where, with whom. That entire organization are black gang threaten at the Taipei Contact person email.

That roof are leaking the rain water coming in.

No, I don't wearing the eye glasses for a very very very long time, til my head recently got hurt on the video, side by my desk. I have a bathroom light on. The birds outside balcony, and inside the bathroom they all can see. A bug showing up on the PC light switch on my desk here. I put the light on for the bathroom, I can walk better too. I normally don't use the light.

I have a white doggy on top shirt looks like the short Top. Showing the middle session of the body?? Belly cord?

The cow boy slaughter house, the process how to kill the meat for the meat Truth? "Meat the Truth", that is the film.  The cow boy are in the Victoria Secret - What's your name. The leather.

1:41 Nominji from Mongolian. 

2:35 Cow Boy

3:47 Meat Free Monday, Congress Women or legislator from Denmark.

I haven't built my house yet, but I will start at the ground to their local tape water exactly how I am doing the paper works here. You want to see how high tech they becoming the City file-ing system in Taipei Taiwan, ROC?

I want to ask you I need a shed on my eyes like the Eternal Love says? The curtain in my room too brighten up? My entire door are free walking, to where I am. The birds, the animal packs like that A Day in Life the Silicon Valley guy.

Their organization when SMCH is the Top Women, she got so many this volunteering Martial Art 40 years guys teacher, or the master of themselves to either on the TV, or on the show. Meaning her entirely body structure inept, impaired, sickness, getting old....whom they supposed to volunteer to every 2 weeks monitor her activities to that 4 limbs will sound like you all doing the decent things a decent human left the remaining merits points.

Conclusion: I am so tired of writing these....If the people inspired to emulate the movie plots to becoming a better person 1) More education 2) Refine behavior 3) Talking with a literacy sense 4) Finding a career that will last with a pension idea 5) To accumulate wealth through the self discipline or some kind of the religious doctrine, so when the mind are furry and airy headed on the money imagination such as this movies portrait or on fight. Let me guess whom will be implied to lawsuit at anyway? Another 3 generation on or every generation goes? I cannot spell my misery, really.

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