
I go to sleep, on the phone.

Babaji: Go

Sometimes you decide to land in a different country. Or if learning a different language because when someone directs you, none of that past you saying every works lost.

I usually keep my personal space free of the noise, meaning no friend. So I always keep my happy mood, no negative word, or verbs or noun, how to sway things for my personal interest. Usually just a straight forward a comment. Sometimes just telling the things exactly what that is. A lot of the goal if you don't insist to stay in the school, or near the school, a lot of the money are the calculative risks.

I will think I had the school, and reading the books and I don't go and random my brain, so I remember all the facts I see, I learn, I study. I actually care about it when I have no friend on the phone, not those girls, not any girl. Most of those girls we don't have an interaction other than Melinda. For sure now she knows she stays far away. That tiny things Melinda she knows she can do. No, she is not glueing to those girls neither type, but she gains a lot of the weight.

💝💖 When I was working with Nicky, well....all this things spinning up. I guess each of them Westlife has their brain going on inside them. So until the day I sound like in the audio, we don't really have any communication to say "knowing each other by the cursing words." 💝💖

So that is the same to a lot of those UB side, the boys or the girls, they don't have an education or literacy, or literally like Tina Jojo GPA 1.0. God knows what's this FEMA camp means to each of them when they were the grade school. It might be the teacher themselves keep watching the kids, so things be done. Such as Tina this one person. Pang and I go to the school.


Let's say I occasionally just go and tell Shane, but I normally don't go and just randomly make a call, so I wrote things to Nicky. This is strange, yeah.

The Bathroom in America

When I was in the renting time, I was in Jame's house to then one day having a full bathroom and a bed, with a roommate. So yesterday I was saying the bath shower curtain, how each person's unique touch....well, we were in Canada, so most things they got its the dollar tree. America has the dollar store.  You know how I make the money today? Right....Nicky knows or Shane they all know. But, no they don't know the details. It was per driving if Nick took me to shop in one of those plaza, I will stop by the dollar tree, and pick up more, because I purchase all of them. You seeing those video on.

By nature, if no one hurting my head, I don't go and screaming anybody. Probably less of screaming like panic, or yelling to cry, or making one of those the guy will beat the girls until you shut up. That will be what I say. A lot of the guys didn't born to trust anybody. Sometimes its the humanity, sometimes its really not genuine to another person. With your own parents, you always feel they must watch over you, or because they need you right now like my mother right now. Or they are obligated somewhat like that. I probably wish to tell you something easier than that, not every guy will make you feel part of that world or the home too, if you have to one person make it yourself to how you can keep a separate space or the emergency wise, the overall sum, the tax, the food cost, the expense, the car, the insurance.

We didn't have another car. I never had another paint.

Probably how real my side of this new reality, because the sky itself isn't everyone cared that much how far we are reaching to the Star, I assuming that legislation of some higher personnel, some of them are more useful will solving this for me. Me all around, hear all around, knowing all around. Probably also the age I would say.

Living Room

One day Nick came to my same apartment. I told him, my downstair neighbor throw her them the entire furniture at the balcony you staring at that trash bin all around. I went to drag back to my one person space, the roommate is not that important. You know, how long I live in that UB near by, there is a Target. Like you assemble a book shelf, or a chair, or something like PC computer, one of those including getting a fridge. That is a community living, I went to knock on one of that Asian guy's door next by unit, I ask him if he can help me, so I got a fridge in upon almost when I got the first job. 

Sometimes, or including all those UB bimbo cannot make it IQ any low education girl, I will tell you, they have one unifying thought about the guys.

1. If they have a greater wonder of 10 girls like that Sailor Moon, even Dennis or Pete becoming their leaning personality and if they know they are match up to whichever that main role of the guy or the girl.

2. They are arriving that day super nervous as if everyone in 10 all looking at whom and whom and whom.

3. Its just a comic book.

Nicky has all the friends. I got zero life other than this phone in my hand, even in anywhere I suppose to carry this phone, just not throwing them on the wall. When did I remember I had a phone, the high school.  Rebecca was my high school KY one of those talking skill lady on the phone, she has to part-time to HR block over the seasonal, that is a very very very small world, she finds friends to find one of those other jobs to fill up her paycheck. 

She talks very very clear and soft tone. She was a cheerleading squat. She shows it to me.

The very different worlds

Almost I can tell you, every peripheral were nothing but the guys filled up because its at our Earth in front. MD is not anything extra to ask, I just didn't mock them enough this will be the hell of the opening the air up, any time on their side, without me.

Nicky and I never talked about nick, really.

I ask him if he ate, you sleep yet, or drinks something, woke up? One of those, but its not the real phone, I don't even know what people usually talk on the phone. We didn't official saying which one of them we are going forward, but let's say one day the lunch box, or the plastic wraps, or the spoon or the fork.

Did I say that is I ever did BBQ, before I work the last 10 years? So I have the money to retire on the first year I think.....

Right,....everyday if were on the trashcan, or the trash bag. The food, the juice, the schedule. I have no schedule. My 194 Pixie that is....has to be wireless no matter what. I think Nicky was right, because he probably done some finding, so some of this video were on the facebook. But they are tooooo tired to fight with their own parents, to imagine another kid coming out of the womb, and what is the one lifetime possible or impossible, they never thought they gonna keep anyone's life alive.

Yeah, I made the Pinterest Album, with the money, how do you settle something small something I pay my own pocket? Some people have to like about this farming, and knowing why you staying with a guy, I probably have to ask Nicky too.

What day is today?

Monday, here is the phone number ....

Dialing ~Today is Saturday. One of those talking art, I guess. Doing nothing home just to be on the phone, I am telling you.

Forget, cannot talk those sound, I becoming like the minor.

Tina got a police paper in, "hindrance of the computer use"?!

She is asking my mother to apply the seal? 

Flower thousand bone that seal was stolen.

That lady change the hair color, her mother dies. They are dividing between the 3 kids.

Joy calls.

That is why they cannot stop calling !!!!!!

Its in the sky. My heart ....

Its the COVID 19 after, I am telling you a lot of those people they are lying. 

No, I need to be on the phone. 

You put in another way....

If you do show up somewhere, you will be seen by them the first impression how you could show up there while everyone has a 9-5 jobs. Most time even those whom working indoor because of the COVID 19, they will think its also a 9-5 jobs, no matter what that is, you staying indoor that period of time. Not to say....you making a clear video what you are doing you saying those are the livlihood.

You show up on those ground, you will be judged by every walking, posture, seeing, whom near by, what you talk about, how you present yourself none stop shaking hands. Yeah, I been there, the time when this Flower Thousand Bone saying Dr. Gabriel Cousen, Bashar, and Kryon in California. Most of their age are all white grey hair. No age like mine, anywhere. Not the guys, not the girls.

Networking, that is probably why you using the social media to build up a social networking, and there are some people are really really really doing that for real in life.  These UB mixes me up so much, its unbelievable.

Business - yesterday I mention

I make it very clear I wasn't interested. To those joint venture, meaning not even those everyone gathering the table cloth so well hotel lighting, really. So yesterday I mentioned to you something. Something about when you dealing the public, including how the viewers seeing inside this "Daily Blog", or "Daily Life". I assuming, a lot of the medium or the small business owner they watching or tuning in to learn something.

I make it clear my blog, so that is all I say, or show. I am not interested in showing it up, or anywhere else other than my sky looking. A lot of people have a concept how they go shaking hands. So if I carry my own world to my own head, to stay that "as I say as I go", they probably meant you wasn't thinking we are the same, they are the same, or whichever...a lot of the brain space people, have to know why you air something through that television or your Youtube Channel.

They can only see the animal crawls fine. Maybe not anything else. For the human world, you all try to snatch each other territory, stepping all over the place. I don't really know, but if these video saying you all having a lot of this obligation, I am sure you realize what you presenting and imagination, none of that were anything I say yesterday. You join a lot of people to go to the real space, here or Western world, every shake hands. Probably both man and the woman, if not younger will never show up those business attire. Most are in the school, or rarely finance enough to be in any of those ground, including they might represent their own company, if not just the smaller business owner. 

所以是說你們前市長~喔! 就是 W兩個世界吃的是龍蝦或是 crabfish, 那其實是 ASMR 他們做出來電視上擺的 ~我以為聽到是魚 !


The personal space


The personal space means you like those small tiny things, you wonder where they get those, every small tiny things its an art to them.


Night Shift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItkrAOaodB0

A lot of people needs to create their own "pray thy thee" things, because that is not a common scene, its just you are special. 


Room make over from Ikea, 


Room tour





If you making friends with that Japan Ryoya Takashima, in Japan, they have a lot of those removable things he used to get, you assemble a lot of those yourself. They have a lot of those self made shelf, or whichever customized ....wall or design, even if you are in rental. Japan its costs more.


Ranma 1/2





You roughly to know, not you intend to learn and to know. Everything cluster inside your head, and that putting nothing all around the space its your mouthful jobs. Every story has an intend, every story has a saying, everyone all can stare at a thing inside this 4 point frames and learn it from.  Its free to everyone whom can access the internet and TV.

On the Line


Part 1 - Business

Part 2 - the Phase of Success, Steps.

Part 1

1. Cash

2. Cash flows

3. Market research 

4. Marketing departments 

5. Ligation and initiative 

6. Charity

7. Debute, airing, advertising, small social medias advertising 

8. Soft opening

9. invitation author books or some known people

10. Local reach out projects 

11. Business proposal, of course. (Small or medium business)

12. Business beauru 

13. Business center.

14. Commence in the local.

15. E-commence 

16. Library 

17. Lending or mortgaging the existing home

18. Late night research 

19. Second partnership other than the jobs 9-5 (1st somewhere else + real estate short term)

20. Business venture.

Part 2

The measurement in which on the first initial try-out and planning, it’s the dedication in the small business strategic planning and hold on several factors including the risk calculation. The specific plan that yield the financial gains to stay with the current finance; if with or without the debts. 



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

這是不是天空在跟我講你們在講什麼? 好像不是吧 ! 那個市長吃的 ...? ASMR 裡面有一種東西叫做 crabfish

 是一種龍蝦長相 ...在外面天空我的臉書上面 ! 




Babaji: Go

🍮🍱 These guys, whichever you all clutch at, if they lost their jobs, or whichever "the one" got pushed.....so you are not going alone, that is between that circle of your target guys, everyone filed with this Marriage laws, Divorce, Kill 🍮🍱

I probably didn't tell you, 100 years this TV invention, you pick nothing with the very limited 100 years 194 countries materials, you stay on the past never exist things, someone might just lie to you.

Your American government will tell you, they lie to you too. None of that are real, but in order for something to validate some process, you have one of those opportunities.


in Chinese, there is a way how to type this


You click on the "shift" key, that English changes to Chinese, you type that, its 2 of that character shows up.


54 oz

tell me how the wine drinking bar oz measured  26 /

If you ask your American President Biden, you want me to contact that side of the Trump property, mine....here....its everywhere now.

Meaning, you didn't ask him the right things, send you off to your own parents countries, tell you where is a safe place, you willing to go along and studying there, flying back and forth those exam times, never finish studying.

First day, I walking down the stair or the elevator, to go to the grocery, I seeing anyone in that neighborhood, I report.

Second day, I learn a few words of the native langauge.

7th days, I have carry that walk about the neighborhood about 500 steps or the household, to keep walking, I seeing the scene are fine around here. I reading some of the local news URL, I save and I click about once per day, I cannot understand one word, but I need to keep my eyes staring it on.

8th day I talking to the grocery someone a more words of the local langauge, I told my parents, I carefully studying per word. 

1 month pass.

💝💝 You want me to tell ALL of them, if you haven't do so to match up this Ella Enchanted, and you are not planning to do this in this all around middle of the points, STAY on your own boys table, girls on the girls table.💝

Every discussion is FINISH.

NEVER "One simple assignment turns into ...." one of those lines - How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. And one of them if saying the Hockey can see with his eyes, my uncle just travel with Square to where for a breakfast with the rest of the younger human to sound like he was mentoring Micky and my brother.

Micky is married and have 1 or 2 kids.





This TV or movie, just becoming real Every single day, I am telling you. 

You as a girl, you will tell me you like the boy's cartoon. Any of you girls, and in the end of that days, you trying to tell me when you get the sense, let's someone handing you an airline tickets without the Sisterhood of the Traveling, you start to you start to you start to.....feeling VERy VERy VERY Proud, you belong to one case, whichever its the painting, or the friendship, the big or small or the fat girls.

You keep in touch, and you all each handing a ticket to go to a few days outting or relaxing, you go there to relax and investigation. You doing some of that saying, you as the girls, sometimes just having one extra person on the phone, NOT TO SAY YOUR ENTIRE UB my WHOLE Facebook girls bundle together its your own heaven, THAt IS NOT 7 girls. MORE than 7 girls. 

You for the first time having a courage or some resource to travel.

NO guy or one or 2 guys asking you sometimes the process, they tooooooo busy at their own court room, themselves. None of you girls sharing what you are file-ing, those are the private things, BUT from the public or the court room Judge, or including the government initiative, you go on some 4 limbs moving the space and time, meaning dragging your luggage to land anywhere, to find something, to enjoy a bit life.

ANY of you, NOT ANY of us, will tell you you belonging, you are part of that one guy, same guy. You will have to bring up his name, if he was on the phone.

Your court case WILL BE all of you girls ending up this YOU belonging to SOMEONE to each other, still is, just too busy enjoying the current life, you have a purpose, you suddently feel, someone book you a ticket, given you some assignment, like you doing yourself a favor, or growing up knowing some part of that supports, and the girls talking to each other, sometimes its each other's case.

You try to be honest, or you try to show off that belonging, let me guess, which GUYS they are part of it, or they are just all bundle together 1 against 10 psycho on the same table, listening to this. What the belonging means to you. ITS NOT REAL. He shows up for everyone, not for you one single girl only.

That lawsuit, or the court room drama ITS NOT THE BOYS Cartoon.

Its Marriage laws, Fall off, Divorce, Kill.

💝 You have an argument



One of this day you gonna tell me, when you stand over there.

Its between the love or whiney, not winning. He loves me no more.  He let you go, you let him free, you will have to find a job. The Extraordinary you, whichever that Love Actually, its You You You You You You You in the ending song. 

You know why those Judge asking you that one question? Your parents don't know you, or I don't know whom else like the son or Tina. When you are planning to be thinking outside the box, it will be a vow NEVER be the priesthood program while the trickery of the world in the business dealing, you will say, you are the mild, or the malleable one. 

In the end of all those ending results of the next whichever years, if you are not part of that anyone knew or don't know the MD program, you will be seeking the outside wall of the mermaid.  The Judge may not know the end of every of your story, I am the one telling you that from the higher ground. What you planning inside your brain, what that means that the graduation will keep I say...

Play, play play play play

Its just a graduation.


I don't want to talk about this where you file-ing location or what you file to, or what cause of it, to even putting the name of the movie in. That is a known word they know what it means.

So....That entire situation you did it to yourself, with everyone suck it in a whirl pool. You will have to keep finding things one loop after another loop. They will tell you "not here.", you wonder where that next claim should be, or re-done, or re-file, or if that profile were already sent to the wrong side of the System Data.

If you would just rehearsal on anything file-ing, MINE entire blogger are the messy right hand side, but as I going through it, I will get a sense with a lot of things. The vocabulary, or your entire argument were nothing but the marriage, money and murder each other, either nor.

Tell me again what that is?

You waiting on someone, so Nicky and I told you to get married. You will have a sense you are not happy that day going on as the excuse someone seeing you. She will at least seeing Wing if next by, if any of that argument, you are happy to be with one person. Because she may not be able to do anything for you there, or for any reason, a lot of the American, especially women wish you be happy.

You coming in with that air, she will feel scared. You have no one around she can talk to behind. To check how far this extent length of events affecting you. SHE doesn't want that, most humanity wishing you be happy, and on the way already things set up, why don't you take it??

Move me forward at the same side, near the net.

Right, Dean is moving from that FL, to the middle point, that is Texas, or that is the Setter position.

That is what I can tell you.

This must be coincidence, that is the Statue of the liberty right?


oh no .... You all need to leave. That was your program. That is not that, its the Star Above the Head. You can say the Horse President in the audience seat, move.  Here Taiwan. If he dies, you have no more choice.

A lot of things in my life just happened, I will tell you that. Let's say, if I stuck in America, and someone like me explaining to me, I will ask my mother, and come back to Taiwan, but I already be back here 7 years, and I am talking to Ireland side. There is a lot of things just happened because I work for a living.

The middle West that main character its not Adam, never gonna be Laura. They....I really don't care what they do with that Ella Enchanted.  I need to focus on the BTX or this after immediate X Man Past or Future - to W Two worlds still the same line on the bio or bio tech worlds.  That.....someone never works, you don't think I work for a living I can tell you that, to seeing BTX and Ella Enchanted? I already left there 20 years. Do you file your lawsuit whichever the movie and did it go through, you need to have a correct argument, when someone putting all this crown on it, you doing nothing but getting rid of, and the only way doing that, you list up 1000 argument, it will NEVER be THAT.

Meaning does that lawsuit you written, going through? One lawsuit, or your per movie per lawsuit, or that is a combine?  For example, this one W Two worlds, my arguments I break them down almost to 20-30 just one Dr. Bing Shen, not finished it yet. 30+20= 50 lawsuit per file, that is one W Two worlds will be, not combine to anything before..... lawsuit 651. 

I have....sorry. Flower Thousand Bone included. That is a lot more the religious nature. Contact that is at the BTX that side. 

Let me see. Ep 08


See, I have to be in the middle of it.

Every so often. This TV is already 8 years pass, they have a lot of the new China TV drama too. I am not sure if China they file what, but they will not hear about it, its....

1) You use the marriage law like the other day I am explaining it to this Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, touring around to 1st AD. Why, not 0 AD?

2) There has to be a real bliblical book written down, so you have the evidence. 

No, let me finish saying it.

No one knows what you did behind, each of you. But the other day I given you a plain sight tour. You saying I only took the UB 2 classes, and I even given you the classroom name. That is UB Family Law and UB Consumer Laws.

Now, you don't remember one day I threaten your parents, or your younger survillence people from your parents world, that is? If they keep pushing this wrongful side of the wrong argument, to tell me a child star story I know that myself or you all behind making 2 cents fake, I use the outside the exactly same methods, I told them those things I design behind the IPad. Just that tiny small things magnetic or wood making.

So you saying, "oh, weird, no one will ever use the marriage laws, you mean the church and the states separate, its not the marriage laws." Then you telling me, what did you file every single time, how you just gonna keep going back and forth later on, you are first run off its the marriage laws, the arguments you wish to put in, its the marriage laws. And in the end, it is the marriage laws..... But that movie called Frozen, none of that are the marriage laws. 

Probably Tamang is with the girl, name Bella. It looks like Torus, lab. The one.

But ....they, you mean Orlando's friend, they are all the guys near there, including the football team. ROTC. They are all guys. So this entire scene looks very funny to me. There is a word womenizer, Tamang does 3 girls beach said to say ilegal, his favorite time with reporting manipulation psycho, all those scene are nothing but the girls.

This entire classroom, they KT are allllllll very tall guys. Even saying the UB facebook myself.

There are very very very strange encountering the first saying all this movie, because, my peripheral its me seeing a story.

It might be a volleyball thing, because UK has one day event, I went with them in the middle of the court, and its....entire stair, the high school audience seats, its filled with people, and there is one volleyball play.

To the high school Twilight, my only high school, everyone back then Adam knew, its just one year in KY, not anywhere else in America.

And to that popularity of the cheerleading squat, she has a mother, that built a prom occassion hotel, at the down hill side. Its a funny location.

No...that's it.

She enters the beauty pageant, correct. A lot of the middle west kid, they do those home coming Queen like Adam's mom. Isisah was the home coming King. But some of them did go to one of those beauty pegeant, you saying in this small tiny world of the social networks without a facebook, how much you think you know the guys or the girls, so...its next by those Junior Varsity, and Senior Varsity. Orlando in that. The same indoor court room field.

Keith would be every year after that year, with his gf one time on that court with a daughter, or the more later short hair, I think its a wife. No kid. So if saying ......Not Keith, not Adam knows. Orlando has a group of those high school friend. There are many of them, their eyes looks like different to me. The boys. He remember he asked me a question.

I still remember that. That guy, he knows.

Because Adam is younger than me. 

In this end of this court, their court....to where the parents may or may not be told, each of this UB kids will be probably asked a question.

Between the eternity crawl like -500 dollar one of those the first train.

They are -5000, I am .......Eternal, one of those to do with the TV question. 

Its a freedom life. She gives her only standard she saying it so. Just as if like I never disclose anything or enough at all.

Remember all that

Per limb, its per cut you know how dare, everyone of you, you know every space of Time, I say....dare try anymore this per limb, per muscle, breathing without the Teeth, you will not move.





Many people are very very skillful this per vola daring says, just opening up per mouthful try.....Its won't be every day, its every single second your thought cannot be suspend, right at shower? 


Until the very death still never virgin airline virgin virgin pure, It Must Have The Beginning and The End.



You don't think its funny? Its indeed do.

Di Da do.

The just dead lady Coco.


About the plagirism ...關於抄襲 (想像到底是多少有人會,寫中文,寫這所有國外的每一個字詞語這樣清楚呢? 同一個時間 十個世界!)

 Remember Me .....

When I say in the lawsuit .....the short leg vietanese SM nun, to that internal every scream.

It will always, how the proven and those Vola moment why the attention fade, its always and forever will be, and why you cannot be?! No one puts it a stop, right? Tell me your every wish and aim, anyway?

Why or why not?

To all these secrets only God knows,.....shi.

Why don't we understand they have the Friday, my traffic statues its tooo unlimited?


I will be at my lawsuit center. Still on the Hidden message of the WATER. 

194 Pixies and 194 military The UB Group activities on the wall (13:02)

This is the group from the college education above to where they reaching their professional school at the honor class adjcent to some of the college major is not a major at their club, or the diverse of the SA activates to make them a better person away from home, including its the detention center community service hour, no one knows. 

I have to tag this brand new keyword. IT department.

I think its not bad, its 4 oclock in the morning.

I have one of those 抽筋 on the left side shine bone behind, screaming before I get up, so I got up. Today our time is Saturday. 

I am still at the American time Friday early evening.

(I need to delete this post, the URL is wrong. Its 19, not 194. Wait. )

194 Pixies and 194 military drawing a geography's map (7:16)

Its one of this someone is not thorough, not Thor ....its one map, one Sammy, one cliche, one event, one Martin (Madrigal). He doesn't really fit in somewhere in that classroom. Same period of time, that class 10 English on the "Extraordinary You" (The Day You Found Out)

194 pixie and 194 military Bio AI lethal issue with the hostile external factors (14:29)

Because someone just be on our news yesterday about his mother, its 17 with 8 zero the stock value something went to that side of the economic facts. He has a video like Lauren and 子歇, that is SMCH's head monk from Hong Kong.

Something about the leadership, and you all have to prevent him, what?

You want to ask me something about every line strategic planning? The only national policy.

All right, every plagiarism becoming the legislator and be vola like the Taiwan news, that time they have this public crowd human factors make them pump up popularity, they will NEVER, FOREVER, EVER, and NEVER show up on the university any roomy talk, not the education section of every Department under every countries constitution. That will be your only strategic planning. It is a sin.
Its a hell of the sin, if you would have find it out deeper and care for.

They will be the only jobs you got.

They becoming the legislator and own to that human factors. Every popularity fake scene of the world views. Ruin your own TV, ruin the real world, everyone else the riots. That will be the only national policy. Get them off the school ground, every one last them.

Be the glory of that TV evidence picture art.

Mind you, one tiny caution words of you me 2 worlds apart....

Some human such as my father dad, was originally from the paper thin human with the thick eye glasses as I grew up knowing it that, he is thin, very thin for which book I had read from him. Someone dare to produce the kids in those guy's some kind of the pyschi space, it will be they are not afraid to use some kind of the education means to educate them. Some those very useless paper thin guys, will be belonging this priest program or the education program. Just like when Ola will find out, or Wing finding out if Dr. T has the education credits through that college class, what a useless human like him, ending up the SUNY Buffalo or the SUNY Brook, it was one of those useless state school circulating in the New York States.  You wonder which direction of the Criminal Justice starting from, it was at the library part of the university shelf, 150 years ago.

The mentality of the righteous. 

194 Pixies and 194 military The UB Group activities on the wall (13:02)

This is the group from the college education above to where they reaching their professional school at the honor class adjcent to some of the college major is not a major at their club, or the diverse of the SA activates to make them a better person away from home, including its the detention center community service hour, no one knows. 

I have to tag this brand new keyword. IT department.

I think its not bad, its 4 oclock in the morning.

I have one of those 抽筋 on the left side shine bone behind, screaming before I get up, so I got up. Today our time is Saturday. 

I am still at the American time Friday early evening.

(I need to delete this post, the URL is wrong. Its 19, not 194. Wait. )

194 Pixies and 194 military The UB Group activities on the wall (13:02)






I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You can just get a Disney under the sea, those mermaid water design as the outside, and inside that is the another layer of the plastic.

Some people doing that like a soap in Adam Levine Aquatic Angel.  The Victoria Secrets, the design of the bathroom, the sea shell soap holder, you mount it on the wall.


8:21 that is okra, before that, any of this big big big leek, you have to open every base. The Chinese chive doesn't look like that, one round. That is a lot of the layer, the sand and the parasite eggs. Every time when you have a water 水耕 farming, kinda of like the rice itself you washing like 10 -20 times. I process things like that, and I never touch those okra top, not those you cannot see with your bare eye sight, those thing of some micro-thing stuck on the top, you cut and just wave the knife them off the shelf. One of those? 

There is a lot of details none of you are doing the hygienic. Especially when you process the vegetable.

I use a lot of the water to shaken a lot of things, with or without salt time. In the rotation of keep doing that. That entire sink just look at it, 4 side wall....its dirty to me. Every time anything dump like those garlic scene, you need to keep the water running through the pipe never stop the water keep going it.

That cooking smoke has no ceiling, its directly at the paint, or the ceiling light I think.

Not that kind of the potato peeler, not toward yourself, and again keep the water open and never stop running that. You seeing the blood, you will see it in the water, not blind sight, when you will see how much blood without the water running, oh my dear.

If I touch the button, you wash your hands even a very minimum touch of the soap, and staying there counting 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 second with that water keep running through that finger tip, and then touch the food.

You can have a glass door, really.

The plastic means the water does not absorb through, you rinse, and dry with a paper towel, because the water stain will leave it right on the transparent plastic, you have to scrap that off. The cloth means its washable, it might be thicker too. 

The Marriah Courtyard.


The Studio apartment


Where do you get those shower curtain on that bar?

The Bath & Beyond or Amazon.

And the drape?

You mean the plastic transparent those, or you mean the cloth inside has a plastic, that is the 2 piece, when you hook those ring, you need to stretch your neck double times length to keep your neck and your hands steady there to hook it.  The cloth curtain and the plastic shower curtain your water coming at it, you leave the cloth outside the bath tube, but the plastic inside the bath tube. You understand?


She has a kid in the end. 

How do you secure a table lamp? You usually mount them, the monitor, or the TV monitor the same, she is using those portable shelf, shelving. Movable, and right at the sun. Portable that is what it means. ....Meaning if you hate that windows so much, you get a piece of wood, steady between the 2 frames of the windows, that can carry the ...whichever weight of anything, you mount on it. You might just get a piece of the plaque wood, cover the 1/3 of the windows, you shift up that monitor. 

Meaning suspend in the air.


Usually in some park, they have those set up the wood picnic table, no reason to be on the grass, because they have the bugs and its sun burn right at the face.

There are some very light alumniun one side shining almost like the car cover inside the cover toward the outside sun ....that is a type of the material, to be leave it in the car, or the trunk, so at the floor.

If .....the fabric of the couch like this white, beidge or grey color near.


Right ....

The ceiling dusty means its on the bookshelf.

Its every surface the same degree, the floor, the stand, the night stand, the table, the wood or the glass. Same time.


You almost saying you wipe those surface enough, its just happening all the time, or you scrap very hard, like behind me, this per book sticky out, small tiny those seen surface, I wipe them, the very beginning, I didn't wipe them that often, I found out later and I purchase a lot more the alcohol wipe, you have to use some forces on that surface.

And so the shelf behind you....

I wipe them very often. 

Same to the floor?


And this couch?

Some surface you mean how you touching it, the fabric, or the leather. The leather its a shining surface. The soft leather. This is fabric. Some people when they purchase a futon, like these real set of the temporary furniture, they find some very furry, or something white sheet, to cover the entire futon.

So this fabric?

I think its mix with synthetical. Some girls they like about those drapping danging things with a knod, and several string down? The native American one of those? 



You go to the fire department, that is a cigar, both of them. Those are the immflammable indoor, you seeing the ceiling having anything install. They do that right on the television. 

⚡️ I was laying down, my mother came back a military engine….

I saw a little night time CNN, then Korea drama “the second husband”, Jackie Chen on saying, “why you speaking in English not Korea?”; the original spider man 3, he is one person table alone. 

A several local TV, drama and some clear Chinese hear pronunciation.  Our social news are the only real life inside those frames, not CNN professional attire. I drinking sweet tofu alike dessert water, soft flake thing. 

I don’t think you are gearing toward the money. Even to get near those whom could get hired in the job, you will feel very very good. It’s a lot of those pieces of the paper in the future. 

In the business world if it’s a general public, you have to be very careful as the world present you those conference look, many are the parents.

If you saying a secret hide out, Dream Exchange Games 2 worlds apart, I am at a writing most time, typing or video my own blog or the YouTube, this is not actually advertising. This is not an advertising, it was starting 2014, I didn’t go to anywhere to advertise, not in money transaction, not in marketing. I go later directly to an almost government that legally settle a certain arising issues.

You …mix up since the day you become aware here. I am not sure your timing. You got it all points wrong. 

Everyone knows I am not at the business venture, shakeing hands. They are not sure I am sorting with whom and so confident, but I never showing up this shaking hands the business attire or banquet or festival or social dress or with a guy or with a girl. My photo had only me. Never at anyone’s world, never in person to their personal space. 

Today is Friday, the notary birds say tomorrow finishing rendering, money.

I am not sure they are telling the truth. My computer too loud, I shut it off.

Eating ice cream, 69.15kg this morning, my head hurt this of loud noise over Pinterest rendering sound. 

So this comic book interesting to read, you are so eagerly to await this story true? If anyone does a medical school or pharmacy school application, did I say I only pick 2 school prerequisites ? = 1 major, 1 minor, fraternity, 2 club, VA intern, CAD students not 1 or 2 pays the bill, not even office hour they don’t show up. And one pharmacy application and PCAT, one English tutor. 

🫨     What’s inside a comic book ends at your advantage or favors? In where, the real life or the court arguments like your parents you bossing at the judge? Cannot be this concentrating flipping those comic book you grow up size. So efficient meaning you remember the story plot content at home? It’s the plot. Not the casino chewing gun slot machines hallow eyes concentrating, it’s frown the eyebrow.

The air inside your forehead space bubbling, you thought about the unlimited money, that kind? I sit the longest inside this curshion I have to go across to drag back including the broken chair and the moment I buy….

學習英文 (講我當初大學不就是一年回來,只有一次 的 TOEFL 補習 ABC,其實那時候就一年,就再也不需要想像那種世界 )



Its Prince WIlliam has to teach in English or Kate Middleton? No, not I say that. Don't remember whom says that.

是說英國誰要教英文? 有這種事情嗎 ?  威廉王子跟他太太? 不是我說的 ~ 不記得了!

Hank 跟提娜真愛黑白配 (4:25)


討論漫畫、身體 (上面旨意,每思每心每想),有很多東西沒有一樣東西是我的 ! 很多主意識不是我的,還有小鳥說什麼是什麼 ~ 不是天空就是白雲,太陽,他們旨意,是這樣?

對 ! 

洗床單是我自己的意識,這頭套,還有我頭髮重,因為貼布,對 ! 這種東西我本身自己在家你可以做,但是有時候出去叫做有一隻鳥落在哪裡的人行道,走人行道的意思!對~這邊很小很小 ~不要去馬路的意思!或是說天空就畫了一個長方形,我有沒有自己人生想過什麼日子... 很多人現在在爭取某些事情,對....我覺得 ! 他們是說自己有主意識的關係,不論是這一生,但是他們非常確定的關係 ! 

... 人生我走這種時間,我會去賭博這種事情,其實對自己的人生很不小心 ! 


在國外有一種自己獨立的文化,除非這種第二代已經移民的小孩家長給零用錢,隨便他們很久,他們很需要這種回到哪裡任何只要比美國好 ....等等,那種心態 ! 人生~~要每一步小心走,金錢不可能是一天變成很多零假設,但是直到那種情況,要非常小心自己的數字跟自己的鼻子 !

I am washing my hair once, waiting = typing or pinterest, I wash out and put the condition, rinse off. I usually will drag out all the hair strand like a big layer fallen, to washing it all the shampoo.

Dry the hair

the left arm pit (The diamond in the sky, you mean the birds)

Joy calls. (SMCH accountant to my mother), that loving the silent tear, has a Joy, she drives a car. We only been once this we are toooooo hungry, near that Taiwan semi-conducting place 新竹, you know how this north or where, its nothing like Taipei, its very rural all the establishment, we finally find out a "reservation only" my mother got on an app. Its a chef, cooking when we book?!

Its a meal.

The video in the album, Wolf virus and the birds picture includes. Aladdin.

i have 2 pain killer patch on me, one left arm, ending at the elbow. Ring strcuture. One is at the right leg above the ankle. About 2 inches  (still the ring structure)

Now my left leg ankle same place too. Its now.

194 pixies +194 military talking art ( practice )

Practice talking 1 (1:27)


You don't necessary to deny the TV, but you cannot really go overboard to imagine you using outside, how big their world to over this public here cannot just vola on their set up the state of the mind - meaning education to them.

Through.....you say some of the credible your current time, on the current space this institutional name. You don't say you are in the galaxy Z, and where about a common blurs language, a lot of people does those checking the IP address (our internet set up are using the URL and one of those IP address to identical the physical location or since the telephone pole invented.)

Practice talking 2 (2:09)


Associate some of the family idea in, not just because I was in one hell of them life. The driving I mean. 

Well,....outside probably the audio 1 is or is not on either way, I think. You need to prove your own vola, or the birth certificate its a vola. One of that is a joke, correct. I cannot tell which one they say.  I think they mean I emphasize outside would be better .....

oh ~ this Earth gonna be a problem, you don't get on quick your evolution. This is not one of this they got hired, to cluster someone, and again, this is anatomy or physiology or the medical board, one of those. Zawanna he is a Earth science, sphere preservation rep, that way.

Talking Art 3 (1:49) 🦅


You need to have this basic sense - latitude, I mean that subject or the knowledge base. Sooner the better. But correct, you considering everyone like my parenting bracket they are retiring and be happy and be joyful. 

Talking Art 4 (2:18) 🦅


The pollical science, I describe something about me, how near I was somewhat to do with the democracy society, or the willingness to learn. Therefore I talk about the inductive logic class I had in UB, that is pre-pharmacy in North Caroline requirement. I can only look at 2 pharmacy school. UB and North Carolina. In the end, I didn't go. Its the waiting list in UB. The pharmacy school waiting list - I waiting the whole summer.

Talking Art 5 (5:59) 🦅


Describing some activities over Sep 26th, NASA first invites over the first asteroid impact to the planetary defense. It was last year 2022. Technically speaking to the public, I input some of the year, every single year, what do I do or did realize, clearly I verbalize per word I explain to the world and our public what I did, what I encounter, and what I see things accomplish.

Sometimes you need to understand that is that a part of the job. I just doing this for 10 years, I will tell you, I really really really getting used to it. So I knew this part, by already commit to explaining to a lot of people, almost like a habitual thinking or saying, for a very very long time since 2014. 





Babaji: Go

講台灣新聞 (中國),我跟西城男孩 (回家吃飯),你們的未來假設如果,可以~~~~~什麼? (15:56)

奮發向上、致力於 ...                       可利可求,你們現在非常 pompeo 澎湃,內在,只要聽到什麼我其實中文沒有講很多,你們覺得很多東西叫做『可能』,可是我其實不是你們的團體或是單位、小組、彼此? 你們有一種自動自發,是真的,我講例子。



你們中國 2030 英文不能退 ~~~~~怎麼辦? 尊上一定要今年不是過年二月 ...是要等一下 !!! 喔 ~十年是 2032 年,所以中國 2030 是???!

假設講人身骨骼學+生理學 (12:20)

我當初在大學跟轉學之後 ~~一個主修跟副修 (大學課程 )





Babaji: Go

Psychology - per thought, per act, per doing

Living hell with this Tina Jojo GPA 1.0 - LOW IQ.

People take the advantage of you (4:36)



The bad face women


Domino: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rCq5fizlywo

Dance: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FYpRwIjw6ks

A lot of this IQ issues will be filtered, where you want to see yourself going. Keep your 4 limbs clean, and your face washed, those tape water are free. The warm water for the 4 limbs, just put it in and soaked. Those the free things in your life right now.

Queen Card: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JVyRg0lz6HM

You care about this

Of course you care about this. You remember your prom date, and you are not very very near any guy's arm, let's even they put their hands around your chair, you reacting somewhat as a girl. You can just when its done, get up, calling back, bye the next semester.  When you don't have a lot of this near by, you thinking a lot of day time night time too. Any proper communication you need to write your diary more often, get your feeling out, including how much you love this guy or seeing him handsome, or including he broke your heart. You did a lot more this diligent working on yourself, one day you will tell me. That has pass a part of your life. 


Look at this video

You identify this 2 people, what does it look to you? He is not sure how to seeing the mirror in front of him at this hands touching where on his collar. He never done that thousand time, he was only 18 years old, or 20 years old. You seeing a guy like that, you seeing a girl next by. You doing some of the mirror job, let's say you capable to fold that collar, all of this are the make-over jobs, nothing in the brain.

In this world, that make-over jobs its exactly what the TV telling you, you know what they say? If your IQ is stabilize on which methods in any given realm, that world, of anything you are indispensable, you will be transformed, that is what the movie over all keep coming out in this make-over or make vola scene. Movie: She is all that, included. That kind of the talk didn't die out even today's American idol those similar show format, you saying Adam Levine, you saying Voice.

Your typing in English is not a problem your communication in English is not a problem, your head set phone is not a problem.

You speaking in Chinese is not a problem, typing is not a problem included.

A lot of people get nervous on a lot of space, that is a crowd people-to-people place, and I am telling you most of them are very very blind. The way you putting a brand new dress if you getting this international trade in the mail or the first time you trying the mail order in 7-11, not the credit cards in Asia here. Anytime of this expose to the air all around you, its very very nervous to you.

You seeing above her, that light label? I can see.

That guy's navy shirt, yellow words? I can see.

Microsoft on the left, that distance? I can see.

Near the ceiling light, those black things, I am not sure if that is sprinkler or camera, that is Tony's job. I can see. 

Yellow sock, and the shoes without the heel, I can see. That is not a sneaker shoe. 

194 Pixie + 194 military pre-med major

Video 1: About chemistry B.S job, Pharmaceutical, lower bracket researcher like Lee, height, face, papers. Inventor's job,  the military commander-in-chef, the Military bracket within invention in that zone. The medical or pre-med, how these English first language to me growing up, later 2 brain not 1 brain learning the second foreign language, and so your high school time - being efficient. The medical has the medical image, x-ray, .... (13:38)


194 Pixie + 194 military being selected (8:38)

194 Pixie + 194 military the international trade (5:32)


194 Pixie + 194 military on the eloquence (11:50)

Inside your life when you are a child, you have decide in your life, what you wish to be when you grew up, and that direction never changed - You wish you will grow up maturely, that is one of them. In talking, in standing, in questing life, maybe not the very first intuitive sight on the money that time. They didn't teach us the money. They taught us the rules in the philosophy, so I keep somewhat dreamy, that is the world made of.



Hallo Mark !





Princess Diary 2 - the selectee choice? I think we were at the free will choice that time.



Westlife - Concert The World of Our Own

Technically this thing me and Shane has to talk about it. Even a Kian sitting at the same table, why I would be staring at him on that any long table, I assuming that, not I telling them that. No. Not that, but I think all of them might have a paper works. But then its Nicky's side problems.


One day or every day, its you blame that someone looks ugly next by me if not the first 8 years, its old.....one day in the next 10 years, its....where he been?

You doing that to your own side of the world, its a perfect sense between you and those the same like you the guys. You mean your pocket everyone is not honest for the ink red mark, if they just safeguard everyone the movie in the early prevention.

You need a lot of the pride to live life. Everyone knows that, every country line in its full of them every year they graduate from the school. Mine would be the most effortless people just go with it. 

With this things happened, no matter its my brother Sariputra or that Anan nick .....whichever terms and replacement or any word of it, its "Shut up shut up shut up shut up." (type type type type type type type)

Its 10 years later, they didn't see anything extraordinary.

He didn't know that TV its from Korea. Sorry, I never TOLD him, there is a TV called: The Extraordinary You, that is in English, but in Chinese here, its "The Day You Found Out", I highly doubt he cares that so much.  With all your UB face in it, or Tamang, the gun man, or the one kiss guy. He has so many problems to hear that, because I had a lot more other things to deal upon. oh ~ I told him every other things than this small tiny petty high school sweetie heart you all calling the husband and divorced, so you are the divorced women, not those military they kiill, you have to born kids and stay the widow name.