
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I actually don't know where you all getting your material from ...really. Is that anything to do with the Pets?

You tell them, no more materials like that, you kill all of them because we cannot solve this smell issue until when the world will invent that methods. Between these animal kingdom and the striving for the human civilization. A lot of people doing this very very foolish things with any of you. I understand you are raining outside under the cover, that is every min, even I cannot live in that sandy storm. And everything you trying to say, it will always be your agenda, and that hurting everyone all around.

Because 1) the nail on your toes, itsn't carefully cut.

2) The hygenic was not paying attention, the human host has every his priority than you are.

3) Its by per vibration of his breathing, you know your owner its not the patient people.

4) Its probably less risky to say the business, because you also need to live under this roof. But this kind of the human civilization and the animal saying, its really really not you meant it, it will always be "the rain drop dew on your face too cold or too hot," you really wish you have every hour intake food just like the human mind knowing which clock of the fridge its the free opens. You can get a shelter but you refuse that. 

5) You go and argue with the ET or the sky or the white cloud. When they saying you...have a mood right on my roof, you are just relectantly having a choice doing all that. 


I am the synthetical human, not Zawanna. All the disinfect nature of all the spray, there is a reason how they disinfect the whole sparkless environment. Today I have like my mother did what having the ants on the table, your fate will die. You living on my water bucket, I washing them the lid, or the heating device.

You start wanting to get your right, that is without saying I know that. Your internal structure were everything I written about.  You literally saying we are the same equal right human every step the way.

You are so capable, get up and open your mouth to every word you possible saying it clear. 

Its K1 - K12 education same in-line human comprehensive. 

Westlife has a new album called "Spectrum", its a structure. Not Nicky's that header image. Anyone ask him?

Conan Detective that Big Wheel structure, so imagine you are at Taiwan, facing China, lifting up your toe, to hold up the distance to a reeling.

So how do you draw that wheel starting from India. 

But its standing on the ground up, not the flat on the map. And there is a story.

And ...Thor its at where he points at. True. They use the machine gun, or that is a raffle. FRIEND.

One of the things about the nerves system like the Indian medicine book long time ago...remember that? But the guys will not say, they have a lot more will power. Really.

They will their own will. They can putting all kinds of the garbage things inside their brain, and then one day coming out of the world, they meant they vola every step the ways. Seriously.

So as the girls, you have the petite choice. My mother those height. But you panic every step the way, seriously. You don't learn, you don't understand per term, you cannot wait that vola one weekend, of all the things you successful drinking one day on the fasting mode. You cannot die with the liquid that has sugar in it. Most the organic store how they design their ingredient label. Really. I can tell you that. 

You literally cry, when you burn your hand, and...your darling not "caress" you like...the end of the world. I used to remember a certain love story....and it becomes a movie too.

You literally also tears, if you see something wood chip, tiny sting inside your muscle cannot coming out, so why you use that hammer, and the nail? You wish to keep proven yourself, you could just call a guy, "maid yourself, that is all you are capable to do." Say that..."I cannot do that. I cry if my too perfect finger nail use the wrong side of that hammer base."

But you need a lot of the face.

Your  make-up melt because of the creme or the sweat, or the sun tan lotion, one of which....it gets to your eyes, you panic too. Imagine I dragging that micky mouse under the sink head, open the sink facet water, "The flowing chill water its at your eyes, your nose slowly breathing the air, let it out." "Again, relax your back and the body consciuosly, your eyes are close right now."

"See...there is a reason how the micky mouse survive the high school science class. The first hazard waste proper procedure how to handle anything to the eyes, its under the running water."

If you drinking the fruit juice all day with the water....you are scared?!

You have that habit starting when you were a baby. When you are hungry, you cry to your parents. If your parents not there, you really all your life are very lonely. I didn't have a choice when I grew up, so ....I never knew it was their political fall-out, literally, between that and that.

I don't want to talk about it. 

I am more talking to the 193 country except Taiwan because I am speaking in English. Not Hailey, this.....today is Saturday?! I c. America has a lot of the things if you doing it per correct order can literally verbalize out. If you talking more mature, acting more sharpen to your per words saying on that New Age, you 1) never panic, its just a bandage on your burn finger or wood chip Home depot, or a staple in the Office depot. 2) Even the boys they got scared. 

Your entire grown up, you can just call your parents and say "Dad or mom, I had a bump on my car today, I freak out."

There are a certain English word, I never talk out of my mouth less to say EVER in the more tradition none communication format with either parents. Because there is a political fall off. 

Your urination track to that filtration system, for saying how sensitive you are, or your underwear, you seeing that stain, I mean the pee tip, not the mucus part. I have that in teens, you buy a different pad? One day I have no more that. Its one of those transparent mucus?

Some what fluid, semi-sticky? I have that in UB I think too. 

Your hydration statue to the correct water, more than that Brita water seriously. 

The organic store what? They have alcohol in it, or smell of it. You shaken it ....first. You have a droplet that opens and suck it up droplet? 

Some of these things will be more effective, if you are REALLY REALLY REALLY thin like those Chinese Ancient dying on the no food world. No harvest crops. 

If you just watch your water statues...I don't even know how to tell you, washing your hair not in a week. Every 2 or 3 days because we are tooooooo hot here and I have the pain killer patches, the bug bites me.

I use Berkley emergency water to boil some stuffs that time, or the warm water. The filtration only saying the filtered only, not necessary boiling to kill the bacteria. I don't use it for the drinking water purpose. I think i used to cook my pasta perfect in Buffalo. I do those excessive exaggerating things that time. 

I don't eat in the night market, even the fried food. They have those French thin crust + chocolate syrup + cheese. I have ate that. I think you have this tendency to eat the fried food + the chips + the bread + the coke. And when I say you literally swallowing 3 meals down at your stomach to pretend you digesting or sleeping through....your entire blood are concentrating at your stomach, not at your brain. 
You wait too long, or you were running too long, you as a girl, if you trying to be a lot more gentle on yourself, it might be going for a long way, and the guy can lose behind you, if they keep putting the wrong things inside their mouth, and pushing too hard at the body structure. You girls just want to win win win.

I didn't evolve to have that sense, really.

No, you girls are not sure, you pick up a spoon, or a meditation softy blanky, or curshion, really.

Is the Christmas light at dark night, its a double?

If you touch a muscle, how do you define that is a flesh, bone, or blood tissues?

See....I add one extra words, everything mix up.

The tissues have to make of the cells. Someone bite you a thigh. Literally. She didn't eat it.  Its on her teeth. You girls can just make the eternity money with it, if you shrink your size down, on your fitness, on the weight loss, and figure it out the correct term on yourself. These doctors are muscle on the arm. When I have this bowl movement, I have those 虛汗, that is one Ancient Chinese medicine department. I testing that many many times.....normally no human will get to that point, you saying the poison situation. Or like you poo as the girl, you don't go and squeeze, I stay in the dark, but they keep saying to open the light. So....If they tell you something about the animal kingdom, there is no different with the human.

The girls have to be very careful, because the guy has no system of that any part of the waist line below. They have the structure, that is not the system itself like the women, you saying the reproduction system were the blood passing through, and to that kidney, there is nothing good about, you mix the period day of the blood to any kinds of the kidney behind you, those lower back, you saying....there is no way fixing it.

I used to read a lot of that Cayce Edgar to figure it out my terms. I start it very early on in UB. I cannot take the American medicine. One month, I was walking a lot, that part of the system, just not active that one month. I remember that clearly. I periodically all trying all kinds of different things. oh ~ I really did. 

I need to be perfect when my free time is there. 

You girls care about tooooo too many things inside your eyes watering. Seriously. Your father, your mother, your cousin, your sibling. Compete and compared, and then you becoming the watering. The guy might be just telling you that is the most ridiculous things they never heard. 


That is swelling!


The guys they can do those thing on their own body. The girls can only just walking, and staying in the water, and drinking the liquid until the blood completely gone on the period. I have nothing else to talk about it.  The ancient left something for the "guys" exercise. That is true. They are the 4 limbs longer human. The girls only live in the water like a mermaid. I already talked about it. 

In Cayce Edgar words would be "the nerve forces" and this morning and evening time. If you have the period, you know the difference? My morning those vibration body are stronger, the evening not as intense as the morning. It might be the metabolism was totally different at night. But that time I thought was very exaggerating.....because, I was just 20 years old, or 21 years old. What if I get to the age where the metabolism, my mother will complain nothing but she is not like she used to. 

I think I tell my mother to see some bone doctors too, and twirling like "You've Got Mail".  Because her bones are so sos os oso thin, there is no muscle. Her legs, and she always wears these looooong skirts. She doesn't like her own legs looking. You cannot do anything with that. You can spin her, not you can...really touch anything. 

These words he uses, were the anterior or the posterior? Yeah I was saying they have a motion of that rotation of the muscle or the bones itself, you saying where is the ligament, where are the muscle, and what not are the nerves, the ones that picking up from the CNS. 

The doctor's skill and the massagist skills, are totally different occupation professionalism, you know?

That is what I would say?! They read the X-rays.


I would say there are a lot a lot a lot of the massagist service exist, but the health insurance I had none to pay the X-ray, to show up the appointment every so often, its because they know where the PER blade, like the shoulder blades the joint, the accumulation of the waste parts, to where, you seeing these......the doctors knows WHERE are the waste will show up, he looks many years pass, he is still in his same jobs.

You know that Otter were sleeping through the entire video, last video? How amazing....that had happened. Unless I was forced to, I never touching human to imagine how I quickly make them to go to sleep, really.  Most people will feel to go to sleep in the massagist place. 

I think you pay the massagist less than the regular these bone doctors. Meaning the session its short in the doctor's office, and he doesn't seem to do a lot, you already go to sleep. Per degree you should just go to sleep. 

I seen many different kinds of the doctors. I will tell you, they all have some kinds of the tricks or tips in that offices, or in America, they are all in the plaza. 

How do you not tickle others ...you mean you are nervous. That is the muscle you speaking, not the bones doctors they saying their practice.

Normally I used to NEVER NEVER NEVER think the girls could be THIS panic in life.


You flow in the muscle of other people, not to shock them, so you could see it, and immediately "press" than to "hold it" one position, so you gonna feel the "uneven" pain. I guess that is how much you can describe. I never done anything on the muscle part, you imagine I know. Not really. 

No, he had the shoulder dislocated from the work injury. I actually knowing that is an injury, I never touch him on any side. I know where is at.

💖💝🥗 The bone ?! 💖💝🥗

You know the bone doctor, the chiropractic, its a special field in America. That is a normal medicine practice. Whereas Ancient Chinese medicine, those are the health insurance a dozen years ago, they starting to open. That is the health insurance business, not necessarily an American Standard Medicine practice.

Meaning its very real. If you shaken from the head, that entire body shaken all the way to the bottom of the foot sole. In that Tim Cook as the doctor in the clinic School 亂馬 1/2.  The guy different from the women, its one of those working bees. If not that Tesla were meant the value of the women. 

The other way around. 

That is how that might works. And because it did work, its a real medicine practice in America. I am not very sure about the nerve attached to which part of the muscle embedded, because unless you open and see, its they are on the ligment twist like the muscle tissues you seeing those red diagram of the muscles itself, so does the nerves entwine inside the muscle?

I never imagine I will ever talk about the anatomical structure of the human just on the physical component that in the dissection life, how much merits physical merits, my eyes to see....the smell to vomits.

I vomits at the I Ching that digging grave women corpse not decay. Not really.




I used don't watch a lot of the American movies ...TV is the family channel ABC, but the theater drama, I never gone to until the dates come along. I didn't imagine I will have that life.

You figure it out how to survive, and about few years ago, I forget if that was in 2018, when I am more stabilized, or even in 2021, I starting on this, the senior care talk about you yourself and your parents. I was designing these medical saying words, if they are guessing at my blogger lines. 

What I will be writing below of it.

Some people will tell you, your air, your tempament looks very very very scary....when those fights will be realized in front of anyone, if not your parents already thrown all of you out.

Being with a guy, or a guy with their job, you mean the ordinary citizen, or one of these if you finding it out, next by you the same social future = the guy and you. What you gonna do? Tell him now?

One of these positions bind you tighter? 

If you like Shane, you like Kian, you used to never distinguish their voice or their singing skills, or you mean the paycheck, or you mean ...Do Ra Mi, its whom is whom games?

One of those.

They always happy someone love them, happy for them, welcoming them. One of those talks? I miss you, I love you, I cannot wait to see you be back at our country, one of those words? You sent them the message direct at their contact.

You use the loud speaker phone or the headset phone? Its must be one of those perfect music sound machine, like the Pitch Perfect says.

(I read again til the part "perfect music sound machine", these birds becoming so loud so loud so loud left side)

What is this Zeeshan, Shane?

1 Shane = Chinese 1. Tall and thin? Jason? That Tina's Ancient Chinese Drama.

I probably meant more a legal way how to survive in life, seriously. Spoon, Keanu?!

At the noon or the last 2 years I was saying a lot of time, you and the hospital, including visiting the doctors + reading your supplement and the hygienic. Then one day I specifically saying the front desk filling up the form.

I never say the emergency contact and address filling up at that emergency room.

In America, there is a TV made just for that.

When I grew up in UB. Its called ER.

Dr. Russ, Mark? Dr. Greene?


I think if you washing the eye under that facet running 20 second overnight those facet sitting stagment, and really really really learn how to clean your hands before touching your eyes while washing the nod, or just really move your muscle on the edge to open a bit eys, the muscle, not the physical eyes, you washing the muscle lids as if you imagine what make-up, I don't have at home. One singular person issue. But then if you turn around your head several time, you will start to realize how the ET creates the human, its how convinence you doing one side, that nose were never in the way.





Babaji: Go

You start with some jobs, you will feel it. As if I am doing that every single day.

I personally will tell you, I feel like....I live in the hospital receptional front desk filling up all your UB MD 6+1 x 4 people medical paper + UB 4+2, your front desk address and telephone numbers.

I am not one of them, but I live in the hospital billing cycle or the address phone book, the emergency contact person's line. Meaning, I really don't care about SMCH their church service local ICE like Rebecca or RC (regional director) like Carol in EF. You all might have a early start-up your church idea, so you have a position, or this is a real 5 Lords competition grounds what to tell them?

You telling these boys your title on your jobs? Or that day they will find out?

Zawanna probably knew some of the Charity, I meant I used to be in the SMTV. That is when Compete and Compared to match up a conversation in the emergency time, otherwise I am at the hospital Emergency Exit door. 

You want to do a medical center check-up, driving someone, phone book as....why my profiles its filling up this UB MD 6+1 to meeting MD 4+2 WWII Interface line, a kiss and a slap W Two worlds, City of Hope its a hospital, we have the ID at the lunch cafeteria. 

I cannot tell you why any leadership has that experience in the school, or somewhere the volunteering experience by telling you, there is an emergency contact filling up form EVERYWHERE. So I live IN THE hospital. 

I am so used to this feeling....the front desk receptionalist desk in front of them, its what things to fill up? Let me imagine why I keep saying that. 

You fear a lot of things, okay?! I don't want to talk about it anymore. NSYNC Joey or JC, one of those. You know what is an emergency contact used for? In the emergency time like my roommate upstair with the dog name "Coco", its I drive that person at night to the emergency room, to wait next by that chair, for her standing there at the front desk. Then we going in. 

You stand next by you will have a problem your bf, your parent-in-law, or your own kids, you need your Line App phone touch and feel. You cannot sit on that chair without wondering your mind. You cannot stand at that receptionist desk...."What is the filling up their emergency contact, they got the parents, but they are the pack going in together today. Not me. Them."

These movies make you believe, you really really need somebody, so I am saying like my high school those. I personally cannot take that. But I actually know all of you saying...really.

You cannot afford that, as the girls. And you keep pressing that kind of the behavior, you almost exit your every door, per evening, if the money was more this witness program, you don't need to work anymore? 
People cannot think, why THEY WILL NEVER BE with you. Really.

Let's reflect the graduation of all the movies, everyone saying they have a destination, remember all that? Now coming back to the reunion, because that is one thing...if not each year having the reunion, its you seeing each other on the witness program in-line zone? Do they even say that is a city built project, or you just all gonna be separate no more this...ganging up together, but you cannot just do it now?

You imagine you going back to your school reunion, or your American Drinking Tap Bar Association, you meeting a new friend, this friend tell you, "Next week there is a baby shower on the Saturday, and the Association A meeting on Sunday. We have some of the classmate reunion in them, want to go?"

Tell me, what do I imagine things in a real life?

Your weekend, or Friday night, you wish to find someone whom cared about your "tooooooo many feelinig or too little words say to each other."

You could just take over the entire country, "Now, this will be the time to talk." You making everything a very very very big deal, really. 

When I am alone going out ...the project, no name. Imagine my mother is not a human, this is my living space, one bed + the bathroom.

I running out and coming in a few time in one day or over the week days. Get out by the traffic hours. So I one person....going home, washing my faces and the hands with the soap, you asking me, if I dry them with the towel hanging in my bathroom, or I have how much make-up, you mean, how do I wash my face without washing the eyes only?

How do you washing that 2 hands if you are a MD?

Your mouth, your dental, if you are Dentist?

Your 2 arms, or your 2 legs, if you are the Tape Water factory personel?

How you washing down there as a girl. You saying all these towel, you yourself laundry, you have a household experience, or you yourself you growing out of the college life for a dozen longs years, you don't even know how to WASHING the towel load.

Not the tear glands with those fogging things I cannot see....

All you ever wants its the friends to buddy together over the weekend, for caring you too much. Never gonna be one project, one person alone, to show up in which meeting room. 

I always in the meeting and the clubs event very often in my entire life, I think.

Having the meeting, or the discussion, then later coming to America, they have more encouragement, you doing everything else other than the textbook. I think...or the school design I got too tired, I live in Student Union (SU), so their meeting hour just one side, then you go to work, then you go to class, then you go to eat something and paying attention to their bulletin board. 

Because one of these student activities, you can see whom reserve those room. The one got the piano, sometimes its the blood drive, sometimes its something else. Now this Zawanna or Thor looking, they transpassing the building, those real life, I tell you, you need to imagine the ID card how to get in the building. They didn't show you the ID. I just told you, the ID card.

Later you will find out the home business groups.

The home school, the hermit, the Amish. 

The APO has, no, not CAC. We have the meeting, the club meeting not the agenda meeting. Jonathon he has the tournament. Some people are more serious player, they go to the real event location in the National. They are the player, they are not the committee. 

I think Zawanna their race evolve to their age, meaning having a family experience background + the real work load invovled + you yourself living in one sleek apartment, or the friends over, the social gathering.

Those meeting....whom?

I think if you becoming more independent, a project. He does things in his real work site. That is the investigation by projects. 

The student activities give you an incentive, = you have a court room case. If you get enough the financier, you can go near somewhere this area to get 5000 survey down, then 1 time 2 time 3 times, total in 15,000 signature or the survey. That is one type of you saying the all of you more cared to pitch in those the overal school idea.

Zawanna they are the professional. You don't know what is the professional people does the professional jobs? A professor how does going on the evolutionary biology field trips, you are all missing, only me and Vince shows up with the Dr. Fourner? 

We have at least 200 people or 250 people.

You care about its the political activism. The advocacy....you all girls need to opening up your happy life = talking over and convincing people life. 

Mine is a science real job. 

There is a formulating a thesis, a cause, a reason, a brain used....how do you having this situation and solve it? Its a problem solving or whichever what things he was doing the Earth preservation. Meaning he found something under the tree or the forest, or the heritage door outside. Whichever these....observing the facts such as the sunset does not set on the West, its rising from the East?

So...he derived a few points how these individual planets, or the habitat having a....?!!

The combination factors?

I started with Tesla 1893 the science SI unit that committee - SI unit its more of the later on invention about 30 years down that road since 1893, since that Bohr theory 1921.

That is the beginning of the periodic table, you can almost saying the more systematic or the Scientific measurement and the lab carry out procedure becoming MUCH more easier, to our current modern time. But the pre-time would be that his microphone 1893, get over the bidding of the committee, there was the 3 bidder, and one of them its GE Edison. To pushing that through will one day gets to the Niagara Falls project, then the Colorado notes 1900 onward.

You are saying if I was preparing all that, 2012, my book. I did. There is nothing but the question and answer in that every page later on. Its the 1893 they describe you the whole thing, because Tesla behind not just 2 events, you will find 2 article. 

The White City, Chicago Expo. Astor won. Tesla is the columbia egg.

But the World Parliament of the religions. Technically you have no photo, but you have the painter, or the cartoon drawing about that overall scene. I just telling you there were nothing but the scientific committee board people that time. 

SI unit its the international...somewhere I think Europe they had those, before the Nobel Prize, so everyone always knew those details, side by to me. Its an "International" something science blah blah blah on name.

SI unit just means the standard measurement unit like the sea level = 1 atm. The atmospheric pressure because it was that experiment used the water and the air pressure, ...its by the experiment. Then later you have the ideal gas, the ideal lab temperature or pressure....so then they shorten those exact math value numbers, and so those lab situation never change such as the room temperature its always 25 Celsius. 

The history telling you not just the science brain, its a lot of the science committee, and loads of the black suit, you cannot see anything but the black the whole room. Because the real bidding process, its with the company combine. They leads to the connection to the next project. Its always by the company to go in and bidding that project down. 

If they would have told me I am neither THAT, nor THAT, nor ANYTHING....I could just go home and sleep, I don't care about using any of those name. IF they just saying it.  I thought its the history repeat, so my brain space its more stress would be the actual bidding. 

They got the problems. The science theory, or anything question or answer its not the main points. Those are the facts or the experimenting procedure or evaluation to the Truth.

If you are talking about the implementation of what to ending up the double pyramid to the material science or the zero gravity. I just told you, they got the problems and you can just look at the photo. Too hot, too heavy, too....whom design these prototype?!

I starting those science debate, I made it all that up myself since 2014 or 2015. I grab the microphone just stood there until my karma when can be gone. That was the reason how it begins. When my karma can be gone. 

💝💖 ... You personally wishing another person starting their mouthful begging to you, so you talk. 🥗🥗 Its one of those social norm. You like the girls but you hate the guys...you can start with the guys.

You make a dancing music, your own style. You practice at it, and film it. Inside your phone. You upload to your Youtube, set that preference as "Private" video, so you keep that link in your notepad in the phone.

When the occasion happens, or before that happens, you go to some of the other people's world, and testing out your social games arena.  I don't care about those things, but you all girls one thing in-common. Some like those Pitch Perfect, not necessary the singing, your own dance. Some kinds of the move driven you on the vola Disco Bar, those ceiling lights in the darkness. 

Brian is one of those getting mad easily human, talk to him. He will agree with you, really. They dance? Westlife?

You may not be planning anything anymore with the older group.

You can try in your new life, in case you looking back whichever that day comes.  You cannot just be all blank, no hobby people for saying having a common life forward, one is at the East Coastline, one is at the West Coastline.

Microphone testing 1 and 2 and 3. What is your hobby that binds you all together?

Staring at the PC monitor indicator lights on, some zombie goes towards it including the system data side people?! And they might be just one of them inside the UB Classroom. They say the lights are off. A couple of them.

There is a steep nature, not just the stiff or cliff, or...the slope issues.

In your evolution, you never been to a meeting, any town meeting where your residence located? 

The town has a debate, the city hall has a debate. Depends on your life goal, most of you just PC game, or the relax, or a book. To get into the submission of a paper works, you have to read, reference, research, doing a lot of things not convinence, because you are not in the University subscription database anymore. You imagine you writing a paper to forward what? 

You might feel those are the parents jobs, meaning any meeting grounds are those respected, or respectful home parents, but you yourself one day grow up.  These are not the democracy debates, correct.

That is not exactly what I am saying. All right. What do you say?




Babaji: Go

You can just gossip about it. "Brian he is like that, X man being stopped at. Not sure what's going on with them 4."

ADD probably, one of those human?!

"We have a long table from Anna side to Peyton's home to Maryland. Its each other has a microphone on the spot light. They just didn't put a golden buzz at. But I am sure the Medical Board didn't state the name or the date to be on that long table, or the holding of that microphone at the public service. Its not a church service.  They are the choir singing human. The church service. "

You can change a set of the new photo, put it on the blogger, and save a URL link to that post, on your phone, and write your own comment next by and show that to anyone shows up there the round table.

I can personally telling you, that time with Jonathon, if UB those time I were serious be in any saying meaning literally process any detail and the decision making, I will be in the bad mood every single day, not just they are my kids if were, nothing but a trench at home all my life knowing, omni-present knowing the knowledge base. 

I just didn't type the database, the creation of my own. You know what is a "knowledge base", right? You key in a word .....

What meeting have you been to? You are the voice to talk, or just to participate. Meaning the literally opening up your mouth with a microphone in front of it. Not just EVERY single day of it, its the draft speech or Shane's face too pretty I am telling you, bello.

The anger management are the circle crowd, not the round table, they have the group rooming exercise like introducing each other + given you all a newspaper to read, then all of you in 5 mins will have a discussion over these dragging your chair, forming a group at the in-room service. That is what you mean the meeting, the...group activities?

I mean the real serious things, you will dare to stand up sittiing next by far away table to Hailey's dad or Adam's dad.

"Its technically not about your kid. Its about your American Medical Board, I use to just using the Medical Board because I am always an American citizen saying.  Until the International affair relation human from UN shows up those TV, sorry, its the domestic the in-class whom was a transfer and the facebook gun user. "

Maybe start with that? 

Okay, I got it 少女革命 (Revolution Girl)

You cannot talk to another person on the same Table? To each other strangers?  Isn't that you all waiting yourself a party a long time?


Hi Brian guys that looks like Peyton, sorry, the other way. Hi Peyton?! You can just message him now?! No, I am not on the phone right now.  No, not really. Not today, not yet. Most the guys I think they like the long hairs. They know it bothers people's faces or they try themselves but they don't live that every day to process the hair. 

To me the longer hair its too heavy. The guy's thinking its when you really live them. They take a girl out, the presentation. It may not be anything serious, so those causal seeing, the friendship part, its the public venue events. The party, or the social occasion. 

If the Earth sent that one day presentation, I am only behind. Like serving water, or tea, those. Like I show you before. - The International SI Unit oversees that Science Committee that crowd 1893, that one. No, not the American Medical Board, not the International Medical Board, no, not Zawanna that territory, he is the Earth preservation. I am the synthetical human.

I will be more of the Science - Military affiliate the private Corporation or the governmental combine name near that City of Hope, because one day has to be the hospital complex at?

Beckman Research Institute. 

The sent out, I think its the Taipei these Tape Water initiative, one of those Water Preservation, or Water Earth, or Water Filtration System, or the Public Water, the Public Health, Water and Soil examination, or Nick's those OPP Academia, the chemistry filter water testing for the rural area, Canada. 

So that is 1) SI 1893 expo with the science committee and 2) Science - Military  3) = Tape Water.

Its a behind party, like those SMCH she has those Dr. Will Turtle at the Hero Gala, Britney made a video for.  The ex Mexico President that time or the Mexican mayor were invited, there is just sit there, and behind you running the back stage, the guys they go on the water filtration real crisis, the demo, or the talk, or the speech. 

I don't know what the Judge really does for reading those civil or the murder cases ....I personally if I starting this 400 millions dollars sign the above lawsuit, I cannot get outside the house not even the feel you say weekend or Friday night. My in-room, indoor has becoming the constant air.

I need to set up a U-bert after she leaves. That is what I will describe. Its very bad. Is there something their future or something our future Earth saying at the current?  I cannot get out of the house, that is how bad that is. You saying walking over the Mc Donald to take home, that is only 15 mins relax time? I cannot even do that. Not really. The 7-11 downstairs, I cannot even walking far, to the other side Family Mart, or crossing the traffic light like 5 mins waiting time, relax, you know what the relaxation is? I cannot. Not even one chat I want to talk to any of you, you saying your money digits are....not processing these passing by stuffs.

No, not about or limited to security. I cannot do one tiny idle talk.... like how is your father or aunt doing. How is the medical bill process at the reception. What the high heel branding is not the rain. 

I hear those things, I got very bad mood. Wasting my time, those.....maybe you asking those guys to buddy together you all going. Really. I cannot do a lot of things right now. Saturday and Friday night its practically the same to me. I am inside my brain if "THAT DAY" I have to process one legal paper, I lost it my entire Space and Time. Really. 

Where are some committee board people? No, anyone else new in the classify world the Star and Galaxy those? Not those Congressman or the Cabinet re-sort, and they are the Star and Galaxy alliance committee board, or each sector such as the military, only they know, they got 1 or 2 ready? The 1 or 2 human can dress the uniform goes? Its the badges uniform you put on your green those looking military rank clothes.

The Star or Galaxy console, they must have a name for it. I am not sure the name, its not as badly looking like as the military dressing up. Those air are a lot more strong forced.

Do we have the soon-to-ready, start rehearsal you all the local Earthly that Star, Galaxy, International Affair side of those Tape Water Factory, or the Public Health, the Public Protocol those committee hidden name those?

Let me try this again ...write-out.

The 10 Star and the 6 Galaxy Committee on Regulation for the Local and Domestic Human affairs - the Tape Water Factory, or the Public Health, the Public Protocol those committee hidden name those?

"The International Science Club Committee for regulating the budgets and on-stage"

Thor says they go first. 

"The International Science Degradation to the Human Health and Longevity to the Influential People 500"

Zawanna says they (too).

"The intellectual property line and square those"

Kail says they go third.

Is there something wrong inside that video? @@ (You kids, I am talking to you. )

... Their upper worlds has a lot of this Sister-to their -brother younger than they are. 

Probably not so Earthly you saying helping each other the girls that you are = your next by each of the girlfriends, when you get older, like a certain age, you really need them just not right now on the weekend, dressing up "plain" or "same cartoon outfit", or "together outfit", whichever those street arts or in the same clubs you really cared about it.

I personally - the Judge side I think....the literal picture its I process 100 paper per day, the legal lawsuit, that is not the same time, but saying 90 days of that one year 365 days our time. Not exact like that. But American court room just saying I process 100 lawsuit very often by myself, not the time duration. That is just how they say "100 lawsuits", so you all going along your own case without me.

That is what they mean.

But another thing would be from my side, apparently someone told them, or they themselves, or some other decent more like a humane better Race saying if you just trying to help each other, side by near by top by, you will find out your own within reach of the limits, that per term, per Anna say, per degree lower your head down to those near by, you know what you make off, but you learn those per terms words. Because you are file-ing toooooo many times, the same exactly identical things, never end.

That feeling, that is what they say. 

Most time I cannot see the guys, I think its just the girls saying. 

The guys image behind....cannot be seen. Those I did see the guys, true. They themselves included, true. But the overall feeling I know the girls parts. The telepathy side I know how to process these per degree things myself. 

Here its the girls lawsuit, I think those are the girls mostly lawsuits mean. I think the guys also file too, but not sure the stronger points are not as much as on them. There is a feeling weighing how heavy the air supposes to be? I cannot describe it. I don't feel it. 

They didn't file? 

Or I got mix up, they gonna help you to file them?  They will learn along the way?  Not as strong as, 2 human races are mix it together. The man and the woman. They look like they file, or those yellow brown bag, or what do you file using the folder? The transparent or the Office depot, and what is in it? The submission are all in, I assuming that.

And? if someone took that piece of out, that is a blank? You mean the Loving the Silent Tear, the blank paper? One piece of paper?

One page literally A4? Back? (Flip over?) The judge has the eye glasses, I guess it exists. 

Funny ....(strange)

Most people wants some big money in a short of time, I guess.

That is your choice. I tell you the negotiation table, or part of that committee of the 6 Eyes or the 6 Stars system. You gonna tell me those name TOO giant on Zawanna to be with.

... not really listening a word I say.

A real Medical Board committee board over that 6 Star or the 10 Galaxy alliance, or the galactic negotiation table, the regulation of the laws, the protocol. You don't even know or operating one protocol inside ONE real lab bench works. What is a protocol looks like to you on the lab bench? Really? One REAL Dr. Shen's lab. ONE lab got paying for it. Showing UP those table, and imagine you working alone, TO WHEN the combination of that NEGOTIATION, was not the worse nightmare. Its the True love?!!!!

Westlife - the recording studio


Tell me you have used a weight scale before . Not Ryoya Takashima those. The pharmaceutical ones.  The which spoon they got? The plastic or the metal? 

Really, Keanu Reeves Matrix, the spoon bend? 

Over the moon, how do you say that in English words? New Moon, Really? You mean walking over my dead body, Jonathon.

Try again?

I keep saying the REAL job, NOT the fake face card, didn't I? A REAL JOB, you don't go to jail, I am telling you. 

The public sometimes being lazy to file or being nice about it ....they never met you yet. Any country, any world.

But this is the democracy level of the 194 worlds. If they met their own debates not humiliation over the court room for EVERY tiny things.

I will tell you that is what you made it for. Every whine and shine, every court room debates or the television, nothing but at those Judge, you hire a lawyer, or you be your own lawyer right there, whichever those whom say "Object", Kail's cup in his hand.

I keep saying the standard. That will be the karmic law and the ending if not on the TV already.

= one formula

= Every human gets up and participation, or participating the democracy saying. There is a saying in that. 

That is what I keep saying it. 

You have more of the karmic situation, not necessarily you saying the money statues. The real karma retribution, those things Time doesn't wait. The public agrees all that or not, and you shape up only the democracy world with them in it. That is all they sign up for, that is what I already said, keep saying it, and never ending crossing my points making a statement repeating this over.

You hire things behind with the Judge, that is exactly what I say.

The public can do that, but if you gaining one penny money, you should not do that. You suppose to make your own living in your own brain IQ or the skill, or any receptionist jobs, whichever the resume including the sandwitch shop. Some people will tell you, its not everyone can get that job. 


Its best you given them all freedom right with you, in the court room, as the plaintiff and defendant. One day Star or Galaxy comes, you will evolve to Kails in front of those drawing inside the comic book. Its called the 元老會 in the old time, that is an assembly.

In modern time, I think close to the congressman, they don't make the laws, they just reviewing over a lot of the things, but before the Citizen or the public, because that Indian General he doesn't do that. He does the TV, not that. 

No Zawanna doesn't do that. Its Kail he requires to do that. 

The longevity probably will never come, but I am just telling you, you can be at the court telling them every procedure your objection statement will be "objected" out, right there by my lawyer, or the Judge forgotton. I am not the native English speaking and I wear out my Chinese. 

You probably won't like it, when you realize the guys can literally to be that argumentative and that expense its too badly ....on those before you know him existence time. The guy too articulate, to get on your nerves and faults every single degree in the public hygenic.


You can ask if 小龍 wants to go on their beauty peagent. The one next by Pang, those ice break loose in the middle of it.  The bubble tea ladies.

Is that the same girl in "Reflection", Mulan? That would be like Alice that role in UB? She is a China star, I know that. I keep seeing it, if not one of them 3 will keep saying it that time when I was reading the newspaper. I forget which guy from that China Star.


They are on their EF program on Earth.

Not sure what that is said, but they know their own culture, or currently our time.

Tim Cook has a sister, that is more than enough reason, there is a Instagram and the Greys. No she is not jumping around, probably one of those Tennis, or simple gulf, too much sun....like him Tim Cook.

All I can see was the business and the democracy worlds. Same like our world, you cannot really seeing that much of the Medical Board, or Law Boards or Harvard, you mean...the education. Similar to our world bias points. Its useless.

They want to see a lot of the money those Corperation formats. 1000000000000000000000

May not be so much in the military neither. Most people in our world, don't like that the military or the police, or the fireman department. But I will give that Annca or Zawanna role for saying things because I also telling you the real background of his existence. Its the Star and the Galaxy, someone does a thing for real. I used to imagine those life....its not a very people-to-people jobs. Meaning, you go to those remote wildness site, and get things down, coming back to the sleek office building, imagine you walking into those Bill Gates looking small office, those same chair, your foot are the mud, on Hailey's dad's safety tank.

That is how they doing things.

Same like us. 

So there is a meeting he himself writing a report or waiting in that office, thinkiing through things, or draw the white chalk board. People whom have those jobs, meaning, really transpassing the white board on those freedom tenure,....its not the norm in our today's any world, most people will tell you that. But he got both, the front and the back. Not a lot of the TV front, but he was known he is one of them? 

You just never standing up on those Conan Detective TV or movies. 

There is a den, I stand at it. Not just that.....The TV told you? 柯南電影

The water den is those structure holding the water back, those accumulation water will be process in the factory for the public to use. If too much, they have to let out, opening the den, not opening the Gate?

And the Conan Movie?

You want to blow up that water den, its the snow or the water parts??? That kinds of the height looking it down....You know some Conan White hair slide herself down for Jonathon? That is the same similar to how they build a water den.


Try not to land on it ..or you saying that Detective of the AI, 2 famous novel character, their ending its with the Nemesis fallen inside the Niagara Falls, not the den, the actual falls, the American side I guess, less pretty than the Canada side.

Every kinds of these "industrial", or the Industrial-governmental-Corporate at the governmental saying, there is "a structure", the architecture design, and the material use. You are guessing you sliding it down, with your knee, or the body structure? 

What the normality people wants, would be their lawsuit for ....at right now. You born as the prince or princess idea inside a rich wealthy family. You have the parents or the single parents, or some guidance. As you grew up, you inherited that business.

Our life in my family is not stable. But ...I remember how that goes. Until ...I get to America, these people's height and they told you on the TV and media too, so I knew that every interview process is very very limited. They teach you all that in the school.

What you really really want, its to gaining that Rich, Wealthy, because I personally don't think. You might putting it on the paper. I cannot write anything down, remember? The pen.

That would be you concretely knowing it, you really really really knowing it.....the value of the money.

I haven't yet. Because all my life, I didn't really use the money. My sister did. I never really had that life. I didn't buy anything, or I didn't like shopping, and it took some times for my brain to know 1) How to stand there, and be patient shopping per leisure time. 2) To sort my own drawer. I still remember the first time in Jame's house. How I re-sort all my drawer in the organization format. I didn't become today on the first time. Not really. 

It hurts me brain, badly that time.

What you really really wish, and them. Its the money reason not you yourself make in in life inside that American world without imagining if you using the short cut to jail. Most statistic will tell you, the kids whom have more the family all around the money reason to support them, including that education, they turn out better.

In every aspect. 

Let's say these kids they grew up stable, more stable. And then one day they got into their own inherited statue, the boys or the girls. They already know their own association background to a lot of things, not that they know that is not the one person jobs. They live in the illusion, everyone is there needed them.  But they talk with their mouth opens, so a lot of people can get things done, or finding out the things to make those things works for them. 

My jobs is really one person. I don't like the human starting from the birth, everyone knew that.

But....what really these lawsuit from the lower sphere of the Earth, its how soon they can acquire those name, and the Wealth. Its the commodity they pine on "Good living statues", to buy anything they like, they want, to eat anything they care, and having a physical trainer, and imagine that life, you can go to 9-5 anywhere place just as your heart desire, other than your own home. 

If not inside the palace those freedom limited gate behind life.

For saying Anna's job, typing unlimited, to guessing if those are the money per case, or using one extra brain, they need "their respected privacy intact.". 

They didn't see why they getting a title after the laws, before the laws, at the public sight, they have a job, and the public willing to give them more, if they deliver the jobs right now, starting any time about 10 years ago. Show up yourself, no matter that money. Be attune to what is the reality in life, and maturely telling them, why or how you end up the way you are. 

But most of them won't see that anything inside the Lords of Rings, you saying the public all that does not exist. I never really go and advertising myself, but I guess the Lawyer or the Judge isn't one of the public they say, they are just the public servant at all costs that attitude.

Then when they becoming the money filthy rich, which I highly doubt it....stable not necessary all that, they still envy those whom had a family, a more stablize family. Not someone else working up all that for, or finding some care taker, or the senior care looking after your own family. You are always certain, the rich or medium family, they don't care about their own mother, or father. That is what you faithful saying, you are about to get on the street, why you care so much of that?!

老師要被重工業或是說那種 Youtube 自己在觀眾面前? 要有面相吧 ~!



你們只在乎錢的講法,我在講生活上,你們真的非常非常自我 ego , SMCH talks about

那種我執,你們非常非常非常非常的需要,意思是說用思想控制他人,用思想抓住那個人的注意力,假設你每一年有一打學生回來,你 25 年以後會真的跟你聯繫的那些學生一直都是有回來『看老師』,所謂公立跟私立,這種情況是你們唯一的原因為什麼做老師,但是假設就是以下列續

1. 你們上下班是固定,所以你的人格比較穩定! 

2. 通常是有公家給的最後退休的東西吧 ?!

3. 有暑假跟冬天假

4. 這校園一直都是 4 個牆壁關起來,真正走動的距離跟空間是很碩大

5. 講人群的主導體都是合作,因為學生很多很壞,需要溝通,需要講話,需要跟會溝通的人一直聯繫說話,開家長會! 因此你們自己本身可以講出來聲音的人,這是一種天堂,你們喜歡每一個人是一種有責任,跟務實一點的基本人身福報,所有老師都是選出來的! 會講話的那種,你們在也不需要擔心那一塊,叫做任何人不溝通的那種。

6. 你們社交的關係很簡單,因為都是安全的狀態

7. 錢就是沒有那麼多,但是緊急的時候,你們會出現跟大學教授

8. 是一種受限制的基本群體,空間,時間,人身福報

但是我主要講的是之前開頭,是學生每一屆回來,你們也沒有真的很喜歡彼此做老師的,職場的關係,但是學生都是最需要您的那種關係 ! 最需要!

有些人並不需要那種情況,我就是不需要的那種聲音的那種生日派對,或是人身福報的臉,或是講話尊敬恭敬,斥資以博的意思! 那是一個固定,跟簡單的環境,很多聲音,一個環境很多人,你們本身會覺得看到人很多,很煩! 所以自己時間會有,回家的時候,但是大腦那一部分是滿足,知足,並不是空虛,因為很吵太吵了! 而且,但是並不是戀愛的感覺 ...

Romantic relationship, you don't dare.

Its best you keep a relationship like I say, that is the best.

Google Chrome - IT department

You know what is the in-frame I am staring at my own "text editor" these fonts, are not looking the same like the browser seeing my own website?

Is this color black? 

This is not the same font, really. But I can see my own faces in the photo gallery !!!! You know how many website I ever did on your website to these Blogger template, I suppose to becoming the pro and I will tell you this font color....is that one of those greyish creative over this template I don't know about? 

That is a comment, not just a feedback.

They don't import the rest of the other bookmarks, just the top navigation bar, one of those.

Its at the Google Browser you set it all?

The browser its the setting on the editor. So the showing its what I use the Template for....how smart that is. 

okay, I set this font.

This is so brighten up my eyes.....you bold it?!

(I cannot see, that is what it means. Too bold ~~~~)

Okay, I can see, the nearest to the Top, I never use my brain anymore. Its close enough, really.

Why is this every Youtube video I open, its allow or not allowed, never finished clicking?!!! You don't find it very very very annoying? Your beginning has to login every opening boxes browser?

Can you guys tell those birds to shut up, and not letting her just coming in my room, it shocks me, VERY VERY BADLY HELL, American Medical BOARD?? I am watching stuffs on the PC, and she just enter every single time you all just calling whenever you feel like?

My browser keep doing all those errors things.

She shock me, the birds I say shut up, the ceiling just dropping rain? 

Do you really want to live a life like me? Can you all just stop it. Seriously. Why don't you just STOP STOP STOP!