Lawsuit 606: The Education side to that Previous Lawsuit 605 (The Glass Interface)

Date: April 11th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: We are still on the eternal Lawsuit (beyond that 400 millions dollar lawsuits)


You need a Glass in a Day, that Wildness scene, its a horizontal bar scrolling feature left to right, right to left. I am too lazy to talking to Thor in my nap time. I used to remember that myself, and even brought up that subjects before Oct 21th 2021, the Day I went back to the UB Facebook. You have a Smallville Opening Trailer that timeline.

You draw a 4 square feature, that is how I note it down on my small yellow rectangle pads.

The most right side its Korea, Japan

                               China                                Canada

                                Taiwan                                 America

The other 3 square you define the countries in, or the ocean zone in. Its how does this American cannot gang up behind them, its at us, Me including the Taiwan line. China is a communism in our time, and Taiwan is the democracy world not yet UN Seat yet.

Description: There is a every generation line, to this scrolling feature you mean it will scrolling it to the first square = American and Europe, not Span to Turkey, or Italy to Greek, one of those, Arabic to India and you have the Indian to Cambodia / Thailand, or that is Vietnam Communism at.

We currently have this oversea situation on the Lawsuit 601 - Group leaders I was talking to int he 90s boyband.

Your education department to how their nation whichever year indicate on my own blogger or Twitter saying (2018-2020) were that they hope your participation if that was before or after all Pixie got notified and WHEN they all got notified, I define them since 2017 myself.

You need to input all the details to this lawsuit, compiling your current Statue on Check Progress. However you all be that creative through my data this far.

I am not sure its the sleeping beauty Classic Traditional Disney from the Last lawsuit = the eternity + 50, or it is the current mode on the Passive Legally Blonde 1 saying Active by ....the public disclosure known, because Pixie its unseen forces really. Just look at their color.

Are you going to adding the American Classify?  Those project Camelot their generation gap is dying out not just exit out. In my evolutionary biology that will be your all American high school textbook in the biology we have or don't have. Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Order, Spiece, Gene.

We are the homo sapien.

The word bilaterally really just a configuration how we being looked know what I mean, including you saying that to ET whichever not arrive the eternity Time frame YET. + 50.

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