Lawsuit 602: First life (Not too far 200 years American Democracy System the Collective Karma to First Scarf on the map to the Bermuda Triangle 2019 Dr. T)

Date: April 10th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Dr. Kenneth Takeuchi hasn't dead yet, a chemistry professor from SUNY Buffalo

To where this trace in Sakura Cards (90s), carried to Sakura Clear Cards (2018)

"Going going going on..." how the bumping the karma, how you believing it, its not somewhere anybody, from any youth, be telling you, in any generation from: There is a scarf, or something apart as badly as you seen it on the American middle of the map, so you have the MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 the WWII war line for saying Mummy (1999)

In this last lawsuit 601, there is every First Life.

You don't know how to wonder how each additional First life stories or division by their Lawsuit Title, or sub-categories under the financial or technological advance development to "detect" "analyze" "superstitious found" "unknown underground water body" "under ocean floor", where any scenery of such was a real thing.

The real phenomenon, how each additional chess piece were placed upon, you wonder how the collective karma were the Bible of Indian 5000 years ago, next by a Medicinal book Arjuveda. No ponder but to no quest, how the human values to such pity falls, its how the future predict, or how the rocks rubs each other to form a moutain ridge, under that ocean, its called Volcano has lava coming out - Erupt ! 

Maybe that court related costs might be providing all these UB, kids and the parents + sibling their election compaign, they all have a written notice to the court, and behind, and be in the public front cover soon.

A domain name from Godaddy its about 10 dollar a year, every single year.

A server, its a telephone to call for the cpanel, that is a lot more money per year. Its not Sitesell.

Their democracy declares the below, how this case shall against they themselves in the future or the Past, how this derived conclusion ending up on the map, the geographic center of that America, the beginning to where you seeing where the Mississippi river, not that near, but...What they putting to the public to be competing against each other.

On this background its a scarf.  They all believing it, or gamble to that democracy of our modern history, there is they any strength in their whispering thinking against the Gold 18K like Victoria Secret 2000.

The consequence.

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