Date: Dec 15th, 2022
Plaintiff: Anna Jao
Title: You got your entire direction wrong.
At the Japan. Why didn't you just listen to me saying anything at all? Conan Detective in the 90s, its one of the biggest theme that growing up kids never wane. More than that Sakura Clear Cards. But for the kids age, like Mommo kid's channel, the Sakura Cards 90s or the Sakura Clear Cards 2018 does mean something, because they are just the children's more younger generation watching it.
Conan Detective its having more fan base, it has the TV parts and the Movie per yearly parts. Can you actually just use your brain, anything I am telling you. That court are at Japan fighting before that China.
There are several theme inside that Conan Detective.
密閉殺人事件 = Closure room killing people ( or I don't know if there is a closing System I used to say at those Spy norm)
不再場證明 = No witness proven you not on-line? I am on-line. But that meant more of those the incident crime. In that Medical Board every Friday night, you lost your keys or phones?
Do you want to ask me next time before you circulating whom and where to get what stuffs? They want to come near Taiwan even to me side, its they imagine that will be the Republican of China Party getting close by?
Given them an imagination doesn't mean where all those things they finish fighting, that will be them telling me. Not before.
Japan is NOT NOT NOT 4 economic little dragon. You be surprised to hear that Japan or Germany sounds more UN developing Nations, than any of us 4? Why that is Little or Small base from?
From what I thought I understand when a society form, if you are smelling like Conan Detective, you will entirely got detained no matter what. That is the Police Law Reinforcement do that. That is what the basic guideline no one does a crime, for sure, never these we have the pirates like 30 years ago those things at all, and sitting right inside the library?!
Japan guys, they have those drama talking about the Corperation boys, or guys. The sons under, not Royal Family, but one of those Asian girls watching their drama TV shows like a romantic tale. You want to come to asking around the girls here all around, to that Japan they think the guys or the girls, or what culture influence, they imagine they Japan more established? The public utility, or the staff diligent working spirits.
Taiwan used to have the Japan influence on that colony part. Annca's family I think the father side that is he means they used to or they still having a business all around, including Taiwan. You will be facing Japanese Business guys when you landing here in Taiwan, No Matter What.
Not to say that TV crisis went right under their eyes?
And their comics books? How strange, isn't it?
They have no copyright, and that copy machine or the copy right never stopping airing in the public eyes, that they themselves Japan were the worse human how we end up in Taiwan anyway in the end?
For the Guys Romance
Those girls better to their hope and dreams in Japan, not in Taiwan. We have no one like that here. Not really. In China or in Hong Kong, or in Japan.
Can you go to this Westlife Past - Home, were that General to 3 girls? Meaning Fanny their family in that entire SMCH groups are calling all out immigration to Australia, Canada, Europe, America....everywhere except in Taiwan. Its a prophecy in the 90s time. 1997 or 1998. One of those years 閏八月
Go and talking to the right sense to that legal court on the right vocabulary. Everything I am telling you, you are not listening one word.
小龍 family - Rama 1/2
My father two other family in America, or Shanghai - College best friends
Austin / him mother, Shanghai - looks like Wallace ADD.
My mother side, DKNY (1 sister Army ) Fanny and Janine (VS they are in the America, Canada, Tiger in America Lauren looking)
Supreme Master Ching Hai 90s - Prophecy to end in that Florida 2001
Taiwan has no economic here. The governmental Jobs, the doctors, the lawyer can purchase this super expensive property in Taipei 台北 they telling you the Real Estate not long ago in Taiwan's news channel.
Fashion in Japan, Entertainment are now with clothing fashion from Korea.
Taiwan is a technology island more Silicon Valley oriented. You need to go in the Vaccum, cleaning procedure, with the brain IQ. Those are by the paper you make it, not by Vola. The exam getting there, or investing the kids to speaking somewhat English the IT jobs ends at where Hank with his new girlfriend mom at. Those are the scientific development area itself, China has. Maybe Japan too.
These what you saying the High Academia Performance location campus will be similar to that City of Hope, Dr. Bing Shen background from. That is the hospital and the research camps affiliate combine. On the map, its where you putting the money to make those small nucleus family go there romance, and talking to each other social language to sounds like the friends to each other.
Unless you imagine how you get to the First University here, that is one University called 台大, one that Vicky it at the beginning line to that Seattle, never bother coming it back ( W Two Worlds). You cannot afford purchasing here, and you have no salary money to be here. So they immigrant, they got married like Erin.
Never bothered coming back. You will never be back here.
A lot of people love these never ending romance games, and same IQ understanding social friends, again, unlimited guys and girls just looking like you the Foreign made of ABC. That is where you all end up at 新竹科學園區
Your airport direction is going south. Not coming North. That Metropolitan basic Urban Planning will be evident you in the court. Don't bother imagine the Metropolitan district where you money destination its only what you can afford to buy and staying at.
Like those Taiwan Youtubers company or they themselves motorcycle themselves at.
Flower Thousand Bones (2015)
You want me to cite these Vatican are itself district City Zone, to their residence, and Police Force. Imagine the day I becoming....what crime of every household will be the harsh punishment not one trace I hear a dirty drop on the ground per room, per land, per house search.
You probably are not reminding enough what is really my real jobs Eon after Eons, Kalpa after Kalpa.....what is my merits stands whole Eternal !
It will be nothing but the World Peace Harsh Punishment (Ms Congeniality) and Generation after Generation only the prosecution, just random shooting at, to the mass shooting. That is what the prosecution means, how lucky, they always end up injure or dead by these manner.
See I get the High Tech, or the Court ruling in the end, its everything I say I am, everything I will I become. I never stop saying it, am I?
Generation after Generation only the prosecution Random Shooting on life, or on legs. Start running...its only one Earth you can ever run to.
You didn't hear a word what is my real jobs, aren't you? I had only one job, to become this Eternal!!! You suppose to study all these books really with care and details. Like I care a tiny bit these you all meant the Court ruling on the romance, or those tiny human 5 to 9, whom and what, not by the money calling, its by the court calling?

I Cite the OU Language (by Supreme Master Ching Hai Pusu Language 2014 Jan to Jan 2015, 4 Video lasting 4 to 5 Hours)
vvvvvvv, like I didn't remind you what your American land, the American Court Room, to that American Medical board means your 10 years Doctors fees on that Every Friday Night Caualty, its you lost your jobs first, lost keys, lost documents, lost phone in the toilet, the AAA on the car locked, on the car broke down, on the freezing every Winter Season. You bet how long that gonna take for me to Return the America with what I have really....Every blocks clean up the human waste, really. Like that Eben Pagan or Craig Ballantyne.
I personally can tell you all one thing: When AIG happened in 2008 or that Gold Rush down points.....things have to change before every 24-25 Solar Flair year since 1933. Not just me knowing that history....its fun and tale keep happening FTX too. Brazil 2007. The banking human are never have a domino effect anymore for saying POP - you see....the lending, or Simon Cowell Free Lending, you have to have a mean to imagine, you borrowing from a bank, they meant it, you can have no lending, but not having a foreclosure that every bank just keep losing the money.
You didn't think that foreclosure the bank doesn't lose the money on that investment just becasue you say you can borrow the money? To where?
Then I forgotton to tell you one thing Obama did. Not just he kills or he Obama cares or Can....its the foreigner property tax will always exist in America, for the people like you. My mother that time she given up her Green Cards. Oops...not sure it was the VS included, because she is by per act on listening mimic, or gimmie that no one cares.
You can marry in, like that Austin's mother. Just never acquire the American Passport after you done, but her husband has the American passport cards. That is how it goes with the wealth and divide, and for saying one lifetime you dont look anywhere else having those money to spend.
End up jailing on the Television 金玉良緣
Like I always say, get a pension job. Maybe disable its one way you imagine it. I had my left arm very damaged, in case that is not just the physical eyes can see, or the measurement of the current modern trend the technology equipment just wrap around me left arm. See if I can type anymore Iphone per word - Left Hand on. (2014-2017 First half)
Emporor's New Groove
I never watched it, but it looks like a funny Disney Family cartoon.
"So you Lies to Me."
You see this Ukraine or Russian since that SMCH 2014 (Supreme Master Ching Hai OU language periods of time) and including the Wiki too, stated a fact they were in the war. Meaning that will be all people know that is a curfew. How smart anyone seeing that Ocean 12, for guessing it, what they holding it each other in the arm, were the weapons or the bombs, until you trying to a new world.
As they say they Russia or Ukraine lost so much money, you all imagine that is Dean and his family, I have no idea what everything else to say, or what meant the Hell list for saying all that so. But Taiwan is like Japan, like Korea having on the seat to the Earthquake fault's line. Meaning the Pacific proper term in that Continental Weather, sorry the continental land and the junction of that, made the landscape to all these smaller islands all around. These are called groove or faults. How funny it sounds like the Native English speaker saying so?
Right, Dean?
So then...if were saying the curfew like those Tesla time 1908 their Wine drinks be...what is the proper English for saying those alcohol sale or? 1933 has to be the Sugar, salt or oil be the only thing that you will survive. We are here same too.
My grandpa on my mother's side exist reason.
Now, it doesn't matter they both family last name, my father or my mother were the very known Judge or Military Soilder in the Past Ancient China. It just means that.....when anyone telling you a news, they become a whole new reality behind, at the Ukraine and Russia, its that building fallen - in the South Taiwan has an address between that 2016-2018. Its an address, a whole community fallen.
To be surprised, that Korea or Japan sent in a few very special team, I think 2 or 3 guys, with a very delicate tool to ready to digging out all those crumble community...did I say that is an Address like the Real Love, Supreme Master Ching Hai's Dentist?
For that simple how to sing your way to the other side of magical hill, that is not evident just asking the known human, even without a connection Taiwan has the Ukraine people coming and going, by what I used to know Dean, if he didn't send himself to jail, like you rest on how to might just turn out how he knew that what makes a dime never dang, its never knock on 2 side flips.
He can just use that Carried Underwood - American Idol Won, trying to see, one Address name right. It was on the news, I seen the Korean or Japanese came, 2 or 3 people in one team coming down. It was a lot of the countries came, to the South Taiwan. How you imagine a re-build a land or the natural disaster, they can just sort their paper works, done, but the Curfew never ends. And when that business resume, for saying, you walking you dead by now, they still have the guns and the bombs, that will seem to be really idiotic and stupid!
Dean's grandpa might just be so blacken or his dad, where that Classify to whom are the 托爾‧漢, that girl's TV Carried Underwood how the Harry Potter are missing tale be found the communication Contact (1997) again.
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