
I didn't finish watching, I need to go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

Neo ….no matter what younger face for saying W 2 worlds. None of that really if you just believing from Earth, there are more than enough guys to settle a very normal life really. 

Life doesn’t need to proven it to the parents, the cousins, the best friends or all those small tiny facebook means a thing to me. Doesn’t need a 54 to proven those jailed before or never stop.  Not the villege how big those human combine means to you a world of your own. So running away with a guy to proven those ….

Watching Conan Detective - this is the Darkest Nightmare

A joke about 

Red      Blue

Brown   Black

Her True love over the height like 150 cm, I think she is shorter. Maybe. With scientology 430 birthday David. the leadership. This is about the World Peace, where your memory gone to?

The Super Solider, that many told that FBI will tell you over the founder of the scientology, its a technique, not a hypothesis.  Its the ability being enhance, whichever the leaking material coming from the Project Camelot. Its the ability human. When you eliminate those engrain. By the sound of that insert manner. America would saying your child's memory were in the metropolitan too many siren over the color or the people too many noise when you sleep. That is how the engrain happens. Your brain never sleep, so there is a part of the subconscious part.

Quan Yin methods, tell everyone, what you know about this method.

Explain, you lost your memory as if. 

Bus that is Dean (upside down)

Me, we met SMCH in Thailand, I walk in to the front from the very last roll.

Its an indian Master dead for that 2012, its an Indian artitechture like Toronto CN Tower. Its one of those double pyramid upside down so it looks like a funnel. It was on my facebook.  But that Indian Master dead a little bit after 2012.

Explain to me why these people dead?

Your mouthful jobs watching a piece of TV. Not a piece of dead corpse, Vitenese little nun short legs? That is a sitting, not hanging with your hair up.

One day you will die. A lot of this Zen passing by....Keanu is another of piece of him.

This Conan were more like, "You could have be anything you ever wanted," Not the contact lens, that color changing dragon we know that word in Chinese the children grew up. 變色龍

Its in the lawsuit before. The digital era, and you would be digging the grave for every one of them opening up their mouthful jobs to be on the tapes, so you had a grand opening such as without a precept hurting anyone through the television.

Its Y2K.

I see.

That is Queen and Prince Philips? His name or his title? They live very old.

Its the real love I keep saying it.  Nicky was saying that, but they have toooo many this parents gonna get their heart up or down. I have no idea what happened to them. So....I know Nicky meant nice or maybe he sees these all Conan.


Well, if you are being a real doctor, the MD, the American Medical Board will tell you the resource behind you, to make one person's life better. It won't matter which background that person is. They have all the resource, when you get your MD, to get one guy or another girl to this stability of life, because your jobs its a higher paying jobs as the doctor.

At the current, none of you will deliver any jobs like that. One day til when you make it, you know exactly what this movie or TV about.

My TV commercial here says, you 2 producing kids with the baby milk. Those baby formula milk powder.

I think Nicky was saying that too. oh ~No matter how small your pelvic bone width, they can deliver those babies as they are guarantee they are the real doctors today in the medical practice.

I never imagine it will ever happen to you, really. Not I have the faith at all.

Its a norm that if your job is not big enough, you go getting married and producing the children. I think that is how I used to know about a certain thing. May not be the Big Wheel teaching. 

These people already passing those age long gone. Really. The society responsibility its each generation someone helping each other because they believing in it. Everyone knowing they grown up, its the best.

I am tired....I need a break. My pinterest.....funny !

You know they got this "if you click under that first left, on the second?" Mine is in Chinese, they show you the overall photo stream?

Its a dessert theme.

I gonna do some of this lawsuit on the W Two worlds. I feel to write....so you guys go and play your Saturday.

I have toooo many of that stuffs, I know where things are, so i will put them all out and we sort.


5 to 5. She finished it now.

Its too hot, today. Her side of the living room.

This is more clear sound, probably 4:15, or 4:00. 這比較清楚聲音,現在四點還是四點十五? 應該是四點

Remember.....for me. 記得...不是,是"幫我" 記得 



Clap 2

My mother speaking in Chinese. She is a handicap. 



Both are the same handicape

Cannot talk.



Clap 鼓掌


Taiwan Youtuber - 滴妹


眼睛上的抹水? 就是你家貓咪在喝水? 人在規劃自己的人生,包括男孩子很多人會告訴你們,創作者的原創,有人會弄個非常非常清楚才會有今天的成功,打從一開始的時間跟自己在圖書館做功課,就一個人每行字看過去,你所認為你個子矮,所有人都很高大,所以希望趕到他們的面前去抓住這些,男孩子的注意力,在怎麼台灣,這是一個新的事業,你們毀掉的不只你們自已的人生,是整個 Google 101. 很多人有很多偷雞摸狗因為社交太多,有一天的下場不是當誰,知道時間抵達,通通去坐在監獄等你一個,或是已經很久,直到你自己坐在你的房間等待這每一行,你不知道事情,還是任何一個一個觸碰的]瞬間,你我差的大腦,不只是注意力而已,了解?

The eye's touches water? Its your cat your house drinking water? A person planning him or herself one lifetime, including the guys, a lot of people will tell you, the original creator of the original creation, the original content, someone will have to work it very hard very very clear, to bring out today's success. From the very beginning, one person in the library to do your own homework, one person studying per word lines, reading it through. You considering your are shorty height, everyone else are a lot taller, so you wish to hurry into their eye sight in front of them to catch this tall guy's attention. in this whole Taiwan landscape, this is a new business venture. You are not only destroyed your one personal life, entire life, you destroy that Google 101. A lot of people having toooo many sneaky behind the social engagement, one day that consequence don't know whom, knowing the Time to arrive, often all, every single one last them sitting in the jail waiting you one, its has been very long time, until you yourself sittinig inside your own room til every line words red (read sound red), you don't know things, any of them touching that instant moment, You Me 
brain distance, its not just the attention span, understand?

You ask for "talking art".

Do you have anyone you know, or any book you recommend on,

The talking art

The copy writing material

A commercial writing material is that the copywriting

Do you know whom done this small business proposal writer

The business logo

The business branding

A lot of money? Yeah ! 

Do you know anything about the group theory? 

You asking me? ..No!

As a girl you always know you don't just be that thinking outside the box, really. Whatever you doing things, like I told Nick, because that is me and him in the same space of that house video. Every single day if you living that space between 2 people. You imagine 2 people don't talk or fighting about life all the time. That is not necessary true. But let's say UB those girls are too pride up and they will lose the age people, there is no more lean toward even if they want to, so there is a movie discussion over that debate not they know you will not be happy. Because everything has to be proper, sit proper, cooking proper, cleaning the dishes immediately after the dinner is done. Not screaming every single time if you burn the pot or you over heated the oil, you saying you fried something.

But I was the chemistry major, so a lot of those things in the younger bracket I don't exhibit any of those trait. I probably took a lot of the things normal. If those guys really coming near by, one of them will find out, there is nothing normal at least I start to think like that. 

Like I just remember that because the other day I say my phone vibrating a lot, that is probably Shane or the dog....so I call Shane, or whichever things I finally settle some stuffs, Finally....no more my phone keep ringing none stop. Isn't they are on the tour, so go to your tour business. I told Shane, or I told Nicky. Just go to to sleep.

But I think Nicky if he is really there, I think he might be really there not getting out of the house yet. That is what I asking him, do you have rehearsal today, so if you need to go, don't mind, just go. We talk later.

Is there something wrong in this conversation, just the last 2 or 3 days. ... Like?

Do you have a rehearsal like right now to go out of the house? 

Shane's birthday is all over my facebook, do you have a party today, we talk after you come back.

At night?

Shane's party at night? 

We are Friday here. I have to write something.

I found that was horrific. 

do you have a good time? You gone or you ready to go?

Do you eat yet, it was my dinner time 7, your Dublin just happened to be the lunch time.

I was thinking to go down stair to get those 7-11 food. 

Its the microwave but they are like a dollar package frozen, I don't eat a lot, that is per week, one bags. like 4 or 5 Korean spicy small drum stick. Its small that is why that is the price, but per week, one week I eat the meat once.

Something like that.

Is there something wrong in the conversation?

We were not talking before? Me and Nicky?

i say that was a literally dog. A dog.




Babaji: Go

Voice Memo - Continue talking ....

Shanicky 🗂🗂 (9:45)


You want to have a talking art (7:38)


You guys like about Simon ✂️ (7:48)


You want people to teach you how to (5:18)


One of this thing talking to the guy (6:44)





Babaji: Go

I myself (voice memo)

Talking to Mark (7:15)


If me ... (8:11)


Get close to a guy (8:05)


How much you love the guys 🌟⭐️❤️❤️


5 guys are they best friends to each other


I didn't change my talk to anyone, whom, in front or behind. Or the behind, that is the real life. They are not going to live with me every single one of them.

But you all are swaying over your own....conversation or the tones of the language with them. They didn't notice or I don't know them or I don't know you?

🍒  No !  I know what things I have, I do that. 

🍒  They are already over 30 years old. 

🍒  No, Shane is the main singer. Not the rest of them. 

🍒  No, you ....dealing their company one of those days, yeah?! But ....its me given them things, I am the boss, not their boss including that entire Westlife company. Future or no future.

🍒  No, they didn't have to response that is a real thing or not the real thing. My intention is only sent what I mean exactly what I say. But I am not sure you mean you going there to give them something ?!

🍒  Even without the public fan. Correct.

🍒  No, they have their public fan, but ....the reality in the music world or the movie real world....anyway. Its Shane becoming the Solo artists after 2013 and there is a situation whatever that is on his newspaper.

🍒  No, Mark is a lot more softer sweet guy when he grew up. When he was younger. 

🍒  When they decide that is what they do on their facebook, I correspond, I won't care its that is private behind or front row.

🍒  ....I will land somewhere seeing Nicky. I give him a bill. Or if he took me to the Westlife company. "Hi, here is the bill in my hands, you see the number on top? Erase all that."

🥻  I always know how to handle them, or the people in general? No! Nick also step by step explaining a lot of things in the real life tense, he did. Some of the thinking inside his brain, or how he gone to the CEO space. 

🥻  Yeah, I am teaching you almost every per step, in your thinking, in your confrontation, you brain might be allllll buzzing up, you are very blur to confront anyone in front of you right now. Its just a social media profile, not the real face confrontation.

🥻  If they say they like you or don't like you?

🥻  You know no one likes that stuffs. 

🥻  So... ?

🥻  I am very sure he is the guy, I am the girl. Everyone knows what he says there. So I make things clear right on his wall. When I land.....

🥻  Isn't that offending him or the public fan? 

You mean 1000 fans, they are the guys or the girls?

🥻  Guys.

No, the guy whom like about them might be when they were like the teens, if they get older, they wish things be clear, you probably mean more as the girls. 

🥻  The guys.

.... no. The guy's brain doesn't necessary function the way if you just be open and almost your facebook its only 5 friends. They never asking me, I mean Mark's fan guys, never asking me no shame on the friends only 5 of that, or 7 of that.....or all the message no one responding to me. One of those. But when I starting to leave them a message, I update some of the video they find me through the Youtube. That is what I did. Yeah.

🥻  The guys.

You worry Mark's fan as the guy thinking about you on his wall? You as a girl or as a guy?

🥻  As a girl.

You don't like Mark?

🥻  The guys.

... ...You can just leave your photo right in front of both Mark's face or his male fan's faces. A lot of them has their sister somewhere. Its older those human has no shame.

🥻  They guys won't like that.

Every guy doesn't like anything in life, I will tell you that. Everyone bugging them, everyone torturing them, everyone using them, everyone abusing them. The teens boys their language are all like that. You check Mark's age?

🥻  Yeah.

If you want to get a date really really really, you tell Mark in front and behind. "I wish your male fan club talking to me, when I talk to you."

🥻  Just like that?

Yeah ! 

🥻  But Mark would think?!

... ... Mark knows I was telling him we are not possible. I didn't say that to his male fans clubs. I am very sure the boys they learn if I say no to Mark, its a slap on their faces too. 

🥻  Right.

You don't want them to tell you that. I check my message, no one telling me they rejecting me when I saying anything to Mark. 

🥻  Right.

First they don't know where you from, meaning all around the world to find you as a girl. Not really. The guys are a lot more loving themselves its their bitterness on life on check.  I think if you straight forward 10 of you girls to one Mark, all together, he finds content, and his male fan clubs will find content seeing you all 100 girls talking to Mark and get rejected by him or the rest of the male fan clubs. You go and make some girls friends doing that talk with you all together to Mark, including posting some of your facebook photo and banner, or making your appearance pleasant. Do it together. 

🥻  Right

You doing it together once. You know Mark is not the main singer.

🥻  Right.

Just once, you and your 2 or 3 other girls friends together. you move down your age one day with other guys Star, you only cry for one hour, that night, and you go to sleep. 

🥻  Now?

No, you can do it in the future, I won't be here. I just tell Nicky, given you all a space to try on their older face, and soon you finish crying one hour, and sleep at that night. Next day you try on your own age guys. Many younger face, and you tell me you learn that from Mark, you should learn that from Mark.

🥻  You don't care?

No ! If you try that on Nicky, Nicky will tell me. May not be Mark. Mark handles his own wall. 

🥻  You think he cares we do that?

🥻  Do what?

🥻  Talking to him and talking to Nicky?

... You mean you talking to 5 Westlife, including Brian? I think you usually doing things behind, yeah. If you want to, you should prepare your facebook social media + your youtube. Someone will find out you mean something else when you show up? You going there its to make money, or make a protest?

🥻  No.

... Any social media you can have a lot of the potential other than the fan clubs!!!

Before Westlife comes, I went to talk to Mark and Nicky. Just tell Mark a message, and erase some of those message. They all having their own career with or after Westlife. They all did I think.

So at least I telling him.

I cannot erase all the message, but I did the most front one up. I only left him each a message this time. Welcome them or prepare them coming in the Mainland and Taiwan this time. So ...you all finish imagine the same thing I told Chinese. The last lawsuit? 659, the bird 🦅  say you did?! How efficient ~~~~

I have to wash my hands and washing my eyes....! The morning time.

What is your career coming in, for sure not singing? They have the real Television broadcasting, we have the original 3 known channel. Meaning 30 years ago. We later has this HBO or something the local entertainment, almost similar to Westlife gone to this Loosen women, but Russian are in it.  These guys or girls are the mix. Not Hailey competition, because this is the real TV shows. Then here is the Youtuber Taiwan. You gonna get to my side of the Charlie double e or you yourself going to asking Hailey they gone to the missionary for real here or somewhere else with her brother? Charlie he or his family are the Taiwan broadcasting company. I think there isn't many of them you saying Taiwan small tiny. He did the AGT 256 light that software and he gives me the selection of the Hardware part, the lights, I create the demo, but he engineering all of that. Let me imagine.......

What can I imagine?! 

那現況 ?

軍人、公民、ABC 外國留學回台灣的意思! 



公民,經濟講像台灣 Youtuber 

ABC 海外人士,政治包括但不是軍人,不是軍事力量

你們現在講說中國戲劇跟世界現實連在一起! 大概知道尊上講了什麼英文的意思 ~所以中國戲劇如果是一種 舞台,叫作可能是 classify 資料,那你們要面對美國的那種陰謀論的旁邊所有東西嗎 ? 世界到底有多大? 不是這一團人互相比較,那哪個時間開始? 我尊上離開的時候? 

我說台灣很多是歐洲人,美軍可能在海上,所以我一開場說了什麼水平面? 台灣南邊,印度南邊,阿拉伯南邊,非洲南邊

愛爾蘭南邊,轉呀轉四邊,這同一個水平面叫作什麼? 說大聲?

海 平 面

現在知道戲劇跟政治還是自己經濟能力,打真的? 台灣 Youtuber 好像是希望往中國,所以現在好了~現在你們是看誰吃香喝辣? 講民主,是說法律還是醫學? 那你們拿誰的金錢作為生?

我非常確定你們跟我長的並不一樣,不是外表而已,經濟跟數學! 叫作 acetic...苦行 !  你們一天要吃三餐 !

你們不是下定決心認真你們人生,講經濟呀 ! 講政治,講權力義務 !! 尊上在的時候一個字都沒有學會,一個字都沒有 !



電視電頻 (講真的嗎 ?)


這哪幾個國家的每十年 ...我好像是說十年,那之後你們要往哪裡? 戀愛、成家,放棄? 帶新人? 就是尊上做什麼是應當的,該你們就是心情煎熬的意思?

你們知道我上次講的是兩邊上下的情況? 我講的是英文

1. 194 國家邊界

2. 日本柯南裡面所有警政廳+ 最上面警長類似

3. 軍人

4. 美國的演化學裡面,像說美國軍事分類裡面有,這種七種希臘文


最基本的 American Classify 的定義

 (   在寫一次  軍人,有家庭背景叫作爸爸媽媽,公民,經濟講像台灣 Youtuber ,ABC 海外人士,政治包括但不是軍人,不是軍事力量 )

============= 這邊分開 =============

6-8個月之內你們沒有那到,做到,你們有四個人盯著你們,每一個種類一個人 ! 叫作 基本 classify, 但是每一個國家假設天空越來越糟糕,日本韓國中國新加坡,還是香港??! 美國


50 一個國家,一半人是聽從指示,另外一半跟你們這部分一樣


還是 Youtuber 搶台灣本土觀眾

應該是沒有材料系,但是他們有化工 !

你們現在是這下層的狀態 ! 我上次寫的是英文 ! 你們在下層,你們想要搆到東西會在你們影片第一天出現的時間,被封殺 ! 上面我尊上的手上一直會存在的某種介面

這下層,是你們一定是講經濟 ! 那要講醫學嗎 ?

MD 6+1 遇見 Hailey 她們 MD 4+2

你們去哪個外國變出來 600 的外國人那種系統制? 臉書。


她 ...應該是說她自己是一個尼姑 ! 我其實沒有什麼評論 ~ 但是,我爸那邊比較像中國的感覺,東北的食物,台灣是我媽那邊的地方...人很多的那種!

你們講他們遷過來,很多男孩子吧 ! 我爸那一個年紀層,感覺像被包起來,男孩子高的關係 ! 

她,可能需要那種偽裝,越南 ABC 小尼姑賤人做貴婦 ! 我當初是罵人 ....很生氣,我現在突然有一種開悟,她是不是需要那種語言? 我當然很生氣 !

小鳥也很生氣 ~~~~

人生要學會算數 ! 我會說這世界上有一些人的工作可能不是故意餓死人,但是 ...你們內在叫作穩定跟不是情緒激動的時候對誰,就真的真的真的ㄅㄧㄤ 四聲, "上"。大小聲的意思,然侯你們會突然 ....假設有工作,你們就真的把錢花在食物的上面,我本身,因為以前 ....我說 23歲開始,還有我比較遠,錢跟銀行叫作我自己常常走到銀行的正門,走進去,我看的那個服務員,我走到那個 booth 就是外面有座位,坐著等,問人 ! 問話 !!!

有些人是說致富是講生意,有些人是算數學 ~~! 我發現 ....因為隱私的保障,你們自己本身在後面的一半的永恆,會有某種叫作前面看到,跟後面自己家裡租的或是房間,假設你們爸媽最了解你們,你們如果是必須並不是因為自己變成,你們爸媽最了解你們的那個人,你自己的房間,垃圾處理,一個家的概念 ~假設是沒有辦法有男孩子,那要一輩子賺錢,省錢,算好錢,聆聽一些台灣的健康,看醫生,很多生活裡面你們有一個很穩定的工作,我尊上的人生一直在換東西,意思是說,我不可能會對我自己人生觀假設大學出來,我很多學生貸款,跟上帝賭博,假設下面十年必須我說的 ....

我其實不禱告的那個人因為,通常教理是說,上帝知道哪種情況你自己知道會對你自己最好,上帝知道,不是你知道,所以我其實沒有跟我大學同學他們一樣,假設人生必須上去專業醫生、藥劑師,因為學貸呀 ! 數學 ~~~!或是跟家長說我有一個目標,只有這個目標,我其實沒有很極端的一個人 ! 我其實不會活那種人生 ~

但是如果你們知道我當初生出來的開始,一直去打官司的做那種大腦發展,你們當初應該跟我說呀 ! 我有智商的~~~要講這越南小尼姑的事情 ! 但是我現在知道,我以前不知道倒底怎麼了~這透明的東西糾纏不放的意思!

這越南小尼姑是你們自己的,自由意識發展,台灣是民主的,這東西怎麼變出來呢? 是民主給的 ! 想去就去呀 ~想學就學呀  ! 想聽就聽呀 ! 

她當初是自己走上去喜馬拉雅山的 ... 是自由型識,並不是台灣呀 ! 她是越南來的~台灣把她擺在這邊的。這其實中間講哪種事情,她自己吼你們吼到這種電視,叫作我手上東西摔碎片 .....

我之前沒有想過,我現在之前知道 ! 你們不是把她變成那樣,她自己把她自己變成

哪樣 ?那又怎麼樣? 這全部都是自由型事變成的,真的很誇張 ! 

我在台灣是不是都沒有食物? 有,我媽做,但是國外的超商很多是中國人,或是,我其實猜應該是亞洲移民,你們台灣人口沒有很多 ! 但是假設只是買白蘿菠,我還是喝那種清湯!

當初在大學城 UB 那邊好像是中國超商 ~ 小地方 ! 中國人在國外比較自由,想幹嗎幹嘛 ~我的事情吧  ! 是他們自己本身的超商 ! 可是我在台灣好像也沒幹嘛 ~ 歐美是說自由型態,有錢就可以在那邊穿梭,我只是搬家但是在賺錢呀 ~~~所以我去溜搭的地方,我還是會買白蘿菠,對 ! 你們有一些中國自己的哪種廠牌,或是越南的。國外很多亞洲的選項是說,日本、韓國、香港,中國,越南,好像沒有台灣吧  ~~~~

但是你們 101 這附近也不是隨便誰可以來的,我在台灣賺錢比較多,我以前 ...並沒有真的在賺錢 ~錢應該是都在台灣再落紙寫的。因為沒有證據 ~! 那時候還沒有,趙又廷出現的時候。我才開始說的。

我其實不太清楚這越南小尼姑的心態,我看過她在你們很多國家轉來轉去,然後中國徒弟過去講話在佛州的時候,夜晚,他們中國很多人很喜歡去搞笑 ~ 對 ! 我記得 !  我當初是牆壁旁邊聽聽,我怎麼會知道有現在,所以現在是講哪年哪月之後,我看了很久這她在幹嗎? 我現在沒有看她電視...她本籍跟愛家,是越南食物 ! 這你們知道嗎 ? 全部的國外 ? 除了台灣之外 ....

喔~在國外 ...

其實我以前也沒有非常台灣,上課,所以我去國外是義大利的男孩子,還是臉書是其他所有不同國家的人,包括本地的美國男孩子,講說...我有去呀 ! 亞洲超商 ~ 我比較習慣我媽的室內設計,我第一天打禪其實在泰國,第二次台灣這種郊外真的倘在帳篷,很多東西你們說我 23 歲開始,我本身現在為什麼罵他們電影 "麻雀變鳳凰" 是有原因的,當初我 23 歲開始的某些事情,你們可能本身也沒有打禪過....

是說團體生活,穿越很多人,或是小型集會打坐、吃飯、配合 ! 我沒有太多意見的那個人,但是你們知道打禪在哪裡打? 地板 ! 很多人在買一些基本的道具假設去過打禪的文化 ~我去了八年 !  吃飯的鐵鋼,不鏽鋼的東西,我小孩的時候半心,你們知道這提那跟汪星,或是我弟弟跟汪星的弟弟,他們真的叫他們自己 ABC,我尊上其實不會說我 ABC,但是因為你們如果有一天開星際,或是現在是對上 194 國家,很多國家的關係,所以很多人不在乎只要,你講英文,開星際是說有一天人都會死掉的意思,我活最久,那時候所有人只會知道我講英文,但是我其實並不是 ABC。我高二出去的,回來考試呀 !

我記不記得 23 歲開始的打禪... 23 歲開始很多事情,我記得 !! 
很多東西我記得怎麼開始的,對 ! 

現在我不會把我自己搞得這麼苦,但是如果你們不賺錢,有一天是在街上,不是打禪吧 ! 我剛好卡在那邊,人去賺錢就應該不會有那種情況,所以說她們 ABC 有點態度還可以,除非開星際,對~她們 ....

但是我附近的東西是透明的,所以應該沒有要變成那種樣子,這有點像你們在從軍,如果你們住在軍隊裏面,你們要穿梭很多人 ! 

不是家裡 ! 

尊上是自己剛好變成那樣,我自己心也會跳起來,說資本主義,我如果當初有誰跟我講個什麼,我其實呷咪就更改自己的道路了 ! 我可能就不見得去修行了!  我沒有誰跟我說什麼吧 ~我就待著那種情況一直得關係 ! 
現在是因為越南小尼姑,是講你們吧 ~那這包括外面的一些人群 ! 喔~~

但是我有一段以前,他們...應該是絕對不可能吧 ! ? 活在應該活的方向 ... 因為在台灣才會有台海問題,都說她們已經移民的關係 !!!

假設你們去公眾廁所,打禪是一種廁所 ...那女孩子呀 ! 月經呀 ~他們吃香喝辣的 ...我本身其實呒有很多離開那種以前的那一段時間,因為現在還沒有審判到,法院的關係 ! 我待在家裡 ! 

講應酬,說喝酒、菸品,你們知道打禪跟打坐是幹嘛 的?

有戒律的 ~~~

那是一種流動式的廁所,我其實有點像說,要自己打理事情,自己活得狀態 ~我這個人,講說尊上這種人,你們嘴巴很多這種東西,你們碰到緊急情況可能會非常, run down. 整個人很 run down.

停電停水停網路 ! 

打禪是說 ....與世絕隔 (小鳥叫叫 ~ 對 ! 小鳥、樹木、太陽、星星、月亮) - 與世絕隔,是說如果有櫃檯,有團體食物,自己在裡面想辦法的關係 ! 以前是那個老的帶,他有一些背景,他很小的時候,他敢自己站起來,衝到哪裡坐公車,不用排隊 ! 把我安插在那邊,我們直接離開打禪,等都不用等 ! 他有經驗 ~所以講說穿越人群,講逃跑吧 ~

我會說我感覺一直活在那種情況 .....

我其實沒有想要一直活在這種狀態,所以我醒過來的時候要賺錢 !

我做了一整年那種事情,隔年就是做尊上了 ...

英文,美國 ! 

情、理,法 - 在講一個法治國家,就說你們去弄政治還是所謂 participate 政治活動,等等等!

我覺得你們沒有在聯合國,是你們自己小鄉小民的問題,還有當初的一開始 !  國際觀跟所謂政府代表的素質跟,國際整個責任~那我其實也不知道這打從一開始,你們怎麼自己弄來弄去,你們現在是過了幾年又幾年,並沒有在聯合國變成。 喔~講人際關係,當初我覺得他們是政黨認識的兩邊,應該是因為他媽的那邊很吵,倆的決然不是同一個政黨 ! 並不是,那邊有六隻+家長 ! 兩個不同的政黨 ! 他們生出來的東西,應該是...跟著他們爸媽吧 ~講政黨 ! 我本身沒有參與任何政治 ~ 我念課本給你們聽可以,叫做電視上! 我身邊沒有太多那種人事物,但是我是女孩子,通常,就是其他事情轉來轉去 ~我臉書上面大部分是理工科的男孩子,講她們女孩子出現一點,應該是可能跟不可能的狀態,有點像你們去陪一下她們,低聲下氣地意思~甩在巴掌在電視上面 。 不知道是不是真的臉頰 ! 


政黨跟軍事並不需要結合,你們會說對 ! 

電視跟政黨跟政治也並不需要有關聯,你們是在根據我的背景還是經濟的哪一個 Pinterest 照片匯集? 如何在電視裡面尋求哪一種東西的意思? 然侯,那時候在說政治的問題的意思?

通常講政治、政客是講一種邏輯,這種邏輯跟你們發展一種智商叫做在每一個層面做探討、討論是一種說出聲音話語,因為你們有些人的智商,大腦看到聽到學到,並不是你們發出聲音的瞬間,尊上是看過去,我說的會跟我吸收長得一模一樣! 所以尊上可以說我不需要練習的那個人,幾乎如果你們突然把我丟一個課本+10鐘有機化學,就是我教的以前,突然50分鐘的字蝦自彈自唱公眾講話,我會可以變出那種 50 分鐘,但是你們應該是給我了一個小時或是一天 !  而我從做尊上的那一天開始 (講電視的時間是 2015 ),其實是 2014 開始~很多東西都是馬上對上 ! 你們本身很緊張對某種事情,描述、講英文、講中文、陳述、或是表態、或是諷刺,我其實沒有中文做過那種事情,叫做靠著邊邊打! 刮下去的意思!

你們要試試看嗎? 可以呀 ~我們挑台灣哪種新聞 ! 蔡英文好了 ! 我本身不會用那種名稱本人,但是你們知道那個字是講誰 ! 你們發火就直接聯名代姓的講那個人!  https://www.storm.mg/article/4823676

Storm ? Ronan's 太太?



蔡政府為摸底東風高超音速反艦飛彈是否真能「團滅」美航母,讓軍事智庫國防安全研究院的War Room(戰情室)出動CMO(Command: Modern Operations,指揮:現代作戰)電腦兵棋推演系統上陣,初步判斷,該情資是對岸為「給長官交代用」的「大外宣」。中國出動情資、媒體配合,我方運用兵推破解,可見雙方認知戰角力之激烈。


看不到下面了 ~~~ 那你們對上 ....

台海兩邊是同一個水平面,台灣的東邊是岩壁,所謂關於水跟天的交界,有沙灘或是岩壁,其實只有這兩種,而在 Laguna beach 加州 Orange County 的南方有很多畫廊,是可以行走的沙灘 (不見得是台灣那種真的沙灘沙沙沙) 的後面其實是岩壁,的車子道路 ! 我當初講說W 兩個世界的這一個很會奔跑的提娜 ...叫做看海哭的海誓山盟 ~

軍事演習根據經驗,講在戰爭之下的對比,一個是在東邊,一個是在西邊,那是叫作天高皇帝遠,因為,倉輝茫茫~我是瞎子的意思 ! 軍事行動講說是一種團練,晴天之下不是露水倘倘在臉上還是背上,聽說你們現在新聞,有一年新兵開始招募,提前從軍的意思 ! 以前表哥很小郭好像是講說哪一年我跟本沒有時間,叫作台灣是一個孤島,他們浪蕩去哪裡當兵,因為...時間過了很久! 

華僑通常是說,如果對面登陸的話....這有一個程序~這時間過了很久,從香港回歸,台灣也有這種民俗法治國家算蠻久,因此這應該不是小孩第一次操演,是一批一批的人群至少我在回台灣之前,我可以張開眼睛看到的電視,除了 W 兩個世界,因為有人長的很像,我在我的介面後面寫了一年準備 2017. 你們才有了 2018-2020 創作學源的意思,靠靈感 ~一筆對上一筆! 美國的資料,因為是講英文,我其實都是看英文,看資料、看國際形勢,睡覺也是有些時差,我現在比較好,我去年是兩點起來或是三點 ~我睡的時間比較長,還是會累,但是有睡過去 ~~人身幾何叫作,政府團隊,不是講一人,但是有在新聞上面鬧哄哄,我以前並沒有看過太多新聞,五教主審核,速讀除了新聞節目~在你們電視的底下,每一台掀,這樣的時間過了一年又一年。2020我還去找工作跟去美國的哪一個亞洲人的矽谷"男孩",是聽說我如果找工作,我做了什麼事情,我其實什麼事情都沒有做 ! 我從來沒有在台灣找過工作或是美國~講一個男朋友的關係!

講判斷一個情況、一個情勢,一定是對著海,往前面看 ! 那要有眼睛的視力往前看~台灣海峽的對面講北邊也可以其實就是左邊跟 12 點的方向 或是一點~你們是講中國是國民兵還是,台灣是 F-16,哪一種...資金消費可以作戰隨時的意思,很難想像這一年又一年的過往~

瓶頸又瓶頸....的累 (淚),不是嗎 ?




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I got horrified. That one case, and then next case....I put it side by side.

I didn't plan that. I just seriously to write a case.

But I got horrified when I finish both, and side by side. And I remember the comic book...not looks like that drawing. But I literally....supposes to do that? 

Because none of that, its the W Two worlds. I just dissect them into the smaller piece. Everyone probably meant the plots. But I suffer at the plot in my real life, so I wrote my own personal lawsuit. I suffered.

hey hey hey, Ronan ~~~this girl looks like that Torus in the lab ! The bartender.

She wears the eye glasses though in the lab.


A thesis is? (from UB)

... You mean a theme, or you mean an actual thesis? Jonas those Ph.D chemistry thesis otherwise he cannot graduate as the Ph.D? You mean the final conclusion or you mean you generating an experiment to meet your own creation starting from the beginning? Jonas probably understands that, you want to ask him?

Boyzone - Everyday I Love you




oh ~ Today is Friday night again .... I just had the sweet local these sugar water stuffs. If I just regular Friday nothing happens with Westlife, I probably just ordering the pizza. They deliver in the city, from Domino or Pizza Hut. Fast. Its different than in America. The feeling is a lot different because I am on the very strange space and time, and on the hoovering mode, its where I seeing down.

Maybe a lot of the combination factor, I got nothing else to do just working on my computer.  Their time its morning I think in Dublin. Its so hot in Taiwan, my balcony blazing hot, suffocating. Westlife and Backstreet Boy they are on the tour, meaning they have a reason to be on the tour, so they might be on the phone all day long too. 

I don't know.

They have a way to operating in their music business. 

If I get to this Spiritual Assembly one day, it will look like Babaji their group I think. Probably they just meant they watching that my brother or I have no idea what they are up-to-do.




Babaji: Go

💝🍒🍘🧁🍰🌭🍟🍟🥪🍩 💝🍒🍘🧁🍰🌭🍟🍟🥪🍩 💝🍒🍘🧁

💝🍒🍘🧁🍰🌭🍟🍟🥪🍩 💝🍒🍘🧁🍰🌭🍟🍟🥪🍩 💝🍒🍘🧁


Babaji: Go

我說你們管我寫什麼英文,自己出去玩呀 ! 水上遊樂園~尊上是寫東西維生的,很多人如果是那種作家要有靈感的,雖然不是每一天法案,但是會有人知道我做事情,是一陣子一陣子!

我剛好白天在台灣這種時間,但是美國跟歐洲時間,我早上有時候很早起來 ~ 我現在是在放假 ! 美少女戰士第十一集,我在放鋼鐵神兵的假,不是在找一個公式嗎 ? 好像是兩個月以前是要開始放假結果 X Man 的過去跟現在剛好砍到美國的哪一個總統,幾個都一一樣~所以幾乎,我是很久以後的兩個月哪一天算放假,這個禮拜 ! 因為是美國宣言獨立! 跟西城男孩主唱的 Shane 生日 ~我才這麼閒~~~~~

立人,提娜旁邊的好朋友叫做汪星,她有兩個小孩在那邊,所以我剛好看看 !! 

就在隔壁呀 ~~~錦繡未央的其中一個人 ! 裡面跟 Elon Musk 演在一起的 ~童星 ! 汪星跟我的以前~~~我上電視的! 圍棋 ~~頒獎的時間 ! 

Go Game, I used to have the award time on the stage. That commander-in-chef stage with Tina's best friend. She is one year younger than me. She is the new thing, I was the old thing. No more award.

我之後開始擦地板吧 ~清潔隊 ~~這很多隊伍有很多特權,叫做不需要上課的關係 ~~中午也不需要睡覺我二年級就知道了~那個建築物的最右邊應該是二樓 ! 那一排最右邊 ~~

The right side of the building from the front, the most furthust wing, I mope the floor without the lunch nap. The 2nd grade. When you are in some kinds of the team including the band, or the orchestra, you have some right. I only grew up knowing all that right at. 


💝 Take a break 💝

You plan to go outside, but me 尊上 is on my desk? Go outside. I seen all your news. I cannot go right now. Shane and I have to talk, or it has been Nicky, so I say Shane? 

Do you all at least communication on the leadership part, it was his birthday.

Right.... talking to Nicky. I haven't really talked to Shane for a very long time. Really. I saying things to Shane, but its not like 2 months ago I think, whenever I say I was busy....?! You all need to be a lot more open and going forward with Shane to start or Brian, or whomever else the current event on the map? They coming out for you all COVID 19?

I need to bind to my chair 9-5 for this, if not the lawsuits its Westlife. If not Westlife, is American that side. I go to the Ireland still their leadership when they show up correctly. They got the issues with their own parents.

Right...sometimes you file the small tiny lawsuit its like that. You talk, you arbitrary in.

You know how the writer comes to sell their book?

They have to get inspired and get going in writing. Ronan is a writer, you like about Ronan? He has this radio things he does in Ireland site. Seen it? So he is a journalist on himself, him own to write in English. His native language is in Irish. When you get inspired to write, including this lawsuit, technically behind.....they know or they don't know when someone doing these lawsuit so big so grand, so many sectors. You get inspired, so then you create the right column IT code for this per 10 listing lawsuit? You have to be indoor to think, think, think. I may not be everyday on file-ing statue, but they know I am constantly adding in. There is a reason, and that process some people know. Some people know about the writer's mind. You staying indoor to meditate or sleep, to get through the writing? It is not in one day all the lawsuit show up, they will tell you that is fine. It does not need to be on every day's job. But if I understand it, I tell them?

I understand that so I work like that. It is not I have a mood, everyone needs time, I need time? So for my personally right now, that is the most immediately and important things. Not me to go to the Water amusement park, but thank you anyway, I heard that.

My schedule has a nap involved, and both side continent time zone. So I get up very early in the morning, and in between I take a break on my bed sleeping or resting. I meditate in the past, I have that background. Even I just rest my eye in 5 mins. Its quick.

I just don't exist in the public space to get my 5 mins on the wall be seen. I need 5 mins to close my eyes?! 

Being considerate is one thing, going out for yourself another kind of life, that is another thing.

I have about 4 pain killer patched, I have to wash-up, just soaking my entire arm inside the water or the soap too small, I mix in another container, one of those Muji round lid, they used to have the bathing powder, so I leave all the smaller soap in it, and its a solution itself. My shampoo or the body wash run low. I just didn't have time to go out, even buying one of those. These are the backup.

I running back and forth in the washing very often for this pain killer patches. They are tapes to glue on the body skin. Its painful taking it off, I done that like 1 full year yet? 

Pain pain pain.
Glue glue glue
Take off, PAINGful, take off, Painful....~~~~~

I hate that, but I just want to go to sleep. 

Some guys they are mechanical guys, or a lot of people prefer that kinds of the 9-5 jobs. Its clear and to a lot of the man, or the guys, they are like that.

Normally every guy will tell you why they decide to have a kid or 2 kids. And ....I guess every guy knows that. So Dr. Shen he is not those social norm people, not even his wife good at it. The social norm means he gets in the conversation to get noisy and managing their stuffs.

Either reports them, or either helping them, so that age bracket pushing it down. But most of the guys prefer their own age bracket or the above. The man or the wife I guess...when they feel being fostered at. But because China is....what, and Taiwan although not that important.....so someone made a what thing on him and on Pang.

And there is a Zombie train, with Lucy child face in it. They are not going to make it but that train has this barrier. 4th to 5th world, you need a Master to take you cross.

No he is not really an uncle to any of us. The mainland china whom? We met him, not we know anything about him. China and Taiwan are 40 years difference that time. I keep saying that.

No, none of that TV are true. If he just says his real life its 9-5 jobs, and he ate the dinner to go back to the lab, its about 40 mins drive that time. He can drive that back and forth or he likes the car. 

Not the emotion any games. No. 

Not any of that. 

On the weekend, he used to go with 3 or 4 Asian family, those small circle of the friends. A lot more intellecture elites. Not these Taiwan Youtuber mess + a very.....new star guy right now on our television these gossip talks. He is a quiet scientists, similar to John, Nick's best friend. His wife is name Vivian. Both are white I think. He does those microbiology behind in Canada somewhere. 

Yeah, its about the face. Somewhat. He stays in the Asia world in California. Just those a several family doing the same card tricks play. 

Like the Queen, Tiffany Breakfast, Nun, or ....Pirates of Caribbean after 40 years later.  Cared about your family and cared the things they care the most. Probably get rid of all his friends. He didn't know that, or he intend to learn that. 

There is an Iron Man End games. A lot of the scientists will be ....selected similar to "Island". They didn't need to put up these teams, if none of that ever happened, but he probably didn't know he got the brain, just not the plastic surgery. 

Maybe you just tell the court, that is what Anna says. In the End games, you work with every kind of the being selected people. He understands what that is or not. Iron Man or Avenger franchise, he supposes to know all that. 

W Two worlds - Dr Shen without his wife, he dies. Literally !! She is a chef and an accountant and …she talks in the Asia women circle but she doesn’t bring them home.

She talks to 2 girls too. She cleans the house, every tidy things she does. She keeps things neat. She did.  

小龍 has a mom too. Almost like Lauren but in Asian California all those upper, someone will knew that one lady since WWII photo. The current major’s great grand mom. The one married to the great grand dad. If Simon without Lauren gonna die, well, I am not sure what’s real not real…Simon he is a gossips guy. A lot of the guys like to hear the gossip not necessary they know the gossip.  Yeah I heard about half second her sound cut off from the camera. I think it’s a lower pitch. She can calm Simon down if that’s her only job, or if she had a condition or what. She didn’t go to college. 

No, I never hear she talks.

Simon is not Dr Shen. Dr Shen I told you he needs his wife !! I say that thousand times not gazillion times. If you sort that W two worlds, starting with the wife part. That will sound better. She didn’t do anything else. She goes to his any friend he collect other establish family with the kids to go to the college. They play the cards. 4 of those elite Asian established guy’s family. Probably all scientists too, not sure ….

She doesn’t have anything else in life other than 2 girls. + a job.

They have to send money back to China.

If you don’t push him to the edge, he won’t be like that. But someone probably needs to tell him something.

1. Keanu Reeve

2. Him.

2015 I told him something from me. I was decoding the poetry from SMCH - my mother told me his daughter just got married to a guy. So I told him in the email. He and my mom came. I ran off the door from their CA contact person mailing list email. I cannot be there at the Watermarke. You ask him, he remembered. But none of us got told this W 2 worlds. 

You can tell him the Ella Enchanted was the year he came and saw me. And if every time they do things like that, I flip out. I am not the actual military, just the civilian. My heart flips out. I literally walking out of the back door waiting in the darkness somewhere has a white light, I sit at there bench. These released date might be earlier. 

I think ….he keeps his wife. Because … I think he likes the academy’s inside world. He is capable. The higher he can stretch he will. But it might be someone died, he got told something but, nobody knows what that is. Some people they talk like that. 

If you are the girls your entire half eternity doing that current Pinterest …that album food (food lab)

If you just really really really becoming that ….the scientific synthetical human.

Plastic …culture on the real built stuffs like the water or the soil or the vandelation. Not the credit card. The actual synthetical why or how…the air vandelation, that’s what these charted details say why I even put side by side repeated, because I myself needed !!

You dealing things as “Not local”.

If China, Korea, Japan to America hears that ….
Each behind its with power or finance if they want to. They may not want to. They themselves inside their own lands needs to…? Looking at their President.

I = if is one person.
They wish you are=?

You will tell me daddy power or mommy power exactly like that Red River manga. The military power was…? Established from the youth mom married into the very old King. To the pure water resources of 2 river region.  Let me imagine inside your brain to your 10 years or you will be the next 20 years?

If you imagine they each insert 50, let’s say 25 it’s in head phone. Meaning part of you are by command. It’s similar to their oversea protocol. They talk about it before …like now. At the legal court to do these. 

You are civilian
You are military

You are civilian with a dad part or mom part
You are the military with the dad part similar to their turtle their kids. Meaning power or a lot more refine leadership air starting youth.

So these frames are exactly like the Red River manga. You alone, or you are the uniform along to 50x5 country 250, itself, you didn’t care enough to compete. What you gonna do, every 3 weeks, per country without telling you, they re-sent people after the evaluating with their own very aggressive method, Money or bribing to find out information when this sky talking none stop here.
What you gonna do? They are too slow, you don’t have the psychi power or you saying the guys have a network, one goes out at the sky, the others buddy all against you Anna, “ i Ah ~~ that’s fun how we begins, everyone knew that! We feel one direction, exactly you say.”

UB they are one direction I can tell you that……




I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go.

😎😎😎🌸🌸😎🌸 You’re deciding one direction coming in - you try to imagine the next step? Your plan of 20-30 years old or 30-40 or 40-50? 🌸🌸🌸🌸😎😎🌸😎

If you use the e-harmony to learn those 50 years old suggestion to the 30 years old. They probably meant you built your business. 

Sailor Moon


I like the hygienic stuffs to say almost like the vaccum, right, but we did math in the brain or the science or the medical near science, the basic definition of a science, the science lab, the science what, so I file the lawsuit like that. You almost have to meet a lot of people on the middle of this, if you saying you looking at the TV to collaborate to each other.

Like, “Okay, stop, this is what I can do for you.”

I think …you say that it’s you make yourself lower maybe. I want the things to run smooth. I don’t need a friend, I just meant make a peace between all that. This is what I understand. 

You decide if that’s an aim, here, here, here…when you coming in here. I see people with the uniform, not sure that’s the norm or that’s the try. 

If you have a principle money or a career to fall back. I don’t have a parent so I have to build my own works. The science or the math, the brain has to be very very very clear. That’s in our field. None of them gonna be at the City of Hope or Rosewell. You can just be the brain near like them, talk clear, talk precise or talk with the analyzed situation, not to go fighting like a public people. You really use the brain to sound like them. 

“The scientific steps are …”

If I open Pinterest these Image processing - my PC got very burnt hot. I need to shut it down. I starting about yesterday.

I used to have a quadriple processor from Best Buy in Canada.

🦎 You know, with those turtle frog prince, or they are the kids. You have to wipe their mouth, nose, or the 4 limbs or the 10 finger ends sometimes. 🦎

I don't think its the baby format, but let's say, the kids running around, they are the boys. Its their eyes, their nose, their mouth. Drink the water bottle, the cleaning of the finger nail, the fingers tips, check their temperature if too burn in the outdoor activities. The hydration statues.

There is nothing different anything I am doing it right now. There are the baby wipers? At our age, many of them are the parents. Change the shirt, the extra shirt, the extra bag, you lift their school backpacks, you prepare the lunch box, the water, the hydration beverage, or anything one extra napkin, or the traveling bags tissues paper. A lot of things you say one extra t-shirt inside the car? 

The guy or the kids? Like that TV? If Nick told me goes to his drawer, I know which to get? I fold those clothing myself? We sleep different rooms? 

You imagine a realistic things, you hate every step of that. Really.

Sometimes you can talk about each of your school life. The group life how you becoming....today's TV. Not just me a keep blah on, if this public hygenic departments it is tooooooo low on the jobs to at the floor. Just not the leaking part. Its the mop part with the winter bucket icy cold.

Or a magic detergent, so there is a newspaper to that every school window. You think the guys thought you didn't graceful enough?

You can just join in your American local culture, the pop culture. 


🥰🥰🥰 I think its the same you, very care about this "8", or the Simon 54 this things. Very very very cared about it. 🥰🥰🥰

He offends you, or he didn't start chasing? There is a part of the hate, or the part of the elf statues, one of those? Or this Tony Stark actor bothering you too? 

In the spiritual practice of the mind ....the steady of that Eon, or Kalpa its you kneel at, you beseech that your Past karma be erased by you promise the God or your Master for that tiny teaching she shed the grace upon you. Not any of this fake garbage. You need a lot of the pride how your parents seeing him as ....the wall, or as the hate. I really think its something like that.

I was already in the stair department, the real water bucket, the real work maid clothing in front of the uniform its a light green, bright green, knee on the per stair, 5 floor of the entire middle and 2 side stairs, so its a BIG area of the stairs.

The Future Perfect + that those friends, they are on the whistle or the Green public hygenic department...its because they are the boys, standing there every 10 mins, before he is the Perfect. You know what is the Perfect does in life?

Our classmate does not change. He is not the first day Perfect or his buddy friends, on the whistle, they are taller too. And we are changing from the behind classroom to the front classroom. I was already on the stair jobs, not we are the same department or the award system. He is the model student too in the class.

The green things I draw on the Painting in the Pinterest Album. on the arm. With a pin. 
Its every 10 mins after the class?

Why that is so appealing to look at it? They chasing or ... I cannot describe to you why in the grade school, anyone wants to do that. We have the big stair area, or the corridor you running around. They built like that. Similar you seeing the Harry Potter internal stair. The corridor. 


In the school, not just the grade school, I have the middle school, or the high school...too many details, but you can always insert yourself doing something all around. I just tell you how you... ......... ..... squeeze a mop.

Maybe if you ask your mother or dad how to squeeze a mop in front of you. That will be a start. Not I contempt some of these small tiny jobs. When the American Military or whom they, well, I decide its the home owner manual, so I go along with that to keep talking about it. But the moment I start to lecturing....

Like I say.

Maybe you film yourself how you squeeze a mop to be on the floor and kneel. Seriously.

If you change a scene of the white robe. Change the camera angle from the outside door, someone pass by, my mother sit on the chair. I stand. Change this entire Pinterest those lab white places looking....

Its a very quiet space, no noise will coming through because everyone is on their job.

You never working inside the lab? Just the hospital? Which department? I sorting the file in the VA nuclear medicine.

I personally will NEVER imagine I cannot find a career path, or something halt, or something stagment, it was I have to do any of this, the moment getting outside the comfer zone.

Every time you hear a public speakers talking about the comfer zone.

That is .....not the Pinterest album to look a lot more quiet. Won't even have the concert, won't even see a human face. Very similar to Sherry that role in the cartoon.

All these things....it has to be a past because I was a black hair.

All the way to the last time I saw her, I went to her home on the 7th grade, not far from here. The bus. They have a small street similar to the night market. A lot of the dim sum those Youtuber eats.

They don't know what I look like.


The snow white princess, she plays the zither. Her mother they make her plays or practices per day. I don't think you know what I look like when I was the grade school

4:54 The Perfect is a boy, his number is 8. The formal writing of 8 like our official calendar its 八

He doesn't wearing the eye glasses most of time. He wears the black frame like that. To me he looks like one of those 7 Dragon Ball 七龍珠 seriously his face close enough.

We sit right next by. You go to the bathroom, you have to talk to the person right next by you to move your chair. That is the scene. No, no guys joining that school rally for that female teacher. Not that group. Just the girls buddy together to go and listen.

I had a best friend, she is like Snow white, Princess Snow white to me. But ....after the grade to get to 5th grade, I get to know the Perfect and we sit next by each other. Some of the classmate you know its from the first grade. So I don't remember when I knew this Perfect - tooooo long ago.

If you like Simon Cowell this much, why don't you talk to your MD?

Just how a man like him will like a girl youth looks like you. I am sure you look at your own photo, or talk, or Phone video or IPad video. Not the public scene.

No, I just saw that. I go by the story, to tell the public what story I remember....so that is the story I remember. Not seeing very clearly per frame having a number on the top? No, no guys that group. Not one guy. No.

Next by this girl, she last name yellow has another girlfriend. As we growing up from the first grade. She is a perfect princess Snow white image. So around me, I had another 1 friend and a enemy. oh I remember I wish she dead. Her full name is Lee Stop Manner.

So this girl and I like that Perfect, probably like 3rd grade starting? She told me about it.


In this elementary school, you accumulate your award resume first grade to the 6th grade. Meaning the final award would be the School Name. Its a soft cloth made of the fullllllll of sewing embrosiure. Its called 立人獎

So one day as you grew out of the 2nd grade, to assort the 3rd grade....then 4th, then 5th, then 6th. A lot of the leadership or the student Model Awards are given each year by. So one day, we hardly talk anymore. But that is before a lot of that.

But why this friend is here? Her last name. Her last name is 江

江澤民 江

The President before Xi China, long time ago. That last name. If any boy with her, I don't know.

6 years, none of those girls probably....just the year book I remember whom they are. I used to call the Perfect. We have the phone book inside that per year book behind. Its everyone's phone number.

Well, i don't really know what story is this. Because....me and Perfect although sitting next by each other. He has his own other boy's groups to go and beating each other up, either the bloom, or the leafy metal bloom, like the teeth the bloom, The usually get those jobs, not the girls. Or they are the Green public hygenic to run around with the whistle. The Perfect and the rest of some other taller guys. He is a short guy. 

No, I don't have the eye glasses until JC That video in UK.

The Snow white never told me, I think she hangs out with the girlfriends. The rest of those guys as a group, they are....every 10 mins, on the whistle, or running the bloom, or the metal bloom, any guys they always doing those, at the building connection porters, because that is a green public hygenic and on the whistle? 

I don't really know.

There are the devour routes, you saying 10 mins? I still remember a lot of this connecting portal, or the building the stair, Some stair I don't wipe them, I run at them. The grade school to climb 5 floors.  I hate every single year, the new class, the new waiting outside, the new classmates. I hate that feeling new. I got scared. Yeah, those girls they are the perfect princess looking girls I will tell you that. Not swirling your pen on the Eben Pagan playlist, or the books, or the trash can lid. The big trash can lid. They are on the paper baseball. oh ~ I remember whom that is. No, this guy he is not the perfect. I remember whom he is, he sitting near me too. Its the paper baseball guy. You draw 4 base. You use your pencil, point it down. okay, to to the very Top, how do you shoot this pencil or ...the boys they inventing those garbage stuffs to play. No internet.

One first finger touch that pencil top. and push it, the paper tip fire out. The guys they have a lot of those things they play. They literally play the baseball here inside the classroom, like that guy did the ripping the papers into a ball onto that guy's chest? That is the baseball. Throw in the trash can lid, or the trash can, that is the baseball base. The guys !!!

He is very into the baseball. That guy is. 

No, The Perfect knows what that is. I think he plays too. No, they the girls suppose to like the Perfect, that is the girl eye glasses told me. Not that baseball guy. He looks like a monkey. The cartoon monkey.  Conan Detective Lupin. 

I think they have something they got mix up. 

Lauren that 達己 what? She will never be a human, and? Does that mean she will never be Krishina?

It means Simon uses his body parts, any part of any life if he does not sort with that he already detain in jails, that destination might be the astral hell with that kind of the attitude or the sabotage not to educate the mass, because...that is a part of the service to humanity. He saving himself as if were....that things be tempted with by the fate.

He likes her correct. Its a true love.

He sort that with the Judge best. But the judge needs to learn the Chinse, and the history....in 10 years he meant he die now on the stage, those attitude.


At our 5th grade....one day comes to a substitute teacher. Not that far from the first grade one of those girls popular students groups rate.  She makes a lot of the girls us to go to her home, or somewhere together, its a case about her. I am not the strongest voice there. I just go there, to go along this..."democracy" rally.

Fighting for a justice with the group. Like the first grade, you trying to joining any part of the local people. Its to fight with....one of the executive "very known executive teacher" just below the principle, everyone knew her. 

She is like the second, but not the Vice. She is just got hired.  She looks like my middle school Ancient Chinese teacher, that kind of the hair style, short and curly, to the collar length. Its a professional look. Curls. That execuative Staff I still remember. Its this substitute teacher has to fight against, one ladder lower her the fat lady. 

Right, we helping her. Or I am a little bit distance, but I joining in the group to listen to her cry. She is a very tall Asian girl, her teeth is not good. But you imagine a substitute teacher to causing the students to go rally for her. She got fired after, of course. But we like her.

Her nose things, were our popular commercial that time, that age. That...years, those time, those years. When you cluster a lot of the girls together, a few of them will be the leading voice to arm hold to each other, including to the teacher.

No, I was short in the 5th grade. Not growing...everyone is a lot taller girls are buddy the teacher around. The class like her.


Why don't you go to a MD psycharitry, this is someone says about me. "i don't really personally think so, but here is what you can read."

On the 10th week, you say, you want to kill your parents.

You say you lie a lot, you meditate, something came to you .....sometimes including the dream, but my darkness thought never die out. Its part of me. I talked to her about it. I didn't think she will make a big deal in the public space. She says if I get help now, a lot of things including the current any situation can improve, the mental health, the inside feeling, and should I stop meditating. Some angel clutch on you, SMCH her master says, its being possess from that level. Because no precepts. You believe that says? My parents took me to see the CATS scan. They all making a very big deal things. Inside my bf eyes. this is the photo she sees him, I show it to her.

We are on the Frozen movie. Not that guy, but ....everyone makes a very big deal of thing. Today she told me about....I am no good every single day. She never stops telling everyone, we are too pride up, too much dignity, the girls or the guys too.  She decides she will delicate 40 years pressing our head to the wall with this. One Frozen movie, you start carrying the wood and walk on the water falls. We live near by the Niagara Falls. I am from Rochester, we are from UB.

Its a democracy monitization, its all fake. But one thing real. She says copy and paste. 

The political party or the color has nothing to do with….the vaccum. Technically it’s the in-line police. You do things ilegal, you go to jail. I know that.

That’s the same sea. Whichever old man and the old sea. It didn’t change, the same altitude. That’s a book, “Old man and Sea”. A lot of words even. 

Every Age or Time, when you believing it some management major in the college time....its a lot more going out to work with the people, for saying managing anyone, you will tend to happier than seeing the sick people or got contracted the diseases if were. I mean as a girl case. I can do the paper works, or the memorize of the textbook, but there is nothing else. That age is always pushing it down, you always training the younger ones. It won't matter anything outside the Vaccum, whichever those scene its not one of us deal. I dealt that. myself. I would not trust any of the American Black Ops human inside, especially any girl to imagine where they will end up, if they are not so going with the Black Ops guys in them, around them.

You need a job. Maybe that should put a realistic saying. Not a rope, someone hand you from the inside of the Television, you only swing it up, like one of those gymnastic people. Someone will re-write that just like a novel style. You literally can hear a thing, but you are not calm enough or understood any side.....because right now, its everyone's interest might get....touched, but one day that has to come to the very Top, of one of those scene in Red River Manga.

I exist.

You need a job, and you need to eat here with anything your back-end if they are the one putting you forward. You didn't realize, they done those things. 

You need a job, I probably meant you are being selected. If the behind you has some Power, whichever side, either you are a girl or you are a guy. You never feel it. That will be the first time you trying to remember me.

You need a job, you try to finally really really be near almost, before it lands, you start to literally write down per word you remember from me, and you trying to understand some circumstance. 

You need a job, you finally admit, maybe some of this things you have heard or writing it down, it was literally plain sight, someone describe a fact. It was no less, no more. No one paying any attention, you mean that facebook MD 6+1 are fake. You wish one of them are real. Or which side is which side, if you will tell me, you don't have a facebook, never MD 6+1. To meet whom? MD 4+2. That intend to be their profession, not literally mine. I just told you my real background. Its all synthetical I aim. I don't really like anything bio. Nothing like that....my won personal....polyester human all the way sleek even in American outlet, I thought those looking great. I didn't realize, I will tell you now. A lot of things I do it intuitively at UB. I am a very polyester human, the water rain dew, just fallen out of me if it stain any where part of the jacket. 


Probably the sleeve to be a lot more like...not like that.



America in the pharmacy store, has this cotton, navy blue, inside....but you know Taiwan as I grew up, I never have one extra things inside. But I learn it...its in the pharmacy. My size.  Maybe Wegman even. We used to only wear the uniform.

You don't know what was my elementary school winter uniform, or the high school.

Or the middle school. We have the uniform and the sport ware.


Maybe you should literally telling me, every morning you flip down from the bum bed from Movie: Frozen, how do you literally per piece of this looking to you, put on you, and ran out of the door. Walking on the street to tell you, none of you are normal. Really.

The name of that class is 五忠


That will be the commoander-in-chef stage. Here right now its in English. You say salute, stand, 1 or 2 ....But in Chinese, those are not your words.



With those things, you waiting forever......FOREVER.


11:11 Those are nervous. It has to be white and those blurry touchy rough 紗. You never wear anything other than the uniform. Looks like the wedding gawn? 

Right....you up to your throat just thinking about what that is. Not the white, not the white gawn, not the wedding, not those flower made gate. Enough its up to the throat enough.

Every time they doing that, its very very very long time. You are just a number inside like 500 people at least. You will not be found. Nothing but the human exist.


This is the commander-in-chef stage. Correct.

Award. All the highest award ceremony and....the band, the conductor on it, because the band its one extra thing in the morning those assembly under the sun. The flags have 2 people pulling it up right on my right side. Very near. We are under the tree shed.



The child star

The Perfect


The oversea students return .....its not today. If you saying you are comfer in the small tiny island to live a childhood familiarity, you saying working together. 

Tina's best friend has a brother. Tesla that....Ancient Chinese. Not really...but the child star.

We doing a lot of this. Running like that.


That floor they lie to you.

Its painted, not rubber, my middle school to run on field track. We always be told they have no money. Well....I been to the middle private school that first day touch-and-felt, I say they lied. I never go back.


That is the floor I told you, its all air-con, very cold actually. You hide behind those drape or the long tooooo tall curtain. 


South Africa Voca voca lady


1:34 Solo dance.

The orchestra


2:39 I don't actually know why they doing that, but that is very very very heavy, on my body, 5th grade, to carrying in ONCE in the school, to keep it. Very very heavy, you only have how many way to carry a cello. You just never live through those scene to see someone....very custom to carry "a cello". On the back. 

5:41 No, not that kind above.-6:15

This is every morning



39:04, I forget I sit in the middle of that, or the Perfect. At the window. Yeah, its slander to the front board. How do you see? I don't remember.


54:46, behind, all that floor up? The spider man wall. No, the spider is not there yet. We don't have that kind of the cartoon American Manga. I imagine things......correct. Those walls.

No, those are not the wall. The edge those are the wall.

I live in the sun burn all the floor ground visual, if everyone see you on the wall, what the ...feeling vola. I was moping floor, no dignity jobs, remember? Third grade on has the group dance that ground floor....tooooooo many people. You seeing nothing but the people. There is why I left the whole ground.  Tooooo many people. You are not important. I was short. I cannot see anything in the dark night, or too short, everyone running around.

When you are a kid, you following the order. You don't think of anything.

Why do I have the lunch box jobs? Actually its they sent in per class, a full 桶子 soup, you have to open the lid, that is entire stainless basin. That has a lid, very much like the military looking stuffs. Every single day staring at that thing.
The group meal in Asia always have the soup in the vegetarian cafeteria, they weight on the food plate.
You scoop 40 bowl soup, per row counting methods.

Not the lunch box from the steaming baking oven. Everyone will have a sticker from the family. Like those plastic band. Like a stick a pin ball? you have a band that stick back and forth, but you wrap around on the stainless lunch box.

Is that hot?

... Yay ! It was very hot.  Maybe one day you realize hell is not the concentrate camp, that is what you will find your dignity not kneel enough, really. Its a job, you will get through those world.

Its a 貢丸湯, per paper bowl, the soup + 2 貢丸 ! Every row pass behind. You see inside you scoop it up. Maybe 1 or 2 I think.

Long scoop, long soup base for the height.

I am telling you, the distance I seeing those floor wall are from the commander-in-chef stage, I always remember what I imagine those time. I will personally tell you, you are blind starting when you were a kid.

Seriously. Whatever this American DMV office.....I have a very bad feeling every time I sitting in the middle of a metro, or walking road, all of you are on your phone. There is something you lowing your head must be. I see all of them.

None of them are raising up their head.