Lawsuit 558: The Medical Boards that oversees the entire medical students / Intern / Undergraduate programs

Date: Jan 29th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Still part of the 400 millions dollars bracket (International Medical Board)

In the democracy forthcoming of their revolution since 1789 to that French Revolution, there is a comic book 凡爾賽玫瑰 (The Rose of Versailles) the very ending of it, someone just married to the Judge. 

I never say you cannot have a democracy when I show up that lawsuit 275, no one telling me what behind. That Prince Harry those child star begins their camera flashy appearance debut on the paper writing schematics.

That nature to this world its "Regent" starting at that Ella Enchanted, or the First Color Book series to that Sailor Moon, everyone dead in the North Poles. That is as simple as that being said. There was a Past, and now there will be a Future.

These kinds of the scripts might just run so many worlds in that, if not the human creation or manuscript, or inspired by those ET? For example, that Past of 4 Sailors have the 4 attacks before the Love Romance that SMCH and Dr. Janes PhD President of the Slovenia feeling the accompany to both. I have the works in Organic Chemistry Channel, Sitesell Medicinal Write-out (Self-publishing), Art (Glow-To-Go, Send Out Cards), and DNA (Biology Dogma, the Hidden Message of Our Genetics Codes).

To that how the movie or the TV starting which year, I got on the Flower Thousand Bone (2918-2020), someone might just already ending up in the jail since 2007 or 2013 (Frozen 2013, 2015 and 2019). To the real MD job if knew the real life scenario, at least to quinantist the thirst to those "No Matter What", their mind, body and soul will NEVER becoming a correct MD Eternity. That does not run in them. Any human suffering for whichever reason, on that tiny lifting, its No Matter What if you found out those situation to the governmental brutal forces to ensure the safety the measurement to the civilian zone. But the MD could have another style of their own flare, because your American Medical Board can give that supports. I know you are. If those MD has that humility running deep to that every human being....with that democracy rebellion mind set, how those democracy world such as that one Edward Snowden. Same. 

"As long as you keep opening up your mouth to sound like the jailing air with some extra bed sheet blanket spider man, while you are inside the jail, you will be reporting your every tarted mind just meant it, why or how you should or shouldn't be in that cold brick world, you sound like I know that feeling or you don't know what the parenting works, in every sphere of life ! "

Coming back to the mind set of the correct attitude

There is no Royalty to that anymore format including abusing your Medical Board resource for declaring a what title for that court given you one life promises in the money, in fame, and superficiality to squander the money like The Rose of Versailles. It is already on the television, just the parents are told to crucified those kids other than me really doing that jobs forever....It will not be possible. I told them if not the thousand times, or the million times already. If I even dare to state that entire situation to the public social media on a credible educational institution, the University of South Dakota, 

"There is no such things under the democracy world, you will have anymore of this prince or princess title imagine the money of that One Life Time. Its false."

That will not end to 2 millions dollar of that each UN 194 countries seating map in my pocket, so now I will 2 more things, which 2021 might not just happened inside my vision.

2)  All the exam format (2021, GI Track, Circulation System, Lymph System, Nerves System...)

Might ended in one of those Science Museum or Barns & Noble those military formats, but the Medical School what they did, I didn't see the actual ground or the pavement road. I mean the military did the China Expo format 2010, those idea how to run a 10 rudimentary subjects I did file the lawsuit without mentioning them, it is part of the 400 millions lawsuits. 

3) High Tech exam methods. (The buzz methods from the parents)

They are trying a live scenario how I written the first blogger title, they will remain seating to guessing what my blog post below will coming out the word I speak or say. I paying attention in 2021, not that I have anymore this drive forces if they are still staring at those posts, or just extract the ones they needs, and make it out of the exam formats.

The parents usually just hit the buzz, so those students got very very "soul pieces", inside their eye frames, fear in the real life, its just a writing sample, but they keep doing this their eye shattering just by the sound of the air. I am not sure if that is a light, or the actual sound at their ear piece, or the entire room hear it. I can see the classroom with the tables, just not the actual interior display. The parents will be in another room, and reading the front big board monitor, they just have a buzz in their hand on a normal chair in the big groups idea. Or they design better, they have a desk to push that buzz more nice and easy.

Similar to that Simon Cowell (Golden Buzz, the air break in the 1900 the Westinghouse invention)

I have a situation with that Simon Cowell yesterday. You want to talk to Michael Vartan, the black money in his TV series "Alias". Iron Man 2, no 2 legs, Babaji says. Cook County hospital one arm man. That is more than the deformed Dean (Britney Spears - Womanizer)  to that  Nick Vujicic 4 limbs off 124, his yellow pages were 125. I related the case of 商鞅妲己 its very very bad. The lawsuit 557:

The Westlife has this "Better Man" both video Shane's and my interpretation I gonna add in here at this lawsuit not previous lawsuit + "She is looking like that" Shane's role to take over that Simon with Brian McFadden starting at the 90s. His father dead in 1999. 

I have a vision in 2014 like today, my ability heighten that time, he is in the Helmet (like those Keanu Reeves or Sarah Berhard Shakespeare Helmat?) - In a thing he sits on facing me but that helmet cover his faces, looks like the Taiwan helmet motocycle. Yesterday he was in the couch back again my eye peripheral right arm, I blonde coming toward his arm, a little bit taller than his head not sitting down on that side of the couch. 

Is he a circus people? Because of that American Got Talent shows format, there are nothing but the circus in it. Victoria Secret - Circus and currently their AGT has nothing else but keep airing this cancer this cancer that Vola moment. 

The Westlife - Better Man:

My Interpretation: Industrialist 2 (Westlife - Better man) Per serving Hot Coco and overall cosmetic bottle to burn

Better Man not Bat Man Victoria Secret, Aquatic Angel:

The other near by the same period of time video lists are:

Industrialist (Chem) to NASA Sailor Moon Book 11 (Bots and knots)

Industrialist 3 - The texture of every surface touch, cloth, bag, all materials

Industrialist 4 - Multi-grain cracker Nutritional 大卡

Industrialist 5 - Publishing a Book

Black Ops - NASA project (American Black Ops elephant project, comet asteroid impact Sep 26th 2022)

Black Ops - Chemist background submit to NASA

Black Ops - Engineer to NASA

The Circus people - if I have 2 mins at the court room after, asking

Those money are not his, or I imagine like Keanu Reeve's boss, cc from 3 Arts? How they set up a business, such as the stun man to that one actor would be?

Why my vision or told story ending up as : All the story format its the man = the Adam, the women = Eve, and all the yielding to that one guy's name Keanu Reeves is? That stage name of that money making? So that there are only 2 human or 1 human running that entire Hollywood movie schemes, because can never get it wrong, how one man like SETH UFO from UB just did that the Westlife, the Better Man ending?

My revelation were 2014 told, not I understand any word, if I would have told you everything I remember ....and I exit the ground by Christmas in 2014, I rather to be the homeless ending up in NSYNC Christmas Cheer Spirit (the Homeless). He is from a homeless? 

The American Classify Materials : the Movies

Hunger Game, if by Timely show up = I am that I am, 2013 the Google Partner with Simon Cowell on the 5th week impressionalists. That's Tony's face, in the Hunger Game, next by the President Snow. 

Edward Snowden are on exile. 

Tony cannot entering the American border, that is one thing my ex bf Nick Catriacala assure me every single day, he cannot cross the American border. The passport issue Tony never updated. He lives with Carla at his niece area, to that Nigara Falls Rivers. Carla is Pitch Perfect Red hair full of debts and on the credit report nearly bankrupt in her high school year. They are both bad human, very very bad, with a lot of those bank collector, nick trying to sort all that for them while I was there that time 2008 AIG crush. Tina got a what job now Jojo, to this Citi Bank. It went down to 4 dollars per share?

NSYNC Christmas Gary (green elf, not the green horrendous Holloween Witch), Gary from the Vancouver Contact person got stop at the border, so I filling up his jobs in the Love of Century.

This Simon has a lot of the material I used to say, he flying acrossing that England to America, so his border issues are real like I ever make a case like Pixie Harry Potter its the only wall IPad (BTX 鋼鐵神兵 from the 90s, or Prince of Persia - Sand of Time before the Gifts, the wall)  I am facing at none stop since I am Home 6 years ago, nothing but typing on my IPad, no transpassing, I even put all those circle on my Pinterest to that System Data, and warning the entire humanity, and no one listens. Every Youtubers are running back and forth in front of my eyes none stop. 

Simon with Eben or Craig are in the Movie: Intern (2015), that is the house got suspended by that water pipe issue. I am from Taipei Taiwan. I am washing my water pipe here, and file the report. I think Nick lost his 10 houses for that tooth paste, he was a TTC bus driver, so that Westlife Video on : Home, MV, did saying something why should be at home.

I already stated that costs about thousand times to every human listening. I will tell you, no one hear a word I say.

Now the extra things I gonna say

Is there a reason I haven't told Westlife last night. 

Mark grabs that Brian, Kian grabs that Nicky, and I tie up that Shane, or behind him, we jump. And where we are going? Landing where, or jumping away from? That is not the material like Twlight how Lewis Walsh their manager are a vampire, similar to how that NSYNC manager Lou Pearlman got jailed, and found dead inside the jail for the health condition?

And why this Mathrew McCourney cannot stop saying this "True" at my ears the last one full hour I am in the bathing water warming up my 4 limbs?

There is another person name: Ronan Keating

Charmed Leo and Piper - Me and Mahavatar Babaji, no, I did everything he says never stopped since 2015. Silicon Valley, he shows up in the end of that tickets before I return to Canada. Passion - Victoria Secret. Is that Valley at the darkness now? What does that mean?


Keanu Reeves (Ron Weasley), a kiss to Hallie Meyer

Harry Potter, Simon Cowell.

No one telling me there is a Ron name on Ronan?  I told him and the rest of Westlife that Brian's Tonight, Nick got -10 from he used to be 90s photo in the Pinterest or my Pinterest to where he current to be, but he was a retired TTC bus driver, he got a pension. You cannot become minus 10, if I come around to your career. I did tell them that.

I am waiting for my court money.

Technically because of this Westlife telling me "Better Man" story, if I didn't know anything better my entire life where I gear to my one life liberation standing looking to when I finding my own purpose in life, the theoretically calculation on the money part. I was always gear toward the science and the math team just like the movie says. I know that. Not I told everyone in the public saying all that loud until this week / last week, I am sorting this movie to the audience seen faces, I make a point. That is exactly every points I put on this lawsuit.  i am not sure who says what the money in which sector, I am being polite to the music world, that doesn't mean I make that a career to Tina Jojo in my family is way more than enough all this too good to be true the expense or the money revenue.....I say: ABCDEFG and hand Shane's a book on his facebook wall.

That is all the industrial bar code where all the industry exist in the America. Per line its per code. When I say the Conquer and Divide Games in the 194 countries Map worlds, I meant if I am forced. I am not that type to imagine, why I should be forced to? 


Now, while this red ink on "I am sorting this movie to the audience seen faces Better Man". I mean it is a 2 different worlds to that High School Musical 1 (Disney). You have people in the music world, I have my white robe or that video shirts, those are the industrialists usually wear to throw things in the junk fires, everyone dress like that, not I dress like that. 

To the above video, I just received a brand new blanket. Someone gifts to me, since the last blanket. My mother's friend for Christmas.

Video uploading ..: The background blanket.

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