
I am too tired. I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Between this European guys + American guys...including those Dennis rigid Fang type never gonna ever get a gf, those....

You girls are completely in the wrong eyes, or the wrong thought to squeeze your eyes, twinkle your eyes when you seeing them doing that Payton video. They have a culture, but they might know it inside your brain, has what you meant it...its not about the sex.

Its about the negotiation after the sex. But that will look like an excuse, it is not real. The affection were never there, the reality never meet, the choice between good and evil, the interests between the 2 party...so on so forth. You girls have that inside your mind, and the guys might just know it, you laying it down, he watching you from straight back looking down at you, you doing something....on the bed. Laying down comfortable til when to fall asleep naked!

Better description? 

I personally don't know how the European culture different from America. I meant more they bankrupt their currency including the basement to that upper land nuclear explosion to stop. They have protests, and they get out of the work early, they have no night market there.

To how the century down....because they will be those much open culture than the American guys too. Some are gays, some are just I don't know how to describe it to you. Even American itself they doing things all the time too. Their learning basic education all by themselves including watching that TV, PC game, or Porn.

Now, the last time I am telling you to marching your way in the American Hollywood, I specifically say at least you need to have a bf, knowing what touching each other = an equation. 

The kiss, the dating, the talk, the ...you never had one hope, so I don't bother talk about it. Those guys in any kinds of the exposure themselves at that market values, they will be those meant they say they are doing, they meant they are doing in front of you, or behind no matter what. And they might just get away every each single time,....their intention is clear what they are looking for.

Those video...so long ago. The beauty pageant. You never ask them the right question at all. They don't care how the classify material ends up there....no one ever knows until do something about it.

I don't think you girls really really know you have an inner desire and urge, how push and pulling from them going on your way, its their willing your accusation. Sorry,. not the grammatical correct. You are.

You mix up....

A lot of things, by your first impression, you imagine what you thought, you think, you were, them are, them were....etc. Simon had some news when he arrived to America, that is before 2014.

I think...1 million years.

I don't want to talk about this anymore. Until you learn that is the True nature things you never make yourself big, and Ms Right all the time, you see how many millions years pass by, you sound like 999,9995, you realize....

You done on purpose to forget. Try that end of the 1 million years to 1 mins, you say patience untolerant, one more time mouthful jobs dare to find, how many millions years per time you really got anyway. Its each every time "you do on purpose", you vow forever.

I give the years forever, just exactly on purpose meant it well. You will see how everything on purpose ...the skin peel alive, exposure in salt and sun, you don't know how to scream ....eternal. I am not I used to be anymore...

Back Glue & Cooking Tasks (?)

okay ....

I personally will always think any guys, not necessary just those in front of your "Tasks" or "Assignment". How do we arrive they are your assignments? Most guys probably have one of those tale how the girls acting up very strange, they have a lot of reason why talking to them its like talking to disease, for real. 

Your definition as a girl, growing up pain its everyone other than me, its everyone else targeting at you, and now I am one of them targeting at you. EVERYBODY.

You have a very bad language, you wish to train your own talk, because you cannot express yourself at all, but you always coming out your own liking + judgemental to someone, to something demonstrate you have 2 cents. Until one day someone telling you, you really wish you are big shot, its everything unpleasant about you. "Get out."

You have this measurement EVERYONE violating your right, step over the line, or invading your personal space.

Want to repeat these 3 tiny things 1000 times, until you carve your heart every second of it. We finish talking 1000 years later. or 1 millions years later.

Says it, "Square, join us, say Yeah, YEAHYEAHYEAH!!" "Oh Ho HO"

You don't have a personality why the civilization its only aiming up, other than your own very very personal selfish interests, tiny words, hurting other 2 second you feeling so up in the air bloating, Wait and see how someone take you fly....and you will be drop by 1 milllion km height, you will learn....shatter in pieces to that one life ends.

You are so sure, the very first time any guys seeing you = It will be FOREVER IMPOSSIBLE

Want to ask them now? The first day you ever show up including opening up your English mouth. FOREVER.

💝💖🥭🍕🍤🥪 💝💖🥭🍕🍤🥪 💝💖🥭🍕🍤🥪

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Hey one more !


Crystal Skull (Contact Signal Scene) - Movie: Contact (1997)



Each of you, ever type a comment area, where you thoughtfully contribute that comment boxes? So you design your Youtube Page? How other people seeing your profile photo?

You can do that first? Or you have to be looked upon by some kinds of things, not just saying it the straight out methods to join that on-line conversation? 

🥨💖 With you ALL 🥨💖

I cannot have one products other than the lawsuit + the textbook, out of your reach. Because I am the one told you last year, to becoming that Orgo over that Khan Academia on the women's leadership parts, I haven't' seen anyone. You are about to gang up that Keanu Reeves on the lawsuit over that Lords of Ring? You are not reading about it?

🥨 You might start to really really discriminate the Hollywood Star, the Boy groups stars, your age stars, between the girl or the guys....

🥨💖 In your own decision - making how you approach to all this. Meaning anything you see in front of you = have a purpose.

🥨💖 You using them, or they imagine you will using anything other than them. So whom placing upon this, its ALL AFTER you finish creating a visible Organic Chemistry Channel. You have nothing in front of me, or anyone. You want to drop a line on my comment box below, saying you are planning on doing that, or joining that, as the boy, or as the young girls, you are entering the University or get out, or seeking jobs, or finding something...to that entrepunship methods, you need to learn this Internet online landscape as soon as you can 

1) Begin a conversation

2) Keep a dialogue to whom you communicate to. 

Do you wish to have a feeback back, are you planning to be more customize design to that Youtube page?

⛸⛸ You girls want to go on the date with any guy, that Simon starting one of those? I never say they are mine stuff, if you just open your mouth asking them politely...⛸⛸

You girls have a tendency before anything is anything, you will scream at that person for no reason. You have one of those things you been thinking for a long time. A very long time as if someone really like you from the Past, to the Present...something they make you feel the Past of the glittering ghost, really. 

⛸ Dean included? He is back home for Christmas? He doesn't even know why he ends up in Texas must be. 

⛸ Does Hank....have a TV Screen. He going to America, or he really going to England?


oh ~~ What did Simon says?

 Is that their age stuffs?

oh I forgotton to inform you, this morning, that one crystal skull sitting on the ship right side I can see, they coming towards us. Giant more like rectangle, not like this. No I didn't see the human.

I have the OU language on "Code" "Scepter" = CS, Crystal Skull

Its DEAB = 45 pa pa


Did I ever tell you, you don't have a methodity at all? Some people have to make it through, they go and buy some books, listening on-line, trying it out without any motivation its just they really need to make some living out of that expense?

You don't try to think, borrow some books, listening to some talks on-line?

You don't have to be that native English speakers like me to even can write something here you are reading about it.

🍕🌟 How do you write a book? 🍕🌟

How do you read a book? You know there are the chapter name from 1 to 10? That is how you simplified the tasks. You break down to smaller pieces. Some has the writing language, sometimes you ponder if that has to be extraordinary language tones, you mean like a novelist? You don't have to be a novelist. You can check many on-line those big marketing newsletter. People do reading those free subscription. You might even considering trying that yourself....because !!!

Once you finish a product ( = a book, a manuscript, a DVD like a language learning), you don't just manifest saying  "Here Vola, your customer automatically show up."

1. So you go on the Youtube, to polish your entire image including the speaking verbatim. (Vertalvra?)

2. You asking them to becoming your Youtube Subscriber

3. When you get 1000, you can open a Live channel, they directly interacting with you in the chat room included.  

4. Currently some has those people directly donating them money right in the chat room boxes. I seen them. 

5. Meaning, you cannot just imagine you have a written book, but you got nothing to access any human on this one Earth planet. In America, for example. That is what you called the Marketing strategy. On-line = Internet Marketing.

Or advertising. Do you want to try to imagine my Facebook Orgo (Organic Chemistry Logo looks like on the marketing strategy?) - If they spend my money, just by the budgets from that Facebook, it did have people click on it, so my money disappeared. Where it went I have no idea, but I did try ! Imagine, that entire crowd of the people, how sweet its every Facebook I am watching you.

Sometimes you meant real, you cared about your family meant they feeling the real care, not you imagine that is "Drop" bomb to everyone, that is what that is....no one's feeling being cared for.

Today is Saturday? 2 more mins.




Why do you come here to missionary? 

So your side of someone with someone your own race, happy in America? No one does a thing in their world? 


You didn't learn about your friends, you didn't learn about your own necklace = love.

You didn't learn about your brother, you didn't care your parents, or other parents reasons how you all ending up here....and?! Vola drop everything on the floor, and that would be saying....this is how you go about what you meant it the sex Missionary position, or your Break-up supports from anyone saying - no need really your missionary to looks this Vola?

If not condemn in sin forever and eternal?

I have a funny feeling why these guys there = they thrown them all out of my sight?


Payton = my brother's position


1. Running away that day, he was on the floor looking up. I had all white jacket, and make-up on.

2. I had a this morning hair blow dry, a darken red "Angel" hair dryer = no make-up.

Birds I think it stands at the buttom of the tower =本 the buttom, so its Eben Pagan? 埃本


Making some bread. Was for him...but then she says he going out. She was very exiciting, so I just going without the cheese. But then he needs to cook? Today is Christmas eve?

You girls like the Public Dance?

Yeah and go get up your butt and move it.


Who is she? A princess


The First Lady (2) - Do they need to keep shapes?


I prepare some shredded carrots + cilantro already washed + the left some Bok Choi washing takes time. Salt, and rinse, and then soak the facet water let the salt coming out of it. You never prepare anything in life. It takes time. Going in the kitchen coming out of it.


You as a girl, don't really like those Apple Development Forum/ Developer, similar to Joomla Developer conference or even those APO National Chapter meeting. Our Advicer looks like Dr. T in Crazy Rich Asian

There are certain formal attire, like Medical Board Meeting, Law Bar / Association / Board Meeting...to me, that is actaul the only thing real in my seeing, but you all girls are not up to those things. Erin was forced to find her Ph.D thesis, she got on that routes to join the American those flying in Poster Board meeting. I told you while I was in the City of Hope, there were 2 options.

1) On Stage presentation (your entire 8 -10 weeks)

2) Poster, like a big poster standing on your venue small tiny space

That is where Erin stood there reading I think...she doesn't talk in English or she heard.

You girls need to be buddy together. The guys their nature has some kinds of "determiniation" = Money is Christmas, or New Year. The rest does not exist on the calendar, you know what I mean? They may not thinking to tear often inside their eyes are a healthy to begin, less psycho future predicable outcome?

How many times I saying you are truly psycho?

And therefore, while they just believing that stuffs as I describe to them. You girls reactions might try a day or 2, called how to calculate your Future existence A to Z? You can do what those IT APO does...they were already buddy together. You helping them to lose weight, those MD 6+1 doesn't work out a thing on their original tasks!

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I have nap.

Babaji: Go

Do you sitting down, doubting your hurt source, with these guys seriously analyze, if they talking to you one second impatience, where you seen it? At home?

How often that is, you want to get a notebook down...how many this horror eye sight, impatience, games play...the guys just stern look at you. You mark it down one to 1000. How long before you fill up that 1000 marking numerical.

To that 1000 numerical, you start looking at your perfect match.

Imagine they show up, and you did what cooking, if that is true. You can see their faces, or you telling them you have a contact lens before they know you have a black eye frame eye glasses? 

Toilet Room (Bathroom) - I have no idea what England use words on Flat= housing plans.

You like or you hate the guy's pees you washing your and him combine? Whom taken that garbage trash out, daily or when its full, you push it down? You want to do that for 5 guys, do you have a physical strength running the 5 room houses, seriously, seriously, committed, running per day, morning routine, you think its fun, or just dislking seeing the waste human I wish to dump things out never stop = its a habbit, per dusty grain?

Do you get the 5 plastic bags (is that shopping bag from the Canada for fruits and vegetabile), do you have a white plastic cylinder, to keep all of them in it, for one you period time, you change only once those month your bathroom trash? Do you use the tissues paper?

Taiwan its by color trash bags, my mother made it this morning routine in my room other than wiping the floor. 

Eben has the American Costco Card, he talking to Lalla. Whatever he eats and stock up. You have a recipe you remember, for whichever family side. You yourself on the money to count on per order Toilet paper, Kitchen Towel, TV (Hank Like High Tech every kinds + loving that Costco Product manager), Pasta, Tomato Sauce on Stock, Roman noodles, Salt, Sugar, Can foods? Beds= Sam's Club?

Do you like driving there, whole morning, by afternoon too tired to cook, just go to sleep, until later afternoon waking up from the basement, the whole couch is yours. How come you are not sleeping your own happy room? Too much noise?

Do you want to make an excel sheet, 5 person household, here is your per money, per digits, never get me wrong one single digits, how these newspaper becoming my dismay? You ever use an excel sheet, calculate per line square, not per line mins, by seccond Adam typing what? One Audio 10 times SMTV=1 full hour transcription English to English written down.

Doing a presentation like ...they given you one chance in your life, for you saying you seeing God or you seeing the Star by your own nature.

Its not = you building a friendship, or a network to Simon Cowell, like Ola Iron Man 3.

Its TV personality introducing the new platform Cooking what I seen those Food Network 200+ channel here. They speaking kid's language on the culinary skills. I try to imagine I hear all these things wrong, that's why.

You didn't really really reflect your heart ache reason = bothering you

Its per morning time one trash bag taken from the kitchen run at the bathroom per change rate time. Meaning take the trash out, you must step, I am too short, I tissue paper pushing in. You are not smooth taken that bags up, swirdl, make a knot, you might hit next by toilet, or the towel hanger, you are so so so impatience, you are constantly engaging that PC, for something reading. You didn't paying any attention, you are so so so careless that air you running in, like someone owe you like a maid, you taken the whole things out for the Monday Trash Garbage disposal, not you carrying it out. Its cold wind on someone else eye glasses or jacket. You didn't have a period pain yet. That trash will smell.

Do you want me to re-write your per day, exactly how the camera should follow on you?

Everyone can see? You yourself seeing you did nothing but VERY TALL girl, slump back, slow motion, care that Line App or PC, drawn to the LED monitor, 4 limbs are very very very very careless, rough, ingenuine, and mouthful big laugh, like....psycho. No education psycho? You want to see your mirror image how you bend your lower chair, where, that desk design by the standard, you will always clutch your back, like bend it.

No one wants to see you ever ever ever exist, ...want to film that yourself? Those you define your Cinderella dreams. Nothing you do, you learn from your mother, nothing you do are smooth. Everything are dirty, rough, just when the water pipeline finish its town hall meeting, you all keep running in running out.

You all deciding which licking boy bands? Those were in the 90s. It must be...something else Time? One person too?

European might just = gays never end.

I had this one psycho Seth, that is more than horrific to me.

In my bath tubes, someone told me its Shane. She wants to kill = her mother or my mother or him. Why is that? Its not Karen has another version Seth, and Hailey has a shorter version of Seth too? I personally met Karen's stuffs while she brings them all together, so I seen it. Its different 2 people. 

Some guys when they are impatience

They are horrific. 

You girls want to talk about the Sex or the Money (The guys singing too the Black in the Better Man)

I am aware, not I remember this video. I seen long time ago. 

Do you want to be open, what is an organsm to you, what is a kiss to you, what is a romance to you, what is a responsibility to you. What is the happiness not depend thy others, but you yourself. With or without your parents becoming the middle man?

Saving a cost, to make a future? Its you buy the things you wish, or you all decide to have a kid, then ending up education them, or saving the heator money, buying them a better uniform? How stressful that is for a guy, or just no guys have a choice saying no?

You didn't really care about another person's existence. Not the girl, for sure hate the guys.

You are not healthy, that pain coming, no one understanding you, you miss works, you really really need all that Time Stop, Time Halt, Time just Stop the Pain. No one knows the secrets, remember?

You didn't really mean why the world requires a religion anymore. Its how convenience no one knows your inside or out. But to be honest, you are talking out loud very very often, in your eye sight, in your tone of voice, in your expression, its all seen by the people near you, around you, neighbor you, stranger on the road seeing you.

You are vowing NEVER improving your life, or you already mean it = Die.

You want to get on your way, in pain, its on the couch, heel high throwing up, "Hank, Water, Hank Tea, Hank bubble tea 4 blocks driving. Hank snack, Hank trash out, hank floor machine."

You just need to playing that voice to enchanting, as if...someone just maid you, you need that temporarily monthly off, but it comes in every single month. You know you cannot stand in the waitor's job for how long? 

Not the salesman's job like Car dealership?

Not the Friday restaurant, standing every what days off the works, in? Serving others or talking your tips more in America, not in Taiwan. 

You start to breathing this fear, never end. You never introspect, you are wrong from one to zillion, you are being wrong, you should be dead. And you know it too. You didn't need or wait the God descending telling you, go to hell with it. You feeling hellish all the time.

The Book writes, are like the university peer reviews article. Some you seen them in the magazine Nature?

The entire Professors brackets are all writers. Including the weekend, they reading everyone else's paper and coming out of some time urgent solution to their ideas brain storms how to run a lab. 

You have to deliver that jobs - Research a Scientific procedure how to get the A to Z. But last time I am telling you one full article how many time. By now...you already forgotton?

You ever considering more this Military Official

They are very occupied by now. Someone a little more authority, not bad eggs, because...you learning certain things from them. No matter what results of that, you endow some nature, don't just mix up with everyone else doing this Princess Serenity stuffs by gambling because that back end road are short run exit.

Most American or the European, they are democracy endow, meaning they protest to advocating the voice out, but now someone wants to take it Self interest, how far you willing to go really. 

One weekend, see ever, one Saturday or Sunday, just hoping, wishing, praying that methods out, there are decision making of the next 20 years, if you were another Adam Davis and that junction....seeing 2 more Adam.

The military internal, those guys have to put up a face, never never yelling at you.

But while you are nothing close to the military, for saying a dignity ++, 3x, 4++++...the outbound guys, have no shame talking, whether they making it, or they are born to the family, or whatever leads them having a more upper hand, in your school you never find out, or in front of you like this Cooking lesson. I am not sure ....

If you want to running back and forth the PC. Its per time washing in the bathroom, that is the soap smell on the keyboard, dry on the towel, like unconscious act.

Its going in the kitchen per sight, there is a stair.

You touch a specular, or scooping water 勺子, you touch that base, you still washing your hands when you just never touching the steel, or the 4 stoves switch in Asia. We use the gas, not the electric like the American. With the sun coming in, you gamble, you seeing that flame, its the window open, or close, the wind too big, or you are not paying attention you running in and out, how the wind blows, the birds SHut up!! never end?!

I already tell you, you all hating cooking. Coming to Asia with the small money will sound the perfect life, you have a room of your own, to how dirty degree or just sandle, just night market real human massage, or nail service, or hair, or eye brow, or laswer eyebrow, or make-up to your eye below, you don't washing off....

You like to living alone by yourself. I told all the girls I know, because that is the story how it indicates, so I be honest. I am not encourage them here in Taiwan. They won't stay in Taipei that is what I mean to survival.


I have an inverted image "Heart Continent "= India

Your hand coming out = Shilanka ....

Finding it out your own very book session, imagine the possible?

Because...if you would just have done the face cards job under me, its per words you copy paste, you would have hope those are legal methods ! 

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So cold...now I got my temperature back. I almost fall asleep...I really reallly really needed it. The birds can wake me up, but I fall back down.

I right now don't put my head anywhere, not on the basin, those are bad, for the eyes behind, just kind of hanging. But the base spine also now good, I clutch in there.

Anyway, I done this tooooooo often. Taiwan don't always get this cold, don't last long. But I think with the age, I really really need this warm water, whenever I feel like. Nick used to put the heating in the shower. That is true.

Babaji: Go

I want Pizza, and the birds say Mc Donald.

I need to warm up my entire system. So cold today. 

Oh ~ Belfast! They speaking in English on the stage ! They have a Holywood. Not 2 L. There is a museum not too far from the City Hall. hhahahahah.....

Did I tell you, I cannot look ...or stolen anything anymore. I don't look.

I thought they are on tour, they are home....oh ! Yesterday when I was in the water I thought, are they serious that Westlife has a food company name "Westlife", so you mean you speaking English, its to Catch Fire, making the food? When the population on examination will sound like 2 cent incentive, how to pick up the kitchen tool to sound more virtuous education

That longevity exercise - the Old man's instruction was 5-9. Wait....I think that is per side count, not per round counts.

Don't stretch too over, just lightly touched points, then back elastic your entire muscle bounce back. Nick pulling too hard, he sweat too much. Not long he already sweat all over.

Not over done that. Every time I do this ribs things (just outside your liver, your hand up up up)

The cage to that gallbladder cannot be open or I will?

I go to massagist chair now. Every time I do that, my entire body need to crack up.

Yeah, I did watching them online. That is ...Hank's their TV color - Front.

They putting a much bigger every side, can see them on the TV.

oh~ that is the song. I didn't recognize them that time, "If I Let You Go." Its the 西城男孩 !  I am so blacken all over every single year, how did I see anything.....at all. 

Yeah, you use Johnson baby oil at the throat, most time, and....Use your nose deep breath, don't let out from the mouth. When you give yourself quiet time 10 mins after or before. I am sure they teach them how to rest .....The girls are so bad, not as the guys. But the guys can get sick too. You touch your 20 fingers alcohol wipe or you can afford, those airplane warm towel, the neck, and 20 torsal ends. 

I used to be running that 2018-2020. As the girls, to deep breath, I have to hold my breast up. And doing a min or 2 mins outside my balcony, a lot better too. You ever read how that guy Strike by the Lightening? You just per second breath your life, until you make it back to health and be alive. There is no other way. He got the thunder strike 3 times, paralyse.

Now I got a lot better City life, I can go to the local pharmacy store, any time I want.

There are medicine, I just swallow. You see, if the virus gets to the throat, you really don't care about getting the sick were the entire body pain, but at the throat are the most painful response center.

Virus will make your entire body temperature higher, pain, sore.

Right now its the seasonal flu...every winter. They just didn't tell you that. What the vaccine science is this ....once you have these vaccination, practically speaking even including getting the COVID 19 those patients, this is the things, how the last 100 years the invention of the every vaccine, has a reason you starting at your children year. You never thought anymore as you grew up, you never imagine those pandemic 50 years ago.

Therefore, although that infection its affecting the lung, if you care about your body. Somewhat you should just will your life back again, one of those belief.

The mind thinking, the body thinking.

Per min you getting your body up...I lay the 5 lords Reviews, just Seth? I don't even know he was there.  So painful my tear coming out of my eyes. Imagine someone never had a tear, to even dropping a glittering line on my body. That is humiliating....

That Babaji just pushing so hard the force, or shatter me on the wall. If I don't watch myself, they all girls just meant it = try to die, and see if you will really be dead. 

You hold on life until you make it no matter what.  Its per breath, per min, per second, per light, per outdoor, per counting time. If I am blind, its per day, per second, per min, I wait til that one life 100 years only human body decay and die. 

oh ~those not what you set up your life for. How to live, not how to dying and dragging everyone down all together.

1. Dry the entire sweat, not one dew on your everywhere, hair, face, neck. Don't blow the wind to your body. 

2. Deep breath through your stomach, straight up your back, pulling your two shoulder end back back back,

3. when you ready, you open your door, nose outside those cold air, straight up your back, your head including up, raise a little upper. Breathing 1 mins, 2 mins....stays there 5 mins. Come back in. See if you feeling a lot better, close your eyes, keep breathing more warmer air. Wherever that is. 

Deep breathing mean you breathing so hard, to hurt your lungs.

Cayce has this slow motion you had your head right touch 3 times, left touch 3 times. But you breathing slowing doing that. Re-putting all this chi in with the fresh air. 

If you feeling anything the throat funny, immediate, taken any medicine, not to starting that throat. You just drink a lot of water with some food mix that medicine.

Regularly you need the vitamin C. Its a water dissolving vitamin, meaning they coming out of your body. It won't be too much, the way you all jumping around as the guy's world. You staying outside in the wind often, the birds...any of them, if outdoor, its vitamin C and L-lysine keep taken.

The modern Synthetical medicine are anti-inflammantory. The worsen are the winter cold, when you getting older too. Nick used to be very very very very sensitive to the cold, he always wish to go to the South, warmer weather. I think it really really bad for the elderly. Seriously.

As a girl, I need to just soak in the water. You all have people watching you, so you can doing that.

My bird wake me up, or I just open half door, the bathroom main door, or the bath tube. But Taiwan is sos o so sos so sos so much warmer. If your entire big bathroom its cold hair, not the heating included, those weather condition, you just keep shrinkinig in.

For me as a girl, my periods are just per monthly. I staying this winter 4 limbs colds are normal. The bathing for me its a norm thing. It will immediately balance out my entire body temperature. The guys don't have any any any any any of any issue, so I am not the best person to tell you. Because the guys get too warm or hot in the temperature.

Girls if the wind too cold, and just expose too long, they get headache. 

I cannot advise you anything on that. 

Don't talk for the rest of the night, until tomorrow.

Eat just moderate. The digestion forces spent on your food, or to your immune system. You want to eat a lot, next passing 2 days, when your body more balance all this turmoil. Up and down.

For the women

I need to be inside the bath tubes, for any just "waking up", feeling better. For the guys might be just over done - way too warm or hot, you need the door open, you cannot take it. The women's body, are those breathing invovled. For saying you know what is the Artery, veins, and smaller 微血管

Now, I might need the 1 hour or 2 hours staying in the warm / hot water. The guys you cannot cannot cannot do that. Its way too much temperature.

Girls are not like that. If the weather just turn cold, no matter what fasting the mode I had, I always getting this 4 limb ending torso very very cold.

Let's say if I describe to you.

2 picture, one me, one you.

1) I almost dead to jump in the bathing water, entire body, for my blood vessel be in it. 

2) you guys might just sitting half body still up, the chest up, you don't know why you even staying in there, looking straight.

I am feeling dying, and you cannot figure it out why you sitting in there.

I use the alcohol wipe for every facet opening, touch light swtich, elevator outside, or my card key, the door knob. When I living with the Marley, that is what I did. Every single day, its the Vinegar wipe, to every common share touching my hands ending 4 limbs torso = 20 fingers end.


You won't know what =one coldness you entire being shrinking in.


Way too sensitive, exactly up. There will be a lot of things I don't know about that to be on the guys. Because..its very different.

The girls are entirely, this teeth fix, to that nose cannot breath deep enough. They never paying attention to where their nose are, and they eat food, keep talking way too much. Chinese slang will tell you the sickness coming in the mouth. They eat oil, fried, or something in one shot, and don't bite it smaller or grind size. That is bad. Your digestion will scatter the life force to burden the body toooooo much burden. 

So you saying the guys jumping all around, your entire lymph system and you never had that kidney much saying per monthly upset from the liver hermone response = Did I say the girls eating soy WAY WAY WAY too much on the estrogen. The processed soy products. There is every grant dust I saying it for.

The guys most known disease are the colon, correct. You eating too many meat. Those need those rice wine, or some kind of the cooking wine, very very per degree skin, cut thin, to soak it that alcohol for burning fire skill, to really get the per degree meat cooked. Those are very very very dirty. I need to swallow a medicine, for those chicken drum, not fried. Soy sauce based.

The guys you fix your teeth you won't remember before, so you open your mouth smile as big, now breath. That is the nose you don't use to breath deeper. The girls are worsen in every degree of it.

They don't go slave themselve 1) save money, 2) money require the math 3) keep angry, agitate, and slumber their back inside where, to phone, 2 knees bending in, 4) The entire system in this cold Earth weather.

Its every disadvantage the girls are way way way way too low percentage on anything "act up."

The guys has 2 arms, you hold on your waist. Now, you dress up the shirt to do this. how do you front to back your waist, your palm.

Then going up to your ribs. Now you have the muscle, to that ribs you touch somewhat tiny hurting to massage.

Both side together. As far as your hands can go up, and coming back down.

Maybe someone behind, pat your entire system a little bit.  Not hard.  Kinda of like that Massage chair they did.

Do they tell Snowden to go publishing the book? And moving here?

Yeah, those are the whistle blowers, they have those. That is how those Bob Dean will tell you, including that Project Camelot some human saying...which author you getting the information from. They read this this this that books. 

Because right now he still young. Templer Treasure? Not the City of Gold, like the City of Light, my stuffs....and how does him becoming the co-finder, or co-founder?! You know what I tell Jonathon .... he cannot be the Harry Potter, he needs to be the Principle that story called the Warrior. Don't care what stuffs attached to that, just sit up only the Principle position and make yourself act like that. People are dead, gone, retired. They have their own world, to their own things, to what they ever believing in, never anyone younger than you and me, to even further down to 20 years old, that those bracket, they will tell you, there is unspeakable rats or brats, or riot behavior.

You girls never raise the kid, or guys, or what....what they made of. They don't care about the social events. They care about this calculative, one things staring at that Google Algorithmn making their way Top - everything I say Data reflect.

They are the quiet human, certain things they shy away from. Sometimes its their jobs binds to, sometimes its the location or the station situation like (Safe Haven).

They calculate their life way up. They do those things.

No, its not I given you girls and the guys different materials. You will be happy to must sit on that Buffet Table. The way how I know you...just seeing a guy next by you, you cannot breath.

Until you really working with one guy, to 2 guys, or some guys, I am very sure you destine to send them to hell. You just about hating them all the way to the buttom of the abyss. You trying to get your way through them. 

You change your attitude with your literacy, meaning you trying to get on, or winning over an argument. You actually really really like those afternoon if all girls bundle together talking about something. You really are. You just didn't get to be

1) Christmas Shopping White Snow gift. Buying junks together.

2) Luxury Hotel expense you can afford, and you are all celebrity to walking in, dressing up without the guys near by, so you can eat anything, any plate, any dessert, any pretencious your entire year, to those hard works binding to the chair, you finally has your moment of the Truth....You really really really need to get any ice cream or no one nagging, or your publisher dont' talk to you until next year?

3) You need some advice only the women circle knows = like the women or the children fertility information, sometimes its against the guys, sometimes its for your own interests, sometimes, its some wealthy Mother-in-Laws, or the female celebrity new or old. Like you meeting a young celebrity, just as you making your career Top that time?

4) You do wish to getting some kinds of the pleasing look of your friends circle just doing anything you wish or want, as long as you getting a ticket, or VIP what Ocean 8, those scene, to join for a purpose. 

5) Until you getting that routes on, you will find out what you truly becoming !

Where is the Police, or you meant the SWAT team included, which side? Taiwan or US?

You imagine I know Seth, or I imagine I know myself how to jinx to walk everywhere? If not just my pillow case. That 7-11 doesn't have everything. Do you want to lower your entire height, to their horizontal, holding on, if you just rolling on the flat dragging cart, you ever seen the handicap selling Huge Mops?

As low as that. Re-do.

I am way too tall for them. I remember when I was small those time. I did remember how I seen SMCH a few time. She was standing to when I met her the very First time.

Drum chicken ? (ASMR )


Birds I saw it. I painted myself. 

Their Westlife still has tickets. I thought they sold out. They have a main website. You love to learn to sing, you go along their melody. You are sometimes very tight up.  I don’t go because I have a job including this microwave dinner …I used to have this private Japanese principle fat lady establish school. You ever seen my uniform before?

You should. 

How far?

Downstairs, that’s 7-11. But it’s right across that school. Every kids going in. I didn’t tell you what it was before …the Korean strawberry milk!! I taste one huge bottle 養樂多 8 NT small small small. Not that video. I used to remember that, but that’s precept violating. I was young I knew that. 

Because …Babaji and birds breakfast, it’s next by their, not Apple Tim Cook right below my building. 

I think I seen exactly the same parents and kid. Twice. I forget the time. 

Again? Yesterday …your original content. No. It’s not called the original manuscript!

A general term. 

Like everyone can have the original content, but not everyone has the original manuscript from Harry Potter. Your content formats does not limited to: mp3, mp4, jpg, PNG, mov…and all these you can converted, so these “media center” UK basement library, you borrow DVD, is one of the formats.

For the librarian we also process micro-film those type of the media outlet. Your creation content does not limited to the visual, visual effect, impaired audio, and what you saying it’s the writing sample parts, so it’s a manuscript like the novelists. 

You finish wandering inside one Barns & Noble yet?

You are in your best manner to pleading in the court or the publisher which kind as of novel you imagine he hasn’t seen or read yet? What kinds of mistakes, sounding the same plots, is that your original works?

Life when you decide something forward

Do you again and again check it = is that something you will be the happiest ? For example, do you have one thing you written very very good at explaining it, very very fluent? In any language to that young guy, young girls, you don’t imagine dating them. You just volunteering that information, because you passing by.

Anything good at the kitchen like how you fix anything or you already somewhere manage a house, someone never took the trash can out?

You want to try which subject heading from you rising your head up bookshelf inside the Barns & Noble?



I go to sleep

Some, cared really about it. 

I think their label called the musician in English? You don’t even know on paper informal you are evidently ending up in the jail, not in the probation period. 

The guys are a creation like you say, had no self esteem and dignity. One side is they flat on the floor. Isn’t this American where the paper meant, it’s you say they die out or I imagine they dead? The democracy freedom gives them whatever freedom reign they ought not meant to be. The Europe it’s where the protests I seen in France or Germany.

You all wish to be princess….I thought they kill for the democracy label this far.

They sing I hear my song, they and that green suit stage with kids +the same stage, that’s not exactly I think they speaking in English.

🧀⭐️🧀⭐️🇺🇸 You other these learning music with them? You can just remember I exist !

Yeah, they lead the crowd opening up your mouth following the melody. That’s what you meant you are doing? I didn’t mean about how many things breaking into pieces for everything I told you. Every steel has to stay in steel forms. Did you read my latest public statement?

That’s where we are now at? You have the mood to sing…

I tell you what happened here…I speak English. They singing in English that’s what I listen to.

Zawanna they really speaking English and Chinese too.

I go to bed. This cannot possibly has anything I imagine one of those Jimmy stuffs. Did you ever seen a Nikolodeon the tooth fairy’s long time ago, while I was in UK.

I fall asleep, I better not to lean my head on this…it’s not good for the eyes. So I fall asleep.

I try to remember …90s, how come.

I did tell you, I don’t know where I land? Westlife? What did I say it was in Chinese? I will tell you I live in the 21th century, and these are LED flash stage light.

Those are called the music - concert. What do they called it in Chinese.演唱會

Right they had a technology for testing the baseball. That’s what it is. 

The monents I am back I know I am not in my worlds? Correct. Did you go to see the patent I say you should? Tesla patent.

Zawanna says it’s going on a date, because of the name?

…. I always think he lies to me.

More of they think that’s a strange how I Anna says my prayer or people all around me name ending up on their side. I didn’t know all the names ends at. 




I go to sleep...you all soon to be the Christmas happy, you know I used to sometime doing this during the birthday or holiday.

Working imagination ....not very often. You know you reading a book, I didn't pay much attention at it. That entire scene to the story. I don't know how to tell you people do things for the real works, if you ever be in the real research lab, affiliate to the real Hospital, just having one ID Tag cards. That entire building, desk/table, meeting room, the entire people having the common clear goal on every vocabulary. 

You know like Simon's movie. The Day After Tomorrow. My entire jobs didn't start or stop at 2014. The only every statement or sentence making it clear on every meeting if that is not running on 24 hours at all. I did that soon gonna be 10 full years....what will I ever telling you how do you imagine every meeting having a fake speech to end up that book meeting?!

Babaji: Go

💝🍁 (Bathing....), you know what I heard?! 💝🍁 The guys they (?) not sure the exact number invovled to these can asking the court having a cooking studio

They want to see the final products of the food, or...its exactly in front of them walking by, or film by, its every dishes you putting it on the counter.

You all girls telling them that, or I imagine those words will EVER FOREVER coming out of your mouth?

💝🍁 No, I didn't say anything of that.

Hold it ....How come this food becoming a point? You say no one required?

You go by audio best without the image. I have an image issues, not the maid issue.

Words not to say

"I am hungry... ... " (Sitting with the stomach clutch)

=====> "I order a freeze arriving last weekend, so I make about as much as the dumpling skin I can ever find, with the divided and label with my clear calligraphy or printed label. "Its vegetarian" "Meat", or you wish to be vegan next time? We live too far this civilization things. I didn't make 500 dumplings, but you understand what I mean. When you see the freezer, you will know why. That is the degree how I use the Amazon for. They install when you are gone. I got nothing else to do. But this is not the only food I made. There are other things like the pumpkin soup, you can microwave about 50 small bags, warm up, whenever you coming in. Or anyone coming in, you know everything on one side to another. There is a reason I do this vegetarian its that thing you don't need to wash unless the real meat going in it. You eat out Fried better. FDA."

"This ASMR went ....so gigantic, you like them doing this? I do like the food."

======> "One of the things not suicidal every morning, its the food that done in systematic methods 1 to 1000, how long that ever take to back up just like their pantry. oh ~ that is exactly I did. So you eating these, and that. I don't eat these things, and I better not to. If you find out this you cannot or don't want to eat them the options, you tell me next time, we getting something else to change. We eating this things like....we still stay the same Tradition or, instant noodles really becoming a fantasy? "

"I thought my mother can make us something. I don't really make any food to join their festivity like your home, so far away to flying in. You think we should make food?"

=======> "I usually clean and watch people do inside the house. Most time the holiday seasons its every house they set up, those are the tradition that house carry, unless we will be the host this time. Those are the food menu, what you think? Including the price. Those are the calculator or the excel sheets ending numbers. "

Comments: If you really want to ask him, ask him.

You have loads you wish him to know, to care, to hear about. Too afraid to imagine things yours, or mistakes you keep pile-ing up. You wound yourself with the pity, or your imagination? Your best friends suppose to be the guy you married to, not your dad. 

You wish certain secrets or confession not your honest words or feelings to say. He is not that stupid he didn't know what he married to?  In the Church, that is what you do to saying that as the Christian, as far as I remember, the Christian term, or your...religion term, you confess, or you talk out, or you hope you quiet, or you ....just wishing or praying the things you seeing it in front of your eyes.

You know exactly what those things presenting to you, and you know exactly perfectly every word I say, I poke, I make, I sound...to almost nothing but insist this is the way we do it. You prefer its a religion you can say they abuse, they misuse, but here is a girl talking to you....she doesn't care about one degree what to claim only she meant she is the boss, everyone die, never one tiny dust to blame the church faults, the guys fault, not the laws fault, not to playing one law to the religion faults, to that tiny prayers, those are supposed to be Snowden says private.

I didn't mean all that has to hide was not true....but I don't need those right now in my life. Not God. Never God, I forget to tell you. It stopped as my life like she says. The praying methods starting young....it was I getting more humble til the things I get, and this is exactly what they saying to me, not just her UB friends all those hear the exact words, If she meant true, I don't want to be this per thought be exam, or per deed be seen in the youth or middle school arriving to her System talk, if those are pre-set. I want to misuse only things that convinence to me."But Hey, that is all people doing it anyway, that is how the unifty church becoming the touch soul to heart, in the end. No one really serious how the church mean real. Its God exist. Not the slave trade like she sounding 4 cooking stove Eternity, right? You need to tell me. "

Westlife - Shane starting his lost entire money to whom else, haven't dead on the street yet.

"I wish to control these 5 guys, but forever forever eternity never 4 stoves. You telling me now. What will be the correct number, I seen here? 0.1 4 stove forever never required under the True Law, God says, or the Local American Utah court room laws? Or the guys....degree beliving what she says, its 99.999999 in every occasion if the life going up and down, you don't fall off those 4 stoves, for that decency someone given you some resource having a food, and those 5 guys in this sense, they know what is running around the whole world, for saying...if the life not stable, they can just decline all that without 4 stoves, their uniform Black showing up on the stage, those say? Do you think that is true? Food matter as the girl eternity generation must comply. I might just given up the eternity guys, if that is really really really they give me eye sight wrong, or every words I exist faulty, I cannot take it. Not inside house, not per tone you imagine, not you don't be gratiful my channel, that is my name legally. They will love the way I am. Just like that SMCH. Prove me wrong....say it." 

We are not reading the same books?

The second part of the Luna Project. Your points of views. 

1) You really really need to proven that guy's points of view, it may not be Dennis. That looks like a blonde hair guy with the eye glasses.

I have to file a lawsuit in between. - Luna Project (Sailor Moon Book 11)

2) You want to get close to the guys, but most time, that guys you even know what they want, where they aim, where they consider the happy life means?

Words not to say

Kill your entire family 9 generation. Never cousin says, never my father, never my brother.....all disappear or they will kill them one of those days, entirely, not one words repeat second time his only command. 

Especially never "My Father" this or that. You don't have a career like him. We all know that. 

"Tomorrow I have to go out. You have a plan?"

==> "I haven't leave the house for 3 months, I need to get out tomorrow for something."

"That is a great Idea."

===> "That is what you say, or that is what you did?"

"oh ~ I am not sure. What is that?"

====> "You mean exactly you say that like you know it clearly, or you mean that is the end we finally it out?"

"I don't know. I have to ask my dad."

====> "Say that again, I hear everything. Can you explain to me exactly how you imagine those steps its you written this yourself. I read it last time, per line. I want you to explain to me from the first line to the end. In the overall, plain in English."

"What do they think we doing this, they really mean we are the sex partner, or that missionary were that how we deliver the baby jobs?"

====> "The church has many location, including the headquarter. We are at the buttom in case you didn't notice what you say out of your mouth. That is the entire efface someone's family like mine. And? What will be your next move, this time? Anymore?"

"I was thinking to put this artistic hard wood lamp, its sound more like the local Taiwan tradition."

=====> "One of the stupidest things in my life, its to keep the wall plain paint from the Home Depot that is not Honey Yellow, the bakery girl painter leaving a sweet words on the stair she steps on it with the eye glasses away from my faces."

"What do you think we should eat today?"

=====> "How long the bus or the road to walk, its going down the stair without the electrocity, we will be Getting the Mail, like Notcie- the Book business or the vendor in the business?"

"What do you think the singing lesson that the church people will do? " Lighten the mood conversation.

======> "There is a red bull, including many sweet sugar, refine, how your blood sugar just rising one tiny second, you have the rest of the other foods warm up in 5 mins."

"I was thinking to get this I Robot Amazon, did you look at it, you know which one to buy? "

=======> "The mechanical Alchol wipe + the dusty machines, its the church supplemental to the 3rd world country, its not on the UN map, unlimited, remember to open up your mouth and talk....those are necessarty, not the mel-nutrition everyone dies in the Hunger." 

"I was thinking my dad says we can go on the picnic with the church people."

====> " The birds occupying the alumnium bags I bought the 3 small porsalin dish from the City Shopper....that bag its to keep warm, those dishes are the picnic on the ground with a plastic mat on the floor. ....did I say that is in 3 plates, me and my mother. We live together without you. Did I say it becoming the birds's object, that entire cabin. You can just go on your own...really. My ex bf went to his ex wife no problem driving like 45 mins. How dreadful I ever becoming inside the car. "

"You don't think that is how she controls that Keanu Reeves with all around him, they accompany him or they allow her doing that?"

====> "He is an Asian pretending to be a British...."

"I was thinking my father did this amputation in his offices at the video...."

=====> "By the cheap way, or the cheat methods how I got on this far with him impaired his foot, I am pretty sure he does that one year, everyone done those things, showing exactly the TV means it."

"I don't really like those songs, but the melody is a great enchanting melancholy you don't think so ? I like those music."

=====> "I need to go to the hospital for my left ear,  its in the middle of the skin and the arm...these small tiny things. I hate these comic books how I end up in the bucket looking."

"You don't really think she will do all that ...like the TV, is that ilegal?"

======> "There is a reason how the church got separate by the Century ago, before the May Flower, those are none of your business. We are different tradition, just like the painted white wall. Its a shield of paint."

"I was also question over that topics, or suspect its not that simple."

=====> "I personally never thought about, until I seeing it. Its the algonithm they sending the things in so I seen it. Something with this Google I cannot see the first page everything like it used to be. Just first 5 video, and then....something else none related to this them at all."

"You ever talk this sex things over, how the partner swapping idea, that is what these the video says, not that our church never meant its white races only."

=====> "Its elderly included multiple...cleaning floors marriage certificate. My mother says."

"You ever imagine this they say the European - American be this my things are my things, and you go away stuffs?"

=====> "What it takes to be a man, its after it depends, how reflection goes, I have to ask my Dad. The last time his reply to this Eben things....already were the I cannot understand what he says."

"Do you think about these on your own girl bands? You did? What is your thoughts on that? The money or the sexual image they have? Are you sure the church allows that?"

======> "One of these how the tradition makes the faith binding thicker...its not the rules which of which as long as I don't have to pay with my money. I am so sick of it."

"You don't think on your side, or my side....we go to the court together, can I see your paper if you are planning to write for me, I don't really know how to write this for my own favor like if you have found your girls' band, or you are really gays?"

======> "I am pretty sure on the first to the last day, it was me never finishing writing the ambiquious English Native words, how it was written starting at.....Long long long time ago...."

You girls want to go to where?

You mean the American Hollywood last time I talked about 3 Art where Keanu Reeves are? You take over his entire street block from his bookstore, to every his eye lay his straight ahead, or as tall as him is....

You want to become like that Hailey, that is what you mean, in your whichever nationality groups stars to go about

1) on the court

2) or the real something

3) or you just gonna directly telling your Star

4) waiting if or without...that someone belonging to that the star or the groups?

I don't know. 

I can tell you where I am. On that Comet book, I found out why I need to gain weight. That we are this year is from NASA testing. So that entire setting, its my family over there, they gone to the gathering Christmas Party.

I am sorting that right now.

Its really really really cold, I don't want to go out...very very cold. I eat bread here, some chips, cilantro I just washed the last 1 hour, and some 乾絲

What do I think the guys like? You mean you girls how old, imagination?

I tell you what I think about the guys. I think they lie 1 to 1 zillions for real. You need to have a money, and a stable jobs / career / ....I don't really know my finding all this you girls are very very very blind, and dirty.

To tell me the guys pretends they didn't see, or too careless to find out, or ever talking to another guy for advices, or ever just seeing the bathroom before marrying to a girl like you....including your diet the Blonde race girls, to be Giant, in almost everywhere in America.

The guys would be that stupid? Only I see? 

An Article starting the Title

Does the girls lie about the period? Facts.

My teeth doesn't have to bite ~! 

I can tell you when I starting with Adam, that Ella Enchanted, it was one time we went out in the Mexican food places.

.... Those like 2 people seating one side, that is what we sit together. You kissing hugging all the time in the High school.

Everything we done, except the real sex. Yeah. And he is an American guy.

Those European human, so gays world, they do everything just even hear about it, I remember what nick used to say. They have the family of the whole street swapping games, and his wife took him there.

And something that he came out of the room, she is sitting on another man's lap.

That sounds right description, really.

I personally think you girls will get cut heart in heart out, if you don't keep those guys, meaning in that another 20 years 30 years, you seeing him again. You all do those things.

Behind, all the time. They design this you can pay to find out the address or the phone numbers. Not just this facebook things, or else that facebook will never last til now. The decency to how you girls you are....you although need your personal space, you really get hurt, no matter its your 

1) Face

2) Shape

3) Your own kids

4) You fade out, and his arm really going on other girl no matter its what nationality.

5) Because one time, no matter how you did on purpose, one word you hurting him, including truely psycho methods, he will show you by accident, you don't belong anywhere if you keep coming near, no matter he knows not knowing you do on purpose behind his back.

Did I tell you, you girls are very very very psycho + tear + screaming + just copy the TV exactly the soap opera. And the guys just stood there, he fallen to the buttom of the abyss, or he cannot tell, that is = PSYCHO! 

You know how many times I keep saying that out loud? SO....unbelievable.

I want to eat chicken nuggut, and the birds say the microwave. I hate those things...it doesn't taste anything at all.

At least for my teeth to bite something. The reason I keep drinking those liquid forms are not good for my teeth !  The Mc Donald are too far.

🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤 🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤🌟🥨🍤

I am on my ceiling feel like when I gone to Thailand, nick were climbing, me follow behind, and I hit my head skull Up! To those something hard. It hurt.

What is this Youtube says Westlife Angel Wing (Coast to Coast), someone waving behind = Big Head Problem, I feeling my head just hit the ceiling, hurt.

I saw something Frozen 3 trailer again...not about that?

M2M -M2M 2021 greatest hit full album....2 girls looks fit.

Did you try the Loving Hut the Original cheesecake, not the branding I told you on the left box.

Those are normal to the real desert. They selling the healthy choice. They still existing.

A lot of these bakery trying to get the award, because....it has coming to a trend, how you hire a chef, and so on so forth to drawn the customer bases. Its through the magazine. 

I told you the material science people don't lacking jobs...they are none of them ever to be the material science brain. You didn't understand the math? 小資小本?

She did nothing in the last 15 years, nothing but at the retreat its about the asking to those Loving Hut, how they operate their vendor, or carts or the restaurant. They get up and talk. 

I do those ugliest things, called Isle 1 to 10, to 20. You say your numbers wants, without the plastic wraps within the glasses you can see. I pick up the food for you in the container. No more garbage.

It will be the BIGGEST number you EVER SEEN.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

No, not that Raw Bread "That is a very known Chinese words in that bakery" meaning those toast without cut. The White toasts full loaf, its called the Raw Toast Bread.

Not to have any injury, one time, I heard, or I see....someone says the kitchen people cut their finger, to something got hurt. That is extremely horrible. No Machinery in the shop.

I will tell you exactly what the humility running deep, the consumer psychology EVER EVER to be ending up that store every made of, all your every holiday perfect world illuded.

I can comment on that food. No reason to be that elaborate. 1) you cannot see under any yellow light, so I use the cheapest Fluoescent light 2) no sprinkle oregano, you cannot see or sesame seed.

Meaning it doesn't taste anything, it doesn't see anything, I can save the cost of the Original Food ingredient + the procedure to sit down and rest + and many internal every recipe to take out the ingredient, because you are the types

= one formula

As long as you keep eating that, you get tired, One day....the bakery has a food tasting, lasting 20 years the same routine. You never finish your brand new things putting into your mouth

= has no taste.