Lawsuit 543: Sailor Moon Book 11 (Luna Project - NASA Sep 26th 2022)

Date: Dec 23rd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The First Testing on the Asteroid Impact

It just happened I staying on-line, by just me keep talking, it becoming the book of this Year - what ending up happening the Book 11 in Sailor Moon. I don't think any of us since 2015 will be expecting any of this, the day I opening upon that Tesla Patent 1908 W Tower.

So to my last lawsuit, I just gonna extracting Lawsuit 542  the Westlife + One mute video.

To change this video (mute) to that Facebook, one time I got other people sent to me a video. That was a marvelous video. The UB them, any of them might still have that link. They doing nothing but keep stolen things from me through that facebook.

They are the UB Honor Class guys, or the CAC or APO. If they didn't left my facebook. The things are pretty much they have that link. I am not sure if that is from DailyMotion.

The Star moving. This is not my first day on the jobs.

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