Lawsuit 660: W Two Worlds (2015 its after 2014 OU language about a statue in the celestial)

Date: July 8th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: One person hang (or a horizontal bar line) in the celestial in our Earth World.

No, no one told me that. I wrote the King of King's story, that is a forever or the eternal merits being in that position. Not the Skakymuni Buddha has been a monkey King in the past. He has fallen what you saying the Animal Kingdom.

The write-out I gives the first life was the 半仙, its not really "The King of Kings, the Lords of Lords" - that comma. Its half celestial in our Chinese words, they understood. My ears if I using my own mirror with my own eyes, I see....not the same as the camera IPad its normal. Its round. Just not the eye from my own space to look (cited 3 3 10 peach blossom 三生三世十里桃花)

There is a famous story I told everyone in the Chinese children's literacy about the celestial women and the wood chop man (like the mundane world merits, such as the president, Hawaii like Rescue Ranger, that entire material when into the Current Westlife 2015), I am not sure they done that on purpose, because Shane becoming a singing bug like me a bug in Flower Thousand Bone (2015). Its Ender's Game, Shane again, its like Seth UFO position.

It would be like I go with Nicky better, because one Obama that time issue since 2014. He kills one person. To me that you breaks a law like that is like a psycho (Iron Man or Avenger, he cannot stop fallen or American did.)  - While I understand the president behind cabins people are often watching that president since Clinton scandle, they have to be careful to put whom on the eye peripheral in the American public eyes.  Meaning Clinton's wife in Legally Blonde 1 or Michelle in Legally Blonde 2, none of that are the correct looking, so you have the Trump then the current president Biden its the Vice of Obama.

To I did say everyone its on the sea, I never say those youth never done their jobs, every single American current election, but i am sure the investigation are underwent. No matter its the killing the person is a crime or the TV telling everyone a story like I keep seeing things fallen, none of that its I listening anything in the American politics. In Flower Thousand Bone, not even the police line - I purposely done that, since they have hurt me over this System Talk to the hospital.

They gonna make all of them mental, that is what it means on the System drawing. But what I didn't know was my facebook about 60 people from UB Honor Class /Honor Program, APO (Clinton were) and CAC girls, they whom got to the Harry Potter almost the last movie starting the "steppiing all over the buzz". So for me I just following the TV order to do things, including 10 Clovefield lane.  Staying indoor for some times, its 3 years after Flower Thousand Bone (2015), or one year after online novel on the chapter names.

Now I have a lawsuit proceeding through

Lawsuit 643 - the Facebook social online www web social statue and communication OU.

King of Kings, the First Life

This story its the Sailor Moon Political Spirituality of 2 wings structure over Tim Cook 政治靈修. We are blind, meaning we looking at the technology or the 4 frames. That is what it is told all the time on the movie or TV. We keep seeing things inside the 4 points frame enough. You will have a small batch of the security behind me or Tim Cook, we all have to keep writing or chasing this movie or the TV classify material. Cannot and what now, Tim Cook gonna retired, and I cannot retire, so his side of the people coming over my side of the blind sight, we keep writing this lawsuit?  We have to sort all this in the details.

Both me and Tim Cook has the background and again its in the China modern a lot more fresher Camera technology to this modern design of the living room or the hospital seen drama. Just not the voice, but the modern sleek business attire. They cannot possibly not hearing us front or behind, saying how loud, we are inside the TV monitor every story in our own current Title or Position. Both me and Tim Cook. We can ask someone not to do that, and we all have making that efforts. Its not taken off the TV, so I Anna keep saying that is the classify materials, we cannot leave this classified materials, nothing about politics. These are tiring enough. 

I describe you here in my UB

I don't think I personally like anything in my personal life as I describe you this I cannot stop jumping out, jumping on my bed. Indoor, of course. Not much the outdoor activities. 

Inside the movie TV, I am as the guy, I will tell you what a guy supposes to feel without the period because my periods its left 2 or 1 days. Its still 4 weeks, not 3 weeks anymore. Its just the period pain the animal kingdom are helping me on my left side body. The roller blades stand leg. The heart region is on the left turn side of the body. If I am a guy, I know exactly how the guys being put through what that jumping up or down, and including I describe you the fallen of that 101 how many times.

If I am a guy....

If I imagine what a guy ever be.....the patience last with the ability guy, I will hang them entire UB on the water den, when you decide to repent, you will be fallen on that below, whichever you see or none see water body surface. You don't need to change, mock my word.

They are on a line slanted down to the Bermuda Triangle.

University of South Dakoda, gallbladder surgeon + the clinical rotation, international medical school the highest you can go.

Vanderbelt CNN Anderson Cooper's mother and him at, Wing Liu, the Pharm D.

OD, Florida to Texas, Dean Wieczorek

They are all the medical doctors on the system talk MD 6+1 meeting Mormom MD 4+2, to Mummy (1999) WWII line, someone like Karen touches and leaves (W Two Worlds, a kiss and a slap, i never invited her to Taiwan, I never talked to her one word other than the group gathering, not directly 400 millions in debts),

Their kids are the college drop out, Adam & Hailey. I think either they got caught before because Tawian Youtuber they say that on the news. Not the international wiring money through India on-line service, or you have to pay the tax. That tax season might be last year.

The low education often doing things very vola like that Nick's son Tony. Meaning they lose their eye sight, drunk, drunk and drive, or very sad, very permissive. And they one day telling each other how to live a particular life, smoking or drinking I guess. Tony and Carla doing those Tabacco sip inside the house. His father is a very very handicap like my mother. Some people have more than 1 condition. None of them are anything good in service, I suspect even just one human ending up in the jail, or including consecutively inside a real jail processing paper, and being detain, being found, being search warrant over the house, or the living space, to see the real Judge, the real court room, to be sentence even in 3 months to 1 year, that is 10 years pass.

I have no words, but I got thrown to see the doctors here very often too, next by one Annca. Also inside the TV.

You know the word consecutively means ? I scream.

Its in Flower Thousand Bone Episode 26, and I have that 千眼琉璃掛 on my neck. I just go shopping on the place I know its safe, and....that is?! Not supposed to be on my neck. There is nothing flash, its made of the cloth even.  Its a rope. 

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