Lawsuit 713: Westlife (Me and Nicky to this American Taiwan Embassy moves to 內湖)

Date: July 29th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  In case that is one of their UB absurd argument.

1. Its the urban planning, the newer structure its in that area, when I did a little bit research.

2. Costco is there, its the American branding.

3. I think 五分埔 also there, the Korean branding coming it down Asian Fashion.

4. To where used to be American Taiwan Embassy, that is straight one road to my middle school and the supplementary materials. I think its the Ancient Chinese.

5. They are building the brand new stuffs right next building, its a health care offices. These area I think gonna be the library new structure in the future. This situate between 4 at least school.

6. I think....right next that entire sheet looking of this street, it were used to be this 2 extra floors up made the New City Look planning idea. Just added 2 extra floors, my mother told me 2010. Not sure if they drop that. Because the urban planning its on the "dirty market", correct.....and that block its not where I say the American Embassy.

7. Its between me and Nicky or me and Shane. I told Shane about 3 or 4 months ago. Nicky just heard it probably about this one week. I did tell them. 

8. Irene moves to that blue line ending, its where the brown line meets. That is a brand new skill workers all together community and working institution, similar to City of Hope ideas, except its more like the Silicon Valley.

9. I think 中央研究院 is there, where the opening of the W Two Worlds 建鈞 he works there and told me when I got back. No he is not the MD, so will not be that SMCH, she was a nurse and the modern time jail female inmate humanitarian. 

10. That is where Taiwan so small tiny without the UN seat in 194 countries map, the Nobel Prize at. Everything its in the exactly commute time in Metro or in the car.

I told Nicky some of the plan, I may not stay here. I like some of the new structure or if they have the urban planning reason and the traffic easy to go south, or somewhere because American Embassy are brought to the same latitude to where the domestic flight more private airport to China Shanghai.松山機場 It is international I guess, but, our official international airport are usually refer to that south one.  Only one international airport. Here might be the military establishment, because Tri-general hospital its one branch there I think.

My uncle glues to Square, just she never attends clearly anywhere about the countries or their jobs, or the military or the military village dorm methods, therefore its her camera digits with the same age, cuddling in the darkness with the alcohol. No emergency reason why that restaurant built were for any of them to stay.

Its to my grandmom brown line 25 years ago. Her daughter+ this ex husband aviation from UCLA. He does speak in English. He looks like. U.N.C.L.E. No, he is not like that. 

I don't really think any second generation willing to learn anything other than the tears and the romance, without the education. She got a Master degree in theater in California. 

Trespassing building ID

1. 中央研究院 my BTX bio book invention, not Square, not Irene, low IQ women burn with the wood restaurant with the alcohol sell in there, the exact TV name. Her father is a surgeon, she made the raw food on the Arabic food. Very expensive.

2. 松山機場  her uncle's working airport, co-pilot ID, I don't think so. I didn't return Taiwan, once in 2007 for retreat. Not likely. They all have the vision issue. Mine is 174 臺尺 a green clock and white needles. I bump to my glass door, but there is a balcony with the sunshine.

3. 南港工業區, my interview was at the industrial unit at diagonal place of the American Embassy. Right across the Daan Park. I asking them where is the out-field jobs. The industrialist, they say its the paper file-ing jobs.

Not Tina, not Square, not Irene. They have their minimum wage if return in Taipei here to stay in where building trying to say they have a retirement in the future. There is none. 

I repeat saying a lot of the things in the public blog, just as if no one cares to listen a word. The intellectual elites in our City, does exist in this working professional works, other than the bread shop keeper. 

Its a small tiny world than China, correct.

But, really some people whomever from some local of any community even including the American rural place for saying if from the local family to whom they do the business or the idea of the specials worker forces, you realize, its really a lot of this IQ problem, you born in one place, and shift to another, you didn't try at all with the brain.

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