Lawsuit 616: Division of the Wild ghost form Forever not just 3000 years Lords of Ring

Date: May 4th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Part of the W Two Worlds and OU Language

The Background information: While debating this case, its the human attribute definition lazy, arrogant, bragging, Snape words in Harry Potter. He is a professor. 

Dying wish, kidnapping each other, sabotage unwillingness, fears, panic, you running out of the story exactly wishing other people seeing you panic on that reading of the book or TV, or shifting your eyes literally enjoying that moment, someone seeing you becoming exactly identical to the cartoon character. If someone told you so, you feel very good about it.

This is the Eternal cases. I am not exaggerating stating this.

🥘I personally think.....your Top priority with the Judge, its to find out the wild ghost form, because that might a permanent fun astral shifting, astral projection without the real phyiscal body like you yourself right now wishing...the military doens't know what that is. 🥘


 Its hot and humid now. I was in the bath, I literally thought about if on Earth, you just open public telling the entire crowd, that the division of the lands, one side its the forever wild ghost, and the other is you delicate to the human quality attribute.




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