Lawsuit 577: 1000 years (Bible Revelation since the year 2000)

Date: Feb 12th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Frozen (2013, 2015, 2019)

You all have this getting very nervous with the Math if you receive the money in your life. You don't even know how you ending up on that TV. Meaning where your behind Past, you ever handling your own perfect money in the more sleek and high tech world where, we called it Bank today.

On Earth, you can just ask for a cheaper price collectively in this several combine you all on the TV, Movie screen to these money how to manage, and asking the court on this mortality situation how far if this one life you gonna extent other than this one personal account, never further your evolution, or else none of you will ever be doing anything of all this.


You care about some groups of people, the friends, the talk, the waving yeh or neh. To that how smoother the life begins, its when you lost your parents, it is an article online saying at the age "50". That is what I read before, and to that you cannot handle...

1. If your parents leave a home.

2. If you parents leaving the debts, you have to decay their body and cut off that relationship inherited the debts from them. 

3. You care about the TV fame, how great the side by those Star ever doing. But to the public, they could just see it side by side whom you are, if you air your own too perfect current faces. And to that the Earth sort, to where you imagine yet the future will be....

4. If someone doesn't know what they are doing, none of this will ever happen.

5. You didn't even stop and stay in the same ground. Wait some time, think through what the life or you yourself has anything to do with all of this. 

6. One day ... Abyss its on the TV exactly per material saying.

7. I highly doubt the court are corporate things to look like that. 

8. I cite here the King of All Kings story, The Lords of All Rings in 10 Direction of 10 Worlds in All.

9. You are the faces exactly on TV, the unlimited ceiling debts.

All priesthood just like you vow life after life in any given life. 

You can tell the court, if your elementary starting which age so commodity driven to aim at the economic statue, you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish you wish 

The money and the commodity like the Pinterest

You pray in the elementary school.

You pray in the middle school.

You pray in the high school.

You pray in the University.

The day you finally realize your prayers at work, its where you ending up exactly how everyone seeing you, this great salary, office, location to be the next 20-40 years if its year after years you promise you will study, and doing the

1. Charity

2. Kind to people only because you had a vow

3. Fullfilled your every promises.


Ends up exactly in front of me Honorable Superior faces called the priesthood program.

See if my words sound the only Real Truth in this Eternity, at all.

It might be all sarcastic. 

Because in the end of all this account, this world, the only people ever really cared about, its how the bank doing, not you fake it, you have or haven't now, any small tiny money how far you gonna last til the time your parents are gone.

If you even hear this Home Owner manual someone like you. To lose it this "Intern" for everyone imagine a face on TV, in the reality to the inspection, its the dirtiness whom you are, what you are, where you are.


This morning I just looking at my weight to remember how I gain which weight, and this OU, if that is how far I gonna do. 

Supreme Master Ching Hai 2014 Pusu Language, the Original Universe language

574 - IBA (AiBAR)

575 - DEF (DEEP)

576 - BOF (BEAUF)

577 - FEB (FEEB)

Red Cliff = its the epic movie, the warring movie.

Fe = Iron (on Mars), Red Cliff (B = 壁 )



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