Babaji: Go
🍲 You like that stuffs, or you just have to like it no matter what? 🍲
Everyone all has a different kinds of the brain, some are very clear. The crystal clear IQ, that doesn't need to heed away all those attention outside, to that every thought tread don't tangle itself, and panic included.....that life orientation got disrupted, you lost your entire life plan goals.
My job is what? Just talking none sense, and the money rolling in? You mean these rudimentary subjects?
The application of your textbook to some other News you read, or some of this little things you hear from, or TV says, or something.....I just didn't have time to turn on that television all day listening to what they coming up stuffs? We Taiwan has the local channel news speaking in Chinese. I understand them all.
They showing you a nano technology lab, and this high tech lady at?
The very synthetical idea - its the robotic surface to every part of the robot body surface? They also need to go to the medical school if they want to do that = any part of the ENTIRE skin or the body lay out the FULL Body Skin surface.
Sometimes you didn't get those TV and the basic definition right.
The tree is a plant cell. A tree definition its a vascular plant. A plant like the onion root cell? You saying a mechanical added onto the Tree, like the Robotic arm adding on the human.
Both the tree and the human remains alive.
You might be mistaken the other way around, really.
Does the industralist go to the food lab? .... No. You mean if they know how to cook, operating a coating pot and pan? Heating that a process to rise up the temperature on the stove or the electric?
Imagine they doing that every day !!!!
How to burn off the trash waste land.
No, Dr. T didn't tell you about the waste heat.
No, he didn't.
Its part of the physics, not necessary on the bond structure you saying endo or exothermic reaction. When you using a word like that, you know what it means or?
It describe you that chemical equation, meaning a reactant to the product side, that entire process being carried out, that reaction defined as ? Absorbing the heat or the releasing the heat to breaking or a bond?
That is not how the machinery temperature raise high. That is a surface area contain that piece of the machinary.
Is Bio / Bio chem .....industry side?
No, the industrailists are not them. You mean the bio-fuel, or the farming methods, farm land? The purely those Lee does, or the Devil Wear Prada, no. Those are just the research means to engineering a cure. A stem cell research.
Does the industrialists know what they doing things in the bio side?
Its all synthetically, no one will go and imagine insert a piece of yourself body wall to that ....machine? No. That is illegal and unethical.
I don't know about that....but if you considering this one step closer to this Grand universe.
A lot of people willing to use the brain to work things out, meaning just saying it out loud the textbook per book. That is really just copy and paste out, and they say that is the money at?
What you really saying the industrialists would be....for example the combination science so you don't necessary excluded out between the chemistry or the physics, that is a basic idea everyone knew that. One of those waste heat talks?
Its a form of energy, its part of the universe, its part of the orderly system and its part of the equation, but it will never be used. It dissipate on your machinery surface touch. You might even burn off your entire hands if you touching it, the high temperature.
🥭🥭🥭🥭🍕🍕🍕🍕 No, not everyone wants to say, or be the industrialist, that is a big word in American English? 🥭🥭🥭🥭🍕🍕🍕🍕
... No, I don't know. How much they got paid.
No, I don't know, not sure how they select their people.
No, I don't really see that much Pitch Perfect 1 or 2 or 3. Tesla is a....automobile company, one company. The industry means combine Subaru Engine Symmetry, General Motor, Chevoler, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Voswagan, ......
They switch one of those technology all together, you saying one intention they apply to their automobile. Then you saying construct the entire industry.....meaning ??? You understand that entire industry landscape well....
Is the Movie industry is an industry itself?
... They are a part of the public media, the entertaining means. Every periodic time, people go to the movies to have some relaxing moment in the mind.
Do I ever like a guy? You mean like Dean? can just tell me his name or his look with a photo? The day Dean lost his passport, and the day he with his mother shows up....he telling me the story...
Its the day I saying goodbye to him, and for real.
I never seen him after that, with that Justin video included. The dreams usually saying very very analogy at. The internal vision might be too. If not bad enough, I won't react on it, the decision I need to make in my life. Me and Dean didn't really interact in life.
Justin knows more about him, than I how many words I speak to Dean.
Like AOL?
You don't have any other boys to look at, you are 20 years later down in your road, or that is a lonely lab, a space you filling up your stock label, like my lab bench jobs, I never seen a human?
The guys are extremely impatient human being even in this stage of the evolution, imagine outside, that will be impossible. You can be patient unlimited as the girls, they will demand you to be like that - kinda of the teacher's job. I keep saying that to you, again and again.
🥭 You didn't build up your life to a degree to understand what all this meaning for what reason, or else you would not have all those attitude, really. 🥭
It might be nothing. Your new set of the personels are waiting in your next destination or in your current location. Everything is done immediately to improve your life right where you are, just you going out to fetch it.
Westlife - Shadow, that is what they singing at? 4 months?
That is Silicon Valley.
I did had enough.
There are things you do in the Silicon Valley how you approach that, as if you just landed. I wasn't free to go about, but I did only go by what I can do in my own brain getting it done.
You have a sequence of that book every train if .......I show you the dishes.
There are a certain restaurant I keep going around and around and around. I remembered. There are also a certain hotel I can go to. One night I gone too GPS just near by hotel, I leave on which days? At mid-night.
Babaji is not happy, I already so not wanting to keep going this hotel, he meant out. So at mid-night I have to find a brand new hotel. No, just happened once. Its a ...小龍女 that video song I play at. The cartoon version. I guess there is no one there. (Birds, Shut up!)
Neo, not Babaji.
🍲🍕 Have I get nervous when all this things happened, to saying things in the public? 🍲🍕
... This kinds of the situation its...most lower evolution of people like you with those tart language or the poor background in debts, although it nothing important, but between the humanity that America given them a meaning including the entire Earth, technically I die and you all continue lower existence skunt. I could see that or got notice the very first things before all that happened.
You want to give a mortality a meaning, not you want to implement anything in the action itself.
Your 4 limbs.
There is a group chat, or there is a group meal? Cooking?
Its your Age time, right now take that leading conversation reason discuss about your career results, about your professional show off stuffs. Whatever this age between 35-45. You talking out loud your plan, your future, carrying a very constructive methods in that conversation, someone understood you exactly every word you are saying about it.
You can just talk about your own life, not anything me Anna's what life? Your current boss, the new destination working place on the map, on the phone, prepare the next visits, there are people all dead?
You saying about your neighbor, what did you find in that location, anyone saying hi to you, you join anything locally for the professional get together, you meeting a new people........everything concerning about your own life, your own associate, your own meeting everyone, what did you talk to them, what did you say to them.....Isn't I show you what I say to Westlife?
The voice memo to this 10 profile icon never stop shifting up or down.
You imagine they look the same to me, just by the internal riot telecom.
The America gives the Silicon Valley this On-line protocol. It won't matter if Silicon Valley like it or not. If I found out things got stop, I know I am not on Earth. America if doesn't exist...I will withdraw a different method.
You didn't care about your own America, but I did.
That situation you mean the online situation...if testing like the immediately all things fails and I cannot see the America shows up, right....I will change, because if the Youtube = its a real things, then the communication can sustain. I only need to know that part of the worlds exists. The rest, I finish it myself my way.
I highly doubt you doing anything in your sense, you woke up...on a different planet!
Its called O U ....
You need to have a confident and like that jobs you do. A career you choosen in your life. A real skill because you like that field.
I don't really have a particular skill? Sleep all the way is my skill best.
A show business means you have to know the mind of the public, you need to show off.....Not my those ET face or those porsilin doll transformation. That is the emergency situation, not that I imagine a prolong situation if I can halt it this entire TV.
You mix up the main stream media and the Youtuber idea, including those independent online...idea.
The TV is a TV.
They are carefully selected their look, and their background check. There are some brackets of the few people whom if their family or the business always be in the close vicinity to the TV commercial or the agency, or the advertising...I can tell you those people are bored, that is why it becomes a TV, because their language daily or yearly are all nothing but the family talk to, if were, it is, or it will be....= the TV idea.
The look, the height, the background....etc.
And if there are what I say I found laterly....I didn't know all that well before, certain circumstance in that entertainment worlds are the clusters of the riots.
What you all really really wanted, its Devil Wear Prada, a real writing sample, the ability if you starting writing 6 hours a day each of those books in Victoria Secret - Board the Train
No matter what it really says or means, or leading too.
Your writing a cluster thoughts one day will becoming a fluent English statement, if your native language its in English or you were always a ABC, none of us can tell, because in the Dr. T's class its all the conversational English, how you saying to even ....close to the bio side of the peer review journals. Even Dr. Bing Shen has to learn his own per sentence to present his idea.
I broke those down long long time have to have the English class or the basic lab report how you imagine a peer reviews journal really wishing to see? 1) Except 2) first paragraph, to then methodity, your experiment, how you ending up a conclusion. You suppose to give a reason and a hypothesis this is prone to, likely, or close to the "theoretical" idea we saying by the theory its validating by the paper 1 2 3 4 5 ...and therefore, I have postulate....
Well, I used to think everyone knew that.
Until ....none of you show up makes me realize not everyone knew that. Just because I didn't have a peer review journal, or the Science Class on the library how to use a library....I actually knew that in the elementary school. That entire lay out. I don't have a thesis, but I have the known methods to why its called a peer review journal?
These are not the public media people. You all cannot separate the Project Camelot or SMCH Satellite TV. There is a Main Stream Media that the general public can watch on their television
Those celebrity statues, they are trained when they were younger, or born in that envrionment and learn their discipline, and in the music business.....other than the music theory, of course the public has a reason to buying their music if were ( 3/7, get out... missing too much?! )
In the politics worlds, its also a type of the television, the countries politician is treated as almost equal to the celebrity, they are watched, the audience like them, and in the real political worlds, they debates with their whimp thoughts at that second, at the junction of Timer. That is what your American land I have seen a glimps of some political debates since Obama or Trump that time. Tiny bit mins or second. I don't know a lot of the statement because it has something to do with the implemented policy or soon-to-be proposed ideas they promise or they guarnateee to the voters. The overal situation I will be very modesty to tell, I am at 15/ 100, I have no idea what the details anything in America, the electrical vote? or how many to what, or the local representative I called once his or her secretary over Mike Adam says, but how each State its 1 government but 2 representative? Unless I knew their civil class, I always just see the very limited newspaper, sometimes I learn about a English word here or there.
That system its not like a book, like I acquire in the school, to know about Taiwan. But since its a similar system, sometimes while you are in the process of learning that English or the SA clubs situation, you sit, you listen, you learn that words, or the seating map, like the electrocal voters counting statistic? But I cannot understand it. I know 2 colors, one if republican and one if democrats. I knew that 2 words in Taiwan, but while American and England, has this....more different than England its parliament or the upper or lower? Sometimes you need to trace those English native words to the exact History, Title, Position, numbers per states or province. Otherwise these are just a basic definition words really.
While I am citing this side of the politician idea to the Main Stream Celebrity, like the singer or the movie actor or actress included.....
Its that most time their debut in music = singing
In movie = acting
In the politics = debates
Usually they need to know how to write a draft ...
Me have no choice 24 hours 10 years hanging on the radio bar, becasue I have no choice, not I either wishing a choice or imagine a choice, really. The reaction rate to what you hear a English statement how the public audience people saying to you, the guy or the girl, because most the Television station is a small enclosure places.
Meaning you are on the stage, where is the light on their faces?
So they hold up the microphone and asking a question at the presentor like those Ryan Secret, and then he talking to the next by the guests to present a full hour show, however reason they all show up there. Like Ryan Secrets.
In Taiwan we also have this local show, or long time ago, they were holding the microphone, The MC.
Dream Exchange Games 52
Those people has some methods at least fake it the public appearance, meaning....welcoming you, make you feeling the welcoming of the hostality of their invited place. Unless you meant I don't know what I see in that Movie: Meet the Parents.
You or your parents inviting their friends or family coming from afar distance. Your reaction to these guests are you "present" with your ex bf or ex husband, whichever meeting took place once the court dissolving these conflicts in between the movies or cartoon, or disadvantage, one of those Karen or Melinda Vola saying?
They wishing all those animation people to welcome you, to their own groups while all these people in their own life has 1) their own immediately goal to reach mostly are for the money 2) all of them are on edgy if the money is not present 3) Some has the things to hide if they were jailed, 4) Their own groups of that classroom if they are the microphone holder, they have their own things they like bf, gf, imaginative wife or husband, or their current ex or late husband. 5) Each of them have a linger in their own age 6) In their own memory 7) The last being hash words to them while the public already blaming them enough 8) You finding the words speaking to them, or none at all, at least never a F words or any cursing language in your native English language 9) They are similar to the priesthood type so they know what somewhat to that their own promises or vows, there is a different side of God in their own age, in their own City, in their own town however they are spoiled to their own leadership 10) You are not the leadership, SMCH is.
A grand hotel has these lobby room, Morning schedule to each Big room has a conference. Staring from Science, Medical, ....
Like if you been to these grand hotel how they winding themselves with the escalator, you imagine which room are all next by each other, that is not true. You go inside this room to be how big of the Vola, called the jobs. I don't have your imagination, let me thinking about what exactly I am trying to see? I cannot understand it. You mean Shane Filan?
The other day I say trying to transpassing the European Medical Committee Board. Last night I quit, or this morning, then one hour later all this garbage on the movie: Clueless. So I don't really know, I just check Shane's news.
oh ~ you mean that real Shane Filan if not the stunt?
I cannot possibly telling you what the court knows and you know will be totally different.
Having a motivation or having a hope to seeing something expecting someone....if my life has to every day going on a meeting, not to say that is a science meeting every day, or the anatomy...saying.
I didn't think my mind would be too far away from my jobs, if I was saying Hallo Welcome to Goodbye, make home safe. I didn't think anything more than that. You know what was 3 months ago, I get up and run?
I still remember that. My physical body cannot 1) take the shock like that 2) I am not ready to run out 3) I cannot bear that I should lay down and sleep.
The way I am saying about any of you girls, are nothing but psycho !!!! The day you don't have the exit road? If I keep repeating that myself, and I literally seeing in front of my environment and the TV meant run? I jump out?
I didn't EVER wish the life to be that jumping up and run? But you gonna tell me the life is not flexible, I bind to the comfer, not to....Run? I went to find a place, a chair. I just sit there wait one hour. Its in between the place no one will sit, because its a display some item like some books, some luggage travel use.
I found out, so I sit?
One day you gonna tell me, I never update you for the missing years before AGT were that Retreat I did nothing but run, pack, concise, rain, tent living.....and tranpassing internationally, because they are all the international made of? Including that TV collaboration.
We sleep on the meditation chair, not the website that kind. The TV inside those kind. With a cover of the blanket, you gonna say cloak. Its Bath & Beyond those polyester somewhat furry, you find a spot, you might just hide and sleep there closing your eyes 5 mins.
You know what is the life, you have only 5 mins, 15 mins.....and you get back for a body that functional and normal, much clear in spirits? I NEVER saying anything about the spirituality anymore.
Which groups of you, decide to trying on the food cooking scheme? I have no idea. You are currently be together with your family soon to be the Easter? Is that what it is?
And you are planning to cook the group food, your best friends coming, or just you and your family? You have the family to prepare this groups eating? Invites your uncles and same age, they are not dying it out?
Kinda of like the Meet the Parents, and why I am seeing a Turkey? Meaning a meat?
On the table? It has to look like 3 D or you chop it down before you boiling them, and then fried them dry?
Have I told you, I haven't cooked anyone any groups a meal, seriously? A full table?
Except APO.
🍒🍓 Building a confident like Annie Hallway, or Kate Hudson? 🍒🍓
You are not sure how you saying the things you know of. You input a lot of what you think in that process, you hope or you gamble that is a judgemental call or you just "psychi" knew that gambling things what you should be saying, should be doing, should be amend?
How can you live in a life, everything you think its wrong, say is wrong, thought was wrong, encounter was mis-fate, everything mis-fortune?
You keep blaming on almost 10 different direction to things that out of your control, and you don't cultivate yourself within to make yourself strong. A pair of sneaker in the winter or the boots, if you living in a very very cold place, you understand what you prepare for yourself on the road.
1. Scarf
2. Gloove
3. Hat
4. One correct Boot
You never looking like when that coat is open at the throat? How that taking care of yourself, so you mean you taking care of the old or young, when you saying you align yourself to the doctor's path. Right now, you are deicing to quit or continue? You can just negotiating a deal with them, you wish to finish the double major with a grade in UB? Trying out the MCAT, but quit until that time? You are now can going in the witness program?
Instead of keep blaming on the Medical Board, you sure, every life, you don't want a back-end road, for that Spiritual World Assembly, a responsibility to make it the "Medical School"? I am prepared, I wasn't joking to tell you. I knew that myself, but I lightly say? Not right now, but? I don't go over their territory to make an enemy?
You didn't have to blame on that Judge, or whom the Educator, or the Program itself. You are criminal inclined, you wish everyone be frank telling you that in front of the whole room?
If you trying to lose weight you don't looking at the Pinterest food?
When I was detox, I did look at the food, but you know by what quota numbering I detox, meaning on the fasting mode? Every so often. I train myself including my visual to seeing that photo with the food. I just go along with the body, at the beginning I wish to see certain my father's side food?
Shower (Washing the hair too)
My period is not a lot now. But even wiping like 20 times in the morning, that is how fast the tissue boxes used in one day period, tomorrow probably almost none?
Still, the washing is much better than the tissues. When you saving the tissues paper one person living the bathroom, you know that 5 days of your periods, you excessively using the tissues papers in the bathroom?
Mine is 1 or 2 days, not first day now.
Why would you all compared......the guys would do that, or all you girls to compare my kitchen group food?
Compare means, you are not capable one of those? Why you keep stressing your own head? Its your GPA in UB Honor Class / Honor Program. And if they themselves know their own grade and confident to those GPA, maybe you never knew what if they just heed to my every words.....Its the GPA.
All your ages are not 20+ years old, like those Smallville actors? There is a time interval you doing a lot of things ....
Steady by steady. You never expecting Simon to save you, or that would be Clark or that would be Prince Harry? And worsen one of you, before you reunion together, are you ready to know that someone before that date starting to get jailed? Never once have the illusion anymore?
The witness program?
I thought I never have to cook for those barbarian ever again.... ~ Did they watch that Clueless before?
A lot of people keep putting the beard on everywhere?
4 Heavenly King positions would be
Mis-match (nuclease) enzyme Mushroom Original Blue Print Stem Cell
Because I
" is a nucleotide, not nuclease, nor nucleus for the cell theory. "
Is "I" that nucleotide right? How come I remember there is that one? I note it on the left side page, I remember. The image. My writing.
Violent TV Media? (Movie: Clueless), his name is Christian?
Sorry, I was hearing the video to insert the Html code. His name is Travis, he uses tabacco in Madrical, next by me the Piano one morning. No, he looks like....a lot of the beard and fat. Very messy looking on him.
Anything inside the mouth is good, the chocolate ! (Look at Brian)
Skin, dutchess, dutch is denmark means?
Step-brother. Scott ! The High school Student Club President. He owes me 3000 dollars pop corn money. It was that summer, our Visa decline to the private high school in Kentucky. Our Green cards statues were in the process, but we are not told. My mother didn't know.
Their entire.....bracket to that usage of the Tape water factory is about I say "Maybe I call you next week, weekend off?"
I gulp every single day seeing image by image. They are like the barbarian. Travis is looking exactly like the barbarian. They are all the spoiled rats, someone gifting them the closets are 19-in-99? Not wig, its the gifts packs, too overwhelm everything is useful.
I change my line, "Maybe I read it to you line by line, you will feeling much better off next time? You can still use it, don't destroy it."
It means you destroyed capable everyone else's ring, you find a ring to put it on? Just need the first script I think.
That is not what I think I was working on?
That is my brother and Irene (They are cousin, but you know which position Irene is? Its 夏紫薰,so Westlife seeing Hailey near by a brother, or that is the cousin blood near by, all ilegal, so there is a gay best friend next by Lauren Jobs looking, my green eyes.
And that formula in the money. Did I remember what is "The Formula 1"?
So he is a gay, or they are all gays.
Just like the next by = Boyzone! No, I am not the guys. But in the last 2 weeks, its a lot of this horrendous things coming from them, all very strange images, uh.....
I am not like that.
閃電霹靂車主題曲 They used to have a frame change the flag !! That is simple. Its shown!
The only Kingship you ever learn one lesson in that Chinese entire 5000 years history or the literacy will be only that Dream Exchange Game 52. One frame.
The military iconic to that Sun witness. One frame. Nothing else are important. Its the Prime Minister holds the power !! All Power of that 5000 years...understand?
That Simon is fading out okay? He is old...and things a lot of that fading it out in Bio all suppose to listening to me, never walking that way at all. Simon Cowell is fading out, I say that one more time.
That history doesn't exist anymore! Got it?
Nicky Byrne is a Judge too in Ireland? JC also a Judge too. Adam Levine is a Judge too.
🍰🍰🍰 Last time I writing it all out the entire sheet of the paper ... 🍰🍰
Anyone would know that the full pages of it, NEVER forgot?
Harry Potter AGAIN? What is this Harry Potter so interesting? Ginger cooking the eggs Chinese, that is way too many ginger, my waste land....farming rotation in the seasons. Harry Potter and That youngest sister ! oh ~~~Ron's youngest sister. How old is Ronan?
Ronan Keating is 46 years old.
That is 7 years. Me at. Meaning its starting from the Weasley's family Up? Westlife are all younger than him, so we are NOT the Harry Potter? Finally.....~!!!!!!!!
You want to submit a paper.....first you cannot have that paper if you don't get an Intern in any Dr. T's lab, any University lab, and how do you gonna get an Intern? When you enter that intern, you know why or how you ending up in there, your future reason why you want to stay inside the lab, to do what?
To formula a thesis, everyone in that University professor knew one thing about that job, what would that be? How it starts or how it ends?
You don't feel it the competition heat?
A lot of the bio - sectors they can all step up whichever you saying your age are. I told you, they are all very old, that is 20 years down.
That is 3 guys, most girls don't keep their mind, or words, or thinking through clear. This is a logic field, I keep repeating you formulate a what? But none of that were in my own research? Its in the rest of the 3 guys? You want to imagine a Ph.D life in Bio chem, how or what you imagine the science field, I never thought I ever required to discuss the very beginning how all this process begins. You imagine getting an Intern with Dr. T. And?
Why you participate in his Intern? Becoming a manual jobs? That is a technician job.
To me the process how you becoming a peer review journal yourself like them 3? They did nothing but the paper works showing up in the database? Whom cared what the Sailor Moon ending says? We exit on the First Color TV first 10 books of the color comic books. The very first one story ended in the North Poles. We were all gone by them, the last one the oldest. We exit the books the very first groups.
Bio Research, that is the Mushroom Professor City of Hope? I didn't think of it yesterday
It would be the vegetarian Mushroom seasoning (most are the Vietanese / Chinese store one bag branding), its a seasoning. I normally don't eat the mushroom.
But here Taiwan, there is one farming break through called the King Mushroom. I put that in the congee. Everything else I don't use the mushroom. The American Can sales in the Asian store, one of those you have the skin outside the mushroom? You have to break open inside the water coming out?
You do the detox almost 20 full years soon to be? All your Micky Mouse 100 years old? Someone on detox just never written a book, forgotton the details?
You didn't carry a chemistry idea inside your brain.
The hygienic, don't touch everywhere, wash your hands hundred times.
If you know how to details your life, details some really minor observation, to your textbook, to your GPA, to your textbook like the medical board putting you all there, you don't want to use your brain anymore.
In this world, only 2 types of the jobs, once you get out of the lining zone.
1) Labor
2) Intellects.
If I knew the jobs just to tear apart of every textbook re-write them 10 times to sound totally different, if I succeed, that is the money? You don't think that is strange, when someone like me, to becoming a Name on the TV, its to testing this K1 - K12 education, if not the first 2 years in UB, the general textbook?
So its the Adults and me, on the testing paper never end, you ever think this looks right?
💖🥭 A lot of the guys have failed in their business okay? You always imagine you saying the debts first, or the capital you accumulate your whole life, you would be careful at it? 💖🥭
Between the women and the man...that whole life saving? You know how many these news are on the Television? You don't imagine things, you talk around, you ask your parents, you talking to the people near by, anyone could help you, including to the police.
Not the secrets make the kindle of the romance games? Its the Scam Groups?
You imagine you hate? To working under someone or something they all got an attitude? When you are boss, that is what you saying you can carry a capital? You imagine everyone its there taken you advantage, what if someone lies to you? You got whom to help you the tiny opinion of the real market, its too tired, too much works, you have to reading everything, learning everything, re-learn what? Per facts?
I am busy....
Talking to Shane, my every morning routine drinking water, and weight?
68.25 Kg to that 1 time 2 cup or 1 cup half, 2time a cup, 3 4 5
2 throat swallowing water, its full bladder of the urine? I talk on the phone faster? Running back and forth on laying upside down? Because not hitting the kidney?
Their Westlife song? The birds have to talk to him? Its cold and raining today.
No, I don't cook chicken ...yet! I shaken my hand with Adam, but I learn from 2 Japanese.
Now its like 20 years pass by?
You marinate things in the structure of the wing, the drums, the....any parts of the full chicken layout? I think you could just buy a bucket here, I got the balloon, you all get the Hailey's cake and the chicken wings with the sweet potato fries. 頂呱呱
I know where that is at. Where all those rings, you seen on the picture at?
The details things, for the guys, for the girls, for the boys, or the younger girls?
You trying to be very very details, what are the details means? Every details, because the guys are just every bf all looking about the same like that? I have no idea what that American 401 K stuffs, so don't you suppose already know that more than I learning about it?
So yesterday what did I ever say?
I am not landing in Ireland, no more...but reading it through things, per line, per words, per details? And talk about it in the public? The guys cannot hear, I say you are not reading your per line, per words, per scripts, per documents, per slide share?
🍒🥙 Your mobility its very low, you are not capable to really organize your luggage, you really easily forgotton things. 🍒🥙 When you saying a boy band, or a boy's choir....if you all girls very very tidy up..both in life and in your paper works, like carrying books, notebook, the stationary to looks...professional
The guys are not necessary mobile themselves, you will sound like you caring them by that details, you can do a lot of things with other different types of the guys, you built them confident, you are not forgotton your every details in life.
The facet, the stove, the roof? The bills, the autom-payment or the keys or the phones? I am indoor....
Sorry losing weight.
Sorry, its....the birds are wireless....but I have the phone, when you gonna call, I am outside, really.
I never done the guy's clothing...nick is retired long time ago?
But my brother bought like 50 ties?
T-shirts needs to iron, I told Jonathon the machine? When imagine they moving here all together? Now no more?
There are the bags, there are nail cutter, you all require more than the water to carry in life, nothing but cosmetic to hide? Your wallet, your back up things? You show up with things you forgotton, where to buy?
And if you are still in that year after year studying educational program, when you gonna graduate? You are not going to be mobile by the age you finish studying I am telling you, when that time you will grow to be tidy and organize?
🍟🍔 In confronting your life just like inside you all brain, you gamble in life. 🍟🍔 You didn't take that the life might change, or you adapt to change. A little bit tidy up, a little bit appearance, a little bit outfit, a little bit eating manner, the eating behavior, the more mild appraoch to your saying, words, or belief system 🍟🍔
That 2 years Flower Thousand Bone, I have to eat, so was last year and this year? The food I cooked inside my own home, do you know if you dining out with the friends like Annca those in Taipei Taiwan its very very very expensive? Which side of the salary?
Now I think, the Birds and them meant a different thing?
When I am capable to continue that jump, flip, bound, without anymore human like you all bothering me, or when they say they back to Ireland, or whom are in Taiwan to be, I gonna relief all my anger on the street to the police.
Every money gold meant my anger, nothing but out of me.
In Asia, we have this concept about the American or European, their know life with the money = 1) to Save? 2) to make money.
I use the Tape Water Factory, that is in chemistry, and that goes to my diet as well? No matter which decision I made in life? I rather NEVER imagine the expense? If I am alone as a girl? I walking with one of those Buffalo Shoeless, you seeing that price, or I seeing my price here?
You could just find one decent human near by UB, if we all gonna becoming the enemy? I don't need that Jonathon, you all needing him? I cannot believe what I see in the Mummy (1999), he circles me around the prison before reaching Tamang?
Let me think where we went in the UB, he doesn't remember that by now?
Packing orders - why don't you really getting a job, or a real skill?
You didn't have to compete on the first life, you need a security in life? You constantly getting things more like an assured thing, no matter what kinds of the finance as a girl, you facing the God, not facing the humanity or the guys? You will feel less pressure, every single day 1) You compete 2) you compare 3) and you cannot catch up in time in regrets.
Can you just facing between you and the God.
If I had nothing in my life like......just strolling along the streets. That is what that Square's uncle did after UCLA, he didn't know what to do, and one day he becomes the pilot? He didn't have a job or he just there?
For some reason the government doesn't require me, or need me at the moment, meaning I can do anything in any in-line zone. They didn't need me, I will tell them my leisure time is on Money? So I told Shane, I need the Hopstial System and my warm weather or Brian, whichever? And their Amazing Road. I didn't lie, I just trying out the feeling like far away? There is no Fireworks just look at it....
That was in the high school !!!!!!
Let me guess the European ending up on our island nothing but the driven profit.
Every single time between me and nick doing things, I always find out, my karma a lot smoother, without him helping AT ALL. Every single time, not just I want to get rid of him if he is a too old looking and I am too young. I have every problems with his methodity.
Westlife - My Love
Let me guess their brain doesn't have the IQ with all those alcohol to imagine how to file those paper works by their own writing? Here Taiwan is warmer, I need the bathing water every single time turn cold. I am aging too. I really don't care what they think. Too many things I could see it on the monitor, or behind, nothing but garbage.
And let me guess, its they study and imagine what it is to write a lawsuit to sound a right argument. And let me guess, I used to have this Princess Diary Long table if becoming Harry Potter leading...without the eye glasses, its we sit individually on our own desk paper, to look like whom writing whom's paper, copy each other, just like Harry Potter Lunch desk?
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You UB girls are not me to this one Shane really, you know what it used to be in the high school, we were all in the 90s?
The Middle School, or the high school !!!
You just didn't think any leadership how they ever done things to end up in the middle of the girl's school the very center of the those field track, the whole humanity can see, their PR tall guy walking with this Torus Tall girl...and move to the Principle offices for a cup of tea.
That is one volleyball team incidents. You want to tell me your UB incidents? You groups yourself together, or let's say
2 or 4? Guess whom's birthday?
In the Roller Blader, we had a girl's high school captain, I told you she came and asked me for guest performance, its their annual ending performance. WE, the girl's school and the guy's school every single weekend on that memorial hall doing nothing but rehearsal ! Not the rehearsal dinner, its let's see....let me guess, their captain and our captain whom efface whom's performance dancing moves?
oh ~ I remember what I saw ! I remember what I put down that floor really....those are heavy shoes. The guys have nothing but the controlling methods, 1 to Z.
They are okay with the 4 limbs, that doesn't mean I believing in it, they really have a brain? Its just too many of them !!!!
Justin in Taiwan !! He is a professor.
South Africa ! They speaking in Chinese.
Sometimes I am not sure, I am listening which language, and looking at where, including the caption. oh ~ so they say 26. They are looking for a gf?
Wa hahahahahah
What is S 23 Ultra?
The Taiwan Youtuber
🥭🥭💖 Did you guys finish this leadership saying I say so? 🥭🥭💖 Why cannot you just take everything I am saying so to sound like I had a high school before?
Really? 💖
If you taken everything I told you, I am telling you, you will not imagine that anything has Simon in it, no matter what. He is too old.
You know why I am making all this photo for? It will look really legal right and sound right. The public stand someone will all be dead before anyone reaching my door. I can assure you, it works every single last one. Those things, none of that are right.
None !!!!
About yesterday someone I think whomever.....American president supposes to carry a conversation with the sky or the birds like they own each other HERE.
You cannot be anywhere else collecting the birds yourself, you HAVE to use my roof?
Not good. The heart here its a stair right in the middle of it.
I haven't seen a human in my life, and now the first title I seen on the TV = I am God....and there is my NAME. What's your name?
And I gonna see the American President ? Why don't you say they belongs to the air force 1? You are not going to tell my the Time got Shift? I am very sure its 21th century? That Hank's magazine was the 20th century? But 101 I gone to restaurant its called the 21th century Chicken? Fried Chicken?
🍒🥙🍲 My teeth has been don't think the birds talking in the EVERY morning is something wrong? EVERY single phone number they called? On MY PHONE? 🍒🥙🍲
You girls don't want to ask God, the real GOD?
Your parents ever talked to you? What is the ratio on that TV meant 1:1000 they describe or?
The birds say love them !!!!!!
One of those Westlife things I was busy. Starting when I had a bf, to when I have a bf, to when that was only Babaji I had to work 24 hours with or without the bf included......right now its the invisible bf, never finishing washing.
But since I have no more than to complain, NEVER NEVER 2015 I see those Tony with the beer bottle and the broken glasses on my head with the injection included. Anything of that.
Never alcohol, never all those complete set of the guys standing near......I know what Shane did, and I will tell you its here. suppose all be coming in Taiwan, its warm, its Home, its exactly....on your video.
That last 1.5 line I didn't say, but that is about right, they go and figure it out themselves. But before that the birds told me, so I saw....I went to tell Westlife. I say, "you don't think .....??!!!"
💖💖💖💖💝 The birds told me, you whom or just the girls really really like Simon Cowell? 💖💖💖💖💝
Like SMCH really cried like in the rain....about? (That cartoon, very old lady Howie's moving Castle) and so you want to tell me Ola really really likes Simon?
What that guy did in the 90s to Shane was wrong wrong wrong !!!!
The wrong person, the wrong things, you cut them in the zillion pieces soon or later, it doesn't matter how long it takes, that supposes to the American democracy !!!! When I had the Power since 2015, I am telling you exactly what the Power made of, I am seriously telling you. You as a girl, NEVER NEVER ever imagine anything like that.
You will be sold by those human just like him in the Turkish Airline.
Every successful people have their own story when they talk about in the video, or in their interview, right?
Modern Time, I have no idea what put in the American television the last 10 years. Like...what is you all studying one of those Dennis major?
Is that Business administration similar to those Hotel Management?
Today in our Taiwan news, there is something smuggling the Dragon Shrimp in the boxes, and how much got fine by the police, to close to unit of 億!
So captions how they describe that story, I understand what that is. Right, that is more of the economic study, like Carol's major. That is an ilegal news, but I heard about it.
I tell you how that know about that University economic, whatever the diagram and charts, and today they describe to you by per unit how much they "profilt" by that factors, that is why they smuggling of it.
Right...but it has to be told that is the profile, so someone go to somewhere to find it the source, and ship it the next time. Because some people willing to just hear about it, and they go to some whichever location to find the original source of that, and packed, and shipping in.
You don't understand?
Its exactly how the caption they describe to you.
That is how you doing the math.
I thought you were all saying that Scott Trade. I am not sure....all that stuffs.
What you put inside your brain...its the composer's job. The lyrics writing and the song writers.
One person you heard about its David Foster to that Celine Dion.
Making of "My Heart Will Go On"
James Horner and Celine Dion