Lawsuit 620: I am not the southern Isle.

Date: May 24th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Some people in this entire you cannot find any universe and the Cosmo will be very allergic to this one word. 

The quadrant of the Universe. 
Like I say, I am not the Southern Isle.

Correct, that word, whichever the Time Frame, you find out. Not right now, that is fine. There is nothing about this why southern isle getting people very very very allergic at it. That is not how the idea when people do find out, its how we raise up the head will be the only thing intuitive thoughts, not just if anything upside down, just behind our context at all. 

One of that, will be labeling of this Rich and Poor.

Movie Name  Comment (to myself how my personal felt )
Revolutionary Girl (1997) Some other movies having things float, run, dive, and turning upside down for a romance, again, not in and out, its flip and down, and surface or fallen again. One of those in the physical body structure, someone tend to living in the capital life startling at the birth, not quiet rather living in the school 4 side walls. I can tell you, before I go to the United State, that is everything I am, that 4 side wall of the school. And therefore after 25 years today, I am still not sure about the City until my parent dragging me out of this Capital zoning district. - Not that.
Frozen (2013,2015,2019) Not expel, not red hair, not frickle of the face or the nose. For saying how equality begins an idea of the T-shirt BIG and loosen on the loosen fat women on their breast milk feeding. If you just have seen enough a correct world order, not now, or the future. These every animation of the cartoon, it indeed nothing but a particular too glowing face of that self made ego, even my furniture in the United State I cannot breath on it. The public hygienic makes people puke on the humanity nothing but trench. 
In Time (2011) There is a district saying, people whom gains the right statue of their financial independent, most of them will tell you, they know what it is like to buy a house, for saying the district for the school if were the private school or the private middle school, to one day that private university overseas where that quality education going for some reason other than the gambling nature, unless their daddy are opening for the casino business.  Its a chewing gun on the bubble gun on the public toiletry, That to That. How strange in that description.  "What it used to be a women."
Runner Runner (2013) Kidnapping, no. Gambling on-campus it is forbidden. But shift to another country out of that University never caught it before it happens, you got something very wrong to just look at it with the crocodile. 
Legend Chinese Myth The Monkey to the End of the World (Which worlds)
Pirates of Caribbean 1 (2003) Not piracy, not the guards are less nutritional statue where the hungry to die, or the salt drain out of the osmosis cell per body weight, he drinks the salt sea water. Not one thing of that beginning.
Pirates of Caribbean 2 (2006) I am not sure its the illusion in someone's mind, for hoping others well. Which is the girl, which is the bride, whom are the best hope and pray your Best friend, and mentor.
Pirates of Caribbean 3 (2007) Save in the day and a promise. Neh. I keep hearing that. That is a lot of no on those saying combine. Save by the day and a promise. Not sure what it says because you don't even know the legend, or saying what is in the end of the world. I know the legand, but I don't know what is the movie says. The legends are the fingers, or the above the "palm", one palm, those fingers, no palm be seen anywhere. The money calligraphy a word on those finger bone. No food, but the ink, and a feather to 題字. You mean "The death behold, here that I breath?" He surfs at the cloud with a speedy wind. 
Pirates of Caribean 4 (2011) You will be surprised, many this franchise of the Pirates of Caribbean , I only care about until the 4th movie. When the face be changed with a girl looks like her to remember a tale, or an instruction someone asking her to do. It reminds me the first life. Eons after Eons ago. That very first life. So it will be someone never find out, or knowing about this, I say, the story say, the record say, if we all burn the physical world in hell. You comprehend that degree its a free will -willing the wishful thinking and a lamp.

I want to add one thing (before) above this column line and squares. Its that when the future implication of every movie has a purpose, other than the behavior science, I really rather I have a personal subjective view on how I process my 97 PCAT percentile in chemistry for saying for my own.  "Not that, not that, not that." after 620 lawsuit I myself file-ing all online, not one word someone saying to me yet including the on-line protocol I claim a title that such a big deal of it. 

Imagine my attitude its just as worse as everything I say so, I meant so.

I forget, what I say before? Its about the movie: Frozen, there is a lawsuit 275.  I don't join anyone's game. That is not I intend to say, I have to find what I need to say.  I just make my ground clear, because, by now this year 2023 mid length, you will have a lot more people claim "my own my own", and therefore at this time junction its rather modesty not to file anything in from my subjective view, I given it above it. 

Tina push me when we had a bun bed, from the second bun bed, we playing something in the bed, I straight coming it down at the floor my head. But that bed has a ghost at night keep making me cannot breath. I don't remember how I can describe that. It hurts me, some weight are super giant heavy on me small tiny. But I cannot breath but I want to go to sleep, but the internal pressure all that, I know its a ghost or entity. That word I learn in America. 
That is also a bed, of the head part, its a jumping feature to my personal kid desk.
I jump that climbing, to the desk, coming it down, to knock off the alarm clock. Not the regular stair on the other side.
We have the safety measurement.

That is the same room we first begins our piano lesson. We were at the 6th floor, and Harvard family cousin married to each other, they were at the 7th floor. We had a closet, my father slap my face one time for one cursing word to my cousin "dollar dollar", on my cheek. What a dad I never had forever, really. 元元 Square's brother.

I probably will personally tell you a lot of a lot of a lot of, not that, not that, not that....once I am so much older since 25 years ago. My English will be myself confident how to express myself in affection words for saying how I laugh out of my brain, its part of the entertainment.  Not in Chinese I guess.

In case you just wish to just "delete every part" "not that", more than welcome for doing it so. For me. That is how much I wish to relent that movie, for that fairness and judge /justice, that is what I will say to you to make a point. How that personal signature, "I still remember your face !!!!"

I tell you what a kid can ever putting a thing inside her brain and soul, such as "My father gives me a gloove like the Iron man, so I raise up to shoot at my cousin, Sqaure's brother" It was a freesbie, he got all bloody out. I remember that.
My room has a 4 corner. He hides at the phone that corner. 
I think I coming in my room, I am right hand freesbee, from left, hardly just swing, over that corner, no matter what, small tiny room. I don't even remember why that is how it happens, there is nothing there be hidden, he?
He got bloody hell I guess, that is on the 7th floor, away from us used to be 6th floor.

In the middle school, he was still thin, but he grew taller, so we all putting into this 麻將桌
I think that is the last time seeing him around, later he got into a good school, the first year was using up his dad's money, drop out. His whole life, finished at that one incident, because in Taiwan, no education let's say a good grade, or making up those university, or trying in the population dense place to seek a job, I did that in 2020.
They using the new fresh blood, he got very very fat.
I think their minimum wage how long they gonna last, and my father told me after I living here 7 years, he born a kid with his girlfriend. That time I wasn't knowing the lawsuit acquire the money part, but that my father would send me a photo, because we have no contact in that 25 years just a few meeting since my mother needs to get back to the hospital if were, me and him only talks about "This is the clock your grandpa given you", the day I was born. In a year, he died. He is the military colonel.

Nick's mom dead 3 times unattempted while he goes to retreat every time getting a call = he comes back to see her how she is doing in the hospital.
The day he met me, not soon, she died.
That time 2014, if you asking me how the Magallana's mother to this Frozen movie related to One position "The One", it meant Keanu Reeves save his mother tales like the past life those legand and myth at SMCH saying 5 fruits, per penny earn the Sangha, its he will insist for the rest of his life, "He is the One."
That is what I can say about all that, I think since I am starting writing this away from 2013. We are in the 2023, and the day on 2014, I have not one day not processing the movies skillful way of placing the character in the thread mill methods.
But hey, I can tell you, it might pay out my money, if the first case to get everything clear out.

On my own, for my own, thought by my own.
Harvard will say something about it, I think. 

I report to my mother just like Hailey small report to her mom. 
My mother says when we were all baby, that cousin him sits on top of my body weight. She went to beat him up.
He deserved it.
She says she remembered. 

You all wants to call these witness before they dead? 

My mother says its when he was born, my grandpa has this heavy surgical works done. The bad illness that time. But my father is very very cunning, he will only pick which words to say which things, my mother suffers all her life this far.

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