Babaji: Go
I know what you intend to file, really. The lineage holder, and I told you that Ronan doesn't really have any meaning. It was Stephen Gately, the Boyzone.
The IT business, the Medical (the medical service per yearly are increasing including the hiring people or trained people, or the training jobs), the Laws propelling a lawful society, that provide to the general public some benefit in all walks of life.
I know what it is present in front of us, there are a lot of things it doesn't make a sense.
The main singer that is important !!!!! When they present a boyband, look at the correct thing.
I personally got confused over a lot of things, really. I cannot understand a word. Nicky is not the Micky Mouse, that means that is not part of the Disney, or ....America coast to coast. So Square's langauge like 哥倆們 it means "brother us two", its from a girl's mouth sounds so bad. It means Nicky its a girly meant we buddy together like
"A brother and a sister".
I could see.......
You calling someone sweet, like a nickname.
Sometimes your brain chemistry will feeling a lot different, if your Space and Time to your own orientation its not the head skull on the floor.....
Its after COVID 19 time, so many concert to get people get up their butt, and move it?! Walking, jogging, stretching, moving inside your more airy space, to feel more traveling and relax and family time outside, not indoor?
I think that is what those CAC girls did.
I think my brother also did some of the yoga mat on the floor with his mother.
The artificial dye?
Its part of the food manufacturing process, so it is a part of the ingredient, no, that is not the nutritional values? Why? It does not break down inside your body, to have any nutritional values.
Everything has to go through the digestion process as long as you swallowing it down, its just so hard to digest if you don't chew your food, or having enough saliva, or you eating tooooooo much the food combination, including the intake of the pop drinks.
Red 40 its a edible food coloring agent. Its a part of the food, I already say. Its made of the bug, not vegan, that is what it means.
... Ingredient, correct, its the ingredient label all the time too. I have seen them.
No nutritional values means, "define to me what is the real nutrition means", Vitamin C, A, D K? Water soluable? A dye, a food coloring agent? There is nothing in it, its purely chemical or that is the bug made of.
Britney 2003
The chemical agent like Dr. T's class or Dr. Chambler? It is a purely chemical means covalent bond the or ironic bonding the salt, that is ? Like your sweat !
The pure chemical means....its not one of those your body assimilates. Your body only take things in to restore your body, or your mood, but you keep taking things not a wholesome food, then, of course, it affects to your skin care, your hair, your eyesight, or when you if getting too fat, if your behind.....this spine all area, you pressing your weight down to where? So then some people will tell you, their eye sight....
A lot of the girls when they grew up, they want to be like the pop star. So you look at the things you like, and you sometimes away from your studying, you feeling some self-cultivation.
Your mood, you mean that is a miserable life, everyone got told you got that life.
You know how many time I am saying you are sabotage yourself in the student formats waiting 40 years, your parents will be dead?
You didn't put those definition inside your brain, you actually really studying English or still having the problem in the English literacy? Reading and comprehensive?
I personally have NO IDEA what is your own assignment, I only understood Dr. T relocated to where? Joans at? Pang's pal friend from SUNY Brook? That is next by Yogi Bear Prince Charles that time. Which time? He was a prince?
Let me imagine the first time I say what? Its not everyone hear, its I say it to the WALL?
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You didn't have to go to the drinking bar to meet a guy?
The medical board currently stuck you all this 40 years, when you finish, you can just by the way asking them? You can only be with one guy, you really saying you....? Prefers?
My current can only eat half of that piece, I am losing weight one week, that will be all the others for Nicky. Right. Or it used to be one to 2 bites, right now I am gaining weight I think they halt it, my mother's fridge. Finally.....Not done yet. The liquid and semi-jello, they finally meant that is to eating it down.
The physical therapy will be near one of those fitness coach area. The gym place.
In the muscular tissue you saying stretch or pulling, its entire as if you saying your per muscle of your back when you lifting or pulling or contraction, not the uterus delivering a baby, but you have some cramp, or some unknown description internal, all these are nothing but the muscle contract.
Your bone or the skeleton never contract that when you defining the muscular tissue, you saying you seeing it as the lawyer or the strips as the bloody diagram, because that is the only reality you only staring at it.
You will probably define yourself what is the per layer you seeing it under the microscope, you will be saying how the cell division categories, because that is "when you see it", you start to "give a definition." You don't just imagine those per words saying a fact.
The breathing of your imaginative baby delivering methods without the surgery, meaning the natural birth, its very painful, but most time you just saying of your own period, you saying the "lower back, the lower pelvic region, or the abdomen" all these area are being affected, and your urination are accelerated if you just intake some tape water, not the distilled water, and you keep sometimes thirst response from your body, or the hunger response, ....all that its your body sensation that you understand something is mel-function in your lower parts of the body, so you taken the medication, or you try to New Age out of it, by breathing, but your cell does not literally breath like your lungs to your expansion of consciousness if you close your eyes to imagine to mediate out of that tension of your entire 4 limbs, or not the night stand, to where you relax your entire muscle consciously.
Those were starting of your skin cells or the deep skin cleansing, all of these are epidoment? You will say the gland secretion too excessive or your diets or you always born at your family history, the allergic situation, all that you starting on the "basic definition" the cells, the cells layer, all in English, to where you going under the surface skin, there, you will touch the blood, to where all this structure having the muscle, ligament or the tendon to define a join part like the joint or the movement of the 4 limbs given you the momentum of the the structure when you in the physic study in UB, those general physics, you will be introducing a force, or where you press, to turn the blade, to where your wrist to turn or press or through your finger touch left or right palm of all those elements, its directly at your eyes sees, your body coordination matches....most time you can imagine or think, not the reality you just use all that UB taught you, and expansion you mean, you ability yourself internal, you are so sure about it....pushing forward the chi, or anger, to that desire or jealousy, you cannot control your internal equilibrium, so you start to breath breath breath, "don't cry don't cry don't cry", whichever that movie says, Legally blonde 1 i guess.
💔💔💔 You girls have a body structure from the back of that skin "back", to the front of your "chest", this is 3D, cylinder... you keep bubbling up your hope, the guys seeing you inside that movie has a meaning. Its all false.
If you don't open your mouth, this year, he never knew any year at all. Really. Not the movies says, not the movie imply you have an ability, or the magic, or the astral projection you could see things. The real guys they know what that is, they didn't mean that is the way in life, if they got thisty, they thought the most straight forward and intuitive sight its they take up a cup, fill up the water, and drink it.
If they hungry, they drive somewhere get the food, they eat. They happened to have an outing with a guy or another girl, they go to couple dates, the double dates, and seeing a movie. Seeing a movie doesn't require to hold a hand, but you mean that is "without you."
You want to validate every account, you need to find a way to validate none of them think of any of you girls, no matter what I Anna say A to Z other than everything they agree with me, because we are ALL the same facebook without you or with you in it.
Why is that VS telling me there is a smoking cigerrate? That is not the eye bags means on her eyes?
You write it down 100 things, "You thought", the guys seeing inside the movie ought to be thinking, literally about you. The good thing, or the good logic. Seriously.
Don't guess, write it down per line, per statement.
With you:
Without me:
💔🐸🐸💔🐸🐸 "Does the cardiovascular system its the same as the circulation or the blood system?"
No, the cardio doesn't have the system. Its the circulation system (the blood in it, not the blood system. ) - the the circulation of the oxygen in the artery and coming back CO2 in the vein, starting at the heart, to the brain, at the lowest feet, this entire diagram, going through the kidney filtration system or the filtration mechanism 3/4 quarter of the blood in a day, the human function inside the body can allows, being filtered.
Meaning there is the blood flow, or in your race sense, you studying or you lamenting? Its the blood clot the reason why that words ever coming out, between the cardio, the cardicovascular, the vascular plant, not the vegetable its either the brains dead or the heart physically pronounce someone death in the hospital, and cover with a cloth. There is a difference.
"What's the blood clot means to you?"
At the heart, and someone holds tie at their heart, I never seen the inside the heart to know clearly how it really beat, but I guess I seen the heart itself the full movie script. You have several opening of the blood vessel has to connect to 4, up left, up right, ....I think that is it, like a curve? My middle school memory, let me say, not 4. that is the heart room with a velt velvet.
vale, okay...right, I remember something like. I assuming its a compartment that location its a "heart", that heart which muscle on this drawing that beating, you almost thought a seed inside these empty room, you say beating? I don't think so 心房, but technically that is the entire heart, its an organ, that is not a system, when you define starting the DNA dogma.
....meaning how to manufacture to sell them. In your kind, or inside your brain?
... meaning you didn't understand the process.
When you say clot, you tell me a word in front of it? not that langauge.
Correct. Where is the blood contains at?
Not the slap?! Its the lapse? dancing frog?
Look ! This is the textbook, the very first left "Table of Content"
Si...the human body function
The function of the human life (uh, that top its the above, all that overview of the anatomy and physiology ) - No I am not talking about the same thing, I am reading it down.
Those repeated starting the molecular biology, the DNA dogma....
Then System!!!!!
The gland system the cardio system, the heart. oh ~ The fluid and the transport, that is the circulation system. They just meant, how you die the blood pressure reason if not the brain or the heart, because....the heart toooooo fat...
wa that is the cardio unrest....I think that is in English cario arrest, one of those words.
Just mean you have no more heart beat, the medical equipment at the beginning of the table content you don't read? Its on the Television ER. Sorry, W Two Worlds the ending before the beach, its a ring around the hands that is the bloody.....merry.
No, the heart is an organ, right
Its the circulation system. But...the reason why that is so important because you understand the essence of the artery and vein, coming in and going out of the heart, so they put it over there. ....but you don't read those words anyway from the chapter title, you reading the content. But I understand what it says. They want you to....well, I guess only the IQ certain they reading those.
Right the immune system. I forget some of those words. It doesn't just coming out of my brain.
💔🐸 Maybe I try the physiology .....I was saying the combine, but I starting with the anatomy, because I never took the physiology, I imagine its the bio chem similar idea, just make it up last time the textbook flip open the first page?! 💔🐸
The physiology if related to the bio-chem = biochemistry
The body chemistry in which the blood stream carrying through these bio-pathway, has this signal feedback system, meaning the brain, the liver, the spinal cord, all this a particular beginning of the ending results of the trigger, give you the body sensation, its each of this blood stream having the ATP from the fat release from the cell to the blood, when your energy level going it down. The very reason why you studying the physiology, were to one day you hope the humanity to be in the balance health.
And part of all that we saying the body chemistry in the System. The circulation system, the nerve system, the brain chemistry (neuron study), the lymph system, ....whichever textbook I didn't open the first page. Your chapter page.
But what you all delicate to this bio-science or the bio-major, you will have nothing but the biopathway, I am guessing you meant its a research in the end result will get you to the medical school? You mean the intern resume?
Everything release from the body (fat), it means its the body cells release the toxin included in the cell, that all got dump in the blood stream to going somewhere, for example, your body energy going it down.
I feel sleepy....I go to sleep, not enough sugar, not enough caffeine, coffeine resist, or one of those. These entire mass of your body fat, or the equilbrium of your hydration statue has everything related to how you system inside your body, being capable you understand what you intake from your mouth, has less of this artificial dye, or dust, or bacteria, or virus, or the yeast infection by kissing another person's mouth.
The sugar, the bread, the very white bread.
Maybe you should just understand some words highlight.
Just that 2 things, because by per word I say in those highlight, I am very very sure, you truely meant it you want to be the MD so you keep repeating those classes after 40 years later.
You going to hell, not going to jail. You mean the Harry Potter buzz, you suppose to talk to me, or Dean 10 years ago, whichever side....imagine this Adam Davis included, or whichever first got jailed, you are in the process being told.....
You have an ability, its the show off time. Kail included saying that Red River Manga, you must have read it. Its a show off time, you have That, That, that that that....keep surfacing to your seeing. You want a guy, as the third party in this diagram of the relationship statue, I told you, the height of the guys in their worlds of seeing the straight up or coming it down, at the back of your skull, its the movie saying to you.
A lot of guys don't ever think "you are proving to them", or "You are wrong, they are right", or "You need to speak the word I am bragging cannot you hear?" almost to straight at their eye sight.
They are the sad guy, very little words, They can only see the things in front of them, not a complicated method, you say you in love with them, they say "We never met or speak a word."
Their logic its, "You don't exist why you keep making sure you thought you exist? "
"Your voice that is not a human says, but if the movie means, that is not ability not wise, you are theft. That guy, who is that guy? "
The girls like you cannot organize very well in life. But you like to have some attention to almost everything I mention in my life. I never saying no, I asking you to do something step 1 to 10.
In this sense, it motivates you in life. Tina is that kind, she blast her entire diary on the facebook and she feeling much better, people comment with her. So in America, you want more of the guy going along with your opinionate views, here is the trickery taken they are your facebook. Or you trying to get one or 2 people from your Facebook, you start to argue with "some guys."
The guy I told you don't wear the eye contact lens, those are very very emotional, some guys only prefer the gay's world, but these ghost gerne, never knew whom they smile-ing at. You understand?
You are stuck in this 16 years program if that is what the China saying to me, back and forth these material, the court room usually they will investigate all the money transaction hurting related to me, including gossips. You understand? They being jail on the very first day.
Their material will "be made" and "re-made" into the correct formats to hurt or perfect degree, everyone knows what it says. Because most criminal people
1) Forget the key at night trying to get home, locked the key inside, the police arrive.
2) The home key not in the pocket, luxury theft, the police came, the door not open at night.
3) Lost this lost that, police required.
You understand? The criminal people IQ often its not perfect like the news say. Someone tries to suicide, what did I tell you? A brand new brain method? Really?
I am not sure talking to the boybands is now your assignment? You girls already don't act anything right to open your mouth just about anywhere.....really, if not roaring or shouting, or screaming, or yelling. My ear drums.
Too far too near.....
You never get tired we keep doing this round around, I am telling you when I don't have a career what that means, I sit home quiet space, you will all be keep running ! You vow you wiling to keep sabatage yourself really, over this argument its arguable, or claim its just a statement but the file-statues you are not sure, its a paper work.....
Not the field study.
Are they going to repeat next 16 years just on the UB major alone?
... I thought they never pass MCAT, or any double major saying GPA has to be? B or A- ? They probably can keep repeating that evolutionary biology I guess. If the tuition its somewhat assist, they just have to keep seating inside the classroom, keep repeating it.
They looking at themselves, how they had a beginning?! Isn't that suffered enough? I didn't know they meant that is a real career choice ....they trying to finish the major to graduate from UB, so they can prepare MCAT and go and applying any medical school to get trial might be an interview process involved, that is as far as they can go, or they really meant they becoming the first USMLE 1 students? that is only 2 chances to taken?
🍌🥦 I personally will tell you, I don't really know why they go to the bio world for ....🍌🥦
You mean they want to stare at the research lab, the bench works? Those are not the "molecular biology" such as Dr. Bing Shen does, or the Mushroom professor, or Dr. Fourner did in NSYNC those "Crazy" video". - it has to be the forest field trips.
Amazon forest.
Correct, somewhere one of those heritage center might be near more wood, but, what really happened its these so known as the "mushroom" the healing, or the seasoning,....or just meant why you saying you hear those are the poison mushroom, well....the correct name for the mushroom its at lowest fungi area. Meaning how to spread "their seeds" if you understand the chart, they are the lowest degree of the "bio-forest", from the size of the lowest to the tallest those seen tree.
Anyway, its the Amazon Forest.
Pollinate, or how do you saying those bio words in the rain forest. Those are not really anything to do with the marine biologist, but its near the "beach", meaning the edge of the sea and land.
Well, if you near the marine biologist, why Ancient or today, these "2 side" 兩棲類 you saying it is like the frog, well....the bio-sphere, or the ecosystem, there is a reason why a lot of those basic vocabulary, in the study itself has "bio-sphere", ecology connects to how the "water to land", in between they stop at the "beach" edge, its "evolution".
Remember the Soy meant, its the Red yeast, I say don't buy, but I tell you that is popular? American cannot take those label, so I told you in advance at the Loving Hut in 2015, remember all that?
The green algae is next by.
The green algae (singular: green alga) are a group consisting of the Prasinodermophyta and its unnamed sister which contains the Chlorophyta and Charophyta/Streptophyta. The land plants (Embryophytes) have emerged deep in the Charophyte alga as sister of the Zygnematophyceae.
Drag down, you see the diagram?
A lot of the pre-med, they go to this Bio-Med as the pre-major for some reason, the list as follows.....
Bio-chemistry (bio chem)
(no, not bio-fuel, that is not an actual major I think)
So a lot of time you seeing this Dean major double chemistry and bio, for some reason most people are going in its the bio-science degree, not biology. What I say anything about the anatomy even if the nursing taken that one class, they are RN license for each State like New York State RN or California State RN, those are the license required, not the MD after pre-med double major and the MCAT or the medical school, or the USMLE 1 and 2 and 3 and Intern all that....why would anyone just saying I am talking to no one.....really.
There are the general family practice doctor, but then I thought most MD its specialized one day in their chosen career, so you almost saying whom would choose the chiropractor, I don't think most people think that is a real MD doctor, its like the Chinese medicine.
"Physical Therapy" will be no one ever heard of. Near those sports arena, the injury or the senior care including the assistant living.
That kind of the major, the nursing its just a nurse RN.
MD in chiropractor, that is still a real doctor degree, MD.
The physical therapy ...I probably wil tell you its a VERY long tall guys doing those. I read they are not the real doctors, but while you strolling in that major or all the environment of the health care profession including Ph.D nurse, they can prescribe the will be hearing about or seeing those real human in those compact space at your work destinate place.
In other words, no one ever listening to me one word, no matter how I saying about this Tim Cook is timid, that 亂馬 1/2 cartoon, he is the clinic Asian + the comic book 白色羅曼史, the school Asia usually have those station either nurse or the doctor at.
Faint in the sun.
You can talk about the anatomy every single day, but.....they are on the bio-science degree, or the nursing. Their state examination. Most people don't go to the Ph.D nursing.
💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ 💝💖🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
I took a shower, warm or that pain killer medicine, I got some pain in my uterus. Just now, I lay down 5 mins like the otter, and the birds outside telling me, my bed, those comferter right under the left side.
Or the left foot got cover, something hindrance, heavy.
So if you have a clean bed, bigger bed, you just laying right in the middle. As the girl its tricky, you have no idea how this painful process gonna go away. I thought about my life, I really think, yours might super giant painful, really.
I used to be, or how you all continue to be.
The diet, or the hydration statue, or other indicator. I stop eating almost all kinds of the stuffs including any sugar if not saying the salt. You are overweight too. Mine temporary still there hanging. 69.10 kg. I didn't do on purpose to lose it down, but from a couple days ago that Sailor Moon, I am trying not to eat at night.
Your real pain magnitude, I think its super giant painful.
Today mine that is pain, some other day its discomfer, tingy.
I take a shower and come back to write. 💔💔🥪
Waiting a little bit, you as a girl, you cannot breath but going up or down.
I need my air-con tiny bit. Your physical body, if you want to breath by calming it down, you don't really need to torture yourself, you do every single step. You washing your hand, come back, and shower, and re-lay on the bed or using this keyboard or the mouse again.
I have a watering the plants (outside just now) sometimes, they like to eat or drink when we the human drink. The temperature its too hot for them, its pouring rain since last article on my roof.
I am right under now.
💔💔🥪 💔💔🥪 💔💔🥪
馬桶有前面中間、我的正前方就是後面的這個朔膠蓋子 (人工智慧的馬桶 AI ) - Washing the toilet front middle, my right front peripheral is the back of the toilet (the AI toilet lid, plastic lid)
I didn't evolve to be perfect at this bathroom away from that ex bf, I can tell you that.
This toilet I start to washing including my grandmom pass away 10 years ago, meaning the cabin, above my head, the glass, the inside, the outside, the edge all around, and the round knot your hand holds to open that entire bathroom cabin. This is 3D.
I wash my hand.
My tissue boxes at the period time, because right now shorten 2 days, 2 or 3 days, First day doesn't count one of those. The tissue box lid is open, I use the cloth next by hanging. This tissue box refilled are above that cabin I say I start washing about 7 years ago, or 5 or 6 years ago re-done jobs + the floor.
You imagine you are first intuitive can do everything, maid everything. You do by step. Today I have a new step, that is the behind this toilet sink, you usually put those blue cleaning bathroom very blue-ish round table in?! I done it 3 or 4 times, the real round big tablet about 4 years ago maybe.
Well, I am talking about the lid, and the entire period comes, I keep washing this toiletry every 2 or 3 days including the ammonia toilet smell, without the period day. You leave this magic detergent Taiwan brand in it, after you pee, after you flushing, after you washing your hand, and wait 3 second, open that lid, spray, and close the lid again.
But today its about that tank behind. There are tubes in it, and that entire very very heavy ceremic lid behind, very heavy. But....
I have the whole sink next by filling up the water, and re-stock the tissue paper today, my period day I use the tissue paper, this is the third day, Its finished last night 5 oclock, I record in the morning.
Again, its the toilet seat behind, that tank.
In my years, I done the AI control that washing every 3 or 4 days or 1 week, alternativing, the floor mat, the toilet base, meaning you use your eyes and kneels there...the floor, in those small tiny bathroom, my bathroom.
I clean the door frame, the wood frame, the wall.
I would be that exaggerating....right.
So I spray today, there are a lot of the blood done on purpose this toilet between very thin line, they do on purpose. You have to scrap them with that tissue paper, you stain the water in the sink.
I spray
The back heavy lid top
the middle,
the back (AI lid)
Open the lid, would be inside, the guy lid up top and buttom, inside, edge. This entire time just spray, and using those tissue box re-filled second time, with the filling up the water, keep stain that water, change the tissue paper, just wipe every thing about them.
Until....this tank behind Heavy Lid.
So today its this entire un-assemble line, and lid, and edge I can see brown color.
No, I usually one step at a time to this dirty stuffs.
But this heavy lid you don't go and break it, by not watching yourself move that thing to the sink. Both that lid and the sink are harden to harden, both are heavy weight, you gonna drop and break both that Tank Lid + the Sink counter top. Bad, if you do that.
You have to turn that thing upside down, spray and wait. (No, its not a smooth surface, its rough inside.)
I start inside this tubes and wiping the corner starting. Those blue tablet telling you, this tank of the water you could spray, that is not a lot of the detergent. Its the same water you flush your toilet, like I spray on the surface after I flush, it is the same.
在看電視,真是誇張 !! 貝嶺~~ 喔! 吃飯 ~中餐 Lunch
Babaji: Go
其實你們事情很多在電視上的基本社會新聞,其實你們要很小心騎車子,而且你們師父不是打坐時間? 叫做白天我不見的關係 !! 以前講賺???? 我以前是沒有人的時候出現....禮拜六沒人的時候,我出現在完全沒有人存在的,算不錯基本的 超市 Wagmans
... I found some facts. Something about as a girl likes a situation with the guy, the right guy.
If you could get his attention back and forth arguments, for that 10-lasting 15 mins, you feel its part of the Chinese romance words from Ancient, "arguing the lips". It was meant more...nicer idea I never think it would be riot chaos screaming in the family home setting.
Like a small nucleus family lifestyle.
The birds says, "chu chu chu ..."
You girls are not that type of chu chu chu. You want to make a reasonable claim, so you watching the movie: Legally Blonde 1 or 2, to imagine some words they use inside the movie plot?! I am asking you? that would be my writing it down mentally about the logical way you doing things or I gonna change this line, I am not writing it down?
Its a legal argument?
Or its a more between the inter-personal relationship argument? Melinda is the communication major, all sports arena their major only one = the communication major.
You have too many people talking to them 1 2 3 4 5 + Ronan Keating now. You will be telling me apart from talking to the real artists, you have other people in mind talking to them.
1 ) What is the reason you talking to them?
2) You are not saying one of this if you leash your in-law parents, that is their kids listen up to you, you mean your ex bf, or still in contact ex-bf, or just a lunch guy date, you mean the high school? Peyton looks like Brian here on my monitor, 10 years ago before my 10 years ago?
Its on Westlife. 10 years ago I was 30/31.
Sorry, the high school before 10 years ago brain only works what I think.
When I was in the middle school, we study, that was a private school, so my days that time were only limited a lot more refine and confine space of that private school.
Someone told me to join one of those combine examination to go outside. Meaning to compete the entire City Metropolitan today is Taipei City. The third lady school, that school atmosphere its not tight up, but the competition 25 class in One Year Class, its high.
However, they didn't really lecture you at the front face. They are all very literate and polite teacher how they hire them, I can tell you that. Not one of those youth time, you imagine some teacher are roaring those. Our high school you can do anything you want.
So when you talking about your 30 years ago...that is when Westlife starting coming out? NSYNC coming out 1995. Westlife its 1999 or 1997. You know what it is like after 30 years you thought you were still in high school format?
The white robe, the lab, the office equipment?
"Kian ~~~ the vaccination hurt ??!!! "
Voice Memo:
💝💝🥗 I taken you talking to them after COVID 19 will be a dozen days to eat salad, not 7 days? ! 💝💝🥗
You like them, so you talk to them? So I give you some Hailey's script, she is not their age, much younger. I am in my professional age, few years younger than that Nicky.
But I keep saying a lot of things to you, that main singers are Shane Filan. I used to explain to you something, around Feb when the day they finish the concert. He is one of those leadership I seeing him in the video 99/ 2000/2001, he looks exactly like my high school, those combine Boys School Top 3 and Girl's school for seeing - the guy's leadership.
Because OUR final performance of the combine effort, it will be OUR last day of the breath we seeing, and I will never just be a guest performer from the Volleyball Team (I was a vice) to ending up a roller blader girls school performance, and GUESS how we together both school rehearsal on the memorial hall here every single WEEKEND.
The famous General, the great grand dad of this current Taipei Mayor?
THE LAST DAY of our ENTIRE so many weeks rehearsal after that public relation and the capitain or their vice all together communicate ...what did they DO?
I didn't have the position, or I didn't have the real power transpassing....WHEN I was in just the high school format !!!!
The girls our number are very small.
The Captain : 馬尾
The public relation : 叮噹 (Ding Ding Dong Dong, Ding Dong)
In front that is girl is... The after its the guys. We are like a decoy? Do we know we are the decoy? I am the last one goes out. The last move, I remember. I fall ......"down"!
Our captain she can do that.
I was only traveling, front or back, or just turning around...the basic move. UK, University of Kentucky, traveling from the international dorm to their 1 billion dollar library. Young William.
2017 China 湖南 X6 - Roller Bladder Groups Dance
💝💝🥗💝💝🥗 💝💝🥗💝💝🥗 💝💝🥗💝💝🥗 💝💝🥗 💝💝🥗 💝💝🥗
I actually like my jobs better than the music. But, Kian he is the music production side too, do you know that? They have this "Better Man", I reply them twice !
So I explain them I only remember when I was in the middle school music exam academia (6th grade to the middle school in Asia system)
You want to corresponding a video, then you sent them a URL. You talking about your current projects you work on. So yesterday I was saying to Hailey, the Taiwan Youtuber, she inviited all her family member to the 7-11 a Vegan/ vegetarian campaign in local Tawian the convienence store.
Every day you are so sure you are making the money jobs, then you telling them, how much I miss you but I have a job. I cannot leave my job.
Or this is one of the waiting, you need to reading all the stuffs + their CD album all buying + analyzing + asking and researching.....including Ronan Keating?!
Like everyday I love you?
You don't want to just walk up starting to talk about the 40 years old the health report, the health Vita American Medical Intern students grades, their MD award, the idea of Zombie, the actual transcript in the University or the graduate school, what do you specialize in those field?
Like Brian says ....the Librarian Science.
Is that so shameful I guess on my faces red, because its sooooo pale, it starting at the jaw up to the head?! They line up too many the guys as the one frame 4 points frame?! Yeah I did say that before. I haven't seen them in the singing for a while, not that much, 2 and half month gone?
The Tips or the Tricks
As a girl, as an attractive you all grown up girls, do you want to polish yourself some photo + what you cared about the things more, talk to them.
Saying what do you do for a living, what is your job description and sent them the resume.
Tell them how you feel.
Tell them how you feel in the COVID 19 shut down. My local news here have this water park.
I always thought if you talking to the celebrity, or the popular boy bands (我一直都以為如果你們想要找名人或是很受歡迎的男孩子樂團)
你們現在講現在你們年紀,還是你們跟西城男孩說的一樣,所有人都長大成家立業,之後的現在你們是專注他們,選擇他們? 還是新的? ~那要不要問一下他們哪一種介紹?
很多人如果走過工作路線,叫做見到面的那些人都是社交場合見過,那本身,你們是想...去見識現在的樂團 ? 亞洲的? 還是漫畫的 ~~~~~
現在剩下的漫畫店好像是在台大 !! 只有那邊我有看到還在租書的 ~~
At the First University Taiwan Taipei, over there still has a bookstore renting the comic book. My side of the night market. They are gone about 3 or 4 years ago, seriously. I am here will be 7 years already.
💔🐸 Wallace 哥哥 , you want to tell them or him Wallace, "I care about it?!", "Do you care about it?" 💔🐸
He is from Taiwan, more shy er away from a lot of this temperament things.
I start to get on-line talking to him first thing first month 2018. I did. If these comic books starting to make a sense, and you finding it out a lot more comic book through that online service, a lot of people will tell you, you can read them and some people really really like them on the weekly night, including the Friday night or the Weekend's night.
But what do you do after you reading all that comic book content, is that the 網路漫畫 長的像我的漫畫?
公主小妹 (我家小妹是漫畫,那是電視)
Many this comic books in the black and white formats. Are they good for your eyes? You sitting down with the Taiwan LED light to read those book, or you laying on the bed to read those book, or the iPhone reading the Line app?
I pick them in the comic rental store myself, right. I pick them carefully. I like or I don't like? 我之前是自己在中學的時候挑選,自己選的 ! 很多故事呀 ! 是租書的在夜市,我喜歡選我看的東西,我現在只記得這些 !!!!!
When I was growing up, I am not really that loud audible to go and on purpose to use my voice, like even internal, you don't feel bad, if you have to talk loud?
Maybe I am a girl, I have a breast to breath, and the dental fix?
You like these guys, you need to be honest you like them, and what they wish to hear? You saying you have something you are proud of, and you like the guys to perceiving you have the parents and the sibling and the ex-bf, or husband current.
You can bring the entire Past history of your romance, each and every New Hired guys, all can. You want to do that, if that makes you feeling good. They have seen millions people in their life time, for saying one million couple, they gonna be like you?
Why is this Shane or Nicky chewing gum like they were those looking in the 99/2000/2021. Or they always been singing since then?
I guessing they understood something, I didn't understand though.
No, you want to get an attention to which boybands you are guessing things? You validate things with the legal approach and in this world, that only way you doing that, many times its through the scientific logic to speak or to propel a movement or to settle an argument. You mean ....
You are not saying at their face what paper you got?
What is that?
They are on the tour !!!!
I didn't say anything of that any of that. Directly to?
Every boyband I say you go to the main singer, they have the independent people whom sign a contract behind, that is their own happy world business, you mean you like them as the guy, or the man, how old are you? 10 years old 15 years old up to 101 year old I seen the newspaper.
You want to approach a Star or a celebrity, you gonna change your music fan looking 5 years later? You want to practice right ?
Many time, life its when you doing things from the first start, someone will tell you, they all have to try the first time, and one day, that talk might be more constructive in your life, when each time you remember what was the past, you saying, "I like what I am now", in a different age bracket of 5 years 10 years, ~ 20 years on....
Life didn't mean, you make it on the first day.
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We talk about? Zawanna that guy ...I forget already.
No, not about the flowers. About this wall....I keep saying it !!!
This is where that year we starting their story, right....right now there is a ghost if I just lightly touch, everything fallen. I don't really want to talk about it. I eat something.
His story were he gonna save me. He breaks open the Grey's lab. Its a story. I never met a guy yet will save me. So there is that story. In the....anywhere of the universe dimension like those things again.
You all don't imagine you will get that life, you got family, friends, cousin, uncles, aunt. Happy big life. I have other things to worry, so he made a hope in case that ever happened.
oh I remember what I say about this Zawanna. I was saying to Thor, "There is 2 ways to die, 1 way, I show you image, whom is that he holding in his arm, I live old or something in his world, but in the real context, its the American military that Keanu basement way. But that is Keanu's face. Can you imagine that?"
Those are not our conversation, but I don't use those language, I use the image.
Friday Night !
Do you talk in the telepathy, not in the beginning. I got nervous for 6 years.
Not a lot of the words, but understoodable. They all have this very ancient language both up there, and him. There is not one person I don't know they don't have the ancient language sounds so Ancient.
What is this Ancient Chinese, nothing get done I guess my photo shows a different side of me.
These guys they never had a mood, always mild, not playing those games of garbage stuffs. But, behind this wall, the life is so quiet. As long as I push that door outside, its a City life and I can feel it everyone happy to talk about things in their life, and they get busy.
But the things told, or I thought...
It was my letter I say more true to the Congress. It must be some places I don't know how to access so I don't know where to see the scene. We are quiet over here. This side.
When we used to live in the city more near the Italian community, that property. They have the kid's their soccer tournament, very very often.
Very. You know Meet the Parents?
That is when Alexandro still a kid, he has the teammates, but it would be his mother's parents. Or Nonna, would be Nick's ex-wife.
You talking about the human relationship. He and me just stood there. We will not coming near to anything that Connie has. Nick will tell you that. But me and him will take Alyssa for she holding both of our hands to swing, as we walk. She was very very small.
I actually never talk on the dinner table. I never improve that, I can tell you that. Nick remembers that. He probably will really really like that movies.
You have to define to me what selfish means to you? A lot of people have to survive on their own, their parents gone. They are just the immigrant, so they are tight to their own family structure.
You are very nervous to fill up a rectangle any kinds of the box, for someone's foot, or baking soda. These are a very simple home things. You got nervous imagine what that boxes are label, what it reads, what it says, what is the measurement. Including adding the salt just by looking at the water, the pasta, the pot. No matter I cook the 4 meals people home at all - all by myself.
One pasta box in America is 454 g.
You got nervous to the Compete and Compared. That is 4 serving. You wearing your eye glasses to check those details, then after 2 months, you forget, oh ~ one box its the pasta what thing in it? "The unit its in gram, short name is g"
You gonna tell me, " one remembers that stuffs."
With a very very very bad attitude.
Questions and Answer
1. I went out several Friday Night ....
To get to people's attention in the bar to talk to you, or joining that ethnicity conversation meaning everyone might know whom, you talk or repeat per word they say, and re-elaborate them. Only talk the things they always repeat and say. Memorize the words they use in English, if you are not the English native speakers. Repeat those words.
2. These people ....
Many love and hate games between people's revenge mode, sometimes knowing each other too long, the poverty too long, but some of this debts you are not going to find out. What you mean would be
"Under ALL perfect condition" " If the money its being investigate....."
Between the gays, they are part of the world in large, every guy having those sissy sassy moment in life, but the bigger hierarchy will have some other kinds expecting some other things, training in a different Time, Space, Moon or Tide.
This is not all you see, but that is what you willing to only compete and compare. So are they.
3. No...I mean.
My family has a mother, this mother while we grew up about 17 years, she always station home, she did. She and my grandmom. Her knee are replacement.
She every time we come home, its we take a shower and eat. She always has the food at the table at home, and never lack us one meal, so I never knew people have no food, not even with Nick. I always cook him food, or prepare extra, or something ensure that temperature, or food, or something in the details, were like my mother did for us.
Laudry, Tina did tiny bit for Hank and the kids, tiny bit. She trim our 10 nails and she does us the ears. We have 3 kids. We learn our toe nails, and finger nails later on. But she always have these supply of the clipper, I never require to buy, not the clothing, not the instrument, not the deal....she prepare a lot of things just always there. I never lack one item that as I grew up, I remember all that.
His mother. He wish, most of his life ti me, he has a different kind of the mother.
My mother's pursue the other day were in my video, she has some outfit fashion girls, and my father arranges some of the meeting. As the kid, up to the middle school, that should be sufficient.
We are away from Square and Irene, if that is what you mean, the outfit only, the diet only, the finger nail clipper only, the tile floor only, the bathroom interior design only, never art or paint only....there are a lot of the only, its God given me enough til this day, Nick would have told you all that himself.
4. I want to join the conversation, not to get the guy or the girl. I am fishing.
You mean to be more like those you like them the car insurance agency? They practice at home in front of their mirror. They find one-on-one talking, most of these you saying the normal citizen in the residential area, you seeing their division of the every city, rural, to Big City. These ordinary people all having a way survival.
You staying long enough on the street, you witness them, seeing them how they talk, the women included. Some looks not very nice, some are red hair, some a tiny perm, some you will say these occupation are the hair dressor, or the vocational school, whichever means, these daily ordinary citizen.
True, each of them having a way to survive. You get too much of this seeing with your eye, you yourself cannot contain anyone else makes a living in their own life. But a lot of those were more of the education.
Because...most of the world itself people will tell you, the family background has some factor how much they input those education in, and some can turn that education to a much higher value if they stay on. They are too lonely, that is why the time to where the crucial prove and validate, they are not chosen.
5. Do I always need to care about my fashion in America?
You mean I wear here never there? Yeah, you dress what your mall sell in general. You intend not to debts, finding a better job, finding a better attitude, finding a more reliable using your time more compact, and efficient to get you want.
Most people wish to dictate their life just about any degree freedom they got. True.
Some people if they work enough the superficiality, yeah, they know there is a difference, but most of you are not the quality human, not at your evolution speaking, not your culture. You might already end up in the hell, you just waiting those time going down. dress only your modesty running deep its best, it soothing to your mood, soul, spirituality, and ding ding ding, "What a nice sunshine day, I have finally wash my sink!"
And we all laugh, what is that so important of that job. Its just a sink.
6. So a lot of the guys its like their mother?
They told you that, I say my mother. That kind. A little bit like the comic book that Queen. Because you mean you be responsible to their neh, or yeh, or the problem solving. Most of you having that attitude, "What is your problem to do with me, money first, we talk."
"Or she is using you!"
"Never mind, ask her why bother asking me?"
7. You go to MD psychatry for every small tiny problem.
No more priest best. its the literacy jam up your brain like those MD, and you only need once a week, meaning one hour, then you get out of the door, you feeling like a brand new person. No you don't need to go to those retreat or the meditation.
Its a fast pace of life, like City life. You only get your brain jam for one hour. Slam that door, get out, doing whatever you want one full week, or til whenever you seeing him again.
Jam up your brain with that one hour. Leave the rest of them to God, life doesn't need to be too perfect. You only talk to him like a therapeutic. You probably will still insist the way how you doing things, for real. Most time its like that. But you talk all kinds of the stuffs, get your brain jam.
That will be your eternity this civilization evolve. You don't really care those spirituality, I got that. Until your brain IQ to that money sign not on squandle standard of more "pushing forward" those compete and compared, you mean the public hygenic level goes up...all those details, a better life, then, you saying with that brain, you tell me how long it takes for you to stabilize your life with the money sign.
You will tell me, the day you left the school, its every day you think of, how to make the money.
Nick will tell you, he knows one. I got no money that time.
8. Do you must drink the good water in order to get your health back?
Then what if no more good water.
You gonna feel sick very quickly yourself every hands you touch, because your throat will start feeling it, you cannot change it back. It is a hygienic issue.
9. Do they always run the same karmic law everywhere the same?
I don't see why they change those standard?
10. So if I want to meet a guy, I talk to his mother ....
I had the in-law, including Hank's parent. I didn't speak them a word. Hank talks to my mother, probably he thinks he is fine with it. I don't know how to talk with Hank he is their son, and I only purchase the flower to put there. Tina likes those talking stuffs. I got nothing else to say.
You just meant how to talk impressive?
The things she wants to hear, or the 10 mins conversation?
Technically you all looking to me, you will never met an in-law all very confident you have the language skill, so why don't you keep trying in your life how to be pleasing to each other and then the in-law?
11. You want to impressive how to vola in front of the crowd in front of a guy?!
You want to win the conversation always in front of someone or something?
How funny....I never speak a word to any of those UB not classmate, you call them the acquataince in English. Barely know them.
The true friends in Ancient Chinese, will always like you dating that guy. You mean it you work together harmoniously.
The guys will tell you their worlds looks different from the girls. The girls I will tell you, if you walking in a room.
1) Whom those didn't wear the eye contact guys looks like need a help.
2) Some girl did walking up.
3) My brother' classmate 2, one got beat up lost everything, or the other bar lost everything. Phone included to my brother.
4) The height of the different sorts.
5) Perfume, identify, why this girl will always show up without the online tracker. Its in person. They know what kind of the girls ending up where they suppose to be. Most guys will tell you that.
One direction has a song, "When you walking in the room, you feel you are beautiful"
How amazing.....sounds.
12. You go to the police file cabin.
Technically you looking at their eyes muscle in the focus short or longer range. How they operating their 2 eyes all near by eye muscles.
With or without the light.
Oops, my cell phone was broken this beam light, this is the LED light.
13. 7 Years probably, first several years, I did go out, but always alone. She knew I have something to do, not friends. So she has some other social things she goes. She is very used to I got zero social, and since I got no money, she knows there is not one guy around, but she has other activities herself, day, day time, noon, evening. COVID 19 is ending.
I stay home.
It has been always like that in life.
14. Nick used to have his own project too. The only person doesn't have life, its me.
What about his ex wife?
I think first few time we drive there, later I am so lazy to leave the house, I tell him to go by himself. Its one person staring at another person, and his daughters-in-law never give him one glass of water even.
When he comes home to eat? Its on the kitchen counter he made them, cover with the plate, not the plastic, just another dish plate upside down. He normally just put them in the fridge. He goes to wash his hands.
15. A lot of people settle their finance, so each of them will tell you where they go about, its to hanging around the friends or learn something, sometimes they care about their money, not they don't go on a date, or some outing.
You plan your life like you seeing ahead of you. A lot of people when they are 55, they are looking for the gf or bf. You saying why don't you just stare at your own money, you will feel so much better, or you just wish it now? Some people plan that life, so you go to ask some people. A lot of people will do the homework's about their life.
16. You do that often with your bf or your own family members.
You already doing that with everyone, not just with me.
17. A lot of time you have an inner urge really saying those words, really. Or some kinda of "Whatever ~ ", even in English sound so bad you get hungry, or you get dehydrated, or you are tired. You need to lay down, but you feeling the burden, you are the period pain, but then you are alone the house, you need to get from one bathroom to that room you laying it down. You wish a lot of time someone will do one thing right.
Someone will do one thing right.
Some one will do one thing right.