
Whom you suppose to go to? Shane

He is that Simon at the couch that frame. Next by Brian.

That Shane.

I thought Simon was not your time person. I imagine you target at Simon. You never ask me. It’s Shane. Shane Filan you go to.

No, I don’t know whom they are by names. I just found out whom they are little before Christmas last year.  He looks like a nice person to me. You can just talk to him. Why would he be the Simon’s position, I have no idea. I just reading whom his last name and first named added together for how many days? All of them. I am not very good at the whom name, not very intuitive to someone I just found out? 

These people have a way to run their fan club. On the facebook. I message whom, not Shane, he cannot be contacted at. I talked to the other 3. Yeah, exactly the same message, I wrote them so I copy paste them 3 times.  No, not at Shane. I have things to message them for? 

Isn’t your AMerica know everything about the Hollywood I don’t? Like what’s a fan club means?  You talk to him or them or message or click or I have no idea what’s a typical fan base ought to be. The letter !!! I sent Keanu Reeves letter at his house until the women hand me back my letter. The one I wrote him. 

It’s for him. But I succeed to get it back. At his house front door. I am very good at that. She says he doesn’t live here. So I got it back the letter.  It’s in the mail box. 

The girls you are, you wish he responses to you, or you wish to see him? 

He has so many fan. No, I am not on Instagram, maybe you get in touch with them there, I don’t use Instagram. You want to ask him a lunch dinner you pay at? You imagine he chases people? I already say that thousand times. 

You are just one of the fan.

Don’t stare at Simon, stare at him better. Whatever that says or means that. I have no idea. It’s my first time seeing that too. 

If you tell me the reason why, I might know how or why this Simon and Shane looks identical ?

Shane he puts something on the newspaper, I think it’s very obvious he is saying? Simon is not ! That’s not your intention ? So that’s Shane !!

I don’t think my assignment is Shane. Not really. But you checking their height for your height ?

Your wiki got the wrong number.

People like them doing business all the time. Their priority might just always end up on the business. Not at the romance. So you contact him at the business reason. I finish with Simon long ago. I don’t really know why I need to business at Shane. Oh, no. Not that Rock King, Elvis. Definitely not us.

No. No no no no no no.

If you didn’t come out that, I never even think about it. ??????

You are the student mode, they are not the student mode. It’s a cold cut business.

It would be better?

You disappear ! Never talk about them, never think about them. Not Simon not Shane. Just leave. Mind your own happy world. Cut off your internet. You had a reason world. They happy for you found your purpose. But you are never gonna be near them. 

🦅 the bird is near me. That’s what the bird says. Right outside next by.

The religion in this world has no real sustain power. No. It’s like those Top Corperate. They are the money so they have the power. You mix up a lot of things this Flower Thousand Bones. The way I talk, you all so mix up. Very very mix up. I have no real power. You feel the language but any writer can have that kinds of writing skills. You got mix up A to Z. Every degree of it. You really believing that China, and that has nothing to do with SMCH, they ban her religion, or yours too. 

You feeling that Power, as if you cannot help it to stain that power you wish to propel to do something, including the fair and Justice. You got it everything wrong. You don’t have anything internal. That power was not from you, but you feel it. You wish they Simon or Shane agrees you are - me Anna is there power from the internal language or analyzation reports or the Dr Jack, or music or told story. I Anna makes everything smooth, that doesn’t mean you have a right to live.

You mistaken the very very very wrong things. 

I need to sleep, very mix up. 



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

That story its about 2 Party has the money to 懈逅, its a Chinese Romantic saying when two people meeting that Fate meeting.

Adam, my side, doesn't have money. For the correct mind set, its the girl no matter what that is, you make the money to your full pocket. Then you decide where you love would be. It can be any guy, because you can afford to be with that guy. I mean the healthy mentality. I never think of the relationship before. Not really.

My entire life, its always the inactive party. The guy started. So I never never never thought about my life in which direction, and that motion already starting. Now I have time to think....so I will tell you as the normal girls, seeing these TV. Forget about it the guys in which name or frame, or mirror, or image. Try to stabilize your finance in your own hand, the Home Owner basic idea, and if you can rise up to the guys whom can afford both you and me. Why not? The more money you surrounded yourself by, its better for the girls side.

Don't go by those TV says. Those are meaningless.

Those arguments whom right or wrong, you are racing with the Time. There are a lot of things people don't tell you when they put you through that story, and sometimes think deeper than that. Not just wild guess, and you gamble your life away just like it suppose to "meant-to-be". A lot of the girls will personally tell you after they divorce, what are those "Meant-to-be", from their first failure marriage, at all. It can be anything. You just never be around those women, with the money, with the house, with the background to play those field with the guys. You never seeing them, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Sometimes, you as a girl, for that independent spirits, not the extremelist, you need to stabilize your own money, your own purpose with what project you take on. You have no lean on, nothing for saying where these things going.

Your first intention are always to hurt the guys, by? Considering his background or your own background? You have to make that money yourself first. That is very hurtful what you imagine the guys are good at or for. Then you going back to those storyline its to argue, and one day you pick up something to hit the guys behind, that is how the death happened. You don't need to go back to that past, or anyone associate to that story plot. Just leave. They have no solid finance situation, all will be on the street in no time.

You hear me saying that too many hundred thousand times.

Let me guess, you inventing the story plot, or you imagining the story plot? Just don't stare at it.

They sell their story line, its to resonance to the majority people's heart. 

W Two World?




That story was he owns a Television station. The beginning of that story were how much money he got so on so forth. And she was a surgeon beginning for the Chest operation on the testing  / trial methods.  

Technically the militlary training methods were that

If you get smash at the wall so often every single day, on the ground like I used to draw you. You won't be thinking about anyone, anything, any world, other than when you are told you can get up from the concrete floor, not the concrete wall, my entire skeleton just think of it, so hurtful. Its the entire whole weight of the skeleton hitting it back the Physics Laws!!! Thermodynamics !!!

Eating Challenge

What is this?



Uptown girl ? Pops?

Why don't they say they back up - where Angel throw that stone at Washington D.C or Taipei 101, which one of us get lucky?  

I think meaning Tina, New York City upper town, right? When my mother can move that way, I cannot? She got 2 kids. I cannot move its becasue of the TV and situation when this thing on the sky fallen !!! Sep 26th, 2022. That situation are in the Bible. Which one of us got doomed?



Maybe you accumulate your IQ brain power, to how to write the correct lawsuit, and seeing if you make the money just on these IQ problems my major were not in it.

Then you collect all those money, to say Hi for you all to that Simon Cowell here you go. Or any of the single or 2 people or groups of the bands, whichever they are not aged, for your personal selfish reason. In case you also saying Hallo to my boyband CD cover. 

Maybe the Washington D.C will tell me why I keep gaining weight, and get me a trainer, to slim down I used to be. Really. 

Your ultimate purpose is to proven those boyband groups, or when you like, how you like, whatever you like. You mean hurting them, or saying the things the way it is. I didn't get into the music lyrics. Simon didn't tell me. He doesn't know where I gone? I have a gazillion things other than his stuffs?

oh ~~ let me guess ! Its Shakymuni Buddha I am not sure how to claim the money !!!

You mean I born to know, the TV proven, I really want to go to hell with it....

Let me tell you what the Ancient Chinese says: You censor the argument or the paragraph to when you like, how you like, whatever you like...... 斷章取義 !



You can just ask your lawyer how you and him making the money.

There is a Wendy Austin's sister is the public defender, might be free....to someone like me bossing at it.  The textbook Fallacy at the pre-law class, its Inductive Logic. North Carolina Pharmacy required them. Why would I be redundant imagine I taken that class, anyway?

Legally Blonde, its I say Sariputra is Neither mud blood, Nor blonde hair. I think him and his mother are still inside the spell, are they notified? 

Eben Pagan is an inept, unable, impaired to the Lords. I saying that decree was? Active or inactive, not just voluntary, or involuntary. You have a legal ground how to argue that lawsuit for? 

There are so many my side of arguement, its I written them, I didn't know why I written them 2018-2020, they just didn't personally tell me they document it, if I have to be at Washington D. C to resort them on the brain IQ to discussion with Congress them. There is NO sueing whom? Magic?

Simon doesn't know whom I am...the day I show up, I never stop threatening people that Matrix EVER to be, he is not tired of listening that himself, or its every threatening behind, I mean my words or you never seen what the lawsuit suppose to be.

I introducing you the great Fallacy idea.

Its legal ! Its textbook at it.

It must be so so sos stupid. Only I don't know what that Patent says, or notation at. Its from 1900. You want to talk to the real human at that brain IQ?

Here is the location of A to Z, and VS, A to Z. Its called the Transportation Apparatus

Two of them. 

I cannot say why it looks exactly what it is present it? 

With the Laws society, if you keep failing your Precision and Accuracy, you doing it on purpose, its per time per lawsuit per fee counts, per digits on math.

You seeing what, you saying what.

You seeing Red River Manga on the Metro, saying that is not from the TV. Its from the Comic Book. You see Tonawanda, or North Tonawanda you tell that to the court, that is the Step-mother Queen's title? In English.

The Chinese Requirement and English requirement are different to that degree of the final notice from the Queen Tonawana.

Its Royal Chef Guards in Chinese; Its Commander-in-Chef in English.  

I NEVER says the music, or the lyrics, or the movie, or the TV.

I say the name, the photo, the ID, the per side by side evidence count per frame. I don't have time to look at the movies?

If that is the correct date to when I return to nick / Canada. That was 5 Lords Reveiw. August 8th Ancient Chasez birthday


I faint it down that Kenshin Moonlight, someone hold me down. When nick back. I am on the bed. What moonlight on TV means.

Or probably don't know how the fridge a glasses can completely shatter inside my hand. A full plate.

There are 2 pattern to that sun location, how I sit in front of the TV, or at that Window, so that Apparatus, to that every interior design are that patent. 

Or that sofa.

You never seen NSYNC, or I never knew where is the internal design.

There was the day the pouring rain on the roof. He most time are not indoor during this 3 months. But I have to do deliver a lot of things. I cannot leave the house. I never really gone to the forest. I never really go anywhere.

I didn't even pack. 

I see my mother grey ET stuffs. In front of the Canadian Police, guess what he sees I did at the SUV van. My keyboard A key gone in the computer. My art work missing behind the door. I wear the pajamas back home. The entire Canadian Police /hospital line with a pink all over hair, to end up that VS.

I freak out, or I never stop screaming out loud.

You are almost against me to my judgement 97 percentile PCAT to asking me what ending up everything everywhere. See its your entire IQ rotton or my memory really fade per details.

That looks like Debra on the VS Train to India, before Dutson. She came with me to California, Her husband got to the professor there. She was the Rochester Center.

They stop at California I guess. Her husband was the Indian, at the University of Rochester teaching the professor position? I just didn't see the real model's face to be sure that is Candice.

I personally don't really know where I am. There are several song as if that Westlife saying I going to the America to see some human including....what. If that is what be done. Not just I say I bind spell here on Taiwan. But that is my thinking, I cannot understand what they say on the song. Too many songs. 

I probably don't dare to move a bit a thing, wherever I am really. No matter how it sounds to you sound fake how my life this far gone wrong all at the TV side.

Look at this, Nominji VS Black Eye Peas





 Its just per video I never have to stare at it in front of anyone.

You all busy at your schematic things, because your poor background that up-take the advantage of your self hurting, no one has to gone through the hurt other than me.

MAybe you should ask the right question.

1) How many got jailed 2014

2) On the street

Can you disclose the name. See what is the American conspiracy theory means, you deliver only the God words, never your family pride, on and on. All those guys you wish to plot, how many wishing you dead to be the buttom of the hell. You don't know what is the one against Odd.

You should really knowing your own military in any realm before you embark the next perfect world Eon or Kalpa.

Does it affect me?

 .. ... I hardly think between you and your guys have anything real in life beside 9-5, and back home on Line app and weekend 52 weeks per year proven vola.  No matter what human life doesn't mean to you, you hate....you have a responsibility to stay beside him not to watching everything fallen, but wishing him at least well. 

There is the industry to hold it together, there is One Earth to tight up behind the back. There are Past of all that does not fallen.  Your choice of life really just going back for that 52 weekend, to how proven your fallen parents each and every year twice holiday, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

To that the God you choosen path the mouthful jobs, to where ending up on the street soon, either all your entire area, if these lawsuit does not pass, but the criminal charge just one of the case, it will be the entire suspicion to every crime investigation per household. 

The TV its an interface, I say that thousand times.

To those people, or whom involved its not important, you keep moving on that material. On and On. Most you don't have a vision internal, you don't have anything that blind to vent becasue that is the mouthful jobs for. Those whom have to watching that TV monitor to that Vow it was promised to that one God long ago, its Eon and Kalpa to start. No matter how fallen to that every degree, through sound, vision, internal, external....you do not fail that one God, because that was your promising to him, that forever land.  You didn't make that promise to the God, every false word, to every falsehood prophet proclaim....To every degree failure to life, you just didn't really understand why that TV is the annoucement board.

To that every Eon and Kalpa, if you have to travel and leave.

Every Eon and Kalpa different society formation, different prophecy land, before 40 years, after 40 years, you arriving 400 years to wait.  You mean you waiting the court to proven your death tolls, to keep proven that vola.

To that death you should seek.

Don't say you never heed that warning, what forever and ever means. You learn Per Bramha Day of Breath of Life.

Or already do so, every close eye I woke up morning dew. 

You don't even know if the imposter are sent in....the results of all things.

The private things its between you and the guy, or your family. So you sort that out in the court. Me and my ex...doesn't have anything. I update him after its everything being somewhat handle. I starting telling him, not before.

As for his English, I think he understands fully something gone wrong.  I told my both parents, and uncle and aunt. You suppose to talking to your family like updating them every little things, to that whole range thing? 

Your parents ask me what to file, I will tell them what to file. They never ask me. We never talk, if that is what you asking me, including any of your best friends at all, the guys or the facebook, or whomever. I never communicate with any of you. In case you didn't see yourself not on my facebook? I practically is not on my facebook. 

I would say you keep the guys, or learn how to going back, means you do a short training of yourself 1 year or 2, delicate to that again 4 stoves, or the career, or somewhat what....not to keep going on this dating romance. You have a very very very bad records. As for that indicator, you doing more of the Book writing, will seem to me the only path you get going.

If the court has an excuse to take on that China Entertainment says. If that is not true, see if they can wave off your records. That is very very very bad standing, you may not even have a normal job EVER again, if the guys don't take you back in at all. You don't know your terms of the negotiation, or what....

I would suggest you becoming a more quality girls, meaning really nourishing others. Many guys staying in their jobs normal, they go to jail, like that Senior Bush on the war, just like Obama openly killing one man publicly. That is a jail means. Not how great he is. If you know the Medical Doctor at the liscence, one patience death, it will happen what after?  You cannot have a patient dead.

I have add those DART First Test pictures / description / Facebook the early report

I have to organize behind in my computer. This year is 2023? Every year I have to print stuffs, you all don't process anymore paper works? Before the Chinese New Year?

Yeah I was saying that on the facebook. I done this paper work since 2018-2020. I told you what those Climate Change was? I still have those in the documents. Photo, or even last year. I every once a while needs to sort the paper works?

If you keep going on with your own documents, the court will call you one day when they finishing all this sorting everywhere. Not just you all victimized to the damage situation. A lot of people they have nothing else to do, they sue the court with this. That is what you all be happy to do under the democracy laws that is. But because....you all girls having this position for saying the Warrior. You have the obligation to stand tall with your diginity?

The only person doesn't have any shame must be me, asking you all this. Do you asking each other next by, how hateful you all toward each other's paper works? Whatever you written in it? 

Can you tell me this, if someone have a fight with you. Not your best friends = the girls if....its the guy. Old, or younger guy. Its how you begin that conversation at the fight, after the fight, or when he calls you, you going back to your mother's house? Those plot are often at the TV. Even I knew about it from Taiwan, not in America?  

That must be so romantic ! 

Your ultimate life goal is not to grow more mature in life. Its for that 52 weeks bind the magic spell to that math fails and be on the street for next 40 years, you saying the motality rather than the morality

A lot of reason as a girl, your entire behavior ought to gear toward that foster others, nourishing, nurture the situation. For that reason, you are determined your life its one way direction that never fails the eye sight, no matter how down turn that life spells at. You got smash, you get up. Because under that democracy world, you just have to make it the life career in the money count, in the professional attitude is. Not watering your tear gland, on every tiny little kids doing this doing that for you.

Your ultimate goal if just like those Line App or the Facebook every 11 oclock at night comparison to all those you say you care, don't care the high school, or the college world, how many people total combine, and those whom didn't add you on their facebook, you staring them through other friends? 

Your every 2 seconds its someone does this to you, doing that at you. You didn't listen a word in that Bible, not just this one life, and every other life since this date on and on. You are not fear, you just want to argue those simple piece of paper to that court. Nothing get down as long as you keep saying it.

One thing you can even doubt: That your American court can fail...why that is under the democracy world, how that damage to you, its same applying to me Anna 1000x. In case you didn't see how I manage that to becoming 1000x my benefits.

You as the girls groups, or the other rest of the other kinds of the girls, your focus to your future.... I think if you delicate more balancing your life, meaning also including the guys, rather than the lesbian community as the back up means, sometimes....if the guys are gays, you give them back their world.

But you do this traditional women's values. 4 Stove, cleaning, exactly FDA, and insert the Green or herbs idea Anna like about, and reading some medicinal book for the home care. You can care the entire community people, if they require the baby sitting.

But if you evaluate the entire situation whatever the material say on the TV, or you inquire to the court, or you keep contemplating, your real life stake including that love life, means to you, another girl really caring you, the cuddle, the public hold hands, or the girls are more sweet to each other, to your every life situation, you decide that is your future, you express that to the court. You don't have to tell me. 

Sensai means "Teacher" in Japanese. Its in the song. 

Most of you American culture, I don't think there is a teacher's gathering the students, meaning the most students leave the school, the moment they can. They never really talk to the school teacher. That is not a natural thing if someone singing that in the guy's world. At least you imagine for saying that is the guy or the girls story.

And the way how the Japanese people they use sensai? 

How do the English world saying why its pronunciation as the "Sensai"?  

Sakura Cards 90s

Ice Skating

Episode 33



I don't really like the news that much ....my mother told me strange things, so I went back to CNN and look. She says the 15th time pass? I thought they were deciding to Monday meeting adjourn?

There is a problem a lot of this English I cannot understand what they say, motion this, motion that. Yeh or neh, it was yes or no, then yeh or neh, so there is a screen to move that motion to the Monday.

And when I woke up, my mother says its the 15th times votes! 

🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥 🥝🥥

Victoria Secret -Train, It means you needs a lot of diginity, how to travel to Indian joining their retreat (Mine is audio transcription radio device my mother bought me, a bagpack to India!)

What do you suppose to bring to Indian Retreat (like SMCH meditation retreat)

A backpack, and translation device (we used the radio to receive that message), many people has a reason why you going on your prayer to meditate for? Some wants to becoming the book author, or what is your prayer to ending manifestation.

That methods is called the SMCH, SMTV.

Do you want to tell the court, to express you unhappy how everything going so far, for that you already no clue direction in life. Can you request the court to introduce to the female authorship to visit their home, and have a talk with them, or the male authorship.

You say if the court can referral these interviews, for whatever reason they agree for you to go in these many people all together. The female authorship.

You want me to write for you to the court, your initial reaction on paper notice them 2 weeks?

One of those?

"Upon every disastrous consequence to that low performance to our life, the girls groups life, how each of us never say it was SMCH lineage methods for our prayers to keep a host on Top. As...that Asia or Michelle name in the black skin tones, its how we end up blacken every degree of that? Is that unit we suppose to make it, or is there anything that becoming someone replacing us, just with that kind of the attitude? Raising up Helen to that side dance = Middleton, she is not going to care her 3 kids, for behind its the mental condition, or? I reading the latest news paper on Harry's new book. I need the clarify without losing my dignity, this is Anna wrote it. I pass on it."

🥝🥥 They are still on the CNN. ITs 2 girls on it right now 🥝🥥

We are called the "The Asian Edition" CNN, I guess.

Yeah, the Victoria Secret Airplane, by Train, Cats Walk

I seen it.

I have to scream so loud, there is a bug (Man in Black) the moment I open my booklet, ending up in the toilet. I just didn't hurt my left hand.

oh my God, they doing that so often here.

If I end up in Europe, do you want to, or dream of some kinda of small tiny niches, to write on? You starting now !!!! You build up some of that confidence, you will be more cared your own appearance.

Do you like the outing with the other authors?

Do you like to talk about the normal literacy things? Whatever it sounds more happy incline to do. You have to make it in life, not just the public performing art. 

Your Line App to these Emoji you are so waiting for each of your Line group human to bulge on you. So I am saying, the Sailor Moon that CAC, because you 4 processing your own book on that Victoria Secret, like a reality, or I imagine, you just quit finding your own other self success path?

I didn't mean you just write in leisure, you want to find that audience, you need to thorn out of that niche. What do you commonly a language that can collect the followers. A lot of this author you can see, in order to draw more audience, they coming out of the Youtube Channel to meet the fans. Whatever they write. You can think all these and plan somewhat. You have 52 weeks per yearly. You delicate that every Friday night 4 hours for 10 weeks. You see you planning something extra in life.

Women already much less advantage, so every work field you have to go a little bit extra mile.

I cannot sit in that Ipad on my bed anymore. Pain like a hell. Seriously...Sit in the chair. (I was processing this NASA on the Top, Linkedin)

Its very very painful. And should not hit the base of that spine, force on the bed, like I lean back?

No. Pain like a hell. I am the women, you know after I done this 100 pain killer patches all around, you will start to feel it everything not the normal thing ought to be doing.

You go to those dancing studio has a lot of mirror (public performing art)

We have those big grand hotel has this studio combine Sauna place (not the steaming room like UB)

It’s a shower / sauna, right across that Square restaurant, it’s an older grand hotel.

You are not very spatial at your 4 limbs. If you walking out of the building, there is no human, you still get nervous. You want to build your body posture, how you see yourself inside the mirror? How you clutch ? You don’t expose these huge scientific convention human, you just meant like Eben’s conference? 

You are very very away from the human getting near by your space world. Meaning, whom do you draw close by your physical body vincinity, I am not one of that? The on-line is a virtual reality.

You blank out the moment if ….a ) b) c) d) e )

Your brain complete freeze, no words coming out of you. So are these IT guys you princess wish to marry by what kinds of the guys by definition?



I have to do one thing to that NASA....what they are saying CNN. I go to nap

Nice weather to strolling my weight off really.

Babaji: Go

The Primordial core? Yesterday when I was reading this entire article, there is not one word I understand it at all. I reading that Sailor Moon Comic book 11 again. You have a Artimis I and II and ready to III? oh ~Let me just really straight this one thing out, the cat will NEVER becoming a human standing in front of me. Its for our benefits how man made by God so is the women. Pair like it supposed to be. Not Cat EVER.
The part I didn't understand was you never say you got the robot to collect the sample to return to the Earth. That's smart to assuming the human efforts can going off the Moon, that is first ilegal, second you manually taken what asteroid sample? Meaning you land and take off. I cannot understand a word yesterday it says.
You technially knowing your Sep 26th 2022 was a moon, meaning longer be hold, that is how the gravity ends, your shatter piece will never retrieve back.
So speaking you landing on the asteroid, not Psyche yet the destination. Something else you land and come back, that saying? That is what I reading that today to think that is what it is.

You girls can initiated a conversation with the boybands!!!

Like "If there is an event" so you writing look like those venue exist, like Taipei 101 ABC studio cooking place. The Slam Dunk that Wall ....ends up. I will tell them, my entire focus is not there, not really. I don't think it gonna happen, but I might just buy the existing made food.

I am still reading that NASA sometimes, Recently I read about they going.... (CNN says) I cannot understand what they say the Metalic? Asteroid belt? (That is the only thing in between the Mars to Jupiter)

... ... I have no idea what they are saying. My heart going up and down, really. oh my God. The theoretical calculation, you know how I running to Taipei Station 2018-2020, spending all my money for? On that Microphone to yell at the ENTIRE Asia if they would wake up internal LINE. Its 4 hours per time. I repeat like thousand times the same calculation.

When the time finish, I didn't see anything, hear anything. So finally that 2020 I come down resting, and still run around this job hunting everywhere.

Nick Young? The Crazy Asian Rich Clips I am watching ! The economic professor?

oh ~ by the way, I have been seeing this Gordan Ramsay too often here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0xbmDY-eG0

Do you girls planning to take another younger girl to experience in life?  

My world its too complicated, I have to ask which nick Young, to then Westlife, then Simon....can you imagine, forget about it. I am busy. 

There is a Tina Turner, Ms Congeniality 2, at his 11:30 position

Look alike.

Kelvin McCathy is walking around....in the American Congress.

oh ! 

小鳥 !!!! (The bird is screaming)

They were saying they can move it to Monday, so longer be hold, there is the CDC looking guy saying move to the Monday from this that, to Yeh and Neh.

oh ~They go by vision to count the screen in front of me? 

You know the last time I saw that Hair salon, to the legally blonde 2, the entire pinky, or the skin idea. It must be one of those breathing issues, people on the visual points.

The screen ? It is the "Motion to adjourn". 

I used to have an eye glasses with the Mc Donald brown bag. I have to engineer my long far away lens on photo. This Ipad doesn't look right to me, every photo I taken outside.

I don't think I gonna go to sleep. Monday.....

Today is Saturday, they used to have a Congressional Calendar, their holiday starting were not on Saturday I remember, you know. One week means not the startiing on Sunday, it never ends at Friday?!

They are adjourn to Monday !

Isn't that Simon's stuff? oh ~Connie ...remember, I got that forward in my mail from my ex bf. I am telling you, what that name means to him, at all.


I actually don't understand their English, some of this, the people's face laughing. 

To do list, leaping?! On the Stage? She was leaning forward?

Those are the adjective word I don't know what they are saying. You describe something or a term (noun) but I can pronounce not I understand what she is saying and everyone has to laugh? Doesn't look like it is to laugh? Toward the ending...

You girls should just keep losing weight never stop....100 pounds to aim?

Walking, breathing, stretching? Your age will come down.

When I was going on that AGT over that Simon time, I live in the California, I literally carried the dozen coconut in a carbo box, in my trunk ALL THE TIME, during the day time, with some other grocery. I last about 6 months, if that is what the bigger people wishing you all keep a shape, never gaining the weight? 

You putting those cake, sponge cake, pastry, I don't even know what you buying those Tops, has no topping, just a box of the sponge cake its upside down mode making it? Someone would buy them?

The cake I show you the 3 color cakes, square front, and long rectangle overall, they have the chocolate sprinkle on Top. At least that is exactly square and fair, and straight looking a piece of the guest tea afternoon time? It is in California vegetarian me and Sayer went for the lunch, they have that.

This is my morning here.....CNN is on the election !

AT least 218 votes? Where is this number 216?

The House speaker is the parliamentary leader of the House Representative.





Babaji: Go

Why don't you give you and that 10 girls on the dates for 3 months, and 6 extra months to that 1 or 2 girls, for that Line App Phone you really really really cares about it? I know you really really really need that Line Emoji buying for the money tolken, I have no credit card to even deliver that!

You want to re-settle, you know how your life to be?

Really really really happy? When you feeling more cuddle together, maybe your entire nervous break will STOP! This Freeziac idea....

You give yourself time away from the guys, and that 3 months to learn.

6 months to break, or explore the possibility. And? You could just end it right there after 1 year. You want to have this as the back up thinking in case you and the guy just cannot work it out? You seeing hope, you already breathing so fine, don't you feel it? 

Those are not the UB girls, to that CAC my Line App?!

What would be my brand new line app, your profolio photo icon? I may not be that much online, just attend you all Line App? Your entire chat boxes no one message?  

Emoji Emoji Emoji...someone could be that shameless never STOP!

First, I say too many times, if a guy finds out, you could save the money for yourself, not waste it, and by that per meal to shrink your 3 meals and the shape by the natural costs, not the fitness gym you cannot afford it.

They will be really really happy for you. They may FOREVER never be with you. But they are happy for you. You understand where you are, what you are, whom you are?

If you have to learn all the beauty tips, and make it per daily life, you are too lazy to deliver just for that One Guy doesn't have any money, what for reason, you are too perfect?

You want to use Taiwan new laws after that Square marriage to her true love, after the TV years 2018, I say Mars SMCH, another looking Uncle initiate? For saying to the American local court, if you can try with the girlfriend, not getting to the skin, just to be friends, and see how each other on date, or somehow you have a habit to holding your hands together on the first try?  

You never did that or, you never really meeting another person next by, their true love all together love? 

Taiwan is not America, but it is a democracy world, can have some organization given you support on that if there is a law made.  You just saying you don't get into the business with the New Mayor here. You publicly stated that.

If you just really really one girl being with one girl, or one guy, for example, me.

If you really know what you are supposed to be with, its 2 people away from that every busy world, fighting, loud, to get peace and quiet. The guy can rest, I can cook, clean, mop....every dusty existence, and nourish back him from the soup, to the solid every kinds of the food. Some for the digestion, some for sleeping better.

Or some kinds of the warm and hot towel, you running in and out, staying there with him, until he gets better.

I process my own hair and nail, you ever imagine this Movie: Mean Girl, or Movie: Glueless, whatever those girls talking in the nail polish, or their room, rich wealthy style, talking nothing but each other finger nail? What if that someone says, give me your hands, here are the finger on the nerve you feel?

That is what we used to do in the UK international dorm. The Japanese girl, as short as you all ever be.

Your kitchen every move smooth......its turn, look, raise your head, no hair fallen at your hair front bang


How can I ever describe you to be that maid .....

You girls are not very refine, handy person. Meaning any art & crafts, remember the American store name? Joanna. Not in the Kitchen, not in the mind, not in the walking, not in swinging your entire body.

You have a pain, you always per monthly I don't know where you are.

You have an eating needed. How you wearing one make-up for one outting, that is one hour on the make-up and the hair? And you shower? The public bathroom in America is a lot more nicer....Taipei okay, not South?

I never stopping you, coming right in Taiwan, and get any guy you ever wanted. Do you know what you speak out of your mouth, eating manner, sitting posture, or what you talk about in your leisure time, and where you say you renting by the money you can count, or the occupation you imagine you getting? 

Funny, my family house is about few bus stop to 101, that is where every "Foriegn Company", a term to our Asia, most local kids wish to work has to speaking in English such as One Google.

How strange, that is their Good morning time seeing me on the Video, its Lunch by, afternoon tea by, I am right at their basement or that Zara, near by all the gifting shop they don't know the things sold in there? How funny...its just one elevator going up and down? Do you live in that kind of zone in America? 

Its the ABC cooking studio by at the 5th floor + one escalator separate

Its one man speaker so expensive shop or their body wash, its re-organizing box for the man saying those are the women gift bags. I say re-organized boxes!

There are a lot of things you imagine it is really really intuitive....really!

Did you ever been with a guy yet? Meaning for a real, not dating only going out dinner those? You seeing him faces all right under those bar very darken light? Acrossing you, or side by you?

The American Friday Restaurant? Yeah ~~?

The reality I remember, every time I am near my ex bf, it will be right near his face, so when I seeing his photo, like we taken the real photography photo...it is him. I know that is him, not some other photo, looking strange to me.

You will be looking straight you ahead that BIG BIG BIG faces. You know that? 

You sitting your dad SUV front seat belt seating place, the air bag? Right in front of you? Or only your dad knows how to use that drawer, what it is in there? 

Do you have the eye contact lens inside your eyes, 2) Water boiling for the instant noodle, without the shredded carrots or everything else next by....because its just a water boiling inside your eyes.

The Heavy, or the heaviest burden your eyes feel....tired all the time. You sleep with your contact lens in it. You want to simplify the entire process following that Handikhan Babaji's Teaching, just one word. "Simplicity"?

My brother that frame, nick used to tell me too. Without make-up. I have the eye brow on, he says looks better. And until I seeing my brother doing that? I had a white long sleeve, winter sweater and red pattern Wal-mart those girls pajamas.

"The costs of the Beauty its too high!" (Legally Blonde 2)