
There is no reason to believe why you getting that job if you don’t quit the current - they input people you look happy


I talk to him.

When I feel like, this a couple days. Dreaming and less responsible in life because it’s not humanity but individualism.

Someone, as I grew up it’s the only my perfect life in 1000% delivery rate, not this. That country is America. 



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

How do you define injury?

You fallen inside your own bed, your entire body on the ground, including your head.

Your kitchen lower cabin, taller cabin.

Some girl hit the guy's jaw, some at the forehead.

The car accident. The very severe one, not just a bump on that stain.

If you compile your all medical expense ....because you are all under the fire too, some people might relent if you all just be honest and hand out all the information I am asking you to be honest. Be tight to the medical facility its better than anything else implied. Because....

The sooner you admit that brain injury, the sooner they can arrange you as a person staying somewhere that one life, you don't keep damage your brain by that accident. Its very very very bad. 

I can ask you a list of the question, check KR movie: The Day The Earth Stand Still ( beginning were 1928)

Have you ever fallen on ice, and you cannot get up, how many hours on the ice, do you call the ambulance?

Have you ever stuck outside the car door similar to Twlight? Fallen because, the key its inside the car, you cannot get up?

Have you have any caualty you remember, you record yourself during this last 40 years, you vivid remember your head, touch anything including you yourself hit the wall for funny, or wake yourself up to study, or funny like trying your brain for knocking at a piece of brick?

Feeling cute ?

Comic book? Sneaker included?

Do you have the car accident so severe, that one time shock afterward, you can no longer driving or you are shaken. 

Are you a girl or a boy?

Were you aware that is a brain injury when you fallen, including the cooking, or soemtimes getting a cereal boxes, or reaching high on the ground with or fallen on the stool like Tamang's back? There is no back?

Do you remember any incident you knocking at your teeth, or playing with someone, its a wall, its a teeth, its a grass, its a kick someone behind you, someone at your head, at the back of your head? Where on the back of your head, do you remember?

Neck or the head, where the hair is?

Have you seen any doctor, or the teacher to report the incident such as that.

Can you relate all the above incident in the clear day or time, that these things have happened.

I hope you all be honest.


It would be really really really sad....for One person walking out of there, its the Frozen isn't it (Hunger Games)

All Dr. T's class. Every honor class. They already investigated to that or it is a more stricter world in America than I imagine to this American Medical Data Records, how they ending up that class formation. 

At least to me, those ....what I see. 

For example, even including the American President, you will never have that Clinton event incident nor this Legally Blonde 2 imply. You know what I mean under the real lawful strategic planning, so saying....they facilitate that one Obama, it has to be, rigid. And every terms of that Presidency, its a strictly lawful measurement, not to screw up ME here, for saying testing the foreign affair, or the overseas staffs. They will investigate all manners to ensure that is not done on purpose. 

That is the only democracy norm reason how they guarantee their citizen right. I think America deliver that. I can bring up the arguments, I can say I see I got locked on the Television, that face is Tina, that face is Janice's son. 

I didn't file the real lawsuit, correct. Because I think they doing it very strictly after that one Clinton incident. I just need to solve it that problem until I found out that causes. 

In other words, that UB Honor Class were done year after years. Seriously every Class being selected in there were their GPA supposes to guarantee before admitting into that one class. But however, if any one of them failed inside that class, none of us would be told clearly why that is the case. Everyone is on their competition to get a good grade.

For example, I myself will NEVER imagine someone just drop the entire scholarship program and the college life all together. That is a small class, not the big class. I will be very very shock that time, and get very very upset.

So I don't think UB were lying upon their entrance to that Dr. T's class door. Not really.

But as the IQ equip students, what you define even in my own high school, what you called the honor class its called 資優班, among that 25 fix classroom /classmate's class, one room class its the Honor Program. I know that.

... Same to the First lady school in my own City.

I personally know what that is, and what might be written long year after year like Harvard in the Medical Board Data sheet, including if that is 5 Lake strategic idea, how, they willing to fail all students like I myself did F on that ground through a magazine. 

That F on the ground is not ....how shall they later in this world will later define in the generation ..."Not the Zombie movie way", its a literally on the ground. That piece of information I know that so. No, UB doesn't know. 

That will be really really really scared Movie: The Day After Tomorrow

That kind of the America saying. 

Legally Blonde, you only like I Myself, follow the order. Its very scary. It did affect me. Every step the way. I literally just drifting on the wood floating back on the ocean sea, trying to hold on, never argue, never explain, just keep moving on. Behind, they are doing this how rightful they are....I am scared out of myself over the TV, they are glorify how big money life they gonna becoming.

I personally.....would tell you that is very very sicken. 

Someone drifting on the wood to that ocean that cross....exhausted to shore on the coastline, to that every day, my life I have live through. I couldn't really say one word on any comment its completely out of my freaking mode starting with the Black Ops through that Project Camelot, I don't think they themselves in the American youthful height and beautiful, will ever do as far as I ever gone for...in life.

That freaking it out to how darken their uniform they are smile-ing on their own face inside that Classify System, to the guys, to the senior, to the American freedom.

I cannot describe to you one word, not one word. I have no time to even describing my every horror. Really.

You need to switch them 2 opposite, or eliminating Brian.

AJ is on the peripheral. Switch. 

Starting with your own band leadership best. 

Classify, is anything in the "loop". I know what loop is. Going around and around a loop = similar to a circle, an oval ground in the school on running.

Writing current:  Move all these Brian, 1 and 2 and 3 what is their location home town on map? Temporarily by himself. If they didn't get jail, they better have an explaination where they got that one turn material....from. Its near Tesla. That things doesn't have a sunlight in it. 

You can establish a case:

I have a personal question among you 2, is anything each other attitude needs to causing you buddy this long to fetal each other own's life on either the jealous to the War zone or Mummy or Zombie this horror "dark" field of the curse in those Tesla Sand Painting such as the Ukraine Got Talent? 

Some guys when they are beating each other up, they meant it "kill" each other with a very very very hatred, or hateful dense energy, because some guys are tall, some guys are skeleton heavy to boxing field included. 

I didn't really think the War is all the cause of the forward reason myself. I only verdict if I was implied and told. Correct, UB they all are on the kill, real killing mode. Its been investigated. All of them.  Therefore, there is a remedy in the end of all this, when each of them finish their mouthful jobs. Years, days, months.

No, I don't think she has a turn. No. Like I said long time ago, that was VS, a turn. Its the Tesla time the seeding someone reaching a darkness....in order to "Like Apple Steve Jobs" says about a certain thing, I implied already. 

You can seeing it all minion right now, every formats of shows. Its the future. Its ended already. No one gonna do a job to lose their own faces term. 

They are the honor class students. If they admit their medical causes were my hospital all Frozen Movie , every brain injury, ban on the head, kitchen cabin, slippery real, on the floor, on the head, the back to those South Campus UB ice. Its a stair down. 

They are very very very tall. 

The System Design I am aware, that is not the first time about 6+1, or 4+2, but it might be related to how not all ending up at the same line, same time, same movie, at the junction of 1999. Too many of that...that probably didn't begin like that, I can tell you. But itself, it already exist before.  I think long ago.

When I say "impaired", that was 2018. They just need to admit....one Frozen Buffalo every winter how long they were staying there UB all this time for, and the car, the driving, the insurance pay, to the relative costs.

The worsen things its to live indoor or a medical facilitate, not outdoor. 

NSYNC materials, assuming they are the Disney program early to start.

Today I told Ronan, the birds are...too welcoming his perfect name, because every time I cook a food, I had to remember to message this "Ronan", I ask him if he will be eaten him Ronan realize?

You want him blessing you at this line? Before you have any regret? You know each other, personally? EU parliment has someone too. Here.

Be here with you all too. Together. 

These are the people, you never met on your own self advertising or for some good causes.

 Ronan Keating, that is his name. 

Ep08 -TV 溫柔的弦


Ronan, someone big business. 郭, Taiwan the Semi-conduct Top him alone?

At least we were told like that. He manufacture in China. Probably bigger than him.

And turtle is like Mark?

How does this .....

Our name all duplicated each other to all this TV saying?

Your name is Backstreet Boy side of the Main singer?


You lost that lawsuit, correct. I can have my 閃電霹靂車 resources for saying accessing the Zero field, here is the One Eye government. The Bible is Starting at Birds, my roof are all birds records....therefore,....that part you lost. I am not sure you watching that Lords of Rings, many people copy and re-made, or some of you have a way obtain that materials, through...the reason on the profile.

What you can really do....because that part its lost.

You can say if any of you, or you yourself are this Either Square or Annca, one of which...Square I am not sure how real that is, 方圓百里, and Annca, if saying like I say in that First Life to This End life, anything recording to that Bible, you can cite that case for saying, anything more personal.

Most people would assuming you are the creative writing somewhat close to the Truth, that doesn't mean you wasn't hurting on the personal interests + the additional nothing in your tiny interest = my own Title.

You will be contradicting yourself, like you yourself made....I think. As a group, or as a leadership ...



Oil station ....

Or you are already jailed ....that is a kind every nick / nicky shows up. A lot of things like I say....may not be as real as you really validate inside your life. Its better at this time, the Time Junction you get clear what things are done exactly you lost everything already, someone taken, someone re-moved, someone told, someone next by, some pushing in through that Judge.

Everything told to you.

This TV or else saying it very very very loud. 

That damage fee its by per second One Earth.

Whom I am that I am. 

Your intention both of you persoanlity 

its not kneeling.

Your both knees...watch it. Understand that games of the eternity, until....you both will. These ships they are in thousand outside, to the solar wind with or without.

You cannot afford to pay it all. That is your entire company of any kind, second or third, or any money Corperate will bankcrupt today on.


My Power its not to be contempt, I repeat many times, understand?

Not one dust ilegal motive. 

When Square does not follow order the First day that TV airs on...there is only Warm cooking food FOREVER degree, every selfish motives, its just like eteranity neither of you can afford to pay. You squeeze her head on the wall until this per degree cooking food and both Dr. Bing Shen and Aviation all personel, that one person all squeeze head on the wall...

This is a very very simple self-glorifying moment, cannot you all see?

Super great Square Square capable.

Remember you yourself in the TV

Remember what you all created.

You need to work up a routine, you yourself can live alone, or someone near by. Not the group life anymore, even just 2 of you, because...if you screw it up that fate, its not the American can safe you...this is the end of the universe.

Han, Frozen that Prince.


American are not strict, they are. Zawanna has to gone through several thing in his "growing up" God knows how old he really is to arriving today, and what things missing he saying little because that is how the telepathy works. 

He was a boy, he also got scared. He has that personality flair, he was a lot more unstable and its in his language. Right now he is still almost the identical his language, but that internal were long gone those past. Its the governmental / affiliate the military / front end orientation / Officers / clerks 

you all hate the town clerks addition personal inside that military combine efforts for another country students or future prospects. Meaning he was a very very rigid personality to start. He had a pride that time.

9-5 jobs, he needs to keep like that. That evolution stays there for as long as he will remember, year after year. He took pride in that job. And one day he has no more that jobs, you see? He went to this Movie horror of a mental person, exactly how you seeing that TV horror, the recent movie. How horror of all that, he has a built up the physical strength, you saying....

Someone like you had a great look, a great passport, a great family starting up, and to that vocal or verbal skills to verbalize an idol, a pop idol, he was proud of his every day roots, but not every soul.

That one soul, every soul therefore ever after.

Long time pass, or maybe its always been part of that professional, how that receptionalist to change to one day this combine "which world their langauage a combine study Ph.D or Medical Research", those people brain are bright, you saying a medical textbook publication or any publication such as One Book, that is not even a norm in his world. They like the business or the Corperation sleek idea too. There is the annual party, or the family like those how you talk like the professionalism, like the sleek Boss, the dream.

Everyone has a small business dream.

His routes wasn't that one particular loooong age, he becoming Old too.


"You breathing?"

"Maybe there is a turning points of your prayer the next 2 weeks....not the eternal hell of both of us, the land included."

"Do you ...."

"Like my new selected clock?"

"I am so sorry for you. My sincere sympathy for all involved future soon-to-be. What is the next line once I got fired? Misquor? Bonjour Bonsir?"

My last 3 posts, I washing my hands 3 times, already....my keyboard and the mouse feeling.

Make a very clear yellow sticker SMCH teach that repeat the 5 names remember? I was? You write neatly or someone print it for you like the secretary, "wash you hand" "get up deep breath"

"Wash your hands with the soap."

"4 limbs warm up schedule"

"Going outside breathing 5 mins,"

"Straight up your back breathing, back spine straight. breath and relax"

"Close your eyes, and relax 5 second."

There is. On your mouse, these mode of the TV inside the 龍貓 sometimes they are all doing it on purpose. The insects. Those are the part of the kingdom of our world. I didn't really saying the compensation parts because....No one in this world has that kinds of the Past, so I just gonna take it all down myself. There is the collective Karma, or the moment of that breaking you a electric shock, or someone warning you. 

You paying attention, you have to learn, is that your internal, is that your bad temper, or is that don't talk about that, or shy away, one of those. Yeah, I talk a lot. Some before Westlife last year????! What was that?

Some this year, after Westlife. But I am not too sure of anything at all. The bugs in Taiwan are watchful, they are considering themselves this is a proud duty, a very glorious moment of everyone they themselves consider the happy results. When you 2..moving over, by the legal reason, well....you breath first.

How much Time do we have?


With American President, especially the America, unless someone like me, you will have that you seen the movies X Man Apocalyse. Trump has a huge merits to becoming the American ANY presidency, at all for how long before or next, any results.

Its by Thousand lifes, Eon lifes, something that trigger a lot of those. People like you are not very sure your background, you don't go and risk any confrontational, to ...let's say any triggering language to officially offend him.

The language such as in writing or some girls doing that often to sound like they are very useful.

You can say to this.

"The last office and the current American President, to you both later greeting from my behalf and my places, and of that service that to that laws, and to the democracy of that friendship bonding to tie in any given future is none-avoidable. To that diganity (guests) of the foreign land, I have acquire the American citizen through that family connection, mind you be aware to those TV its either the classified materials, its ironically to say very Visible to violating the privacy probably in so many different ways to spell on 15 to 50 millions dollars. Some of that, I am sure wasn't in your pocket in your campaign movement in the past or the present. I have personally handle this past Karma of the First to the Last page of this Bible "selectee of the Vietenese little nun", its rather odd of my discipline to the Past were not the First page of the Bible to then be afriaid the Day someone like I myself found out, becoming the TV and becoming the First Bible of that First page, its rather amusing to my circumstance, tiny gift of some room such as near by my residence were this mountain fold of gifts packs, its the iconic in Japan sense or for the girls or ladies included.  And to that some other pretentious how we resolve in this manner, how we sitting upon the unresolved current, or the Future my replacement, there are a lot of this going up and down heart beat, including you yourself when you entering my zone or vice versa since 10 years ago, that is 3 President I assuming were not the only Book of FBI ending up in National Archive, saying the movie its either real or specticulate. None of that, I will tell you personally because the way I am, or becoming, its really less that prudent for saying that is a type of the gossip or a type of rumors among the whistle blowers. I am not their kinds, I am sure when you seeing the gifts pack as such this....I myself alias to this scene...I probably meant more, I wasn't the replacement myself at the beginning. " 

What to do with my UB those cases - I think?! I think they all go to war, lose an arm or a hand, or a leg, for that, starting at my profile at the birth certificate, being processed by the American. My face is the results of the war or someone somewhere given up something in order to....in the end of that line, or the beginning of another line, you see?!

They won't be leaving that location house for saying transpassing the border anymore. 

That is what I think. The youth has no patience, so be aware. The more year they passing, they think, there is no harm. Its every harm the "youth has no patience." 

They need to go home and watching the movies having the Party Weekend like that Taipei Mayor ABC. They have to safeguard by the people around them given that false illusion, so some part of the comfer were brought to their weekend life, they smile, they joyful to passing on the next 40 years for saying...something decent someone make up for any results.

They probably go to hell.

Hank's AI is a piece of ....not junks but High tech, the precision rates of, or in a different words !!!

 - 5000 million of trillion in the 百分點的  一點點

Thor fires me when I am inside my fridge. What does that mean? They have 1 day, everything collapse.

Til the day they get to the Thor all of them Open, AJ will still on his desk chain to it.

Never finish these paper works, really. However you all imagined. 

1 day everything collapse, I am at Ireland side. I am just telling Nicky and Kian they are. Westlife and Ronan, becasue all this Facebook photo. I told them, wherever Zawanna shows up, I need to go to where the EU near those American Medical Board referral included.....meaning the whatever those name...so I am asking do they even finish the college yet. Continue last time whatever I suppose to do. Whichever Zawanna shows up, that will be the only standard. 

He is probably human, not God for saying.....just using him as the Godhead, that is what I would say, so I deliver close to those attentive news included. I highly doubts Backstreet Boy that Brian nor AJ, their clear mind to say....clearance the Scientology what clear engrain or the personate view too much of this Self Hurts parts. 

I think....Seth UFO, he got himself a lot a lot a lot of the troubles, seriously, that is not a small say just how wrecked his brain might hit somewhere too. He is not stable, or too much fighting, too little coorperation between the girls or the guys none of them agreeing. Its too little scientific knowledge too small precision means, or including manually by those hand jobs operation. I can tell you what I think, not that I can proven to you. The character is not stabilized...

None of them wanted to sit and be quiet. Listen, and....Just be your IQ there imagine what is the best FOR the God's view and the entire humanity reason, not really this Mahavatar Babaji or in between that they are, you here, everyone everywhere. 

That is not the leadership. 

Nothing can be accord.

😘💝 I think ...😘💝

My thought would be you go to UN. Too many this nationality, you have no idea where they harvesting all the human stocks for saying "its a group of people starting this triangle", really. 😘💝

That's the Judge !!?!


I think she is near the Washington D.C. Not the high lattitude, just right there, the eye of the fish looking American Map. Her chair and desk taller, so my peripheral is lower to looking far away and taller stretching my neck at it. She has the paper or the desk in front of her half of the upper body, cannot see it.

That is on the CNN Today here ! Taipei ! 33:25

I used to be joking right....uh !!! If these are the ranking people coming in, or that IDEA, first....you get a real module of the Earth in case they telling you, your karma increase all of the universe right in the middle of position of all their ship - it is convenience to look at it !!!!


It will be one of the LEGAL argument, I am TELLING YOU, the garbage like ALL OF THEM.

The expense of the exahusion pipe in the SHIP!

Eating Mango



Brian McFadden

Wa hahahahhahaahah


What does the Conservative means, which side of the Party? Not the Orthrodox...wa hahahahah....


There are some girls don't like the guys (Love in Bible means)

Voice Memo:



oh ~~~



Voice Memo:

Some girls, Nominji



The girls in the general norms




Dumpling !



Is there something in the Lotto I dont know?

I told Shane, if I go with Nicky, Kian coming over to eat, none of those Westlife Shane goes to, no one cares about him, he has no more Westlife.

What does the Lotto says? 

The name I calling you forward say 又


Poland north up is that Russian border where looks like Vancouver border down ?

Pixie head man

                                                                                                                               US judge wants to kill the entire Supreme Court, Women judge

                              Taipei, Brian from Backstreet boy, guy

Map triangle.

I have a list of you feeling the guts you are …correct, I know whom you feeling yourself. Let try this first. There are a lot of you really. You all can try one by one “later on”.


Taiwan metro station

Bento box, AJ, you know Brian? How close you can ever be? Coming near by them you all groups circle of table. You are most shining star !! With the other day I comment you only bring a plastic bag of thin vercinilli noodle soy sauce !! That’s not a lot of food, about 3 weeks ago. 

His new interior design on 阿滴

You are not his group but you will have a group of round table knights. Is there a reason that table you all together eat had to be a round table, you are super visible to me.

Don’t be afraid, it’s just a paper and pen. 






Babaji: Go

Thor and me, I go to nap

I told Shane.

But its Nicky I told him to tell Shane Today. It was not on the TV.

Its every guys when they talking like they are getting close, that is a real guy. I could feel it. Whatever that in the general sense, they are all guys, I say before last year, or every year on since 2014. The guys are ...that Nicky does with Shane on the video. Holding on the chair, that is my wrist,

I remember. They all have a different built and a different talking tone.

All identical, seriously. Because that song is running You See Friend (I See Lovers). That is what I tell Nicky today. 

To tell Shane

There is a Thor.

I think I supposed to talk to Nicky at the breakfast !

I was telling Shane, I am so mix up....because, I am not really an American, but on the side of the

                          Top Filtering Process

Left side =me  |   American 

(angle from me behind) 

Let me guess, you all seem to focus on the Westlife not the American guys anymore, and this has anything to do with that Brian or Hailey's brother, really? You like the songs, do you call them and tell them that?



There is something about ...?! 是在講劉沛跟汪星? 丁文認識我認識的那個汪星?


Its about his dad or about him? 

這種事情是說最後,假設我找西城男孩講說你們配對,包括我以前他們那邊在水牛城整個美國 ...是說,你們要算三個月之後、一年之後、三年之後,在國外有兩個字叫做 dating 還是真的再一起,懂我意思嗎 ?

This things til the very last, meaning after I am talking to Westlife about all of you couple together, including my side of the UB they distribute to the Entire United State, and ....do we count in 3 months, in 1 year, and 3 years later, in Western world, there is a word called "dating" or really be together, you know what I mean?





This is all horrendous looking to me. Cannot you just cook something like a normal carbohydrate, you can just buy that right? The other things then your venture, as long as the carbohydrate shows up? 


Carrying a cook jobs, carrying a person


If you getting those ASMR deep fryer, yeah. Its the same batter. Unless they really the whole group shows up, there is no reason to exhausted yourself. 

Look at that !!!


Nominji (Voice Memo)

What I think your chance ? Nominji



Its hot here weather now.



💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪 💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪 💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪 💝🤩😍

💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪 💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪 💝🤩😍🍑🍏📲🥪


Babaji: Go

98 Degree


American Hot Dog


Ep 05 - TV 溫暖的弦



Voice Memo:

98 Degree Song (to Nominji)


98 Degree Song (to Nominji talk ) Hi ~ 98 Degree


Talk about your hygienic, your sex talk idea, public face idea, the public shame idea, holding hands with your ex, or ex bf, or ex husband? How you feeling real, or it bothers him, not bothering you? We went to a Cinema at night not watching the movies. They have old car competition including the motorcycle, on the highway 7 , Good Morning Sunshine to Vartan, that will be to the East. They...I have no idea where they going!  Earth can only rotate one way, Vartan you know that.....its to the East. THAT way........------------>

Some people cannot put those words inside like...talking about its like those bump on your skins, or brush away, or just....a health class talk? You know how the health class always invite some guests coming to our middle school, high school to do some presentation or the guest speakers to the School? So you remember some of that growing up the nutritional class, not the health class.

What do I think you should do?

Sex talk.

Nominji music industry your dad




Finish cooking, its on the facebook.

I am losing weight. 68.35 Kg.

The lion's head: The vegetarian meat (soak water), tofu firm, carrots, little bit cabbage, King mushroom.
1) except the Tofu (in the oven itself dry), everything else need to burn oil 過油
2) Then squeeze those oven tofu to piece, its done, the same bowl mix all that together, and start with another container adding flour
3) You also add the pour the flour in that bowl, start using your hand to squeeze them firm bowl, they are warm, not hot. So some water will help but needs enough flour, the first time might be loosen, so you are using that container not just the bowl, to roll them around and continue squeeze them into the ball. Not fallen into piece.
4) Fried them in the oil. I have a soup pot lid next by, the trick its the sink, often water filling 1 and 2 and 3 times, putting that lid in there, so when you warming the soup, that is not hot, then chopstick the frying pan, move that lid over this stove.
Its ...a motion. Move over its the sink with the water in it.

That is the chicken soup, not vegan.
My mother is vegan, and she doesn't care, next by its her vegan curry powder made of. 



⭐️⭐️⭐️💝 As the Boybands ~~~ you don't rest for 2 - 3 weeks on your writing skills ? 💝⭐️⭐️⭐️

"I hereby and acknowledge myself telling the Truth, nothing but the Truth, its about my efforts and my life for the last 25 years in the industry building up some business, whether small or big, including finding the data, research, with the company staffs to some statistic for creating some better worlds for our fan groups."

"At this junction of Time, as we can seeing some splits in that Flower Thousand Bones with so many lawsuit are file-ing in, its not a wonder thing for us to think of something. I am talking about myself, the literally Time. I gonna go be dead one of those day, myself."

"There are some phenomenon being observed in all around this lawsuit hear about, and why people just doing nothing but fighting against each through the war rather than on the paper formats, so that is why I am here today."

"I don't want to consider my life was a waste since about 25 years building some business that doesn't fit in the System but the money is good, to that one of the argument other than vomiting inside my own property and other than getting a girlfriend in whichever sectors, that is our own business...."

"Did I say that was a phenomenon being observed people could sit on the Top by a merely TV meant not the replacement? Which of that is possible lies? I work the butt off by sitting in the airplane starting the economic class from the starting, that was toooooo long ago, I never thought there wasn't an efforts required for trying, and diligently running in and out. And for a lot of things under my hand currently or including a lot of the other formats of experience, I have something to say ...." 

"Here is what I wish to say..... "

MIT, I can only hear Trumpet?


I am cooking the soup, and making that Lion's head.

MIT is on their facebook Live Orchestra. Do you know what is an orchestra? By the way, what is this Keanu Reeves looks like my dad, if going near, he is inside the loop. You mean Matrix? Talking skills I look at him?

Inside a loop?

And why is that anything to do with Pang

And Tina's cooking skills

Erase Pang, its Tina. Tina's cooking skills. Is there a reason that is 2 things?


Tina's cooking skill"

"Sorry, its Pang before that."

Me looking at my Father, together we are in the loop from that new property influecne. My brother. Sorry Pang is his name. Pang. Tina's cooking Skill. Tina.

My mother is Tonawanna?

If you have a car in Taipei, where should you go? I need to ask my dad. 如果我在台灣有車子,我應該會去哪裡? 我會問饒邦他爸

He used to drive us somewhere, a several place including Square's dad's these 4 floors pinpong table roof. Its outside, not sure where.

他以前帶我們出去某些地方,這些地方包括方方他爹的 "別墅" 四層樓那種,Pingpong 球的那種頂樓,在外面,不確定在哪裡! 

He also had some other friend whom have this where you park at near the mountain place


This kind of the car driving In this Big Taipei City District, I will at least still asking him before I imagine that kinds of the life.


都市更新 (City renew, how do you say that in English? Urban Planning ) 這英文不知道是哪一個字詞語


The same video, if I was talking to them about that same property how the birds were telling me, remember?  You turn right, turn right, turn right, straight up to the highway. And if you make a routine let's say this video you get 20 boxes of the freezen fish packages, you just storage inside the "brand new" house you purchase outside the city, its cheaper and newer too.  

When I was in California that time during AGT, talking on the Google + , I was still cargo my boxes of Coconut. The real Coconut, and I was saying that how the road map was there? At Isabel's home there. I cargo literally boxes and boxes and boxes shipping coconut myself, per case I carry all that to my own home. 

There is a routine how the life if were getting a car, yeah ! I am not that old to say without it. 

我在講東帝士那種長相的東西,華南銀行的那些右轉在右轉在右轉 .....

My telepathy to your overall Writing Skill in English (presenting a case?!)

"I vomit inside my own property, its the property damaged!"

It will be the legitimate causes !!! For the lawsuit? 

... ... You want to know your own gossip or you want to know about YOUR all overall Writing skills to fight a case? Mostly are the subjective views over the things how you perceived them.

(Since 1928 Micky Mouse born )

Correct, that is what I said starting a month ago. 


They are hostile outside, I already saying that too many times...really.

Ep 04 溫柔的弦


Softy String
Softy Salt
Softy Tear
Softy String
Softy Salt
Softy Tear

oops, my html table code gone wrong wrong wrong,....if I just keep typing it.....gone wrong, right?

Where is Backstreet Boy currently? I think Nick Carter say he just took off to Iceland, where Wing or the Judge supposes to live at. Its one of the wonderous things, how each other Replacement for each other?! 

You have to standing in the cold to feeling it....how Tamang looking forward? Not lean forward? Its one channel like us here to China? Our side are shorter, people don't just swimming over if I were you.

Some people have this World Records how their physical strength its just like their age, really. You know what I mean, like Sayer, like Woodbine.

Scripts Gala

oh ~~ I told them to get a date right now, the boybands often can get on a date, or some relationship long enough, but to what they really did a piece of information. maybe they are not told?

Isn't that the Sailor Moon's balcony, Usagi and her dad was the photographer (the Color TV), I remembered I seeing it, there is an umbrella, remember? 

... ... Which gala? Tina just gone to a Gala in NYC, how expensive that dress is.


okay, I gonna insert some links here

1)  招兵買馬: 

2) Get to fight over things:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvYoPNe-Vc4

What is Westlife song? Keyword "Westlife sol .....

le lad?"

When you got told to do, and when you get up and putting through your credit cards to do, there are some difference they actually flying over the sea landing here and there, really.

This one, sorry, mistake. Ancient Chinese that one. Insert back? 

Westlife-Where We Belong


Isn't Qian Yu (this words looks like Quan Yin)

That is which Chinese words, missed it....

====> I personally tell you, there are "the money" involved some human brain might just focus and listen better, really. Along some lawsuits idea, to where your brain is dead, or IQ is really ADD at it.

uh....Eben at the gulf course?! 

I personally telling this structural building for anyone to enter in, because they are all steel metal built, if you just looking at them BEFORE they were built, and side by side all looking next by, because you are right on Earth, you didn't have to go to Toronto to look at it....such those cases, Its 1) Committee Board 2) That Zawanna one of those combine jobs his jurisdiction with his foot all mud coming in the Board meeting, you never been in those formats yours.

How you are making that home.

Which place you mean you feel "inside" that is home? The metal office meeting room such as Apple's ground? Between the few of them, its a smaller meeting room. Not those ground Apple Circle looking spacial idea. 

You combine a several title, to imagine the "transpassing the building". I thought I was saying some of the stuffs before we watching the TV, so....if you really meant it you listen how I feel about it. Its the transpassing which degree of the Department, ID Card, the jurisdiction (Today New), of all those branch talks. Its....it may not have to be the Corperation ideas.

But correct, the celebrity before they dying out, if they make it outside, they will have money. 

Do you remember Square and this Japanese Ryoya's visit

What I Anna thought about? (I am still on that gulf course scene on Eben, I am not on the phone. I just have some other things to do).

When you doing things like that enough, you tend to mobile a little bit different Department scene transpassing enough ....its not the student clubs anymore, its just part of the noisy home owner manual of the local town. All that noisy to start might be a good idea.


Someone got the cold, (not someone got a call)

                           and Zawanna shows up, why I would be that surprised, if he is not the public health human?

His hand, and.....Softy her hands 20 mins ago, nose to tissue to keyboard....really. No you wash your hand if you use that tissue alcohol wipe, and then keyboard. 

I really don't care about any of you, final call really. My money.


Not talking into each other's food, really.

Lee and Eben those are the small business proposal. Eben says 70 employee, that is a small business company idea. There are a lot of the bar code on that book to a lot of the industry under a different name, from Asia to Arabic.....that is not 70 human employees. Let's say imagined, I just open a creative Offices, doing research under "Youtuber business", meaning there is a public relation and modeling examination walk-in interviews. 

That is one human resources small company. 

Not the book I told Shane. 

There is a difference how I wish to spend my money. When you having a closure space of any kind of the cold air, unless you really implementing MY saying of the hygenic, its

1. Every time you touch your eyes, your ear, your nose.

2. Every time a chip in the bag,

before the keyboard even just me walking inside my room, there are bugs outside in the kitchen every night to fight on this.....after which clock on the needles.

You wash your hand with the soap and dry on that towel, then keyboard.

You wash your pillow case and bathing towels 2 or 3 days almost, maid your mother, because I am the one making the money, you see?


If I seen that scene = Lees says, my mother's face.

I will tell you Sherry, she is inside the jail. Nancy...her entire skeleton bones are on the health issues. Living very far away from the City here. Coming down the mountain every day. With a car to park then Metro. You won't like any of the commute Time, not really. For people like me. You talking about how much the money involved.

That 3 +1 wedding peach blossom maid. Sorry, the wedding crasher, sorry, the ones whom wears the wedding gown. 

Tina is one of those language "Cherry on the Top", what does that mean? 

I personally idea telling you, because there is every scene everyone telling you on the television including some outsider coming in...

For the efficiency of the per mins,

Per day hygenic one dinner, one hospital visit 1 out of 10, your perfect teammates.

For the sleeping time I had without the guy or a girl being seen inside these story, you literally walking next by going in the car, to somewhere gala included.

It doesn't get to people's mind on my voice memo breakiing all things inside my own very room, with the birds in the sky, never touching each other on either side, and gossip all worlds in one roof including that maid outside. 

That no complication life if equal a formula = no commute, no car, no car insurance, not even the regular dining costs, to these you saying "capital" required for a proposal and seduction.

You saying the proportionally of 1: 1,000,000,000 efforts.

That is stunning to believe the efficiency and no complication in life, someone sleep better, function better, group mingle better, and processing the paper better, and that one person doing nothing but generate what she believes its true, its also part of it. Whatever exactly I believing true, all by myself, without the Staffs I say. 

But this China TV

Its not what you think, those 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Exists, so that is still on the TV. Its real. That is why you doing all that.


You don't have to use emoji if you don't want to

That website below, its...tw

Made in Taiwan.

Ancient Chinese: 招兵買馬 

One concept Ramses in Red River Manga when Yuri took all the horses out ...That Ancient Chinese has a lot of the military words in them, I wonder why really. Nothing but water, or the grass (the horse eat) or the human eat....the food.

"Annoucing the bulltein board for the pawns (military soilders) and buying the horses."




💥🥃🍟 I just tell Shane, someone must have a gut feeling, its whom = they= get on.....1) the locket, 2) the hoovering 3) the seat 💥🥃🍟

I have no ideas whom they suppose to be. 

Out of this context and for how long I am keeping this jobs ON!

💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟 💥🥃🍟

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

An argument means, well, you are presenting these something inside your hand to the Judge from the lawyer advices. I haven't seen a lawyer yet, I was told every American lawyer reading my court room paper was for if....

I hire anyone else lawyer to against them. One of those?

Technically your lawyer supposes to help you. But you suppose to know what American saying the democracy under why or how they advertising these democracy system from the beginning to the end, including how a law being pass, how the campaign being conduct to carry out a mission? Meaning an advocating cause? Not causes?

The telepathy doesn't tell me the literally per word you all say. I did say that right? How I feel...not just how you all make me feel?! 

... ...

If someone asked me ....

... ... 

If someone needs to tell me or inquire how you all doing?

.... ...

Is American legal system valid such as writing a court room paper to pass?

... ... do you say your first native language were your original country from, so your English class did you pass? I only get C in UK. The two English class, and literally speaking its the tutor I hired, we going through per line per word, per insert....you know how it looks like so encouraging to go back to my dorm, the computer to re-type each word. Why these words mean so much to me? Seriously!

Where are the American lawyers, do you put your bathroom right next by? I am washing my hands like MD does, two arms, two hands, nothing but soap!!

Very very very often, all the time. My Keyboard....I cannot even describe you how you soak in the water, washing these 2 arms literally under the shower facet, not the sink facet.

My 2 arms.....

I am telling you...if this Babaji AGAIN, to this how me and him and ET whom else gone to this Porslin doll all by ourselves, to where you all sitting there debates without me the Open Galaxy.

My heart takes that, there is a reason .....we are not there !

You know what I mean?!

Give me a sense what did you see, really?!!



🍑💻💝 You know, I looking at this Westlife or Backstreet Boy ...🍑💻💝 I am not sure why this Prince William and you all Game of Throne so important like ....in all your sense, its not the democracy important?

So where are these legal paper I doing that myself? If the American are those whom claim they make their legal system to today 200 years, nothing but advertising like those Westlife or Backstreet Boy, if they putting those Vevo or Concert camera people in are just all set-up? Meaning...the political upheaval movement were just the mouthful jobs for saying, it was real the democracy you go to listen to the politician, and appeal a case, and write a court note, or inform a lawyer some works, inside that American zone, that is what you do best?

I left Taiwan, US to Canada far away from it all. The day I get down....I haven't...or starting to know that nick was my bad karma really. Up to today, I am hoovering in the air, doing nothing but key-in words with my bare hands? 

You know Ancient Chinese has a saying your 2 bare hand fighting against the Tiger, not the Cat?

My Love (from Westlife), that is what you all driven me to believe it, they input those people in or they select their camera lens, were....Shane did that, or Westlife did that, because that is their production side. Of course they selecting and targeting what they meant it True Loves? So they set up.....I wonder these entire democracy you fake to fight on the Judge court or the Jury's faces how to validate each of your face account?

Do you all want to call the UB police, to when you can tell that UB Dean, that open a UB Alumni sitting gorund similar to that Obama, just everyone goes there, SIT and TAKE a photo of this entire 250 human factors junks and send it over here like a souvenir, seeing how far down the years you all meant you will get through that court room local, or marching your way to Supreme Court America.

🥃💥 I personally will tell you, I am still on that exhuasting mode never end since 2014. Really. I don't even know how they could get that much materials on the Television and ....🥃💥

Ending up I am looking at the bliblical Bible where I am, where I see.

You could just say that Sword in the Bible if were reference to our time....you write about it. You could say, its not a very decent things to drag other people's religion inside this End of the Bible for saying, there are several sword being seen on the TV, but that one particular mention of the sword in the Bible, were meant the 2 hands typing on the keyboard, making a legal argument to the democracy world, that is Anna's claim. Its the democracy world forever, and we don't agree to it. 

So you make yourself claim.

She just meant, regardless you all UB claims or the democracy world claim = she claims forever true, its that find someone to substitute the TV position how to get going with 2 hands none stop typing on the keyword, that is what Anna did like BTX, but they say that is a carving wall, not sure which one sounds worse, because she literally seeing herself spit the blood twice. One is Flower Thousand Bone, one is at Tina and her male cousin, the youngest guy. She doesn't think she does that for a living...but she tends to believe that for so long 10 years pass....nothing has changed, her 2 keyboard, when one things close (BTx), its another door opens (X Man Apocalypse and Future and Past). She probably, as I myself words to describe, the least drama, dramatize things over any statement or TV scene. She just describing them 10 out of 1 million, and she is so used to believing that the literal word she uses were "The Earth without the patents its the breaking ground of every 5 mins." you could literally breath on that ! That is what she was shown and said in 2018-2020 over that Yogananada page or Sariputra's website. 

However she labels all that, its not a normal thing to keep seeing she spitting the blood on the TV, til when someone get tired, never describe that anymore, 1: 1,000,000 degree.

🍏🍟 The group Lifes 🍏🍟 (SMCH with her head monks them?)

I don't know why they capable to traveling inside the Taiwan mountain to camp on the river side. Some people exaggerating stuffs or they have no money, or no places to go. I don't really know, you saying the Group leadership on what ?

You imagine your spiritual group or the ashram such as this guys putting up a joke with me Anna? You are not going to make it in our worlds, or you gonna claim your medical expense over your instability of mind? 

I am not sure you understand his sense, or you imagine a group such as...Me Anna its too arrogant over my faces, I care no body near me around me. Not to say a WHOLE groups of monks or nuns, if that is what you mean? Not me. That TV says 1 and that...looks like my mother. It just happened to look like that. My personality is like that.

You can ask him by the way, WHEN Anna can stop jump, flip, bounce on her own video making, here is the link.

She did that 10 long years if not starting 20 years ago we know her since then.

Like I heard...if they are a show format's Judge, they can write some comment. Not necessarily official he can sign me OFF this...situation, but maybe they can submit something.

You can say under the democracy worlds laws, everyone is encouraged to participate the court room conversation in any kinds of the civil or international lawsuit. They wish people to be more motivated to join a conversation and apparently she is WAY TOO occupied hanging somewhere out of the context, she filed the lawsuit 1 to 600+ to hoping something will get that TV down, because there is nothing .....but all that on the Ancient Chinese Drama ALL OVER THE CHINA platform for saying that to American, or the American military, right in front of their eyes.

When she gets down, she kneels in front of China or the Sea?

Is there a difference?

File-ing a lawsuit let's say some Blacks ops or some military establishment....any where beside UB one lake to 5 Lakes starting Jonas and Silas area....down with my brother upper stream remember?

Its that some are in the Hunger Game.

Here some are the diplomacy such as that guy's dad. The Current Taipei Mayor.....so how the American President ending up there to when these drama file-ing the each other Red Cliff (movie plot opening trailer or just that military advice's overall how he sees the worlds....)

When they are ALL done, I am so outbound in my own celestial money I guess, they might sort all that in the organization I understood which files belongs to where, yeah they can ask me if they want to. Writing to me, or using my IQ after 10 years all this ....TV so BIG and giant, and over how many writing words + the real lawsuits, i hardly think anything you try to write, its anything they wish to read objective or the subjective feeling wise. 

I don't know if they use the telepathy behind, meaning I have that advantage if I get any answer through them, even one or two words they take it.

Jc Chasez you seeing him present so much these....girls format, you want to ask him all your girls combine the later results, you don't need to go through me. He told you he is a gay, so he may not be so subjective than me comment on some of the things you imagine, or he thinks you are imagining....he coaches a line of the girls. You asking them privately if they offer anything through their company or just drop him a note. He pass by my facebook, I am sure he was told some situation like this. This is the Sorority, you don't have in UB. 

Or Dean would have totally seeing you different, if you lie to him on the way to Florida Bus Spring Break.  He knows himself comments.


They have their paper works to file the evaluation "the ENTIRE situation", they know where they end up "no food"? That looks like to me....

So unless they finish both drama and all the evaluation where they best to go about, they...are waiting !  

The verdict, I anna think?

They owe me money, prior to enter the zone, during the zone, and staying evaluation never finish drama zoning all these time.  And how many eternity their unsaid karma when they will pay off. 


Starting on this very first life "contempting the Court". I am the court.  

Its best you suggesting them dropping out of the college without IQ after 35 its your Current, writing a book and keep the line and square best....for some year to go about. 

You all pay dearly dearly with this one experience and eternity wise, since you are all older, being force upon the Twlight education year after year to when you will finish the medical school, its not wise what you imagine GPA was not a thing when you intention was....foster home with your parents both doing nothing at home.



I think Hailey and Adam they have to missionary re-schedule their brand new places without the help.

Not civilized, that is what I mean. Including her brother.

Not Bryan. Either they are told, or they heard, or they have asked. Because...they must doing that for a vow, or for a cause, and unless they fake their religion practice which is Later Jesus or...what we known here in Chinese community, we called them the Mormon. They tell you they are not, but....we are. Not me personally. 

There is a Flower Thousand Bone, so unless they drop both the 1) Missionry 2) Flower Thousand 3) What is Eternal (their own Chinese Drama), correct they do not need to keep learning the Chinese, not even the Madarin how to write, other than just by simple conversational Chinese being heard and going about life. 

Taiwan has the medical world. So if they just by the way ending up here with Westlife Mark, none of them have any relation, but it would be the medical cause til when they finish, and they exit the scenes. I don't really know.



You can say, you wish to cite Anna and Dean over that Frozen movie, for there is a reason Dean move south to the Florida Medical School, as he intent, or he really makes it there.

Did he ever slip over the ice when he walking from his dorm to Anna's side of the Top's plaza, they have some medical bookstore for the UB South campus, that entire plaza has a several things if Dean remember in that Movie: Frozen. Anna remember she and Tamang plays the chess in that Star Bucks, Melinda and the girls have also gone to the Star Bucks there. We did the senior ball in the South campus, and some times we did go to Anna's house or room for a chat. Melinda remember her comment area was right in my room with all of them squeeze inside my room....remember?

No, Anna says she didn't slip on the UB south campus ice. No. She drives when she got the car starting at the UB South campus. The owner of that Indian guy knew JJ cafe. Its at the South campus, near that Evan's garage in Kenmore. Its the UB south campus area. 

Do I have the casualty of that in my life?

... Not really.

I was with nick, he built his ...fair and square landscape, I never venture anything he says alone. But if the court could STOP this I cannot stop doing this jump, flip, bounce as your Bible ending Time its IMPLY at the current, or they postpone with that Ronan Keating sign, I would prefer, no more this I looking at my traffic sign every single night included? There is an Ancient Chinese Words of that, and that made to the 2 President here their Modern Romance TV.

They cook.

I jump, flip, bounce, every night home....if I am out later.