New website:
Babaji: Go
Busy, at lawsuit (not on the other website, its here) 3:00pm
Today is Saturday, how unfortunate. Usually when no one bothers me ......feeling different. I can feel its a lot like the weekend.
New website:
Babaji: Go
Busy, at lawsuit (not on the other website, its here) 3:00pm
Today is Saturday, how unfortunate. Usually when no one bothers me ......feeling different. I can feel its a lot like the weekend.
This to do with the drum you see behind? You don't really say the rock n roll, but the reason why the pop culture comes to a separate entity, a lot more loud music, and people like to go to the concert.
Westlife - Beautiful Tonight
My audio same song "Beautiful tonight" (0:55 starts)
Commanders page:
You have one more practice Facebook:
Be Happy
Loving the Silent Tear
2014,2015 ...2018-2020.
In memory (S.H.E)
Long Time No See ....Sakura Clear Cards
Wing is a very rebellion guy, starting when he was younger in UB. He always is like that kind of the temper person. Very very rebellion. Ola does those harsh religion talk probably one of those argument, gonna make Wing this one way or another being provoking and highly rebellious. Ola doesn't really have that kind of the real IQ to become any MD, looking at this Vita Heatlh report, they say it very clear. She only keep doing what she thinks and type to that computer, everything is false. She only does what she thinks...not what the real situation in that patience care, at all.
Imagine 200 countries, x 70 people Pixie lines up + SWAT team I guess....they pretend to be on the stage. I told him if its one of those your bf like Ronan, or, how Kian might be part of all together witness their own too perfect romance..
All over this, whatever he says.
Ronan is his bf? ~ right ....Some people needs this biggest profanity of the proven vola just how it ending up on my desk with this newspaper one of this day or my monitor in front of my face already its everyday.
Why don't him go back to his daily routine time schedule and join some group activities with those Shane and Mark. I can see on the Otter part. Probably one of those Christmas Party. yeah, I screen shot this image on the blogger to send to him on the phone.
I set him up for things or with Kian, 25 years. Here, some human never gonna make it one full housing choice, and that 25 years will never be one person's one lifetime ever be.....Not the suburban a full building, but one of this, whichever I put things forth. He behaves himself not this Kian right on the newspaper the other days the last 4 months, exactly becoming the newspaper. And let me remind him why that Queen suppose to be mad, and in the end of all this, really becoming we are the movie. Every single degree of it.
He says he has an uncle ? (Ella Enchanted)
I told him the European police its a lot more function ...and Tina jojo really becoming this running in and out so I need to charge my phone for the emergency time right now. I told him my routine the same thing I write him.
Screen shot all that and sent to him.
I need to dental floss my teeth, it bothers me, I just ate 2 dumpling and small lip touch these sweet sugar water Taiwanese local dessert. I sip things to keep hydrate at the moutfhul. I don't like those stuffs. I am on my weight now. I have things on my hair right abdomen its painful this one full afterternoon, one full blows of all those gas combines. Its not comfertable, and my hair ...right now. My hair !!!!!
![]() |
I need to dry my hair....I have a hair blower really.
It bothers me to keep a style on the photo art, really.
I told you this bowl movement its painful. But I have to drink again, keep hydrate. Its painful, the gas.
That is in America, and I don't have a credit card...I keep saying.
You actually really eating the Mc Donald mix the drink Coke + the bread with those meat + french fries + the Fried chicken meat.
You can just get a warm corn soup, not the chedder American soup, here Taiwan corn soup with the burger without the bread that much, and fries or the fried chicken meat without the bread crumb outside. The korea spicy stuffs on the special menu those time.
Let's say this AI toilet try has to wash the front and the back, meaning my underwear has to go too. That towel has to be used, to dry the front and the back, you air dry your pelvic a little bit as the girl. Taiwan is not that American cold right now, so you run a full round this going in and out of the balcony stuffs, to the washing machine. You touch the curtain or the door lock, open close, and washer dryer's lid, use that towel to wrap around the old cloth.
Did I say that is one extra round, you walking back and forth inside the room, you come back to the bathroom to washing your hands again. Or this balcony IPad camera on filming, you keep washing because I have to talk to you all with the keyboard, so now I have to go and step up those stair my bathroom to wash my soap hands again.
Happy? I need to lay down, I just specify why I am on the toilet ..other than?
The New Age detox methods, everytime you touching those line, you will have the brain issue over this blood stream detox mechanism, so I lay down and staying this running in and out of the bathroom and washing my hands how many times, because the toilet...behind, its a poo reason, just not the 2 arms keep washing enough every single time coming back to this keyboard.
Its the psychi connection to any of you, really the combine collective. I done this job since 6 years ago. I live in the water habitat, just not becoming one of them the beaver or otter type.
In Chinese, we have this label as the number
1 or 2.
Meaning pee or poo. One of those. The water statue, I am living in those zone human, to keep my body in shape. I only know how to do my own way., really. And this Nicky is not sleeping anyone check up on him?
I have to wash my hands so many times. My throat itchy and keep touching this keybaord, I told you, its EVERY time you touch a keyboard, you wash your finger and the throat skin you touch per surface skin, just go under that facet, washing the eyes, the mouth, the teeth, the mouth inside lining, just staying there counting 1 to 10, and my throat and my 2 arms.
How much I dreadful this real PC jobs, none stop typing it.
I drink a cup of the water.
I need to stay in the bathroom right now. My body has this detox mode I didn't change too much of that. The cereal ruins that I think ....the cereal + milk. That is fat.
One single unit of the cell, what is the definition of that?
Is that your finger tip? I have found some unbelievable things you all doing inside your brain. What is a a cell mean? Its the textbook they draw and show you the cell theory the internal structure? Right ...? I thought so.
Since the day it is know as "Anatomy and Physiology" to "Anatomy" and then "Physiology" and then "Anatomy & Physiology", so one day Zawanna decides and told me, its "Physiology". Going on for some times I stuck, and stop, or drawing, or this typhoon everyday.
Today You had this Anatomy and Physiology and
Its Physiology. So to that entire process you don't remember. I actually remember I wrote all that and inside your every internal brain how you would have told me, how I talking about a certain thing including the Sailor Moon, Lee's ATP this one simple concept, that time was to more of the 2021, or the idea 2022, or 2023. Not coming or coming toward you all Green kidos. I describe that process again.
"Anatomy and Physiology"
to "Anatomy"
and then "Physiology"
and then "Anatomy & Physiology",
so one day Zawanna decides and told me,
its "Physiology". Going on for some times I stuck, and stop, or drawing, or this typhoon everyday. And I say American Medical Board won the lawsuit.
So today I must tell you something, what is a cell means inside any body?
I hold it for a very long time. Because I repeat I spitting the blood on the Flower Thousand Bone (2015) about a several time, one time in 2021, when we found something then again in 2023 this year.
I know what is a diagram when they say that is the cell structure. Of course I seen it. In my middle school textbook. I had one year general biology in high school. I didn't put the biology in my study, remember the 2nd categories? Right now you happen to have a patent prove, what the material science, that is without the bio. So in the biology, we will talk about the cell, not just the DNA.
And where are the DNA anyway? You draw me a full body, seriously.
The full body any kind of the diagram its a full human body, describe to me where or how you drawing the red or yellow or aura, anything that one full body in front of you.
I draw the map, I know how to draw a full body, and what is a full body? I want to know too. What is a full body diagram.
You can draw a several chart to tell me the circulation system included. The circulation means the artery, vein and capillary. The artery into the heart that is the artery, correct.
So any diagram just all insert in, to give me a sense a piece of the body, or a full body chart, some how demonstrate what is the circulation concept and the artery, vein and capillary.
1. A cell inside a body means3. The full body diagram, the cell idea.
4. The full body diagram, show me the circulation system.
5. Like those heart means artery going in, vein going away from the Heart.
6. Any a piece of the body or the full body give me a sense what I am asking you. Any kind of the diagram is fine. Describing this 1-6 with your explanation. Meaning not just the diagram. You need to write some words next by the diagram you copy paste, or you draw that yourself.
I actually seeing some real surgical work from a kid promise. Tell me, this is not my hands? The first 15 second.
And why it has to starting at DNA level?
That is how a man and a woman met. Anything?
MD doesn't need to know the chromosome, probably.
For saying the DNA dogma give rise a human body from the small tissues that can be transplant in your world to every burn degree of the fire hazard situation. Such as our face, and can regain that back. That is the tissue idea in our world, VERY VERY important. The organ is too much risk of the exposure of the bacteria infection in the 2 different host, if saying the organ is not like a piece of tissue inside the petri-dish.
I guess I am saying inside the body fluid structure of the internal fence, such as the surface skin to shield these wind or temperature from the internal body blood stream temperature going through the brain, or the heart, it has to be exactly not to fluctuate whenever they feel like.
Right? At least you know that?
And why we need a circulation system again inside your body, through the blood vessels. What are the blood vessel specific name?
I am telling you, I am so afraid since 2021, never end if someone told me its my hand.
This must be interesting, how you really meant it....we are not the same age right? Your pa or your warehouse you? You don't have a table to write? You coming here for the anatomy or the physiology class? You don't have a regular medical school class?
Every human seeing, believing it, humanoid symmetry being, having a bilateral definition
These are having the skeleton, how you define your have a vertical structure side way, full views in front of the viewer. So when you having this anterior or posterior in describing how you perceive a body, you always knew and very very very 1000% sure and certain that is a standing structure you are defining these words in English.
That's say we say median plane, a lot of the Medical App somewhere must have all these words, that entire reason you got to be sure that is the anatomy class.
You turn the body has this lateral view or the anterior view.
But when you describing to your patients including, that would be if your palm or finger poking that chest, and if the camera its at the lateral side of the back spine and chest,
Posterior or Anterior
(Dorsal, or Ventral ) At least to your own very language, those are one of those minor details you have to memorize the words or the vocabulary, for me, English is not the most intuitive saying the American native speaker.
But all these, must have equip that body, or any body with a skeleton to stand up, meaning exactly 206 bones inside there like the must human we will tell you, that is literally a body that consist of 206 bones, no matter what.
Question: if without the skeleton, you don't have this term?
Before the God or the human made, or the eternal you never seen a human has a skeleton, for saying those terms never invented. Because in one of those phrase you will say, its the "anterior view", you have a physical human keep rotating on the front peripheral. And for any chiropractor, that is a plane, then there is a surface structure to apply force. If you are just the mushy up the blood and flesh, without the bones. Technically....its a deform statue in our current modern world.
When you bent your elbow, is that break the bones?
No upper away from the elbow, or the down below the elbow, the hit point in the middle of the these upper arm and the lower arm. That is one full bone got break in half. Not at the joint, no.
But they are separate of?
Ligament or the muscle or tendon is a part of the structure over there.
Elbow ( I touch touch), no, its the bone itself of course its the bone itself. No, you don't go break the joint. I thought you are looking at your diagram. Touch it.
If ㄠ someone, in the TA office
You will pain like a hell, so you know ...that is not a bone.
How about you don't learn that, some intuitive idea where to look at the skeleton, and where to apply the force's field anyway?
When you saying a structural science, or the structural human body, you define something in the space as the objective universe, we are alive. Moving, breathing, thinking.
Again. Moving in the space.
Breathing in the space.
Thinking in the space (I mean on the ground).
I think I need to go doing something else in the morning.
Some people can only afford one full house, that means no mortgage but a yearly tax or the house property tax. (The land or the building itself) - these things are the item per listing to pay. The math you try to simply if on the first day, its all paid in full. At least my brain always driven that.
So, I hardly have any extra shoe, and with nick, I don't need any heel. Not like Tina or my mother's shoes closet. Some guys might just look at it. This is ridiculous what I found out behind.
Until Nicky or Westlife shows up, then its between me or China or Taiwan or JAPAN to America, someone has to come out with the mouthful opens, not me guessing. Not this time, so we accord where I say I had a Visa at?
So I handle all the things after that. No matter which land. But technically its Taiwan or America. And what is this purple balloon to the purple Earth on Youtube, everyone sees? I afford Nicky let's say flying back and forth, he flies, and I look after the rest of other stuffs. I set him or Kian up, whichever you mean the investment or something like my mother did for me? That is not a super big deal things. Its a math.
I have a French situation too. I did learn French.
Cry.... I think there is a lot of those words running in people's mind set no matter what. Its at the night time, I have to go, from San Jose to Sacramental, I think in the afternoon, but the wrong GPS to land in the farm road, that is bad. I done that too often with this airport GPS. A triangle in Google facebook to Apple that one diagonal road to Standford?
I am so so soso tired the whole night driving through.
Right, I think Nick is not a girl, I was told that drive he is the passing down from SMCH that time. She asked me inside. She says nick. I never say anything. I have to drive right at the sun to my eyes in the farm road. It has to be a farm road through GPS? The first time to go to Sacromental.
I tell you, its the Math, the budget, the bank you walking in literally stand in or at, or through that entrance door
You asking me what is all those things the before or during, if I am not the factor. Its you stand in front of that Shoeless or Payless Shoe place in Sheridan plaza, this plaza is ....all around where things are. But that bank its because, right next by... ... .... .............. ...............
One person space, means tidy up.
One person's budget, not the entire assembly, means one bank, one door, one staff, one cubical and open up your own mouth.
One person going along with every situation like in America, that is a Costco cards, if that is one or 2 people household, meaning you show up to take a photo, or pay an annual year. You as a person done that or its without a guy, or tears inside my eyes.
Something wrong every step so I told you about the Costco.
Your heart and mind and soul are crying because you are one person show up and literally too stressful to open up your mouth. There is a flow in everything, you mean if your dad, your ex bf, or a guy, or anything to lean on with your eye glasses on your face to tear never stop running at your own tear glands, and stand there 2 mins, you got nervous, Costco are so airy, they literally have no human 9-5, and that is the reason you feel tearing.
Its tooooooo stressful without a dad.
Get a card to fill up, the brain to this household basic goods and stocks. Drag and dump, in the carts push to the cashier to pay ....with a card its secured.
Right ...and from there you dump the entire thing in the SUV behind a truck. And then get a seat belt, turn on the car light or already its all auto mode drive, not the manual car to arrive home, and stock it inside a personal space, you say you breath in that space alone fine?
You eat, you heal, you turn on the TV, or when you purchase, you know its a safe neighborhood to walk, and every house you seeing from the road, its your eyes to see? Every notes or the poles of anything say the neighborhood watch?
The entire humanity are blind...the wind blows. The sunshine too bright.
... ... I think there is something wrong with you or them, really.
You mean how wasteful in life when the TV turn real with all the ET stood in thousand and this busy world to every scene, and I dare......A lot of things you see, one person I don't have all this obligation in the real substance of you called "Life", to just use a brain? The Past, or the TV monitor. The court disassociate all that.
Its a governmental almost say close to every protocol, guideline, or written notice to follow and its other people be the boss?
I don't have to be a boss? I got freak out if I am not, really. Whom wrote this Bible, my entire bone never stop hurting. I have this mortality one day I gonna die. I have to be a boss ....I cannot breath at all.
Those Era of time, was a barefoot as if, a little bit like today's Japanese renunciation process, far away on the mountain, its where very little people stood. In the past when you established like a tribe idea, including having a leadership, the medicine, the survey of the land to the mysterious creature dragging the human to eat incident happens in the real formation of the girls say, and the monk (the guys have to show up)... you saying how today I look at the 10.
An assembly of them.
A back up troop (SMCH side or anything on the aunt, or the women side)
Then you look at the boys on the TV, usually its their company suppose to do those things, buying the gifts bags, or the fan club. I have a photo probably meant the princess clothing on this Sailor Moon (Crystal Skull), in all that formation was not humiliated enough. When you saying a Spiritual Master, not just the SMCH trying to be put on the TV, or whomever behind to ensure that entire process being yelled at right on the Supreme Master Television, they have this IT department of every sort like the album inside the Pinterest, that create the tent, the camera equipment, bringing the staffs, or the police, or the microphone / equipment people. Some, will be called from each location that shows up. They have a way working through that.
Right .....I don't know whom input the survillence or including the American if any, most of them are the Asian.
Right...on Earth itself, that is the day to day normality. Everything as what they told you a sit in meditation group with the hours, and a method how to turn inward. Everything is instructed, everything was repeated.
Everything is wasted.
Their specific instruction has a ratio. Imagine it was DC and AC time that time the 10 years war, anyway? And delivering baby I guess....the method.
So On Earth, that is an appearance almost very similar to the outside Zen world, but you talking about the trillion zero to those cannot imagine civilization. Those are fake too, if Zawanna is the parenting of this Perfect at a home, let's say a vocational home, 1 to 1 talk. Someone whom can stand in front of Zawanna as the parent to talk about that field trip has some substance in them, its probably a field trip. He has so many different parenting role, including initiating a conversation with the parents all around. He is a parent in the past, or that time you saying organization of all that.
Mimmo has some social friends, they gather to put up an event.
You saying all these....very clear a house bind to a house, someone show up having a talk. Of course Mimmo is not Zawanna. He is a Ph.D + MD + MD psychatrist + .....Ph.D some kinds of the combination you saying he force to have a vocational home purpose must have a field trip. Its inborn at his personality, or he make himself got dump in the far away Prince Harry this incient in Frozen.
A little bit reminding me, how this far I have to put up with, really.
Something long long time ago, I say. He repeated the exactly the same answer as I say that. Long ago.
My mother hurt me, Medical Board. The bathroom door at the beginning, my entire tapes hurt me never stop, tell me.....?!
( 10 : 06 )
Explain 2 ( 9 : 50 )
They just telling you some kinds of the roughly story. To me, its totally different, you pretend to be in the fear of your own heart, by watching the movie, and make everyone else in fear. (something fallen on my roof) last 2 mins?
Explain 3 ( 10:11 )
Winning or losing ( 5:38 )
At least they look thin, and they care about the dresses. oh my God, this is....the Pixie jobs, right?
Any military staffs for the front desk, to almost FBI ....usually even in our Taiwan worlds, are too small. You can tell. 190 worlds, let's say only 5 Super Nation, that America did everything possible, including the public education failure its all given equal opportunity and free will under influence.
We don't have that culture here. Those American those very very loud particular all words. They put those words all open on the internet. Zawanna might be gone very deep of all those if this person is a real human, and he did what? With this parenting field trips a household lyre singing a lullaby to enter that worlds
『Ministry of Magic』 almost says. Its very very quiet.
Tina calls. Her mother says...whom. No, not Tina calls. Its Tina cases, save the money for the kids and rent.....nothing but lies I think. I am so sick of it. 2 years expire here. It is Tina calls, about Hank. I am back on the ground. That's enough for today. Today is our typhoon day, they have 4 City has to declare if they have the school.
Those are the same cap (hat) putting Wing to Ice land ....really. Not marine green what they wear. Its similar to the interior design color. So we gonna last one full lifetime with the Congress, its = I gonna breath? Not on a dot, that is a circle?
They hate your eyes, the mortal bound here by those American Congress. Not the Line and Dot. They must see the crop circle I told them too. How amazing, the 2 location I even speaking English by 2015, I am telling you.
What's a line and a dot?
... Its a deformed, curved merged line. I think.
(look, top buttom books of this table, it must be a magic how high tech this design where the books are) And 400 millions dollars minus, maybe you should call your pa real in the telephone with his voice on. Its.... Kian goes to Wi s con sin beg for a pardon. Pirates? No, not Ronan. Kian. no wonder.....
Zawanna and me on this label.
He started as the military staffs, not necessary the front desk, or only limited to the orientation table. Its a military front desk staffs, then his major would be bio-fuel processing, or the bio-sphere, like that barefoot human with the Kingdom garden, he has astma or allergy in the sun of those.
Me, Anna
Would be this vertical indicator words down.
Medicinal chem (make vertical tab down, like those Japanese 1st marking from mercury those)
So me would be
M or side by down a little bit. Its a minor, not sure.
With APO, CAC, UB Chess Club, and pre-pharmacy club, Chemistry club, and UB Robotics.
Each specialty of neither him or me, had a warehouse behind our head space.
How do you have the mind concentrating on your medical school, or this one particular "journal" even? A journal is that the same as the paper here we know of?
A medical journal means it airs somewhere other than the peer review journal? You can have all sorts of the journals from bio, chem, biochem, molecular biology or bio-sphere journal, but this one medical journal, it ends up, not just Zawanna's table that magazine?
And he would be next by I look over from his shoulder, or I myself sitting in which library myself I keep telling UB them the correct way of studying the medical school its really really really comprehend that, so might as well finish that entire library, because I cannot "afford" those bio ideas, too slow or too nervous, but if I read in the library, I learn per line, per words, by per practical application, both in English and in how they saying that in some of the reference?
I think the way I understand Zawanna, its he....started with this particular major, and it has to be other than this medical, So then from which side of the both jobs, well, he probably meant like you are doing it the medical journal, to reach this Riley you seeing his diagram, those table?
Like those straight drawing left to right line. Not Harry Potter, not parliament those round ring structure. Its Riley that kind of the, not all the way to top, and its not sunshine.
Its executive branch almost like part of those hat Pixie wears, their uniform are not marine color those you saying more people understand its the in-line these ROTC, I used to grow up and only be remembered including my grandpa side. It looks different, its a hat. Might be more like FBI those inside you seeing being knock down those position, just a lot more thinner. These are nothing like the sunshine outside. Its all the colder inside taller taller one straight line from left to right. This table lines are not the highest, but it will reach our Hunger Game the 74 that concept (not 75), the exactly darkness indoor, very quiet a Man I believe. He is the leadership.
A lot of those too higher up its none of us world need to know.
But even one of this (my 2 hands horizontal pulling in one after another after another), how do you drawing this up, its a real those interior lighting. It will be similar to FBI those very very quiet basement. Its a structure.
None of that looks educational I think. And never gonna have one word prince mix in it I think. Star or Galaxy those are the executive almost alike branches. Not all the way top, but very top. No, I cannot draw out of it. Its very very quiet, and very...
Nothing this commotion, my head hurts.
It is everything must be lawful. Per degree, per nature.
The kids why they are overreacting like that. Ronan.
But ... I don't really know the details because you trying to sort a materials only going straight to the up sphere where they come from if that is part of the ET, meaning what they are literally say, I am keep saying its the democracy world in our world, and those things, a lot of this ....
Something inside you will count a lot more in the real story of those Zen in SMCH. A lot of those passing it down stories and they are part of the TV archive, meaning ....Judge Not, or being Judged. I don't really have a word to describe what is really outside.
Prince and me
Zawanna his book or I look at where ? His shoulder next by...
(We have a movie online) He is a credible author, I got None thing inside my brain, every AI will tell you that, you cannot invent anything out of the thin air, really.
There is a poem, and there is a PM right there in front of you !!!
That is the Cinderalla commander (in-chef) or the commanders bullein board chart I copy here? C
I got the A- in medicinal chemistry (Brady's his year when he borrowing me...)
Not really related, but I study at it. I think...they change all those things those professors. I got heart taken when I first saw the exam, the final exam.
says whom says 47?
How old this is? (Page turn back and forth, why there is a note here?)
I personally will tell you....none of that exist anymore. Not here not outside, and....I if every day doing nothing but screaming on the universal police and AI are alive, you bet anything I say Greys ET are liberal, imagine one American military, God knows which side of them facing what things about any lawsuit that generate by the hidden file to derive a conclusion.
And all the rulership outside must acquire the spirituality, I am seriously telling you. If these kids telling me their schedule to us are hundred years at least, that is the MOST wonderful news everyone die out here in time. Those money are uncomprehensible. I just didn't literally scream or out of my breath, because.....Congress they meant I breath, Pixie on that sky were more than a dot breathing above or behind Shane.
That is a circle.
not a dot.
The real rulership outside will have the competition nothing but the literacy and the real strength of the every cross of life in Corporation or the Military commanding power. A literal professor are just a too small tiny tenure you saying they are humility running deep.
Talking out of the random in front of an IPad its not a PM they did on a stage, you say you talk alike, you stand alike, you manner alike, you mean if every Congress man in 194 countries, they are literally threatening among themselves out of this Space one day.
Space Age, the Space Travel.
How you move yourself into those not inside a jail I am telling you, no IQ situation does not improve. That is the end of the movie. Sorry, I am not talking to this green....I got carried away.
Education Parents taken you to the field trips like the mushroom pullanization....
all right, the birds lie to me, they say Ronan, your politics.
Its Finance and Business, that is what you good at? But isn't I just say the international trade?
To the international travel on our Earth, he knows there is a passport.
To that galatic star including the aviation this...too much money too wealthy all air all sunshine, these money of the busienss man their voice are a lot more rounded at the base note. Kinder, or they understand that structure for outing. All that are real, inside your real world, here....he will be picked as one of the profile, probably a lot more outside structure, people also go home, sleep, train, and have a job, and making the money. He or them are already a lot more international travel.
Just not the international trade I guess. you will be shift to my profile, me will be cold. Cold pierce like the TV they put a word line here. "Get out." that is the IQ doesn't arrive, we are not speaking the same language. This will never be your outside those sound friendly makes a gesture, the music, the village dance, safe, or the surveillance a lot more insure the accidental travel or all that protected compared to us.
All of this are the internal situation of a person's construct, not necessary the brain part of the psychological stability. Meaning what you face inside your own world or your own very life, you are a lot more acting out, forward your learning and you are propel to keep learning, and all that environment are a lot safer or comfer to that steady growth. We are not very encouraged to learn or most of the misunderstood those point. Its per page of the textbook they meant its the comprehensive.
When you saying you analyze people's personality or the psychological factor, let's say you plot your chart, you input your picture or the observation if those public photo are provided the same personality, you see, the personality its the external expression how people looking at you, and sometimes there is a social norm how you smile, how you being trainer at, or how you being military salute, don't move your eye brow those kinds.
They are your pa, great grand pa, every pa, if you keep your voice toning it down, there anything why that might be every occasion is pa word coming out of your brain?
You asking them for help, or this is suffering?
You don't have other literal words, other than "pa", your brain space? (I turn around I didn't think I use a chalk too.)
You all understand this morning says? The jaw line? You sure? Its the physical line you can touch with your own hand on your face.
(You know, your have a pa, one of them have a method on the Earthquake, either its God he pity he lives in there, or somehow he design that. Shaken the foundation to crumble, the moment I this medicine idea.)
Its we Earth so doom, or you all so ...shaken, I cannot tell the age on your own years, all very this Sakura Clear Cards, you get that from Zawanna their human world, or your culture born to be a lot more vibrant forward out your learning curve. Here are literally zombie, I understand why they saying that.
Dead, no life. Dead.
Those rectangle open and close those kinds, I know its the student formats, if they just inject a lot more the human world how to be a perfection thy thee Self.
Inside the 4 side wall, let's say Zawanna has a point for those kind of the interior design, meaning the planet strives at our Earth sphere, one of those things he did say. We have the air purifier. The 4 side concrete wall are the cold itself. People tend less this in American weather its the morning and the night rock temperature just slightly change, there will be a sneeze.
Nick used to tell me, that is per time Vitamin C.
He is very very very conscious about. For the girls will be the socks, and must be 4 limbs care, almost just soak in the warm water never stop especially those Canada weather, its very very very bad here. What other planet that sustain the higher living including the mood here.
All that are not sustainable.
I heard you guys left
2 arm straight 10 finger touch touch touch in the darkness.....(really not here, or I imagine whom left, for sure....wave, wave). That commanders-in-chef, he freaks me out. So you all left for real? No more anatomy, and physiology?
I think you guys are in the legal worlds, you know. You live in the human body or the real body?!
You really calling them the pa, or grandpa in the telepathy, or write it down style? You want me to draw how you enter your own dinner seeing whom's room? The handle or your schedule book just like that Devil Wear Prada. Here we don't have that luxury 5 grand hotel, this tiles black quats? mix color just like my interior design, darker, purely dark color.
That is a long rectangle handle. Imagine we are Earth.....America has no money. I literally telling them they fail their public education, low IQ about thousand time, LOW IQ.
(match light up, sorry, you exist)
All right...Thank God, they cover the image on the real terms here.
🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐍🦖🦎 🐢 🐢🐢🐢🐢 🐢🐢
Everyone looks a little bit buttom fat, like Indian general dance at. Only the guys they put a lot more money at their fitness.....But every girl because of the culture, has an eye glasses and the book club. The writer and the writer's digest. A real literacy., your current facebook if you yourself staring at, the autorespondent, to that number of your friends, how many in the last 10 years to turn back to school or 16 years, they doing it right in front of you.
Behind that real AI, or high tech
You all will becoming the end of every line, those face they know, its the low IQ, 35, you are gone. They imagine to tell you, there is a beauty pageant because in FBI, that is real. But imagine, whom are those girls possibly can get near any any any FBI? So that is a fake movie, true. You don't really have any existence values, I will tell you that, soon...time will arrive, or already arrives, its nothing but low IQ with a skin body to pretend....17 years old and that every fate are written on the piece of paper, its every 10 years, 20 years the same.
That distance to the local here the Earth guy, are too distance gap.
American student athletes that is in the real position Captain or the PR.
I used to tutor some.
You are the type of the girls don't have IQ, just like that Tamang, lazy, and tired, meaning, no hope in the future as you growing up because of the low low low IQ bracket, and poor mentality, you often getting things wrong like Tina low low low low low IQ, so every blames comes to 1 to zillion, no, wrong, wrong again. You are low IQ I keep reminding you, remember that.
Low IQ person only does this, bad things like some of the guys like Dean, small tiny voice or like Wing. They will never be the real leadership inside the guy's real world. And one time I told you, those TV are real, but those leadership are so rare, they are so mind occupied everyone calling them, they don't calculate you, but you will...
1. Calculate everyone on the first impression
2. Behind back lash people.
So you need a music teacher like that Harry Style, all of them looks drugs, but behind, they report this finding faults, and if you draw yourself an internal picture of you, soon will be that middleton hat like the witch everyone looks turning on every single year down the road.
Nothing but the green face tall nose high hat witches.
To be burnt....down.
He has guilt conscious
Harsh to himself
Make sure he becomes the perfection
He will listen to your every word flat, meaning not the flattery, to improve himself.
The self conscious to that god he embark, that righteous..He is the uptight human requires more discipline good and bad comment. He receives all.
He felt hurt ....he is a mortal feeling sensation from toe to head, every part of this right or wrong to make a right saying. He needs that. His jobs he hopes like that. His entire life philosophy are the paper ideas of whom he will welcome all the public lower ground of people like you to correct him.
He knows he needs to be corrected. Some human born never to endow a word I want to hear.
Your money will never arrives, to open your mouth.
So they told you the best idea its that Wing. Starting with the money, you can kidnap him.
1) A classmate or the teammate, shorter than you are, buddy together.
A very very very bad mood or the bad temper, everyone provoking him all the time. They dare.
He wants to chest-to-chest bump into that person. Same to Eben Pagan. = The chest bump to chest to another person, like him and Craig, and beat up the each other somehow with the fist strength, because everyone provoking them.
= Annca.
Getting mad, that is not tyranny. Getting a far worse moody mood all the way buttom, he wants to kill and he literally gets up wants to beat something, with the chest to chest, he dare to bump into someone if the society allows him. He feels like that. His body his character defines like that.
That is the definition of the Tyranny means and a dictator. Every decision in your life has to ask him, every spoon, every move, every paint has to have his permission, he will scream at you like any girl just screaming to any guy over a paint, a jar of the paint, a bookshelf, a something random buy. The Tyranny, you literally can, you will screaming at that person with the curse words, and the cursing nature of the language, and literally you want to beat that person up in front of you.
Don't explain to me you are, or you are not that kind.
Just do what I tell you to do, plan, or draft, no one knows a thing you put that inside your room, re-write, call, or meet-up. Those things its your own privacy. You feel something then you go to the next step to feel something more. You keep saying things are not true.
She might be still in NYC, the baby sitter person. You want to find a way how to get through this Torus materials, its the same everywhere. The Tyranny case, get a girl + a guy. That is exactly the opening of the TV, Sakura Clear Card.
They might be just asking me for a gay's law, between whomever them. What you gonna do? I tell them okay? Just not where they say they should? The correct state to file that? I believe they try to tell me, its Wing. I cross that off, remember?
So you try one week, Tina that bestfriend I think its from the high school.
No, she is not the tyranny, but you can tell, she hates that guy.
Try to be smart, you imagine one thing, but you really trying something a little bit potential. If you have one of those capable, you contact her, and you understand how the business works, you can get near her. She hates that guy, very dirty looking. Tina says Hank like that. Almost identical like that.
No, she is the girl-to-girl type. Not having sex parts. I don't really know you have the sex or not really. Some girls don't really like the guy, its not the opposite attracts. Just don't like the guy's attitude, and some of this girls are just like you.
1. The small voice
2. A tyranny. You think you are very soft at the heart.
You ask me, maybe. But you wish to dictate every movement of that person. Same if a guy coming near your life. The tyranny personality just like that Simon. Correct, the China history. You know you yourself are like a tyranny. You don't need to tell that girl.
A girl + a boy.
In front of this 10 girls literally per year once or twice on the phone Line App group, sharing or comment to each other, encourage each other in the chat box, how are you doing with that one girl, and separate to one guy.
You cuddle that one girl, to you being cuddle by a guy.
In front of the 10 girls. Just try 1 month, or 3 month because you say wait ....after the first 5 weeks, you wish to tell me in 3 months. You have no longer insist to go in any crowd human places anymore.
You say to those girls, whichever the facebook. "If I get one guy, you get one guy, so because you acquire, I will then get another girl too. You think that works? We keep contact and talk about it."
That is what people like you do the real talk behind. You get one of those these girl behind, in the middle with the heart below? That kind of the girl has a certain talk like that. They lean on you ....just not so the worldly people look at them. You like that kind of the mildness, you can get a lot more professional work jobs.....I keep saying you are the tyranny, I have seen before.
You get this kind of the girl, because you have a lot more logical sense, you wrap around your arm around her, you the girl older 40 years old to wrap around this kind of 20 years old girl. You just do what I tell you to do. You can just ask that kind of the girl for 1 week. You all very liberal sense to tell me breaking up in 1 week, you don't get affected by. So break up in 1 week.
These 3 people are too young looking. You can all just each takes 1.
You want to just contact them behind?
I have no idea how to use this Youtube.
They used to have a method to contact anyone from behind.....You make a video of yourself, and you say you wish .....???! You pretend, don't sent to them. You pretend a target, you go to your local City, to find somebody, or your existing school, or the facebook. But pretend you have a target.
You present like .....
No, that is not a plain cloth. Those type of the girls they know the clothing.
Or this?