
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Group activities - Voice Memo in English

Group activities - finding faults (7:03)

Keanu Reeve is not the One. But I am sure century down in the world, you know what that really means just like the TV. Its the freedom life. 

That microphone supposes to be on your President Term, neither of them willing.....at all.

Shrink into the turtle neck, those jobs are done, the rest its the money made the living til the 90 years old, how to watching others falls or faults, and I cannot breath because you keep living on with your money. 

Some spirituality will show with one of us. Its right on your map. 

The One - Its never You, but sits on the Money Beast (1:41)

In 2014 ....Talking about in America (13:09)

I started with the Twitter

The Current Situation  (12:06 )

The Girls Talking Skills to Wing and Dean (5:50)

To Keanu Reeves and Michael Vartan (6:46)

Sailor Moon Transformation


The things you cook, didn't get cook done?

Is that what it is?

You like the art painting.

A lot of girls believing the commercial success or those sleek Corporate looks nice on themselves to the parents and all around. We have a corperate librarian that got to the UB science librarian, did I tell you that, by now he probably retired already.

In other words you won't believe that life you continue to cook, and later you have nothing to rely on, so you prefer yourself to make in the end of life, whichever you are more lucky to meet the guys and to secure that future. A lot of the girls prefer to have their own finance sort.

In one's life, you given thanks to God every meal you pray....remember your own religion to pray at, its because, that is how you always thought about a lot of the current world animals they die in the hunger, not necessary like the human we have the sanitation of the water or the cooler indoor air to live inside.

You give thanks to the farmers, and those whom stood in those longer hours to make it those you never will see them again those venturing the city. To that every crossing stranger you passing it by, you wonder if those are the ADD that stood the longest hours in those night life, so everyone else, has another brighter day that rain or shine. Even my jobs literally didn't have to look at them, but inside staying this IQ brainy on the wireless....


Seeing when your brother all growing it up? They also have the fear and the insecurity?!


Inside your life, you don't really have anyone anymore, because most Capitalism under, their sibling relationship growing will be apart, not like Asia, sometimes they put some closeness, or I don't know ...even this China only had one child policy.

So you saying you willing by your own will to those on the street, just not your own family members, that is how the life one day you realize, with the whole wide world there, you seeing the familiar face only just by few. They might talking to you, left.


You want to do your own prayer? The writing ceremony

And...3 and 4 girls show your high tech last frame at this Lawyer's office "What?"

Make yourself a confession? Its the angle must be straight right, at your face. You really believing it .....

After 40 years old, what you shall wear....


You can just wear nothing....I am telling you.


Divorce: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5LqT2bBa1zs


Sometimes people can just look at the monitor: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8__l8m0GAio

For saying in Chinese how I knew that Square between the "buddy Best friend boy" 哥兩們

Short hair, and cap + your arm around this sitting down guy's shoulder and saying....???!

This would be a threatening the First day, or its the opinionated view he considered, or some human knows the psychology, how I despise the humanity....really. 

Maine is very cold, and if that is the final goodbye to your parents, that is really really cold.

I am saying to you.

If the guys have the free will to run just like you, do you want them to W Two Worlds that scene, sitting cross with an interface, they asking you some question. Or no one visiting you its fine.

You are not paying an attention on your right hand, that any kind of tool you select, you lightly bounce, you knew that is the cutting board or the veggie.

Its a rythn. You are not pressing it hard. That chopping carrots suppose to be so minimum distance from the cutting board, you cannot possibly putting your finger under that knife, unless you are touching your hair, or forehead, or anything eye glasses, touching anything but one smooth flowing motion - get the entire cutting board done, and washing it, leave it in the sink water filled up, you have something hot cooked in the stove. There is those I like to buy pot, that lid will get too hot, that is why there is a sink with the water.

I think the birds tell me not to tell you anymore. 

You like to eat chicken?

💝 Anatomy - Cooking with your bone how you use that knife to Chop or to Cut, you doing on purpose ....

I describe to you a reality ...because most of you don't think when you sabatage yourself  consequence, you absent mind its one thing, being funny that is a totally different things, you know those Chinese flat meat chop? You really smesh down that strength your entire finger got cut. Like those Deli shop girls, with the uniform, you will hold your finger with the blood to stop how it bleed means you holding that finger, you took your phone or the pursue along, run to the front door, wave alone

get on the car door alone,

absent that dinner or work alone

Be at the front door get in the tax alone, pay alone, talk to the taxi driver alone, he is friendly but you freak out, you really really need your dad there.

Be inside the emergency from the outside to inside of the ER hospital, you thought Jonathon useless, you wish someone would ask you someone normal, you have to fill up a form yourself at this cold registry what happen to you. You sit in your chair alone.

You wait alone.

You look at the clock with the foggy eye glasses alone, holding that hand.

Until you being called alone going in.

That entire world scene never finish aloneness, you ask if Canadian they do on purpose, there was an eye doctor in Taylor Swift - Blue balloon all over, magic pink.

There is a bird baked in the sun burn...burn BURN right corner from my side, the ending of that corner head out .....corner forward, which direction is that? The police station.


You want to copy me, I told Nicky, or Byrne everything? You calling this one man, one guy, one professor by...?! First name or last name?

I am not sure. 

I don't have anybody other than that person looking at me right now, I have a mom, but....she didn't ask me anything yet. If you don't pretend in front of your aunt or uncle, if they just talk to you honestly, you tell them like ...every honestly. I don't think the people will twist any word unless you are 1) VERY immature 2) REALLY screw things up on the TV 10x worse than Anna finds out because I cannot register.

I tell Nicky, I need to go to sleep. Nap.

I tell Nicky, I need to go to the bathroom first, wait ....(watching those video)

I tell Nicky, I go and get something to eat, wait ....

I tell Nicky, Those hands and toes nails, are parasite infectious, highly infectious. But I laugh loud...that is so bad. I say those dead fish in my night market, about 40 years ago, its the fish tank with the alive fish. You never eat the dead fish, not fresh, that is what that guy keep saying it, or smelling at them.

Let me see,....where are the conversation yesterday...

I want a pizza, no...wait the sequence was

Right I want to go to Grocery that one to strolling shopping, then ask Thor says Burger King, then later I just woke up, I want the pizza. I ending up eating pudding I think that night Friday night or Saturday night. I say I am tooo tired.

💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦

💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦 💝💔🥭💖🌮🥦


Babaji: Go

If you trying to shape up and be a better person, that might be serving your overall statue quote how you going out of your way, if you gonna spent that much of the money to argue that case

You can make so many Intellectual debates, and doing what you love. They tell you "doing what you love" so you stay longer and be good at that job, no matter what that is? 

You asking around if all the other girls per yearly, they improve one recipe, what is that?

One year they improve one hair style, what's that?

One year they improve one make-up tips or combine the hair, they putting some crown wig? You gonna accuse that person they cannot just be happy behind? Just more easy going, and go along with it?

Did you get to read some more technology book, or imagine some of the compensation or which lawsuit you will write to debates or considering to see a psychiatry? Someone does this to you to evidently telling the whole universe, you need to see a MD?

That kind?


So what do you learn anything I say before? Anything you try, everything the hand shaking, you have no patient, you want to overlapping these glasses walls between every image to one Annie Lalla. Nothing but her very rude purpose of the hand jobs, that arm to elbow length so right on to pushing in the small tiny counter something hit the wall? It looks very nice all together. 

"When the New moon that meet the highest sky .... that 2 heads of merging come together.... as one. "

The kinds of your lawsuit might be very very very expensive. My kind of lawsuit might be just the lawyer shows up once and taken the people in separation literally....no civil case or the criminal murder case no one hears about it.

That is normally what they probably do things too. So they know the duration of those lawsuit. You calculate the expense, finding the financiers, finding the lawyer, or inquiring the public lawyer, and your show up or your outfit, like Hailey? 

You don't want to call your dad or mom to go and help you? So you gonna lower down your voice ever since you fail your international medical school, or the medical school, or MCAT? Or including the UB honor class or the UB major, someone didn't make it what? The undergraduate degree, your real transcripts are???? Which major?

My comment about you?

Not sure which photo I used to say this.

"You literally ....unbelievable, that literally your entire eyes fix, daring to gamble that TV is the Truth. Or else they could just tell the America court before they air on the TV, seriously."  

Your school education never had one civil class, anything close to what your lawful society meant? The paper works that involved to create a movie, or the lawsuit or if you do something break the law, you go to the jail. 

Or in your life, you never work in a real job yet? What jobs do you ever worked? Like file a report, and be responsible for a result, the carrying of that literacy, you copy and write to re-formula what you understand this experiment run by someone, but you verbalize out in a different saying, but its the same thing, just not the peer review journal? 

Have you ever seen a real human?

Meaning the professional people, whom might be like a real doctor, or a real professional talking out of the literacy very near by you. The stability of some professional workers, other than your dad or mummy.

Someone or the law reinforcement like my bike got stolen, they show up. They wear the uniform, and you tell me, you dare to break a law? You accuse means were the movie theater stain your name to break a law, and they are not inside the jail. That is what you are saying.

You all are not very easy, or confident, what you see blue, you say blue. If you see red, you say red. If you see a bell pepper, you will insist to tell me is that a hot bell pepper? There is no such things in America at the regular grocery.

I seen that before, he has a jacket I used to have a similar in America, JC.

In America, you always have this feeling of the 50 state as big as the tourism, or traveling, or that is just how America represent, while a lot of countries are very limited to the border line. You understand you didn't think why you going out to do something for some people to realize when you get back to your own world, where your attitude to be.

Amazon, the online situation to your own address or the post office. 

We have here too, but not in English. You have a variety products you can see, you and look and read in English. You learn about anything in your situation the small farming, its possible in California. 


"I hear you saying that in English, what is that in a different language?"

I come from a different background blonde, not blind.

In the public television....you are not going to debates what you done behind everyone's back, are you?

The debate of the Star or Galaxy, no one depending on you?

The high tech of your last image to the lawyer, 3 or 4 girls at least. Its you staring in front of you,


The guys all wanting to imagine what I say? My own facebook to make a joke, to make a laugh?

💔💔 You girls never met ET, American classify will tell you BAD. But you girls are the rural, certainly never met the REAL guys whom are some teacher format saying you will learn everything he meant so. If you start with that to the court attitude, you may find your own answer soon, no matter what that is. 💔💔

Every lesson he meant so.

Do you want to inquire to the court if you girls will be that Prince Han, but in the labor how long until you learning this per laundry, per floor wiping to per cooking meal the group like the War time, or the mobile home, location on-site, sleeping next to a wall.

You saying you knowing that SMCH has a website everyone has a meditation seat, or connection me to Nick or my mother.

Something what to live on, with tiny resources for saying your attitude is bad, to ending up Prince Han.

Does anyone reporting you are running away or missing like your parents before or current? The police file has any you girl's faces? No, I didn't file on you any, I file to my father to talk there at Tina. Assault.

But my roof birds, these Shane or Vartan one time this bird is baking in the hot sun....about to die, insist to die...one of those?! So I also have this psycho neighbor at one oclock seriously at that roof across me yelling, remember? I told everyone the birds make me see and I call that MIT that time saying all kinds of the garbage things, and then one year pass...nothing, the second year pass, I heard at 1 oclock, I woke up. 

So next day I told the police. 

I have these neighbor downstair they are the 2nd generation to fix the electric lighting on my roof, they are the one looking for a chef, that time I didn't know they are in the TV: The Day You Find out. I was just joking to talk to them like normal, "You know cotton candy...someone's Chinese are 100 but English its at zero." like a funny thing. 

Then later when I look at that TV, it looks like them story, they called the police?

Do you exist anywhere anyhow, someone seen your own faces? Seriously, I make my Youtube Video. Its exactly that date uploaded. 

The birds might be the future witness, they know me .....! Shut UP! 去吃飯! 太熱了~~




Babaji: Go

You know...talking skill these are the tags words on my right side, or below google insert words per blogger post.

Your talking how to negotiate anything at all, not just to argue a case. Your temperament will always be someone owe it to you. Try to grow up a bit.

Seriously, not just stand tall at the throne chair to imagine, how to stand up.

🥭🌮💖🥭🥭💝 It has been years pass by .... 🥭🌮💖🥭🥭💝

You mean you cannot wait to get out of the door away from your parents to vola in front of the television life. I told you its false. When you are not trained as the child star, you won't be asking to do anything of that. This lawsuit I think literally might take 25-40 years, seriously. I don't really know why it takes so long okay? That is what I think at least 20-25 years. Literally....maybe you thought might be next year by ....no. I don't think so. 

Try that argument with your parents again? 

How do you file your own lawsuit? 

My brother is Sariputra's position. That is from the China side, you don't have any other evidence to your own looking, that is my side of the story, you don't think sorting them first? Really?

Trace by to me 7 years older? 

Do you have your own set of UB classmate in the Honor Class Program, because you might buddy them better without my set of data, so none of us feel...its my side of obligation you saying you bestow upon enemicity at.  You need them to proven, they know you, they seen you, they going around in life a little bit. The guys or the girls. I met Eric that last time he sat by you across me. He remembers that, or toooooooooooo long in the law school, that is one person have seen you.

Right ....do you have any other facebook of your own perfect groups data, you want to organize them you wish them going to the Washington D.C doing your own bidding, well...even the President knows mine side the biggest issues are from CAC, really.

The CAC girls their name is Karen, Adria, Emily, or Melinda + 1 Wei.

If the guys wants to tag along, he might be already near by that area. Each of this my own UB Facebook, they are all the UB Western New York including that New York City Long island or the City itself where people coming from.

Their parents I will deal them myself. 

You want to all starting your own Throne, Crown, all these relative, friends, or seen faces inside that TV monitor, like you caring if that is side by your own not toooo lonely fate stand on the mountain all by yourself?


I file as the Past, not the current ....if they ask me that, no. Not at the moment, to declare any Time or Space, or Signature. I lend it to them until all the signature can be submitted in this one life time however long I can be stretching at. 

That Contact situation or the movie Contact (1997). technically your president suppose to sign and seal that themselves, but correct, I will put myself just noisy next by as "I thought I say hi by", and here are all my stack of the resume this far 2014 on....and 6 years before that online activities from Google they themselves.

A back up emergency.

Not so many people so willing to be that voluntary don't you think?

You can give me some reference reading, if I have time ....sometimes flip a page or 2, think about it. Keanu talks about when he making that movie: Matrix, he had some reading to do. Something in that nature. 

You literally feel.....

1. You literally dress a...mediocre outfit to the winter jacket with some hair to open your door to the car, and then driving to the unknown plaza, they say you seeing your contact lens, you finding it the road to this lawyer plaza, open his or her door, and sitting down for an appointment like you phone them to reception, or the secretary. 

2. You take out your credit cards to pay, for that one hour session the consultant fee. Its one hour you going back and forth with your brainy question lasting 10 years or 5 years ago? 4 and half? 

3. You literally "today feeling totally different" of the cold air and wind, you are embark of some better attitude, tomorrow soon will be totally completely reality, 5 years or 10 years pass by.

4. You getting very very attitude from the women or the man's mouth lips if you staring at their faces just about the first opening of your mouth or they seeing you exist standing there. 

5. "My side of the Micky mouse story if were he born in 1928, and they live or die about 3 generation....do you have any phantom of the opera cases sound like a real thing? with all the evidence inside your client's profile. its called Adeiline. "

6. "Today I am coming for my father, my dad. We have no relationship since 25 years ago when I had the high school, or the middle school. ......I am not sure which one of them lie, can you check if he got jailed, and that statue after a TV made, called Zero enforcer, do I require to do anything at all, sometimes people just fix all that themselves behind? "

7. My entire family are conditioned, or I am not sure whom, at least the mom and the brother. 

I am afraid the  "impaired this word coming to their head," The Day and the sister. Do you really have those ghost story so do you know anything about Chinese 8 letter word, such as if that is 3, like my dad.....they keep saying he is a color blind everywhere. I never ask him in person, because I only saw him 3 times in the last 7 years, and he sent me a black and white video. Is there a more legal better way I can handle all this all together, because I am one human, that Tina assault me physically....I am not sure its the drunk she got impaired and inept so the brain literally got the external hit broken, or she had some other broken things too....highly emotional. Very very dangerous, really.

Or I am not coming here but calling the police?!

8. There are a lot of this thing my family are big, there are some relatives about some Ancient Chinese words + my other side of all relative, they are not dead yet. 

Their kids made them feel dying. Literally how the Taiwan we had a civil class.....seriously they will all tell you that, anything from my part, I make some money, I can pitch in some of my side, to help the mature side, not the suicidal side that ruin my life never end. Seriously. 

9. I have something about some textbook I read about the law and the financial words, because when I was born, I got near a .....there tree places all banks around, and my hairs is golden brown. 

Tell me what you can do for me. I have no parenting, someone got screw over this ROC or democracy party, I cannot go to anything in person, nor the upper line, but from the Television, they are all having a seriously hell problem. I give you the money, what can you tell me, you can do. 

10. I have a question about the life and death ....do you know any MD real doctor knows what is the definition such as "that is alive, and soon will be dead", those real doctors? Because I think I call for every case to stop until the MD shows up. I cannot see a real MD yet, nothing but fake in every map I could tell. You personally work with him, and combine case you could wait that investigation of that case? 

Its about Prince Harry, but all the kids gonna grew up. Every side.

What do I think the bone doctors? The bone its embedded inside the muscle, in other words, someone whom knew how to by pass the muscle to really get the position and strength to that every crack...

You need someone very very experienced doing that. If they allow that specialized field exist, it means that is real. Meaning someone how to by pass the muscle, that is massage only. The bone when they crack, it must work for all those cases, really.

The birds say not that left arm black guy got massage by that lady blue. The swing arm, behind that grrove

69.60 kg. Sailor Moon

June 9th? No, not 2 weeks ago.


You don't think if you eating outside often, those are very fatty food, including the meat? And not cooked done? I mean the hygienic....and at home you eat more of the veggie stuffs, lightly boiled, not completely done, and washed well?

The green, the veggie, the more vegetarian options? Sometimes these things putting in the mouth how long you have to work out?

Can you go to the psychiatry to do your law paper?

Yeah !!!

You just say I don't know all the definition such as "feeling" a more of dominating by the feeling saying from the brain, let's say more logic idea, or more imply idea.....so how do you argue a point such as "A or B", I wrote that a few hour re-write but I am not very clearly know about this ...."Feeling, and feeling toward, and generated feeling toward, or emitting from the brain, and how do you putting that more objective views, if not just the subjective points of saying, because my entire paper every single line if I put a ruler line below, that is every word out of the subjective description."

"I was thinking about this law society, because she got a name in the Spirituality Title, in that law doing, she think nothing, and I thought about a lot of things. Her brain is blank, that is the practice they do, and she says this is what I think A to Z, everything is wrong. Re-write and say to come and see you, talk with the mouth open ...."

She says "One day....these lawsuit will be nothing but the garbage bin process....there is nothing but the only spirituality shows up, and those human, you will never imagine what they look like or sound like one tiny bit what you seeing or imagine."

"My argument would be, she wrote for me. Its my free will and efforts to be on the weight watch. I am motivated by the movies, and that health factors are good for me. Because I have that will. But....a lot of people will tell you, if you lose that will, a lot of the people get giant fat. That motivation its one thing good. Its your own subjective view, are those fatty people gonna argue with you, just because your TV makes a false saying, you believe you keep your body shape until the old age 60 years later, how you die in the photo? All that are the subjective view. Likewise, everyone motivated by the money reason or the independent its how they feel like, not everyone driven to talk maturely, other than just the appearance. Nothing but a figure, got nothing else, not in the brain, not in the tone, not in the language, not in the attitude. "

So you go and talk about the guy. You say...."Here is Anna says about the girl that guys like, these are the Asian video. What is your own subjective view as the guy?"

Not dull, not boring, no IQ, too rigid, too stern, everything its harsh, nothing but.....let's boss each other to see, whom swap for the bossing position, makes people puke and gulp.

You put under each word "Not dull" a underscore.

I have nothing but: No language, no history, no knowledge, no wisdom for sure, not even the love potion idea if that is not legal. No entertainment, the hobby are those torn furniture that is all you can afford. 


I got nothing to say, its all subjective view, I cannot say. Its too extreme, of course I say that. 

Listing 1 to 1000.

You are nothing but a piece of junks, says OU. 

You want to get it done? I am very sure you think about it many times, as long as don't get your way, any way.

I am testing the water how every guy from her facebook says, the problem its I am not sure where UB she collects these guys. She says a lot of them were one-on-one knowing them in front of their face talking straight. 

I was thinking "What the guys think, but....she says....they lie to people look like you, sound like you, describe by Anna what you are 1 to Z. Can I sue her, her facebook guys have this bias against me?"

"Isn't the society encourage people to talk better for others have a less negative views, I think she does the opposite, she says No about one million time, not positive reinforcement, the guy in her near by Silas, we all having that Evolutionary Biology were the UB spectrum editor, you think just because it was on her facebook, he agrees with her? Really? Are you a real guy?"

"I want to ask you something privately, very privately....its about my parents. I think I am not the only girl does that behind their parents. She says collect them. Her conclusion was we girls think that is a such venture to the lawyer office while our daily conversation on the phone with our own parents. She got zero parents, so she talks to those guys on her facebook for help. So she says, we got bothered by sneaking behind our parents to the lawyer offices many time, without telling them, or calling them the day before ' I am going to see the lawyer today.', and because this mature act we believe we grown up for our view, we wish for Dean to know we venture that road like the movie: Frozen. She says, those are a waste, until today the first session seeing you psycharity, everything before that, were all waste. the waste of day, time, money, car driving, hours,....nothing but a waste, because you are a waste human method. No one will tell you that is what the movie Frozen, but you insist you working the hell of the hard, because your parents didn't get a call from you, that responsible today will start today, it will be you Doc. "

Copy paste and read it to him.

That is who you are, that is what you are, and you listen to what he comments on that. 

All that subjective review the patient profile and understanding your own life venture.

I wasn't sure, you eat what? The Taste or just quantity? No taste?

I think its the taste right, so they called those very expensive meal like....French Cuisine? Very small tiny portion?

Is there something about why I start to imagine I might have to cook food? For which occasion like 5 Lords Review? Like I comment on my facebook, its by I imagine?

Backstreet Boy - The One (Australia )


So Backstreet Boy its whom's Lords?

今天是禮拜六早上 !

Voice Memo: 

小鳥 ~~~ 遙遠!(早!)🍾🍹🥗🥬🥦🍏 (6:57)

對男孩子講話不用這麼粗魯 (6:06)

我尊上以前有沒有男朋友 (13:20)


Mark in the hospital ?

I heard that few days ago. Imagine Westlife? When you putting that many guys near by, you just need to grab each. “Sit, here!!”

No reason.

Yesterday I wrote about you girls and Hailey those by commanding each other it’s everyone sits down and talk

You go and talk about with someone?

No one can breath a life because you exist. No one wants to see you there not to say you ever exist doing a what - the snow dance. Everything asking you first it’s in results of fighting and deteriorate in spirit because you cannot stop fighting and you talk down people and you mess up people on every term other than to go about life. Everyone in your command, that story it’s I say so !!




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Something strange going on ...

Is there anything other than, something is, something was, I am not supposed to talk about the food or the cooking? Or that is exactly what I am supposed to talk about it?

講中文的部分 ( 叫做你們的語言是: 叫中國人亞洲人出現!)

Voice Memo: 

午安,還在睡午覺( 托爾,翰 )(11:04)


我覺得你們女孩子講話方式 (10:37)


我最近在講怎麼煮菜 (11:39)



I need to nap

Babaji: Go

Is that you trying to make a pizza dough? Tops they sell pre-made. You can just rise it up.

The scientific methods. I am not very sure you all very skillful at your knife jobs, not to say washing jobs, to all those green veggie how to daily input more to your guy's diets. Just by looking at it. 

There is a need, there is a food pyramid, when you getting one of those nutritional class back in memory. Why you need to wash all those parasite eggs out of the veggie, you cannot see, or the salt water not long enough to wait? You can touch-and-feel those veggie inside the salted water, their entire cell wall of those vegetable walls are soften. 


You watching your own basket, how big the plastic container to soap the veggie, or you will be washing that stainless steel most sink looks like to you? 

"This is not the first time I am doing it, move."

How do you operate one sink in front of a window, or not a direct staring at the sun roof? You remember how to doing all that, you seeing some taller kids in the emergency room, they never washing a thing, the guy or the boys? You look at them, their face looks tense, their cup, their bottle, their anything?


"How about I do that, sit over there."

Are you capable to command them?

"Where you from? And your parents here? How are they doing? Do you have a breakfast yet? They have this filtration water on the side of that sink, this is the clean water you can drink other than the public use water from this sink, you are in America, are you from America? Which states?"

"Which high school? You join anything science club, my brother did. He was in Bayside those New York City high school."


"You eat oatmeal, milk, any allergic? You like banana and brown sugar?"

"We have some boiling eggs, someone does here last night, I cut them in half, some grapes washed, and orange in quarter....on this side of the table. They have a cloth to wipe the water, you see the paper towel? Thank you."

"So how is your any school club, math team, the history, any thing you join in your high school?"

"My brother he does things in his high school, I never really ask him, he later joins some fratenity in his university, he went to the Michigan, and then he got his MBA a lot later on."


"You are stressful over this water bottle and how you get around the house, your parents called? "

"You have any friends coming with you? These are all they got the veggie someone bought it in the fridge, so you usually process that in the morning, but I think they getting some pizza for the lunch or dinner, you eat anything last night yet? Any emergency supply food inside your own room? Your bed?"

"They have some of this breakfast box of small tiny cereal, you seeing them? You want to take some, kitchen napkins? "

"They got some kids beverage, in case you are too tired to coming out of your room, this is where a lot of people coming and going, you got your phone, and where is that at?"

"Let's see....they have some stuffs like the instant noodle, you can tell where is the hot water you doing that yourself ever at home? You know how to boil a water? This is the pot, you fill up this side of the sink facet. That is the filtration water, and you turn this stove, and that is how the electric works, you remember in the end to shut it off. You want to do that now? You capable to turn the stove? "

"If you are hungry at your own height, you can do it now, or I make it that for you?"

"So here are some carrots, some cucomber, some thing boiled on your side, you can just open that instant noodle in. Yeah, you put the package in too. And these are the slice things all going in together. You can just sit for a while, the long chair. You ever cook this thing? No, I watch for you. You got a sister, a mother, a dad? "

"You got your own personal shower thing, you ever asking them for anyone to take you a ride? In the microwave session of the Wal-mart freezer, they have some of those vegetarian burrito. I used to be the vegetarian, so I only know they got the wraps. If you find the meat wraps, you can getting them when you calling them a cab to go, and getting some of your personal eating things, there isn't a lot of this here, you taking care of your own personal space. "

"Is that the first time you are away from home?  Ever camping? Your mother washing your clothes? You ready to washing alone or you have some friends you all washing it all together, or you never done that in your life? You can write it down if you finish eating, and get a piece of paper, and a pen, with your phone, to sort your own photo books, what you need at this location, really."

🥭🌮 Cooking - what is this word and the culinary word different in English? A lot more seasoning, or flavor, or decoration, or...in the real kitchen a more professional chef those using the words.

You want to multi-task without the water dew on the floor, or on the counter, for you saying you wearing the eye glasses to see. Am I describing it right? You don't set your kitchen at the sun to beaming at your eye glasses, I had a shed when I was with nick. I got that pair of eye glasses in one of those 2004, I start learning the on-line shopping in America, you have that shopping experience, not limited to Asia. My brother they all getting that from my mother, here. 

I am the one without the contact, not even the eye glasses, I went to paying the American doctors for everything I got that time. Remember there was a technology I say? I did say. That was when I was in UB, I know that. 

🥭🌮 There is a mango, and there is a hard shell Taco, there is a soft wrap.

Tell me is the guy knowing you, or knowing himself there is something about Mango not to eat it at the dental floss invention or the past Monkey King story SMCH talks about it? 

UB near by, we had a taco bell, right in front of the office depot, that Bubble Tea, all the CAC girls we gone by, passing it by. Remember?

You have a kitchen space and you have a set of the ingredient menu in front of you. The budget I guess you thought about it. 

I am telling you people like me, often ending up nothing its destiny like Kail or Zawanna, one of those barren furniture inside their every mansion, there are the walls, other than the furniture. You know what I mean? 

There are so many of you, to make the One Happy...

I have to take a bath, something very itchy on the V side upside down on my butt. There is a local saying on the baby butt. The child, the children. oh ~ that is your language saying how you buddy together with me? That is the langauge.

Squares langauge, but because the washing take time, I replace all the towel, I using this white towel again, feeling smell, when I getting out near, so I dump that in the wood basin, to dry that things. 

Then I getting the new towel again. My wall its 2 racks. That is 3 long big towel, with the clothes I throw in the outside washing machine, and I went out to get 2 tissue box of papers, so i replace my mirror and outside living room, that is 2 extra. Everything is set....something not right up there.....🐢🐢 🐸🐸🐸

They are the civil wars race. Domestic I guess that is how you saying it.

Tell me why I make you doing that, seriously...including making a claim on the facebook. You might really really believing it the blogger and the facebook its one tap on the phone back and forth.

Someone's eyes seems to be stressful ....at it.

Tell me why I Anna making so many theory coming true telling you to do that? 

This week is the first time Dean starts to hear anything about his gf in the past. I talk in the general terms. I first time, he told me, not I seeing it after he told me on the ice skating books. I wasn't imagine I was a guy, to imagine Wallace next by, her name is 林心如

We actually know whom that is as we growing up watching a certain TV name 還珠格格

Seriously, on our Taiwan only side, not in China. Taiwan. The limited financial world, the limited personality built in the limited jobs seeking ever be....we might just all die on the street, that is what I mean, how to make it in America. 

Want to talk about Keanu Reeves and 26, no more why I make you doing things lunch before. What exactly I make you do as a girl next by, NOT the BEST FRIEND, one day without your best friend, or the best maid, or the bride maid, or the parents, you stepping stones to tell one guy for the rest of your life, whom you are, what you are, he accepts the way you are, you are exactly that small tiny in the character, you got mad, that is what you do.

You telling Dean, he will be the first stepping stone, the poor guy getting out of your life, but you might get some feedback, either in writing, or in lawsuit, or in some forms, you learn something about the guys..... You saying, you wish to have one guy accept the way you are Real Love, not the Loving Silent Tear. You are the silent duke.




Babaji: Go


Shared video (2)

💝💖💔 I am the last person on Earth should be telling you "Your magic too perfect spirituality", but what its really happening in this Cosmo, to that different Space and Time, to that Past and Future, there is you. You heard about Wing, you heard about Alice.
Someone in this context will tell you.
Everyone has a memory, and a heart ache, something very very very small, but someone did remember. That one small tiny things no one knows. You know everyone getting this Facebook Friendship saying I Anna had all of you one person to work on that time in UB. To ending here?
In that Space and Time, something break apart, something torn, something weary out, something moving the timeline totally different. Some sadness, some goodbye, some were .....less supportive, but this is ridiculous stupid so they sit in and listen.
Some have totally none-related situation to us.
Some are just toooo far away from you one person.
You can tell me one day, that Wing and Alice were the furthust of their life journey, has anything to do with you in that UB Honor class. I NEVER thought they might be REALLY TRULY furthust away from you. I didn't think that much to anyone in any class. I just sit in and look straight of my eyes. 💝💖💔

You say, Anna says....any of them can go to MD did this. Do they do that on purpose?

If they discuss anything prior to the MD, including the brain storm, are you going to face MD in the end of all this, or in the end of any of Boyzone has no required to show up, because they literally working it out at their own offices. 


"Can you hear what she did behind? I cannot, or I am not too sure. She didn't visit anyone to do this."


"Dean, by the way today I went to see 1 people, one is my psychiatrist about Ronan these materials + Anna's piano behind about plagiarism, the second person I see its my lawyer, correct I didn't tell my parents. I thought I wrote you a note, something its pushing it through. To this Compete and compared, whatever you all pushing at it, I feel I am doing the same, we are standing all our own lines, kinds of like Square and she is doing, but their faces are not the girls for seeing, that is her brother. "

"Dean, I didn't tell my doctor that is the plagiarism because I thought he might think I am stupid he is wealthy and you are not, but I am telling you, I think that is plagiarism. Are you going to answer me or not? "

You intend to occupy my facebook, now you wish to say, you getting an upper hand from your uncle, or some other Cartoon telling you whom else exists?

To me, that is....they gonna die, you can just leave their perfect circle, the perfect life alone.

I think that is how it goes. 

I give you an example, they use to have this Facebook Page, some of the UB guys might finding it out it was one of those Facebook - Love of Century, I Anna shared a working team from LOC. LOC means Love of Century. There was a book premier, or a different edition like the Mongolia from that is Nominji, their Loving Hut the same time the poetry book from SMTV, the Love of Century poetry collections happens. So that time....the Facebook, you all UB at...they had a function to say, they create "a fan page."

Right now I didn't see anything from my own facebook, at all. A lot of the function from the facebook are not familiar anymore, but those UB guys or the girls will remember there is a group page, or the fan page, whichever that operate right. 

A lot of them might have some other networks to where they go and discuss the law, or the paper, or the same, they buddy 1 or 2, let's say....Smallville Facebook page, or UB Lawsuit 275 page, or UB Anna's page, or UB Girls cooking page, or UB Ice and Discussion page, or UB whichever these facebook name or title they create to discuss something "privately", that entire page function, I am still seeing it, in my facebook.

Like Shane has one of those page, I never joining in, or Keanu Reeves too. Some are the open access, some are private access like Kerry Project Camelot those.

You are saying, you wonder if they pushing that on the guy's side, and which options they working it out themselves to pushing through, if its align, or without you on those situation to where to meet, where to talk, what to write, what its collaborating the efforts to putting up something together.

The guys seem to tendency to get the groups works together.

You as the girl, you keep running to the lawyer offices out of the breath, you cannot breath, but you think you did every works worthwhile, you suppose to ask a lot of the people including the psycharist, if he helps you, if you just do what I tell you, you get to 2 session, and re-visit your lawyer, you realize everything before that are the waste efforts?

So Dean doesn't need to know.


Here is really what you wish to write, because Dean knows where I am. They all know where I am, their own facebook might just really knowing each other before from UB.

You wish.....well, if Anna says that in the public, never stain your too perfect faces, all your girls did these far 10 years.

You talking to your parents all your life, every phone call seasonal holiday, far or near. So this is the first time you never calling them before you visiting a real lawyer office, their sleek air, or the professionalism frighten you starting on the first meeting are very nervous to you.

You never called your parents. You wish Dean to know that running, were you visiting 10 lawyers this far, and some succeed in something of all this life course, was a similar to the movie: Frozen (2013, 2015, 2019), you don't know what are considering to be inside the movie plot, because you rarely literally per frame watching what Anna says, I think its a Compete and Compared,

Side by Side.

But Anna says the guys on her facebook mostly are the science major in the lab included, so their protocol brain only thought, it was side by side to proof-reading per degree or arguments, or reveals what that supposes to coherent "there is reasoning" and that is that reasoning to accord the file-ing statues. They are more logic, or some guys are more logic, so they literally printing out the paper to per line checking side by side to their own testimony, or allegation or evidence collect, or what not, about...their 10 years. The guys didn't tell Anna or me, by that command, we are or we are not, literally every move they do. But Anna says, they probably just literally copy and paste, and proof-reading + editing of their own terms and words, for that lawsuit to be more...like a logical thinking, so they went on to research, not venturing to the lawyers office, they got other friends, to sound like.....

They pretty sure they are the real guys, not thinking there is a horse flying on the air, and Anna's chariot is dead -  Senior Bush.

🐢🐢🐢  If three frogs, sorry, 3 turtle got tie up from a pillars, and you saying the light from my bathroom its the left dark, right yellow those ceiling light, its they got tie up squanding with the left light 11 oclock coming it down, to one faces. Imagine 3 sitting in a circle of a pillar. That is Wallace the birds say 建華

I think its best you combine the girls in that same classroom best. Or they are in the fratenity or they are in CAC forever never talk again anymore ....

Sometimes they will tell you, that is a no.

Not just from me.  When you hear a language tone or somewhat like a parenting idea to you, you forgot. So when the classmate looking like you, you know that is average people like you, you are in common.  They say you get mad, but parents say, you just taken it "ear drop wind" that is the Chinese words 耳邊風. Every time a parent doing that tooooooo often yelling or discipline, including me...you just meant "cover that wall up", you continue your own one personal opinionated view. "That is just her own view, not even my parents will say that."

You know what you are?

You want someone its lower than you are. With the guys or with the girls. Its someone you step them on the back, you are better than they are. 

The guy's attitude its their height, internal, I am not sure right now .....because used to, we never getting near by that much if you saying that one AOL refresh my memory.  

If you all girls just agree what I say, and be honest to file together....

"The reason how your friendship to anyone, its always based upon, if that someone talking you lower, so makes you feel superior. There, you will have a real freindship, because you call, you beg, you wish, you constantly shows your helping hands, 500 dollars per month results the Loving the Silent Tear the eternal case. "

See if you will get a hearing all together. Every single one of you girls.


The judge will NEVER knew, that is every one last of you. The guy's attitude, they understand its the celebrity.  You will have a case, an opening immediate case if that is EVERY kind of the girls like you, look like you, rural like you, the medium family income like you, including your mother, including if your dad knows....

There are a lot of people don't know.

Your jobs its to get to see a Judge. If you all girls being honest, that is your mentality, the real truth things, and that is EVERYONE, and no one pushing that forward, you are suffering to your own personal liking and it happens to every last of you girls on that side.

I told you.....that is how you need the girls power and you will be 100x happier if you being pushed by that Zawanna its not the first time he did all this garbage things.

And when you need to find him, he is at the dumpster...Chasez and Hide games 


What we wish to tell you, we realize something....along us that happening, so we or I wish to express this myself personally on the side, I did reflect what everything has happened, so I probably didn't think that is a very nice thing to file, when she saying all that what we really made of in the public arena. 

But I listen to what she says, just file it. If that is all of us. I wish this hurting its not continue on her side or our sides, both all of us getting hurt, for that basic situation to file, I will tell you my side of the story....

All the things I getting hurt by. Because if she is not here, all these cases are only we sustain our hurts only. If she is not there...and American Embassy in Taiwan did move away from her aunt their location to the new place called the "Inner lake", that guy from there name is Eric, Anna's friend near Henry and Jason in W Two Worlds. We only really needed its to hear our own hurts, not really about her hurt. Because.....we are told we are the royal one day with the terms and conditions. That is what I understand, and those girls I am not sure when I talking to them....here is what happened.....





You can say, what Anna told us to go and buddy together with the girls and the guys from her facebook, or why don't you just using your own facebook.....whichever reason, I did try, the other girls also try.

We have some mutual friends, because we are all getting into this Beauty Pageant, for saying we keep ourselves fit, we did try. Everyone didn't, we did on the diet alone.  Now, I want to file something personally, away from these girls and the guys. I was told to connect with them, and talking out loud to each other, and then to the lawyer and then to the Judge table for the combine efforts to file, but like she told everyone in the public space, we go behind sneak tale. That is all true, so I assuming, you all knowing we are exactly like that.  Its hurts us, the parents will never accept me, so I going along to get hurt already to those strangers lawyer, not to say she Anna forcing us to buddy together, the girls never stop giving shit when they hear, one of them. Her name is....then the guys we try to say we putting efforts, those girls got shit too, or not telling me, so this mutual guys for sure given us every rotton eye sight and the language so bad, we cannot take it, I cannot take it. Therefore, at this sparing time of the mutual combine efforts, I gonna file something on the side alone, since we getting it through. I want to go to this part without them, its my own claim here....: 

I was wondering if the England Queen has file something while seeing BTX before she passing away, for hurting her. If the Prince all of them getting hurt because I don't need Anna to be there just like the Embassy moves away means. I think I will get my throne back, and if I am, those girls are like me, we will file this hurt, you all didn't treat us with the respect and the dignity, for.....she was told they are like that, and she was not told BTX the whole scope of the plot or these are just the opening trailer. She is blind to move, or blind to move back, or anything she running away from Tina's assault, her mother getting hurt, things got stolen, and she running with all the bills, someone else give her those money back, that is every account I have heard, I wish to confess, it affects me every account in such magnitude, of .....everything else if she just station don't move, don't make any gesture, never girls to pretend the guys, and come back and yelling us why we didn't do anything, she is only the minority without the UN seat. The parliament of the console its only I witness them, NOT I saying a word, but until that furthur situation heighten the fake or the wrongful judgement, I think they should have found out everything at the 10 years earlier or 20 years ago, for telling us, we sit down, write per line, per command, per order, everyone moving out, by the Order only, by the boss of those American commanders or the President if he is really really the commander-in-chef. I didn't know why Anna says she just goes and pushing that Obama, "Move", and she does that on Westlife video, that is doing on purpose? No one telling us, and I believing that true, or the eternity will believe that true.

That evidence its Sailor Moon North Pole, Venus pushing the Moon on the ground, she literally goes to push that Obama, she says jailing human by breaking law to get jailed, she found out 10 years ago, or else she would be more publicly literate saying, that wasn't polite accord to that personality defect or the brain defect IQ wise.  

My argue points its: She is a girl, not the guy, or her evolution she seeing that as a guy, never ends since Lords of Ring, that is all I say and I will enclose  the rest of the video here.

*** I think she is highly mobile to threaten my regime, when I return.

*** I think she does not follow anyone's order, in these frame. She means if she dies, we will all be dead. We are from the rural, not the military.

*** I think the guys will find out these lawsuit, and agreeing us, when that Power arise that time on their own accord, they will help us our lawsuit here.

*** This is real how she makes me feel, seriously. After I reading all that England Conspiracy theory from David Wilcock. 
