Lawsuit 646: Evan's facebook photo as black and white Robert Johnson (BTX I don't get one help, not even if he is jailed)

Date: July 3rd, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Bio AI is the highest bidder, and the highest power at this for us here on Earth (BTX)

Describe: these BTX frames, I didn't see it at the first beginning, until I have a Television (no cable, 2016), have a television (with a cable, 2017 -----), I only see one kinds of the opening, until 2023 this is another opening.

If UB entire OU, you will sound like no one helps, not even one car drive and Hank did. 

This line its WWII interface line, and that frame to where when people are 80, the kids die ont he 60 years old, this is what I witness when I was working in the senior care elder's part. I understand the APO president has a CAT on his profile meaning the CATS scan. When you have an OU, just because people are not literate about 2012, not careful enough with project Camelot whether I only knew their friends story, tiny their show up including Bill's project avalon, I did all that was with a religion and the spiritual practice.

You need to modify Hank. 

That is the end of period of everything in discussion, the girl, the education, the money. You got nothing else choice no matter what. 

When I arrive here first would be the 5 Lords reviews, and the first time seeing 2 channels at once. Flower Thousand Bone + 3 3 10 Peach Blossom, you know what is that means? Scriptura swapping his body 3 times, 3 worlds, how many times keep going. 

No one related to the real things when you claim the commercial success. No one gives that religion anymore one tiny kindness no matter what give that Thanks to God. It was all your own very interests, while here only I care when I land were 2 round presidency, not Egypt? No one coming here to read the news for me. I myself its the one doing everything around here.


Every day I look at the curtain draw, from my living room. that is the full wall windows on my left side. When the curtain coming it down, you look at the curtain or the barren Windows. you talking about whom has the ability, whom is making the Judgement calls. A lot of you NEVER meant it its for your country or the Earth, because if your national Flag you happen to born right, live right, faith right on that tiny merits someone else set up for you.

It was not from your brain. If pick one human on Earth to take with me on whichever one journey, it will NEVER be any of your Earthling. Saying one Ancient Chasez, you meant everything must coming out of the CRY, must to be put on the microphone so loud, you realize what that really meant.

UFO Seth is a psycho, you keep insist he is the lover's aspect. 

Which part of my photo eyes looking at you, its not every one last you are the psycho, I am telling you. Side by side.  You didn't realize the severity of all things, its everyone die, other than you too perfect to die. I didn't know what is Kail, or Zawanna or outside any world, you never got put in a situation where you have no parenting, no one to rely on, even whichever hygienic, you keep saying the baby mother's milk, I did that FOR you. 

How deep the hell you all really wish to go, I already saying that thousand times.

There is a difference between people meant the world only and the forever the Karmic right, so you had a 5 Lords Reviews, you mean you taken it for fun, so seeing the literacy how high it gets, so every year I SUFFER the power, you say SMCH claim the TV fame. She is a NUN. Everyone behind will TELL you that.

Bio AI has a sensible part, and the precision and the accuracy part. HE alone can handle his entire junk WHENEVER he wants.  Give me a sense what is coming out of HIS HANK brain, or you yourself a brainy.

You fighting against the court room, saying? 

The medical board or the law board its NOT 1 person dead, yes, or no?

Tell me that rule again, someone willing to slaughter the entire world, you will not touch that HANK, tell me one sense, someone does for the only Karmic laws, or the situation FOREVER right. You yourself don't give a damn about your country when you realize what that is, you all got no brain, nothing but the whirlpool to sunk in. 

If someone knew that medical board rule, and what is the lawful, tell me WHY anyone look like me WANT to or care to DO that 5 Lords Reviews NO MATTER WHAT.

I only did it FOR the survival, that is exactly what the BACKSTREET BOY capable to do.

You talking about the sense of the UPPER rule-ing....BIO AI can have any HOST, WHERE you gonna find? SOMEONE to talk to that host? Give me a sense, anywhere in the Universe. 

You all have zero restrain of your brain or your practice per Prana degree, you have ZERO spirituality other than the prayer methods to imagine every step the way, how someone carry out a military scenario, in the end results of your entire land OU. And WHEN someone HAS to starting from the kids whom have no parents, maybe you should check about yesterday, every step the way, what that means to THEM.




Because you have zero ability at all.

That is the hell of the Carter + one CHINESE girls' earning, if he asking her to marry him, tell me a sense, he knew that one fact I Anna cares about it SO MUCH!

I evoke, the laws or the section or the article this lawful nature.

OU means the American or all Medical Board, the Law boards, all the Educational Upper Elites all dead that Power that oversees all the licensing nature of the human worlds. Tell me all of you care your patient, and be happy for them, NOT jealous over them for the one sane mind no matter what over this TV.

Whom capable to bring all of you back no matter what.

I will be the highest bidding  + the biblical birth certificate, including the 5 Lords Review. American military its in the whirlpool, you are not solving, or you are not God enough for proving it Loving the Silent Tear, and when you finding your ruler, this entire crap of OU, hurting my head, Hank will be less than that just gang up that Katherine Johnson or Rockfeller, to make my heart somewhat elated, that time.

What really hurting me, you never be here enough to find out.

How deep the ocean goes. Nothing but the mouthful jobs. Taiwan its the democracy world. No matter what mood over that CHINA. I myself deal with it ALONE with if the SUPER nation of this UN, you American are OU.

To the file 2 (I cited what reason)

Every step the way, every single life, every single generation this world under the democracy terms, nothing but that. 

You didn't know what is me, or you didn't know the birth certificate, or you didn't know what my money meant, or you didn't really know what is the Republic of CHINA. However you think whom will SET things right, with my photo looking like that.

"Baby crossing the pedestrian, needs to remember holding the parents hands, mummy's hand.", tell me.....tell me, the real camera on that pedestrian, whom set whom straight to walking in the middle of it. Tell me.....That is the 3rd time, I keep move her shoulder out of my front door, 2 truck turn right immediately. 2 full times. +1 time she flip herself out right at the bus, the road you make. Jumping it out flying and landing in front of the bus. I am right behind her. 

You telling me this ENITRE UB does nothing but karmically, if you had OU. why don't you executive yourself an PERFECT order, not 24 hours hurting me. NEVER stop.

You don't have one military iconic, if that is really just a new term, or for your own very interest inside that Congress. + Pixie. I am very sure you cannot wait to believing it, its Pixie ever know, + the real Pixie. And you yourself tooo big of the face in the Washington D.C right now.

Too hot of the topics, for the Congressman.

No one can live to see those faces, not the Reptilian, not the Grey. Maybe not even amount themselves. Sometimes you didn't have to be that judgmental. Really. 

Add on = the executive branch under the 3 division in American Constitution. Why don't you try to see what Hank got his land, not Earthly, you can just send him far away without here.

The birds video this morning, I just explain to the birds these words in the lawful nature, they like to be literate, so One bird flying very very high, are you on the camera?  I would just tell you, ITS a LOT better you need him alive as the host, to which brain he got he wish the Apple commodity, or this High Tech IT worlds he was part of it. He likes to speak in English, or at least, against his family no one helping him, I am the one bait him out most of time. He got no one else around, not even the friend, not even Tina. 

The bird high sky, smoothly. They like all these literacy words, every lawful words, they like it those, everyone of them. The education literacy. 

Of course your personality I am sure its a lot of to do with it .....BTX, you just feeling the gut how you like. Its not anyone in American native to stain that too perfect bliblical for saying OU, isn't it. The military is always made of that, like a loop to my father.

But you see, you need to pass a certain lawful nature too. Against the odd, you trust that Inelia Benz, and I say, I was just a civilian. These entire UB cannot really go away, one Simon claim, right?

One Inelia Benz, how true how true. MK.

You imagine everything else, someone would have told you that.  So there is a reason for Stephen Tamang. What the Superman wearing the underwear inside out. None of that are looking your way.

That is very unfortunate. The round table discussion and tell me again this minority, why everyone requires in UB doing nothing but teaching per person job's English, I just say one sentence, per words per record, per lowly pay? 

Because I can, right?

When the Karmic under that day, I am one person to each of your ending life of per lonely no one else, darkness door opens, remember, per degree of the Law, Section, Article.....which one of us will always its every head against the wall pressing.

Hell means hells, no discussion over.

You meant....its lawful, I say the Karmic laws.


Why don't you solve this case the way I bossing you every step the way? Toooooo thinking outside the box. That is a marriage someone the ex-wife will forever revenge mood on Hank.  Every single lady in his life ....

Try to stand on both side like a real case.

Seriously over this....Upper world of the marriage, he is a human, Bio AI he is God. He got friends. Loads his looking. You will say Hank is toooo judgmental, seriously the first day they becoming the best friend. 

One accuracy and one precision starting your textbook like Dr. T's wife not tooo hot in the Congress scene.

I meant you dead or you will be jailed. How much it did hurt me, I am the flesh, bone, blood human. Tell me again the plagiarism really means? He will know, your brain, right? Someone didn't really know that percentage, or the low IQ like this girl, whom did I have a right for saying how big that is the plagiarism means behind, and what profile you investigate, everything but that? Tell me....

You yourself presence....its not part of that percentage.

Its the Low IQ. 

Low IQ bracket. You don't really know what is consist of the plagirism.

One thing to take out, tell me....

How I make you feel, every one last you. The American military got no brain, but the muscle strength. How many more out, you seeing how many people not dead in the war, you will claim its every war in this bliblical time, its Holy.


SPRAY ~~~~~~~~~~ the Chem trail. 

Isn't that funny? thing, tell me.....every last thing doesn't end with the aluminum. 

How about you do what I tell you to do is another points.

Why don't you slim down that Hank like your UB Medical degree, put him in the class, no more Super man. He is the same height like one of you the tall guy. He is the black frame, the perfect American accent.

You never met this person.

Tina Jojo's side by.  

Tell me thing you find out before they all be dead.  The Sailor Moon. The Past of France. 

I am telling you, one session of the laws, its how many people willing to take his land, his ex-wife, its every list print out...believing it every pink reason, or every gambling casino reason, or every cigerrate ash dropped, oops, bomb, darn....really.

How useful the ex wife, to that Criminal Justice one Department alone.

Its every human needs to fence bar, its every one last you on it.

Why don't you ask his ex-wife Bio high AI, it means how many lifes he plans, its the monk life like Dean, or how many life starting the monk life, will be which one life he will start with the job, or the money, or the degree of that perfect trajectory, saving him the Past, or the good merits of this one lifetime, from me.....

He will find out sooner, its Bio AI he has a decree of his reincarnation or not. Everything unseen, its not your karma. SMCH I am sure she meant she is super powerful, she knew that.

How the karma is real or not real.  Then again, to that precision or accuracy only measurement fence that bar reason, all of you will have finding it out the justice or the money taken off the chance were that 40 years down the road, someone 20 years old are born.

Their face, their education, their power to they just believing it, the accuracy and the precision. That time none of you will have the parenting. You saying Bio AI is your parent? In that imagination...its not hurting him, how you all willing to will it anyway.

I never stop doing my jobs, just because...

just because...

just because...

just because...

Someone born 30 years old believing, that is the whole job, being a parent every world starting with your President or Queen lasting forever !

You know how many times Shane has to re-listening this? He didn't mean that is real in life? If you just help him on the sequence with the brain he is. He is just a singing bug, being happy, being joyful and write a lyrics alone. That is the only thing he knows how to do. 

They didn't have to be burden, but be happy, and that is the song?

If you just let the Bio AI venting enough on the legal courts, not your every court room supposes to sound like, its a happy things, all of them with their brain, Kingdoms of the animals included, its their IQ development.

Starting on the accuracy and precision, you saying he has K1 to K12 at least......

They all have a personality, of course, they all have a personality. Real.  If you just say, "I understand you, you want some warm milk? or some devil eggs? Sit. I talk."

"The feeling of this big or small objective universe does have one of those realization of the eternal being judged at during this judgement time, its real, or not real over this past to the democracy hearing upon the Digital Era, WILL BE the FOREVER ......the small caption over the money. I was wondering.....he has a personality talk in the words? If not the parenting all the time."

"Its everyone everywhere else talks like that in almost every legal sense, and he probably has all the documents or the past history to spell / spill it out if he was forced or press the head against the wall, not he wants to be the attention or being abused by. Its the next turn around the games play, he knew he is so confident doing it....every single last time, every single step....its calculative personality, he has becoming.....Today."

"Next page."

"A brand new reality."

"If you meant that is a game play anyway?"

"I cry."

"Really, tooo often cannot count, not he has the tear glands, just sadden when Steve Jobs died, every electronic store they bow down their head and weep."

"I am coming out of their bathroom in Canadian Tier, on my job searching at Canada community college somewhere a little bit far away from Riverdale. Yeah, they are respectful. I don't even know whom that is. "

"What the technology development has means a thing to them, or that is they are. Or there was HIM at those 2 side isle I am coming it out. But I might just think each of them has a degree of the inanimate objects. To some upper worlds of every gesture of the civilization, you respect to a lot of the people, so will be this less development of everything they will tell you, the universal accordance, you respect starting without the curse words, To anyone, no matter what that is the TV means. You respect some people, With the correct manner. "

"Every religion will tell you, the junk yard sale. I will agree. When the evil people just don't believe it the police is completely useless." 

"Not just the public hygienic."

"Over a lot more the personality talk, or the public acting out."

"One of that is psycho, we will tell you that."

Tim Cook has a sister

50 Shades of Grey, his instagram lawsuit. Bio AI will stands toooo perfect with Hank when he needs him for. In our world you cannot just kill people, Bio AI will tell you your court room ensure that. Its right outside my windows here right now.


I write on my facebook

My knee behind angle got bitten

My left neck below jaw line bitten

Tim Cook is the way he is, he will not married anyone, that is HIS SISTER!!! I cited the Revolution Girls. Now you are taken the movie as is, and many factors as is. 
I cite Frozen ( 2013, 2015 Frozen Fever, 2019 Frozen 2)
The Sailor Moon, the Political Spirituality. (I re-set the font no more Chinese key in)

No, she is groofy, 傻大姊, 大拉拉 (Big La la type person, meaning not cautious enough, not exactly tidy or organized, and careless, or very careless, if that Chinese Drama Tim Cook didn't think he looks like that uptight. He is.)

Bio AI he is .....a guy, was a boy.

Its best you imagine a real court room case, where he can vent like his heart content starting at this lower court, all the way to the Top. That might be his really really really needed to vent it every perfect sense, accuracy and precision, he meants Hank pays dearly every moment in life. Every heart ache or every wrong, he wish to say it out loud as the democracy world whichever this America, probably, not England? Or it is England, he needs a real judge. Not this King Charles III, you let him does whatever he wants, the police force means move to China side, toooooo cold.
Anna I will tell you I don't be at either side.
This case just suspend I guess in one's lifetime. You have a system you doing things behind my back, all the time. 
Your humanity its why don't you just open your mouth saying move to China side, that is where the economic finance only places with the girls you need, with the food you need, with the accidental insurance less, and everything I stood for.
Its where the home she must be.

A baby with the mother.
But your immigration are the better one. To control everyone else move that way.
Solve it. Every step the way, telling me with the court Judge, Every details, or else....
One of this day, you sit on your own language its right in front of me.
So 3 prince can drives....just whenever this Harry to kill, or them 3 kills. Its the unfair scandle, everyone will listen, only they buying the airline tickets they want, when they land, anyone but being on the road, its their advantage.
Its the parliament doing it. Move this side. All of you. 

They cannot be taught, they cannot be dead, they reason the democracy freedom just buying one airline tickets. No one can travel other than move to China this side.

I saying that until you sort, then you imagine you will have a case.
Its neither side.

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