Lawsuit 624: My grandpa (Family)

Date: May 27th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: My mother's side of her father and many immigrant to America

He used to be a small town head, its about our metropolitan this area that when we filling up the address, one of the very small division will touch his jurisdiction. He has a lot of the property that time before he pass away. I believe you should have a case in 2010. 

This is not about that.

This is about a community center + Some incident I related some people whom might already taken care of. I am not sure which one of which its better how to approach this. Its about my last lawsuit on ghost or ghosty, or wild ghost, or ghost lives in the space. 

I can describe here some of the incident I personally grow up and remember, and things I did witness like me and my mother (his daugher) we live out of that town, so our senior care here has a different staff or the different measurement of the blood test.  I don't really know our community, but I pass by there. The night market. 

Just not my grandpa's, my description would be "the waist lines with many keys."

If you reading this kind of the description, I know it sounds ridiculous why I even saying like that, will that help the case and the investigation.

"In the dark and red of that space swirling, the waist line has many keys."

I used to read the Berlin's story has about many rooms inside the mansion have these keys stories, and worse, the Bible has a saying of that "My father's home has many room."

The wife of his, were the grandmom told me about my middle school

My elementary school mate told us, its the elementary school, both these ground were during that Japan colony time, were the execuation ground, so they built the school to suppress all that ying. We every kid in those school blocks, all knowing that. Its something we all knew about it and talk about it. Seriously. 

I personally live here until my high school, and gone to America. But I came back in 2016 Sep. Never since, I left this neighborhood. But I will tell you something my child memory about this white towel inside these where we have the vaccination and the medical examination as the children's time. Every grade of us might go there, or just how many times I remember it was the medical staffs, the several stations to make that basement very busy. Its a white building. 

Usually you will say the School its the emergency ground for anything national disaster, and COVID 19 hits us, that will be the nearest to us ground. They had a kitchen .... .... and there is a bathroom more near to the Classroom building, that is where some of the rumor we as a kid, that among and between the kids, some will say something. Its not the popularity tests, because we normally have 45-50 kids probably. But the kids whom telling me or us, I will tell you, none of us will remember whom that is, and certainly not the popular kids told us. 

Because of these childhood memory come back....a lot of these my eyes seeing the exact corridor, or hallway are all still existing in my flash of memory, exactly like those time. What I can tell you the kids used to tell us, because when I was saying the popular kids, usually they run for the election to becoming the perfect, and she has a name about..Ming Dynasty Ends to the opening the gate of Qing dynasty her name is 曹圓圓. You know the current entertainment has a 高圓圓. That will be the first grader trying to get in the popularity groups, she or near by them push me, saying "You didn't vote for her did you?" I explain to them, I did vote for her. No, not these type of the kids telling me whom we know its the 5th floor up there, that is where the ghost are.

I have been to that bathroom, but I will tell you, I try not to go to the bathroom, really.

I always cleaning the routine would be the stair of those 1 to 5 floor except the bathroom, the water bucket will get the water, coming it down, side by lean the wall, wipe the floor, my height were small, so I was always on the ground with this "working outfit" its green. Like our center ground, those are painted concrete, not the real sport rubbery made sound like middle school center ground, to track field running.

I remember I have clean the windows with the newspaper. And I got up very early to climb up the top windows, climbing it down inside, and opening those door. Not once I seen the ghost. 

But I can tell you ....

Because of these certain memory, and flash of some stuffs, I remember exactly how I used to feel, how I used to say to myself, I was only 2nd grade on the front building, I told myself "I am only 2nd grade, one day I will grow up." looking at those third grade they can marching in the real center ground under the sun. We were on the balcony in front of the classroom.

Our third, forth grade are behind building, that 5th floor bathroom. I think its the 4th grade I got initiation with Supreme Master Ching Hai, I fainted almost....a fat women teacher. And I remember that was about to faint = When I sorting 45 people's lunch box from the steaming room, exactly at their desk by their label from their parents, might be just 25 lunch box, steaming water hot. I knew the desk, the stainless steel box, and where to put them. I done that for a very long time. 

This corridor of the 4th grade if you continue on the right, there is this public hygienic people with the green thing on the arm. There is the boy's bathroom. 

The perfect, its a guy, his name is 余品換

There was a custom how the guys, they touching each other below and run .....seriously harass each other. But with the Perfect, I was sitting right next by him, I still remember that, we have this 3 table side by side vertical line to the classroom on the left, its the corridor windows. He is the middle or I was.

I don't remember he will be telling any of us the ghost story, and I am trying to think where these stories coming from. But these are all totally different grades from 1 to 6. I never return to any of my school, not once for saying visiting any longer since I left Taiwan, and everything has becoming a past memory and history.

Its a little bit uneasy feeling for me, if right now I am looking back those color, the sun rays, the exact things because I feel like I am watching a movie. You thought these suppose to help. It doesn't. I am afraid I gonna hear something I don't want to hear, or meeting anything in those space, where these frighten feeling its kinda of haunting me if I turn inward.

Not very comfortable. I remember a lot of things. I really do.

Like American TV Charmed, there is a promonition, and those color, are mostly having a faded saying, I understand why. Because the time shift, it is in the past. At least from my side. There are some of these things are also very very very uneasy ride for me in my life. It very very affecting me myself.  I am born without the ability such as going and voluntary to see something. Not really. I grew up focus to do things in front of my faces, not going backward my body going back back back, back in time ....there is a velocity to that entire vision flows to those color, its not scary, because I don't have anything frighten in my life, or something hit me that kind, but I am very very very uneasy, if were saying, what might be the ghost story. 

I wish I can take a break if these lawsuit has to continue in those question time. its at my chest center, the heart here. Everything is fine, "just another fine day, another day", but I am not sure what it is. I don't like it. I never doing anything to go and on purpose seeing anything. 

If you saying looking forward, like the present or the future. That is okay.

Not the backward. I am not easy at those scene at all. That ground, the elementary school. No, not the middle school. That was the co-ed. The White Towel that school. There is a 5th floor bathroom.

When I got the fear, my two arm arm pit this line, cut down, its hurting.

When I get the stress the other day, it was behind my back shoulder down that 2 ligament, backpack line, but straight.

Ana, Mexico girls EF, she jumps on my prom date's back. His name is Andrea, my height, from German. There is a water boat, hold it, I keep holding it, the water coming to my neck to let go, that is when I was 17 years old roughly.

I feel those leafy its onto me from the TV.

I think I know what it means. She goes to the nunhood. Rubbery of that necklace person's faces. Its an incentive. That is stealing, something broken, something ruin, someone got affected, someone got hurt.

In the Time Clock of when saying ....down in the future. 

No, not Tim Cook. She wants to be what? Queen? The political spirituality. 政治靈修 The Sailor Moon. The regime of Tim Cook. Its a sleeping through both the Queen and the princess. Its not a real person awake to live a real life. Its the darken sky. Its to put her down, or put her in coma, or will be coma.

The car.

The vision, the eye glasses I think. That Sakura Clear Cards was about a book Alice Wonderland and a butler, but in the traditional classic Disney, that is a rabbit. A run around rabbit has a clock. This story its saying that tall guy he is "under a belt" American saying from Keanu Reeves Birthday ...personal clock, those England old time what things.

Probably just mean forever impossible, whatever that means. There is no Time Clock, its in English the Wheel. The wheel of time, not time clock. 

M I B that would be the bell on the necklace on a cat. You mean one galaxy called Milkway? That is obscure.  According to Pane Andov, we have another darkness galaxy, that is to our Earth similar to how the Sailor Moon Trailer, this one sun ray cut the right wind, almost identical look to me. 

Meaning We Don't Exist. 

I told you they talk in garbage, seriously.

May 29th, 2023

In English, you don’t say, “the waistline has many keys”, and in the ghost world, we Chinese knew some facts.

We Taiwan used to be Japan colony, in 1000 years we won’t even know that first account, my grandmom. She used to tell me 2010, she knows Japanese and she worked for someone and how the photograph of a famous person in the house can avoid calamity. 

In 2017, or 2016 - the 5 Lord Reviews

This is not the crown, it’s the spider, I was in my bed, my grandmom and Pang and my mother comes back. I tear down. The sound, I hear their voice my eyes close.

Here they used to just be farming all around and my grandmom walking home when she was small. There wasn’t today’s development! My mother says they both pass away and they have come back to her, I never seen that. The only person I have seen would be Dr Janez, the red darkness behind, he looks like bad person or hell already. Nothing that SMTV all those glory lightly says.

To my own witness account, I will be told many things it’s not to hurt me so as long as I follow through, but it’s 10x or 100x worse. Really. The inside vision, it starting 2014 but I never had my life lives on the high tech and all these birds are all very very voluntary. They are. The birds I think it’s in the kingdom of the whole world doing nothing but talk. And they love nothing but saying some …stuffs. And these you say comic book or TV say Thor I say ~ I am not sure any angelic force people regulate them. And these birds 🦅… they knew they about to move in, just talk poem every degree things I think +the sky or the cloud. They got nothing else to do….

It’s not only, well it’s not they love love love to show off, they got nothing else to do. They also like to eat and drinks so you say to them, “want to go and eat, too hot outside.”

I am in this area, in 1000 years testimony, I am near them area. This is where I grew up but I always stay in the 4 side walls school. The Daan Park just did a brand new renovation since 2021. Taipei, Taiwan ROC. They talk to, they have the water habitat ….is that normal? Do you put some food they don’t die out? 

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