Lawsuit 580: Supreme Master Choice and the Self Identity (Time Spontaneous and co-exist of the parallel Universe)

Date: Feb 14th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Purna or not from the beginning of the First Life (King of Kings) to the End life of the Bible

Subject to your own vow, you wish to modify or escaping this Bible some other means, other than the Master Teaching or your vow are questionable, or wrong, or never delivered.

You wish to return Time, change things, for your own faces, its private at the court, public to shine forever. One of those says. Never in the interests of any one human other than yourself.

The law of one defined as the self-interest in person. 

Do you have a condition like cannot talk? Shy, 4.0 A student, just too short?

Its a lawsuit you gamble at the results, bet on it. Its a song at the high school musical. 

Its an occupancy questionable. Not justice prevailing deep core values.

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