Lawsuit 719: W Two Worlds (The felony case in the painting that drawn, Bio leaking to the drinking water)

Date: August 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Ending of BTX

Life is always seeking the life term means, so I trigger.

+ Today all posts from Blogger this address is.

I want to cite...over the Education Department in American Congress for that the treaty with ET were as long as since 1950, including the conspiracy theory groups. Therefore, I an postulate if that educational reason, a lot of the factors were a One Giant groups activities done it prior and might be extent far back when the education is known to the world. Ancient Chinese is one of the reference charted, I used to talk about in the earlier lawsuit. 

The congregation groups voices are not as important as if that citing the correct cases in that database to where this Treaty did happen on our Earth, and how far the Education means done and groups in American both in the University level and the Corporation Company seeking talent reason in the first initial screening each other working or cooperate with another person next by you. 

Like I say,

"Just as long as you don't know or cited..."

"Just as long as you don't consider the behavior science is not part of your daily language or the consumer psychology were just the high school to lower its scale in trade..."

"Just as long as every Criminal Justice case willing to go as far as any felony cases to input any regular classroom activities including to the State school and the Honor Class."

"To that unknown reason or the unknown case, just because you don't know."

"You all pretty much keep insisting, as long as and as far as you don't require to know, or willing to know."

That mistakes in front of the credible law degree its not sustainable. And to that argument I state it the control group and the experiment groups are gone decades after decades.  While those in jails, they will becoming a totally different train in the language how to mentor everyone, you just meant, 40 years down the road this UB final reuion.

"How highly literacy the Earth Prince being taken to the hospital or the Central"

You mean your witness today account of every writing, you wonder how far everyone else behind knew that every term.

BTX Final Ending

Ella Enchanted Ending

40 years when you will end with your old age by yourself or without a priest. Usually closing the eyes to that breathing cease an expression in the language, you got frighten each day down the iron chain, at all your foot. 

You never feel it so much noise, and pump up air, or the dirt or the dusty of the car drive in the driveway through the windows someone knocks. Some of this face you still remember that 20 years ago you were all in the school, all of you will tell me, that equilibrium of life didn't change that much since 10 years ago, I Anna did in front of everyone else. This 10 years were not how I used to be in UB, including this 2021 years one to that every years away from 2015 Flower Thousand Bones. 

Your parents because required to talk to you, both they need you, you need that family closure, you never lose contact. I never have it...remember?

You didn't know that air will becoming so cold in the time 40 years down. That reality, its your metabolism running it down, every 20 years I say to Simon the thing in 2014.

"Every 20 years, we tend to believe where we lived like we used to be...."

And the idea you will remember you gonna die, to the body cannot lift up a cup to drink that sip of the water burn your throat. The hell fire to that dream if coming, I am sure what you define that Zawanna or any kind like wonder how evil of the things real in the Real Time and Space to that Matrix, because you tempting to keep disturbing everyone world, you forgotten, each year you try, nothing will ever happen.  How far can you try anyway? 

Like I say....

"They know exactly what it means." 

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