
The Prayer 7/16/2023

"At the time to this emergency world all around, the food, the water and the school district where in your vicinity has all this daily normal life and activities after COVID 19. We give the Lords thanks how this pandemic with the science, can be cured today. Whether its all on the news to how clear every border line to this new destination country you going forward, with your new business venture or the family vocation or the vocation home, some of those fear during the lock down has dissipate one of those older feeling and soon that every spring out the season its we are moving from the summer soon will be the autumn season. This every year how we gradually will also putting a lot of this social news behind our mind, and getting back to our works, or the school. These die out gossip will also helping us to get back to the normal interaction with the commercial reason, or the one's lifetime any plan after the school, during the school, or some upper level the research works in those adding up the years in the age, every climate change, every profession in fear and needs the direction. Be that God always be your guidance, and in that caring nature of the Almighty providence, its all that Him given, its all Him that provides. We be the receiver and humbly to in quest all that we need in our daily bread and the success path in the life economic statues."

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