Lawsuit 675: W Two Worlds (Vitro or Vivo)

Date: July 10th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The experiment procedure since the development of the bio science since the DNA study coming along 1953 (DNA is the double helix structure)

I wrote a medicinal chemistry website.

Of course I know that is not bio, nor bio chem. My minor was. 

I am not really music, commander-in-chef neither. Its every other subjects except the music !

I am the inventor of the RNA codon chart starting. If we gonna insert a bliblical idea how the God creates the Heaven and Earth, the first page of the Bible has the birds. They are right outside my balcony every single day making their way saying.  The otter shows up in the OU language too. Its magnificent means Oter. (Supreme Master Ching Hai Pusu language in 2014)

RNA and DNA condon charts are not the actual mechanism took place inside every cleavage, open, unwinding, and re-align, and proof reading with the polymerase function. Then if you saying the entire creation of the DNA digoma has to be separated in the division of the veil, we had this Sailor Moon 

Sailor Pluto = CERN the physics lab in the Da Vinci Code or novel

Sailor Neptune = me, the blue print of the genetics are inside the nucleus until a wall outside

Sailor Uranus = ATP, biochemistry going out of the cell wall.

Sailor Saturn its the blood stream or every transportation idea similar to the vascular plant, but we are the bio-living things, meaning we breath with the body up or down. That saying, the soul dead coming out, its axe, or me Honorable Superior if the strength from her breaking the precept, I split blood often and its very weaken inside. 反嗜

I remember I wrote that in the mid-night one day. I have no more timezone remember? So I say we have this private and the public sector of the academia, the research in the governmental sector, or the Cooperate. The hospital affiliate included. I will tell you, only one me split blood on the television. Its weaken me directly from inside. Not the actual blood outside, but its inside chi. I have the Prana accumulation since with Quan Yin Methods 8 long years, 2006-2015  a little bit 2020. 

We can specify the technique development through the next one thousand year. I hardly think they gonna change if you understand why they are divided in a such way. We can say the land and the sea are that horizontal line - the sea level 1atm, got freeze up so One Eye Shadow government its?? Those underground Mexico architecture the biblical story in the old testament.  If things don't have that nature for making it a division almost like a law, none of that should be saying that. Its a perfect flow chart, and let it be.

That is what I would say. 

Including the ancestor's sin.

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