Babaji: Go
In other words, let's say the Corperation didn't fail on every insurance company like the bankcrupcy means. And there are people working in there, 1 year, 2 years to 5 years to 10 .....on and on.
In case those things might be real.
These people's personal space isn't the cooking cullinary skill entwine, but a very cold cut business venture to that personal breathing space are none. Same its the music skill, same is the vocal audio made, the demo made, the works to launch a success in the real commodity world.
The girls often ending up in the teaching jobs, because its really just by the theory saying. But for NASA, its another format of the Corperation, not really hired, but cannot really throw away, you know what I mean? Some people cannot hold the stress to be in those jobs, but its glues at their ghostly windows, til they see the eyes sparkle?
When you finding some supports in the future, if those court given you all this girly festivity in those kitchen ground, because every home appliance were....made so homey felt, its something you farmilar, including the seen girls face, the women faces, I am not sure if they include some guys in it....if those were true, so you seeing the celebrity.
Some people living in the cold cut military delivery jobs, to that Corperation methods will tell you, while you are on your breathing space to look more happy for everyone else....the real skill when that high tech anticipating worlds are all by the human behind combine brain to figure it out a possible future, no matter its an entertainment fun games, or really the high tech design....oh ~~you never read anything so you never thoughts what instrument or device might exist in one of those unknown worlds.
Hailey's new video
If you are all changing your missionary location ....since Taiwan is way too easy you using my resources to create all these mess, to whichever the new land where this things you do are not ilegal, landing at all those brand new land, where you will feel what the missionary sounds like, without the laws, I am sure you know what you are saying to all of the people, no one knows that is so popular in America, to fit those logic one day. I guess you meant those identification ID only useful if you meant it real here are the missionary final destination.
Outside the comment box:
You trying to sound like you having tiny consciousness to that you saying God exist so there is a missionary, through the church, I am getting this right? Assisting the poor or the needie or the medical.
That heart of your perfect life isn't starting perfect with the 2. The harmony things between that Ancient Chinese always saying taking care of your family, the community, the country then Pacify the world. When I met Simon the first year 2014, that is exactly we were on the War to that Tro cave scene. To all that heard, that was exactly what I say to them.....Holllywood superficiality at.
Then one day this Better man at....these those bimbo we never wane 2014, they never took one word I say to them to make 10 years lasting human Samsara...if you meant it someone else in this entire Universe if were one girl, doing just that one sentence right, where that evolution ends or that One life ends in 10 years down the road.
You see?
The personality doesn't require the happy ending, but then again, to that everything so calibrate carefully examed, its so typical or allergic that morning dew, how the sunrise to that shining breathing space, its every New World you seeking the opportunity the future lie to be.
The climate change + 2 Comets you left me all things to sort with the science world all by myself to that venue you say your cooking skills cullinary seeking the True Love or the Loving the Silent Tear, at least...
Telling me which boybands you are inviting, or your own SMTV disciples, whom whom whom? Giggling enough girls talk?
"You fallen in love all over again, heart pull heart snatch games?" Just the first entry ground seeing them? Where, the hotel venue on? The cooking utensil, you all ready on the heel, or on my hair design?
I am so capable now, isn't it?
How can any lazy human does all that lazy things not for the Past? Every younger guy or the older guys to be at your disposal sounding like. You like them? And where to be exactly at you staring at them liking them for?
I just want to know? It might just really a slap and a kiss? Those things just requires ONE guy to sacrifice 30 second. He gets the reality, or I will be witness myself on the TV or at the venue ground the later date? Free Downloading?
Since these theme so much these girly, to every age, including the young to old you you ever looking at the guy's eye sight......Approval, or True love they guessing your feeling, that sort? Or they imagine they are not that girly themselves?
Yeah? Its per eye sight, called "The Anticipation." "The expectation" "Approval" "Prove me wrong" "One really good gesture or saying."
How does this Hard to get the guys schematics means, lady?
I am telling you, how one microphone to that one narrative seat to your every entry ground to show up any guys, you means the forever love in air, how it gets wrong on every first step to every first sight to every second, as long as that narrative girl saying it?
"Darling, no no NO?" The true love never weaver, you saying the guys can turn around forever no. That isn't funny to the eternity, what power I really have?
Wa want to know what the Westlife getting the laughing hysterical sounds like? Or my voice talking without the face? Just like the organic video .....without the visual points on the faces. You didn't know someone has no mood means.
You see that Middleton, that games of the seizing power were over 10 years ago.....they were still the high school sweet heart love air the birds, right?
Many people in the many norms, requires how the approval, like that Anna Kendrick to that Bashar looking....while I am comfortable inside my chair just doing this 2 hands writing, because one Middleton isn't a thing, you see? How I capable to walking out laws to that fine lines saying a word, whichever this her big mouth capable....there is a lot of great scene will truly becoming the Truely seen when those video like Ronan saying very very little, got it?
I never care why human worlds doesn't get me a mood, why any popularity were starting at Zero, remember yourself SMCH? That degree of confidence to that forever lasting future, what....this Loving the Silent, or the Tear, its between those ET or my brain, to that they knew me, or I know them...but you all so daring to that fame to the human heart, the important things don't do, the money sign don't glue on, and to all that skills lacking, saying no High Tech detect per thought stream, or per skills required in the vocal.....
Its funny, how the life ends on your skins, to that every public showing air, its how your followers make a conclusion with all those SMTV ABC or the whites, how they the guys or the girls believing it.....the Rising from the East, it will NEVER starting at the Communism to that history, you meant, born wrong, you born short, your birthday wrong, your delicate all wrong, running in and out, your entire life per second per decision far you want to get going keep wrong ? The Vietnamese little nun?
Try to make one useful claim to the legal court, how they will capable in the human will power, to saving you against someone like the end of this One Life Contract form. Whatever you imagine real or not real that Bible daring at it.
When you wishing that singing talent to be that so gonna be useful in the future probably need to really inject the skills rather than, your followers on pity what the money paper values made of, really....If I were you.
If you know what I mean?
Whatever the money sign to sound right to begin a showing up, at all. Everything is made of high tech, that per mouth you don't shake it the note, its every thing wrong on your face slap, understand? Vietnesese little nun, that name its eternal. 越南小尼姑 This is a funny game isn't it? Open your mouth darely, not your tongue off eternality, you will know what that power of capable to open your mouth second more, understand? You see that Middleton next by Ronan? Tell me how the Day or One Night to that Brahma means in Time? Really...funny word, funny tale, how that England will forever ending up? One women so high in words, so in statue, so in happiness right? Not just on the street where I am so capable to deliver all on homeless....seriously.
This entire nun or monk hood just all money to that jail statues, first you at least trying to explain to all the people, where the vocal skill or the mouthful perfect sense Clinton pennis, its that anything to do with...your background are just a communism Vietnam, especially the England or the German Doctor to sound Safe Haven. Its a movie. Independent film even.
Face too sleeky, remember that one stain of the blade on cut, its one line red...and to that so perfect your tiny face egg( Chinese words), you see...someone when saying words so ensure that eternity delivery, you meant...its just a hobby, or you mean it just doing for fun, and popularity, you get nervous even on Bill Conti? You want me to leak his face if he dead yet? See what power I meant, every red face on your shame, SMCH, that your name if begins on the eternal...this game will getting worse including anyone in your claim methods.....what the FOREVEr I will ever becoming...all your false hood continue on and on with all your sins.
And every word you meant you against, and keep saying the Paganism only Constituional right fair? You forgotten whom I am....I will tell you exactly how I am, in every second every year so on and on.
SMCH is very very short, nick and I are the same height. He is about 1 and half head above her. They have a photo side by side.
Hanging on the wall.
Is there anything to do with the Mark? Which Mark? ABC Canadian Mark or?
Because his wife's name is Tall circle circle.
There are although mirror mirror those saying in the world really....sometimes your entire IQ to what you desire to that just every day standing up to facing the ground people, such as the boy bands all around, and you walking into the fan clubs grounds have no more followers or the TV that one day reality, you mean, finding the youth each and every one of them are younger than you are.
And I am not there.
Why would anyone be stern that evolution you waste your entire life, on high? That is exactly what you left the history before you coming here to sunk down the buttom of the sea? The first Life to the End life....this, no avoidable. You have no more shadow, this is one eye government, it is the distorsion field, like that Steve Jobs biography says, and W Two world, under that ice, your eternal icy world.
I will tell you Black Ops, I want nothing to do with that Simon Cowell. Vision.
What is his real height without the shoes?
Him (back against) Me blonde hair coming to his right arm
===============My seeing
Its a FOREVER no. It has nothing to do with the money. Its a Eternal No.
His statues are at the bankcrupt state. That one China name. Forever. He is conditioned included. That is how the power of that....used to be legand ought to be with a beauty name 妲己 and her sister. Not just Terry with the banana naked in his mouth. His conditioned in that eternal road will get worsen and worsen.
That is how that will be the absorption of the Sky, Ground Earth chi thousand years to yield, not just the human chi.
A witch + red hair debts or psycho.
You all cannot possibly register anything else saying in those movie really meant it.
When I see the real human, I deal with the movie. Your Black Ops American upper, has a lot of the says to this NASA. I don't really know why, for example, they seeing me Anna doing all this things combine since before or AT SEP 26th 2022
Our high school has a basketball girl, with another girl, 2 of them are a couple, but.....that is the reason how everyone evacuate, and he is from that Red Hair Teacher's school
The bank Circle, that location elementary school. She told me that is where she from. She has a habit 3 days before her real exam, she never talks, not even in class. Everyone knows that. She is the basketball team next to us the volleyball team.
We just all seeing each other looks like. oh ~ she plays the volleyball fine, we are the same class that Same Year teammates. Bolton? I know where is the Bolton. He does looks a bit like her. She is a short hair, curls a bit.
Most time in this what you know of the basketball or the volleyball team in our school, its One Class Year above us, training us. And we doing the same to the Class below us. Not necessary the coach ever shows up at all. The basketball court its right next to us volleyball court, we practice rain and shine all at the same place. Right next by.
That elementary school name is 仁愛國小
SETH? (UB UFO Seth) - This is a teacher, that is a student ! I can tell the difference. My air-conditioning its right next by me. Seth has a stair climbing up or down, I cannot see it physically, but it exists.
Anything to your best friend, or you don't know that person?
He says he doesn't know that person.
🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🎄💖 Black Ops (American, to your NASA here you go....)
Do you know why I push it ?
As soon as? You are not going to tell me, the first try out that draft, you didn't start to state what is your major, so how did you gonna tell NASA sneaking in, including the girls finding all the guys inside, to get married with? I know you are not feeling so, that entire Sep 26th, 2022, you seeing nothing but all the girls there in NASA???!
NASA having those girls all around? Did you ever seen that The Day After Tomorrow, the science club, other than any singing musical carnival types of happiness way too happy? The Disney High School Musical also have a science or math team clubs?
When I have no more this music career, you all just change a totally different personality like? The hysterical, cynical, to where the world has no bound, no jobs ever are too good to be jobs? The Tokyo has an agreement one of those things in the Past?
And where is that Japan at? All your contact lens luggage.
🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🎄💖 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🎄💖 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🎄💖 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🎄💖
💝🌟 Two people relationship ....for example even including the guys to guys, not just the girls to girls. 💝🌟
Of course behind, I tell all of them, they have a choice. I did.
But that's saying about a regular family household in Amherst New York, a regular family unit might 2 or 3 room in 2 floors house, how much it costs, to how much down payment on...its every 25 years they will have a snow effect roof replacement, not just the heating costs all years around in the winter time.
Taiwan doesn't have a very long winter time. I just told Nicky, behind....we saying garbage, so I have a newpaper read next day. I am wiping my walls, the mosquitto die 3 times in dfiferent dates on blood? So I am wiping the wall while calling, I am free time? They hear the wiping the wall sounding.
Between a guy and a girl, there are height everything + photo effect
Its very true. But that's say, that is my clean, to trash can, to sofa, to carpet....America uses the carpet, here we use the sandle, having the guests sandle, or the food preparation or purchase or microwave, or they 5 just show up, living at the same 1 or 2 apartment with those utility I prepare for them let's say, their Winter Concept changes...they wishing to know their old age options including trying out our hospital here....
If its a couple, a guy with a girl, the compromise are given all those letters in Babaji's website.
Handikhan Babaji wrote a lot of the letter before. About the relationship and compromise.
When I was with nick, I will tell you, that is not my will choice.
I don't know how many times this keep going, none of that are my personal choice. All of that but we end up together, for as much as I remember the time last. Now I need to build my career and settle things near me, or around me.
A home owner definition has many folds, it never ends at my tears with the Line Apps, I am off somewhere else paint my room wall, cleaning up the locket, the floors, the antique table, the TV, the Monitor, the PC.
Or all these recycling trash bag, we have to purchase here.
1. Like I mentioned this morning, it consists of every sheet and bed lining to be extremely nice washed, folded, sort, and putting it back with the extra duplicate bed sheets, pillow case, as if I really just my mood every single day that guy invisible sleeping next to me.
2. Trash bag, bathroom, sink, bath shower. I am the girls, so I have extra junks plastic.
3. Room floors, living room, kitchen floor.
4. Windows, counter, kitchen counter, hood, water sink, water facet.
5. Balcony rain or shine
6. Door front, every door inside that one house unit
7. Every Glasses surface, antique, or or dining table including the 4 legs of that table.
8. Laundry clothing.
9. White or color
10. My bathing towels
11. Guests bathing towel
12. Storage place, including the kitchen assort all items, purchase, display, and prepared.
Neighborhood learning, learning about the house, the real estate, the talk, getting in those, the Westlife never show up my Amazing Road, circle, avenue.....
Because I am at home.
Those are not the love games really. I cannot have time to put the tears inside my eye frames, while my life I couldn't tell people why I am happy about by doing all that to keep a house.
Do I know whom I supposed to be with? Me? I actually didn't know starting 10 years ago ....every time its the same thing happened already.
Its the same phone interface, doing this Line passing down all the message, its one profile photo looks like another side of the person might be all different anyway. You doing this kinds of the fake things long enough, I really don't care I have the phone, or the line, or the PC or the tablet....these App interface, you really believing the love in it, like their affection, or I really cared about the money not these lines?
This is strange, they never replied, why I even cared about, to sound like they have a heart, or I have a heart? If you set your career goal, that is not the priority why I even imagine what priority its with them anyway? You know how you look at the map, from if you acquire a Taiwan local map, to see from my perspective, where is Ireland?
...and where is the financial center?
They imagine or i imagine the current plan, I told whom..Nicky, "Hi....remember I say its the one instantly, we change the plan?" Can you imagine to me, talking to a profile photo sound like a 5 different people, because how I sound like the same to myself, I imagine I talking to 5 extra love....that is my entire life goal, if my mind is NEVER somewhere else more important things to do?
🏮💞 If you like Brian or whom else guys, why don't you make a clear to him or them Now? 🏮💞
I actually just talk about the same things 10 years ago starting with that Keanu Reeves...Kisses and Hugs, I never finishing the same fake things. Even how famous that Simon knew....up to Eben Pagan.
🏮💞 We were just talking fake, or the reply til one day......because it already 1 month + 1 week pass. I did tell Ronan about certain things, its I need to wait for my happy world money to that I send him the photo, again. I never stop doing this redundant things hundred time remind him,....I have a priority. I indicate a direction to him. So we finished talking about that....That might be 2 weeks ago or last week?
From my perspective just like that Shane, they have more incentive lying to me ....what I suppose to know at all. But to that public relation or to that my position, including the girl idea, to that some fame, to some claim I did to myself, or what I need...I tell them whatever my position things not saying even, or they must doing that the same for me. This is not a couple may not even a romantic idea. Its just got assigned, they gonna tell me its the lyrics? I trying to make a sense all the lyrics never stop hearing about it.
When just the assignment, its just really living with that person, and commit to that relationship. Do I make that difficult of whom that supposes to be? I am so used to this Princess Diary 1, or 2 Queen says what? Its by the blood statues?
So under this democracy statue world, they have the freedom to walk away. So I didn't really mean if that is what they mean, they stay or they gone. Its not becoming your table?
Why don't you make yourself a point, you all having each other's phone number behind? Everyday I have to process this unlimited paper works from my side. Everyday looks different another day.
I sing too ...meaning the Saprino is the main melody, you cannot have a main melody going OFF. But then you could have some other kinds of the solo in this Pop music gerne
In that every career choice, you need to make your own talent sounds like a real talent.
Its very very bad a lot of people just meant its whom else making the money for them. Why I have to do all those works, and all that gang up on me on the 366th days, I working 1 to 365 days? On that exponent of the numbers they cannot reach?
People are selfish, people are pathetic, people are sad, people are kidnapping. Those are the wrong things to do for saying why others making the money on? Some other whom make a lead somewhere else?
I don't do this singing for a living, just for fun. Zawanna sings too. The old Ancient melody, very very nice. But doing it for fun, or really getting into the business, I have my other choice doing everything else I told Ronan or Brian.
What its the talk in front, its we nicely saying hallo and goodbye. But I need to make my own pretty living to my pretty face if that is what I wish away from the main channel of the media. I have many choices, I really don't like about the entertainment. Not really. That has nothing to do with their money, or their personal face why we even talk. But I corresponding to that same level understanding.....I keep my own happy money, I tell them or Shane the exactly where all of them can read the same URL, the same statement from Shane's facebook, or all the Westlife other memeber's facebook. Its uniform, open, and public disclose. I didn't lie to them, so everyday I make some clear more gesture where things I used to claim, if they seeing that 2018-2020.
That is my choice. And I am a girl.
I used to think Brian is one of those upbeat person looks like my brother...I: would have wish my brother to be that happy going on, and being optmistic...laterly I seen a different sad part all him or Ronan he is not he used to be young, for saying I am happy where he arrives his career goal or furthur on. These 2, I didn't think...why life needs to be unhappy for one person.
If you really need to talk to someone, why don't you go to the police, asking them a demand from that Steven Gately death. They will find a way helping you, they will find a way for all your answer per sheet, where he didn't lead you, or will lead you for the past glorious moment like that Westlife?
You are all different personality when you being put together. Sometimes things fallen off, a new career built. My past I just kick them all gone, so I leave all the paper works I held up to that University of South Dakoda to claim my case
"Get rid of all of them whatever this MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+1 at that Mummy (1999) that Tamang's mother or the gun gf were the red hair on the facebook just like your logo color for the school, may I know what is your school Moscout sporty wear? "
Be aware what you imagine, its not the movie saying or putting it everywhere as long as you did your homework with the right mind. I am sure when someone dead, you just really need to say a prayer to get on with it, best without them. 10 years pass, there is a brand New Tim Cook.
How Thank God, every Steven its a crisis in my life to EVER heard about it.
The Boyzone, hi ...the rest of you, I have no idea each of you other than somewhat Keith or Ronan, this Ronan listening to me the last.....few days trying to sound like a genuine human as if we have a life goinig on.
But like I say to him, he is busy, I am busy holding up a paper at unknown University of South
Now, your best friend position if he = he....that is you assume, or Brian inject his opinion or Ronan okay, or you all don't talk anymore after the career fallen apart?
Inside the ever seen this girls fighting between me and the girls, on every turn, including I yell at them that Princess Diary 1 and 2? Because none of their best friends positions are near me. While that VS telling you a tiny hint....or something, and I lightly say on the Video such as...
"Seth, he got accompany" and I look up.
I hardly doubt how much you missing him til the day you found out. Whatever that means. That is how much I think you really do miss him. His name is Steven Gately.
I will suggest you doing your own paper works file-ing statues, like...
Nike, like the shoe with that Seth name showing up, or Seth Gordan name not on burning down the face No Reservation. He is not your friends anymore. If things are not bad enough, I won't be telling you.
You doing it per line, per lyrics, per song print per sheet.
You keep stackinig up everywhere per words writing clearly you see yourself, or you asking the company to give you that copy.
You re-write that.
You reading that per day, to carry through 10 days, you will refresh this memory how the details for the future clues. Because....I don't really know what happened between you all, I thought those 2 were the main singer in Boyzone. What you wish to be the glorious moment after the Westlife, you mean the 2 singers like Justin and JC Chasez?
Everyone all having a different career choice, liking, bitterness, or happiness, or what.....or above these Westlife, there is a Lewis Walsh or Simon Cowell.
I don't really know much this boyzone.
Until you wish to fallen off a boundary line, like I used to say what the blue child case to that Krishina, you never knew the evil or the darkness, how the deep ocean goes. Its very very very cold. You know that one second, you will say forever goodbye to him and calling him psycho, eternity. However he arrives, however he becoming !!!!
哪一天的某一年我就直接踩在那個越南小尼姑清海無上師的頭上~我是呷咪? 你現在是粉紅色的閃耀暖暖踩在她的家鄉叫做共產 ...你是想跟它們政府做朋友還是那個小矮子的女生,好像錢不是我的,是她努力之下逃跑英國德國前丈夫但是現在在,法國,聯合國的五大國之一 ...有些人在成名成錢,就不可能再為了民主巨大名稱製作可敬可怕的誇張內容,叫做記憶失去,人生失去某主衝動因為低學歷跟錢的安靜過人生~記得這所有希望叫做小學開始的每一個失敗禱告,直到國中高中到大學的每一種我已經說了~不只花千骨的出家為代價的東方,是你們每一個政府地下的~你每一個禱告是你願意,做乖乖順順的人間每一個心理學規範的,永遠不需要大聲講話,懂嗎 ? 跪著趴著躺著~為了錢的鍺種紙張~有一天願望是要回來最高代價的~直到那一天 (中國的主題曲),記得 ...這甜點跟你的眼鏡~絕對是過了 30 年華少年....你只是一個低俗的低智商女孩子~至於未來在街上睡或是監獄! 這每啟每導,這叫做天與願違呀 ! 這種方方名言可多了!
University of South Dakoda
Me ! ~(the poison back coughing medicine works, not the flu medicine.
we sell cheap medicine here) Can I talk to you a second? When the AI
scan the keywords on your lousy page, to that even "Lawsuit" will sound
right, you know why? Its legal procedure why abide
to the law, or if I just make a public claim to the police, why cannot
do the legal methods of every legal arguments, including propelling
those logic process to be a righterous person under the constitution.
Everything else are not welcomed. You know what could be written or scan
the other opposite way? Good.
No, I never agree to that. NO.
Of course, there is something. I seen my mother yelling at me. Otter says right, you mean Indian 500 years old? SMCH? 歛財 its a known journalism here saying a lot about her. I cannot see why I cannot just assume that is the way forever doing so .No such things other than that. So I lawsuit to get the money, not the other way around?
She did one time telling me here, Taipei not too far from here from my house its very easy to register a religious groups name like Supreme Master Ching Hai did 1986. I never do those things. I will personally telling you, there is no telepathy for saying greed or imagination to those inside your....System Data this fake MD 6+1. Its false doing that okay? You can also just public claim right on your page, including the word saying lawsuit. They....? Where is your perfect MD 6+1 saying at? Not your page?

You have a MD 6+1 Meeting this Md 4+1 Right on my island where I regent at, to this System Data shows up at Mummy (1999), guess which scene would be Tamang that gun things TWICE since a decades ago ON the facebook with or without you knowing it by now?
You didn't tell me you PLAN that along the movie, or you just happened to System manipulate to looks like that right in front of my faces! Its when I look at the monitor in front of me? You didn't look at your monitor?

No, my mother spent all my money. I am not going. I destroy the Ice rink, the one shoes reason next to the concert place they move south? Hard case or soft case. I had one move, the first video on the first channel. Its all gone? Or including that 101 on JC Chasez video. So I am not going to be at anywhere? don't you see my hands have a piece of paper?
If someone so clearly indicate, there are EVERY piece of paper including the public written Lawsuit, you will think anything written are fake, and profanity why that is the public space, public internet, even dare to just saying the law reinforcement show up, its every claim to be examed at? Or you listen too used to why I should be online, and no one else doing it? So the lawsuits supposes to be process in the Google Blogger, you want to listen to that yourself what you are saying that yourself?
I personally tell you, I don't need any of that MD 6+1 or MD 4+1 MD issue right in front of my face with those assault situation, that Tina already shows up psycho. A lot of people talk like they have the friends. I am the type, don't about this UB what facebook, so the entire interface disappear with the username or the email. All burnt down vanish. To that one life philosophy, I never stay to where things always fix with Life, so that healthy view why I never becoming part of the doctor path to be like that. I don't need them. They are very very dangerous, however this money I set up myself, its I never lose my sight to the things in priority until I acquire what I need in life, for saying being smart in life. I have the family near by, so I did make some room for them until I cannot. I talking none sense just about 10 years never stop ....I don't care about this flying in flying out of the borders keep doing this things I told Silas how I drawing unlimited circle to what those name they might really believing it ABC in their own country flag idea. I personally don't care about anything in that statues someone values themsleves inside their own very nose. The life strive to that maturity, and none exhibit anything in that. My choice to that life, its my own belief only....I prefer none of them EVER shows up here. Not really. I know your every plan, so I public telling them, including the medical board. Someone will not claim things as these indicates drawn to them. I will never send any invitation, or someone like them. I do not care about anything how they will become, other than on the street, or any pimpo on their faces, that I don't acquire anymore...if you seeing how true the reality inside......they become stern, rigid, in that 20 years path you set them upon. I cannot breath. If any new friends shows up, I already told them none of them are useful, everyone cannot breath so I will choose only I breath without them.
You want to get into certain lifestyle, no matter which age that heard this cannot possibly don't understand where as a girl really really should be doing?
4 Stove in the end, if you just cannot afford a job to be in any domain Asia be at.
You want to start those Lee's bio chem lab jobs, or the chem jobs, or mine would be the chromosome jobs? That is neither Lee nor chem job?
In college, right after. It has only one salary, its the bench these research lab jobs. The undergraduate class has all this science lab, where you show up and finish those one full afternoon jobs.
Its not the plate, the cup, the spoon....Its not the interval timer, its not microscopic, its not reagent mixing like the spice idea? Those are the chemical process entailed all kinds of the reagent to be put it back in the fridge, open, or use, or throw away. Checking the growing rate, or per day to washing procedure?
To grow cells so you can analyze later on.
There is a timer. But not the kitchen timer. I sit in the kitchen just like I sit in those lab. With the white robe, the kitchen doesn't need a robe.
You know..if you ever imagine a commerical kitchen, what that really means, not just bossing people, its every procedure design by the protocol?
Not the business procedure, you know?
Everything is toooooo hard in your langauge.
You are the science major, you don't know what is the protocol means?
When you graduate from the school, and get hired to one of those bench will be finding loads of the protocols that by procedure, that is how you doing things, kinda of like a flow chart, just how people ending up on the research side, everyone has a little bit operation that machinery to start saying how to putting up a job right to finish by that Timer.
I just so soon, has no more jobs, after I graduate immediately meeting that one nick.
The meat or the ground beef are so dirty, you cook in the red wine, so cooked done? Then starch the entire thing with the green stuff inside, looks like a patty.
Its the same ground beef, just soak in the red wine, and BOILED.
The bun are butter room temperature to wipe and baked, so when that one ground beef cooked, boiled, just not distilled...its cluster at the starchy, to look like a bundle patty, 1 2 3 4 ...10.
How many burgers can that be that many, 20 buns + butter 2 side, wipe wipe wipe.
I think they eat pickle. tomato, cheese, lettuce washed....Its just one patty.
The groups meals, like the salad from the container, a little bit wash? And centerfuge at it? Dry?
That is 10 plates salad on the side? Spring roll? Tomato+avocado+ cucomber and the dressing. The salad are those green thorny leafy.
The European has this 凡爾賽玫瑰 those sequence food to eat have other food to make? They can eat a meat loaf slice all by itself with the sauce, that is a dish? From the hotel.
I think milkshake its everyone can drink it. From Wendy similar to Mc Donald. The banana or strawberry, or chocolate....those mix beverage with the ice.
Potato boiled with mix other things green peas, its the Samosa? You just hand made the skin, like the Pizza. I think they eat pizza too like the American. Or the burger and the fries. They should be on the on the diet too.
Its so cold today.
I personally dont think my personal space or feeling of this...display the food, the plate, the cup, or the bowl anything difference since when? With nick?
He says what he eats, and I eat only what he eats?
That must be strange. Having a job, having a volunteering, having a group life, having some UB or Canada friends to see, to talk, to facebook?
Its the same things until 2014? I have a mother since 6 years ago. She goes to retreat, also a group life? I meeting her friends, we outting? The same meditation groups.
The atmosphere are relax, its I used to say BBQ every single day. I don't know how the Paddington ending up on Ronan's wall. He has a coffee the first time I seeing that ......on his facebook. That was what I say?
The 4 stoves of course are nothing included in that....I used to simply implied it supposes to be 4 stove, not one day. But everything else just comes by the way, anyway. Its the same kitchen space you standing at.
Open the below cabin + the trash bag he meant he is using it or purchase from Wal-mart standard bag?
Why would I be watching those ASMR on the cooking talents? Cut, chop, display, food variety?
You mean you just want to be on the date? You mean an outting to eat food? The food outside are so small tiny little. They are the guys stomach? Very expensive.
Not shattered on the ground....if that is not what I mean it very very clearly?
You finding their trash can, or the garbage disposal easy? Its always your parents taken your trash out? Imagine someone's job always on the garbage collection ....You process the garbage will have a way to ensure that survival....a simple household setting, really.
Not a professional job, I am telling you.
The plastic...the plastic bag, the trash bag I mean...sorry I didn't mean you bagging them, its the plastic made of the material to tear and wear on that trash bin, Tina jojo has this Hank bought the Smart AI, just wave at it. Even the vertical huge trash can, its how far you finding the fit trash bag, usually are the big long trash bag, how much junks to be inside that bag, those are not the liquid containing?....really
The Napkin, the spoon, the forks, the plates? The tea cup, the plate, the spoon, sugar or creme?
How to cut a fruits, or a salad plate with the dressing?
The bigger plate, how heavy that suppose to be, the plate display? Really? I didn't know the cuillinary skill required in the grocery shopping skills too. Whatever those guys are eating and putting into their mouth? Most things he eating it down?
Want me to say again the real life? You carrying the cabin plate, open the cabin, take a plate out, and put in front of him, or next by myself
The fruits plate, the pan cake, or the veggie wash, ....the drinks making, or taken those pre-made juice to cool until he gets up? or he is finished busy outdoor? You looking at the yard, or cleaning up some weed on the floor, getting up or benting down, getting up, bending down. I wonder why that is so tired ....Its 2 people house.
1) Maple syrup 2) Honey 3) Milk + cereal 4) Oatmeal cooked?
They eating the process food, I don't? I must be crying so much. Wash the blue berry ? Banana like those California Mother's market on the oatmeaI with a cup of brown sugar, they are the guy's? That is a brown sugar......
You taken 1 2 3 4 out, putting it back 1 2 3 4.
Every morning?
Westlife - My Love
Hi ~~~~Nice song. Good luck to the coming new Asia Tour. I am sure this is not the first time you visit in Asia. Wishing you all a great start, we are still in the Chinese New Year week, til the 15th, maybe not that calculation date, but in the Georgian calendar but we apply the same Tradition. Its the lamp shows outdoor. We are the sub tropical weather near China, called Taiwan. Taipei is the metorpolitan Capital city. Welcome !
Simon Cowell - Facebook
Good morning Simon.
I sent some invitation letter everywhere to Westlife, your things? 10
long years pass, your eulogy starting online circulation were? Part of
the Life. Well....I am the Circle of Life. Sincerely wishing them a good
trip in Asia tour. Best wish to you and your family. Saying hi to
Lauren and the kid.
I kinda of needed to borrow that Shane's facebook, not that Shane's life, starting also 10 years ago on Loosen Women show format in Ireland? It has nothing to do how you formatting the show business? Taiwan itself situate, also a show themselves having those small tiny niche, just like Ireland? By the population count or by the territory land mess count? ~ You heard of Ronan Keating? I saying hi to him. That will not be the 10 years ago, anywhere your newspaper you omit one thing that looks like side by? I hardly remember how that painful process never ended my relationship to my career - it was Never in the show biz. Hey, by the way, I set up a several online protocol to that universal known soon-to-be claim worldly renounce name. You interests? One has to be the background Chemistry. I added a word Industrialist on that Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 and 3 (2012 /2015 /2017 ) so that your face saying it clear, I mean your representation with Lauren, I gaining weight til my poison gone...2015 China Big Thing - Flower Thousand Bones. Well, I have another music title. Its in the UN seating map 194. Your Red River Manga internal requirement if A ) In English, or if B) In Chinese. That Kail Musli is not Kian Egan, but my facebook has a keegan looks like you, Simon. This gone very very far 10 years gone.
Westinghouse Euology how Tesla written for him, how he ever lands on Mars, he can survive. I heard about it. Bob Dean on SMTV. True. They talk about it in Project Camelot? I never listen in it that is what you asking me? There is not one word mentioned in there were Elon Musk, if that is what you mean.
No, traffic police records moon 1. That is 2 on Mars. No.
💝💞 You girls if could finding the girls packs, whichever the look, or fix them, wishing them well included whichever future ought to be...conditionally. 💝💞
It just boiling it down, you didn't get to becoming a friend to each other, if or if with or without you, when any time or anything you mean she is a girl, you be the?? someone to talk to on the phone?
So many this blacken faces the girls, nothing but suicidal squat psycho, but you all calling each other the friends. That is the choice you rather made, if the guys could stay away, I will tell you whenever that point of the future arriving. To that Zawanna, if those condition, you all girls choosing to leave the Earth, finding the minimum money they...kinda of like Europe, I don't really know what Europe has. Something more like the society takes care of you.
That choice of staying on the Earth what if it still real with the guys, the economic structure still the same? The groups of the neighborhood, country, food, club, dining out options Mc Donald or the Burger still the same?
You all girls looking this Blacken, will gamble if the Open Galaxy to those money minimum you come to this New World, and? You saying the Court "Hold Q" (Contact 1997), to that privacy inside your brain, not the Universal Police? Yeah ? The Star War police.
And you will say you getting the first ship to land there, isn't that? The Backstreet Boy, the shuttle called the immediately process paper works? Under the conditioned just like that TV says "The mental condition." using that Anna's system data to that Flower Thousand Bones, you will be cared in that near degree where your mental instability just like they sent in the Shadow materials, you don't want to make a claim such as that, to get your future going?
Preparing to?
Since our world, the conspiracy theory groups or the medical groups or the police forces are just never good enough really here on Earth. For the money, For the One for the Money (Big Britney), your own far it is in years to your ever Vola moment with or without your parents. Paying your way through truly you claim to Earth Court, remarkable speical, agree?
Want Dr. Steven sign? Whom is shadow doesn't know their own court made a verdict whom you are with what you are...where the Earth are Earthly?
The entire Earth infrastructure are not done yet everything 7 billions people on? You mean I know where I staying at, or where I imagine going forward and ending up back here?
I actually don't know if they EVER staying with a girl more than 2 weeks, every single day or every 2 months, or every 2 years as long as it shall ever lasting...about the plates...I dont eat food scenario.
It won't even get to my eyes, what was your saying about your Ex-wife plate the day I went back, I throw them all outside cliff. Just look at it, so mad, something so makes me mad.
But let's say, these guys don't have the ex-wife or his mother's plate, and more below the of those combine. Its his own perfect plate. You just make a group meal, looks like he has a day, you finding your own house to purchase everything brand new?
I already ordered that Amazon list?
You girls have a lot of these words saying to the guys
Its your plates, or his taste, or without saying, you get rid of his entire cabin, because he loves you so much. Psycho. And in order to get your way, like that Tina Jojo, all kinds of the fight for that which plate he purchase are not his design, and why won't I just go back to my own home with or without the real kitchen plates or cups, so much this, I care to eat in whom's guest lists plates?
There are a lot of the comments I don't want to talk about it anymore, say it anymore, psycho keep you all labeling yourself anymore.
You girls when the blood sugar goes down, the guys have no food, both of them have the mood? Only I never had a mood?
One of that ....really.
You girls calculated to draft some words, some saying, some degree of the performance. Some guys know what that is. You know .....where you get that from, you really having it, or not having it what you saying it out loud?
And I am not sure if that really just Tina this liberate Asian girls doing so. In the comic book, there are those things you "walk up" to the guys and pointing the finger to "give him a really nice advice" in front of his face, his friends, his entire work forces, ....because you both share something in common.
.... I didn't know what I say or? This is not a slap and a kiss, which one sounds worse, or they the guy never met those scenario?
My dad always on the phone, so Tina slap him...yeah ! That is one of that. Purna has a dad.
You want to be with a could just really pick not that so popular whatever means to that degree. Mean it, how to commit to that relationship. I highly doubt people like you all mean that.
1) Pilllows case
2) Toiletry (including purchasing the baking SODA)
3) Preparing the cabin stuffs, soaps, or shampoo, or what expense to this daily necessairty you have a career so you both paying it together, or you going out of the house before he gets back, you have your own credit cards? What is so big deal .....I have raise the entire Assembly, sounds like an Elsa. Its the Buddhism, not even a cult speaking.
4) Preparing the group meals, not getting tired on your legs, sitting down 5 mins? How fasts are you mean the 5 mins?
5) clean the house, the floor, the things you see with your eyes, looking it down, and pick it up? Can you see it? Do you freeze to see it? Do you pick it up? Eye glasses rim frames below too dizzy? How far is your vision issue?
6) You never be with someone whom don't use the eye glasses....what would that really saying everything else you cannot see?
I probably repeat that food things hundred time, the pillow case just 5 times? How each of my hair washed.....
You have to own a home, and settle with a guy if you being together until you cannot sustain the money part? So figure it out the way.
Until the things have to push to the reality ?!
I don't actually sustain with the food .... Not as you think, but I eat. And ...some other things about how you saying the Prana structure of the mobility were never stopped since younger year, that has passing at least 17 years. But I starting earlier high school or the elementary school. When in person, all things gonna break lose?
I do know your song. We didn't get to that...reality part.
That is where you make the money, so you find the food right....sometimes it can save a lot more money at home...and cleaner, anything he swallow it down, not I have anything to do with it!
You have to have a career to make the money, sometimes what you really can handle your life, just like your professional life, kinda of?
How to run a home with my mother, I still working on the desktop? okay, I used to never demand on the girl being a guy, because of their statues, you suppose to be demand really deliver anything with everything, because they have a much higher aim, a much better choice?
Your physical health
Your diet
Your appearance, your hair, your skin tone, your overall talking skills?
Your career, your organization skills / boxes / stationary / sorting files- How?
You know there are a lot of the things combine, you saying having no background, meaning the family has no inherited money for? You have to make it under the Capitalism.
With nick, I didn't go out to work, I used to say, I stay on the motion to deliver a lot of the jobs, just not the front cover jobs? You are not in the most....using other people position to imagine "a demand" or "an obligation".
The guy's real character are different from the girls.
I will tell you that, unless you are really being together, you never knew what it means the guys or the girl being together, just 2 people doing things, whom care how many times I change that pillow cases the way I want?
How many my own bank statement I print it out, highlight, or dated on written formats, I cannot see it?
Whom cared how I sort my stationary, that is my own office, if I purchased a home? Whom cared how many alcohol wipe boxes, only I care those stuffs. Sometimes you teach the guys stuffs little bit little. That is how you live together as the 2 people's life?
The plastic wrap nuts are not those plastic wrap around the bowl, a motion of that bowl, you all actually shaking....your hands. You know that is not the first time I saying that, right?
Let's say, Kian their producer meeting, you bring one extra bowl of all shrimps in. That is one microwave, he eats that without them + washed green leafs, without any of them.
Want to see how funny that supposes to look like? One full medium bowl.
You never done the food package, you could have those dressing in the plastic container sometimes eating out? We get extra few one, washed..those are the recycle the garbage human does the recycling, how many times whom says what jobs left in UB?
Janitor? He can throw away too. Anything plastic? You are not worried its ceramic. There are a lot of those small tiny things you lose thing, you are in a crowdy place, you have to pack and go, and run?
We used to run....My life thanks to them where I end up living at.
I never told you ....
"Change t-shirt" (He sweat)
"Towel, and alcohol gel" (real)
"In the car, the things you bring this morning?"
"Water bottle I just re-fill in the office. You car has the water we get home."
"I find the map here."
"I know where outside things I asked."
"That is the receptional stranger place, I asked."
"ID, initiation junk yard sale"
The girls and the guys separate. "I leave the tent?! What did you say?" (my money cheap plastic made 😢 )
"Warm water, vitamin C+L-lysin." "Some warm more thicken soup sweet and sour" "Juice today new made" "Orange juice, room temperature i take out of the fridge waited."
"Warm towel, behind your neck."
"Phone, check it now?"
"Some bags food. Nuts mix, or some small those honey mix nut America."
"Some salad tomato and cucomber mix with some dressing on it. This morning."
"Kitchen Towel, here is a full roll. You can just leave it."
"Water bottle"
"Car key you want what things? Note books? Vaccum machine small, clothing brush"
You never lives in the dorm to where washer dryer…someone’s pocket fall off a plastic, I pick it up? Between us?
Wa ha ha ha ha ha…
If you lives a real life, like typing words are not real.
Getting up - motion it’s more force
Dragging the sheet both together, all the way to the laundry room
Or I change the pillow case every single day I want.
Dump all things inside the washer, detergent powder or liquid
Close it, timer. Set.
Cleaning up the bathroom, trash bag replaced, sink by the way wipe around. Rinse your teeth.
Kitchen ? Making food?
No PC almost ? That’s real in life you have an energy inputs your brain remember it’s together doing it or cooking together, you don’t hug the guys. Good morning ~~~
You didn’t know what things are real in life. I already say that many times.
America use sheets, we don’t use sheet here, but we have a closure type of 4 corner bed sheet. You have clause at 4 corner. You don’t actually imagine you have a house or not?
You know how many times I keep saying it? You want to me to repeated it?
If you are in American you will use the credit cards for the gasoline.
That’s print out bank statement. Both you and guys suppose to have the money. I highlight mine house? Per billing ? Per lines the way I want it and date written ?
The pillow cases you know how many times I say my hair washed? Every few days?
That’s without the clause the bed wrapper. Or the comferter wrapper. The bathroom period I clean? You take out the plastic to swirl that bag in the motion to see where to tie a knot and throw to my mother on the ground she sort the trash? We recycle those police shampoo, whom cared where I got them from ?
It’s all the bottle plastic ! Their kinds!
Alcohol wipe the door frames, the key holes, the lockets, the internal door, the bathroom door, your eyes on my shelved, on the surface shelve, the drawer, the touch open close, the side open that line?
You are so fat and lazy, I am not food required !!!
You never know WHAT that is !!
My cough came back yesterday and today, they both wish you all MD ill, jealous your money
Their facebook.
They want me to yell at your fake, educator, field agent, MD, all kinds facebook well achieve, they lawsuit at you all. Against they are “the one”.
No, be my guest. I don’t care about it.
Remember I say, “if you didn’t make it for real” it’s serves as the high school drop out! Highly emotional. No moral. Because no IQ.
You have to extract cases starting elementary Vola per moment. It’s a priest wishing program. All education transcript.
No moral, no concept to church, no right or wrong, no steady inside mind, guessing. Whom those could by pass their own conscious for the money.
The One For the Money. (Movie)
Tina’s GPA was 1.0
American Black Ops - rehearsal night at the stage
Was I saying that? too cold. The stage performance, normally you stand there whole days, you imagine it’s not tired, it’s 2 legs very very exhausting and the temperature coming down, I don’t really like any of this night fall, AMerica is cold after the sun gone.
You never check the difference how the sun before going it down, it’s already bad enough.
Those are the practices every single day, in-class, until the Christmas concert. Oh, we get to the stage before the concert. Carol the Bell. I don’t even remember ….the in-class practice, but we fund raising in front of the bank, just literally those Pitch Perfect shows you the guys brush the girls out of the front exit.
You stand there, right outside the bank or inside the bank, line up.
No, we don’t have a rehearsal. Just sing, but I am sure those people they rehearse it before we get there. No, I don’t. I was playing the piano, it’s the same song.
One time we had to gone to this 45 mins away high school….I think it’s us, night falls we drove back. It’s another school.
One girl next to me sings at the church, the real microphone.
It’s the hair, the dress, we had this 1700 dress, big puffy long formal dress.
When I gone to the state to feel like I was in the grade school again, their classroom color or the lightening always a lot more like their hair, you saying American. Not military or cleaning or national anthem feels like.