Lawsuit 621: My primordial Title (King of Kings Lords of Lords )

Date: May 24, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: In a different language

This is part of the lawsuit at the Movie Frozen (2013, 2015, 2019)

I can tell you what I need - Including to write it down. Warning, warning, warning.
I do not have a physical Bible with me, in any vincinity if I cage and jail up myself on the Towel, Legally Blonde 1 and 2. And Taiwan TV: 高塔公主 and Disney: Tangle, near by that Supreme Master Ching Hai. 

Warning: I have a situation, this page turn, you flip a page turn that motion with a word called the forever sin. 
Victoria Secret - Romance Journey.

Revelation has this "opening the scroll", to the last few lawsuit, WHEN, TIL WHEN?

Lawsuit 618 : OU language

This is connect to the last lawsuit the Part II - Democracy (I describe in this lawsuit separate to that file under my primordial Title) 

Taiwan is the democracy world, 

I just used to be in the girl's class, the girls' school, I never participate anything other than the radio n the Burger King's broadcasting out, that time we were in the 90s, how I used to study my books in the fast food store across my middle school, about 4 small road block to walk  + a traffic light. 

The time once I arrive to UK (University of Kentucky), and then one day I stabilize in the UB all Student union activities. That I say after once I stabilize between the commute housing in the south campus and on-campus all student activities, they have the SA election going on. They have the paint windows (20 windows), the clubs orientation table at the exit, the auction, the big loud music, every day almost you can go and participate some events.

In America, they are more space, more airy, more organized. Its not the luxury living, but its enough for me to walking all around, joining and seeing and learning something new every day. It is busy and it is a kind of the wasting time I guess, I didn't have a career, remember how these lawsuit begins or BTX begins 2014, someone given up everything so burnt off...for one BTX I knew about the American Classify, or I insist there are them exist..

The Black Ops.

I have walk to the UB dorm, the UB on-campus housing, or the community center. I use the UB shuttle, and including the front loop to the back loop, you might say something so redundant, you will sit in the small tiny shuttle like that. Finding the routes, finding the exit, finding one day, I get a car to all the parking lot, and staff parking tickets included.

There are things you go and participate in everyone else clubs, it was a fun day I remember in the undergraduate degree, to have these much garbage on all the following life I sit on one Frozen 2013 with their parents all 5-9 generation living in the New York upper state or the Western State all this vicinity issues. 

I guess I didn't worry that much, or constantly anxious, I had my discovery early on, I had a CADS job, I sitting down to teach the 10 students per semester sign up sheet one of those finding my money pay-check. Its not the fish net to going outside those very heavy heavy water in the pond and fix the pipe to sound like a girl's powder made the zealous approval to the guy.

So there are a lot of things I thought the democracy world to where I grew up this Ancient Chinese 4000 years dictionary chronological time period chart, and this one 1911 Hawaii chapter, 10 fails, 11th time succeed, there is a blood shed in the process someone died for that spirits and sacrifice. And I think none of that are in the movie, not exactly how we talk literally just talking about how if our parents pamp us to be the prince or princess way saying.

I know what you need.

Right now if I am alive, this is what I can provide you.
I didn't see anything particular out of my way or the context. Both SMCH and BEAS hard binder book saying about the financial independence. To tell you the truth, I actually believe that and surfs as an inspiration. I just keep going until one day I can make it.  I took the choice that life might upturn so I never trying again and again to go to Canada for a job. That time my ex bf wasn't this old, and I thought how to get there.

Because everyone really planning it well to get in Canada. Crystal is her name. I just never make it, I never even "feel like", well, why life has to be trying that hard. I wasn't very harsh to myself, I sleep, I eat, I meditate, and I work.

All those Pinterest or the facebook before or now.

That is probably what I will say, for that a lot of this guidelines, the protocol writing, to the annual meeting, to I used to join some of that, you discuss something, kinda of wasting time, but if you are more training into that mentality, you have a paper works to file those thinking process and logic, you might get one day somewhere, your voice be heard, and your money paycheck is exactly your brain IQ made of you, to live the way, how more and more, you all that side of the local citizen, to be in this very airy 50 states in thoughts, mind, you debates your world issues or the exploration of the local discovery or survey, you make some contribution and delicate the skilled worker experty, you soar all those standard of the civilization continue to rise up. 

I had an IT Google program, this up to 621 I made last time
I start in May 22, to make these file 622 - 630
On the right hand side module, Google Blogger.

I will add one thing, it may not be so universal belief that, I think its just you doing things for your own brother, if you are older than they are. A part of the escort we all did in SA union that time, if anyone remembered.

Sometimes they have this small girls, little girls like those Slam Dunk how the red hair going in the court of field talking to a stranger girl. That makes them laugh or still cared about their own of circle in whichever format, he made his facebook after the university's age.

Not I enter 100 worlds, its every 99 worlds things belong to him like the Sailor Moon 90s, or 溜冰天使 every comic book, he is pretending to be a girl = a role play for that main character. My brother is a gay, he grew tall. And these things I think it meant to them. The friends around them seeing him, seeing him having a family, having some supports, from every walk of life, that one family never comes together but just one time a video sound like, it was a Christmas. No more Chinese New Year. 

I think I will suggest that, in the time span of forever and eternity wise. 

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